
Introduction to psychology (3rd ed.).

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... Responses are also interpreted as a stimulating organizing process where proximal stimuli are organized in such a way that a phenomenal representation of certain proximal stimuli occurs. Morgan, King, and Robinson (1994) suggested that language plays an important role in forming community responses. Certain responses are tied to words. ...
... Furthermore, according to Morgan et al. (1994), the most important and necessary thing in measuring responses is knowing perceptions, attitudes, and participation. In other words to find out the response of a person or group of people to something, it is necessary to know their perceptions, attitudes, and participation in something. ...
... The response is basically preceded by someone's attitude, because attitude is a person's tendency or willingness to behave if he faces a certain stimulus. According to Morgan et al. (1994), the part where we see, hear, feel, smell the world around is called perception. Perception is also interpreted as a symptom experienced by humans. ...
... A new born has limited ability to participate in social interaction, but before reaching adulthood, the child forms much relationship and knows how to behave appropriately in variety of social situations. Although development is a continuous process it can be divided into five period: prenatal period-conception to birth; infancy and toddlerhood-birth to age 3; the preschool period age 3 to 6; middle childhood; the school age-age 6 to 12; Adolescence-age 12 to adulthood ( Hurlock, 2007;Morgan, 1996;and Papalia, 2007;Mangal, 1997). ...
... The rate of the increase in enrolment of people into schools from within and outside the country also indicates educational growth. As explain by Morgan (1996) that growth is the increase of the different organs of the child's body. Education also attains growth when its acceptability increases and the educational standard attract more foreigners to enroll into the various schools. ...
... Begitu pula dengan subjek BG yang difasilitasi oleh keluarganya yaitu lapangan dan bola kecil untuk berlatih bocce membuat BG sering latihan sendiri di luar jadwal latihan bersama gurunya. Hal tersebut sesuai dengan penjelasan Morgan (1990) yaitu pembentukan kemandirian dapat mendorong anak untuk mengandalkan dirinya sendiri, mengerjakan sesuatu tanpa pertolongan orang lain, dan memiliki kebebasan untuk mengambil keputusannya sendiri. Upaya ini akan mampu meningkatkan motivasi berprestasi. ...
... Gurunya mengatakan bahwa tidak apa-apa untuk kalah dalam perlombaan karena nanti masih dapat dicoba kembali. Menurut Morgan (1990) karakteristik dan tingkah laku dari model yang ditiru dapat mempengaruhi motivasi berprestasi seseorang. Hal tersebut yang dialami oleh subjek BS, ia meniru motivasi yang dimiliki oleh gurunya dan menjadikan motivasi tersebut sebagai motivasi internalnya. ...
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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan dinamika psikologi motivasi berprestasi pada remaja down syndrome. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan tipe studi kasus. Subjek dalam penelitian ini yaitu tiga remaja down syndrome berprestasi. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui wawancara semi terstruktur. Analisis data dilakukan dengan menggunakan analisis interaktif dari Miles dan Huberman. Hasil penelitian memberikan gambaran dinamika psikologis motivasi prestasi ketiga subjek, yaitu: (1) Subjek BS memiliki motif berprestasi mendapatkan piala dan menang lomba dikarenakan adanya pengalaman keberhasilan, tujuan mendapatkan hadiah, efikasi diri, dukungan guru secara emosional, dan dukungan orang tua; (2) Subjek FS memiliki motif berprestasi menjadi pintar dan mendapatkan tepuk tangan yang dilatarbelakangi adanya pengalaman keberhasilan, kemandirian dalam berlatih, tujuan menjadi pintar dan mendapatkan tepuk tangan, efikasi diri, rasa senang pada aktivitas yang dilakukan, dukungan guru secara emosional, dan dukungan orang tua membuat FS senang ikut lomba; (3) Subjek BG memiliki motif berprestasi mendapatkan hadiah dan menang lomba yang dilatarbelakangi pengalaman keberhasilan, kemandirian dalam berlatih, tujuan mendapatkan hadiah, efikasi diri, dukungan guru dengan memberikan hadiah, dan dukungan orang tua membuat BG semangat berlomba.
... While the literature highlights external factors impacting exam preparation and causing concerns for students, there is also the personal need factor, that is the need to pass the exam, which impacts exam preparation. Morgan and King (1975) stated that needs or motives-terms used synonymously-drive us to do the things we do. For example, when asked why they went to college, persons may answer in terms of the need to learn or to gain a good job. ...
... The analysis of the data suggests that the following exam factors and associated quotations are not only a direct result of participants' need to pass the exam but indicators of the existence of this need and how it drives thoughts and actions (Morgan & King, 1975). The examination factors are memorizing information: students spoke of being concerned about "not remembering what I studied" (student 134), "Getting all that knowledge into my head" (Student 136), "Forgetting information" (Student 121) and "Making sure I remember and understand the specifications and keywords in the questions" (Student 123). ...
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The aim of this qualitative case study was to ascertain factors impacting the examination preparation process and causing concerns for London upper secondary students, to learn steps taken to reduce and/or resolve the concerns, and to discuss the implications for teachers and teaching. A subsidiary yet important aim was to give the students a “voice” in the research literature. Using convenient or opportunity sampling, 14 Grade 12 and 13 students, ages 16–18 in a south-west London secondary school, were interviewed face-to-face. The analysis of the data revealed external factors and a personal need factor, that is the need to pass the exam, impacted the examination preparation process and caused concerns for students. Schools and students have use various solutions to reduce and/or resolve concerns. For example, school-based solutions included offering make-up or additional sessions or extra classes. Students—when faced with large amounts of material and information—employed solutions such as “things-to-do lists” and breaking down tasks into manageable sections. Implications for teachers and teaching include the need for teachers’ lesson contents to address factors impacting exam preparation and students’ concerns. Teachers also need to equip students to use a variety of revision strategies, encourage students to use social support and ensure that promised extra lessons materialize.
... Sometimes during this perceptual process, illusions can be intense examples of how an individual might misconstrue information and incorrectly process this information (Gregory, 2001). Ittelson and Kilpatrick (1951) While Morgan and King (1966), elaborate further with their description of perception from the field of psychology. The authors provide two distinctive definitions of perception: ...
... The literature seems to have a wide interpretation among the different branches of psychology (i.e. debate) regarding the exact meaning of the concept of perception according to works by Allport (1955), Garner, Hake, andEriksen (1956), Hochberg (1964), Morgan and King (1966), Schiffman (1976), Bartley (1980), Faust (1984), McBurney and Collings (1984), Cutting, (1987), Rock, (1990), Rice (1993), and Rock (1995), which is a similar predicament regarding the different interpretations of risk across various disciplines. Individuals from the area of finance and investments might want to focus on the basic characteristics of perception, including: ...
