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Why energy efficiency is not sufficient – some remarks on "Green by IT"


Abstract and Figures

Most part of the "Green IT" or "Green ICT" discussion is addressing issues of energy efficiency, implicitly assuming that more energy-efficient technologies will substantially contribute to a reduction of total energy consumption and, as a consequence, of CO 2 emissions. This assumption is usually challenged by historical evidence for the rebound effect. This paper presents a case study on smart vending machines, showing that the ocurrence and size of the re-bound effect can vary greatly depending on several factors. Some suggestions on how to avoid rebound effects when applying "smarter" technologies to save energy are derived.
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Suggested citation: Hilty, Lorenz M.: Why energy efficiency is not sufficient some remarks on “Green by IT”. In: Arndt, H. K.
(ed.): EnviroInfo 2012, 26th International Conference Informatics for Environmental Protection, Shaker Verlag 2012, pp. 13-20
Why energy efficiency is not sufficient some remarks on
“Green by IT”
Lorenz M. Hilty1
Most part of the “Green IT“ or “Green ICT“ discussion is addressing issues of energy efficiency, implicitly assuming
that more energy-efficient technologies will substantially contribute to a reduction of total energy consumption and,
as a consequence, of CO2 emissions. This assumption is usually challenged by historical evidence for the rebound
effect. This paper presents a case study on smart vending machines, showing that the ocurrence and size of the re-
bound effect can vary greatly depending on several factors. Some suggestions on how to avoid rebound effects when
applying “smarter” technologies to save energy are derived.
1. Introduction
Almost five years ago, the term “Green IT” began its career from Gartner’s report “Green IT: a new indus-
try shock wave” (Mingay 2007). Organizations as different as the Global eSustainability Initiative (GeSI
2008), the WWF (2008), and the OECD (2010) published well-received studies on the potential of IT or
ICT2 to reduce CO2 emissions, either by reducing the power consumption of IT itself (“Green in IT”) or by
using IT as an enabling technology for saving energy in other fields (“Green by IT”). A broad and fruitful
discussion about the current and future role of IT in energy, environmental and more general sustain-
ability issues has emerged both in academia and industry.
The goal of this paper is to provide a differentiated view on a recurring and essential theme in this dis-
cussion: the rebound effect. Depending on the assumptions one makes about the size of the rebound effect
in a given application field of IT (e.g., in traffic optimization), the energy efficiency induced by IT will be
either blessing or curse (less traffic or more as a result of the optimization).
I will focus on the direct rebound effect, which can be described as follows: If a unit of output can be
produced using less units of input than before which means to improve the efficiency of the production
process increased demand for the output can result, countering the potential savings on the input factor.
Demand may increase because the price of a unit of output will usually decrease as a consequence of the
efficiency improvement.
“Price” in this context covers more than the monetary price. Many services require the customer to
spend some time on receiving the service or make other non-monetary contributions as well, so that the
total price of a unit of service in fact amounts to more than the money paid for it. For example, if passen-
ger transport is made faster (i.e., the production of the service “transportation” is made more efficient with
regard to time), it is likely that people will use the service more frequently or make longer trips because it
became “cheaper” in terms of time, even if the amount of money to be paid per kilometer remains the
same. We all know from everyday life that faster data transfer makes us download larger files. Another
1 Department of Informatics, University of Zurich, Binzmühlestrasse 14, CH-8050 Zurich, and Empa Materials
Science and Technology, CH-9014 St.Gallen, telephone +41 44 635 6724,,
2 No difference is made between IT (Information Technology) and ICT (Information and Communication Technol-
ogy) throughout this paper.
Suggested citation: Hilty, Lorenz M.: Why energy efficiency is not sufficient some remarks on “Green by IT”. In: Arndt, H. K.
(ed.): EnviroInfo 2012, 26th International Conference Informatics for Environmental Protection, Shaker Verlag 2012, pp. 13-20
example is the increasing amount of electricity modern societies are using for computers, despite the dra-
matic progress in the energy efficiency of computation (Koomey/Berard/Sanchez/Wong 2011). The re-
bound effect materializes in a variety forms in the IT field (Hilty/Köhler/von Scheele/Zah/Ruddy 2006).
