
Telework: The Advantages and Challenges of Working Here, There, Anywhere, and Anytime

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There are four breaks from the traditional 9-to-5 routine of employees who share a work location and see each other on a daily basis known as telework. (1) Home-based telecommuting refers to employees who work at home on a regular basis and can be said to be telecommuters if the telecommunications link to the office is a simple as a telephone. (2) Satellite offices consist of employees who work both outside the home and away from the conventional work place in a location convenient to the employees and-or customers. (3) A neighborhood work center is the same as a satellite office except that this houses more than one company's employees. (4) Mobile workers are frequently on the road, using communications technology to work from home, from a car, from a plane, or from a hotel—communicating with the office as necessary from each location. Each of these offers challenges for companies and their managers but also opportunities. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)

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... Although more popular and widely used than before the health crisis, difficulties persist and have slowed its development. Teleworking affects employees' social relations, and a feeling of isolation can result from this remote organization of work (Bailey & Kurland, 2002;Kurland & Bailey, 1999;Kurland & Cooper, 2002;Taskin, 2010;Vega & Brennan, 2000). This situation can have negative consequences at both the individual and collective levels of work (loss of motivation, disengagement, lower performance, and increased turnover). ...
... This organization breaks with traditional units of time and place and affects the structure of work. In particular, it modifies the employment relationship and social interactions of remote employees, which are no longer possible directly face-to-face (Felstead et al., 2003;Hislop & Axtell, 2007;Kurland & Bailey, 1999;Taskin, 2006). This results in an altered experience of relating to others, both physically and psychologically (Sewell & Taskin, 2015;Taskin, 2006Taskin, , 2010Wilson et al., 2008). ...
... This results in an altered experience of relating to others, both physically and psychologically (Sewell & Taskin, 2015;Taskin, 2006Taskin, , 2010Wilson et al., 2008). This can result in a sense of isolation, which is a major drawback of teleworking (Bailey & Kurland, 2002;Cefrio, 2001;Kurland & Bailey, 1999;Kurland & Cooper, 2002). ...
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The re-spatialization of work in coworking spaces alters the social experience of teleworkers by involving two copresences associated with distinct organizational and spatiotemporal contexts: a remote copresence with the company and a physical copresence in the coworking space. Each can be experienced to different degrees between social isolation and perceived proximity. Nevertheless, the current literature does not provide an opportunity to make sense of the combination of copresences. From this perspective, data collected during an organizational ethnography conducted within two networks of coworking spaces were analyzed. The results show that the re-spatialization of work in coworking spaces generates a hybrid copresence that can be experienced in four ways: (reinforced) isolation, ubiquity, (guilty) compensation, and (frustrated) refocusing. The characteristics of these distinct situations and the possible evolutions from one to the other are explored and explained. The results are discussed in relation to the evolution of work in a post-COVID-19 era that seems to encourage the development of more hybrid practices and spatialities. Contributions to three fields of organizational literature are made: organizational space, telecommuting and distantiated forms of work, and coworking spaces. Managerial implications are also discussed around reflections on a more hybrid and multi-spatialized organization of work practices in organizations.
... Intra-organizational virtual employees work in one organization (Gargiulo 2008). In their seminal article Kurland & Bailey 1999 claimed that Jack Niles coined the term telecommuting in 1980s and many organizations lured to telecommuting as they focused on reducing the cost of maintaining office space (Kurland & Bailey 1999). Kurland & Bailey 1999 outlined four types of telework, home-based telecommuting, satellite offices, neighbourhood work centres and mobile working. ...
... Intra-organizational virtual employees work in one organization (Gargiulo 2008). In their seminal article Kurland & Bailey 1999 claimed that Jack Niles coined the term telecommuting in 1980s and many organizations lured to telecommuting as they focused on reducing the cost of maintaining office space (Kurland & Bailey 1999). Kurland & Bailey 1999 outlined four types of telework, home-based telecommuting, satellite offices, neighbourhood work centres and mobile working. ...
... In their seminal article Kurland & Bailey 1999 claimed that Jack Niles coined the term telecommuting in 1980s and many organizations lured to telecommuting as they focused on reducing the cost of maintaining office space (Kurland & Bailey 1999). Kurland & Bailey 1999 outlined four types of telework, home-based telecommuting, satellite offices, neighbourhood work centres and mobile working. Home-based telecommuting refers to employees who work at home on regular basis. ...
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1. Introduction Managers and subordinates interface has always been face-to-face since the beginning of work organizations. Information Communication Technology (ICT) has changed this norm and created a new type of organization interface called VO, where management is virtual rather than face-to-face. Since virtual management has changed the whole concept of work organization, henceforth, it has become crucial to draw a line that demarcates VO from so called traditional organization. The central thesis of this paper is to draw a distinguished line between a VO from non-VO. To address this concern, the paper will proceed along the following spectrum: VO will be defined for purpose of conceptual clarity; emergences, characteristics, types, life cycle and the taxonomies of VO, will be highlighted; VO and VT will be distinguished; definitional frameworks of VO and the process of VO, the core of the paper, will be discussed followed by advantages and challenges of VO; a set of recommendation is offered to overcome the challenges faced by VO; different types of Virtual Employees are discussed and the collaboration tools of VO is enumerated.
... Soft skills are abilities including problem solving, cooperation, communication, emotional intelligence, customer service and others. While hard skills are important to perform daily duties, soft skills are essential for maximizing their ability to perform their duties, therefore crucial for a remote working environment [47]. ...
... Software engineering-related studies [47], report developers to be more productive when working remotely, since they have the advantage of selecting to work on the hours they consider to be more productive and focused, thus carry out the requested tasks on time [47,63,64]. ...
... Software engineering-related studies [47], report developers to be more productive when working remotely, since they have the advantage of selecting to work on the hours they consider to be more productive and focused, thus carry out the requested tasks on time [47,63,64]. ...
Conference Paper
This research investigates the impact a remote working setting on soft-ware engineers' (SEs') well-being, as well as explores the potential of Positive Psychol-ogy to manage challenges and enhance their overall well-being. Software engineers (SEs) face various challenges in their daily routine, among which are to meet deadlines, fix coding problems creatively and on time, deal with non-coding related tasks, be as productive as possible, and deal with clients. All these provoke a high amount of pressure, leading to high rates of stress, anxiety and self-doubt, which consequently reduce their motivation and affect their overall perfor-mance. The recent and abrupt shift to a Work-From-Home (WFH) model, due to COVID-19 restrictions, accentuated these challenges. Meanwhile, it introduced ap-prehension related to the adaptation to the new work setting while managing isolation and sustaining productivity. Despite the available research on SEs’ well-being on a traditional work setting, there seems to be limited research on the specific challenges as well as promising in-terventions for their overall well-being and resilience while working remotely. This study, aims to address the gap and explore the potential of Positive Psychology In-tervention as a tool that could positively contribute to their productivity, motivation, resilience, personal and professional balance and their overall well-being, while work-ing from home. The Systematic Literature Review examines the challenges Software Engineers face daily while WFH, in terms of performance, productivity, motivation, and well-being. Following the aforementioned WFH challenges, this study explores the poten-tial applications of Positive Psychology Interventions, as well as organizational prac-tices to enhance their overall well-being and performance.
... Considering previous investigations, (Allen et al. 2015) developed a definition that encompasses all the fundamental features, defining teleworking as a form of work that involves the elements of an organization, replacing some of the working hours (ranging from a few hours per week to full time) with work outside of the conventional workplace, usually at home, and interacting with colleagues through technology. Kurland and Bailey (1999), described four types of teleworking: home-based telecommuting, satellite offices, neighborhood work centers, and mobile working. Home-based telecommuting refers to work performed by persons who often work from home. ...
... However, telecommuters also habitually use additional means of communication such as email, links from their personal computer to the company office, and fax. The company or employee purchases the equipment necessary to perform their functions (Kurland and Bailey 1999). Satellite offices refer to convenient workplaces for workers other than the home or the company's office. ...
... Satellite offices are furnished with office furniture and other equipment provided by the company. They are usually located outside urban centers, in areas with lower real estate and rental costs and in areas closer to employees' homes (Kurland and Bailey 1999). ...