A significant topic within the behavioral finance literature is the notion of perceived risk pertaining to novice investors (i.e. individuals, finance students) and investment professionals (i.e. financial planners, security analysts). The author provides an overview of the concepts of risk, perception, and risk perception with the financial scholar in mind. There is also a presentation on the behavioral finance concepts and themes that might influence an individual's perception of risk for different types of financial services and investment products. The next section presents a discussion of the significant risk perception research in the social sciences namely from psychology. This research work from psychology (i.e., risk perception studies in risky situations and hazardous activities) is the behavioral foundation for a substantial amount of the current contributions within the behavioral accounting and behavioral finance literature. In particular, the work of the Decision Research scholars including Paul Slovic and his co-authors on risk perception studies that have crossed over from psychology to the disciplines of behavioral accounting and behavioral finance (i.e. behavioral risk characteristics from psychology that are applied within a financial/investment decision making context). Within the last section of this paper, the author reveals the first of its kind thorough review of the academic research studies on perceived risk/risk perception from the disciplines of behavioral accounting since 1975 and behavioral finance since the late 1960s. This literature review incorporates 12 works from behavioral accounting and 71 endeavors from behavioral finance. In addition, the behavioral finance literature review section also includes approximately 10 narrative research reviews from risk perception studies in behavioral economics. A major facet of this paper was to bring together all the previous studies in the risk perception literature for the purpose of conducting a study based on the academic foundation of the main themes, research approaches, and findings from this collection of studies. Keywords: risk perception, perceived risk, risk analysis, behavioral risk characteristics, objective risk, subjective risk, behavioral accounting, behavioral economics, standard finance, behavioural finance, psychology, financial psychology, social sciences, risk, standard deviation, beta, Fama, French Ricciardi, Victor, A Risk Perception Primer: A Narrative Research Review of the Risk Perception Literature in Behavioral Accounting and Behavioral Finance (July 20, 2004). Available at SSRN:
... Allport seperti yang dikutip Notoatmodjo (2003), mengatakan bahwa perilaku dapat bertahan lebih lama (long lasting) apabila didasari oleh sikap positif, dibandingkan dengan perilaku yang didasari oleh sikap negatif. Menurut Morgan and King (1986) ...
... Oleh karena itu sikap positif individu terhadap kesehatan akan mempengaruhi perilaku individu tersebut untuk memiliki gaya hidup sehat. Dalam penelitian ini terdapat perbedaan hasil penelitian dengan pendapat ahli tentang sikap, hal ini kemungkinan dapat dijelaskan menurut Morgan and King (1986) yang menyatakan bahwa sikap dan perilaku adalah sejalan/konsisten. Tetapi dalam kenyataannya dapat kita lihat dimana sikap tidak selalu konsisten dengan perilaku karena banyaknya faktor-faktor yang dapat mempengaruhi perilaku. ...
... The most intense emotions, such as fear, anger, and pleasure, are directly regulated and coordinated by a variety of structures in the brain's centre. The hypothalamus and the intricate network of brain regions known as the Limbic system belong to this essential aspect of the brain's anatomy (Morgan and King, 1966 ). ...
... Creative contributions in philosophy; history and literature require a thoughtful synthesis of accumulated knowledge. It is probably for this reason that the major achievements in these fields are usually made by people at the age of 40 and older, i.e. creative contributions of this type seem to grow increasingly likely from age of forty through the sixties and often well into the seventies ( Morgan, 1993). There should be an assimilation and acculturation of the beliefs of the young and the old generations as it would enrich the society. ...
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Women in a changing World
... Mc Clelland (in [11]; Handoko, 2000; [3]; [28]) stated that every human being needs to excel and have an effort to achieve achievement goals. [26] and [7] put forward factors that can affect the motivation to excel, observational learning in children can be influenced by various factors, including the behavior and characteristics of models, parental expectations, the surrounding environment, and the degree of emphasis placed on independence. By being aware of these factors, parents and educators can better understand and facilitate the learning process for children. ...
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The goal aim of this study is to investigate the effects of Coaching and Mentoring Methods can impact the performance of students in the Mandarin Department. With a good quality of education, is expected to be able to produce optimal achievements in students. From the results of the observations made, it was found that the low achievements produced by students of the Mandarin Department State University of Surabaya, both academic and non-academic. The low achievement of students is influenced by various aspects, both internal and external. The coaching and Mentoring method is one of the methods that can help optimize student achievement according to their respective interests and talents. In this study, the approach used was Class Action Research, this study also through several procedures, including planning, implementation, monitoring, reflection. This study focuses on students of the Mandarin Department who are members of Student Activity Groups that are based on their respective interests and talents. As long as the application of research is found, coaching and mentoring methods can increase student activity and creativity, so that the resulting academic and non-academic achievements have increased significantly compared to previous years. Keyword : Achievement, Coaching, Improvement, Mandarin Student, Mentoring.
... Self-efficacy is underlined as a one of the main activating mechanisms in Human information Behavior. 139 So, human(s) based on the self-efficacy behave and have expectations to the outcome. As it is presented in Figure 7. 136 successfully (for that particular task) while failure to do so could weaken their sense of selfefficacy. ...
This thesis is based on the inquiry of how we could quantify the information behavior patterns through the logs collected while people search and seek for the information. At the same time, it addresses the socio-cognitive characteristics of the user and explores how those characteristics could be predicted through the computer analysis of the logs collected while search tasks are done. It is based on the premise that if we could quantify information behavior patterns by computer, the output of such a process could be used as feedback for the information systems that are adaptive to the user's needs. Log analysis as a method in information science and particularly in the information behavior domain is rarely used. Most of the existing literature is based on qualitative research or quantitative methods such as surveys. And as we live in the times of ultralarge systems that already have some of those techniques implemented in them but closed in a black box, we must understand those techniques. The main challenge of this thesis approach is how to quantify behavior based on the logs collected. We could understand that logs collected are one of the rare data which could be collected and then processed by the computer to describe behavior. In particular, it is important as some theories told us that most human behavior is not based on rationality but is influenced by the environment. To simulate the environment of the user's day-to-day information searching process the laboratory experiment was chosen. Users were first given the survey that was used to describe their socio-cognitive characteristics from the perspective of information need and information behavior. After filling the survey, participants had to fulfill four information searching tasks in the domain of music, and logs from those searches were collected. The biggest challenge was based on the issue that by analyzing data by a human there was a clear difference between the user socio-cognitive characteristics and his logs collected in the process of information search. But if we want to design adoptive information systems computers should do such a process and use its output as feedback to adapt to the user. To do so algorithm was developed that transforms the absolute numbers into relative ones. And only after doing so the computer could process data and evaluate the prediction in terms of recognizing users' characteristics. As a result of this thesis, some user characteristics could be recognized through the logs and the algorithm showed results. And as such, this thesis provides the one step towards a better understanding of how users use information systems, how those information systems could be designed to be more adaptive and human-friendly.
... Some researchers approach metacognition and intelligence as related constructs whereas according to some researchers the two constructs are not related at all. Schraw and Graham suggest that the development of metacognitive knowledge is related to experience whereas metacognitive skills (especially planning and monitoring) are related to intelligence [6]. As a result, children with high IQ are comparable to normal children in terms of metacognitive knowledge but they are advantageous in metacognitive skills. ...
... While specific traits of one's personality, temperament, and genetics may be more consistent, other behaviours will change as one moves along different stages of their life, i.e. from birth through adolescence, adulthood, and, for example, parenthood and retirement. 1 II.I. Types of motivation [2] 1. Innate physiological motivations: Like the motivations that a person is born with and supplied with, the individual does not need to learn it such as the motives for hunger, thirst, maternity, sex. ...
... Most teachers, therefore, have a hard time teaching effectively and keeping the students on the same track because of the lack of necessary motivation. That is why Öncül (2000) and Morgan (1984) defined "motivation" as the art of keeping the students on the same line and the profession of directing them to the desired way. Therefore, it is evident that the utmost quality of being a good language learner is to have the necessary motivation. ...