The crucial role of the rebound effect in the Green IT discussion results from the fact that the most
common argument in favor of the “green” potential of IT is based on the idea of energy efficiency. Let’s
formulate this argument for the “Green by IT” case, where the potential is much higher than in the “Green
in IT” case: If we use IT as an enabling technology to increase the energy efficiency of processes, which is
possible in almost any domain (industrial production, transport, media, heating, cooling, lighting, elec-
tricity grids), IT will substantially contribute to the necessary transition towards a “green” or low-carbon
economy. Given this perspective, the rebound effect can be used as a knockout argument against any hope
that increasing energy efficiency (by Green IT) could make the world a better place. This paper argues that
both extreme positions are false in their generalized form, because the same technology may either pro-
duce a rebound effect or not, depending on contextual factors.
It is certainly naïve to claim that investments in IT-related energy efficiency will automatically lead to
energy savings. This means to ignore all systemic effects (also known as third-order effects) of IT, to
which the rebound effect belongs. A review of existing studies on macro-level effects of IT showed that
only a few of them had actually taken third-order effects into account (Erdmann/Hilty 2010).
However, the opposite view (the rebound effect as a knockout argument) is no less simplistic, because it
ignores that some conditions may prevent or limit the rebound effect provoked by improved energy effi-
ciency. It also ignores other third-order effects as well (such as structural change), which may work in the
opposite (energy-saving) direction. Socio-technical systems have complex dynamics and their long-term
development depends on many interacting factors. The following case study on smart vending machines
demonstrates this in a manageable context and may provide some inspiration for a differentiated debate.
2. Case study: smart vending machines
The power consumption of vending machines first became an issue in the 1990s. In Japan, the country
with the highest density of vending machines, there were already 5.4 million machines, one for every 23
Japanese, which together accounted for 3.7 % of the electricity consumed in Japan (Coleman 1997). Many
countries started to look into the energy consumption of vending machines and potential improvements.
First studies showed that refrigerated beverage machines (usually providing soft drinks in cans or bottles)
operated on a 7x24 hour basis accounted for the bulk of the energy consumption; they were also found to
offer the highest improvement potential in terms of energy efficiency (Munter 1995, Aebischer/Huser
1998, Deru/Torcellini/Bottom/Ault 2003, Collins/Ellis 2005).
Vending machines were included in the the Japanese Top Runner program in 2002 (UNEP 2011) and in
the Energy Star program of the United States Environmental Protection Agency in 2004 (EPA 2004a). Af-
ter the Japanese beverage vending machines had already improved during the 1990s and reduced their en-
ergy demand by 33% (IEA 2007, 109), the Top Runner program achieved an additional average reduction
of 37% per machine (UNEP 2011, 127). Within 15 years, the energy efficiency of the Japanese machines
had improved by 58%. A typical machine meeting the U.S. Energy Star criteria consumes at least 50%
(1500 kWh/a) less energy than non-qualifying models (EPA 2004b). Both the Japanese and the U.S. pro-
grams are voluntary; nevertheless they have proven to create quite some pressure on the manufacturers to
make progress towards energy efficiency.
The American anthropologist Joseph A. Tainter (2009) reports the following anecdote, showing the re-
bound effect from a business perspective: An entrepreneur proposed a new type of business, namely to
place and service soft drink vending machines in small offices where only a few people work. Everybody
wondered how this business model could ever be profitable. And if it could, why had no one else already
placed vending machines in all these small offices?
Suggested citation: Hilty, Lorenz M.: Why energy efficiency is not sufficient some remarks on “Green by IT”. In: Arndt, H. K.
(ed.): EnviroInfo 2012, 26th International Conference Informatics for Environmental Protection, Shaker Verlag 2012, pp. 13-20
The answer was found in the innovation that was going on at that time: A new type of vending machine
meeting the Energy Star requirements cut the energy cost of operating the machine roughly by half. These
new machines were equipped with intelligent energy management systems and sensors to detect the pres-
ence of people, which allowed them to enter a low-power mode when no potential customers were around
for a longer period. Some smart vending machines also include remote monitoring technologies based on
telemetric systems to significantly reduce labor and fuel costs for servicing the machines.
