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Social anxiety disorder: A review of environmental risk factors

Taylor & Francis
Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment


Social anxiety disorder (SAD) is a debilitating and chronic illness characterized by persistent fear of one or more social or performance situations, with a relatively high lifetime prevalence of 7% to 13% in the general population. Although the last two decades have witnessed enormous growth in the study of biological and dispositional factors underlying SAD, comparatively little attention has been directed towards environmental factors in SAD, even though there has been much ongoing work in the area. In this paper, we provide a recent review and critique of proposed environmental risk factors for SAD, focusing on traditional as well as some understudied and overlooked environmental risk factors: parenting and family environment, adverse life events, cultural and societal factors, and gender roles. We also discuss the need for research design improvements and considerations for future directions.
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Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment 2008:4(1) 123–143 123
Social anxiety disorder: A review of environmental
risk factors
Christina A Brook
Louis A Schmidt
Department of Psychology,
Neuroscience and Behaviour,
McMaster University, Hamilton,
Ontario, Canada
Correspondence: Louis A Schmidt
Department of Psychology, Neuroscience
and Behaviour, McMaster University,
Hamilton, Ontario L8S 4K1, Canada
Tel +1 905 525 9140 Ext 23028
Fax +1 905 529 6225
Abstract: Social anxiety disorder (SAD) is a debilitating and chronic illness characterized
by persistent fear of one or more social or performance situations, with a relatively high life-
time prevalence of 7% to 13% in the general population. Although the last two decades have
witnessed enormous growth in the study of biological and dispositional factors underlying
SAD, comparatively little attention has been directed towards environmental factors in SAD,
even though there has been much ongoing work in the area. In this paper, we provide a recent
review and critique of proposed environmental risk factors for SAD, focusing on traditional
as well as some understudied and overlooked environmental risk factors: parenting and family
environment, adverse life events, cultural and societal factors, and gender roles. We also discuss
the need for research design improvements and considerations for future directions.
De nition
Social anxiety disorder (SAD) is a debilitating and chronic illness characterized by “a
marked and persistent fear of one or more social or performance situations involv-
ing exposure to unfamiliar people or possible scrutiny by others” (Furmark 2002,
p 84; Schneier 2006, p 1030). Publication of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of
Mental Disorders, 4th Edition, text revision (DSM-IV-TR) by the American Psychiatric
Association (APA 2000) includes these defi ning symptoms amongst other criteria.
SAD only became an independent diagnosis with the printing of the DSM-III (APA
1980; Hidalgo et al 2001). Earlier, the DSM-I and -II (APA 1952, 1968) grouped
it with all other phobias, and to this day psychologists still refer to SAD as social
phobia (SP; Furmark 2002; Hudson and Rapee 2000). Within the DSM-III-R (APA
1986) and DSM-IV (APS 1994), SAD was divided into two sub-types called general-
ized and non-generalized (Berman and Schneier 2004; Chavira and Stein 2005). The
generalized form included fear of most social situations whereas the non-generalized,
sometimes also referred to as SP, comprised fear of one or a few identifi able circum-
stances. Clinicians considered generalized SAD to be the more serious sub-type, with
greater severity in symptomology and associated increases in functional impairment.
Usually those individuals diagnosed with this sub-type have additional comorbidity
and an extensive family history of SAD (Berman and Schneier 2004). At the same time
that SAD became part of the DSM-III, so too did another Axis II mental illness called
avoidant personality disorder (APD; Muller et al 2004). In a somewhat perplexing
overlap, researchers working in this area considered APD to be a more severe form of
SAD, especially the generalized sub-type. In an effort to make sense of this confusion,
several researchers proposed a spectrum of social discomfort to account for these dif-
ferent constructs. Shyness with little impairment is located at one end, and the spectrum
extends into the two sub-types of SAD, with increasing symptomology in the center,
and expands into chronic APD at the other end (Muller et al 2004).
Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment 2008:4(1)
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Over the past two decades, research on SAD has
accumulated. Unfortunately, the terminology has not
remained static over time, a problem exacerbated by
accompanying defi nition changes in the DSM between 1980
and 2000. Papers written over the years have included a
variety of similar and related constructs including avoidant
disorder, overanxious disorder, fear, shyness, neuroticism,
worry, social withdrawal, social anxiety, social phobia,
passive anxious, fearful social inhibition, social reticence,
self-consciousness, social isolation, audience sensitivity,
peer neglect, anxiety sensitivity, and behavioral inhibition
(Hudson and Rapee 2000). Another complementary clas-
sifi cation system has arisen along side the DSM based on
empirical evidence that suggests problem behaviors cluster
in two broadband groups known as internalizing and exter-
nalizing disorders (Achenbach and Edelbrock 1978). While
the externalizing behaviors parallel the DSM attention defi cit
hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), conduct disorder (CD) and
oppositional defi ance disorder (ODD), internalizing behav-
iors are analogous to DSM depression and anxiety disorders.
Many times the authors of papers on internalizing problems
make little to no distinction between depression and anxiety.
For the purpose of the present review paper, we preserved
the terminology as written in each article. However, when
summarizing in our own words, we used SAD as the term
of preference based on current trends (Ollendick and Hirsh-
feld-Becker 2002).
Prevalence, epidemiology and comorbidity
The lifetime prevalence of SAD is somewhere between 7%
and 13% in Western countries (Furmark 2002). Adolescents
seem to have higher rates of SAD than younger age groups,
although slightly less than adults. The actual rates are hard to
determine with changing research methodology and diagnos-
tic criteria, such as using the DSM versus the International
Classifi cation of Diseases (ICD-10 1990) or the DSM III-R
versus the DSM-IV (Chavira and Stein 2005). However,
generally children’s rates are consistent with a range between
0.6% and 3.5% that go up as the children mature into adult-
hood (Merikangas 2005). Additionally, there is a higher
incidence of SAD in both girls and adult women, all younger
adults, those less well-educated and those of lower socio-
economic status (SES; Hidalgo et al 2001). The mean age
of onset for SAD occurs between early and late adolescence,
although reports suggest it can begin as early as 7 or 8 years
of age (Chavira and Stein 2005). Moreover, epidemiological
studies have found this disorder to be the most widespread
of all the anxiety disorders, and the third most common
psychiatric disorder after major depression and alcohol abuse
(Hidalgo et al 2001; Schneier 2006).