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Turkish language learners’ motivation is affected by a number of internal and external factors such as the reasons why they learn a language, when and how long they learn it and what happens if they fail to learn it well enough to pass the required tests in a specific time. In Turkey, most university students (if they are not proficient) have to learn a foreign language for at least one year in language schools of the universities they are admitted to. Some of these students receive this language education voluntarily, whereas the others have a compulsory language education; therefore, motivation of the learners towards language learning is highly critical. In this study, success-oriented motivation of students at a language school was investigated in terms of their gender, language levels, faculties, achievement scores, university choice rankings and their willingness to learn a foreign language. 678 students from 10 different faculties of two state universities in Eskişehir participated in this study. The students' motivation of success was measured with "Success Oriented Motivation Scale" and the results revealed that there is a positive and significant relationship between success-oriented motivation and language proficiency scores.
... Morgan and king defined stress as " an internal state that can be caused by physical demands on the body or by environmental and social situations known as stressors that are evaluated as potentially harmful, uncontrollable or exceeding our resources for coping". [1] Stress is a normal phenomenon of our daily life. It is a normal physical reaction to an internal or external pressure that is placed on a person's system. ...
... Here closure is a filling process that is the tendency to complete in perception what is physically an incomplete pattern or object. If these incomplete figures were to be presented very rapidly in a tachistoscope, it might even be perceived as a complete figure without gaps, which would provide an instance of closure [7]. From the viewpoint of image processing, the obtained binary image for an ultrasound image as shown in Figure 1(b) would be similar to a DPC image with closure noise. ...
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Shape features are usually considered for discriminating benign and malignant breast tumors in ultrasound image. A contour extraction method is presented for the purpose of discrimination. A half contouring is devised for reducing the influence of shadow effect resulting from the ultrasonic energy decay. Based on the cue of contour variation, degree standard variation and texture information are developed as useful features for the discrimination. Above 70% accuracy could be obtained by using the adopted half contour information. Experiments confirm the feasibility of the proposed method.
... Daripada pelbagai huraian yang telah diberikan oleh pakar psikologi pendidikan sehingga kini (seperti Gagne, 1970;Morgan & King, 1975;Lindgren & Byrne, 1976;Hilgard, Atkinson, & Atkinson, 1979;Bigge, 1982;Woolfolk, 1995;Seifert & Sutton, 2009) Bajunid, 2006;Hargreaves, 2004;Aspin et al., 2001;Gelpi, 1995 ...
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Indonesia has emphasized continuous professional development as an obligation that must be adhered by each teacher in their career planning and become an important foundation for development of national education. Government, through its Agency/Institute of Teacher Training, has implemented continuous learning process to enhance the competency of teachers through various activities such as in-service training. However, these efforts have no impact on some Physics teachers in improving their competency, especially in teaching and learning practices. Therefore, this study aims to explore and understand the phenomenon of continuous learning process in enhancing teachers’ competency. This study uses qualitative case study approach. Primary data sources are open-ended questionnaires, interviews, and observations while secondary data source is document. Thirty six Physics teachers were selected to provide their feedback through open-ended questionnaires. Nine secondary school Physics teachers, four Teacher Trainers/Educators of a Teacher training program, and one principal were being interviewed. In addition, four Physics teachers were selected for classroom observations. The data for open-ended questionnaires, interviews, observations, and documents were analyzed using thematic analysis using NVivo software. The findings indicate that continuous learning process can enhance the competency of secondary school Physics teachers in Makassar, Indonesia. There are six continuous learning activities experienced by the respondents, namely self-direction activities, sharing ideas activities, development and improvement activities, inquiry activities, training programs activities, and skills to use teaching aids. Respondents provided feedback in the form of knowledge and skills acquisition to carry out effective teaching and learning in the classroom. The government, learning organization in schools, public and parents of students are supportive towards the continuous learning process. This study has identified 34 barriers in the teachers’continuous learning process, either in the process of implementations or in practising the competencies. Moreover, this study has identified the impact of the continuous learning process in teaching and learning which include challenges, the way the knowledge and skills being practised, effective teaching practices, and student learning. The results of this study present a framework for continuous learning process in enhancing the competency of Physics teachers in Makassar, Indonesia. Finally, this study contributes ideas and direction to various parties in order to assist and support teachers in recognizing the need for continuous learning process in order to enhance their competency and produce effective teaching and learning.
... Emotion is expressed in various forms such as facial expressions and language [1] and it has been commonly investigated by analysing physical and linguistic expressions. Physical analyses of facial expressions and physiological responses [2][3][4][5][6] are useful for identifying emotions of which the perceiver is unaware [7]. ...
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In the present study, the effect of footstep noise on emotions was investigated. This study used noise stimulus of human footsteps throughout the study. First, Korean emotion lexicons were collected from narratives of residents living in multi-family housing buildings. The lexicons were then classified into four emotion clusters, with three expressing negative emotions (anger, dislike, and pain) and the fourth depicting empathy. Since self-reported annoyance has long been investigated as one of the major non-auditory responses to noise, annoyance was measured along with affective responses in a laboratory experiment with varying noise levels. The findings revealed that the emotion and noise annoyance experienced by the participants were significantly affected by noise levels. All clusters expressing negative emotions showed strong correlations with noise annoyance, whereas that representing empathy showed the weakest correlation. Noise sensitivity and attitudes to the noise source were observed as possible moderators in emotional responses and annoyance ratings.
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Pediatric case taking poses unique challenges in homoeopathic practice as young children often cannot verbally express their symptoms. This study explores the utility of observing body language along with miasmatic analysis in pediatric cases to enhance case taking and remedy selection. A prospective clinical study was conducted on 30 pediatric cases aged 0-6 years. Cases were analyzed based on body language observations, miasmatic evaluation, and standard homoeopathic principles. The results showed significant improvement in 73.33% cases and complete recovery in 23.33% cases, demonstrating that systematic observation of body language combined with miasmatic understanding helps in gathering characteristic symptoms and selecting the simillimum. This approach is particularly valuable in pediatric cases where verbal communication is limited.
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The Role of the Protocol Section of the Palembang City Regional Secretariat in Supporting the Performance of the Palembang City Regional Secretariat. The research method used is to use qualitative research methods with observational data collection techniques, interviews and documentation. The results showed that the Role of the Protocol Section of the Palembang City Regional Secretariat in Supporting the Performance of the Palembang City Regional Secretariat. The role of this protocol is very decisive in assisting the Palembang city regional office in completing its work, but the protocol in carrying out its duties and functions is based on existing policies. The Palembang City Setda Protocol must be able to do its job well, one of its strategies is to coordinate and communicate optimally with various related parties, then carry out innovations and changes in accordance with the actual conditions of the times, the goal is that every activity that exists of the Palembang City Setda can run optimally and better. The Palembang City Setda Protocol must have good communication skills, because the role of the Protocol itself is as a liaison between agencies, private institutions or the community with the Palembang City Setda, both meeting issues and activities or events to be carried out. Mistakes and misconduct in work and in the implementation of activities in the Palembang City Setda occur, but with the experience and words of Setda employees, of course, the problems can be overcome and corrected properly.