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Due to the working conditions imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic, teleworking also known as remote work has witnessed an increase in use, prompting a resurgence of interest in the topic among researchers. This article analyzes the evolution of literature before, during, and after the pandemic, as well as the research foci through an application of the antecedents, decisions, and outcomes framework. A systematic literature review methodology was employed using the evidence from 136 articles from 2016 to 2023. This review is about 'telework literature in business, management, and accounting areas published in English'. Opportunities are identified for future studies and the findings afford managers with the advantage of understanding the crucial dimensions of telework. The bibliometric analysis revealed the significant impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the widespread acceptance of teleworking globally, accompanied by a surge in studies on this subject. Additionally, the study provides deeper insights into the progression of teleworking literature since 2016 and organizes the various topics explored in this field.
... It is defined as a flexible work arrangement in which people work remotely from their houses or personal spaces without in-person contact with colleagues but using ICT (information and communication technology) (Di Martino and Wirth 1990). Four types of teleworking have been defined in the literature (Kurland and Bailey 1999): ...
... Initial estimations stated that, after the first year, the company could generate USD 8,000 in annual cost savings per virtual office worker (Hequet 1994). IBM is a great example, because it reported USD 75 million in annual real estate savings in 1999, just because of teleworking alone (Kurland and Bailey 1999). ...
... Although the organizational benefits of teleworking cover a wide range, including behavioral outcomes, productivity, and legal issues, many challenges can weaken an Adm. Sci. 2024, 14, 35 6 of 48 organization's willingness to integrate telework into the traditional office environment (Kurland and Bailey 1999). However, teleworking can represent both a resource and a constraint, depending on the degree of employee autonomy and the specific management framework. ...
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The recent circumstances of the COVID-19 crisis have brought significant changes to employees’ personal, as well as organizational, lives. For office workers worldwide, this has come as a result of the abrupt and wide adoption of telework, as organizations rushed to accelerate their digital transformation. This research focuses on analyzing the reception and effect of teleworking, as an imposed measure during the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, on employees in Greek banking organizations. First, the circumstances and utilization of telework by a banking institution in Greece before and during the COVID-19 crisis are compared by utilizing autoethnographic evidence. Then, we conducted qualitative research with employees of the organization, who were asked to work remotely at 100% capacity, focusing on the way teleworking was performed utilizing information systems (IS), and the effect it had on them. Detailed information and results from interviews are presented and compared to autoethnographic evidence to reach our conclusions. We find that the vast majority of employees are in general positive about having telework as an option, while the time saved by not commuting to their offices is reported as the most positive element of telework. Most employees also reported having worked longer hours and more efficiently while teleworking, while a common concern—in a scenario where telework may become permanent in some form—is if the organization would cover their teleworking expenses. Theoretical and practical implications are explored and presented accordingly.
... Business travellers who work on the move while away from fixed locations are also mobile workers [11]. Occupational challenges for mobile workers include feeling isolated, long hours, and reduced access to resources [12]. ...
... This, of course, relates to inequalities around public toilet access discussed in Background. Finally, it is likely the social isolation and reduced access to resources experienced by mobile workers [12] are prompting informal information exchange. ...
... However, accessing facilities is particularly difficult if a worker needs to visit a new area and/or does not have a personal relationship with facility owners. Working away from a centralised base means that mobile workers are often isolated and lack resources [12]. While some organisations (particularly in the health domain) train mobile workers in hygiene practices (for example using the World Health Organisation's 'Your 5 Moments for Hand Hygiene' [57]), our participants reported that there is very little, or no training and information about where mobile workers can access hygiene facilities or how to negotiate access. ...
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Background Access to hygiene facilities is essential for health and well-being, and in many countries, employers are legally obliged to ensure that hygiene facilities are readily available. This interview study considers how being on the move impacts the ability of mobile workers (such as community care workers, police, delivery drivers, gardeners, cleaners, utility workers) to access hygiene facilities, and the challenges they face. Methods Using a qualitative exploratory research design, we investigate through semi-structured interviews with 22 United Kingdom (UK) mobile workers (1) what influences their access to hygiene facilities, (2) their hygiene needs, and (3) where mobile workers are accessing hygiene facilities. The interview data was analysed qualitatively using a coding framework developed from a literature review of hand hygiene in fixed workplaces. Results Mobile workers’ access to hygiene facilities is influenced by the wider cultural environment, the biological environment, the organisational environment, the physical environment, the facility owner, the worker’s role, and the individual themselves, all underpinned by social norms. Our participants needed hygiene facilities so they could use the toilet, clean themselves, and do their work, and for First Aid. Access to facilities is challenging, and our participants needed to access facilities where they were working, travel to find them, or use hygiene kits. The quality of facilities is frequently poor, and mobile workers must often seek permission and may incur financial costs. Our participants often had to rely on the goodwill of people in private homes. In the absence of facilities, workers often resort to strategies that may affect their health (such as restricting drinking and eating, and ignoring urges) or their dignity (such as relieving themselves outdoors or even soiling their clothes). Conclusions The lack of hygiene facilities available to mobile workers is a serious health and well-being concern. Given that there are many occupations where workers are mobile at least some of the time, the scale of the problem needs to be recognised. This study adds to our understanding of hygiene in workplaces and highlights the inadequacy of current legislation, which appears to serve primarily those working in fixed workplaces such as offices. Recommendations are made to policy makers and organisations.
... Falar em trabalho remoto significa necessariamente falar em gestão remota, quando a relação entre empregadores e subordinados passa a ser mediada pela tecnologia e em equipes virtuais, nas quais os funcionários interagem remotamente (Kurland;Bailey, 2000). Portanto, os pesquisadores estão interessados em compreender os desafios da gestão dessas equipes (Cascio, 2000;Hoch;Kozlowski, 2014). ...
... Falar em trabalho remoto significa necessariamente falar em gestão remota, quando a relação entre empregadores e subordinados passa a ser mediada pela tecnologia e em equipes virtuais, nas quais os funcionários interagem remotamente (Kurland;Bailey, 2000). Portanto, os pesquisadores estão interessados em compreender os desafios da gestão dessas equipes (Cascio, 2000;Hoch;Kozlowski, 2014). ...
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Este estudo tem por objetivo analisar os desafios e as oportunidades do teletrabalho na percepção dos gestores em uma indústria alimentícia. Apesar da existência de pesquisas sobre os benefícios (Saura; Ribeiro-Soriano; Saldaña, 2022; Parent-Lamarche; Boulet, 2021) e os desafios do teletrabalho (Marchiori et al., 2020; De Vries; Tummers; Bekkers, 2019), observa-se uma lacuna na literatura a respeito da percepção dos gestores quanto aos desafios e às oportunidades dessa modalidade de trabalho. A maioria dos estudos se concentra na perspectiva dos colaboradores ou nos aspectos tecnológicos, negligenciando a visão estratégica dos gestores. A pesquisa foi realizada a partir de entrevistas semiestruturadas. A coleta de dados foi realizada com cinco gestores da Broker Nestlé, distribuidora exclusiva, atuante no segmento alimentício, situada na cidade de São José dos Campos – SP. Posteriormente, os dados foram analisados, utilizando-se a Análise de Conteúdo (Bardin, 2011), por meio da análise categorial. Os resultados aqui descritos, referidos na fala dos gestores de importantes e estratégicas áreas da empresa, corroboram com a literatura quando identificam o trabalho remoto como estratégia de atuação, que quando aplicada num contexto comercial, garante condições de produções estáveis e vantagem competitiva. Embora alguns pontos preocupantes tenham sido apontados pelos entrevistados como, isolamento social, jornadas de trabalho que precisam ser muito bem gerenciadas, evitando processos trabalhistas, de forma geral, as vantagens para os negócios e para a empresa, bem como, os desafios para os próprios gestores, foram reconhecidos pelos mesmos. Recomenda-se fazer estudos comparativos com outras empresas do mesmo setor para que seja possível identificar padrões e diferenças nas respostas ao uso desta modalidade de trabalho que tende cada vez mais aumentar. Palavras-chave: teletrabalho; trabalho remoto; desempenho organizacional; percepção; gerência; indústria alimentícia.
