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Abstract and Figures

Background: While research findings support the presence of inefficiencies in allocation of attention in individuals with aphasia, the cognitive mechanisms behind these inefficiencies remain unclear. One mechanism that would affect resource allocation for selective pro-cessing is an impaired inhibitory mechanism which, when normally functioning, would actively suppress distracting information. Aims: The purpose of this study was to investigate the cognitive process of inhibition, at the lexical-semantic level of language processing, and its relation to auditory comprehension in Wernicke's aphasia. Methods & Procedures: The classic Stroop Colour-Word Test was adapted to be applicable for use with an aphasic population. We administered this computerised manual-response, numerical version of the Stroop test to five individuals with Wernicke's aphasia and twelve age-and education-matched non-brain-injured controls. Correlations with Stroop inter-ference examined associations with auditory comprehension as measured by the Token Test and the Complex Ideational Material subtest of the Boston Diagnostic Aphasia Examination. Outcomes & Results: Analysis of the Stroop reaction time and error percentage data indi-cated that the interference effect was significantly larger for the participants with Wernicke's aphasia than for the controls, without an accompanying increase in facilitation, reflecting an impairment of inhibition in Wernicke's aphasia. In addition, the magnitude of Stroop interference was significantly positively correlated with the clinical-behavioural symptom of severity of auditory comprehension deficits as measured by the Token Test. Conclusions: Findings support an impairment in inhibition at the lexical-semantic level of language processing in Wernicke's aphasia, reflecting the inability to effectively ignore the automatically evoked, distracting stimulus. The significant correlation between the Stroop interference effect and the severity of auditory comprehension deficits suggests that at least part of the attentional difficulties contributing to the striking reductions in auditory comprehension in this population can be attributed to impaired inhibition. Our
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Inhibition and auditory comprehension in
Wernicke's aphasia
Debra A. Wiener
Boston University School of Medicine, Boston, MA, USA
Lisa Tabor Connor
Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO, USA
Loraine K. Obler
Boston University School of Medicine, Boston, and City University of New York Graduate
School and University Center, NY, USA
Background: While research findings support the presence of inefficiencies in allocation of
attention in individuals with aphasia, the cognitive mechanisms behind these inefficiencies
remain unclear. One mechanism that would affect resource allocation for selective pro-
cessing is an impaired inhibitory mechanism which, when normally functioning, would
actively suppress distracting information.
Aims: The purpose of this study was to investigate the cognitive process of inhibition, at the
lexical-semantic level of language processing, and its relation to auditory comprehension in
Wernicke's aphasia.
Methods & Procedures: The classic Stroop Colour-Word Test was adapted to be applicable
for use with an aphasic population. We administered this computerised manual-response,
numerical version of the Stroop test to five individuals with Wernicke's aphasia and twelve
age- and education-matched non-brain-injured controls. Correlations with Stroop inter-
ference examined associations with auditory comprehension as measured by the Token Test
and the Complex Ideational Material subtest of the Boston Diagnostic Aphasia Examination.
Outcomes & Results: Analysis of the Stroop reaction time and error percentage data indi-
cated that the interference effect was significantly larger for the participants with Wernicke's
aphasia than for the controls, without an accompanying increase in facilitation, reflecting an
impairment of inhibition in Wernicke's aphasia. In addition, the magnitude of Stroop
interference was significantly positively correlated with the clinical-behavioural symptom of
severity of auditory comprehension deficits as measured by the Token Test.
Conclusions: Findings support an impairment in inhibition at the lexical-semantic level of
language processing in Wernicke's aphasia, reflecting the inability to effectively ignore
the automatically evoked, distracting stimulus. The significant correlation between the
Stroop interference effect and the severity of auditory comprehension deficits suggests
that at least part of the attentional difficulties contributing to the striking reductions in
auditory comprehension in this population can be attributed to impaired inhibition. Our
#2004 Psychology Press Ltd DOI: 10.1080/02687030444000228
Address correspondence to: Dr Debra Wiener, Harold Goodglass Aphasia Research Center, VA Medical
Center (12A), 150 S. Huntington Avenue, Boston, MA 02130, USA. Email:
This study was performed as part of a dissertation by the first author in partial fulfilment of the requirements
for a PhD in Speech and Hearing Sciences at the City University of New York Graduate School and University
Center. We thank Dr Errol Baker and Dr Avron Spiro III for their statistical guidance. This project was
supported in part by the National Institutes of Health (NIDCD) and by the Medical Research Service of the
Department of Veterans Affairs.
APHASIOLOGY, 2004, 18 (5/6/7), 599±609
findings expand upon our understanding of resource allocation in aphasia and reinforce
our need to clinically assess and treat reductions in attention for maximised rehabilitation
Increasingly, aphasiologists have been focusing on the role that attention plays in diffi-
culties with auditory processing. While research findings support the presence of inef-
ficient attention allocation in individuals with aphasia (e.g., McNeil, Odell, & Tseng,
1991; Murray, Holland, & Beeson, 1997; Tseng, McNeil, & Milenkovic, 1993), the
cognitive mechanisms underlying these inefficiencies remain unclear. In theorising on the
role of attentional control of language functions, McNeil et al. considered the interplay of
controlled and automatic processing. One mechanism that would reduce the allocation of
resources necessary for selective processing is an impaired inhibitory mechanism which,
when normally functioning, would serve to limit the generation and maintenance of
irrelevant information. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the cognitive
process of inhibition at the lexical-semantic level of language processing and its impact
on auditory comprehension in Wernicke's aphasia.
Theories of selective attention emphasise the role that the process of inhibition plays in
suppressing irrelevant information for improved focus in such higher-level cognitive
tasks as verbal working memory and language performance (e.g., Hasher & Zacks, 1988;
Tipper, 1985). Traditionally, attention theories placed the emphasis on the target of
selection. Unselected information was thought to passively decay (Broadbent, 1970).