The study aims to investigate: the purchasing behavior of customers in Luang Prabang district and province, the perspectives of entrepreneurs and consumers who purchase goods to enhance the value of wood carving craft products in Luang Prabang district and province and Adding value to wood carving craft items that influences customers' decisions to buy in Luang Prabang district and province. employing interviews as a method to gather information from 3 merchants of wood carving craft products and 385 respondents' questionnaires. The frequency, percentage, average, standard deviation, and multiple regression equation. The study's findings revealed: Customer behavior in choosing to buy wood carving craft products as a gift or souvenir, ordering them from the store, and recognizing that information from online advertising media influences his decision to buy. Products that the customer may choose from include wood carving handicrafts for other people's daily lives, low-image elephant products, fish and gold fish products, high-image elephant products, and horse products. The product has the same features as before, but price is a deciding factor when making a purchase, so there's no need to mark the product with a purchase value of between 500,001 and 1,000,000 kip and require a cash payment. Entrepreneurs' thoughts on adding value to handcrafted wood-carving goods. Three Entrepreneurs believe that adding value to wood carving craft goods is important in six areas: designing the product, using wood as a raw material, branding, design, service, and production. Customers' perceptions of the entrepreneur's ability to create added value across six dimensions are influenced in part by the following factors: product quality; service quality; design and production; and modeling. Three factors creating additional value in terms of products, design, and production were involved in the manufacture of wood carving craft products that influence customers' purchase decisions.
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In this study, it is aimed to answer the research question "what is the place and status of architectural research in perception studies?". At the same time, determining the validity of the VOSviewer program, which is widely used for systematic bibliometric analysis, within the scope of the study constitutes an indirect secondary objective of the research. In this direction, two consecutive bibliometric analyses, each with a different depth, were conducted to see the range of spatial perception studies and to explore its sub-expansions. In this context, two keyword groups were created for the first two phases of the study. Document type and category were restricted to determine the research framework. In this framework, the studies identified in the first phase (n=2727) and the second phase (n=243) were transferred to the VOSviewer program for bibliometric analysis and analyzed. In the last phase of the study, a flow-quantity diagram was created for the article studies identified in the second phase using the Sankey diagram generator (n=92). When the studies scanned in Web of Science were analyzed, it was found that the studies involving the concepts in the research framework were mostly related to the concept of comfort and the least related to the concept of happiness.
The twelfth chapter entitled “Learning—Forgetting—Unlearning—Relearning: The Learning Dynamics of a Learning Organization” from the second part of the book Managing Learning Enterprises entitled “Challenges in Implementing a Learning Enterprise” begins with the identification of learning dynamics in the process of organizational change management. Within the learning dynamic, particular attention was paid to the process of unlearning by identifying the reasons for it and the possibilities of unlearning as a conscious action as opposed to forgetting, which occurs unintentionally. Both processes can be followed by relearning or new learning. The learning dynamic was identified as an important prerequisite for the sustainability, viability, and resilience of organizations. However, the process of doing nothing or non-doing was also identified as important for individual and collective reflection on new possibilities for action.
Örgütsel davranış, örgüt içeresindeki çalışanların davranışlarını anlamaya, geleceğe dönük tahminler yapmaya ve davranışlarını kontrol etmeye ilişkin bir disiplindir. Örgütsel davranış, birey davranışlarını, içinde yaşadığı çalışma ortamında incelemekte ve bir ölçüde de bireyin örgütten ne şekilde etkilenerek davranış değiştirdiğini araştırmaktadır. İş yaşamının birey ve kişiliği üzerinde etkili olduğu gerçeği gerek kuramsal çalışmalarla gerekse konuyla doğrudan bağlantılı olmayan bazı ikili ilişkileri inceleyerek ortaya çıkarılmış bulunmaktadır. Çalışma yaşamı boyunca edinilen deneyimler, bireyin değer, tutum ve davranışlarında belirleyici bir rol oynayabilmekte, kişiliğini etkileyebilmekte, diğer yandan bireyin kişiliği, örgütsel davranışı şekillendirebilmektedir. Genel anlamıyla örgütsel davranışı şöyle tanımlayabiliriz; bireyin örgüt içinde çalışırken gösterdiği davranışları, algıları, değerleri, öğrenme kapasitesini belirlemek için psikoloji, sosyoloji ve kültürel antropoloji gibi disiplinlerden yararlanan; insan davranışlarını, tutumlarını ve performansını örgütsel bazda inceleyen; dış çevrenin örgüte ve onun insan kaynağına, amaçlarına, misyonuna ve stratejisine etkisini araştıran bir disiplindir.
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Best Practices for the Digital Teaching of Italian L2. The following research showcases the activities carried out at the University Language Centre (CLA) of the University of Basilicata for teaching Italian as L2. The experience gathered at the Language Centre contributed to developing an efficient language teaching methodology, specifically modulated on the students’ needs and profiles, which also included the online mode of delivery. Such a tool can be of help both to improve the teaching and learning of Italian L2 and consolidate key skills in academic and professional contexts.