... Telecommuting, initiated in southern California in the 1980s, is an arrangement that permits employees to work outside of the office (Barbuto et al. 2020). It now occurs in numerous fields due to tremendous advances in multimedia technology that have made connections between remote sites and offices smoother and more manageable (Kurland and Bailey 2000). Telecommuting is common in densely populated areas due to the various advantages of these spaces, thus facilitating cost savings related to transportation and workspace, intelligent time management, a better balance between work and family, and thus improved life quality. ...
... This is supported by Bin and Shmailan (2015), and Ramli (2019), who show that the built environment has an impact on individual satisfaction and that this positively influences work performance. However, this contrasts with the findings of Kurland and Bailey (2000), who have claimed that all telecommuters have greater job satisfaction and better work adherence. spaces in which one was less likely to be distracted. ...
... Its benefits include reduced transportation and work costs, more innovative time management, better work-life balance, and better life quality (Belzunegui-Eraso and Erro-Garcés 2020). Currently, telecommuting is practiced in numerous fields because of better connectivity between remote locations and offices (Kurland and Bailey 2000). In terms of industry, the information service industry, especially telecommunications companies, have more telecommuters than other industries. ...
... This is supported by Bin and Shmailan (2015) and Ramli (2019), who showed that the built environment impacts individual satisfaction and positively influences work performance. However, this contrasts with the findings of Kurland and Bailey (2000), who have claimed that all telecommuters have greater job satisfaction and better work performance, as evidenced by the assessment reports. ...
... Managers may be less willing to reward teleworkers with a promotion or salary increase if they consider them as less productive than office-based workers. This can be due to the fact that teleworkers can be deprived of knowledge exchange (Kurland and Bailey, 1999) or suffer from distractions to work from family members (Demerouti et al., 2014). However, it is also possible that managers offer teleworkers worse career development opportunities even if they consider them as productive as office-based workers. ...
... On the other hand, employers have also reasons to expect the WFH to have a negative impact on workers' performance. There is evidence that teleworkers are deprived of consistent communication with colleagues and supervisors and lack informal learning and mentoring opportunities (Kurland & Bailey, 1999), peer interactions (Teo et al., 1998), interpersonal networking (Cooper & Kurland, 2002) and the transfer of implicit knowledge (Raghuram, particularly pronounced for those who telework extensively and less so among workers who rely on this working mode from time to time (Golden and Eddleston, 2020). ...
... Therefore, the goal of increasing productivity has not been met. In further explanation of these findings, it can be said that according to Kurland and Bailey (1999), one of the benefits of remote work is its positive effect on the balance between work and life. The telecommuting plan is a social support to help employees so that they can work together and have financial independence, and play a role as active parents and spouses in their personal relationships (De Martino, 2001). ...
... Therefore, organizations should have appropriate managerial and technical support facilities and tools and provide conditions for remote workers. In addition, the results obtained in the present study are among the cases that Kurland and Bailey (1999) raised about the benefits of remote work and are in line with the results of the present study. Increased flexibility in time and place of work offers a whole range of new opportunities regarding work-family balance, which include: More control over the pace and schedules of work and life, reducing commuting time, which creates more time to take care of personal tasks and spend time with family; The possibility of adjusting the work and the times assigned to the job; Creating opportunities to handle different tasks at different times during the day that were previously spent in the workplace (De Martino, 2001). ...
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Background and Aim: As the lockdown or stay-at-home measures began, a large portion of the workforce was ordered to stay home and continue to work remotely. The purpose of the current research was to identify the threats and opportunities of remote work for both working couples during the outbreak of Corona. Methods: The present research method was qualitative using descriptive phenomenological method. The statistical population included teleworking couples, both employed, who had referred to counseling centers in Kerman. Among these, interviews were conducted with the couples using the available targeted sampling method, and the interviews continued until the theoretical saturation was reached. Qualitative data were collected using descriptive phenomenological method and semi-structured interview. Then the data was analyzed using the content analysis method. Results: The results of content analysis of data collected through in-depth semi-structured interviews showed that the lived experience of both working couples included two sub-themes of threats and opportunities. Conclusion: The sub-theme of opportunities is divided into the following categories: reducing wasted time, flexibility in allocating time, increasing planning ability, peace of mind due to the lack of direct supervision, cost savings, greater independence, stress reduction, and reduction of burnout and fatigue. The sub-theme of threats included the following categories: procrastination; Lack of focus on work; lack of focus on marital relationship; Social isolation; Ambiguity in responsibilities; Decreased motivation to work; reduction of work productivity; reducing the efficiency of group work; Ambiguity in roles; Ambiguity in the specific time of responsibilities; Decreased social bonding and perceived social support.
... Studies have identified a number of benefits associated with WFH, including increased autonomy and self-leadership (Galanti et al., 2021), enhanced productivity and flexibility (Jalagat & Jalagat, 2019), and the ability to better balance work and personal commitments amongst middle-aged employees (Piszczek & Pimputkar, 2021). In this regard, Kurland and Bailey (1999) found that remote work can enhance workplace productivity and improve job performance ratings (Bailey & Kurland, 1999). However, there are also negative aspects of WFH that have been identified in the literature, such as the blurring of work-life boundaries leading to increased anxiety and difficulty disconnecting from work (Grant et al., 2013), and increased social interaction among family members at home (Grant et al., 2013). ...
... Studies have identified a number of benefits associated with WFH, including increased autonomy and self-leadership (Galanti et al., 2021), enhanced productivity and flexibility (Jalagat & Jalagat, 2019), and the ability to better balance work and personal commitments amongst middle-aged employees (Piszczek & Pimputkar, 2021). In this regard, Kurland and Bailey (1999) found that remote work can enhance workplace productivity and improve job performance ratings (Bailey & Kurland, 1999). However, there are also negative aspects of WFH that have been identified in the literature, such as the blurring of work-life boundaries leading to increased anxiety and difficulty disconnecting from work (Grant et al., 2013), and increased social interaction among family members at home (Grant et al., 2013). ...
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Technology has revolutionized information and communication, with platforms now enabling employees to work remotely. The COVID-19 pandemic has further changed how people work worldwide. Several challenges have been identified for those working remotely, including uncomfortable work environments, increased stress, and depression. However, there is a lack of research on the working from home (WFH) challenges, successes, and conditions for design professionals. In this study, an anonymous online survey was administered to 93 remote architects and interior designers. The survey aimed to explore remote designers' experiences, physical work environment, and required equipment. Most respondents reported experiencing distractions, lack of social interaction and physical activities, and inadequate internet/tools while working remotely. However, 60% of participants reported higher productivity while working remotely and desired improved working conditions to continue WFH. Based on the study's findings, researchers aim to develop and evaluate a pervasive virtual reality enhanced WFH environment for designers in the future.
... With the growing future trends towards hybrid work, Bloom et al., (2015) identified that online-work can enhance productivity, contingent upon factors such as a suitable job fit and the capacity for independent work. Furthermore, Kurland and Bailey (1999) highlighted the necessity of adequate technology and infrastructure to sustain the productivity of remote employees. ...
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Purpose: This study aims to investigate the impact of hybrid work model in Employee Productivity. Exploring the mediating role of digital transformation in enhancing this impact in the Context of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Design/methodology/approach: Utilizing a quantitative-analytical approach. using a specially designed survey. A simple random sample consists of 153 managers at JITC. Findings: The findings reveal that the hybrid work model, encompassing remote-first, occasional office presence, and office-first remote allowed arrangement, significantly effects employee productivity. Additionally, digital transformation partially enhances the effects of hybrid work model in employee productivity. Hhybrid work model does not significantly influence digital transformation. Digital transformation, however, has a significantly effects on employee productivity at JITC in the Context of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Research Limitation: The results of this study must be viewed very carefully, bearing in mind some limitations. Whether it is related to the study population, which is a very homogeneous professional community, limited to one country, Jordan, is probably difficult to accurately describe, in addition to some limitations of this type of applied research and related to methodology. All required measurements of error and fit described in the relevant literature applied in this research have been made, and we can never be confident enough in the strength of conclusions and in minimizing errors and random effects. Research implications: This study is distinguished by the importance of its subject, dimensions, and the specificity of its community. It provides a general framework that enriches the Jordanian library in particular, and the Arab and global libraries in general. This study serves as a starting point for further future research, offering a new research perspective and a comprehensive understanding of the link between the components of the hybrid work model and their impact on employee productivity, while emphasizing the role of digital transformation technologies in enhancing job productivity levels. Practical implications: The practical implications lie in the importance of its results and their impact on organizational trends and decision-makers, including managers and practitioners. The study guides them towards integrating hybrid work models into their operations, adopting policies that support this approach, and taking organizational measures to enhance employee productivity. Additionally, the study highlights the importance of using digital technologies and communication systems, as well as data exchange and analysis, to achieve sustainable improvements in job productivity and overall organizational performance.
