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The Use of Contact Time and the Reactive Strength Index to Optimize Fast Stretch-Shortening Cycle Training



The Use of Contact Time
and the Reactive Strength
Index to Optimize Fast
Stretch-Shortening Cycle
Eamonn P. Flanagan, PhD, CSCS
and Thomas M. Comyns, PhD
Biomechanics Research Unit, College of Science, University of Limerick, Ireland; and
Munster Rugby, c/o Irish Rugby Football Union, Dublin, Ireland
The SSC is a natural type of
muscle function in which mus-
cle is stretched immediately
before being contracted. This eccen-
tric/concentric coupling of muscular
contraction produces a more powerful
contraction than that which would
result from a purely concentric action
alone (14). When the force velocity
curve is measured during a complex
SSC movement involving a number of
joints and muscle groups, such as a
vertical jump, the use of a preceding
eccentric phase shifts the force–velocity
curve to the right. In comparison with
purely concentric movements, the SSC
allows greater forces to be produced
at any given velocity during the con-
centric phase (13).
The SSC is observed in a wide range of
activities. In real-life situations, exercise
seldom involves a pure form of iso-
metric, concentric, or eccentric actions
(15). The SSC appears to be the natural
form of muscle function, and it is
evident in everyday activities, such as
walking and running, as well as in more
challenging actions, including throw-
ing and jumping.
One view has been that the SSC causes
an enhancement during the concentric
phase attributable to the storage and
reutilization of elastic energy (7, 16).
During the eccentric phase, the active
muscles are prestretched and absorb
energy. Part of this energy is tempo-
rarily stored and then reused during
the concentric contraction phase of the
SSC (4). A short transition between the
eccentric and concentric phase is
necessary for this elastic energy to be
used optimally.
Additional mechanisms of action also
have been proposed. It has been
speculated that the prestretch in the
SSC may enhance the concentric
contraction through neural potentia-
tion of the muscle contractile machin-
ery during the eccentric phase,
allowing for a greater number of motor
units to be recruited during the con-
centric contraction (30). Walshe et al.
(32) observed an increase in work
output during the concentric phase of
squatting exercise when that concen-
tric phase was preceded by a prestretch
stretch-shortening cycle; reactive
strength index; plyometrics; jumping;
ground contact time.
VOLUME 30 | NUMBER 5 | OCTOBER 2008 Copyright ÓNational Strength and Conditioning Association
Copyright © . N ational S trength and Conditioning A ssociation. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited
or by an isometric contraction, in
comparison with a purely concentric
squatting exercise. These authors sug-
gest that the performance enhancement
from the preceding stretch or from the
isometric contraction may result from
an attainment of a greater level of
neural excitation before the concentric
movement. This potentiation effect
increases with the speed of the eccen-
tric action and decreases with the
amount of transition time between the
eccentric and concentric phases (2).
Bobbert et al. (4) determined that in
tasks such as maximal effort vertical
jumps, in which eccentric-concentric
coupling is used compared with purely
concentric squat jumps, the perfor-
mance enhancement in the SSC is
likely caused by the eccentric phase,
allowing an increased time to develop
force. The slow eccentric phase allows
muscles to develop a high level of
active state (more attached cross-
bridges) before the start of concentric
motion. As a result, developed force
and joint moments are greater at the
beginning of the concentric phase and
more work is produced through the
first part of the concentric motion com-
pared to concentric only squat jumps.
Earlier work from Bobbert et al. (2)
supports this theory, showing that in
a countermovement jump, peak force is
already closely approached or even
reached at the transition point between
eccentric and concentric motion (before
the concentric phase has even begun).
The SSC causes an increased excitabil-
ity of proprioceptors for an optimal
reaction by the neuromuscular system.
Two proprioceptors are of most rele-
vance in the SSC. The first is the Golgi-
tendon organ (GTO), which is located
in the extrafusal fibers and innervated
by alpha motor neurons (24). The
second is the muscle spindle, which is
located in the intrafusal fibers and
innervated by g-motor neurons (19,24).
GTOs respond to changes in tension
(24) rather than of those in length.
They inhibit agonist muscles and
facilitate antagonist muscles (5). These
inhibitory effects function as
a protective mechanism (19). When
muscle contractile forces reach a point
at which damage to the muscle–
tendon complex may occur, GTOs
increase afferent activity, resulting in
inhibition of the motor neurons in-
nervating the stretched muscles while
simultaneously exciting the motor
neurons of the antagonistic muscles
(5,19,24). However, the inhibitory ac-
tion of GTOs can be minimized. Their
inhibitory action can be counteracted
by the contributions of muscle
Reflex contributions of the muscle
spindle also can contribute to the
enhanced work output observed in
the SSC. The muscle spindle is a facil-
itatory mechanoreceptor, which reacts
to the rapid changes in a muscle’s
length to protect the muscle–tendon
complex. As eccentric stretching ap-
proaches a rate that could potentially
damage the muscle–tendon complex,
the muscle spindle activates and re-
flexively stimulates an opposite contrac-
tion of the agonist. Contributions from
the muscle spindle are one mechanism
that accounts for the performance
enhancement observed in SSC activities
such as depth jumps, which involve very
rapid eccentric phases (3).
The precise mechanisms that underpin
any given SSC activity may be de-
termined by the demands of the SSC
criterion task (10). Schmidtbleicher
(28) has suggested that the SSC can
be classified as either slow or fast. The
fast SSC is characterized by short
contraction times (,0.25 seconds)
and small angular displacements of
the hips, knees, and ankles. A typical
example would be depth jumps. The
slow SSC involves longer contraction
times, larger angular displacements and
is observed in maximal effort vertical
For example, the muscle spindle reflex
is dependent on a fast rate of eccentric
stretching (2) and elastic energy con-
tribution may rely on a short transition
period between eccentric and concen-
tric phases (2). Decay in the magnitude
of potentiation has been observed as
the transition time between eccentric
and concentric contraction increases
(33). These mechanisms then are more
likely to contribute to the fast SSC
which has a faster eccentric velocity
and a shorter transition period than the
slow SSC (2).
