... Because humans have evolved a circadian rhythm that is heavily influenced by light conditions, both natural and artificial (Cajochen et al., 2000;Smolders & de Kort, 2014), it comes as no surprise that lighting has great impacts on human behavior, cognition, and emotion (de Kort & Veitch, 2014). More specifically, ambient lighting has been shown to influence consumer behavior (Areni & Kim, 1994;Summers & Hebert, 2001;Wansink & van Ittersum, 2012), dishonesty and self-interested behavior (Bo-Zhong et al., 2010), communication behavior (Gifford, 1988), physiological arousal and alertness (Badia et al., 1991;Rüger et al., 2006), cognitive task performance (Baron et al., 1992;Boyce et al., 1997;Huiberts et al., 2015), and emotional responses (Grillon et al., 1997(Grillon et al., , 1999Mühlberger et al., 2008;Veenstra & Koole, 2018). These findings suggest ambient lighting is particularly relevant to the human motivational systems and their evolved, automatic influences on cognition, emotion, and behavior. ...