SAD places individuals, both children and adults, at risk
for chronic distress and impairment and differs from shyness
and performance anxiety by its greater severity and perva-
siveness (Beidel et al 1999; Schneier 2006). Often people
diagnosed with SAD will avoid important activities, includ-
ing school and work, or if they attend, they will not partici-
pate. This withdrawal results in lower achievements in vital
parts of their daily lives that end in decreased occupational,
academic and family function. People with SAD are also
less likely to marry than those who do not have this disorder.
Overall, there is a reduction in quality of life, an increase in
alcohol and drug misuse and a risk of suicide (Baldwin and
Buis 2004). Associated with these issues is a substantial
economic burden, since people with SAD are more likely
to be unemployed, absent from work or have reduced work
productivity. Unfortunately, most cases go untreated given
there is a relative lack of awareness of the symptoms by the
general population (Furmark 2002; Schneier 2006).
Comorbidity is another important issue related to SAD.
Studies suggest that lifetime comorbidities for SAD are
between 69% and 81% (Fehm and Wittchen 2004). Disorders
most frequently and strongly associated with SAD are other
anxiety disorders, mood (depression) and substance abuse
disorders. Some scientists suggest that comorbidity is an
indication that categories of mental illness are too imprecisely
distinguished to be useful for valid diagnosis. However,
research suggests that comorbidity is not necessarily an
artifact of the DSM classifi cation system but rather a true
refl ection of the prevalence of mental illness (Fehm and
Wittchen 2004). Data suggest that persons with comorbid
SAD have considerably worse disabilities and quality of life
than those with SAD alone. As well, psychologists consider
comorbidity a useful tool in the search for the etiology of
this mental illness. One thought is that pre-existing disorders
may promote the development of SAD, or that SAD enhances
the risk of a wide variety of other disorders. Accordingly,
any search for the antecedents of SAD should involve
investigations of comorbidity in the hopes of pursuing useful
information in the understanding of, or treatment regimes
for, SAD (Egger and Angold 2006).
Risk factor model
No single mechanism seems to account for the development
of SAD, making it diffi cult to form a theoretical framework to
understand this mental illness (Hidalgo et al 2001). However,
taking into consideration the complexity of risk factors
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Social anxiety disorder: A review of environmental risk factors
believed to play a role, one particular school of thought links
biological, psychological and environmental factors into a
diathesis-stress paradigm that may represent the etiology
of this anxiety disorder (Schmidt et al 2005). This concept
features an interaction between a predisposition towards a
disorder (diathesis) and environmental disturbances (stress).
The greater the underlying genetic vulnerability toward a
particular disorder, the less stress needed to trigger associ-
ated problem behaviors. In the last fi ve years, a number of
studies have hypothesized such a model for SAD (Hudson
and Rapee 2000; Hidalgo 2001; Ollendick and Hirshfeld-
Becker 2002; Manassis et al 2004; Rapee and Spence 2004;
Chavira 2005; Merikangas 2005; Muris 2006a; van Brakel
et al 2006). Mostly, these models describe four distinct
areas of contribution to the development of SAD, including
genetic and temperament factors, cognitive aspects, parent-
child interactions and adverse environments, together added
to societal and cultural infl uences. Tying these together is a
developmental psychopathology perspective, which empha-
sizes the relation between risk and vulnerability factors
interacting with protective factors in a developing individual
(Muris 2006b).
The purpose of the present paper was to provide a recent
review of risk and vulnerability factors that potentially
evolve from the environment. We attempted to cover the
most current evidence that adds to our understanding of well-
documented environmental risk factors, as well as those that
have been relatively understudied in the past, but which have
been implicated in the etiology of SAD. Primarily, the present
review covers articles published since 2000. The paper is
divided among four major sections with a recent literature
review and limited critique pertaining to each: (1) parenting
and family environment, (2) adverse life events, (3) cultural
and society factors, and (4) gender roles. Although these
sections have been delineated as discreet topics, their bound-
aries are somewhat indistinct. Specifi cally, the infl uence of
the family is pervasive through almost all the sections. This
issue comes as no surprise since it is diffi cult to separate
the child from his environment, which in most instances
involves the family. Although the fi rst section most directly
addresses family infl uences on the development of SAD, the
remaining three sections also make reference to the family
environment, and these references have been identifi ed by
subtitles within each segment.
Although a comprehensive review of all aspects
thought to be involved in the etiology of SAD would be
useful, an examination of such a literature is beyond the
scope of this document. For example, although modeling,
social learning experiences and early learning are part of the
potential environmental risk factor perspective, these issues
were not addressed here. The interested reader is directed to
other recent articles for this information (Muris et al 1996,
2001, 2002; Gerull and Rapee 2002; Bögels et al 2003;
Muris, Bodden, et al 2003; Alden and Taylor 2004; Mineka
and Zinbarg 2006; Rosnay et al 2006; Taylor and Alden
2006; Voci et al 2006; Lawson et al 2007).