... During the last decade, the exhaustive acceptance of nomadic working models in the corporate sector has never really gone beyond several IT companies granting software developers remote work arrangements (Schlagwein, 2018). Although anticipated decades ago (e.g., Kurkland & Bailey, 1999), increasing numbers of organizations now offer work-from-anywhere programs and policies, which institutionalize locationindependent corporate work. Work-from-anywhere constitutes a "nonpecuniary benefit likely to be preferred by workers who would derive greater utility by moving from their current geographic location to their preferred location" (Choudhury et al., 2021, p. 655). ...
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Digital nomads are knowledge workers who leverage information technology (IT) to perpetually travel while working independently of any organizational membership. Corporate nomads are individuals who adopt a nomadic lifestyle but remain permanent employees, which places them in a field of tension between corporate work and digital nomadism-two conceptions of work previously deemed incompatible. To resolve this professional paradox, we conducted qualitative interviews with corporate nomads to better understand how they succeeded (or failed) in holding together two disparate fields with competing values and worldviews. Drawing on ideas from the boundary work literature, we developed a process model of boundary coworking in the context of corporate nomadism. The model incorporates the finding that corporate nomadism unfolds along three phases: (1) splintering, (2) calibrating, and (3) harmonizing. This requires mutual engagement in IT-driven boundary work from both the corporate nomad and their organizational environment. Consequently, corporate nomadism can be understood as an extreme form of "working from anywhere" in which individuals work as spatiotemporal outliers within otherwise settled organizational structures. Practitioners may find value from this study because it discusses managerial implications for recruiting, leading, and retaining corporate nomads.
... We can point out that, in general, the pandemic made adaptations in the physical context of work environments necessary, both to accommodate the different phases of social isolation and to respond to the boost of trends that were already being observed (Bailey & Kurland, 1999). Open spaces with natural ventilation and lighting were prioritized, favoring passive technologies that reduce costs and increase energy efficiency. ...
... Otros autores como Bailey y Kurland (2002) entienden el teletrabajo como un acuerdo en el que los empleados desempeñan tareas en lugares diferentes a la sede central, a través de medios electrónicos en su comunicación. En términos generales, Kurland y Bailey (1999) en un estudio previo describieron este término de manera más sencilla, "trabajar desde cualquier lugar y en cualquier momento" 1 . ...
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Resumen: El teletrabajo en España ha experimentado un suave crecimiento desde principios del s. XXI. En 2006 solo el 5,22% de los trabajadores españoles practicaban esta modalidad y el crecimiento hasta la crisis del COVID-19 fue mínimo. Desde 2020, se han publicado innumerables estudios sobre los efetos de esta modalidad de trabajo sobre los teletrabajadores como consecuencia de su creciente uso derivado de las restricciones sanitarias aplicadas durante la pandemia. Aún así, son pocos los estudios que buscan analizar los efectos psicológicos que tiene el teletrabajo sobre los trabajadores españoles, centrándose en la satisfacción laboral, conciliación familiar, ansiedad o fatiga laboral. En este artículo busco arrojar algo de luz respecto a los efectos de esta modalidad entre los años 2010 y 2015. Los resultados muestran una clara mejora en el balance del binomio trabajo-familia, así como la disminución de los niveles de fatiga en los teletrabajadores. Aun así, existen otras variables de interés que mejoran estas condiciones, como es el empleo público, el nivel educativo del trabajador o las horas de trabajo semanales. En suma, busco presentar un marco contextual sobre la evolución del teletrabajo en España, los efetos que ha tenido previos al estallido de la crisis del COVID-19, y repasar la literatura existente del teletrabajo sobre sus bondades y perjuicios, así como las paradojas relacionadas con sus efectos que se repiten a lo largo de los años.
... Nonetheless, remote working brings out unique challenges: there are no managers or teammates nearby to consult or to provide immediate responses or support, and no one is looking over one's shoulder to keep focused on tasks. Also keeping work and home life balance can be extremely complicated (Bailey & Kurland, 1999;Wheatley, 2012). In addition, remote working has been shown to be beneficial to both companies and employees, as, it allows companies to reduce costs and increase productivity, and, allows employees to work more flexible hours without being being tied to office hours (de Menezes & Kelliher, 2011). ...
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Remote work has become increasingly common due to the COVID-19 pandemic, but this has presented workers with new difficulties and barriers that may have an effect on their performance and productivity. In this paper, we explored the barriers to remote work and how a certain personality trait—grit: passion and perseverance in achieving long-term goals—could influence how workers copied with this reality. A total of 203 participants (69.5% female) with mean age of 41.90 (SD = 12.60) years completed an online survey, during the first COVID-19 lockdown in Portugal, investigating grit, perceived stress/anxiety, perception of remote work as a barrier, and self-reported productivity during this period. The findings suggest that grit negatively predicts the number of barriers identified during the transition to remote work and consequently positively predicts worker self-reported productivity. Thus, self-reported productivity is positively related to grit, and this relationship is mediated by the number of identified barriers. Future research should extend this study using longitudinal data, exploring the impact of core variables on career progression and the role of grit in worker resilience across various sectors and work environments, including the influence of events like the COVID-19 pandemic.
... Comportamiento en prácticas en salud, hábitos y autocuidado Algunos estudios relacionan al teletrabajo con una mayor tasa de inactividad física y sedentarismo, ambos determinantes bien conocidos para la salud (Kurland & Bailey, 1999), pudiendo contribuir a la carga de enfermedades crónicas, como diabetes, enfermedades cardiovasculares (ECV), obesidad, gastrointestinales, y trastornos metabólicos como la hipertensión, el colesterol alto y niveles más altos de azúcar en la sangre en ayunas (González et al., 2017;Costa, 2010;Thomas & Ganster, 1995). Otros estudios, por su parte, muestran que los trabajadores que reportan niveles más altos de flexibilidad también reportan un riesgo significativamente menor de inactividad física y una mejor salud e higiene del sueño (Grzywacz & Casey, 2007;Chakrabarti, 2018). ...
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Este estudio examina la implementación del trabajo remoto de excepción en el sector público del país y sus consecuencias sobre el bienestar de funcionarios/as, con un énfasis particular sobre las brechas de género y los riesgos ocupacionales y de seguridad laboral que esta modalidad supone. Sobre la base de estos efectos, la investigación también busca identificar recomendaciones de política pública y de prácticas de gestión para un teletrabajo integral y efectivo en el Estado de Chile. El proyecto sistematizó entrevistas, focus groups e información segundaria de cuatro casos de instituciones chilenas, cuya administración del seguro de accidentes y enfermedades ocupacionales recae en el Instituto de Seguridad Laboral (ISL): el Instituto de Previsión Social (IPS), la Fiscalía Nacional Económica (FNE), la Superintendencia de Seguridad Social (SUSESO) y el propio Instituto de Seguridad Laboral. Los resultados hallados, así como las recomendaciones que surgen a partir de ellos, apuntan, entre otras conclusiones, a la importancia de estandarizar competencias y prácticas de liderazgo para el trabajo remoto, el diagnóstico y cumplimiento de condiciones mínimas de seguridad y salud, capacitaciones más ajustadas a las necesidades de los trabajadores, así como un mayor ejercicio de monitoreo y evaluación de estas prácticas.