However, more recent theories of selective attention (e.g., Tipper, 1985) propose an
active suppression or inhibition of distracting information during selection for increased
efficiency of processing.
Support for inhibition theory comes from the negative priming paradigm (Tipper,
1985). A participant is asked to respond to a target item presented simultaneously with a
similar distractor item. The critical manipulation occurs between consecutive trials. The
participant responds to a target on the test trial that had been ignored on the previous trial.
The negative priming effect is lengthened response time on experimental trials as
compared with control trials, where the distractor is an item not seen before. The source
of the slower response time to the repeated item is theorised to be the inhibition that has
accrued to the current target during its role as an ignored item in the previous trial.
Inhibitory function has been investigated in a variety of populations evidencing selection
difficulties, including the elderly (e.g., Earles, Connor, Frieske, Park, Smith, & Zwahr,
1997; Hasher & Zacks, 1988), individuals with schizophrenia (e.g., Maher, 1983), and
those with dementia of the Alzheimer type (e.g., Sullivan, Faust, & Balota, 1995). In
addition, Milberg, Blumstein, Katz, Gershberg, and Brown (1995) investigated inhibitory
function in the presence of aphasia.
Milberg et al. (1995) conducted experiments to examine the extent to which deficits in
controlled or automatic processing could characterise lexical access deficits in Wer-
nicke's and Broca's aphasia. They administered two auditory lexical decision priming
experiments to seven participants with Wernicke's aphasia and ten with Broca's aphasia
(mean age 68.3 and 59.6 years, respectively) and to young (college-aged) and older
(mean age 63.8) non-brain-injured controls. In one experiment, they varied prime±target
predictability. The expectation was that those with normal controlled processing would
show slowed response times for unrelated prime±target pairs as compared with neutral
pairs when the unrelated pairs had been preceded by an induction set consisting of a
series of word pairs all semantically related. In the second experiment, they manipulated
the prime±target interstimulus interval (ISI). At the 2000 ms ISI, both facilitation for
related pairs and inhibition for unrelated pairs should be obtained. Of the four subject
groups, neither the older control group nor the Wernicke's aphasics were affected by
manipulations that were to have invoked controlled processes. That is, they did not
demonstrate inhibition in the high-probability condition, nor did these two groups
demonstrate inhibition at the 2000 ms ISI. Thus, while inhibitory function appears
reduced in Wernicke's aphasia, it is unclear whether this reduction is due to the aphasia
type or the impact of age. This distinction is an important one, as inhibitory control is
thought to decrease with age (e.g., Balota, Black, & Cheney, 1992; Earles et al., 1997;
Hasher & Zacks, 1988), and patients with Wernicke's aphasia are, on average, sig-
nificantly older than individuals with Broca's aphasia (Obler, Albert, Goodglass, &
Benson, 1978).
In the neuropsychological literature, a common tool used to measure inhibition in non-
aphasic populations is the Stroop Colour-Word Test (Stroop, 1935). Although there are
now many variations on this task, the basic design is such that a participant is asked to
name the ink colour of a printed word and ignore the meaning of the word. Ink colour
naming is slower when the ink colour and the word meaning are incompatible (e.g., blue
written in red ink) than when they are compatible (e.g., red written in red ink) or when
they are neutral (e.g., XXX written in red ink). The prevailing interpretation of this effect
is that the word information is activated automatically, and the participant needs to inhibit
this information during the slower process of colour naming (MacLeod, 1991). Greater
interference on this task, as measured by the difference between reaction times to the
incompatible versus neutral conditions, without an accompanying increase in facilitation
(the difference between reaction times in the neutral and compatible conditions), has been
interpreted as reflecting reduced inhibitory abilities.
This pattern of findings, a larger-than-normal interference effect accompanied by no-
greater-than-normal facilitation effect, is an important way to distinguish the effects of
reduced inhibitory control from generalised cognitive slowing. An example from the
ageing literature demonstrates this issue quite effectively. Prior to 1998, 20 studies had
been conducted comparing older adults to younger adults on variations of the Stroop task
(see review by Verhaeghen & De Meersman, 1998). Nearly all had obtained findings of a
larger interference effect in older adults than in younger adults. Nearly all of the authors
of these studies concluded, on the basis of these findings, that older adults show poorer
inhibitory control than younger adults. In every one of these studies, response latencies
were much longer for older than for younger adults. Slowing across all conditions in the
study not only produced larger interference effects for the old, but larger facilitation
effects as well. Verhaeghen and De Meersman demonstrated through meta-analysis of
these studies that generalised slowing of all cognitive processes was likely the cause
of these larger than normal interference effects, rather than a deficit in inhibitory control
per se.
The aphasia literature contains very few studies of the Stroop effect, probably due to
the high verbal demands of the original task. The validity of measuring a cognitive
function via a variably impaired verbal response is, obviously, questionable. In order to
adapt the Stroop test for use with a Wernicke's aphasic population, a manual-response
version appears necessary given the high frequency of verbal paraphasia associated with
Wernicke's aphasia. MacLeod (1991) compiled an extensive review of studies investi-
gating the Stroop effect since J. R. Stroop's classic 1935 article, concluding that although
the interference effect may be reduced when response modality is switched from oral to
manual, it remains robust. A number of researchers (e.g., Fox, Shor, & Steinman, 1971;
Shor, 1971; Windes, 1968) have found that numbers also can produce significant inter-
ference effects. For example, the naming of an Arabic numeral is interfered with when it
appears in incongruent quantities. Use of numerical stimuli appears warranted in an
adaptation of the Stroop test for Wernicke's aphasia, as it allows for a manual, computer
keyboard response. While such stimuli tap into the lexical-semantic level of language,
they avoid the need for the participant's verbal response.