Parenting and family environment
The role that parent infl uence has in the development of
anxiety is a complicated issue that has yet to be completely
unraveled. Nonetheless, research has defi nitely opened a
window that has increased our understanding of some factors
that might be important in the development of SAD. Specifi -
cally, parenting traits such as overcontrol, lack of warmth
or rejection, and overprotection are known to be associated
with the etiology of this disorder (Stark et al 1990; Rapee
1997; Caster et al 1999; Hudson and Rapee 2000; Hidalgo
et al 2001; Ollendick and Hirshfeld-Becker 2002; Neal and
Edelmann 2003; Hollenstein et al 2004; Chavira and Stein
2005). Although most of the research has focused on maternal
parenting, fathers are fi nally being included in the research as
possible contributors to child behavior problems, especially
in later childhood (Rapee and Melville 1997; Greco and
Morris 2002). Even the impact of siblings is starting to
attract attention (Lindhout et al 2003). As researchers have
pursued this issue in the last fi ve to ten years, a complicated
picture has evolved illustrating that parenting is just one
possible risk factor in a multitude of other environmental
factors and one that it is not specifi c to SAD. Moreover,
work has not adequately addressed the environmental factors
of cultural and ethnic determinants that might be associated
with parenting behaviors. Currently, researchers are looking
toward different and more comprehensive methodologies and
new constructs and models to expand their present under-
standing of how parenting interacts with other risk factors
to give rise to SAD in particular and anxiety disorders in
Negative rearing practices
Among the various environmental factors believed to be
antecedents of anxiety disorders are those of negative
parental rearing practices. The interpretation of this term
as it relates to anxiety has encompassed many constructs
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over the last 20 years. These include practices of control,
overprotection, rejection, neglect, lack of warmth or affec-
tion, anxious parenting, insensitivity, restrictiveness, social
isolation, criticism, shame tactics, behavioral rigidity and
concern with the opinions of others (Stark et al 1990; Rapee
1997; Caster et al 1999; Hudson and Rapee 2000; Hidalgo
et al 2001; Ollendick and Hirshfeld-Becker 2002; Neal and
Edelmann 2003; Hollenstein et al 2004; Chavira and Stein
2005). A variety of mechanisms may work to promote anxiety
through these constructs. For instance, parental overcontrol
diminishes a child’s ability to explore and learn new skills
independently, thereby possibly promoting anxiety in situ-
ations of perceived fear. While parental rejection fosters an
insecure attachment, potentially leading to psychopathology
in general, including anxiety disorders (Lindhout et al 2006).
Very early research on parenting style or behaviors pointed
to a connection between these perceived parental practices
and the development of anxiety disorders, specifi cally pho-
bic disorders (Arrindell et al 1983; Arrindell et al 1989). To
capture evidence for this association, socially phobic and
agoraphobic adult in- and out-patients completed retrospec-
tive questionnaires on perceived parenting behaviors, which
revealed their parents to be overprotective, rejecting and
lacking in social warmth. This relation was far stronger for
patients diagnosed with SP than agoraphobia. Rapee (1997),
who summarized much of the early literature on the role of
childrearing practices as an antecedent to anxiety disorders,
agreed with their results by detecting a general trend in the
literature, despite some variable data, that rejection and over-
control by parents might be positively associated with later
anxiety disorders. Rapee’s own work confi rmed this fi nd-
ing when he collected retrospective information on rearing
practices from both socially anxious adult participants and
their mothers. His research showed that parental overcontrol
and rejection were signifi cantly related to children’s anxiety
symptoms (Rapee and Melville 1997). Rapee et al also pro-
posed that parental overcontrol might specifi cally play a role
in the onset and maintenance of social anxiety, and parental
rejection correlates more specifi cally with child depression.
To further advance the understanding of this relation, another
group chose to study a population of normal 9–12 year olds
instead of adults with SAD (Muris and Merckelbach 1998;
Grüner et al 1999). Once more, the results showed anxiety
symptoms to be positively associated in general with parental
rejection, overcontrol and anxious rearing, but not lack of
emotional warmth. Thus, early social relationships between
the child and parent are most likely essential to a child’s
appropriate emotional development.
Fathers and paternal in uences
Research into the familial infl uences on child psychopathol-
ogy has primarily focused on the anxious child and mother
(Rapee and Melville 1997). Often the father’s contribution to
parenting is encapsulated in the ‘parent’ response, implying
both father and mother have identical parenting styles. In
the hopes of ameliorating this oversight in the investigation
of ‘parenting’ style or behavior, the association of father
behavior with child social anxiety has been also investigated
(Greco and Morris 2002). Children aged 8–14 completed two
questionnaires: one including items detecting SP, and the
other on perceived parental style. Afterwards, the father and
child collaborated on a challenging task while under observa-
tion. The data suggested fathers were more controlling with
socially anxious children during the collaborative task, but no
more rejecting than fathers of non-socially anxious children.
This pattern did not translate into differences in the children’s
perception of their fathers’ rearing styles. Ratings of fathers
from both the high and low socially anxious groups were not
signifi cantly different. While pointing to the limitations of
their research that might make their results unreliable, the
authors felt including fathers in psychopathology research
was important to future investigations into SAD, especially
since it is probable that mothers and fathers make unique and
individual contributions to the family environment.
Little work has been conducted on the part that siblings play
in the development of SAD. One recent study has examined
the role of sibling relationships in anxiety disorders in general
(Lindhout et al 2003). These researchers were interested in
determining if anxiety-disordered children differed from
non-disordered children in perceived affection or hostility
from a sibling and perceived differential treatment from
their parents. Using semi-structured diagnostic interviews
and child self-report measures, the clinical population of
anxious children perceived themselves being treated dif-
ferently by their parents. Since they did not differ from the
controls in perceived affection or hostility from a sibling,
Lindhout and colleagues hypothesized that siblings probably
did not contribute to the development of anxiety disorders
in children except by an indirect route: the anxious children
probably used their siblings as the standard against which
they compared themselves. This study bears repeating in
that the investigation should have assessed perceptions of
differential parental treatment from a number of points of
view, not just from that of the anxious child. Other informants
could provide a clearer picture of actual versus perceived
Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment 2008:4(1) 127
Social anxiety disorder: A review of environmental risk factors
relationships. Despite this, the sibling impact on anxiety
development is most likely very small and probably only
important in extreme cases of negative sibling interactions.