Given the fact that energy and servicing costs are the main components of the operating cost of a vend-
ing machine, the smart machines could be operated at a profit even in places where only a handful of peo-
ple per day might purchase a drink. Since the number of small offices happens to be much higher than the
number of big offices, this innovation obviously has a huge success potential in terms of the number of
machines being installed. This “success”, however, is the reason why the total power consumption of
smart vending machines will exceed the total consumption of the fewer “dull” vending machines that had
been in use before.
Tainter concludes: “In short, as technological improvements increase the efficiency with which a re-
source is used, total consumption of that resource may increase rather than decrease.” (Tainter, 2009)
Let’s analyse this case in some more detail. Statistics about numbers of enterprises by size class look
roughly the same in all economies (see Figure 1 for EU-27 as an example): There are many small enter-
prises and only a few big ones. Assuming that the places (sites) where people work are distributed over
size in roughly the same way, we can approximate the relation between potential customers and number of
places by a negative exponential function as shown in Figure 2. If this is true, the number of machines
must increase disproportionately if the number of potential customers needed to operate a machine at a
profit decreases. Figure 3 shows how a reduction of the average power consumption per machine from 10
kWh/day to 4 kWh/day would theoretically affect the total power consumption (based on rough estimates
for EU-27), which corresponds to the area of the respective rectangle.
Figure 1
Number of enterprises in millions by size class (EU-27, non-financial business economy, 2005)
Data Source: Schmiemann (2008)
Suggested citation: Hilty, Lorenz M.: Why energy efficiency is not sufficient some remarks on “Green by IT”. In: Arndt, H. K.
(ed.): EnviroInfo 2012, 26th International Conference Informatics for Environmental Protection, Shaker Verlag 2012, pp. 13-20
Figure 2
Number of locations in millions by number of potential customers per day
Source: Own worked example
Figure 3
Energy consumption per vending machine by number of profitable locations for machines in millions. The
example shows that the new generation of vending machines (“smart”, “green” machines) consume 18.5
GWh/day, whereas total consumption of the old generation was only 15.6 GWh/day (EU-27 data)
Source: Own worked example
Suggested citation: Hilty, Lorenz M.: Why energy efficiency is not sufficient some remarks on “Green by IT”. In: Arndt, H. K.
(ed.): EnviroInfo 2012, 26th International Conference Informatics for Environmental Protection, Shaker Verlag 2012, pp. 13-20
However, it is important to note that this argument is based on three implicit assumptions:
1. The increase in energy efficiency does sufficiently reduce the cost for the operator of the vending ma-
chine (even if potentially higher investment costs are included).
2. The number of vending machines operated is not limited by any other constraint than the profitability
of their operation.
3. Someone wants to do this business.
Since we are interested in avoiding rebound effects, we can also read these assumptions as pre-conditions
for the occurrence of a rebound effect and strive for situations in which they do not hold.
To begin with the last condition, we should assume that on a free market, a profit that can be made will
be made by someone sooner or later (unless explicit regulation prevents it). The actors with the highest in-
terest in a growing base of vending machines are their manufacturers. Not surprisingly, they report annual
growth rates of the vending business of about 10% ( 2010), which means that the U.S.
vending market doubles almost every seven years. The annual growth rate of the production of vending
machines in the U.S. is reported to be about 5% (Bool 2006). This number may look small, but is means
that every year more machines are produced than in the preceding year, and all of them will be installed
and start guzzling power. Thus, the installed base of machines may grow faster than production, depend-
ing on the average lifetime of a machine.
Regarding condition one, refrigerated vending machines may indeed constitute a special case. In many
other markets (for example: data centers), energy costs are small compared to other cost components. That
means that we would not expect a rebound effect to occur in reaction to pure energy efficiency improve-
ments there, This is exactly the reason why investments in energy efficiency are hard to motivate in this
sector. So it seems that there are only two types of energy efficiency improvements: those creating a re-
bound effect and those for which the market provides no sufficient incentives. This sounds quite sobering.