Performance enhancement in slow
SSC activities may be primarily due
to the slow eccentric phase allowing an
increased time to develop force (4, 32).
The slower, longer eccentric phases
and the greater transition times be-
tween eccentric–concentric coupling
observed in slow SSC activities cast
doubt as to whether mechanisms such
as the muscle spindle reflex, elastic
energy contributions, and potentiation
could be as active in slow SSC tasks
compared with fast SSC activities (10).
As a result, it has been hypothesized
that the slow and fast SSC may
represent different muscle action pat-
terns that rely on differing biomechan-
ical mechanisms, which can affect
performance in different ways (10).
This hypothesis may have implications
for strength and conditioning practi-
tioners. Different exercises or the
manner in which exercises are per-
formed may elicit different mecha-
nisms of SSC action. Training slow
SSC activity may not by as beneficial
for athletes who primarily rely on the
fast SSC in their chosen sports and vice
versa. To adhere to the principle of
specificity, careful consideration must
be made to select modes of training
which incorporate the appropriate
SSC action for the athlete’s specific
A common modality to enhance
athlete’s SSC capabilities is plyometric
training. ‘‘Plyometric training’’ is a col-
loquial term used to describe quick,
powerful movements using a pre-
stretch, or countermovement, that
involves the SSC (23). Plyometrics
have been commonly used in power
and speed training. Specific plyomet-
rics exercises can be used to train the
slow or fast SSC. Examples of slow
Strength and Conditioning Journal | 33
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SSC plyometrics include vertical jumps
and box jumps. Bounding, repeated
hurdle hops, and depth jumps typically
are regarded as fast SSC movements.
The primary focus of this article is the
optimization of fast SSC plyometrics,
particularly depth jumping. Appropri-
ate plyometric training programs have
been demonstrated in the literature to
increase power output (20), agility (22),
running velocity (17), and even running
economy (26,29).
Recently, the reactive strength index
(RSI) has been used in the practical
strength and conditioning setting as
well as in the exercise science literature
as a means to quantify plyometric or
SSC performance (11,21). The RSI was
developed as one component of the
Strength Qualities Assessment Test,
which originated at the Australian
Institute of Sport (33). Reactive
strength index is derived from the
height jumped in a depth jump, and
the time spent on the ground de-
veloping the forces required for that
jump (21). Using a contact mat during
a depth jump exercise, one calculates
the RSI by dividing the height jumped
by the time in contact with the ground
before take-off (Figure 1) (21).
Young (34) has described the RSI as an
individual’s ability to change quickly
from an eccentric to concentric con-
traction and can be considered as
a measure of ‘‘explosiveness.’’ Explo-
siveness is a coaching term that
describes an athlete’s ability to develop
maximal forces in minimal time (35).
The RSI also has been described as
a simple tool to monitor stress on the
muscle–tendon complex (21). Thus far,
RSI has been used primarily during
plyometric activities such as depth
jumps, which have a distinct, observ-
able ground contact phase. Depth
jumps are one of the most commonly
used and most commonly researched
plyometric exercises (31). In the depth
jump, the athlete drops from a fixed
height and immediately upon landing
performs an explosive vertical jump
(31). Because the RSI is a ratio between
ground contact time and height
jumped, both these variables need to
be considered in conjunction with the
overall RSI score.
The ground contact times in plyomet-
ric exercises are an important variable
for strength and conditioning coaches
to consider. By examining the ground
contact times during the performance
of a plyometric exercise, the attending
coach can assess precisely what type of
SSC (fast or slow) is being used. The
principle of specificity dictates that
the demands of an athlete’s sport, or
the demands of a task in which an
athlete wishes to improve his or her
performance will directly determine
the manner in which the plyometric
exercises should be performed (31).
Athletes whose training goal is simply
to increase maximum jump height,
such as line-out jumpers in rugby union,
can benefit from longer ground contact
times, allowing them to generate max-
imum force and maximum jump height
(31). Athletes wishing to improve their
maximum velocity sprinting speed,
which is primarily dependent on fast
SSC utilization, would require plyomet-
ric training with shorter contact times.
Examining the ground contact times of
his or her athletes during plyometric
training will give the strength and
conditioning coach an excellent indica-
tion of whether the exercise is being
performed in a beneficial manner to
their athletes’ specific sport. Contact
time can be measured in the practical
setting using contact mats or can be
analyzed in the laboratory setting by the
use of force plates.
Schmidtbleicher (28) has set a ground
contact threshold of 0.25 seconds and
shorter as the determinant of the fast
SSC. From working with elite rugby
players, we have observed this thresh-
old to be reflective of the fast SSC.
Indeed, contact times as low as 0.102
seconds have been recorded for jumps
over a series of hurdles. In training, we
use a long contact mat to measure time
on the ground for a depth jump
followed by 3 hurdle jumps where
the hurdle height is 60 cm. Commonly,
we have observed contact times short-
er than 0.150 seconds for such an
If long ground contact phases are
observed, the attending coach must
emphasize to the athlete to be more
explosive and to get off the ground
quicker. If, after such instruction, too
great a ground contact time (.0.25
seconds) in a specific exercise is still
observed, then this suggests that the
intensity of that particular exercise is
too difficult for the athlete and needs to
be adapted or replaced. For example, if
an athlete is unable to exhibit ground
contact times representative of the fast
SSC in a depth jump from 40 cm, the
depth jump height will need to be
reduced. If an athlete cannot produce
short ground contact times when
executing repeated hurdle hops over
60 cm barriers, shorter barriers should
be used.
