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Abstract and Figures

With the development of the computer technology, the virtual machine has been become the main research topic. Understanding of the current technology and future trends of virtual machine system greatly help to improve the service performance of system. Therefore, we describe the current technology and present the future trends of virtual machine system in the paper. In the current technology of virtual machine system, we mainly describe the virtualization technology, the resource scheduling technology, the migration technology, the security technology and the performance evaluation technology. In the future trends of virtual machine system, we mainly present an overview of the future CPU architecture, the management mode of future memory and resource, the future maintaining method of system security and the performance evaluation method of future multiple virtual machine system.
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A Survey of Virtual Machine System: Current
Technology and Future Trends
Yunfa Li, Wanqing Li, Congfeng Jiang
Grid and Service Computing Lab, School of Computer Science and Technology
Hangzhou Dianzi University, 310018
Hangzhou, China
Abstract— With the development of the computer technology, the
virtual machine has been become the main research topic.
Understanding of the current technology and future trends of
virtual machine system greatly help to improve the service
performance of system. Therefore, we describe the current
technology and present the future trends of virtual machine
system in the paper. In the current technology of virtual machine
system, we mainly describe the virtualization technology, the
resource scheduling technology, the migration technology, the
security technology and the performance evaluation technology.
In the future trends of virtual machine system, we mainly present
an overview of the future CPU architecture, the management
mode of future memory and resource, the future maintaining
method of system security and the performance evaluation
method of future multiple virtual machine system.
Keywords-virtual machine system; resource scheduling;
migration; security; performance evaluation
With the development of the computer technology, the
virtual machine has been become the main research topic. By
using the virtual technology, the computer system can
aggregate all kinds of data resources, software resources and
hardware resources and make these resources to provide
service for different tasks. Moreover, the virtualization
technology can separate hardware and software management
and provide useful features including performance isolation [1],
server consolidation and live migration [2]. In addition, the
virtual technology can also provide portable environments for
the modern computing systems [3]. Therefore, the new
computing theorem and model that the virtualization
technology embodies has very widespread use.
In generally, the architecture of virtual machine system can
be shown in Figure 1. In the architecture, multiple virtual
machines (VMs) share the same “physical machine”, or host.
At the lowest level, right above the hardware layer, the host OS
kernel or virtual machine monitor (VMM) provides resource
allocation to virtual machines. With each virtual machine,
several tasks (or services) run on top of the “guest” OS which
in turn provides the customary set of high-level abstractions
such as file access and network support to applications running
on the virtual machines. In fact, a virtual machine (VM) is a
logical machine having almost the same architecture as a real
host machine, running an operating system in it. A virtual
machine system runs multiple virtual machines, each of which
may run an operating system, in a single real host machine.
Virtual machine allows users to create, copy, save (checkpoint),
read and modify, share, migrate and roll back the execution
state of machine with all the ease of manipulating a file. This
flexibility provides significant value for users and
Figure 1. Architecture of virtual machine system
In a virtual machine system, the virtualization technology,
the resource scheduling technology, the migration technology
and the security technology play some key roles in determining
the overall fairness and performance characteristics of the
virtualized system. Traditionally, the virtual machine system
has focused on fairly sharing the processor resources among
domains. However, this can cause poor and/or unpredictable
the quality of service of system. With the rapid growth of
hardware and software resources, the performance evaluation
of resource service in virtual machine system is becoming
more and more important. Therefore, it becomes a key factor to
improve the service performance of virtual machine system.
In this paper, we try to describe the current technology and
present the future trends of virtual machine system. In the
current technology of virtual machine system, we will mainly
describe the virtualization technology, the resource scheduling
technology, the migration technology, the security technology
and the performance evaluation technology. In the future trends
of virtual machine system, we will mainly present an overview
of the future CPU architecture, the management mode of future
memory and resource, the future maintaining method of system
security and the performance evaluation method of future
multiple virtual machine system.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows: Section 2
describes the current technology of virtual machine system.
2010 Third International Symposium on Electronic Commerce and Security
978-0-7695-4219-5/10 $26.00 © 2010 IEEE
DOI 10.1109/ISECS.2010.80
Section 3 presents the future trends of virtual machine system.
Finally, Section 4 presents some conclusion.