However, there is still one condition left.
The second condition is probably the most interesting one. Can the growth of a market be limited by
something else than the condition of profitability (if not by legal force)? The answer is yes. Looking at the
case of Japan, we can surprisingly observe that the installed base of vending machines has remained rela-
tively stable despite high efficiency progress. The number of all vending machines grew from 5.4 million
in the early 1990ies (Coleman 1997) to only 5.5 million in 2003 (IEA 2007). According to the Japan
Vending Machine Manufacturers Association, the number of machines even started to decline slightly in
2009 (JVMA 2010). If we focus on beverage vending machines (49% of all machines and still the most
energy-intensive ones, JVMA 2010), a stabilizing trend can be observed as well, as shown in Figure 4
(vertical bars). The top line shows the total energy consumption of all machines, which is decreasing due
to efficiency improvements (second line from the top).
This means that there was only a very moderate rebound effect in Japan during a period of significant
efficiency improvement. A possible explanation is that the scarcity of another resource limited the growth
of the installed base, namely space. In a densely populated country like Japan, it may be just impossible or
unaffordable to sacrifice more space to install additional machines. It is today possible to operate two or
three machines with the power that has been needed for only one machine in 1990s, but it is not possible
to operate them without claiming additional space. The machines became more energy-efficient, but not
smaller. Therefore, the increase in energy efficiency did not create an impulse of quantiative growth, just
because there was another factor limiting the number of machines.
To generalize this idea: It could be useful to look at the limiting factors in a given system before im-
plementing efficiency improvements. What factor does prevent which quantities from growing? Increasing
the efficiency with which a limiting factor is used may unleash the growth of that quantity, i.e. create a re-
bound effect. This is just a heuristic and much simpler than quantitative methods relying on price elas-
ticities however, it may sometimes be better to be roughly right than precisely wrong.
Suggested citation: Hilty, Lorenz M.: Why energy efficiency is not sufficient some remarks on “Green by IT”. In: Arndt, H. K.
(ed.): EnviroInfo 2012, 26th International Conference Informatics for Environmental Protection, Shaker Verlag 2012, pp. 13-20
Figure 4
Number of soft drink machines in Japan (bars), energy consumed per machine (top line), and total energy
consumed by the machines (second line from the top).
Source: Japanese Soft Drink Association, cited in IEA (2007, 109)
The history of the smart vending machine does not end here. Two developments changed the picture
at least in Japan considerably during recent years: First, a new generation of smart vending machines is
entering the market. Second, the Fukushima event made electric power a limiting factor for the operation
of vending machines, at least temporarily.
The new generation, let’s call it the second generation of smart vending machines, comes with exten-
sive touch screens, cameras for face recognition, mobile payment interfaces and some of them even with
free WiFi Internet access. They recommend products to users depending on their gender and age, and
sometimes even store their individual purchasing histories (Keller 2010). It is reported that the new ma-
chines triple sales (Finnegan 2010). No information has yet been published about the energy consumption
of the second generation of smart vending machines.
After the Fukushima event, vending machines were heavily criticized for their energy hunger when the
rest of the country was trying to save energy, given that their total demand still corresponds to half of a
nuclear power plant. A grass roots campaign was launched to persuade Coca-Cola to switch off their 980 000
machines (Hickman 2011). Tokyo governor Shintaro Ishira even suggested to get rid of all vending ma-
chines (Westlake 2012). The manufacturers reacted by announcing additional efficiency improvements.
3. Conclusions
Our case study on vending machines showed that a variety of conditions decide on the size of the rebound
effect. By generalizing some of the arguments that emerged from this analysis, we can create a list of heu-
ristic rules on how to avoid or minimize rebound effects when implementing energy efficiency measures.
Each rule is followed by a short discussion.
Suggested citation: Hilty, Lorenz M.: Why energy efficiency is not sufficient some remarks on “Green by IT”. In: Arndt, H. K.