For coaches who may not have access
to such equipment as ground contact
mats, research has highlighted that
longer ground contact phases are
typified by the athlete being unable
to stay on the balls of the feet and
having their heels hit the ground
during the jumping action (3). If fast
SSC enhancement is the training goal,
coaches should observe that athletes
are minimizing ground contact times,
remaining on the balls of their feet
through their jumps, and using a stiff
lower-limb action with little flexion at
the hips and knees.
In addition to ground contact times,
the height to which athletes jump to
during plyometric exercises is also
Figure 1. Formula for calculating the RSI.
Reactive strength index can
be increased by increasing
jump height, decreasing
ground contact time, or
RSI and the Fast SSC
Copyright © . N ational S trength and Conditioning A ssociation. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited
important. The height achieved in
a vertical jumping action is represen-
tative of the power production capa-
bilities of that athlete (6). Power output
capacity in vertical jumping tasks has
been correlated with performance in
a number of sports (6,9,27). Monitoring
the height jumped during plyometric
training will help the strength coach
ensure athletes are performing with
high effort and maximal power pro-
duction. In the training environment,
jump heights can be simply derived
from contact mat data indicating how
long the athlete has spent airborne in
the jump (flight time). However, many
modern ground contact mats automat-
ically calculate jump height for each
jump performed. The formula for
calculating jump height from flight
time is as follows:
Height ðmÞ¼ðgravity
ðFlight timeÞ2Þ=8;
where gravity ¼9:81 m=s
and flight time is in seconds
Alternatively, ‘‘jump-and-reach’’ equip-
ment could be used. In the research
setting, jump heights have been
commonly calculated using flight
times derived from force plate data
If the strength and conditioning coach
only examines contact times during
plyometric training, athletes may alter
their jumping strategies to reduce
ground contact times but at the
expense of power output. Similarly, if
jump height is the only examined
variable athletes may produce great
power outputs but accrue ground
contact times of long duration and
violate the specificity of training prin-
ciple. From our experience of working
with elite level rugby players, we have
found this to be the case. Conse-
quently, it can be of great benefit to
the athlete and the plyometric training
process for the coach to monitor the
training with a combination of these
two variables. The combination of
these two variables is the reactive
strength index.
Although the monitoring of ground
contact times can provide a quick
reference to indicate plyometric exer-
cise specificity, the primary benefit of
measuring the RSI is its ability to
optimize the height from which plyo-
metric depth jumps can be performed
from both a performance perspective
and an injury risk perspective.
Anecdotally, in strength and condi-
tioning, the process of players perform-
ing 3 depth jumps from increasing
dropping heights (e.g., 15,30,45 cm)
with the RSI calculated for each jump
at each height has been described.
When the RSI is maintained or
improves with an increase in depth-
jump dropping height, and the ground
contact time is indicative of fast SSC
performance, it is assumed that an
individual’s reactive strength capabil-
ities are sufficient at that height of
depth jump. The dropping height at
which the RSI decreases, or ground
contact time goes above the fast SSC
threshold, indicates a height, which
may represent a heightened injury risk
for that individual or provide a sub-
optimal training stimulus.
Figure 2 illustrates 2 example datasets
for both a well-trained and an
untrained individual. In the case of
the well-trained individual, as the
depth jump height increases from 10
to 40 cm, performance as measured
through RSI also increases. The likely
reasons for this increase in perfor-
mance as depth jump height increases
are 2-fold. A higher depth jump height
will allow for a greater level of
preactivation to occur. Preactivation
involves the preparatory excitation of
motor units prior to an activity. A
degree of well-timed preactivation is
necessary for optimal utilization of the
SSC and appears to be a requirement
for the enhancement of muscular
activity during the eccentric phase
and for the timing of muscular action
during ground contacts (18). Preacti-
vation has been observed to increase as
the dropping height used in depth
jumps increases (12). The greater the
dropping height, the higher level of
neural excitation, which may be
achieved before the eccentric-concen-
tric coupling, begins which in turn
improves muscular action through the
ground contact phase.
Second, a greater depth jump height
will result in a higher level of velocity in
the eccentric phase. The greater the
level of eccentric velocity the greater
potentiation effect can be elicited from
Figure 2. A dataset of reactive strength index during an incremental jump test in a
trained and untrained athlete. The untrained individual generally scores
lower at all heights and reaches the critical threshold at which RSI
decreases at a lower dropping height. The drop-height training zone in
which each athlete would be recommended to perform the exercise is
Strength and Conditioning Journal | 35
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mechanisms such as neural potentia-
tion of the muscle contractile machin-
ery and contributions from the muscle
spindle reflex provided the individual
possesses the requisite reactive
strength to transition quickly from
the eccentric to concentric phase.
The peak velocity of the eccentric
contraction during depth jumps de-
pends on the maximum downward
velocity of individual’s centre of mass.
In depth jumps, this is wholly de-
pendent on the height used in the
depth jump (3).
However, we hypothesize that a critical
threshold may be reached at which the
downward velocity becomes too great
and the athlete will lack the requisite
strength to overcome this eccentric
loading and transition effectively to
a powerful concentric phase. It could
be speculated that this reduction in
performance is due to GTOs exerting
their protective, inhibitory effects.
Therefore, as the muscle tension re-
quired to overcome the increased
downward velocity approaches a level
which could potentially damage the
muscle tendon complex, the GTOs
may be activated and might inhibit
contraction. From the same depth
jump height, a well trained individual
may have an increased muscular activity
during the eccentric-concentric cou-
pling when compared with an untrained
individual who has muscular recruit-
ment inhibited during depth jumping.