Many of the studies to date on perceived parental rearing
behaviors and their potential role in the etiology of anxiety
disorders have occurred in Western countries using pre-
dominantly Caucasian participants. One group questioned the
limitations of this research by asking whether standardized
questionnaires for anxiety symptoms translated into reliable
instruments for the detection of anxiety in different cultures
and in ethnicities within a single culture. This group also
wondered whether there might be a cultural difference in
children’s anxiety levels due to a disparity in parental rear-
ing behaviors based on different cultural and ethnic groups
(Muris, Loxton et al 2005). Muris, Loxton et al (2005) inves-
tigated DSM-defi ned anxiety symptoms in white, colored
and black youths from South Africa using the reliable and
validated questionnaires from Western countries called the
Screen for Child Anxiety Related Emotional Disorders
(SCARED) and the EMBU (an acronym for ‘my memories
of my upbringing’ in Swedish). The results obtained showed
several interesting cultural risk factors associated with
anxiety development.
First, the psychometric properties of the SCARED and
EMBU matched up well to those obtained in Western coun-
tries. Second, the colored and black youths displayed higher
levels of anxiety compared to the white youths. Third, the
perceived parental rearing behaviors in all groups were
signifi cantly associated with rejection, overprotection and
anxious rearing, in line with Western fi ndings. However, in
South Africa an additional factor came into play. SES wholly
explained the difference in perceived parental overprotection
between white and colored or black youths, which suggested
overprotective colored or black parents were responding to the
deprivation, violence and poverty of their living conditions. In
response to their data, the authors suggested that their research
directed attention toward implementing early intervention pro-
grams in the communities of colored or black South Africans
with the goal of preventing the development of internalizing
problems. This type of research also broadens our knowledge
of anxiety disorders to encompass the international arena.
Research design improvements
Over the last decade, researchers have attempted to strengthen
the relation between parental rearing and anxiety by improving
experimental design. One change was the use of observational
techniques in the laboratory to monitor parent-child dyads,
in addition to the usual self-report questionnaires. They also
started to incorporate information from more than one source.
In one such study, mothers and their clinically anxious children
were observed and coded for their interaction on two fronts,
general negativity (rejection) and involvement (overcontrol)
behaviors, during two diffi cult cognitive tasks (Hudson and
Rapee 2001). The children fi lled out questionnaires to detect
chronic anxiety, and the mothers completed questionnaires
about their child’s behavior and their own depressive and
anxious symptomology. The data came back with strong indi-
cations that mothers of anxious children were more involved,
intrusive, and more negative than mothers of non-anxious
children. A subsequent paper reported on the parenting style
used with siblings of these clinically anxious children, with the
purpose of differentiating between a general style of parenting
and a specifi c response to an anxious child’s needs (Hudson
and Rapee 2002). Results revealed that mothers and fathers
were equally overinvolved and intrusive during the execution
of a complicated puzzle task with their anxious child and the
sibling of that child, suggesting that this parenting trait might
not be specifi c to anxiety development.
Another change in research design was to look more
closely at specifi c parental rearing constructs associated with
anxiety. One inquiry, for example, focused on the construct of
control (Aunola and Nurmi 2005). The investigators followed
children for a two-year period to assess their internalizing (and
externalizing) behaviors as they related to parenting style.
Information was collected through questionnaires, one asking
children about their problem behavior and another question-
ing parents about their parenting styles of affection (warmth),
behavioral (limit setting on actions) and psychological (guilt
inducing or love withdrawal) control. The results showed that
high levels of maternal psychological control and high
affection predicted increases in the levels of internalizing
problems, in this case depression only. These results were
unexpected because internalizing problems are normally asso-
ciated with lack of warmth. Among a variety of speculations,
the authors believed part of the inconsistency in results was
due to the notion that a single parenting style was not respon-
sible for problem behavior, but rather a combination of ‘sub’
styles was infl uencing the child’s development. The authors
suggested that future studies would help clarify the under-
standing of parenting styles and internalizing disorders.
Research directions
Traditionally, research has correlated parenting practices
with anxiety in three domains, acceptance or rejection,
Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment 2008:4(1)
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control or overprotection, and modeling of anxious behaviors.
However, in an assessment of empirical evidence on this sub-
ject, a research group suggested that many studies had mixed
results and limited evidence (Wood et al 2003). Wood et al
reasoned that traditional evidence lay in correlations of single
main effects (such as overcontrol) with anxiety, where one
main effect did not account for most of the variability in anxi-
ety symptoms. To fi ll in this gap, they encouraged scientists
to adopt a new contemporary model that refl ected what they
conceived as a complex, multi-determined process where
parenting potentially played multiple roles. This process
embraced the concepts of multifi nality, where a single factor
leads to multiple outcomes, or equifi nality, where multiple
factors interact to reach a common outcome (Ollendick and
Hirshfeld-Becker 2002).
Experimental directions have also been altered in recent
years by redefi ning parental rearing constructs within the
dynamics of family interactions. In contrast to the traditional
research of correlating an identifi ed risk factor with the
development of anxiety disorders. Parental overcontrol is
one such construct that has been reformed; research has
explored the issue of the mediating and moderating role of
the perceived locus of control in family functioning and its
correlation with anxiety symptoms (Ballash et al 2006). The
mediating role is one of an intervening agent that indirectly
causes problem behavior, while the moderating role is one
that reduces or prevents extreme behaviors. In this study,
researchers asked university students to fi ll out question-
naires on several dimensions of family functioning (general
functioning, affective involvement, behavioral control and
communication); their perceived control over anxiety symp-
toms, emotional responses and external problems; and the
severity of their anxiety symptoms. Ballash and colleagues
(2006) found support for a model where perceived control
acts as a mediator, but not a moderator, between family
functioning and anxiety symptoms in young adults. Although
the sequential relation between locus of control, family
functioning, and anxiety symptoms is still unclear, there
is reason to believe that further investigation of perceived
control within the complex family setting may shed light on
one of the many mechanisms involved in development of
anxiety disorders, including SAD.