(ed.): EnviroInfo 2012, 26th International Conference Informatics for Environmental Protection, Shaker Verlag 2012, pp. 13-20
1. Improve energy efficiency only in processes where energy costs are a minor cost component. This is
against economic rationality, but will for exactly this reason avoid a strong rebound effect. Imple-
menting such a measure requires using other forces than market forces, because the market will not
create enough incentive for the investment. Therefore, unfortunately, there is some risk of suboptimal
allocation (as being discussed, e.g., in the case of the light bulb ban in some countries).
2. If energy efficiency is improved in processes where energy costs are a major cost component, there is a
high risk of rebound effect, i.e. the success in terms of energy efficiency is likely to be annihilated by
the success in terms of quantiative growth. It is exactly this type of energy efficiency improvement
politicians promote with enthusiasm: They may believe to create a “win-win” situation because it looks
as if both, some financial investors (“the economy”) and “the environment” could profit from the de-
velopment. In fact, profits will in this case be highest if the rebound effect is highest and environmental
goals are not met. The rebound effect can be minimized in such situations by one of the following
a. Look for the limiting factor that currently prevents the system under study from growing. If the
limiting factor happens to be something else than energy, the risk of a rebound effect is small. For
example, the limiting factor of personal transportation systems is usually the time people spend in
traffic; increasing the speed of transportation therefore creates a rebound effect. Increasing the en-
ergy efficiency of vehicles, however, will create no or only a small rebound effect. In the vending
machine case study, we found that there must have been a limiting factor other than energy (before
the Fukushima event) in Japan that stabilized the number of machines already during the 1990s.
b. If energy is the limiting factor in the system under study, growth must be prevented by regulation if
the goal is to reduce energy use. This sounds politically incorrect (who would want to prevent eco-
nomic growth?), but it can be a logical consequence of setting reduction targets for energy con-
sumption (or energy-related CO2 emissions): Whenever something does not happen because en-
ergy is scarce, it will happen as soon as the energy efficiency of the process is improved; no over-
all reduction of energy use will occur and the political targets will not be met.
Provided that society would manage to use energy efficiency improvements without creating rebound ef-
fects: There are still other issues to be solved if we are to use the fascinating progress in IT for and not
against sustainable development. In particular, the material flows caused by ever shorter-lived technical
goods, in particular the increasing amout of small electronic devices entering the waste streams (Kräuchi/
Wäger/Eugster/Grossmann/Hilty, 2005; Köhler/Hilty/Bakker 2011), are going to affect the availability of
resources to our future generations (Wäger 2011).
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Suggested citation: Hilty, Lorenz M.: Why energy efficiency is not sufficient some remarks on “Green by IT”. In: Arndt, H. K.
(ed.): EnviroInfo 2012, 26th International Conference Informatics for Environmental Protection, Shaker Verlag 2012, pp. 13-20
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... The broader, and arguably potentially more impactful paradigm, is to use computing to address energy and resource conservation in all the other domains of our societies; a paradigm known as "green by IT" [143]. Digital transformations are assumed to free the economy from the shackles of the physical world and make economic growth fair and ethereal (c.f. ...
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Research shows that the global society as organized today, with our current technological and economic system, is impossible to sustain. We are living in the Anthropocene, an era in which human activities in highly industrialized countries are responsible for overshooting several planetary boundaries, with poorer communities contributing least to the problems but being impacted the most. At the same time, technical and economic gains fail to provide society at large with equal opportunities and improved quality of life. This paper describes approaches taken in computing education to address the issue of sustainability. It presents results of a systematic review of literature on sustainability in computing education. From a set of 572 publications extracted from six large digital libraries plus snowballing, we distilled and analyzed the 90 relevant primary studies. Using an inductive and deductive thematic analysis, we study 1) conceptions of sustainability, computing, and education, 2) implementations of sustainability in computing education, and 3) research on sustainability in computing education. We present a framework capturing learning objectives and outcomes as well as pedagogical methods for sustainability in computing education. These results can be mapped to existing standards and curricula in future work. We find that only a few of the articles engage with the challenges as calling for drastic systemic change, along with radically new understandings of computing and education. We suggest that future research should connect to the substantial body of critical theory such as feminist theory of science and technology. Existing research on sustainability in computing education may be considered as rather immature as the majority of articles are experience reports with limited empirical research.