... Work, family, society and self as the four main domains according to Harvard article by Friedman (2014). Work is now an unbound activity which is to be performed anytime and anywhere (Kurland and Bailyn, 1999). Bloom (2014) states that the people who work from home are more productive. ...
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India is home to numerous women who are uneducated, poor but skilled by hands. Several measures are being taken for women centric developments in the society. Yet, many remain un-empowered. This study revolves around the empowerment of such women through a novel business model. The Government's intervention is critical in order to make it a success from financial inclusion as well as customer tapping point of view. The study concludes that the rural women of India can be given a work-from-home opportunity by which they would have extra money to pay for healthy food and, fulfil the bequest motive which is very prevalent in the country.
... Work from home (WFH) or e-commuting (Beno and Caganova, 2023) allows flexibility for individuals with personal and professional goals. However, it also comes with challenges (Ambikapathy and Ali, 2020;Kurkland and Bailey, 1999;Beno, 2021). Especially in relation to workplace engagement, including communication (Cagáňová et al., 2019). ...
... When telework intensity ranges from low to moderate, it can serve as a supportive organizational condition, fostering increased flexibility and improved work-life balance [26]. Moreover, telework gives employees greater autonomy and control [32]. These positive factors enhance self-regulation motivation, helping to maintain commitment and enthusiasm for work through self-regulation in telework [33]. ...
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The sudden COVID-19 crisis disrupted people’s pace of life. Meanwhile, telework has gradually attracted public attention and become a regular mechanism for organizations. In this context, self-regulation theory was utilized to explore the impact of telework intensity on work engagement. Data were collected from 304 employees across three time points, and the results supported a curvilinear relationship between telework intensity and work engagement. Specifically, it was discovered that employees exhibited the highest levels of work engagement at moderate levels of telework intensity. Additionally, based on the strength model of self-control, the research identified self-control as playing a mediating role between telework intensity and work engagement. Finally, the study revealed that the duration of physical exercise moderated the relationship between telework intensity and self-control. Long-term physical exercise was found to prolong and enhance the positive effects of telework intensity on self-control, thereby boosting employee work engagement. This study provided unique and valuable insights into maintaining employee engagement in telework.
... Maßstäbe. So haben sich neue Formen von beruflicher Tätigkeit ergeben, die teils non-territorial oder gar dezentral verrichtet werden können (Hill, Ferris und Märtinson, 2003, Gusain, 2020 (Kurland und Bailey, 1999). Daraus entsteht eine nicht trennscharfe Abgrenzung der Aktivitäten, die als Work-Life-Integration bezeichnet wird (Johnson, 2015 ...
Since the Industrial Revolution, manufacturing has been an attractor of labor and a guarantor of increasing growth. The increasing tertiarization of the economy has caused the attractiveness of factories in the immediate neighborhood to suffer. A diversity of economic activities is relevant for maintaining the prosperity and resilience of the economy, thus manufacturing also contributes. Due to the findings on anthropogenic climate change and the exploitation of natural resources, the focus is increasingly shifting to sustainable management and the creation of livable environments. The implementation of sustainable transformation in companies is hesitant. In further development measures the increase of sustainability and environmental compatibility must be addressed, with which methodical approach can the consideration in decisions of the enterprises be supported? On the one hand, the demands of sustainable urban transformation are complex; on the other hand, the target systems in companies are primarily shaped by economic frameworks. This is complemented by the fact that production is not performed in isolation from its environment. Companies are particularly challenged in the immediate vicinity of residential areas. This makes it difficult for companies to identify suitable measures that not only reduce negative ecological contributions, but also make a positive contribution to the environment in the medium term. This is intensified by the fact that many sustainability measures have a long-term economic horizon and the return on investment can rarely be reliably calculated in typical investment cycles of three to five years. The objective is to provide companies with an understanding of the multidimensional impact of measures and thus to create a framework that supports the consideration of measures to increase sustainability and the compatibility of the surrounding environment in the strategic development of the company. For this purpose, the relationships and interactions must be presented in a comprehensible way and, in the best case, quantified. In the investigation of suitable methods, system dynamic modeling was identified as target-oriented in order to capture the scope of the relationship on the one hand and to make the complexity visible and manageable on the other hand. To achieve an approach that can be applied to companies, a generic basic model was developed that covers the relevant perspectives. This can be adapted to the company under consideration by means of company-specific parameters. By defining the starting points of the measures in terms of time, it is possible to determine the influence of the measures on parameters over a longer time horizon. In this way, combinations of several measures can also be expressed as scenarios and thus their economic, ecological, and social contribution as well as their effect on the urban environment can be represented. The approach developed is intended to support small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in anchoring sustainability-related measures in their strategy. SMEs often do not have sufficient personnel capacities to develop comprehensive expertise in the field of sustainability. To verify the feasibility of the methodology, two evaluations were done, one in a small and one in a medium sized manufacturing company. This allowed the strengths and weaknesses of the approach to be validated in a realistic environment. The evaluation also showed in which way the companies could benefit from the method. In addition to the applicability in a practical environment, a workshop was held with young managers to validate a willingness to implement additional dimensions for economic consideration. The work shows which approach could enable companies to implement the sustainability perspective more strongly in strategic corporate development. By creating an understanding of complex interrelationships, which can also be quantified with a model that can be individualized to the company, a basis is created for corporate management to anchor long-term effective sustainability measures in the strategy in addition to measures that can be amortized in the short term. In this way, the work contributes to the empowerment and strengthening of sustainable, urban production.
... The Supply Chain Management (SCM) administrative staff were seated in open plan offices with closely allocated seating arrangements, and due to this seating arrangement not being conducive to social distancing, staff were requested to work from home (WFH). It was predicted in the literature that there would be an increase in telecommuting or homebased work (Niles, 1991;Kurland & Bailey, 2000;Allen, Golden & Shockley, 2015;Bick, Blandin & Mertens, 2020;Faulds & Raju, 2021;Galanti, Guidetti, Mazzei, Zappalà & Toscano, 2021) and this had an influence on individuals' working lives. ...
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This research was conducted in a public health Supply Chain Management unit in the Western Cape to measure the influence of telecommuting on staff morale and general well-being. This research sought to explore whether telecommuting had an influence on morale, assess whether staff thought they could remain productive when working remotely, and consequently predict whether telecommuting is considered a viable working method post-pandemic. The authors employed a hypothetico-deductive approach, using both qualitative and quantitative research methods to attain the study objectives. Purposive and convenience sampling were used to select interview and survey participants. Telecommuting had a positive influence on wellbeing and morale. Staff experienced an adapting phase but generally thought telecommuting increased their productivity. Working remotely in a hybrid model was deemed feasible. It would add value to public health sector operations if telecommuting and its efficiencies are regarded as a viable working methodology. For telecommuting to be successful, the Department should adopt holistic telecommuting policies. The authors extended the four factors of teleworking framework by Baruch and Nicholson to include external factors as an additional factor.
... Meanwhile, for society as a whole, there should be less energy consumption, fewer traffic jams, and reduced air pollution. (Belzunegui-Eraso & Erro-Garcés, 2020;Kurland & Bailey, 1999;Allen et al., 2015;Fonner et al., 2010). In addition, research findings have highlighted some crucial disadvantages of teleworking, such as psychological isolation, reduced interpersonal contact, and role ambiguity (Hertel et al., 2005). ...
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This study investigates the teleworking experiences of public servants amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. Drawing on insights from surveys conducted during the early stages of the pandemic, we explore the advantages, challenges, and variations in telework policies across government organizations. Our findings underscore the significance of telework satisfaction in influencing employee performance and reveal gender differences in telework preferences, particularly concerning family responsibilities. The study emphasizes the need to evaluate pandemic telework experiences to inform policy adjustments in public administration and businesses. Flexibility in work arrangements can enhance talent retention, employee satisfaction, productivity, and organizational resilience, crucial aspects for businesses navigating a post-pandemic world. Effective telework implementation requires not only technological upgrades but also shifts in corporate culture to create conducive conditions.