In this hypothetical well-trained athlete,
the critical threshold occurs at a depth
jump height of 50 cm. At this threshold,
typically, the athlete can no longer
remain on the balls of his or her feet
through the jumping action, the heels
hit the ground as he or she lands, and
a much longer ground contact period is
used in the transition to concentric
movement to absorb the great eccentric
loading. Ground contact times will
increase over 0.25 seconds, jump height
may decrease, and RSI decreases.
From the standpoint of specificity, this
is not optimal. The athlete is now
performing a slow SSC movement
rather than fast SSC and may be
activating and training very different
biomechanical mechanisms. The nota-
ble decrease in RSI indicates that depth
jump performance is not optimal at this
dropping height. The individual is not
expressing an appropriate jump height
relative to his or her ground contact
time. The jumping action is no longer
sufficiently ‘‘explosive.’’
A third point to note here is the effect
too great a dropping height can have on
the risk of injury. Plyometrics are known
to have a potentially increased risk of
injury because of the powerful forces
generated. Bobbert et al. (3) demon-
strated that when too great a height is
used in depth jumps, sharp peak forces
are generated, which can be potentially
dangerous to the athlete. These forces
were observed to be caused as a result of
the athlete’s heels hitting the ground,
producing sharp joint reaction forces at
the hips, knees, and ankles. Such joint
reaction forces can potentially cause
damage to passive structures of the
musculoskeletal system.
The dataset of the untrained individual
is also worth considering. Such an
athlete is likely to score lower in RSI at
all dropping heights and will reach the
critical threshold where RSI decreases
sooner than the well trained athlete.
Therefore, training becomes subopti-
mal, and this individual is exposed to
a potential dangerous training stimulus
at a lower dropping height. The
recommended ranges of dropping
height to be used for each athlete are
shown in Figure 2.
The use of too great a depth jump
height in plyometric training can re-
duce the specificity of the athletes
training, decrease performance, and
be deleterious to athlete safety. This
RSI procedure can assist coaches in
optimizing plyometric training from
a performance and safety perspective.
A team profile of plyometric ability can
be developed allowing athletes of
similar abilities to be grouped together
for training. Such a procedure may also
assist coaches in identifying athletes
whose reactive strength capabilities are
Research has demonstrated that spe-
cific verbal instruction can positively
affect jumping performance. Arampatzis
et al. (1) found that instructing subjects
to ‘‘jump high and a little faster than
your previous jump’’ instead of instruct-
ing them simply to ‘‘jump as high as
possible’’ encouraged subjects to per-
form depth jumps with significantly
shorter ground contact times.
This research demonstrates the role
that knowledge of results can play in
motivating athletes through plyomet-
ric training sessions. Making the ath-
letes aware of their jump heights and
ground contact times or their reactive
strength index may motivate them to
perform their plyometric exercise at
a level closer to maximum effort.
However, it has been suggested that
when constant feedback in the form of
knowledge of results is given on every
single trial, participants can become
overly reliant on the feedback and fail
to process the information required to
improve performance (25). The attend-
ing coach may then be wise to only
provide knowledge of results intermit-
tently and might best be used when the
athlete’s performance is declining and
the individual is in need of motivational
From our experience working with
elite rugby players, we have found that
the quality of the plyometric process is
enhanced by the use of contact mats
for performance feedback. To prevent
against a dependence on regular feed-
back, RSI is not used in every training
session. In addition, we question the
players after the plyometric exercise on
the quality of the jumps asking ‘‘which
was the quickest jump, and why?’’ This
questioning method is useful for mak-
ing the players think about what is
required for successful jump perfor-
mance and creates a more active
learning process.
It is recommended that strength and
conditioning coaches should provide
this augmented feedback in an enthu-
siastic manner indicating a personal
interest in the performance of the
RSI and the Fast SSC
Copyright © . N ational S trength and Conditioning A ssociation. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited
athlete and with encouragement to
make maximum effort (21). Intermit-
tently throughout the plyometric train-
ing session the coach should also
remind the athlete to ‘‘jump high’’
and ‘‘jump fast’’ when performing
depth jumps.
The use of RSI during fast plyometric
exercises, such as repeated tuck jumps,
hurdle jumps, and depth jumps, is an
effective practical application of this
performance measure and can enhance
the quality of plyometric training.
From our experience with elite rugby
players, a 4-stage progression toward
the use of fast SSC exercises and the
RSI has been most effective (Figure 3).
A progressive plyometric program is
especially needed with athletes who
have limited plyometric training expe-
rience. This is done to ensure that
athletes perform fast plyometric exer-
cises with correct technique from
a performance and safety perspective.
Correct fast plyometric exercise tech-
nique involves the following coaching
points being adhered to (a) minimize
ground contact time, (b) maximize
jump height, (c) imagine the ground
is a hot surface, (d) imagine your leg is
a stiff spring that rebounds off the
ground on landing, and (e) pretense
your leg muscles before landing.
The first step of our 4-stage progres-
sion involves an eccentric jump phase.
Here, the focus is on landing
mechanics and the athlete concen-
trates on holding the landing of a low
intensity jump, such as an ankle hop,
with the center of gravity over the base
of support. The player is instructed to
focus on making a ‘‘quiet’’ landing and
is encouraged to exhibit minimal
flexion at the ankle, knee, and hip
joints during landing (imagining freez-
ing on ground contact). These exer-
cises are included to improve the
player’s ability to tolerate the down-
ward velocity of plyometric exercises
and the eccentric load associated with
the fast SSC.
After this step, the next stage focuses
on teaching the athlete to minimize
ground contact times. During any fast
plyometric exercises, the leg should act
like a stiff spring and rebound with
minimum delay off the ground on
contact. This is accomplished with
the institution of low-intensity, fast
plyometric exercises, such as ankle
jumps and skipping, where the focus
is on short ground contact times
(‘‘imagine that the ground is a hot
surface’’). The athlete can be instructed
to keep on the balls of his or her feet at
all times and pretense the lower leg
muscles before landing to assist with
this action.