... Environmental rebound effects have been well categorized in the ICT-related research literature. [8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15] Although there is no general agreed-upon taxonomy for rebound effects, most of the literature distinguishes between direct and indirect rebound effects. Direct rebound effects occur for the same good or service that had originally become more efficient and because the efficiency gains made it cheaper and thus encouraged an increase in demand. ...
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Innovations and efficiencies in digital technology have lately been depicted as paramount in the green transition to enable the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, both in the information and communication technology (ICT) sector and the wider economy. This, however, fails to adequately account for rebound effects that can offset emission savings and, in the worst case, increase emissions. In this perspective, we draw on a transdisciplinary workshop with 19 experts from carbon accounting, digital sustainability research, ethics, sociology, public policy, and sustainable business to expose the challenges of addressing rebound effects in digital innovation processes and associated policy. We utilize a responsible innovation approach to uncover potential ways forward for incorporating rebound effects in these domains, concluding that addressing ICT-related rebound effects ultimately requires a shift from an ICT efficiency-centered perspective to a "systems thinking" model, which aims to understand efficiency as one solution among others that requires constraints on emissions for ICT environmental savings to be realized.
... Undoubtedly, improving the material and energy efficiency of ICT and using electricity from renewable sources can be effective levers to reduce environmental impacts. However, efficiency and consistency strategies alone may not lead to absolute savings [105]-which is why sufficiency strategies are essential. ...
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ICT hold significant potential to increase resource and energy efficiencies and contribute to a circular economy. Yet unresolved is whether the aggregated net effect of ICT overall mitigates or aggravates environmental burdens. While the savings potentials have been explored, drivers that prevent these and possible counter measures have not been researched thoroughly. The concept digital sufficiency constitutes a basis to understand how ICT can become part of the essential environmental transformation. Digital sufficiency consists of four dimensions, each suggesting a set of strategies and policy proposals: (a) hardware sufficiency, which aims for fewer devices needing to be produced and their absolute energy demand being kept to the lowest level possible to perform the desired tasks; (b) software sufficiency, which covers ensuring that data traffic and hardware utilization during application are kept as low as possible; (c) user sufficiency, which strives for users applying digital devices frugally and using ICT in a way that promotes sustainable lifestyles; and (d) economic sufficiency, which aspires to digitalization supporting a transition to an economy characterized not by economic growth as the primary goal but by sufficient production and consumption within planetary boundaries. The policies for hardware and software sufficiency are relatively easily conceivable and executable. Policies for user and economic sufficiency are politically more difficult to implement and relate strongly to policies for environmental transformation in general. This article argues for comprehensive policies for digital sufficiency, which are indispensible if ICT are to play a beneficial role in overall environmental transformation.
... On the other hand, sceptics refer to the negative consequences of an increasing monopolization of international tech companies and the power consumption of the digital infrastructure both of which are discussed as unsustainable (Lange and Santarius, 2018). The latter is already partly observable at present when global infrastructure requires high amounts of power (Hilty, 2012). Digital infrastructures and devices such as blockchain or smartphones not only require large amounts of energy but also of natural resources (digital waste), counteracting the goals of an environmentally sustainable development. ...
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Starting from the framework of the ‘futures of sustainability’ this article asks whether or not digital technologies are discursively framed in such a way that they can offer a solution to socio-ecological problems. The initial observation is that the mediation and interactions of digitalization and sustainability have recently been the subject of political debates. Using the mapping procedure of situational analysis, the discourses around digital technologies as they emerge in the ideal-typical paths of sustainability – modernization, transformation and control – are identified and presented. The results show that similar technologies provoke varying discourses in the three possibility spaces of future sustainability, which can also be attributed to different normative foundations.