Currently, the virtualization technology, the resource
scheduling technology, the migration technology, the security
technology and the performance evaluation technology have
become the key technologies of virtual machine system. In
order to understand the development state of virtual machine
system, these key technologies are shown as follows,
A. Virtualization
Virtualization was first developed in 1960’s by IBM
Corporation, originally to partition large mainframe computer
into several logical instances and to run on single physical
mainframe hardware as the host. By day to day development,
virtualization technology has rapidly attains popularity in
computing. In fact, it is now proven to be a fundamental
building block for today’s computing.
The virtualization layer is the software responsible for
hosting and managing all virtual machines on virtual machine
monitor. Currently, virtualization approaches use either a
hosted, or hypervisor architecture [4]. A hosted architecture
installs and runs the virtualization layer as an application on
top of an operating system, and supports the broadest range of
hardware configurations. In contrast, hypervisor architecture
installs the virtualization layer directly on a clean x86-based
system. Depending on the needs and goals of the computer,
some alternative techniques which provide for handling
sensitive and privileged instructions to virtualize the physical
resources are discussed as follows:
1) Full Virtualization: In this approach, kernel codes are
translated to replace non-virtualizable instructions with new
sequences of instructions that have the required effect on the
virtual hardware. The guest OS is not aware it is being
virtualized and requires no modification. The hypervisor
simulates several logical instances of completely independent
virtual computers possessing its own virtual resources. It
translates all operating system instructions on the fly and
caches the results for future use, while user level instructions
run unmodified at native speed. The virtual resources included
I/O ports and DMA channels. Therefore, each virtual machine
can run any operating system supported by the underlying
hardware. [5].
In Full Virtualization, the I/O devices are allotted to the
guest machines by imitating the physical devices in the virtual
machine monitor; interacting with these devices in the virtual
environment are then directed to the real physical devices
either by the host operating system driver or by the "hypervisor
driver [5]". Therefore, Full virtualization can offer the best
isolation and security for virtual machines; it simplifies
migration and portability as the same guest OS instance can run
on a virtualized or native hardware.
2) Paravirtualization: In this approach, the running guest
OS should be modified in order to be operated in the virtual
environment. Unlike full virtualization, Paravirtualization is a
subset of server virtualization, which provides a thin software
interface between the host hardware and the modified guest
OS. Paravirtualization involves modifying the OS kernel to
replace non-virtualizable instructions with hypercalls that
communicate directly with the virtualization layer hypervisor.
Moreover, the virtual machine monitor is simple which allows
paravirtualization to achieve performance closer to
nonvirtualized hardware.
Xen [4] is an example of Paravirtualization. It virtualizes
the processor and memory using a modified Linux kernel and
virtualizes the I/O using custom guest OS device drivers.
Modifying the guest OS to enable Paravirtualization is
relatively easy, compared to Full Virtualization.
3) Hardware Assisted Virtualization: Hardware assisted
virtualization is a new CPU execution mode. In the new CPU
execution mode, the VMM is allowed to run in root mode.
Moreover, this mode allows privileged and sensitive calls to
automatically trap to the hypervisor, removing the need for
either binary translation or Paravirtualization. When Intel and
AMD released their processors with inbuilt hardware which
supports virtualization, the mode has recently gains attention.
In addition, the hardware support virtualization architecture
creates a trusted "root mode" and an untrusted "non-root
mode". [6] in this mode. There is an example AMD-V [7]
which supports hardware assisted virtualization.
4) Resource Virtualization: In a virtualizing system,
"storage volumes, name spaces and the network resources" is
regarded as resource virtualization [8]. There are various
approaches to perform resource virtualization. For example,
individual components may aggregated into a larger resource
pool and a single resource such as disk space can partied into
number of smaller and easily accessible resources of same
type. In fact, storage virtualization is a form of resource
virtualization, where a logical storage is created by abstracting
all the physical storage resources that are scattered over the
network. First the physical storage resources are aggregated to
form a storage pool which then forms the logical storage. This
logical storage which is the aggregation of scattered physical
resources appears to be a single monolithic storage device to
the user. The other resources virtualization is similar to the
storage virtualization.
B. Migration
There are many reasons for the migration of a virtual
machine, corresponding memory and file system. For example,
from the point of view of a system administrator, the ability to
migrate an entire virtual machine across hardware simplifies
the issue of server maintenance. An operating system can be
migrated by the administrator to a secondary and take the
primary machine offline for servicing purposes, which contains
a web server running on a primary machine. In order to
improve the reliability of virtual machine system, the migration
technology of virtual machine, the memory migration
technology and the file system migration technology are
presented. These technologies can be simply shown as follows.