The research community has successfully correlated par-
enting as one small, but integral part of the mechanism in
developing SAD and other anxiety disorders. In particular,
parenting attributes such as overcontrol that result in less
child autonomy, and to a lesser extent lack of warmth or
rejection resulting in insecure attachment, are the identifi ed
traits. Researchers are also beginning to realize that parenting
is not the exclusive domain of mothers and are now including
fathers or partners in their studies. In addition, the literature
is expanding rapidly to acknowledge that parenting factors
alone cannot account specifically for this disorder and
others. The research community is beginning to recognize
that a complex and multifarious route involving many envi-
ronmental factors, including parenting traits, is probably the
root cause of why some people develop SAD.
Parental psychopathology
Evidence suggests that one reason for the variance in the
prevalence of SAD is due to shared environmental risk
factors such as parenting and parental psychopathology
(Ollendick and Hirshfeld-Becker 2002; Rapee and Spence
2004). Although the role of parenting has emerged as a small
but signifi cant risk factor, less research has focused on parent
psychopathology. This lack of attention may be due, in part,
to the diffi culty in separating out genetic contributions from
environmental impact. Despite this, there is some evidence
that parents with specifi c disorders contribute signifi cantly
to an increased rate of many childhood and adolescence
disorders, potentially even within a particular developmen-
tal pathway (Stanger et al 1999; Henin et al 2005; Burstein
et al 2006). Some studies consider the role played by each
parent to be unique and related to child age effects and spe-
cifi c parent mental health problems (Connel and Goodman
2002). Notwithstanding some contradictory evidence, there
is also extant research to suggest that well-known parenting
behaviors, such as overcontrol, mediate the relation between
parent psychopathology and child problem behavior (Whaley
et al 1999; Lieb et al 2000; Bögels et al 2001; Spence et al
2002; Lindhout et al 2006). Further research also speculates
on the potential directionality of this relation, where the
child’s temperament dictates the style of parenting and not
the parent psychopathology (Moore et al 2004). The few
studies investigating SAD have uncovered signifi cant cor-
relations between mother and child psychopathology (Bruch
1989; Lieb et al 2000; Bögels et al 2001). Although some
schools of thought suggest that certain parenting styles like
overcontrol are part of the process, others hypothesize that
alternative family rearing aspects such as a chaotic environ-
ment may be more important. Despite some uncertainty
about the mechanism of transfer, SAD parents seem to have
signifi cantly more SAD children than is explained by any
genetic contribution.
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Social anxiety disorder: A review of environmental risk factors
Psychopathology in general
Children whose parents have a history of psychopathology
have higher rates of internalizing (and externalizing) problems
than those whose parents do not have this history (Connell
and Goodman 2002). Consequently, researchers consider
parents with psychopathology to be a potential risk factor
for the development of behavioral problems in children.
Although genetic factors of many individual psychopa-
thologies show relatively constant rates of transmission from
parent to child through family and twin studies (30%–35%
for anxiety disorders; McClure et al 2001), they do not com-
pletely account for the varying rates in behavior problems.
Researchers believe that there are other psychosocial factors
at play in these circumstances. For example, parents suffer-
ing from mental illness may engage in a different parenting
style because of their psychopathology. Some evidence for
this notion was found in a study comparing three groups of
children aged 2 through 18: children referred to mental health
services, children not referred, and children with cocaine and
opiate dependent parents (Stanger et al 1999). Using the age
appropriate Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) questionnaires
completed by an adult fulfi lling the parent role and, control-
ling for age, gender, informant, ethnicity and SES, children
referred to mental health services had the highest scores for
internalizing (and externalizing) problems. Children raised
by drug abusers had signifi cantly more psychopathology
than the control group of non-referred children. Stanger
et al (1999) concluded that children raised by a parent with
psychopathology appeared to have greater overall risk for
behavior problems than the non-clinical population. Further
evidence of parent psychopathology increasing the risk of
problem behavior in offspring came from another research
laboratory studying parents with bipolar disorder (Henin
et al 2005). Using the DSM-IV age-based clinical interview
to obtain diagnostic information, they assessed children
aged 4–18 for behavioral problems. Children of parents
with bipolar disorder had elevated rates of psychopathology,
including internalizing (and externalizing) problems, and
signifi cantly more impaired global assessment functioning
(GAF) scores. As well, the researchers noticed a develop-
mental course of psychopathology starting with the onset of
ADHD, ODD, anxiety disorders and depression in early to
middle childhood, followed by bipolar disorder, obsessive
compulsive disorder (OCD), panic disorder, agoraphobia
and substance abuse disorder in adolescence. These fi ndings
provided support for the hypothesis that children of parents
with psychopathology, are at a signifi cantly increased risk of
developing a wide range of severe psychiatric disorders.
In one other study exploring the non-genetic link between
parent and child psychopathology, experimenters looked at
the risk of internalizing problems in children of substance-
abusing parents, paying particular attention to their parenting
role (Burstein et al 2006). Using standardized self-report
questionnaires, parents answered queries about their own
anxiety and depression symptoms, their parenting behaviors,
and their child’s behavior. Results were as follows: mothers
reported higher levels of internalizing problems than did
fathers; negative parenting did mediate the relation between
a parent’s internalizing problems and a child’s affective
problems but not anxiety problems; high parent involvement
did not have an infl uence on this relation; negative parenting
did not mediate the relation between a parent’s external-
izing problems and a child’s internalizing problems; and
nally, high parent involvement did moderate the relation
between parent externalizing problems and child internal-
izing problems. The results of the study provided evidence
for a complex interaction between parent psychopathology,
negative parenting, high parent involvement, and child
problem behavior. This pattern in turn supported a vulner-
ability model for the development of psychopathology that
considers the differential impact of environmental factors on
the development of a particular anxiety disorder. If further
research could tease apart these differential impacts and their
complex interactions, clinicians might be able to identify
vulnerable populations and implement prevention and treat-
ment programs targeted to their express needs.