Conference Paper
The environmental footprint of Generative AI and other Deep Learning (DL) technologies is increasing. To understand the scale of the problem and to identify solutions for avoiding excessive energy use in DL research at communities such as ISMIR, more knowledge is needed of the current energy cost of the undertaken research. In this paper, we provide a scoping inquiry of how the ISMIR research concerning automatic music generation (AMG) and computing-heavy music analysis currently discloses information related to environmental impact. We present a study based on two corpora that document 1) ISMIR papers published in the years 2017–2023 that introduce an AMG model, and 2) ISMIR papers from the years 2022–2023 that propose music analysis models and include heavy computations with GPUs. Our study demonstrates a lack of transparency in model training documentation. It provides the first estimates of energy consumption related to model training at ISMIR, as a baseline for making more systematic estimates about the energy footprint of the ISMIR conference in relation to other machine learning events. Furthermore, we map the geographical distribution of generative model contributions and discuss the corporate role in the funding and model choices in this body of work.
This chapter provides an overview of past, present and future perspectives on the relationship between ICT and sustainable development in research, with a focus on perspectives adopted within WG 9.9. While early research concentrated on the adverse effects of ICT on the environment, including energy usage, hazardous chemicals in production, and electronic waste, the discourse has evolved to emphasize the potential of ICT to promote sustainable development and offer economic, social, and environmental benefits. WG 9.9 emphasizes that ICT can indeed offer sustainability-related benefits, such as dematerialization and optimization. However, technology, including ICT, is currently not geared towards sustainability, and incremental improvements are not sufficient to promote sustainable futures. Instead, a narrow and individualistic focus risks reinforcing an unsustainable status quo. Researchers interested in ICT and sustainable development should take a more critical stance and promote radical societal transformations towards sustainable futures. Among other things, this includes questioning growth, both in terms of technology and the economy, adhering to planetary boundaries, energy and resource limits, and promoting sustainable practices, rather than imposing behavioral changes.
Research shows that the global society as organized today, with our current technological and economic system, is impossible to sustain. We are living in an era in which human activities in highly industrialized countries are responsible for overshooting several planetary boundaries, with poorer communities contributing the least to the problems but being impacted the most. At the same time, technical and economic gains fail to provide society at large with equal opportunities and improved quality of life. This paper describes approaches taken in computing education to address the issue of sustainability. It presents results of a systematic review of the literature on sustainability in computing education. From a set of 572 publications extracted from six large digital libraries plus snowballing, we distilled and analyzed the 89 relevant primary studies. Using an inductive and deductive thematic analysis, we study (1) conceptions of sustainability, computing, and education, (2) implementations of sustainability in computing education, and (3) research on sustainability in computing education. We present a framework capturing learning objectives and outcomes as well as pedagogical methods for sustainability in computing education. These results can be mapped to existing standards and curricula in future work. We find that only a few of the articles engage with the challenges as calling for drastic systemic change, along with radically new understandings of computing and education. We suggest that future work should connect to the substantial body of critical theory such as feminist theories of science and technology. Existing research on sustainability in computing education may be considered rather immature as the majority of articles are experience reports with limited empirical research.
Conference Paper
Das Resilient Smart Farming Lab (RSFLab) beschäftigt sich mit digitalen Technologien und Anwendungen die einen Beitrag zur Resilienz landwirtschaftlicher Prozesse liefern. Dabei werden Themen wie der Einsatz von Sensoren in der Landwirtschaft fokussiert (z.B. LoRa-Sensortechnologien, NIR-Sensortechnologien) und deren Nutzen für die landwirtschaftliche Praxis sowie der Resilienz landwirtschaftlicher Prozesse. Vorrangig soll Open-Source Software eingesetzt werden.
Energy resilience is an important focus for energy policy and research, since the energy system is increasingly facing challenges such as power shortages, e.g. due to increased renewable energy production, and risks of power outages caused by extreme weathers. Typically, energy resilience in these contexts focuses on infrastructure and securing supply of electricity despite disturbances. This paper contributes a complementary perspective on resilience, which takes households as a starting point for investigating resilience. Building on understandings of resilience from several disciplines, we suggest a definition of household energy resilience that can be used to explore how households can ensure a good life in a future with variable availability of electricity. Furthermore, we draw on current ideas of future domestic energy use in energy affluent contexts (backup energy sources, energy efficiency, flexibility, and energy sufficiency) to create a framework for exploring household energy resilience. We find a potential for diversity within and between the different ideas, that is not always present in mainstream visions of future energy use. With the perspective of household energy resilience, we wish to challenge the perception of electricity demand as non-negotiable and to reveal opportunities for supporting households in becoming more resilient in an uncertain future.