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انديشيدن يكي از اجزاء لاينفك زندگي بشري است. همه ما با انديشه آشناييم، چه بطور آگاهانه و چه زماني كه به آن توجه نداريم. درواقع بايد گفت وجه تمايز انسان از ساير موجودات در همين انديشمند بودن اوست. نقش مهارتهاي تفكر اعم از انتقادي و خلاق در بهبود فضاي فكري جامعه ي انساني و براي اينكه اين فرايند را سرعت بخشيم و بتوانيم استفاده بهينه اي از منابع انساني يا درواقع فكري جامعه انساني داشته باشيم، بهتر آن است كه آموزش را از دوران كودكي آغاز كنيم تا بزرگسالاني آموزش ديده داشته باشيم به جهت تغييرات اساسي در برنامه هاي آموزشي كشور، نقش معلمان در اين راستا مورد توجه بوده و ديگر روش هاي سنتي جوابگوي نيازهاي جديد جامعه نمي باشد و با توجه به تحقيقات انجام شده، نشان داده شده است كه معلمان ترجيح مي دهند از روش هاي كليشه اي استفاده كرده و در نتيجه فراگيراني منفعل تربيت شوند كه هميشه وابسته به معلم و كتاب باشند و هيچ گاه مجال پرورش تفكر و به دنبال آن خلاقيت را نداشته باشند و نهايتاً نقشي در سازندگي جامعه خويش ايفا نكنند. بنيان آموزش بر تفكر استوار است و زندگاني به آن محتاج، يادگيري بدون تفكر؛ ناقص است و بياثر. تفكر سرچشمهي دانش است. مثل چشمهي جوشان، پيوسته نشاطآور و بركتزاست اما آرام و پرخروش. گرهگشاست و كليد موفقيتها. انديشيدن، ناشناختهها را معلوم ميسازد و چارهاي براي غلبه بر مشكلات مييابد. راه و بيراهه، خير و شر... را نشان ميدهد. انسان را به مسير تازهاي رهنمون ميسازد. نيروي تازهاي در انسان ميدمد تا پرتلاش و اميدوارانه جستوجو كند و بيابد. تفكر منطقي، قوي و استوار پادزهري است در برابر نيش گزنده و پردرد يأس و ناملايمات و سدي در برابر سيل ويران گر دشواريها. آموختن مهارت هاي تفكر و پرورش آن از اهداف و رسالتهاي خطير نظام تعليم و تربيت محسوب ميشود. هدايت دانشآموزان به تفكر، اصليترين وظيفه معلمان به شمار ميآيد. معلم كارآمد و اثربخش، كسي است كه فراگيران را با مسايل تفكر برانگيز مواجه سازد. آنان را براي انديشيدن، برانگيخته سازد و از پختهخواري باز دارد. يكي ديگر از صفات ممتاز آدميان خلاقيت است. خلاقيت در علم، هنر، ادبيات و ساير جنبه هاي فرهنگ و تمدن همواره مورد احترام انسانها بوده است، و به همين سبب پرورش استعدادهاي خلاق، همانند پرورش توانايي حل مسأله، يكي از هدفهاي مهم آموزش و پروش به شمار ميآيد. )64 ، )سيف، 2931 از آنجا كه يكي از هدفهاي اصلي تعليم و تربيت، پرورش شيوه تفكر انتقادي در افراد است، در امر آموزش ميبايست ضمن تقويت روحيه انتقادپذيري در معلمان روحيه انتقاد كردن و زمينه بررسي و تحقيق را در دانشآموزان به وجود آورد. در تمام طول تاريخ آموزش و پرورش حل مسأله يكي از هدفهاي مهم آموزشي به شمار ميآمده و يكي از خواستههاي معلمان و والدين كسب توانايي حل مسأله از سوي دانشآموزان بوده است. روانشناسان و نظريهپردازان مختلف نيز همواره بر اهميت فعاليتهاي وابسته به حل مسأله در ) ايجاد يادگيري مفيد و مؤثر تاكيد داشتهاند. )سيف، 2931 ، ص 981 مربيان بزرگ، تفكر را مبنا و اساس تعليم و تربيت قرار ميدهند و رشد استعداد تفكر با هدف عمده موسسات تربيتي تلقي ميكنند. بعضي از دانشمندان، تعليم و تربيت را رشد قوه دوباره ساختن يا « قضاوت صحيح ميدانند. جان ديويي، تعليم و تربيت را عبارت از ميداند. در جريان تجديدنظر در تجربيات، » تجديدنظر در تجربيات و تشكيل مجدد آنها ) تفكر اساسي، نقش مهمي را بازي ميكند. )شريعتمداري، 2949 ، ص 973 تفكر جرياني است كه در آن فرد كوشش ميكند مشكلي را كه با آن روبرو شده، مشخص سازد و با استفاده از تجربيات قبلي خويش به حل آن اقدام كند. )يارمحمديان، 2931 ، ص )77 از نظر سانتروک ) 1776 ( )انديشيدن( 2 فرايندي است كه توسط آن يادگيريهاي گذشته دستكاري و سازماندهي ميشوند. از آنجا كه يادگيريهاي گذشته ما در حافظه ذخيره ميشوند، پس ميتوان تفكر را به عنوان دخل و تصرف و ايجاد تغيير در اطلاعات ذخيره ) شده در حافظه تعريف كرد. )سيف، 2931 ، ص 954 هدف از پرورش تفكر دانشآموزان توانمند شدن آنان براي پاسخگويي به مسائل، نوآوري، حل مشكلات، انتقاد و وارسي امور مختلف ميباشد. در تدريس، تعيين تكاليف درسي و طرح پرسشها توجه به ويژگيهاي تفكر واگرا و منظور نمودن آنها سبب ميشود تا دانشآموزان با تمركز فكر، تمرين و پشتكار، مقدمات پيدايش تفكر و عمل خلاق را در خود فراهم آورند. ) )فرخ مهر، 2986 ، ص 1
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هدفت الدراسة إلى بناء مقياس للتفكير المنظومي بالتنس وتمثل مجتمع البحث (243)من طلبة المرحلة الثالثة في كلية التربية البدنية وعلوم الرياضة جامعة البصرة للعام الدراسي (2021-2022) ، وبلغت عينة البناء (180) طالباً اما عينة التطبيق (48) طالبة وبنسبة (66.26%)، اما الاداة المراد بناؤها فتمثلت بمقياس التفكير المنظومي بالتنس لطلبة المرحلة الثالثة وقد تم إيجاد الشروط العلمية من صدق عن طريق صدق المحتوى والثبات باستخدام طريقة التجزئة النصفية وأشارت النتائج إلى أن درجه التفكير المنظومي بمادة التنس الاغلب بمستوى متوسط . وكانت اهم الاستنتاجات هي للمقياس الدور الفاعل في زيادة معارف الطلبة حول لعبة التنس، واوصى الباحثون بضرورة زيادة الرعاية والاهتمام من قبل كليه التربية البدنية وعلوم الرياضية والسادة التدريسيين بماده التنس وضرورة الاعتماد على مقياس التفكير المنظومي، لما له الأثر في ربط المادة النظرية بالمادة العملية.
Hasil belajar mahasiswa merupakan unsur yang sangat penting dalam pencapaian tujuan Pendidikan. Survei pendahaluan menunjukkan bahwa hasil belajar mahasiswa di STAB Dharma Widya saat ini tidak sesuai dengan yang diharapkan dengan kenyataaan, oleh karena itu hasil belajar mahasiswa menarik untuk diteliti. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana hasil belajar mahasiswa itu dapat ditingkatkan dengan cara meneliti pengaruh antara hasil belajar mahasiswa dengan variabel lain yaitu minat dan motivasi belajar secara sendiri-sendiri maupun secara bersama-sama. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan secara kuantitatif dengan metode survey. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh mahasiswa aktif Sekolah Tinggi Agama Budha Dharma Widya sejumlah 89 mahasiswa. Data dikumpulkan melalui kuisioner, dan dianalisis dengan statistik regresi- korelasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh positif antara minat dengan hasil belajar mahasiswa dengan koefisien korelasi ry1=0,901, terdapat hubungan positif antara motivasi dengan hasil belajar mahasiswa dengan koefisien korelasi ry2=0,988, terdapat pengaruh yang positif minat dan motivasi secara bersama-sama dengan hasil belajar mahasiswa, dengan koefisien korelasi ry12=0,991. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa hasil belajar mahasiswa dapat ditingkatkan melalui peningkatan minat dan motivasi belajar baik secara sendiri - sendiri maupun secara bersama-sama.
Examination of the literature on goal frustration leaves little doubt that this type of emotion is involved in numerous aspects of academics and everyday life. Frustration can be specific with regard to specific goals (Wierzbicka in Emotions across languages and cultures: diversity and universals. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1999).