1) Virtual Machine Migration: In this section, some
different architecture will be briefly described, which have
implemented virtual machine migration techniques. These
technologies can be described as follows.
Xen is an x86 virtual machine monitor. In this virtual
machine monitor, multiple commodity operating systems are
allowed to share conventional hardware in a safe and resource
managed fashion. The Xen hypervisor (the VMM) has direct
access to the hardware, above which are the Xen domains
(VMs) running guest OS instances. Each guest OS uses a pre-
configured share of physical memory. A privileged domain
called Domain0 (or Dom0), performs the tasks to create,
terminate or migrate other guest VMs. Xen uses a send/recv
model based on capabilities for transfer of states across VMs,
implementing a standard “two-sided” interface.
Zap describes a novel system for transparent migration of
applications [9]. It supports transparent migration of legacy and
networked applications and provides a thin virtualization layer
on top of the operating system that introduces a Process
Domain (pod) abstraction. In this kind of system, each pod
represents a process group with the same virtualized view of
the system and a private namespace. This virtualized view
associates virtual identifiers with OS resources such as PIDs
and network addresses. This decouples processes in a pod from
host dependencies, and forms the basic unit of migration.
In [10], the authors suggest a different approach to
migrating virtual machines. Instead of traditional host driven
migration, the authors propose self-migration of virtual
machines and claim there are additional benefits when virtual
machines are migrated in this manner. For example, there
would be less overhead incurred from communication between
the VMM and the virtual machine as well as increased security
benefits. The network and CPU cost of performing the
migration is attributed to the guest OS, rather than to the host
environment. Portability is another benefit of self migration.
Since migration happens without hypervisor involvement, this
approach is less dependent on the semantics of the hypervisor
and can be ported across different hypervisors and
2) Memory Migration: In a virtual machine system,
memory migration is one of the most important aspects of
virtual machine migration. In general, the memory migration
can be classified into three phases: namely push phase, stop-
and-copy phase and pull phase. In the push phase, the source
virtual machine continues running while certain pages are
pushed across the network to the new destination. To ensure
consistency, the pages modified during the transmission
process must be re-sent. In the stop-and-copy phase, the
source virtual machine is stopped, pages are copied across to
the destination virtual machine, and then the new virtual
machine is started. In the pull phase, the new virtual machine
starts its execution, and if it accesses a page that has not yet
been copied, this page is faulted in, across the network from
the source virtual machine.
Practical solution paradigms include schemes incorporating
mostly one or two of the above phases. For example, Internet
suspend-resume technique uses pure stop-and-copy as its
memory migration paradigm. In addition, this technique
applies certain basic heuristics in order to reduce the content to
be migrated. Similarly, pure demand-migration technique uses
stop-and-copy to transfer essential kernel data structures to the
destination, which is based on page faults at the site being
transferred to. Pre-copy technique incorporates iterative push
phases and a stop-and-copy phase which lasts for a very short
duration [10]. In short, the pages to be transferred during round
‘n’ are only the ones dirtied during round ‘n-1’. But there will
always be a certain set of pages which are being updated so
frequently that they can never be served by pure pre-copy
C. Resource Scheduling
In the virtual machine system, system resources are
managed and controlled by a virtual machine monitor. Each
virtual machine schedules the system resources for different
tasks by using some resource scheduling algorithms, which are
provided by the virtual machine monitor. These resource
scheduling algorithms can be simply shown as follows.
The borrowed virtual time (BVT) scheduling algorithm is
described in [11]. The essential of this algorithm is fair-share
scheduler based on the concept of virtual time, dispatching the
runnable virtual machine (VM) with the smallest virtual time
first. Moreover, the algorithm provides low-latency support for
real-time and interactive applications by allowing latency
sensitive clients to “warp” back in virtual time to gain
scheduling priority. The client effectively “borrows” virtual
time from its future CPU allocation.
The Simple Earliest Deadline First (SEDF) scheduling
algorithm is presented in [12]. In this algorithm, each domain
specifies its CPU requirements. After all runnable domains
receive their CPU share, SEDF will distribute this slack time
fairly manner. In fact, the time granularity in the definition of
the period impacts scheduler fairness.