Father psychopathology
Research in the last several decades has focused primarily
on the maternal infl uence in the development of child prob-
lem behavior. Although there is evidence to document the
father’s impact on normal child behavior, researchers have
either disagreed on their contribution to psychopathology or
neglected it (Connel and Goodman 2002). To ameliorate this
omission, a meta-analysis assessed the association between
mother and father psychopathology and the presence of inter-
nalizing (and externalizing) disorders in children (Connel
and Goodman 2002). Examination of the assembled data
showed that internalizing problems in children were associ-
ated with psychopathology in the mother, while externaliz-
ing problems linked with psychopathology in both parents.
The analysis also alluded to a potential age effect where
psychopathology in fathers became more salient later in the
children’s development. Moreover, specifi c parent mental
health problems were predictors of risk for the child namely
internalizing problems in children closely related to maternal
Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment 2008:4(1)
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versus paternal depression. The researchers postulated that
these gender differences might refl ect the differences in
prevalence rates for mental health disorders; clinicians diag-
nose women more frequently with depression and anxiety,
and men with alcoholism and antisocial personality disorder
(ASPD). Since exposure to different psychopathologies is
likely to be unequal for each child in the family environ-
ment, risk may be associated with these gender specifi c
prevalence rates. Overall, Connel and Goodman offered
convincing evidence that the risk for psychopathology in
children is associated with both the mother and father. If
their analysis is extended to SAD and other anxiety disorders,
future research on potential environmental risk factors would
be more persuasive if it included the father’s contribution,
especially during later child development, or perhaps, in
early development with the father as the primary caregiver.
It would not be surprising to fi nd that fathers make a minor,
but nonetheless important, contribution to the array of risk
factors implicated in the development of SAD.
Parent anxiety disorders
In the last ten years, research on anxiety disorders has
started to compile evidence to suggest an association between
anxiety-disordered parents, their parenting style and child
anxiety problems. Lately, one group of researchers has
speculated that if parenting styles were part of the mechanism
for transmission of anxiety disorders, then overcontrolling
and less warm parenting styles would be more prevalent
amongst anxiety-disordered parents (Lindhout et al 2006).
Through psychiatric assessment and a self-report childrearing
questionnaire, Lindhout et al (2006) found anxiety-disordered
mothers and fathers to be signifi cantly less nurturing (less
warm) and more restrictive (overcontrolling) in their rearing
style than non-disordered parents. Child-report results con-
curred that anxiety-disordered parents were overcontrolling.
Although there was no comparison group of parents with
psychopathology to assess whether these parenting traits were
specifi c to anxiety-disordered parents, the study did suggest
a potential mechanism for transgenerational transmission of
anxiety disorders. Other groups have taken this association a
step further by exploring the role of parenting in the relation
between parent and child anxiety disorders (Whaley et al
1999; Lieb et al 2000; Bögels et al 2001; Spence et al 2002).
Based on a multiple informant approach, which improved
the reliability of reported rearing behaviors, mothers’ anxiety
was tied more closely to their children’s anxiety than that of
the fathers’ anxiety (Bögels and van Melick 2004). In addi-
tion, the data strongly linked the parental rearing practice of
overprotection with child and parent anxiety levels. Bögels
and van Melick correlated paternal overprotection with child
anxiety, and maternal overprotection with mother anxiety.
McClure et al (2001) reported contradictory results. They did
not fi nd evidence to support parenting behavior as a mediator
in the relation between maternal and child anxiety disorders.
Despite this disagreement, they did fi nd that maternal, but not
paternal, anxiety disorders signifi cantly predicted the pres-
ence of anxiety disorders in children. However, correlational
analysis showed maternal anxiety disorders did not predict
levels of psychological control in parenting behaviors. On
closer inspection, the contradictory results likely arose from
their use of a single informant, the child, to report on par-
enting behavior. The study by Bögels et al (2004) had three
informants on rearing dimensions: the mother, father and
child. This multiple informant approach appeared statisti-
cally more reliable, giving added weight to their suggestion
of the potential mediating role that parenting factors play in
the transmission of anxiety from parent to child.
Another group altered their direction of inquiry to exam-
ine the interactive behaviors between mother and child to see
if they were associated with either the mother’s or the child’s
anxiety, or a combination of both their anxieties (Moore et al
2004). In this experiment, results from clinical interviews
and observations of mother-child dyad interactions indicated
anxious and non-anxious mothers of anxious children were
less warm, more controlling, and more likely to catastrophize.
The authors speculated on the directionality of the mother-
child interaction given these results: parent anxiety might not
be driving an overprotective parenting style that then fosters
child anxiety, but rather an anxious temperament in a child
might be shaping a parent’s behavior to be protective.
Parent social phobia
Literature exploring the connection between parent mental
illness and child SAD is scarce, although there is some
evidence that adult social phobics recall their parents iso-
lating them from outside social experiences, stressing the
importance of others’ opinions, and limiting family social-
izing both in and out of the home (Bruch 1989). Whether
this parent behavior translates as parent psychopathology,
specifi cally SAD, is uncertain. Two recent studies have
tried to address this question. One study assessed the rela-
tion between SP, parental psychopathology, parenting style
(rejection, emotional warmth and overprotection), and family
function (problem solving, communication, roles, behav-
ioral control, affective responsiveness and involvement) in
a community population of adolescents (Lieb et al 2000).
Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment 2008:4(1) 131
Social anxiety disorder: A review of environmental risk factors
Researchers gathered most of the information from youths
through structured interviews for diagnostic assessment and
through questionnaires for parenting style and family func-
tioning. They diagnosed parents through independent inter-
views. Data supported a strong association between parental
psychopathology, particularly SP and depression, and SP in
offspring. Parenting style, but not family function, was also
associated with the development of SP in the adolescents.
These results also supported a multiple familial risk factor
model in the development of SP, where parental SP might be
one small but important component. Another study published
results on a similar investigation into the relation between
SP, parental rearing practices, and parent psychopathology
(Bögels et al 2001). In comparison to the fi rst study, this
research found little support for a link between parenting
behaviors of rejection (less warmth) and social fears in
children. Although mother-overcontrol as perceived by the
child predicted child SAD, the SAD child did not differ from
the control group in amount of exposure to overcontrolled
parenting. Poor family sociability as judged by the child and
mother, however, signifi cantly predicted SAD in the child.