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This study focuses on Supervision and Project Management in Nigeria: An Empirical Study of Cross River State, Nigeria Erosion and Water Sheet Management Projects (CRS-Newmap). A case study of Cross River State Nigerian Erosion and Watershed Management Project (CRS-NEWMAP). It is a known fact that the most outstanding problem associated with development projects in Nigeria is the lack of effective supervision thereby leading to shoddy execution of projects by contractors. Therefore, this study was carried out to examine the impact of supervision and management of development projects in Nigeria. The population of study comprises of staff of CRS-NEWMAP. The researcher employed the survey research design and a sample size of 275 out of a population of 471. The selection was done through the use of stratified random sampling procedure. In order to accomplish the purpose of this study, three hypotheses were formulated and tested. Data were generated through the use of closed ended questionnaire titled Supervision and Management of Development Projects in Nigeria (SAMDPNNQ). Data were tested and analyzed by the use of simple percentage and the Pearson Product Moment Correlation coefficient Statistical tool. The results obtained at 0.05 level of significance revealed that there is a significant relationship between supervision of development projects and sharp practices/ineffective supervision of NEWMAP projects. It also reveals that there is a significance relationship between supervision of development projects and education attainment and training of managers of NEWMAP projects and it also shows that there is a relationship between relationship between supervision of development projects and reduction of vulnerability amongst the people. The study clearly reveals that proper supervision of NEWMAP projects have the propensity of forestalling sharp practices amongst supervisors of development projects in Cross River State. Based on the findings, it was recommended that supervisors of development projects should always ensure that all necessary works are executed in absolute compliance with engineering designs as well as working drawings, technical specifications and associated contract documents before signing certificates of job completion, supervisors who collects gratification onsite inspection should be prosecuted as this would serve as deterrent to others. Finally, supervisors and managers of development projects should be employed based on merit rather than man-know-man syndrome. INTRODUCTION The problem of supervision and management of development projects and its effect on the low level of productivity amongst employees as well as tors of projects has over the years been a source of concern to the people of all of life in the country, principally those branded with the implementation of development projects. The need to check the imperative of poor performance by contractors of development projects as well as proffer lasting solution (s) to the effective vision of projects has as a matter fact, been in the front burner of any meaningful administration (Armstrong, 2002). However, this has manifested in organizing seminars, trainings, symposia, exhibitions, conferences, meeting and important policy statements top government officials as well as the academia. Nevertheless, articles, papers and issues of such symposia, conferences, meetings, amongst others has proffered multifaceted suggestions as to what are the possible
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Self-efficacy is a person's or individual's belief in his or her ability to carry out the actions required to achieve specified performance goals and self-esteem Self-esteem is the overall subjective sense of worth or value a person attributes to themselves and how much they appreciate and like themselves regardless of circumstances. The present study focuses on the Perceived Social Self-Efficacy and Self Esteem among the young adults which help to get more insight to improve their self-confidence in social situations. The present study falls under quantitative correlation design. Data was collected from a sample size of 100 participants using, Perceived Social Self-Efficacy Scale (PSSE) & Rosenberg Self Esteem scale (RSES). The Pearson correlation coefficient was calculated to check the relationship between the variables using SPSS software and the results showed that there was no significant relationship between Perceived self-efficacy and self-esteem.
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The present study attempts to investigate the forceful deportation impact reflected on the moral judgments of the children and teens aged (6, 8,10,12,14, and 16). These judgments virtually reflect the perceptions and moral principles of the children as well as their applicable moral judgments that represent their attempt to insert these into their actions and practices. This, moreover, has been reflected into their expectations of the others’ acts and feelings in certain procedures and roles related to their survival and vengeance that reveal the psychological side of the moral judgments. Moreover, the present study is concerned with the statistical differences between the theoretical and practical judgments among the deported children and teens as compared with those of their non-deported counterparts. The study also shows the impact of the condition or the procedures (survival and vengeance as compared with the ordinary condition) on these judgments along with the impact of the age and the social type variables. The specimen comprises (120) children and teens who were subject to forceful deportation and (120) counterparts who were not. This is intended to show the deportation impact on the moral and psychological judgments. The specimen includes the children and teens that were living in Baghdad and who were enlisted in the primary, intermediate and secondary schools at the areas that were prone to forceful deportation and the areas that received the deportees. To this effect, the researcher relied on Posada 2004 measurement for the moral and psychological judgments. This measurement in fact consists of two parts, one for the theoretical moral judgments and the other for the applicable ones. It presents (48) questions by means of which the children give judgments on theft and hurting others in three directions: survival, vengeance and the ordinary condition. Results show that non deported and forcefully deported children and teens give moral judgments that reflect the ethical principles and concepts and their application into their acts and practices which are attributed to their religious and social commitments. However, the age variable impact did not show on the theoretical moral judgments of the forcefully deported whereas it shows clearly in the theoretical moral judgments of the non-deported (yet the source of the differences was only one age). This impact shown in the applicable moral judgments for the non-deportees was for the youngest age. The impact of the social type variable did not show in the theoretical moral judgments of the forcefully deported whereas it shows in the theoretical moral judgments of the non-deportees in favor of the males. The applicable moral
Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam (IPA) merupakan mata ajar wajib yang diajarkan di sekolah dasar dan menegah. Permasalahan yang terjadi pada pembelajaran IPA adalah terjadinya kecemasan pada siswa. Kecemasan pada IPA terjadi di berbagai spektrum populasi siswa, mulai dari kelompok minoritas, sampai pada kebangsaan dan gender tertentu. Di Indonesia, kecemasan IPA juga telah terjadi, dan menjadi masalah serius. Saat ini beberapa solusi untuk mengatasi kecemasan IPA sudah dapat dilakukan, diantaranya melalui pembelajaran tematik, pengembangan sekolah anak berbakat, pendekatan psikoterapi, pendekatan spiritualisme, kondisi kelas yang positif, Problem Based Learning, dan teknologi informasi. Namun, keberhasilan semua pendekatan tersebut baru dapat terjamin jika guru dapat menjalankan peran sebagai motivator bagi siswa.
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Disaster has various disabling effects on society. Many complexities that arise as a result of disaster spell even worse experience for the survivors. Disaster topples the established equilibrium and throws existential challenges to the survivors. Humanitarian supports provided to the survivors are on multiple fronts and rehabilitation turns out to be a long-drawn process. Those hardest hit by disaster are especially children and adolescents who, for that matter, need particular care, support and protection to maintain well-being. The impact of natural, human-made, chemical, biological disasters or complex emergencies is quite disabling that cripple the growth opportunities. With the loss of their nurturing environment, many become orphans, sustain injuries, become disabled, face abuses during disaster and in the post-disaster phase that blow the sense of well-being. There are various national and international guidelines, declarations and the Sustainable Development Goals to address the issues of child protection during disasters and in general. The chapter elaborated the different dimensions of psychosocial support that are crucial for facilitating protection and well-being. Therefore, developing a culture of safety, empowering the children with life skills, facilitating resilience building, educating about sustainable development, and peace education are essential to deal with the emerging challenges of the twenty-first century. Child protection is also crucial to reduce the human rights vulnerabilities emerging from poverty, economic crisis, political instability, and climatic conditions. The chapter referred to various psychosocial rehabilitation projects that highlighted the importance of psychosocial support in facilitating recovery, and empowering the children and adolescent to deal with disasters and emergencies.
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Kelompok merupakan bagian yang tidak terpisahkan dari kehidupan manusia. Eksistensi kelompok cenderung mempengaruhi perilaku seseorang termasuk perilaku komunikasi yang pada gilirannya membentuk pengalaman komunikasi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengalaman komunikasi kelompok mulai dari konformitas, fasilitasi sosial dan polarisasi. Adapun teori yang digunakan adalah Teori FIRO. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologi. Informan dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 9 orang yang merupakan perwakilan dari tiap sub-kelompok yang tergabung dalam Kelompok Pemuda Jemaat Pniel Sikumana, Kupang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa konformitas terjadi apabila adanya perbedaan status keanggotaan dalam kelompok. Sementara itu, fasilitasi sosial terjadi karena kelompok hadir sebagai media belajar untuk memberi motivasi bagi anggota untuk penguatan kapasitas. Pada sisi lain, tidak ditemukan polarisasi dalam kelompok Pemuda Jemaat Pniel Sikumana karena kelompok ini ternyata ditemukan lebih berani, kreatif, dan cukup inovatif menghadapi berbagai tantangan dalam berkelompok.