The Credit Scheduling algorithm is described in [13]. It is
Xen’s latest proportional share scheduler featuring automatic
load balancing of virtual CPUs across physical CPUs on an
SMP host. Before a CPU goes idle, it will consider other CPUs
in order to find any runnable virtual CPU (VCPU). This
approach guarantees that no CPU idles when there is runnable
work in the system.
In [14], the authors present a novel virtual I/O scheduler
(VIOS) that provides absolute performance virtualization by
being fair in sharing I/O system resources among operating
systems and their applications, and provides performance
isolation in the face of variations in the characteristics of I/O
streams. In the scheduler, the VIOS controls the coarse-grain
allocation of disk time to the different operating system
instances and the output scheduler may determine the fine-
grain interleaving of requests from the corresponding operating
systems to the storage system.
D. Security
In a virtual machine system, the computer that is being
virtualized is vulnerable to all the traditional attacks and
exploits that are common to the normal environment. Therefore,
the security expectations are higher in the virtual machine
system than that in normal environment. Moreover, there are
possible points of entry, more holes to patch and more
interconnection points in the virtual machine system. In order
to ensure the security of virtual machine system, some security
mechanisms and methods are presented. These security
mechanisms and methods can be described as follows.
An experience of use of virtual machines for the security of
systems was described in [15]. In the paper, Revirt is defined as
an intermediate layer between the monitor and the host system,
and the captured data is sent to the host system through the
syslog process (the standard UNIX logging daemon) of the
virtual machine. However, if the virtual system is compromised,
the log messages can be manipulated by the invader and
consequently are no more reliable. A VMI-IDS (Virtual
Machine Introspection Intrusion Detection System) is
described for searching intrusion evidences in [16]. In the
system, the virtual machine executes directly on top of the
hardware and the intrusion detection system executes in a
privileged virtual machine and scans data extracted from the
other VMs. The Secure Hypervisor (sHype) project [17] aims
to support controlled sharing of resources between VMs on a
platform, such as memory, CPU cycles, and network
bandwidth. The above mentioned projects didn’t consider the
security of the VMM itself.
E. Performance Evaluation
With the development of virtual machine technology, the
performance of virtual machine begins to be widely concerned.
In order to research the performance of virtual machine, people
present a lot of methods and make a great progress. These
methods involve a lot of fields of virtual machine system. They
can be simply shown as follows.
Menasc´e presents an analytic performance model for the
general virtualized systems [18]. In the analytic performance
model, the author uses an analytic queueing method to evaluate
the performance of virtual environments. Bolker and Ding [19]
discusses the analytic queuing models for the virtualized
system. They focused on the models on processor utilization
and finally tested their model to study the VMware by a
benchmark. In [20], Menon et al present a diagnosing
performance overhead method about resource scheduling in the
xen virtual machine environment. In this method, a toolkit is
used to analyze performance overheads incurred by networking
applications running in Xen VMs. The toolkit enables
coordinated profiling of multiple VMs in a system to obtain the
distribution of hardware events such as clock cycles and cache
and TLB misses. In [21], the authors analyze and compare the
CPU schedulers in the Xen virtual machine monitor (VMM) in
the context of traditional workload managers. They use the
open source Xen virtual machine monitor to perform a
comparative evaluation of three different CPU schedulers for
virtual machines and analyze the impact of the CPU scheduler
and resource allocation on application performance. In [22], the
monitoring method is used to evaluate the performance of a
virtualization system. In the monitoring method, xm and
Xenoprof are powerful tools to realize system profiling. In [23],
Baba et al. proposes a disk access throughput evaluation
method in virtual machine environments where multiple
independent virtual machines share a common physical shared
disk drive. In [24], Ye et al. provide a framework to analyze the
performance of virtual machines system, which is based on the
queueing network models. In the framework, the virtual
machines either do not run at all or just monitor the virtual
machines instead of the hypervisor.
Owing to most modern CPU architecture were not designed
to be virtualizable, the development of virtual machine
technology is very slowly. Only a new execution mode is
added to the processor, Intel with its Vanderpool technology
and AMD with its Pacifica technology can support for x86
CPU virtual machine monitors. The new processor can let a
VMM safely and transparently use direct execution for running
virtual machines. In order to improve performance, it is
necessary for the future mode to reduce both the traps needed
to implement virtual machines and the time it takes to perform
the traps. Only these technologies become available, direct-
execution-only virtual machine monitors could be possible on
x86 processors.