The present study involved administration of a computerised manual-response,
numerical version of the Stroop test to individuals with Wernicke's aphasia and age- and
education-matched non-brain-injured controls. In order to determine whether individuals
with Wernicke's aphasia evidence impaired inhibition in processing lexical-semantic
information, we compared them to age-matched controls to help disentangle effects of
ageing from effects due to stroke. Moreover, to accept the hypothesis that individuals
with Wernicke's aphasia have a specific deficit of inhibition and not generalised slowing
due to stroke, our design required both that the size of the facilitation effect was
equivalent in participants with aphasia and age-matched controls and that the size of the
interference effect was significantly greater.
We suggest, further, that one possible behavioural manifestation of impaired inhibition
may be reduced auditory comprehension. Correlating the severity of auditory compre-
hension deficits with the interference score obtained on the Stroop test permitted
exploration of the relationship between inhibition and auditory comprehension.
Five adult participants with chronic Wernicke's aphasia and twelve non-brain-injured
controls were tested. Participants were recruited from the subject pool of the Harold
Goodglass Aphasia Research Center, which consists of both individuals who have sus-
tained aphasia and normal adults.
The five participants with Wernicke's aphasia were selected based on the following
criteria: a single onset of a left posterior infarct post cerebral vascular accident; no history
of dementia, prior neurological trauma, drug or alcohol abuse, or chronic psychiatric
disorder; English as native and primary language; right-hand dominance; normal visual
acuity, with or without correction; and normal hearing thresholds across the speech
frequencies, with or without correction. The diagnosis of Wernicke's aphasia was based
on clinical observation and language examination. Six subtests of the Neurosensory
Center Comprehensive Examination for Aphasia (NCCEA: Spreen & Benton, 1969) were
administered to each participant with aphasia: Visual Naming, Description of Use,
Sentence Repetition, Word Fluency, Identification by Sentence (the Token Test), and
Reading Names for Meaning (Pointing). In addition, the Complex Ideational Material
subtest of the Boston Diagnostic Aphasia Examination (Goodglass & Kaplan, 1983) was
administered. The ``Speech'' and ``Understanding'' subsets of the Functional Commu-
nication Profile (Sarno, 1969) also were rated for each participant with aphasia for
purposes of a comprehensive participant profile. Table 1 summarises the relevant
demographic and clinical characteristics of the aphasic participants. All of these parti-
cipants were male. Their mean age was 72 years, with a range of 63±76 years. Their mean
level of formal education was 11.4 years, with a range of 10±12 years.
The twelve non-clinical controls were selected using the same criteria as the partici-
pants with aphasia, with two additional requirements: no history of neurological trauma
or disease and a score of 28 or greater on the Mini-Mental State Examination (Folstein,
Folstein, & McHugh, 1975). They were matched to the aphasic participants by age (mean
age of 71.5 years, range 62±77 years) and level of formal education (mean of 12.6 years,
range 12±16 years). Six of the control participants were male (Participants 6±11) and six
were female (Participants 12±17). All research participants were treated in accordance
with the Human Studies Committees of Boston University School of Medicine, the VA
Boston Healthcare System, and the City University of New York Graduate Center.
Participants received a modest payment for their participation at the conclusion of the
In order to measure auditory comprehension, the Token Test and the Complex
Ideational Material subtest of the BDAE were administered to all participants. The
participants with Wernicke's aphasia obtained raw scores on the Token Test ranging from
73 to 104 out of a possible 163 correct, reflecting severe to moderate-severe deficits when
plotted on the NCCEA aphasia profile. Their raw scores on the Complex Ideational
Material subtest ranged from 5 to 9 of a possible 12 correct, reflecting moderate-severe to
mild deficits when plotted on the BDAE aphasia summary profile. As expected, the non-
brain-injured controls demonstrated only minimal reductions on these two tests, reflected
by a mean score of 161 on the Token Test and 11.2 on the Complex Ideational Material
The variation of the Stroop test used was modelled after Salthouse and Meinz's (1995)
version which lent itself to modifications for increased validity in a language-impaired
population. In order to create a measure of facilitation and interference, three conditions
were established. The compatible condition was represented by the Arabic numerals 1 to
4 presented in congruent quantities (e.g., 333), consisting of four stimuli. The neutral
condition was represented by an ``X'' in its four possible quantities. The incompatible
Demographic and clinical characteristics of the participants with Wernicke's aphasia
Subject Age Educ
172yrs 12 yrs 177 mos moderate 20±88% 56% 57%
276yrs 10 yrs 56 mos mod-severe 20±61% 49% 55%
363yrs 12 yrs 163 mos moderate 13±88% 55% 58%
474yrs 12 yrs 114 mos severe 6±61% 50% 50%
575yrs 11 yrs 102 mos mod-severe 8±61% 49% 47%
Including: chronological age; level of formal education; time post-onset of CVA in months;
overall aphasia severity rating; range of percentiles of subtests of the NCCEA (Spreen & Benton,
1969) administered; and percentiles of estimated function in ``Speech'' and ``Understanding''
subsets of the FCP (Sarno, 1969).
* Percentiles are based on an aphasic population.
** Percentile represents functional communicative effectiveness in this modality based on
estimated premorbid language proficiency.
condition was represented by the Arabic numerals 1 to 4 presented in incongruent
quantities (e.g., 33), consisting of 12 stimulus items. The three experimental conditions
provide a measure of facilitation (compatible vs neutral condition) and interference
(incompatible vs neutral condition).
The experimental task consisted of 216 itemsÐ72 items in each condition. For each
condition to be equally represented, the stimuli in both the compatible and neutral
conditions were tripled in quantity. Stimuli were presented in random order for each
participant. Three filler items were presented at the beginning of the experiment but were
not included in the analysis.
