... Sixteen studies evaluated education and training programmes targeted specifically at family carers. These included six psychoeducational ((de Rotrou et al., 2011), Gallagher-Thompson, Gray, Dupart, Jimenez, & Thompson, 2008), (Gallagher-Thompson et al., 2010), (Buckwalter, Gerdner, & Kohout, 1999;Gerdner, Buckwalter, & Reed, 2002;Garand, Buckwalter, & Lubaroff, 2002), (Hebert et al., 2003) and (Martin-Carrasco et al., 2009)), six psychosocial ( (Burgio, Stevens, Guy, Roth, & Haley, 2003), (Czaja, Loewenstein, Schulz, Nair, & Perdomo, 2013), (Farran et al., 2004;Farran et al., 2007), (Moniz-Cook et al., 2008), (Tremont et al., 2014;Tremont et al., 2013;Tremont, Davis, Bishop, & Fortinsky, 2008) and (Ulstein, Sandvik, Wyller, & Engedal, 2007)) and four other training programmes ( (Gavrilova et al., 2009;Guerra, Ferri, Fonseca, Banerjee, & Prince, 2011), (Hepburn, Tornatore, Center, & Ostwald, 2001;Ostwald, Hepburn, & Caron, 1999), Logsdon et al., 2005) and (Wright, Litaker, Laraia, & DeAndrade, 2001)). ...