Resource management holds great promise as an area for
future research. Much work remains in investigating ways for
virtual machine system and guest operating systems to make
cooperative resource management decisions. In addition,
research must look at resource management at the entire data
center level, and we expect significant strides will be made in
this area in the coming decade.
With the rapid growth of hardware and software resources,
the management about virtual machine system is becoming
more and more difficult. Moreover, the question that people
needs to solve is becoming more and more complicated.
Moreover, the utilization ration and the service performance of
resource will reduce with the growth of the scale of computer
system. Thus, there are two inconsistent factors between how
to expand the scale of the computer system and how to
improve the utilization ration and the real-time performance of
resource service. In order to schedule the system resource and
efficient improve the service performance of resource, it is
necessary for the future mode to built a real time interactive
strategy for the multiple virtual machine system in different
virtual machine monitors.
In a virtual machine system, the security of system main
involves the security of the host and the hypervisor. If the host
or the hypervisor is compromised then the whole security
model is broken. Attacks against the hypervisor will become
more popular among the attackers realm. Therefore after
setting up the environment, it should be taken to ensure that the
hypervisor is secure enough to the newly emerging threats, if
not patches has to be done. Patches should be done frequently
so that the risk of hypervisor being compromised will be
Although current some performance monitoring methods
can monitor or predict the performance of virtual machine, they
will confront a lot of difficulties in multiple virtual machine
system because there are some different in the virtual machine
system and the multiple virtual machine system, such as the
state of resource scheduling and the processes of task
processing. In order to overcome these disadvantages, some
new performance evaluation model, performance monitoring
methods should be developed for the multiple virtual machine
The paper describes the current technology and presents the
future trends of virtual machine system. In the current
technology of virtual machine system, we mainly describe the
virtualization technology, the resource scheduling technology,
the migration technology, the security technology and the
performance evaluation technology. In the future trends of
virtual machine system, we mainly present an overview of the
future CPU architecture, the management mode of future
memory and resource, the future maintaining method of system
security and the performance evaluation method of future
multiple virtual machine system.
This paper is supported by Zhejiang Povincial Natural
Science Foundation of China under Grant No. Y1090297 and
Y6090312, Applied Research Program of Nonprofit
Technology of Zhejiang Province under Grant
2010C31G2040121, Startup Foundation of School under grant
No. KYS055608103, and Open Foundation of Services
Computing Technology and System Lab
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Traditional container orchestration platforms often suffer from resource wastage in educational settings, and stateless serverless services face challenges in maintaining container state persistence during the teaching process. To address these issues, we propose a stateful serverless mechanism based on Containerd and Kubernetes, focusing on optimizing the startup process for container groups. We first implement a checkpoint/restore framework for container states, providing fundamental support for managing stateful containers. Building on this foundation, we propose the concept of “container groups” to address the challenges in educational practice scenarios characterized by a large number of similar containers on the same node. We then propose the Rofuse optimization mechanism, which employs delayed loading and block-level deduplication techniques. This enables containers within the same group to reuse locally cached file system data at the block level, thus reducing container restart latency. Experimental results demonstrate that our stateful serverless mechanism can run smoothly in typical educational practice scenarios, and Rofuse reduces the container restart time by approximately 50% compared to existing solutions. This research provides valuable exploration for serverless practices in the education domain, contributing new perspectives and methods to improve resource utilization efficiency and flexibility in teaching environments.
... It helps information systems administrators install updates and upgrades in a specific computer region without interfering with working on other programs that may be on a different operating system. It is also essential for software developers to easily write their programs and navigate between the environments [34]. In the event of a failure, the operating system on which it is installed is treated as a program that can be repaired or reloaded by another alternative system quickly without the need to create an image of the hard disk [69]. ...