... Indeed, researchers have argued that working remotely can not only limit the frequency with which information is exchanged, but also reduce the flow of quality information (Fonner & Roloff, 2010). This can have negative consequences, such as missing out on learning opportunities and interactions with coworkers that are necessary for career advancement (Bailey & Kurland, 1999;Teo et al., 1998). ...
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The purpose of this study was to enhance our understanding of cyberbullying from a conservation of resources perspective with the goal of advancing theory and providing practitioners with information aimed at well-being interventions. We examined perceived stress as an explanatory mechanism of the relationship between cyberbullying and work productivity in remote workers. Information exchange frequency and quality were considered as potential resources that were hypothesized to mitigate this indirect effect. A sample of 269 adults in the United States who were working remotely as a result of COVID-19 were recruited through Amazon’s Mechanical Turk. The results of this time-lagged study indicated that cyberbullying did indeed exhibit an indirect effect on productivity via stress. However, contrary to expectations, this indirect effect was stronger for those with higher information exchange quality rather than lower information exchange quality. The indirect effect was unaffected by information exchange frequency. We encourage future scholars to dig deeper into when resources may be detrimental to employee well-being. We also encourage practitioners to consider ways to reduce both cyberbullying and worker stress with interventions such as technology etiquette training and careful planning of information exchange.
... Some potential challenges of WFH include inadequate trust between employers and employees, employee isolation, technical difficulties or interruptions, and the blurring of boundaries between work and home (Bailey and Kurland, 1999;Harris, 2003;Oleniuch, 2021). Despite these challenges, empirical evidence highlighting the positive effects of WFH has been accumulating. ...
... For instance, because of those allowed to WFH, organizations experience reduced overhead, reduced turnover, an increased talent pool, some loss of control over remote staff, higher demand on computing resources, and increased cybersecurity issues (Bailey & Kurland, 2002;Hill et al., 2003;Nicklin et al., 2016). Individuals who WFH reported increased job autonomy and job satisfaction, lower stress, and increased flexibility on many aspects of job and life; but some also experienced higher life stress, social and work isolation, missed work opportunities, and work/life imbalance and conflicts (Kurland & Bailey, 1999;Nicklin et al., 2016;Pratt, 1993). Moreover, many managers believed that most workers would not effectively WFH because of a wrong temperament, attitude, or other impediment (Bailey & Kurland, 2002;Bloom et al., 2015;Hill et al., 2003). ...
... The time saved from commuting and the flexibility in working hours provide opportunities for employees to spend more time with family members and attend to personal matters (Kelliher & Anderson, 2010). However, working from home comes with challenges, such as the need for employees to invest additional money and effort in setting up office facilities at home (Bailey & Kurland, 1999). Moreover, both family members and employees may experience interruptions while working from home (Allen et al., 2021). ...
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The COVID-19 pandemic has led to the widespread adoption of working from home as a new working framework. This research paper aims to understand and analyse the phenomenon of working from home and its impact on employee morale within organisations. The transition to a virtual work environment, along with the challenges and uncertainties associated with it, has increased individuals' nervousness and anxiety, ultimately affecting their morale and work performance. To address these issues, organisations have provided digital technology, communication infrastructure, flexible work settings and timings, and management support to promote work-life balance and enhance employee morale. This research study seeks to investigate the significant impact of working from home on employee morale by examining seven variables, including home working suitability, organisational communication, remuneration and incentives , career development, digital social support, job autonomy and supervisor's engagement. By employing a regression model, the correlation between dependent and independent variable has been examined, determining their statistical significance. The findings of this study aims to provide insights into the relationship between remote working or working from home and employee morale, ultimately contributing to the existing literature in this area.
... 4,5 Remote workers typically refer to individuals who work at a distance from their supervisors and, thus, are remotely supervised, with supervisory messages usually communicated through technologies. 6 While 7 to a large extent and can be unpredictable and dangerous. Utility workers often are tasked with physically demanding maintenance jobs and/or emergency situations where the stakes are high. ...
Objectives This study aims to extend safety climate research by considering perceptions across three hierarchical levels within a workplace: 1) senior leaders/executives, 2) field leaders/supervisors, and 3) front-line employees. Methods We conducted a quantitative survey study at a US utility company where we collected data related to safety climate perceptions and employee-reported safety behaviors across the different levels of organizational hierarchy. Results The findings revealed the highest safety climate scores among senior leaders/executives, followed by field leaders/supervisors, and then employees, suggesting potential discrepancies between espoused and enacted safety values in the workplace. Conclusions These results suggest that supervisors and top managers may have different mental models of workplace safety compared to employees. Consequently, assessing perceptions at different organizational levels provides a fuller picture of safety in the workplace.
... It provides flexibility for employees, eliminates the stress of commuting to a central office, and helps work-life balance (Donnelly & Johns, 2021;Tahlyan et al., 2022;Vrchota, Maříková, & Řehoř, 2020). Yet teleworking can also be disadvantageous: there may be a fear of falling behind in effectively mastering processes compared to those in the office due to having less visibility and as a result, there is the risk of being the first to be dismissed during crisis periods. 1 There can also be a decrease in job satisfaction, remote monitoring challenges (Swisher, 2019;Walentek, 2021), work coordination problems (Choi, 2020), performance monitoring problems (Kurland & Bailey, 1999;Florea & Florea, 2021), isolation from colleagues (Matei & Mindrican, 2021;Nakrošienė, Bučiūnienė, & Goštautaitė, 2019) and the fear of limited opportunities for promotion (Cooper & Kurland, 2002;Maslowski, 2018;Swisher, 2019). ...
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Most employees in Turkey have become familiar with teleworking during the pandemic. This study aims to find the Turkish employees’ motivation and commitment levels regarding their intention to telework after the pandemic. The mixed method of research with an exploratory sequential strategy with QUAL → QUAN design was used to explore and explain the motivation and commitment factors regarding the intention to telework after the pandemic in Turkey and to develop a scale. Grounded theory, exploratory factor analysis, one-way ANOVA, and independent samples t-tests were used. The results indicated that age groups affected the motivation and commitment and extrinsic motivation regarding the intention to telework after the pandemic, and education levels affected the general motivation and commitment and intrinsic motivation. As education and teleworking experience levels increased, motivation and commitment and intrinsic motivation regarding the intention to telework after the pandemic increased. Motivation and commitment and intrinsic motivation levels of the employees of companies applying teleworking systematically were higher than the employees who teleworked compulsorily during the pandemic without an adaptation process. Women’s extrinsic motivation regarding the intention to telework after the pandemic was higher than men’s. The motivation and commitment levels of teleworkers were significantly higher than those of non-teleworkers. The data strongly suggested that childless participants had significantly higher motivation and commitment and intrinsic motivation regarding the intention to telework after the pandemic compared to the parent participants.
... Remote work, also known as distance working or working from home, refers to the practice of employees engaging in work outside of their designated work area using designated equipment and agreedupon terms with their employer (Bailey and Kurland, 1999). Over the years, the acceptance of remote work has been a matter of debate. ...
The adoption of a hybrid working model, especially in the post-pandemic era, has garnered significant attention in the business world. This research study delves into the Hybrid Working Model practices and its consequences on employee performance and productivity. The study's objectives encompass an analysis of the Hybrid Working Model practices, the examination of job satisfaction, communication, and collaboration levels, and the assessment of its impact on employee performance and productivity. This descriptive research has collected responses from 145 employees using random sampling Technique through questionnaire and data were analysed using ANOVA, Correlation, Regression Analysis along with percentage analysis and descriptive statistics. The results indicate that the Hybrid Working Model significantly affects employee performance, underscoring the model's impact. The correlation analysis reveals a positive relationship between job satisfaction and performance, as well as communication and collaboration levels in the Hybrid Working Model.
This chapter describes the relationship between talent attraction, internal communication, and empowerment as crucial elements of company resilience. The transnational company under study operates globally and has business units in thirty countries. The chapter is divided into three sections: the first section explains internal marketing and its relation to business resilience; the second section describes the actions that the transnational company carried out from 2020 to 2021; the third part presents the research results obtained by applying a questionnaire to the company's employees at two different times in order to derive conclusions on the elements that have contributed to business resilience.