Progression is continued by having the
player now jump over a series of low
hurdles where the focus is on mini-
mizing ground contact time and clear-
ing the hurdle. Contact time is given
here as the feedback score. Once the
player can clear the low hurdle with
a low ground contact time, then the
height of the hurdle may be increased
to provide an overload effect. In these
examples, the height is controlled by
the hurdle so that the focus is on
teaching the player to perform the
plyometric exercise with minimum
ground contact time.
Once the players have then learned to
perform these fast plyometric exercises
with short ground contact times, depth
jumps can be introduced where the
focus is on both minimizing short
ground contact times and maximizing
height jumped. In this case, the RSI can
be used as the feedback variable to the
athlete or as a coaching tool to optimize
plyometric exercises or to monitor
athletes’ plyometric performance.
Flanagan is a
strength and con-
ditioning coach
in Limerick,
Tom Comyns
is a strength and
coach for the Irish
Rugby Football
Union based with
Munster Rugby.
Figure 3. A 4-step progression for developing fast stretch-shortening cycle (SSC) performance and introducing contact time (CT ) and
reactive strength index (RSI) as feedback tools.
Strength and Conditioning Journal | 37
Copyright © . N ational S trength and Conditioning A ssociation. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited
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RSI and the Fast SSC
Copyright © . N ational S trength and Conditioning A ssociation. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited
... When we consider rebound jump assessment protocols, the drop jump (DJ) is a widely 53 adopted protocol for both athletic performance testing (44,119), injury risk reduction, and 54 post-injury rehabilitation testing (87). There are a range of metrics measured from the DJ test 55 to quantify reactive strength, including jump height, GCT, and leg stiffness (7,93). ...
... Neuromuscular mechanisms also contribute substantially to SSC function ( Figure 2). The 187 muscle spindle and Golgi tendon organ (GTO) are particularly relevant in this context (44,107). 188 ...
... highlighting that training strategies that aim to develop them are likely to have some 233 independence from one another (44,107). Each rebound jump test protocol has unique features and applications; thus, selecting the 237 appropriate test protocol depends on the specific demands of the sport and the assessment 238 objectives. ...
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Rebound jumping is one of the most commonly used movement patterns to assess and monitor fast stretch-shortening cycle (SSC) mechanics, a critical component for rapid movements like sprinting, jumping, and directional changes. This narrative review explores the mechanical and neuromuscular mechanics underlying fast SSC function and critically evaluates the strengths and weaknesses of commonly used testing protocols, including drop jumps and multiple rebound jump tests, along with commonly reported metrics from these tests. By integrating scientific evidence with practical applications, the aim of this review is to guide practitioners in selecting appropriate assessment tools and implementing evidence-based strategies to evaluate fast SSC performance in athletes.
... Strength performance (such as maximum strength, explosive strength, and reactive strength) is one of the most important factors influencing an athlete's sports performance [12,16,23,28,58,62]. Given the scarcity of research on the effects of COVID-19 on the strength performance of athletes, definitive conclusions regarding the decline in athletes' strength postinfection and its subsequent impact on competitive performance have yet to be established. ...
... They then dropped onto the force platform, ensuring both feet made contact simultaneously, and jumped with maximal effort as quickly as possible. A touchdown time of 250 milliseconds or less was considered a valid trial [23]. Throughout the test, participants kept their hands on their hips, fully extended their bodies during the flight phase, and stepped down steadily from the force-measuring platform after landing. ...
... The drop jump height (DJH) and drop jump contact time (DJCT) data were recorded. The drop jump reactive strength index (DJRSI) was obtained by dividing DJH by DJCT [23]. The DJRSI test data of the highest of the three tests was used for this study. ...
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Introduction This study aimed to explore the impact of COVID-19 on strength performance in highly trained athletes. Method A force plate was employed to measure squat jump height (SJH), counter-movement jump height (CMJH), and drop jump reactive strength index (DJRSI) in 27 highly trained athletes before infection, and at one week, two weeks, and four weeks post-recovery. Additionally, an Isometric Mid-thigh Pull (IMTP) test was conducted to record maximum isometric strength (MIS) and the rate of force development of the initial phase (RFD 0–50; RFD 0–100). Repeated measures analysis of variance was utilized to compare variations in these indicators across different time points. Results One week post-recovery, SJH (-7.71%, P = 0.005), CMJH (-9.08%, P < 0.001), DJRSI (-28.88%, P < 0.001), MIS (-18.95%, P < 0.001), RFD 0–50 (-64.98%, P < 0.001), and RFD 0–100 (-53.65%, P < 0.001) were significantly lower than pre-infection levels. Four weeks post-recovery, SJH (-2.08%, P = 0.236), CMJH (-3.28%, P = 0.277), and MIS (-3.32%, P = 0.174) did not differ significantly from pre-infection levels. However, DJRSI (-11.24%, P = 0.013), RFD 0–50 (-31.37%, P = 0.002), and RFD 0–100 (-18.99%, P = 0.001) remained significantly lower than pre-infection levels. Conclusion After COVID-19, highly trained athletes exhibited a significant reduction in maximum strength, explosive strength, reactive strength, and initial phase force generation capability. By four weeks post-recovery, their maximum and explosive strength had returned to near pre-infection levels, yet their reactive strength and initial phase force generation capability remained significantly impaired.
... Cluster set method allows for a more structured manipulation of rest intervals, which may optimize the potentiation effect and enhance the stretch-shortening cycle characteristics crucial for RSI improvement 26 . This strategic distribution of rest intervals within and between sets may help to sustain maximal actions throughout the training session, promoting greater neuromuscular adaptations conducive to RSI enhancement 27 . ...