The experimental trials were preceded by 10 practice items presented in random
orderÐ3 compatible, 3 neutral, and 4 incompatible trials. The same set of practice items
was administered to each participant in random order.
Participants were seated at a comfortable distance in front of a Macintosh PowerBook
180 computer with a 10-inch black and white screen. On the attached keyboard, four keys
were exposed labelled ``1'', ``2'', ``3'', and ``4''. Participants were instructed to press
the key that corresponded to the quantity of items on the screen. They were told to
respond as quickly as possible and directed to use their left hand only.
The stimuli were presented in black on a white background via the software package
PsyScope (Cohen, MacWhinney, Flatt, & Provost, 1993). Practice items were given and
repeated, when necessary, until comprehension of the task was demonstrated by three
consecutive correct responses. The 216 experimental trials followed. A PsyScope button
box was used to increase timing accuracy to 1 Ô 4 ms. Responses and latencies were
recorded. The stimulus remained on the screen until the participant depressed one of the
four response keys. The inter-trial interval was 500 ms.
The data for each participant were screened for mistrials (response latencies greater than
5 seconds) and outliers. Outliers were defined as responses greater than three standard
deviations from the mean of all remaining responses for that participant. The mean
number of mistrials for participants with Wernicke's aphasia was 0.6%, and the mean
number of outliers was 2%. For the non-brain-injured controls, the mean number of
mistrials was 0.3%, and the average number of outliers was 1.4%.
Reaction time data
The mean reaction times of the Wernicke's aphasic group and the control group are
displayed in Figure 1. A 2 (group) 63 (condition) mixed factor ANOVA was conducted
on reaction time. RTs were longer for the participants with aphasia, F(1, 15) = 5.66, MSE
= 67,710.77, p< .05, there was a significant difference among the conditions, F(2, 30) =
88.85, MSE = 582.83, p<.001, and the condition by group interaction was significant,
F(2, 30) = 28.12, MSE = 582.83, p< .001, indicating that the increase in response time
across conditions was larger for the participants with Wernicke's aphasia than for the
Each group was examined separately. Each group showed a significant difference
among the conditions: Wernicke's aphasics, F(2, 8) = 29.97, MSE = 1,492, p< .001;
controls, F(2, 22) = 34.06, MSE = 252.22, p< .001. Post-hoc Newman-Keuls t-tests were
then performed. For each group, three paired comparisons were made: (1) the difference
between the neutral and compatible conditions (the facilitation effect); (2) the difference
between the incompatible and the neutral conditions (the interference effect); and (3) the
difference between the facilitation effect and the interference effect. For the participants
with Wernicke's aphasia, the facilitation effect was not significant, t(8) = 2.50, p> .05,
although the interference effect, t(8) = 7.99, p< .001, and the difference between the
facilitation and the interference effects, were significant, t(8) = 10.48, p< .001. For the
controls, the facilitation effect, t(22) = 4.18, p< .01, the interference effect, t(22) = 7.36,
p< .001, and the difference between the facilitation effect and the interference effect,
t(22) = 11.54, p<.001, were all statistically significant.
The final step in the analysis of the reaction time data involved a comparison across
groups, between the non-brain-injured controls and the participants with Wernicke's
aphasia: the difference between the facilitation effect and the difference between the
interference effect. The facilitation effect was no larger for the aphasic group (M=43ms)
than for the controls (M=19ms), t(15) = 1.91, p= .075. However, the interference effect
was significantly larger for the participants with Wernicke's aphasia (M= 138 ms) than
for the controls (M=34ms), t(15) = 4.35, p< .001.
Error percentage data
The mean error percentages of the Wernicke's aphasic group and the control group, by
condition, are displayed in Figure 2. Most participants made no errors in the compatible
and neutral conditions, and error rate was very low in these conditions; however, for both
Figure 1. Stroop mean reaction times for the Wernicke's aphasic group and the non-brain-injured control
group, by condition.
the aphasic group and the control group in the incompatible condition, the mean per-
centage of errors was significantly greater than zero, t(4) = 2.77, p= .05 and t(11) = 4.30,
p< .01, respectively. The facilitation effect for errors (Wernicke's aphasics M= ±0.05;
controls M= 0.35) was not different between the groups, t(15) = 0.637, p> .50, whereas
the interference effect for the aphasic group (M=3.45) was significantly larger than for
the controls (M=1.5), t(15) = 2.19, p< .05.
Cross-measures comparisons
APearson correlation was performed to examine factors that may help to predict Stroop
interference performance in Wernicke's aphasia, including the clinical-behavioural
measures of auditory comprehension and the demographic factors of age, education, and
time post-onset. Neither the Complex Ideational Material score nor the demographic
factors examined were significantly correlated with Stroop performance, with all at r<
.77, ns. However, a significant negative correlation was found between the Stroop error
percentage interference effect and the Token Test score, r(5) = ±.91, p< .05; that is, the
greater the Stroop interference effect, the lower the Token Test score.
The goal of this study was to investigate inhibition at the lexical-semantic level of
language processing in Wernicke's aphasia utilising the classic Stroop test, which we
adapted to be applicable for an aphasic population. We expected that the participants with
Wernicke's aphasia would show greater difficulty than the non-clinical controls in
Figure 2. Stroop mean error percentages for the Wernicke's aphasic group and the non-brain-injured control
group, by condition.
inhibiting the automatically activated word information, represented by the Arabic
numeral, when attempting to respond to the quantity of items. We also examined whether
there would be a significant association between the extent of inhibitory impairment and
auditory comprehension deficit in Wernicke's aphasia.