The COVID‐19 pandemic led to far‐reaching detrimental impacts, with challenges weighted toward women, who experience a double‐burden of paid work and care/domestic work. Professional lives were enacted in new spaces, as many were ordered to work from home. This was particularly testing for women, who found themselves servicing additional expectations each day, such as complex relational work and home‐schooling. For many, this caused stress, damage to career, and strained relationships. Yet, as women academics, we were surprised to see that some of our peers were reporting they had positive experiences during lockdowns. Drawing on interview data from 23 women academics based in the United Kingdom, we found that participants did not report damage to their professional identities; indeed, in some cases the pandemic provided new ways to expand academic identities, for example through skill development and international networking. Furthermore, participants reported the pandemic as a chance to choose how to focus their energies, withdrawing from relationships and activities that did not contribute to the achievement of the selves they sought to become and capitalising on those that did. This paper is therefore valuable in revealing the techniques and resources (narrative and otherwise) that can enable women to report positive experiences, even when facing adversity.
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Purpose Micro and small enterprises (MSE) play a critical role in the Swiss economy but had no meaningfully adopted working from home (WFH) policy before the COVID-19 crisis. The timing of the study’s data collection allowed a unique assessment of Swiss MSEs’ adoption of WFH enabled by the adoption of digital technologies due to the first government-mandated COVID-19 lockdown. The study also set out to assess the permanence of any changes in the adoption of WFH by MSEs after initial government COVID-19 restrictions ended. Design/methodology/approach The study uses a threefold theoretical framework combining social, technical and spatial dimensions. Data were collected via telephone interviews. The utilised sampling frame included 153,000 small businesses with 4–49 employees, and the realised sample for the study was 503 interviews with MSE owners and managing directors (MDs). Findings The Swiss government’s COVID-19 crisis lockdown policies accelerated the digital transformation of work by employees in Swiss MSEs by increasing the number of employees WFH. However, the number of MSEs with WFH employees decreased after the first lockdown ended. Small business leadership is an important influence on the persistence of any increases in WFH. Originality/value The data collection uniquely captures the effects of externally driven digital transformation of work in small businesses by the adoption of WFH. The findings show that small businesses can rapidly learn new ways of working and support the claim that Swiss MSE MDs play a critical role in the adoption of WFH. They also confirm the importance of digital leadership and culture for realising the potential of WFH in small businesses.
Remote work and its challenges have been around for decades, yet the COVID19 pandemic brought these challenges to the fore and prompted organisations to address them. One of the challenges is the potential loss of tacit knowledge (knowledge that resides in the heads of “knowers”) among knowledge workers by shifting from in‐person to remote work. This paper reports on the initial findings of a pilot study that interviewed knowledge workers about the interruption of information sharing, the importance of technology to resemble in‐person working, and organization adaptability. The findings highlight the importance of in‐person interactions to exchanging tacit information but indicates that for organisations that are resilient, technology can mimic in‐person sharing.
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Purpose –The current study aims to thoroughly investigate the relationship between the implementation of remote work and the creativity of faculty members, while also exploring the serially mediating role of work-life balance and psychological well-being within this relationship. Design/methodology/approach –The quantitative data approach of conducting an online survey was utilized, and the survey was distributed via emails and social media platforms. Through convenience sampling there were a total of 378 participants consisting of faculty members working in Jordan. The IBM SPSS Statistics software (version 29) was used to analyze and process the collected data. In, to test the hypothesized directed relationships and facilitate the conduction of the mediation and serial mediation analyses, Hayse Process 4.1 (model 6) was also utilized. Findings – The study concluded that both work-life balance and psychological well-being have mediating roles in the relationship between remote work and creativity. Additionally, work-life balance and psychological well-being serially mediate the relationship between remote work and creativity. Originality/value –The current study contributes to the literature by investigating both the direct and indirect impacts of remote work on the creativity of faculty members, addressing the immature link and limited research on this relationship, as well as the lack of focus on the higher education sector.
Social media has revolutionized the travel industry, becoming an increasingly important aspect of the sector. It has influenced our behavior in every part of our lives, including the way we consume travel content. Tourism is one of the world's most active economic sectors, and social media is a substantial component of it. The age of brochures and billboards in the tourist business has come to an end. Today, the usage of social networking sites may be the most important factor impacting the tourist business. Tourists, in particular, benefit from social media since it enables them to share their most memorable travel experiences with a large number of people. Since travel has always been a popular pastime, the arrival of technology has resulted in a paradigm change in communication and trip planning practices, both of which have been beneficial. This chapter will explore the reliability of social media and how it is utilized to make travel choices in the travel process by the tourist who lives in Chandigarh and prefers business and leisure together.
This research aims to assess the impact of remote work on the productivity and well-being of women in the Kingdom of Bahrain. As remote work becomes increasingly popular due to technological advancements and changing employee preferences, it is crucial to comprehend the consequences of this work arrangement. The study will collect data on the benefits and challenges associated with remote work, including increased flexibility, enhanced work-life balance, and reduced transportation costs. However, it will also acknowledge potential drawbacks such as limited in-person interaction, potential for overwork, and suitability of remote work in different industries. The research will be conducted within the unique cultural, economic, and infrastructural context of Bahrain. The findings will contribute to a better understanding of how remote work influences productivity, job satisfaction, and overall well-being in this dynamic and diverse environment.
Tüm dünyada özellikle Covid-19’un etkisiyle yaygınlaşan ve pek çok firma tarafından kalıcı olarak kullanılmaya başlayan uzaktan çalışma, iş yerlerinin operasyonel yapısını ve iş görenlerin hayatlarını dramatik bir şekilde değiştirmiştir. Geleneksel çalışma hayatından uzaklaşarak çok hızlı bir şekilde dönüşüm geçiren birçok şirket ve kurum uzaktan veya hibrit çalışmayı genellikle çok fazla ön hazırlık süreci olmadan, yaşayarak öğrenmek durumunda kalmıştır. İş görenler de bu ani değişime uyum sağlamaya çalışmış ve genellikle evlerini, yaşamlarını ve aile düzenlerini uzaktan çalışmaya göre dizayn etmişlerdir. Covid-19 sonrasında da pek çok çalışan uzaktan çalışmaya devam etmiştir. Bu araştırmanın amacı uzaktan çalışanların iş yaşam dengelerinin ve iş tatminlerinin farklı demografik değişkenlere göre incelenmesidir. Nicel araştırma yöntemi kullanılan bu araştırmada nicel araştırma deseni olarak ise tarama araştırmaları kullanılmış, ilişkisel tarama araştırmaları yapılmıştır. Veri toplama tekniği olarak da anket tercih edilmiştir. Ankette İş-Yaşam Dengesi ve İş Tatmini ölçekleri kullanılmıştır. Araştırmada haftada en az bir gün uzaktan çalışanlardan oluşan örneklemden elde edilen veriler, araştırmanın amacı doğrultusunda çeşitli istatistiki metot ve test teknikleri (normal dağılım analizleri, keşfedici ve doğrulayıcı faktör analizleri, güvenilirlik analizi, parametrik bağımsız örneklemler T-testi) kullanılarak yorumlanmıştır. Analizlerde SPSS İstatistik ve SPSS AMOS programlarından yararlanılmıştır. Araştırmada yer alan altı hipotezden sadece “H2: Uzaktan çalışanların İş tatminleri cinsiyete göre anlamlı bir farklılık gösterir.” hipotezi desteklenmiş, medeni durumun veya bakıcı desteği durumunun iş tatmininde anlamlı bir farklılık oluşturmadığı sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. Ayrıca demografik değişkenlerden hiçbiri iş-yaşam dengesi için anlamlı bir farklılık oluşturmamıştır. Bu çalışma ve çıktıları uzaktan çalışanların iş yaşam dengelerinin ve iş tatminlerinin analizi ve artırılması konusunda, işverenler ve insan kaynakları yönetimleri tarafından çalışanların çalışma hayatlarının şekillendirilmesinde veya uzaktan çalışma ile iş yaşam dengesi ve iş tatmini konusunda yapılacak akademik çalışmalarda önemli kaynak ve göstergeler olarak kullanılabilir.