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Information technology (IT) is continuously making astounding progress in technical efficiency. The time, space, material and energy needed to provide a unit of IT service have decreased by three orders of magnitude since the first personal computer (PC) was sold. However, it seems difficult for society to translate IT's efficiency progress into progress in terms of individual, organizational or socio-economic goals. In particular it seems to be difficult for individuals to work more efficiently, for organizations to be more productive and for the socio-economic system to be more sustainable by using increasingly efficient IT. This article provides empirical evidence and potential explanations for this problem. Many counterproductive effects of IT can be explained economically by rebound effects. Beyond that, we conclude that the technological determinism adopted by decision-makers is the main obstacle in translating IT's progress into non-technical goals.
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The electrical efficiency of computation has doubled roughly every year and a half for more than six decades, a pace of change comparable to that for computer performance and electrical efficiency in the microprocessor era. These efficiency improvements enabled the creation of laptops, smart phones, wireless sensors, and other mobile computing devices, with many more such innovations yet to come. The Web Extra appendix outlines the data and methods used in this study.
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RFID technology is one of the forerunners of pervasive computing, and as such is expected to play an important role in many applications of daily life, especially in the form of smart labels. However, market investigations and a material analysis of a smart label shows that the use of smart labels does not considerably affect the recycling or disposal of packaging materials, if precautionary measures are taken, such as eco-design and, where necessary process modifications. Today in industrialized countries end-of-life information and communication technology (ICT) equipment is processed separately from other waste streams, given its material composition and appliance size. The waste management processes studied are municipal solid waste incineration and recycling of glass, paper, cardboard, polyethylene terephthalate (PET) and aluminum.
Quantifying the Effect of Market Failure in the End-Use of Energy Energy Efficiency Policy and Carbon Pricing Frequently Asked Questions, Japan Vending Machine Manufacturers Association
IEA (2007): Quantifying the Effect of Market Failure in the End-Use of Energy, International Energy Agency, Paris IEA (2011): Energy Efficiency Policy and Carbon Pricing, Energy Efficiency Agency, International Energy Agency, Paris JVMA (2010): Frequently Asked Questions, Japan Vending Machine Manufacturers Association, (last accessed 14 July 2012)
Enabling the Low Carbon Economy in the Information Age, A Report by The Climate Group on behalf of the Global eSustainability Initiative (GeSI)
  • Gesi
GeSI, Smart 2020 (2008): Enabling the Low Carbon Economy in the Information Age, A Report by The Climate Group on behalf of the Global eSustainability Initiative (GeSI)
The potential global CO2 reductions from ICT use – Identifying and assessing the opportunities to reduce the first billion tonnes of CO2
WWF (2008): The potential global CO2 reductions from ICT use – Identifying and assessing the opportunities to reduce the first billion tonnes of CO2. WWF Sweden
Smart vending machine: Culture & Society, Interaction Design
  • P Keller
Keller, P. (2010): Smart vending machine: Culture & Society, Interaction Design, 11 August 2010
The rise of the hi-tech vending machine. The Guardian
  • L Hickman
Hickman, L. (2011): The rise of the hi-tech vending machine. The Guardian, 31 March 2001
Foreword The Myth of Resource Efficiency and the Jevons Paradox Decoupling natural resource use and environmental impacts from economic growth, A Report of the Working Group on Decoupling to the International Resource Panel Vending Machines
  • J A Tainter
Tainter, J. A. (2009): Foreword, in: J. M. Polimeni, K. Mayumi, M. Giampietro, B. Alcott (2009): The Myth of Resource Efficiency and the Jevons Paradox. Earthscan, London, pp. ix-xvi UNEP (2011): Decoupling natural resource use and environmental impacts from economic growth, A Report of the Working Group on Decoupling to the International Resource Panel, United Nations Environmental Program (2010): Vending Machines. (last accessed 14 July 2012)