Reaction time analyses indicated that the interference effect was significantly larger
for the participants with Wernicke's aphasia than for the controls, without an accom-
panying increase in facilitation. Although the difference between the facilitation effect
for these two groups might be considered as marginally significant, a post-hoc power
analysis indicated that, with a difference of approximately 1 standard deviation between
the mean reaction times of the Wernicke's aphasic group and the control group, we had
nearly 90% power to detect it as significant (Cohen, 1988). Thus, the relatively small
sample size (n= 17) was not an issue, and the facilitation effect was no larger for the
aphasic group than for the controls. Likewise, not only were the error rates low, con-
firming that the reaction time data were not the result of a speed±accuracy trade-off, but
these data, too, revealed significantly greater interference in the aphasic group than in the
control group. Although the participants with Wernicke's aphasia were nearly 200 ms
slower overall than their age-matched controlsÐa situation similar to that found in
studies that compared Stroop performance between younger and older adultsÐthere is no
indication that generalised slowing could account for the results. That is, while the
interference effect for the Wernicke's aphasic group was much larger than for the con-
trols, the facilitation effects were equivalent for the two groups. Based on these findings,
it appears that the individual with Wernicke's aphasia has a selective deficit of inhibitory
One might argue that our findings in this study reflect brain damage more generally,
rather than damage resulting exclusively in Wernicke's aphasia. Recall, however, that
Milberg et al. (1995) demonstrated relatively preserved inhibitory function in their 10
participants with Broca's aphasia. In the future, comparing the performance of indivi-
duals with Broca's aphasia on our version of the Stroop test with our data from Wer-
nicke's participants will be useful to confirm these differences in inhibitory function
between the aphasia types. Furthermore, examination of a group of individuals with
Broca's aphasia with pure frontal lesions will increase our understanding of the inter-
actions between frontal and posterior brain regions in the modulation of attention (e.g.
Mesulam, 1981).
Additionally, the exploratory correlational analyses between inhibitory control deficits
and impairment in auditory comprehension revealed a statistically significant association
between the magnitude of Stroop interference and auditory comprehension as measured
by the Token Test. Although the participants with Wernicke's aphasia were also impaired
on auditory comprehension as measured by the Complex Ideational Material subtest of
the BDAE, there was no correlation with the magnitude of Stroop interference. Of course
it is difficult to support any particular argument for this pattern of results given the low
statistical power. However, one may speculate that this pattern may be due to inhibitory
control at different levels of the cognitive system for two measures of auditory com-
prehension. The large Stroop interference effect in the participants with Wernicke's
aphasia corresponds to deficits at the lexical-semantic level of the language system, and
the Token Test appears to be more heavily weighted towards proper inhibitory control at
that lexical-semantic level (e.g., touch the large white circle and the small green square)
than does Complex Ideational Material. If a participant has difficulty in inhibiting
competing lexical information that has become activated (in the example above, both
white and green, large and small, and circle and square are active), then comprehension
performance will suffer. To perform successfully on Complex Ideational Material, lexical
semantic inhibitory control does not seem as important as the ability to build a coherent
structure for the narratives.
These findings expand on our understanding of resource allocation in aphasia. First,
the relative dissociation between automatic and controlled processing in Wernicke's
aphasia is further reinforced. Not only does automatic processing, regarding both lexical-
semantic activation (e.g., Blumstein, Milberg, & Shrier, 1982) and deactivation (Wiener,
2000), appear to be preserved in Wernicke's aphasia, but our finding of a smaller
facilitation effect than would be predicted based on the overall performance speed of the
Wernicke's participants assures us that the greater interference evidenced was not a result
of more potent automatic activation. Second, the results not only reinforce semantic
impairments in this population when attentional resources are demanded at the level of
controlled processing, but also direct us towards a faulty mechanism. The individual with
Wernicke's aphasia cannot effectively ignore the automatically evoked, distracting
stimulus. This deficit is not due to more potent automatic activation, but rather due to
decreased inhibition. This faulty mechanism may result in a reduction in the ability to
allocate attention, although it is premature to conclude that the inhibition effect is
primary and causal, as the impaired inhibitory mechanism may itself be the result of
inefficient resource allocation. Nonetheless, as the necessary interaction between the
inhibitory mechanism and attention allocation is impaired, reduced effectiveness of
auditory processing may result. Further research is clearly warranted to delineate the role
of inhibitory function in auditory comprehension in aphasia.
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... Other studies, however, suggest a close relationship between language and EF deficits. Wiener et al. (2004) administered a numerical version of the classic Stroop Colour-Word Test to five individuals with Wernicke's aphasia and twelve age-and education-matched non-brain-injured controls. For the numerical version of the Stroop Test, Arabic numerals 1 to 4 were used instead of the colour words. ...
... (Golden & Freshwater, 1978) This test requires participants to suppress the word name and say the colour of the print when given a cue, and thus it is considered a test of selective attention and interference control (MacLeod, 1991;Stuss & Levine, 2002). The Stroop test has been used to examine intentional and reactive inhibition in monolingual PWA (Pompon et al., 2015;Wiener et al., 2004) and verbal cognitive control in bilingual PWA (Green et al., 2010). We used a version of the Stroop test with 176 colour words printed on two sets of stimulus cards, one set printed in black ink, and the other in incongruous coloured ink. ...
This study investigated language and executive functions (EF) in people with transcortical motor aphasia (TMA) and Broca’s aphasia (BA). Participants included 19 patients with TMA, 19 patients with BA, and 25 healthy controls. Verbal Fluency tests, Stroop tests and Trail-Making tests were administered to all participants, and the Boston Diagnostic Aphasia Examination (BDAE) was administered to participants with aphasia. Results showed that (1) both groups of patients with aphasia had poorer performance on Verbal Fluency tests, Stroop tests and Trail-Making tests than healthy controls; (2) participants with BA had superior performance on Stroop tests and Trail-Making tests, but not on Verbal Fluency tests, than participants with TMA, and (2) the performance on Verbal Fluency tests, Stroop tests and Trail-Making was significantly correlated with the performance on BDAE for participants with TMA, but not for participants with BA. These results suggest that EF deficits are present in both patients with TMA and those with BA. They also show that the relationship between EF deficits and language impairments in people with aphasia might depend on the type of aphasia, aspects of language, and the components of EF measured.