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This paper introduces a new approach for examining and analyzing fileless malware artifacts in computer memory. The proposed approach offers the distinct advantage of conducting a comprehensive live analysis of memory without the need for periodic memory dumping. Once a new process arrives, log files are collected by monitoring the Event Tracing for Windows facility as well as listing the executables of the active process for violation detection. The proposed approach significantly reduces detection time and minimizes resource consumption by adopting parallel computing (programming), where the main software (Master) divides the work, organizes the process of searching for artifacts, and distributes tasks to several agents. A dataset of 17411 malware samples is used in the assessment of the new approach. It provided satisfactory and reliable results in dealing with at least six different process injection techniques including classic DLL injection, reflective DLL injection, process hollowing, hook injection, registry modifications, and .NET DLL injection. The detection accuracy rate has reached 99.93%99.93%99.93\% with a false-positive rate of 0.068%0.068%0.068\%. Moreover, the accuracy was monitored in the case of launching several malwares using different process injection techniques simultaneously, and the detector was able to detect them efficiently. Also, it achieved a detection time with an average of 0.052 msec per detected malware.
... The proposed architecture is flexible and scalable in terms of resources for its deployment. If resources are scarce, for instance, in debugging or testing or for an SME setup, every involved component can reside in a docker container [58] or in virtual machines [59], and the overall architecture can reside in a single machine. At the other end of the spectrum, where we can find setups with huge amounts of resources, the setup can be clustered using Kubernetes [60] or via cloud using AWS [61] or Azure [61]. ...
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The number and the diversity in nature of daily cyber-attacks have increased in the last few years, and trends show that both will grow exponentially in the near future. Critical Infrastructures (CI) operators are not excluded from these issues; therefore, CIs’ Security Departments must have their own group of IT specialists to prevent and respond to cyber-attacks. To introduce more challenges in the existing cyber security landscape, many attacks are unknown until they spawn, even a long time after their initial actions, posing increasing difficulties on their detection and remediation. To be reactive against those cyber-attacks, usually defined as zero-day attacks, organizations must have Threat Hunters at their security departments that must be aware of unusual behaviors and Modus Operandi. Threat Hunters must face vast amounts of data (mainly benign and repetitive, and following predictable patterns) in short periods to detect any anomaly, with the associated cognitive overwhelming. The application of Artificial Intelligence, specifically Machine Learning (ML) techniques, can remarkably impact the real-time analysis of those data. Not only that, but providing the specialists with useful visualizations can significantly increase the Threat Hunters’ understanding of the issues that they are facing. Both of these can help to discriminate between harmless data and malicious data, alleviating analysts from the above-mentioned overload and providing means to enhance their Cyber Situational Awareness (CSA). This work aims to design a system architecture that helps Threat Hunters, using a Machine Learning approach and applying state-of-the-art visualization techniques in order to protect Critical Infrastructures based on a distributed, scalable and online configurable framework of interconnected modular components.
Power consumption of cloud-hosted data centers is a considerable global concern. Providing this vast amount of energy pollutes the environment and is very expensive for the owners of datacenters. Therefore, this problem has attracted the attention of researchers around the world to provide solutions for reducing energy consumption. Virtualization is an efficient technique in Cloud Computing that is beneficial to the consumption of physical resources efficiently. One of the well-known strategies is Virtual Machine Placement. In this regard, we can expect a reduction in energy consumption if Virtual Machines (VMs) are allocated to Physical Machines (PMs) efficiently. In this thesis, we are using the Butterfly Optimization Algorithm to maximize PMs' utilization and reduce the number of active servers. As a result, 30 percent of PMs have been reduced, and there is about 27 percent of energy saving.