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Purpose This randomized controlled study aims to compare the effects of cluster training versus traditional plyometric lower limb training on vertical and horizontal jump performance, as well as the reactive strength index, in young female artistic gymnasts. Methods: A total of 54 female artistic gymnasts (15.4 ± 1.2 years) participated voluntarily this study. Participants were assigned to one of three groups: (i) cluster training (PLYct); (ii) traditional training (PLYtr); and (iii) a control group (not exposed to plyometric training). The intervention spanned 8 weeks, with evaluations conducted before and after the intervention period for the following variables: (i) squat jump; (ii) countermovement jump; and (iii) reactive strength index in a drop jump test. Results: Significant interactions time × group were found in SJ (p < 0.001; =0.505), CMJ (p<0.001; =0.241) and RSI (p < 0.001; =0.492). The time × group analysis in post-intervention revealed significantly greater performance in SJ of PLYct (3.0 cm; p < 0.001) and PLYtr (2.5 cm; p=0.001) in comparison to control group. Significantly higher CMJ height were observed for the PLYct group comparing to PLYtr (1.3 cm; p=0.008) and control (2.9 cm; <0.001), while PLYtr was significantly better than control (1.6 cm; p=0.001). PLYct had significantly greater RSI than PLYtr (0.07 RSI; p = 0.014) and control (0.10 RSI; p<0.001), while PLYtr was significantly better than control (0.10 RSI; p = 0.024). Conclusion: Cluster sets were significantly more effective than traditional sets in improving the stretch-shortening cycle as measured by the CMJ and enhancing the reactive strength of gymnasts. It is recommended to incorporate cluster sets while applying plyometric training to maximize performance with favorable adaptations.
... The study focused on specific measures such as t c , t f , and RP due to their well-established relevance and reliability in assessing lower limb biomechanical performance [33][34][35]. By concentrating on these particular metrics, we aimed to ensure that our findings would be grounded in robust and widely accepted performance indicators. ...
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Embodied cognition asserts a symbiotic relationship between cognitive processes and the physical body, raising an intriguing question: could personality traits be intertwined with the biomechanical performance of the lower limb? This study aimed to explore this connection by examining how personality traits, assessed using the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), relate to lower limb rebound power (RP) measured through the five-repetition rebound jump test. Eighty participants completed two sessions: a biomechanical analysis of hopping using an Optojump® system to measure contact time, flight time, and RP, and a personality traits assessment categorizing traits across four MBTI axes: extraversion-introversion (favorite world); sensing-intuition (information processing preference); thinking-feeling (decision making); and judging-perceiving (structure). Participant characteristics did not significantly differ across MBTI axes (p≥0.07), minimizing potential confounding factors. Notably, individuals classified as intuitive showed significantly longer flight times (p = 0.02) and larger RP (p = 0.007) compared to sensing individuals, suggesting a greater reliance on the fast stretch-shortening cycle and showcasing superior use of their lower limb structures as springs. This suggests potential implications for sports performance, with intuition individuals possibly excelling in plyometric sports. However, no significant associations were found between biomechanical performance and the other three MBTI axes (p≥0.12), challenging the initial hypothesis. This research provides initial insights into the nuanced relationship between personality traits and movement patterns, indicating the potential for tailored physical interventions to enhance adherence and optimize responses in training programs.
... The rapid muscle contractions required during gymnastics routines on apparatuses such as the vault, rings, and floor exercise demand explosive lower-and upper-body power (24). These contractions are driven by the stretch-shortening cycle (SSC), marked by a swift transition between the initial eccentric "stretch" and the subsequent concentric "recoil" (25). The modified reactive strength index (RSI mod ), which is calculated from jump height, ground contact time, and body mass, serves as a useful indicator of successful technical execution (24), especially for movements requiring muscle re-contraction after landing. ...
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Introduction The purpose was to examine the prevalence of low energy availability (LEA), explore dietary behaviors in men collegiate gymnasts ( n = 14), and investigate the relationships between energy availability (EA), body composition, and plyometric performance. Methods Body composition was measured using air displacement plethysmography. Lower- and upper-body peak power (PWRpeak) and modified reactive strength index (RSI mod ) were calculated from countermovement jump (CMJ) and plyometric push-up (PP) assessments. Energy expenditure was tracked over 3 days, while daily energy and macronutrient intake were recorded. EA was calculated and used to categorize athletes into LEA and non-LEA groups. Pearson correlation coefficients were used to examine relationships between EA, body composition, and performance metrics. Results 85.7% of athletes ( n = 12) exhibited LEA (20.98 ± 5.2 kcals/kg FFM), with non-LEA athletes ( n = 2) marginally surpassing the <30 kcal/kg of fat-free mass (FFM) threshold (30.58 ± 0.2 kcals/kg FFM). The cohort ( n = 14) consumed insufficient energy (30.5 ± 4.5 kcal/kg/day) and carbohydrates (3.7 ± 1.1 g/kg/day), resulting in LEA (22.36 ± 5.9 kcal/kg/FFM). EA was not correlated with body composition or performance metrics. Discussion A high prevalence of LEA may exist in men gymnasts, largely due to a low relative energy and carbohydrate intake.
... Fast SSC is characterized by brief contraction times (< 200-300 ms) and minimal angular displacements (i.e., depth jump), while slow SSC involves longer contraction times (> 400 ms) and greater angular displacements (i.e., countermovement jump) 4,5 . The engagement of the SSC during both rapid and slow transitions from eccentric to concentric movements appears to be beneficial in improving the lower-body physical performance of athletes and non-athletes [1][2][3][4][5] . Indeed, lowerbody plyometric training is an effective way to improve physical performance (i.e., strength, power and sprinting speed) in the general population and overall health, including enhanced bone mineral density and injury prevention 6 ; however, recent studies have shown that incorporating upper-body plyometric training (UBPT) can also be beneficial for enhancing upper-body physical performance 7,8 . ...