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Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) mediated interactions, such as audio and video calls, are part of all companies’ routines. Despite technological advances, no current ICT can perfectly mimic the unique characteristics of face-to-face interactions. As good-quality internal communication is critical to companies’ operations, the increased demand for work-from-home jobs raises relevant questions regarding employees’ capability to communicate properly. To better understand if the physical and temporal distance associated with the work-from-home represents a threat to employees’ capacity to establish clear communications, this study explores the internal communication experiences of full-time home-based telecommuters. Adopting a transcendental phenomenological strategy and based on a mix of purposeful and snowball sampling, 23 employees were interviewed online. Two additional interviews with top managers from a company where all employees work from home were also performed. Following a thematic analysis, results did not reveal a direct relationship between physical and temporal distance and the quality of internal communication. Indeed, the increased media options adopted by employees after starting to work from home contributed to improving internal communication quality. The main identified communication issues, such as information segregation, are related to how internal communications are managed, and may happen whether employees work side-by-side or physically apart.
Bu çalışmada “uzaktan çalışma” konusuna yönelik ilgi artışını görebilmek adına konu üzerine hazırlanmış olan lisansüstü tezlerin bibliyometrik bir analizinin yapılması amaçlanmıştır. Çalışma verileri Ulusal Tez Merkezi veri tabanında yer alan, 2005-2021 yılları arasında hazırlanan ve belli elemelerden geçirildikten sonra geri kalan 104 lisansüstü tezden elde edilmiştir. Tezlerin bibliyometrik analizi yapılırken “tez türü”, “yayın dili”, “yayın yılı”, “hazırlandığı üniversite”, “enstitü”, “anabilim dalı”, “danışman unvanı”, “ilişkilendirilen konu”, “çalışmanın yöntemi”, “sayfa sayısı”, “tez yazarının cinsiyeti” ve “anahtar sözcükler” gibi kategoriler belirlenmiştir. Bu kategoriler üzerinden analiz gerçekleştirilmiştir. Analiz sonucunda; lisansüstü tezlerin büyük oranda 2021 yılında, yüksek lisans düzeyinde, sosyal bilimler enstitüsü ve işletme anabilim dalı bünyesinde ve Türkçe olarak hazırlandığı tespit edilmiştir. Tezlerin %61,5’inin 2021 yılında hazırlanması son dönemde konuya olan ilgi artışını gözler önüne sermiştir. Ayrıca uzaktan çalışma konusu en fazla hukuki boyut, çalışan deneyimi, örgütsel bağlılık, iş-yaşam dengesi ve performans gibi açılardan ele alınmıştır.
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This article investigates how teleworking adoption influenced the labor market and workforce dynamic using bibliometric methods to overview 86 years of teleworking research [1936–2022]. By grouping the retrieved articles available on the Web of Science (WOS) core collection database, we revealed a holistic and topical view of teleworking literature using clustering and visualization techniques. Our results reflect the situation where the adoption of teleworking in the last three years was accelerated by the pandemic and facilitated by innovation in remote work technologies. We discussed the factors influencing one’s decision to join the workforce or a specific company, besides the unintended consequences of the rapid adoption of teleworking. The study can aid organizations in developing adequate teleworking arrangements, enhancing employee outcomes, and improving retention rates. Furthermore, it can help policymakers design more effective policies to support employees, improve labor force participation rates, and improve societal well-being.
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Özellikle pandemi ile birlikte 2020 yılından itibaren birçok ülkede olduğu gibi Türkiye’de de hızlı bir şekilde iş yaşamının vazgeçilmez bir parçası olarak yerini alan uzaktan çalışma düzenine geçilmiştir. Uzaktan çalışma düzeninde ekiplerin aniden “sanallaşması” bu yeni çalışma şeklinin başarıyla sürdürülebilmesi için uzaktan çalışan işgören yetkinliklerinin ölçülme ihtiyacını beraberinde getirmiştir. Bu çalışmanın amacı uzaktan çalışma düzeninde verimli çalışma için sanal ekip üyelerinin yetkinliklerinin belirlendiği bir model geliştirmek olan bir projenin ilk aşamasına yönelik bulguları ortaya koymaktadır. İlgili proje kapsamında, öncelikle literatür taraması yapılarak araştırma modeline temel oluşturacak yetkinlik seti belirlenecek, toplanan nitel ve nicel veriler ışığında yetkinlik setleri güncellenecek ve yeni bir sanal ekip yetkinlik modeli geliştirilecektir. Bu bağlamda, Hertel ve diğerlerinin (2006) geliştirmiş olduğu VTCI ölçeği başta olmak üzere literatürdeki bulgular temel alınarak, özellikle sanal ekiplerde “tele işbirliği”ni etkileyen yetkinlik setlerinin sanal ekip başarısına katkısının ölçülmesi amaçlanmaktadır. Bu çalışmada derinlemesine görüşmeler yürütülerek sanal ekip başarısını etkileyen ve ilgili ölçekte yer almamış olan farklı faktörlerin ortaya çıkarılması hedeflenmekte, sanal ekip yetkinliklerine ilişkin 11 katılımcı ile gerçekleştirilen görüşmeler değerlendirilmekte ve ilgili projenin ilk ayağına ilişkin veriler sunulmaktadır. Bulgulara bakıldığında, sanal ekip çalışmasında başarı getiren yetkinlikler olarak, inisiyatif alabilme, etkin zaman yönetimi, öz-liderlik ve bilgi teknolojilerine hakimiyet gibi faktörlerin öne çıktığı görülmektedir.
Context The COVID‐19 pandemic has had a disruptive impact on how people work and collaborate across all global economic sectors, including software business. While remote working is not new for software engineers, forced WFH situations come with both limitations and opportunities. As the ‘new normal’ for working might be based on the current state of Work‐from‐home (WFH), it is useful to understand what has happened and learn from that. Objective This study aims to gain insights into how their WFH arrangement impacts project management and software engineering. We are also interested in exploring these impacts in different contexts, such as startups and established companies. Method We conducted a global‐scale, cross‐sectional survey during the spring and summer 2021. Our results are based on quantitative and qualitative analysis of 297 valid responses. Results We characterize the profile of WFH in both spatial and temporal aspects, together with a set of common collaborative tools and coordination and control mechanisms. We revealed some areas of project management that are relatively more challenging during WFH situations, such as coordination, communication and project planning. We also revealed a mixed picture of the perceived impact of WFH on different software engineering activities. Conclusion WFH is a situational phenomenon which can have both negative and positive impact on software teams. For practitioners, we suggest a unified approach to consider the context of WFH, collaborative tools, associated coordination and control approaches and a process that resolve those aspects that are sensitive to physical interaction.
Taking as its starting point the continuing fascination with the idea of the electronic cottage, this article explores the different meanings which have been assigned to the idea of the electronic homeworker over the past two decades and some of the assumptions which underlie them. It concludes that, while they can tell us little about the likely future extent of telework, they give us fascinating insights into the preoccupations and predicaments of the present.
In this paper a conceptual model of the individual decision to telecommute is presented. Key elements of that decision, including constraints, facilitators, and drives, are defined and the relationships among them described. The major types of constraints (if negative) or facilitators (if positive) include external factors related to awareness, the organization, and the job, and internal psychosocial factors. The major types of drives are work, family, leisure, ideology, and travel. It is argued that the absence of constraints is a necessary but not sufficient condition for telecommuting to be adopted by an individual. The presence of one or more drives, assumed to be associated with some dissatisfaction, is necessary to activate the search for a solution to that dissatisfaction. The choice set contains those alternative solutions perceived to be feasible by the individual. It may or may not contain telecommuting (depending on whether all constraints are nonbinding or not), and probably contains other alternatives having nothing to do with telecommuting. Each alternative is evaluated in terms of how effectively it satisfies the drive, and the individual's attitudes toward it. The alternative (or bundle of alternatives) which maximizes individual utility becomes the preferred behavioral pattern. However, short-term constraints may prevent the preferred behavior from being chosen. The process is a dynamic one, in which previous choices affect attitudes and constraints and alter drives. Work directed by the authors is under way to operationalize the conceptual model.