Furthermore, data revealed maternal SAD strongly predicted
child SAD. However, most of the traditional rearing behav-
iors associated with child psychopathology were not relevant
to the development of SAD in this case study. The authors
concluded that it was only the child’s perception that they
had interpreted, and perhaps other untapped family rearing
practices could be involved in the etiology of SAD, such
as underprotection or a chaotic family environment. Taken
together, these two studies proposed parent psychopathol-
ogy as a partial risk factor for the development of SAD, but
they left the mechanism of transfer ambiguous. In fact, it
may well prove diffi cult for research to delineate a propor-
tion of environmental risk to parent psychopathology, as it
is inextricably interwoven with parenting and other shared
and interacting environmental factors.
There seems to be little doubt that parents with psychopa-
thology infl uence their children’s emotional and mental
development in a manner different from those parents who
have no mental health issues. What appear to be uncertain,
however, are both the relative signifi cance of this potential
risk factor and the mechanism of transmission. Our under-
standing remains limited, but research has established sev-
eral connections. Anxious parents are more likely to have
anxious children, and mediation of this relation could be
through specifi c parenting behaviors like overcontrol. The
psychopathology of fathers and mothers likely contributes
uniquely to their child’s psychopathology since a difference
exists in the prevalence of disorders between the genders. In
addition, a father’s infl uence usually begins in late childhood
and early adolescence. Finally, investigations of SAD show
SAD parents have signifi cantly more SAD children than can
be attributed to genetics alone. Accordingly, any thought
of improving the future of a child with SAD must include
interventions at the parental level where parents receive both
the support they may need for their own problems and advice
regarding healthy child emotional development.
One family factor that likely contributes to the develop-
ment of anxiety disorders is attachment. This concept
refers to the type of enduring relationship that is established
between children and their primary caregiver in the fi rst
year of life, as measured through a well-known laboratory
assessment called the Strange Situation (Ainsworth et al
1978). Originally, attachment theorists identifi ed three
types of relationships through this laboratory procedure:
the secure, insecure-resistant (ambivalent), and insecure-
avoidant. Later on, a fourth was recognized and called the
insecure-disorganized. Within the context of the family
environment, researchers consider attachment signifi cant
to the pathogenesis of childhood anxiety disorders; they
suggest that insecure relationships, as opposed to secure,
predict the development of anxiety disorders (Bögels and
Brechman-Toussaint 2006; Dadds and Roth 2001, cited in
Muris 2006b). Although longitudinal research has inferred
that insecurely attached children more regularly display
anxiety disorders (Warren et al 1997, cited in Muris 2006b),
this literature search did not fi nd any work that established
a connection between insecurely attached children and the
development of SAD. Consequently, although the quality of
the parent-child bond may infl uence a child’s social anxiety,
there seems to be no research to substantiate the specifi city
of this association.
Attachment and anxiety
A number of studies have examined the relation between
attachment style and internalizing behavior problems and
have verifi ed a connection between insecure attachment and
later disorders (Green and Goldwyn 2002). The authors of
these papers also identifi ed research that explicitly associ-
ated the ambivalent attachment style with social withdrawal
in middle childhood (Renken et al 1989, cited in Green and
Goldwyn 2002) and anxiety in late adolescence (Warren et al
Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment 2008:4(1)
Brook and Schmidt
1997, cited in Green and Goldwyn 2002). More predictive
than these types of attachment, however, was the disorga-
nized type, which linked with higher overall psychopathol-
ogy by late adolescence, including internalizing disorders
(Lyons-Ruth 1996, cited in Green and Goldwyn 2002).
Although it is unclear how the insecure attachment factor
contributes to SAD, it appears to provide an unmistakable
marker for risk of, and vulnerability for, later psychopa-
Attachment and parenting styles or behaviors
Although attachment style is almost certainly a marker for
later psychopathologies, the lack of specifi city for any one
disorder has prompted new research to investigate its associa-
tion with other familial factors. Adverse parental rearing is
one factor in particular thought to play a role in the etiology
of internalizing (and externalizing) problems of children.
In a recent study, researchers examined the link between
attachment style, perceived parental rearing behaviors and
psychopathology in non-clinical children aged 9–12 (Roelofs
et al 2006). The children completed three different question-
naires: one measuring anxiety and depression symptomology,
another determining perceived parental rearing behavior, and
the last one assessing attachment style. Data analysis revealed
that perceived parental rearing behaviors to be signifi cantly
associated with internalizing (and externalizing) disorders,
while attachment style seemed to play a smaller role in
these two groups of problem behavior. Also noteworthy was
the gender specifi c nding that negative parenting factors
associated with fathers had a greater impact on symptoms
in boys versus girls, and these same parenting factors in
mothers affected the girls more profoundly. These results
from Roelofs et al (2006) confi rmed and strengthened the
relation found in previous studies where perceived negative
parental rearing and insecure attachment style were found
to account for a unique part of the variance in internalizing
(and externalizing) symptoms (Muris et al 2000; Muris,
Meesters et al 2003).
Studies on attachment and anxiety consistently show an
association between insecure attachment and development
of anxiety. However, the lack of specifi city in this relation to
anxiety disorders makes it diffi cult to unravel the distinctive
contribution of insecure attachment bonds. Current research
has attempted to introduce other potential family risk factors
into the equation with the hopes of better understanding the
complexity of family interactions. Correlational data suggest
that insecure attachment style and negative parental rearing
behaviors are each uniquely signifi cant to the severity of
internalizing (and externalizing) symptoms, but that their
individual contributions are still diffi cult to tabulate. Thus,
at present, there seems to be no research linking insecure
attachments specifi cally to the etiology of SAD.