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This study aimed to compare the effects of a 6-week upper body plyometric training (UBPT) on maximal strength and anaerobic power performance of male and female subjects. Forty collegiate physically active male and female subjects participated in the study and were assigned to either UBPT group (M-UBPT, n = 10, F-UBPT, n = 10) or control group (M-CON, n = 10; F-CON, n = 10). The training groups performed 6 weeks of progressive overload UBPT three times per week using six exercises and were evaluated for upper-body anaerobic power and maximal strength, 3-kg medicine ball throw (MBT), push-up endurance, and reaction time at pre- and post-intervention. After the training intervention, the M-CON and F-CON groups did not show significant (p > 0.05) changes in the variables, while both the M-UBPT and F-UBPT groups demonstrated significant (p = 0.001) medium to very large improvements in their performance as follows: maximal strength (effect size [ES] = 0.55, 0.92), MBT (ES = 1.96, 0.89) peak power output (ES = 2.31, 1.52), mean power output (ES = 2.19, 1.11), push-up endurance (ES = 1.26, 0.70), and reaction time (ES = − 2.16, − 1.56), respectively. Nevertheless, the male group experienced more significant improvements in the MBT (p = 0.001), peak (p = 0.001) and mean power output (p = 0.01), as well as reaction time (p = 0.01) compared to the female group when utilizing UBPT. In conclusion, it is imperative to take sex into account as a crucial factor when incorporating UBPT, particularly if the objective is to enhance anaerobic power output, muscular power, and reaction time.
... Numerous studies have confirmed that the Nordic hamstring exercise effectively improves the eccentric hamstring strength of sprinters [18][19][20]. However, during sprinting, particularly at maximum speed, the hamstring muscles must generate significant eccentric force in a short amount of time to decelerate knee extension, resist the powerful concentric contraction of the quadriceps [21], and capitalize on reflex potentiation [22]. This maximizes the utilization of elastic structures within the stretch-shortening cycle (SSC) [23]. ...
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This study aimed to evaluate and compare the effects of inertial flywheel training and accentuated eccentric loading training on the neuromuscular performance of well-trained male college sprinters. Fourteen sprinters were recruited and randomly assigned to either the flywheel training (FWT, n = 7) group or the accentuated eccentric loading training (AELT, n = 7) group. The FWT group completed four sets of 2 + 7 repetitions of flywheel squats, whereas the AELT group performed four sets of seven repetitions of barbell squats (concentric/eccentric: 80%/120% 1RM). Both groups underwent an eight-week squat training program, with two sessions per week. A two-way repeated ANOVA analysis was used to find differences between the two groups and between the two testing times (pre-test vs. post-test). The results indicated significant improvements in all measured variables for the FWT group: 1RM (5.0%, ES = 1.28), CMJ (13.3%, ES = 5.42), SJ (6.0%, ES = 2.94), EUR (6.5%, ES = 4.42), SLJ (2.9%, ES = 1.77), and 30 m sprint (−3.4%, ES = −2.80); and for the AELT group: 1RM (6.3%, ES = 2.53), CMJ (7.4%, ES = 3.44), SJ (6.4%, ES = 2.21), SLJ (2.2%, ES = 1.20), and 30 m sprint (−3.0%, ES = −1.84), with the exception of EUR (0.9%, ES = 0.63, p = 0.134), showing no significant difference. In addition, no significant interaction effects between group and time were observed for 1RM back squat, SJ, SLJ, and 30 m sprint (p > 0.05). Conversely, a significant interaction effect between group and time was observed for both CMJ and EUR (p < 0.001); post hoc analysis revealed that the improvements in CMJ and EUR were significantly greater in the FWT group compared to the AELT group (p < 0.001). These findings indicate that both FWT and AELT are effective at enhancing lower-body strength, power, and speed in well-trained male college sprinters, with FWT being particularly more effective in promoting elastic energy storage and the full utilization of the stretch–shortening cycle.
Purpose : To correlate speed and heat scores with anthropometric variables and lower-limb strength and power in professional surfers. Methods : A total of 19 men participated in simulated competitions on different days. All surfed waves were scored, and each athlete’s best 2 were used for their total heat score. Speed values were extracted by global positioning system and adjusted by Z score. Squat jump, countermovement jump, and drop jump were executed. Anthropometric variables and 1-repetition maximum (1RM) in the half squat were measured. Pearson product–moment correlation was used to analyze the relationships. Results : Height had a significant ( P < .05) inverse association with speed indicators ( r = −.36 to − .68), and body mass index had a moderate association with maximum wave speed of the highest score. Significant correlations with moderate to large magnitudes were found between maximum speed and vertical jumps ( r = .46 to .56), average speed and vertical jumps ( r = .48 to .59), and both maximum and average speed with 1RM ( r = .52–.53). Athletes’ best score and total heat score showed moderate to large associations with vertical jumps and 1RM ( r = .48–.64), whereas second scores were correlated with the reactive strength index of the drop jump ( r = .48) and 1RM ( r = .51). Conclusions : Shorter surfers with lower center of gravity and those with superior lower-limb strength and power achieved greater speed and higher scores. Accordingly, surf coaches may consider prescribing dynamic strength and balance training based on an athlete’s profile to improve performance.