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Kuliah sambil bekerja dapat menimbulkan perubahan dalam aktivitas belajar mahasiswa. Hal ini dapat berisiko terhadap aktivitas perkuliahannya. Setiap keputusan yang diambil pasti mengandung risiko. Ketidakpastian dari sebuah keputusan membuat sebagian individu tertarik untuk mengambil risiko. Individu yang mengambil risiko bertujuan mencapai hasil yang diinginkan tanpa menghiraukan risiko yang diperoleh dari keputusan yang diambil. Ketakutan akan kegagalan membuat individu enggan untuk mengambil risiko. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui gambaran pengambilan risiko pada mahasiswa yang bekerja. Desai n penel it i an ini yai tu deskript if kuanti tat if. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan purposive sampling. Subjek penelitian terdiri dari 100 mahasiswa yang bekerja, minimal semester 5 dan berusia 18 – 25 tahun. Metode pengambilan data menggunakan skala Pengambilan Risiko dengan analisis deskriptif. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa pengambilan risiko pada mahasiswa bekerja pada kategori sedang sebesar 75%, yang berarti bahwa mahasiswa yang bekerja cenderung memilih pekerjaan yang memil iki kesulitan sedang dan telah memperhitungkan risiko yang akan diperoleh, sehingga keputusan yang dipilih dapat terselesaikan secara maksimal. Kata Kunci: mahasiswa yang bekerja, pengambilan risiko, risiko The Risk Taking among Working College Students Abstract. Lecture while working can cause changes in student learning activities. It can be risky for the lecture activities. Every decision taken must contain risks. The uncertainty of a decision makes some individuals interested in taking risks. Individuals who take risk aim to achieve the desired results regardless of the risk obtained from the decisions taken. Fear of failure makes individuals reluctant to take risks. The purpose of this study was to determine the picture of risk taking on working students. The design of this research was quantitative descriptive. The sampling technique was used in this study was a purposive sampling. The subjects were 100 working students, minimum of five semester, from 18 – 25 years old. The data collection method used was a Risk Taking scale with descriptive analysis. The results of the analysis shows that risk taking on working students in the medium category by 75%, which means that working students tend to choose jobs that have moderate difficulties and have calculated the risks to be obtained, so that the decisions chosen can be resolved maximally. Keywords: risk, risk taking, working students Article History: Received 22 November 2019 Revised 7 June 2020 Accepted 7 June 2020
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ABSTRAK The number of smokers in Indonesia is increasing year by year. Along with the increase in the number of smokers, the proportion of teenage novice smokers is also increasing. The number of teenage smokers in Indonesia is still very large and dominated by boys. There are many factors behind why teenagers smoke. In this study, demographic factors including gender, parents 'smoking status, parents' economic status, education of parents and adolescent areas living (divided into two, namely DBHCHT recipient areas and not CHT DBH recipients) are used. Profit sharing from tobacco products (DBH CHT) is funds allocated to finance certain activities related to goods that have characteristics which consumption needs to be controlled and monitored and has negative impacts on the community. The data used in this study are secondary data sourced from the 2013 Indonesian Basic Health Research survey conducted by the Ministry of Health. Observations were made on 86.810 boys and 79.745 girls. The analytical method used is logistic regression analysis. Based on the results of the analysis it was found that teenagers smoking learn from what they see in the environment in which they are located. If there is one parent who smokes, the teenagers tends to smoke too. This tendency is even greater if both parents smoke. Likewise, with areas with more "tobacco" activities, it will tend to make teenagers become smokers. Jumlah perokok di Indonesia semakin meningkat dari tahun ke tahun. Seiring dengan peningkatan jumlah perokok, proporsi perokok pemula yang berusia remaja juga semakin meningkat. Jumlah perokok remaja di Indonesia masih sangat banyak dan masih didominasi oleh remaja laki-laki. Banyak faktor yang melatarbelakangi mengapa remaja merokok. Pada penelitian ini digunakan faktor demografi antara lain jenis kelamin, status merokok orang tua, status ekonomi orang tua, pendidikan orang tua dan daerah remaja tinggal (dibedakan menjadi dua yaitu daerah penerima DBHCHT dan bukan penerima DBH CHT). Dana bagi hasil cukai hasil tembakau (DBH CHT) merupakan dana yang dialokasi untuk membiayai kegiatan tertentu yang berkaitan dengan barang yang memiliki sifat atau karakteristik yang konsumsinya perlu dikendalikan dan diawasi serta memberikan dampak negatif bagi masyarakat. Data yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah data sekunder yang bersumber dari survei Riset Kesehatan Dasar Indonesia tahun 2013 yang dilakukan oleh Kementerian Kesehatan. Observasi dilakukan terhadap 86.810 remaja laki-laki dan 79.745 remaja perempuan. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis regresi logistik. Berdasarkan hasil analisis didapatkan bahwa remaja yang merokok belajar dari apa yang dilihatnya di lingkungan dimana dia berada. Jika ada salah satu orang tua yang merokok, kecenderungan anak remaja juga akan ikut merokok. Kecenderungan ini lebih besar lagi jika kedua orang tuanya merokok. Demikian juga dengan daerah dengan aktivitas “tembakau” yang lebih banyak, akan cenderung membuat anak remaja menjadi perokok.
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Natural Sciences is the subject that must be taught in elementary and middle schools. Problems in learning science is the occurrence of anxiety in students. Natural science anxiety occurs in a wide spectrum of student population, ranging from minority groups, up to a certain nationality and gender. In Indonesia, Natural Sciences anxiety also has occurred, and is a serious problem. Some solutions to overcome Natural Sciences anxiety can be performed, such as thematic learning, the development of gifted children's school, psychotherapy approach, the approach spiritualism, positive classroom conditions, Problem Based Learning, and information technology. However, the success of all these approaches can only be assured if the teacher can play the role as a motivator for students. PENDAHULUAN Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam (IPA) merupakan mata ajar yang berperan penting agar siswa memiliki pemahaman komprehensif akan alam semesta maupun lingkungannya. Pemahaman tersebut akan melahirkan pengetahuan (knowledge) yang dapat digunakan untuk meningkatkan kecakapan siswa dalam mengeksplorasi alam sekitar. Namun, ketidak berhasilan dalam memahami IPA akan menghasilkan kecemasan pada siswa. Manusia tidak dapat lepas dari kecemasan, yang merupakan salah satu manifestasi dari tekanan psikologis (Mu'arifah, 2005:103). Anxiety atau rasa cemas, merupakan suatu ciri-ciri (hallmark) salah satu dari berbagai gangguan psikologik yang terjadi. Kecemasan dasar (basic anxiety) akan timbul pada anak-anak apabila mereka mengalami ketidakberdayaan dalam menghadapi sesuatu hal. Rasa sayang ataupun orang tua yang dapat dipercaya dapat memunculkan rasa keamanan bagi anak. Pada gangguan yang seringkali terjadi (Generalized Anxiety Disorder) kondisi distress dan kesulitan persisten, kadang-kadang juga memunculkan gangguan medis serius karena timbulnya rasa fatique, kesulitan bernafas, insomnia, banyak keluar keringat, nervous, bahkan nyeri dada, pusing,
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Emotional intelligence is the combination of interpersonal and intrapersonal skills for the realization of the self-defined goals. EI includes the capabilities of analyzing and managing emotions of self and others, at the same time adequately utilizing them for the realisation of goals. People with high EI can understand emotional needs of others and are able to maintain sturdy interpersonal relationships with others. Emotional intelligence is the key to achieve success in one's life. The present article includes the guidelines to improve the emotional skills of an individual. sadness are the universal emotions that affect a person in daily life. Suitably utilising appropriate emotions, such as, when to persuade, praise, show sympathy, smirk or laugh are emotional skills. Venting of emotions apprepriately in a particular situation determines the social and interpersonal relationships of an individual with his or her surroundings. These emotions may either foster healthy relationships with others or lead to a conflicting interpersonal relationship. When a person utilizes appropriate emotions, he can turn a conflicting relationship into a healthy and robust relationship, however, a failure to display an appropriate emotion may even turn a healthy relationship into a conflicting one. Thus, emotions are dynamic phenomena which may adversely affect an individual, either in a positive or a negative direction towards their societal and interpersonal relationships. Emotional intelligence is assumed to
This introduction presents an overview of key concepts covered in the subsequent chapters of this book. The book provides the reader with a wide‐ranging introduction to the relation between culture and a number of core subjects in the field of psychology. It reviews a wide variety of theory and research, representing cross‐cultural, cultural, and indigenous approaches. Cross‐cultural researchers have long sought universal behavioral principles—psychological phenomena that are true or valid across cultures—while at the same time realizing that many psychological findings are significantly influenced or limited by their specific cultural context. An emic approach involves the study of a particular culture, usually from within, from the perspective of the members of the culture (i.e., indigenous psychology). Alternatively, an etic approach is likely to investigate one or more characteristics of multiple cultures, often from the outside (i.e., traditional cross‐cultural psychology) and imposing external measurement.