... Several studies have attempted to assess which functions, other than language abilities, may influence TT performance [18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25] but the results are somewhat conflicting. The crucial role of verbal and non-verbal memory components in TT performance was first reported by Lesser et al. [18]. ...
... Cognitive control has also been linked to receptive language (10) (24). In these last papers the role of inhibitory control, tested by the Stroop test, was evaluated on auditory comprehension in patients with Wernicke's aphasia. ...
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Background: The Token Test (TT) is widely used to examine comprehension disorders in aphasic patients, but abilities other than language may affect a patient's performance. This study aims to explore the correlation between the TT subtest performances and the performances in extra-linguistic cognitive areas in a cohort of patients from the Intensive Rehabilitation Post-Stroke (RIPS) study with a first, right hemisphere stroke and without aphasia, prospectively enrolled at admission to intensive inpatient post-acute rehabilitation. Methods: The patients were administered the TT (50-item version), the forward and backward digit span (DST), and the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA). Spearman's partial correlations adjusted by age were used to evaluate the association between the number of errors in the TT and the other tests' corrected scores. Results: Of the 37 patients enrolled in this study, 29.7% made 3-11 errors on the TT, 27.0% more than 11 errors, mostly in parts IV and V. The forward and backward digit span scores showed correlations with errors in part V of the TT (r = -0.408, p = 0.013; r = -0.307, p = 0.027). The errors in part IV of the TT presented a correlation with a forward digit span too (r = -0.394, p = 0.017). With respect to MoCA domains, executive functioning, and orientation were related to the TT part V errors (r = -0.468, p = 0.007; r = -0.499, p = 0.003). The orientation also correlated with the TT part III (r = -0.504, p = 0.002). Conclusion: Our findings show that the TT performances in patients with right hemisphere stroke and without aphasia are related to impairments in auditory-verbal span/auditory working memory mostly for TT scores on subpart V as measured by the DST and to executive function and orientation, as measured by the MoCA subtests.
... To date, however, few studies have comprehensively evaluated the nature of EF deficits in PWA. Instead, the majority of prior investigations have examined a limited number of skills using singular measures (e.g., the WCST, Raven's Matrices [Raven, 2003], or modified versions of existing tasks (e.g., the Stroop task [Stroop, 1935;Wiener et al., 2004]) among individuals with a limited variety of aphasia profiles (e.g., Chiou & Kennedy, 2009;Fridriksson et al., 2006). This has resulted in an incomplete understanding of the integrity of EF abilities in aphasia (Baldo et al., 2015;Lee & Pyun, 2014;Pompon et al., 2015). ...
... Education levels can influence design fluency performance, and this may explain why our PWA did not demonstrate more errors than HC (Izaks et al.,2011;Ruff et al.,2009). Additionally, included two individuals with Wernicke's aphasia, an aphasia profile associated with inhibitory control and error detection difficulties (Wiener et al., 2004). Our RFFT findings are also consistent with our VATA-L results indicating generally intact selfawareness among PWA: They tended to be more cautious in monitoring and minimizing their errors, albeit at the expense of compromising their productivity, a pattern commonly observed in individuals with LH damage (Jones-Gotman & Milner, 1977). ...
Background Executive functioning (EF) deficits can commonly co-occur with language impairments in aphasia. Despite recognizing the role of EF in language and aphasia treatment outcomes, the integrity of EF in aphasia remains to be comprehensively studied. Aims The present study aimed to comprehensively examine the integrity of EF skills in individuals with different types and severities of aphasia. Accordingly, we sought to compare the performances of persons with aphasia (PWA) and healthy controls on a broad range of verbal and nonverbal EF skills using an extensive battery of assessments. To fully understand the nature of deficits in the aphasia population, we aimed to evaluate EF performances both quantitatively and qualitatively in addition to examining group- and individual-level differences. Method Persons with aphasia (PWA) and age- and education-matched healthy controls (HC) completed a battery of verbal and nonverbal EF assessments. Between-group comparisons were carried out using quantitative and qualitative EF task scores. Additionally, we conducted individual-level analyses to examine performances within the aphasia group. The influence of aphasia severity and type on EF task performances were also evaluated. Results PWA differed significantly from HC on most EF measures. Individual-level analyses revealed marked variability in performances within the aphasia group indicating that most but not all PWA demonstrated EF deficits. PWA performed significantly more poorly than HC on both verbal and nonverbal measures with greater difficulty on verbal EF tasks. No consistent relationship was found between aphasia variables and EF task performances. Conclusion Our findings indicate that many PWA demonstrate domain-general EF deficits that are not necessarily related to the degree of their language impairments. The present study emphasizes the importance of evaluating EF more routinely in clinical practice to improve rehabilitation success for PWA.
... Foundational attention and executive function impairments observed in WA, including inhibition, selective attention, and attention allocation (Ardila, 2010;Kuzmina & Weekes, 2017;Weiner et al., 2004;Yee et al., 2008), may manifest as deficits in executive functions' higher order processing (i.e., initiation, planning, cognitive flexibility, cognitive control, and self-awareness; Murray, 2012;van der Stelt et al., 2021). It is reported that disruptions to cognitive control are detrimental to semantic access, phonological processing, and auditory-phonological analysis (Ogar et al., 2011;Robson et al., 2012Robson et al., , 2019Thompson et al., 2015) and may affect language comprehension, inhibition of inappropriate responses, or initiation and regulation of conversational exchange (Baldo et al., 2015;Fridrikkson et al., 2006;Seniow, 2012). ...