Background The drop jump index evaluates power exertion in the lower limb stretch-shortening cycle. In addition, the ability to exert power during the stretch-shortening cycle can be evaluated in detail by combining the drop jump index with the kinetic variables of the three lower limb joints. The purpose of this study was to determine the kinetic variables of the three lower limb joints during takeoff that affect the drop jump index of a drop jump from different drop heights. Methods In total, 100 male athletes performed drop jumps from three drop heights (0.3, 0.6, and 0.9 m). Drop jump index and kinetic variables (torque, power, and work) of the three lower limb joints were calculated using body coordinates by infrared camera, and ground reaction force data by force plate. Multiple regression analysis was used to examine the parameters by which the kinetic variables of the three lower limb joints affected the drop jump index. Results As a result, ankle joint and knee joint positive power were extracted as parameters affecting drop jump index at 0.3 m. In addition to these parameters, ankle negative power, ankle negative work and hip eccentric torque at 0.6 m, and knee eccentric torque at 0.9 m were extracted as parameters affecting the drop jump index. Conclusions These results suggest that a higher drop height leads to a greater effect of eccentric torque exertion at the knee and hip joints and of positive power at the ankle and knee joints on the acquisition of the drop jump index.
Conference Paper
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Performance in fast and slow stretch shortening cycle (SSC) activity was examined. 13 NCAA Div. I cross country skiers and runners performed a countermovement jump (CMJ) and a drop jump (DJ) on a force platform. These jumping actions were classified as slow and fast SSC activities respectively based on ground contact times. In the slow SSC subjects achieved significantly greater jump heights while in the fast SSC subjects produced greater peak ground reaction force and measured higher on the reactive strength index. A weak correlation was found between slow SSC and fast SSC ability suggesting that training in slow SSC tasks might not accrue benefit in fast SSC ability and vice versa. Consideration to ground contact duration and the principle of specificity should be given when using the CMJ or the DJ as a testing tool or as a training exercise.
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The purpose of the study was to determine if six weeks of plyometric training can improve an athlete's agility. Subjects were divided into two groups, a plyometric training and a control group. The plyometric training group performed in a six week plyometric training program and the control group did not perform any plyometric training techniques. All subjects participated in two agility tests: T-test and Illinois Agility Test, and a force plate test for ground reaction times both pre and post testing. Univariate ANCOVAs were conducted to analyze the change scores (post - pre) in the independent variables by group (training or control) with pre scores as covariates. The Univariate ANCOVA revealed a significant group effect F2,26 = 25.42, p=0.0000 for the T-test agility measure. For the Illinois Agility test, a significant group effect F2,26 = 27.24, p = 0.000 was also found. The plyometric training group had quicker posttest times compared to the control group for the agility tests. A significant group effect F2,26 = 7.81, p = 0.002 was found for the Force Plate test. The plyometric training group reduced time on the ground on the posttest compared to the control group. The results of this study show that plyometric training can be an effective training technique to improve an athlete's agility. Key PointsPlyometric training can enhance agility of athletes.6 weeks of plyometric training is sufficient to see agility results.Ground reaction times are decreased with plyometric training.
Examines some critical definitional and experimental-design problems that underlie the principles of knowledge of results (KR) and learning, the KR literature, and how newer principles of KR lead to notions of how KR works in human motor-learning situations. KR is defined as augmented feedback, where the KR is additional to those sources of feedback that are naturally received when a response is made. Transfer tests, usually under no-KR conditions, are essential for unraveling the temporary effects of KR manipulations from their relatively permanent learning effects. When this is considered, the literature reveals findings that produce reasonable agreement, although there are a number of inconsistencies in studies examining the same variables. When learning vs performance effects of KR are separated, a number of contradictions occur; new principles that emerge include the notion that KR acts as guidance, that it is motivating or energizing, and that it has a role in the formation of associations. It is suggested that KR may guide an S to the proper target behavior, with other processes (e.g., simple repetition) being the critical determinants of learning. (4 p ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2006 APA, all rights reserved).
Knowledge of muscle actions is essential for understanding biomechanics in running. In this study, 17 young runners were investigated at 13 different running speeds. Telemetric surface electromyograms from lower leg muscles were recorded continuously, and they were synchronized with the recordings of 3-dimensional ground reaction forces from a 10-m-long force platform. As expected, the rate of force production and the peak forces increased with increasing running speed. In the lateral forces, there was a short-duration inward force at the beginning of the contact followed by a longer-lasting outward force. The results revealed further the importance of preactivity and eccentric activity of the leg extensor muscles and the role of the hamstring muscles. The preactivity appears to be a preparatory requirement both for the enhancement of electromyographic activity during the braking phase and for timing of muscular action with respect to the ground contact. The increased force production with increased running speed is, furthermore, partly due to high and long-lasting activity of the hip extensor muscles during the contact phase. (C) 1999 National Strength and Conditioning Association
This target article addresses the role of storage and reutilization of elastic energy in stretch-shortening cycles. It is argued that for discrete movements such as the vertical jump, elastic energy does not explain the work enhancement due to the prestretch. This enhancement seems to occur because the prestretch allows muscles to develop a high level of active state and force before starting to shorten. For cyclic movements in which stretch- shortening cycles occur repetitively, some authors have claimed that elastic energy enhances mechanical efficiency. In the current article it is demonstrated that this claim is often based on disputable concepts such as the efficiency of positive work or absolute work, and it is argued that elastic energy cannot affect mechanical efficiency simply because this energy is not related to the conversion of metabolic energy into mechanical energy. A comparison of work and efficiency measures obtained at different levels of organization reveals that there is in fact no decisive evidence to either support or reject the claim that the stretch- shortening cycle enhances muscle efficiency. These explorations lead to the conclusion that the body of knowledge about the mechanisms and energetics of the stretch-shortening cycle is in fact quite lean. A major challenge is to bridge the gap between knowledge obtained at different levels of organization, with the ultimate purpose of understanding how the intrinsic properties of muscles manifest themselves under in-vivo-like conditions and how they are exploited in whole-body activities such as running. To achieve this purpose, a close cooperation is required between muscle physiologists and human movement scientists performing inverse and forward dynamic simulation studies of whole-body exercises.