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Abstract: The research has aimed at measuring the level of social conformity and future anxiety among the Students of university In Duhok and Kirkuk Universities, and getting to know the relationship between social conformity and future anxiety among the students of university, and the research sample consisted of (1629) male and female from Kirkuk and Duhok universities students, and they were selected by the random stratified method. The researcher used social conformity and future anxiety scales prepared by researcher, and the psychometric properties of the scales such as validity (logic, face, and constructing) and reliability of social conformity have been obtained by the method of testing and retesting and were (0.74), by applying split-half method, which reached (0.899) and (0.89) by using the equation of Alpha-Coronbach. And reliability of future anxiety scale was also measured by applying the test-retest method, which reached (0.756), by applying split-half (Guttman) method, which reached (0.836) and the way of the Alfa Cronbach, which reached (0.926). In order to analyze the data, the researcher used the following statistical methods: Chi-square, Pearson correlation coefficient, Spearman Brown formula, Alpha-Cronbach coefficient, , T-test for one sample. The results of the study were as follows: Students of (Kirkuk and Duhok) universities are characterized by high level in social conformity and future anxiety, and there is statistical significant negative relation between social conformity and future anxiety among the students of universities.
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This article explores the various psychological theories of cognitive development in children.
Öğrencilerin matematiği öğrenmelerinde ve matematiğe karşı olumlu tutum geliştirmelerinde, öğretmenlerinin matematiğe yönelik tutumları ve davranışlarının etkili olduğu bilinmektedir. Ancak olumlu matematik tutumuna sahip olan bir öğretmen, öğrencisinin de matematiğe karşı olumlu tutum geliştirmesine yardımcı olabilir. Matematik öğretmeni adaylarının tutumları ise öğrencilere olan potansiyel etkileri nedeniyle özellikle önemlidir. Gelecekte yapacakları öğretimi ve derse karşı öğrencilerinin geliştirecekleri tutumu etkileyeceği için öğretmen adaylarının tutumlarını belirleyerek olası olumsuzluklara karşı önlem almak da önem arz etmektedir. Bu çalışmada ilköğretim matematik öğretmeni adaylarının cebire yönelik tutumlarını belirleyebilecek bir ölçek geliştirilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Bu amaçla hazırlanan taslak ölçek, iki devlet üniversitesinin ilköğretim matematik öğretmenliğinde öğrenim gören 362 öğretmen adayına uygulanmıştır. Ölçeğin yapı geçerliği, açımlayıcı ve doğrulayıcı faktör analizi ile doğrulanmıştır. Yapılan analizler sonucunda ölçeğin iki faktörden oluştuğu görülmektedir. İlk faktör öğretmen adaylarının cebir dersine yönelik korkuları, hoşlanmamaları, günlük hayatla ilişkilendirememelerini içeren ifadelerden oluştuğu için “cebirden hoşlanmama” olarak adlandırılmıştır. Diğer faktör ise öğretmen adaylarının cebir dersine çalışmaktan keyif almaları, bu dersi ihtiyaç olarak görmeleri ve günlük hayatla ilişkilendirilmesi ile ilgili ifadelerden oluştuğu için “cebirden hoşlanma” olarak adlandırılmıştır. Ölçeğe ilişkin Cronbach Alpha değeri ise .93 olarak hesaplanmıştır. Yapılan analizlerden elde edilen bilgilere göre geliştirilen ölçeğin ilköğretim matematik öğretmen adaylarının cebire yönelik tutumlarını belirlemede geçerli ve güvenilir bir araç olduğu söylenebilir.
This paper examines the concept of textbook eminence and asks whether this specific form of scholarly recognition is of a temporal rather than enduring nature. Based on an analysis of 30 leading textbooks in economics, psychology and economics from the 1970s and 2010s, it is established that less than a third of all eminent scholars remain across the period as the most cited authors. Therefore, the average “half-life” of textbook eminence is shorter than half a century. Textbook eminence, it seems, is associated first and foremost with ‘certified recognition,’ expressed through encyclopedia entries dedicated to individual scholars. In psychology, and partly in sociology, citation impact turns out to be a further significant correlate. In economics, however, textbook eminence is completely detached from peer recognition, as measured by the h-index. The identified short “half-life” of textbook eminence does not necessarily imply a replacement of older elites by younger researchers. In sociology, very few 20th century newcomers have yet attained textbook eminence.
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Abstract This article elaborates some indispensable knowledge required to become an effective teacher. It explains the value of a teacher’s inspiration to the student, expecting their belated expression of, “just because of you I didn’t give up.” Finding out problems regarding health may be an easy task but, without encouragement, treatment is never successful for people with traditional mindsets. The greatest challenge in life is to find someone who knows all our weaknesses and differences and still sees the best in us. Besides this, motivation helps hopeless people become hopeful if a different teacher can remove impossibilities and make it possible. To make everything possible for a student, teachers need to realise the students’ potential and give instruction according to their potential after getting enough knowledge about the subject matter; and, as a teacher, he will be a role model for the students, accepting their individual differences. Development of community should never be neglected by the teacher whenever he tries to inculcate values. Nobody knows the needs of students better than their teachers do, and these professionals lead the way in creating effective learning environments. Providing sanctuary and restructuring the broken parts of the human mind and body are always a teacher’s work. Keywords: Attitude, Subject matter, Reward and punishment, Offer of safe and peaceful place and mind, Individual differences, Teacher’s belief, Inspiration, Motivation, Encouragement, Role modelling
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