Purpose In this study, we evaluated the feasibility and efficacy of language plus goal management training program for individuals with aphasia. The intervention targeted expressive language, while concurrently integrating tasks designed to improve executive function and error awareness. Method A single-subject repeated-measures design was utilized to determine whether a combined treatment (Multi-Modal Aphasia Therapy PLUS Goal Management Training [M-MAT Meta]) would be efficacious for individuals with aphasia. This article reports on two participants with severe Wernicke's aphasia, who comprised one of the four dyads of the study. Treatment was administered in a small group setting ( N = 2) for 2 hr per day, 3 days per week for 4 weeks. Individual video feedback sessions were conducted once a week. Analysis of outcomes included visual inspection and calculation of Tau-U effect sizes of probed treatment data as well as statistical analysis of standardized language and executive function assessments. Results Visual inspection indicated improvements in naming and discourse skills, which were maintained at the 1-month follow-up. Both participants' standardized scores indicated a significant decrease in aphasia severity, which was maintained 1 month posttreatment. Error awareness improved for one of the two participants, but this improvement was not maintained. Participants demonstrated increased inhibition of unwanted responses and took longer on the planning and problem-solving time required to complete the assessment, indicating a decrease in impulsivity. Conclusion The results of this preliminary study suggest that M-MAT Meta may be an effective way to increase self-awareness and communication in individuals with severe Wernicke's aphasia.
... In other words, while controls were able to inhibit dominant target meanings, a similar inhibitory effect was not observed in patients with schizophrenia. Wiener et al. (2004) reported an impairment in inhibition at the lexicalsemantic level of language processing in five individuals with Wernicke's aphasia. This impairment correlated with significant reductions in auditory comprehension, revealing that a failure to inhibit automatically evoked, distracting stimuli was integral to the comprehension deficits of these aphasic individuals. ...
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The goal of this chapter is to examine how the study of language disorders in clinical linguistics intersects with context. For children and adults who have language disorders, context can be both a formidable barrier to communication and a powerful resource for the compensation of impaired receptive and expressive language skills. Context influences clinical assessment and intervention of language, from the selection of evaluation tools to the setting of goals for a client's therapy. This chapter will examine the scope of clinical linguistics and how the field intersects with the closely related profession of speech-language pathology. Language disorders are a significant group of communication disorders which also include speech, hearing, voice and fluency disorders. The relationship between language disorders and communication disorders is addressed. Five context-based themes will be used to examine clinical linguistics: the non-normative use of context in children and adults with language disorder; context as a barrier to, and facilitator of, linguistic communication; the role of context in the language disorders clinic; context and the ecological validity of language assessments; and context in the setting of therapy goals and the generalization of language skills. The discussion concludes with some proposals for how context may be further integrated into clinical linguistics and the work of speech-language pathologists.
How does cognitive inhibition influence speaking? The Stroop effect is a classic demonstration of the interference between reading and color naming. We used a novel variant of the Stroop task to measure whether this interference impacts not only the response speed, but also the acoustic properties of speech. Speakers named the color of words in three categories: congruent (e.g., red written in red), color-incongruent (e.g., green written in red), and vowel-incongruent - those with partial phonological overlap with their color (e.g., rid written in red, grain in green, and blow in blue). Our primary aim was to identify any effect of the distractor vowel on the acoustics of the target vowel. Participants were no slower to respond on vowel-incongruent trials, but formant trajectories tended to show a bias away from the distractor vowel, consistent with a phenomenon of acoustic inhibition that increases contrast between confusable alternatives.
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Arabic language had linguistic skills in its application. The Second Ayah (verse) of Surah Yusuf informed that there was a correlation between language skill and the brain. In terms of semantics, the choice of pronunciation and word in Al-Qur’an was based on the reason and the wisdom behind it. This article is necessary for language learning research by using neurology as a new approach in language skills learning. This article aimed to analyze and reveal a correlation and an appropriateness between the language skills in the Arabic language and the process of the human mind as mentioned in Surah Yusuf, the second verse. The data and evidence were obtained from books related to the subject of the research, a dialogical analysis between three scientific disciplines, such as commentary books, Arabic learning and neurology, with the method of content analysis of Al-Quran. The results of this research showed that the appropriateness of language skills in the Arabic language and the process of the human mind based on Surah Yusuf at the second verse were achieved. This result was reached based on three aspects, and it is from the opinions of scholars, interpreters, linguistics, and neurology. On the other hand, it was confirmed through this scientific research that there is no contradiction between the correct transmission and the frank reason. This article confirmed that the learning theory about maharah lughawiyah has the correlation with the workings of the human brain, according to what was stated in Surah Yusuf at the second verse.
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Purpose: Although there are several reports of attention deficits in aphasia, studies are typically limited to a single component within this complex domain. Furthermore, interpretation of results is affected by small sample size, intraindividual variability, task complexity, or nonparametric statistical models of performance comparison. The purpose of this study is to explore multiple subcomponents of attention in persons with aphasia (PWA) and compare findings and implications from various statistical methods-nonparametric, mixed analysis of variance (ANOVA), and linear mixed-effects model (LMEM)-when applied to a small sample size. Method: Eleven PWA and nine age- and education-matched healthy controls (HCs) completed the computer-based Attention Network Test (ANT). ANT examines the effects of four types of warning cues (no, double, central, spatial) and two flanker conditions (congruent, incongruent) to provide an efficient way to assess the three subcomponents of attention (alerting, orienting, and executive control). Individual response time and accuracy data from each participant are considered for data analysis. Results: Nonparametric analyses showed no significant differences between the groups on the three subcomponents of attention. Both mixed ANOVA and LMEM showed statistical significance on alerting effect in HCs, orienting effect in PWA, and executive control effect in both PWA and HCs. However, LMEM analyses additionally highlighted significant differences between the groups (PWA vs. HCs) for executive control effect, which were not evident on either ANOVA or nonparametric tests. Conclusions: By considering the random effect of participant ID, LMEM was able to show deficits in alerting and executive control ability in PWA when compared to HCs. LMEM accounts for the intraindividual variability based on individual response time performances instead of relying on measures of central tendencies.