Cloud computing is an emerging technology where organizations can have the flexibility of their infrastructure and store and retrieve data from cloud storage. The main advantages of cloud computing are speed, cost reduction, and scalability. Cloud computing is mainly developed on the virtualization of resources with reusability capabilities. In virtualization, computer systems are deployed virtually as software and hardware resources are shared between virtual machines. It allows multiple operating systems and software applications to run on a single server. Virtualization plays an essential role in the cloud environment. Though cloud computing improves the performance and quality of work for organizations, it has security, privacy, and trust-related threats. In this paper, we have surveyed the security aspects of virtualization. We have discussed cloud computing and virtualization, followed by a detailed analysis of virtualization security. We have also proposed a multi-agent-based model to improve virtualization security.KeywordsVirtualizationSecurityVulnerabilityCloud ComputingCloud SecurityVMM
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Актуальність. Молоді фахівці швидко адаптовуються до інтернет-реальності, однак на практиці під час виконання конкретних проєктів чи творчих завдань виявляють поверхневі знання щодо використання можливостей цифрових технологій та нових форм комунікацій як у реальному, так і віртуальному світі. Сучасні інформаційні технології (ІТ) стають невід’ємною частиною навчального процесу. ІТ-зміни надають йому нових форм, а, отже, покращують якість освіти Проте заклади освіти часто не володіють ІТ-ресурсами. Одним з альтернативних рішень у світі ІТ є технології віртуалізації, які мають значний вплив на процес викладання та навчання. Технології віртуалізації пропонують способи розширення доступності до освіти, особливо в дистанційному навчанні. Студенти та викладачі можуть швидко отримати доступ до різноманітних курсів та ресурсів через віртуальні класи, адже інформатизація освіти, стрімке поширення комп’ютерних технологій актуалізують необхідність ґрунтовної інформаційної підготовки майбутніх фахівців. Відтак статтю присвячено питанням підготовки майбутніх кваліфікованих робітників до використання цифрових технологій у професійній діяльності. Мета: висвітлення технології створення віртуальної машини для ефективного використання ресурсу інформаційного освітнього середовища закладу професійної освіти – цифрові ресурси, мобільні пристрої, хмарні технології, відеофрагменти, об’єкти віртуальної реальності та інші навчальні матеріали, а також розширення уміння створювати й ефективно використовувати у професійній діяльності можливості цифрового освітнього середовища та всіх його складників. За основу оцінки цифрової грамотності майбутніх кваліфікованих робітників узято підхід, що базується на оцінюванні індикаторів інформаційної, комп’ютерної, комунікативної, технологічної та медійної компетентностей. Кожний з індикаторів оцінюється за трьома аспектами: когнітивним, технічним та етичним. Зроблено висновок щодо важливості формування цифрової компетентності майбутніх фахівців. Методи: аналізу, порівняння, пояснювально-ілюстративний, частково-пошуковий, дослідницький, узагальнення опрацьованих джерел (нормативно-правових документів, наукових статей, навчальних посібників, офіційних інтернет-ресурсів). Результати: досліджено досвід слухачів «Школи створення smart-комплексів навчальних дисциплін» Інституту професійної освіти НАПН України щодо використання в інформаційному освітньому процесі закладів професійної освіти віртуальних машин для забезпечення технологічної освіти у підготовці майбутніх кваліфікованих робітників. Висновки: з’ясовано, що проаналізовані методики викладання навчальних дисциплін з використанням ІКТ у віртуальних машинах сприяють реалізації мети й завдань сучасної технологічної освітньої галузі; визначено доцільність упровадження інформаційно-комунікаційних технологій засобами віртуалізації у процесі навчальної діяльності закладів професійної освіти.
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The dynamic partial reconfiguration technology enables an embedded system to adapt its hardware functionalities at run-time to changing environment conditions. However, reconfigurable hardware functions are still managed as conventional hardware devices, and the enhancement of system performance using the partial reconfiguration technology is thus still limited. To further raise the utilization of reconfigurable hardware designs, we propose a virtual hardware mechanism, including the logic virtualization and the hardware device virtualization, for dynamically partially reconfigurable systems. Using the logic virtualization technique, a hardware function that has been configured in the field-programmable gate array (FPGA) can be virtualized to support more than one software application at run-time. Using the hardware device virtualization, a software application can access two or more different hardware functions through the same device node. In a network security reconfigurable system for multimedia applications, our experimental results also demonstrate that the utilization of reconfigurable hardware functions can be further raised using the virtual hardware mechanism. Furthermore, the virtual hardware mechanism can also reduce up to 26% of the time required by using the conventional hardware reuse.
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This paper presents hardware and software mechanisms to enable concurrent direct network access (CDNA) by operating systems running within a virtual machine monitor. In a conventional virtual machine monitor, each operating system running within a virtual machine must access the network through a software-virtualized network interface. These virtual network interfaces are multiplexed in software onto a physical network interface, incurring significant performance overheads. The CDNA architecture improves networking efficiency and performance by dividing the tasks of traffic multiplexing, interrupt delivery, and memory protection between hardware and software in a novel way. The virtual machine monitor delivers interrupts and provides protection between virtual machines, while the network interface performs multiplexing of the network data. In effect, the CDNA architecture provides the abstraction that each virtual machine is connected directly to its own network interface. Through the use of CDNA, many of the bottlenecks imposed by software multiplexing can be eliminated without sacrificing protection, producing substantial efficiency improvements.