BACKGROUND Operculoinsular cortectomy is increasingly recognized as a therapeutic avenue for perisylvian refractory epilepsy. However, most neurosurgeons are reluctant to perform this type of procedure because of feared neurological complications, especially in the language-dominant hemisphere, as the insula is involved in speech and language processes. The goal of this retrospective study is to quantify the incidence and types of speech and language deficits associated with operculoinsulectomies in the dominant hemisphere for language, and to identify factors associated with these complications. METHODS. Clinical, imaging, and surgical data of all patients who had an operculoinsulectomy for refractory epilepsy at our center between 1998 and 2018 were reviewed. Language lateralization was determined by functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and/or Wada test. Speech and language assessments were carried out by neurosurgeons, neurologists, neuropsychologists and/or speech language pathologists, before surgery, during the first week after surgery, and at least 6 months after surgery. RESULTS. Amongst 44 operculoinsulectomies, 13 were performed in the language-dominant hemisphere. 46% of these patients presented with transient aphasia post-surgery. However, a few months later, the patients’ performances on language assessments were not statistically different from before surgery, thus suggesting a complete recovery of speech and language functions. CONCLUSION. Temporary aphasias after operculoinsulectomy for refractory epilepsy in the language-dominant hemisphere are frequent, but eventually subside. Potential mechanisms underlying this recovery are discussed.
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Publisher Summary This chapter discusses the theoretical and empirical literature that addresses aging and discourse comprehension. A series of five studies guided by a particular working memory viewpoint regarding the formation of inferences during discourse processing is described in the chapter. Compensatory strategies may be used with different degrees of likelihood across the life span largely as a function of efficiency with which inhibitory mechanisms function because these largely determine the facility with which memory can be searched. The consequences for discourse comprehension in particular may be profound because the establishment of a coherent representation of a message hinges on the timely retrieval of information necessary to establish coreference among certain critical ideas. Discourse comprehension is an ideal domain for assessing limited capacity frameworks because most models of discourse processing assume that multiple components, demanding substantially different levels of cognitive resources, are involved. For example, access to a lexical representation from either a visual array or an auditory message is virtually capacity free.
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This study addressed the question of whether dementia of the Alzheimer type (DAT) produces a breakdown in aspects of the inhibitory component underlying selective attention. Two measures of identity negative priming and 2 measures of distractor interference were obtained. In Experiment 1, participants were presented with overlapping picture stimuli, and in Experiment 2, participants were presented with overlapping written word stimuli. The results of both experiments produced reliable and similar size negative priming in young and old adults, but there was no evidence of negative priming in the individuals with DAT. In contrast, the naming latencies of all 3 groups showed a reliable and similar size distractor interference effect. These results suggest that although the inhibitory component underlying selective attention is impaired in individuals with DAT, the ability to differentiate a target from a distractor may be preserved under certain task conditions. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
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( This reprinted article originally appeared in the Journal of Experimental Psychology, 1935, Vol 18, 643–662. The following abstract of the original article appeared in PA, Vol 10:1863.) In this study pairs of conflicting stimuli, both being inherent aspects of the same symbols, were presented simultaneously (a name of one color printed in the ink of another color—a word stimulus and a color stimulus). The difference in time for reading the words printed in colors and the same words printed in black is the measure of the interference of color stimuli on reading words. The difference in the time for naming the colors in which the words are printed and the same colors printed in squares is the measure of the interference of conflicting word stimuli on naming colors. The interference of conflicting color stimuli on the time for reading 100 words (each word naming a color unlike the ink-color of its print) caused an increase of 2.3 sec or 5.6% over the normal time for reading the same words printed in black. This increase is not reliable, but the interference of conflicting word stimuli on the time for naming 100 colors (each color being the print of a word which names another color) caused an increase of 47.0 sec or 74.3% of the normal time for naming colors printed in squares.… (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
Two auditory lexical decision semantic priming experiments were conducted to examine the extent to which the automaticcontrolled processing dichotomy can characterize lexical access deficits in Broca's and Wernicke's aphasics. In Experiment 1, prime-target predictability was varied while the interval between prime and target (ISI) was held constant. In Experiment 2, ISI was varied while prime-target predictability was held constant. The pattern of semantic facilitation and inhibition results for Experiment 1 showed that Broca's aphasics were influenced by prime-target predictability, whereas Wernicke's aphasics were not. In contrast in hperiment 2, manipulations of ISI at 150 and 2000 msec did not affect patterns of semantic facilitation for either Broca's or Wernicke's aphasics. Taken together, the results of these two experiments suggest that Broca's aphasics use heuristic strategies more so than old and young normal subjects. In addition, they seem to have an automatic processing deficit affecting the level of activation of lexical entries, with a spared time course of activation. Wernicke's aphasics show a pattern of results consistent with the view that automatic processing is unimpaired in these patients, while they fail to use heuristic strategies in these tasks.
Using a standardized serial concept identification task (the shor cognitive elements test) developed from the stroop color-word test, differences in symbol processing speeds were found with advantages to linguistic over pictorial symbols and symbol interference effects over a variety of concept domains. A sample of 30 undergraduates served in each of 15 studies. Domains included colors, numbers, letters, clockface times, spatial relationships, geometric forms, alignments, shapes, sizes, coin values, traffic signals, and physiognomic qualities. (42 ref.) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)