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Virtual machines (VMs) have recently emerged as the basis for allocating resources in enterprise settings and hosting centers. One benefit of VMs in these environments is the ability to multiplex several operating systems on hardware based on dynamically changing system characteristics. However, such multiplexing must often be done while observing per-VM performance guarantees or service level agreements. Thus, one important requirement in this environment is effective performance isolation among VMs. In this paper, we address performance isolation across virtual machines in Xen [1]. For instance, while Xen can allocate fixed shares of CPU among competing VMs, it does not currently account for work done on behalf of individual VMs in device drivers. Thus, the behavior of one VM can negatively impact resources available to other VMs even if appropriate per-VM resource limits are in place. In this paper, we present the design and evaluation of a set of primitives implemented in Xen to address this issue. First, XenMon accurately measures per-VM resource consumption, including work done on behalf of a particular VM in Xen’s driver domains. Next, our SEDF-DC scheduler accounts for aggregate VM resource consumption in allocating CPU. Finally, ShareGuard limits the total amount of resources consumed in privileged and driver domains based on administrator-specified limits. Our performance evaluation indicates that our mechanisms effectively enforce performance isolation for a variety of workloads and configurations.
Virtual Machine (VM) environments (e.g., VMware and Xen) are experiencing a resurgence of interest for diverse uses including server consolidation and shared hosting. An application's performance in a virtual machine environ- ment can differ markedly from its performance in a non- virtualized environment because of interactions with the underlying virtual machine monitor and other virtual ma- chines. However, few tools are currently available to help de- bug performance problems in virtual machine environments. In this paper, we present Xenoprof, a system-wide statis- tical profiling toolkit implemented for the Xen virtual ma- chine environment. The toolkit enables coordinated profil- ing of multiple VMs in a system to obtain the distribution of hardware events such as clock cycles and cache and TLB misses. We use our toolkit to analyze performance overheads in- curred by networking applications running in Xen VMs. We focus on networking applications since virtualizing network I/O devices is relatively expensive. Our experimental re- sults quantify Xen's performance overheads for network I/O device virtualization in uni- and multi-processor systems. Our results identify the main sources of this overhead which should be the focus of Xen optimization efforts. We also show how our profiling toolkit was used to uncover and re- solve performance bugs that we encountered in our experi- ments which caused unexpected application behavior.
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The Xen virtual machine monitor allows multiple operating systems to execute concurrently on commodity x86 hard- ware, providing a solution for server consolidation and util- ity computing. In our initial design, Xen itself contained device-driver code and provided safe shared virtual device access. In this paper we present our new Safe Hardware Interface, an isolation architecture used within the latest release of Xen which allows unmodied device drivers to be shared across isolated operating system instances, while protecting individual OSs, and the system as a whole, from driver failure.
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This paper proposes a disk access throughput evaluation method in virtual machine environments where multiple independent virtual machines share a common physical shared disk drive. Disk drive simulation is one candidate to evaluate the total performance of disk throughput by modeling I/O management mechanisms inside virtual machine monitors. However, making such a model might be impossible when the source code of a target virtual machine monitor is not open. Therefore, a simple evaluation method is required. We propose a simple and practical method with an analytical model which has only two types of parameters: sequential access ratio and disk performance profile. These two parameters can be obtained without knowledge about operations inside a virtual machine monitor. The sequential access ratio is defined as the probability whether the next disk access is to the same file or not. It represents virtual machine monitorpsilas I/O scheduling characteristics. The disk performance profile is the relationship between seek distance and throughput, and we assume, in this paper, it is measured in advance. We have developed a calculation method by combining the two parameters above. Then we have compared the estimation throughputs and the measured ones in Xen virtual machine environments with random read accesses. The experimental results show that errors of our method are no more than 10%.
Conference Paper
This paper presents an efficient verification method for microprocessors based on virtual machine. Under memory and I/O device models provided by the virtual machine, our simulation tool can not only simulate test programs but also operating systems. This simulation environment is close to the real environment of microprocessors, so it is sufficient for functional verification of microprocessors before tape out. At the same time, our simulation tool can automatically compare the simulation results using the virtual machine as reference model and find the error positions. This method takes full advantage of the virtual machine and greatly improves speed and efficiency of the verification procedure. This method has been successfully applied in the verification of an embedded microprocessor Amex86 designed in our laboratory for six months by five persons.