Adverse life events
Pre- and perinatal
Scant research is evidenced in the extant literature regarding
the infl uence of pre- and perinatal adverse life conditions
and their involvement in the pathogenesis of anxiety disor-
ders. Neither is there mention of this topic in the most up
to date reviews discussing possible developmental profi les
of SAD (Ollendick and Hirshfeld-Becker 2002; Neal and
Edelmann 2003; Rapee and Spence 2004). This void is
surprising given that starting from conception, the mother
and fetus share the same environment. The research is just
now starting to explore this area of investigation with data
supporting tentative connections between pre- and perinatal
maternal stress and later child anxiety disorders, includ-
ing SAD (O’Keane and Scott 2005; Phillips et al 2005).
To explain these results, O’Keane and Scott (2005) have
postulated a new neurobiological model. Some groups
are even looking at whether psychotropic medication dur-
ing pregnancy might ameliorate the deleterious effects of
maternal psychopathology on the fetus during pregnancy.
Although a relatively new area of investigation, researchers
have hypothesized that the pre- and perinatal environment
may well affect the fetus-child and possibly comprise one
of the many possible environmental risk factors involved
in the development of SAD.
Maternal stress and anxiety
Some research has focused on the possibility that envi-
ronmental risk factors may start acting on the fetus and
newborn as antecedents of anxiety disorders and other psy-
chopathologies. Studies at fi rst did not identify any obstetric
complications as possible precursors for later mood disorders,
however, when the cluster of complications (viral or bacterial
infections, septicaemia, birth complications and maternal
psychopathology, and stress) were teased apart, a different
picture surfaced (O’Keane and Scott 2005). Investigations
started to focus on pre- and peri-natal maternal stress and
child anxiety. One prospective study collected data on early
maternal stressors at discrete points over time from pre- and
post-natal to fi ve years of age, and found them signifi cantly
predictive of anxiety disorders in later adolescence; they
Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment 2008:4(1) 133
Social anxiety disorder: A review of environmental risk factors
included maternal prenatal stress, multiple maternal partner
changes, economic hardship, maternal and partner deviance,
childhood illness, and maternal stressful life events (Phillips
et al 2005). These data confi rmed earlier work by Allen et al
(1998) who found retrospective reports on similar pre- and
peri-natal events predicted the future occurrence of anxiety
disorders in adolescent offspring, especially infant illness
in the fi rst 12 months of post-natal life and, poor maternal
obstetrical history involving miscarriages and stillbirths
thought to be associated with maternal anxiety and stress.
In another report, researchers looked at maternal stress and
anxiety during pregnancy as having possible long-term
effects on behavioral and emotional problems in children
(O’Connor et al 2002). Based on maternal reports, they found
a connection between antenatal maternal anxiety and the
manifestation of these problems in children at age 4. Even
when these researchers controlled for socioeconomic status,
postnatal maternal depression, and other obstetrical risks,
antenatal psychosocial stress and anxiety still signifi cantly
predicted behavioral and emotional problems in the child.
Mother-fetus neurobiological model
With emerging consensus that maternal psychosocial stress
during pregnancy is one probable antecedent of later anxiety
disorders in children, a new neurobiological model has arisen
to explain these results (O’Keane and Scott 2005). The model
hypothesizes that maternal stress can permanently change
the developing hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis (HPA)
of the fetus. During periods of stress, the mother responds
biologically with high levels of cortisol that likely cross
the placenta. In the fetus, cortisol potentially acts to inhibit
intra-uterine growth, initiate early birth, and alter the glu-
cocorticoid receptors in the brain. With this alternation, the
belief is that the HPA is set constantly on ‘high’ resulting in
a constant endocrine stress response theorized to correspond
with the associated increase in negative emotional behavior
of the child.
Psychotropic medications during pregnancy
Corresponding to the idea that untreated anxiety and mood
disorders in the mother may expose the fetus to unfavorable
conditions, there is interest in whether administering psycho-
tropic medications during pregnancy harms the fetus. One
recent article described results on the association between
prenatal exposure to psychotropic medications and internal-
izing behavior in children aged 4 and 5 (Misri et al 2006).
The study made use of parent and teacher reports, as well
as observations of mother and child interactions, to assess
levels of internalizing behaviors in those prenatally exposed
to selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI). Exposure
to SSRIs was not associated with internalizing behaviors at
4 years of age. However, increased symptoms of maternal
anxiety and depression did link to internalizing behaviors
in the children. The authors suggested further research to
resolve whether maternal psychiatric disorders, the medica-
tions, or both, affected the child’s outcome.
Although a recent review of vulnerability factors for anxiety
disorders maintains that there is no evidence that pre- or peri-
natal factors play a role in the etiology of anxiety disorders
(Merikangas 2005), a closer look at the scientifi c literature
suggests that, in fact, there may be evidence to refute this
contention. The work reviewed above connects antenatal
maternal stress and anxiety to later child internalizing
behaviors. Although this research is small in scope and needs
careful design to avoid confounding factors such as perinatal
parenting infl uences (Barlow 2002), further longitudinal stud-
ies could combine genetic, prenatal and postnatal experiences
to strengthen this connection. As well, it is conceivable that
further research will support the new neurological model
of prenatal stress that may be the genesis of many anxiety
disorders and other psychopathologies. The concept of
multifi nality dovetails nicely with this line of research; the
etiological factor of maternal stress and anxiety may well
lead to several psychopathologic outcomes, depending on the
person and his or her context. As this area of study expands,
it may prove to be very important information in the treat-
ment regime of anxiety disorders such as SAD. In theory,
interventions at the very beginning of life could obviate the
need for them later in childhood or adulthood.
Traumatic events
There are environmental risk factors for SAD identifi ed as
stressful life events because they place increased pressure
on the developing child and potentially result in adverse
outcomes. Some of these events fall within the purview of
‘typical’ family functioning such as divorce, death, illness,
natural disasters, changing schools, and academic failure.
Other aversive events are labelled as part of ‘normal’ modes
of functioning but they are not really, such as bullying, famil-
ial violence, sexual and physical abuse. A number of studies
have looked into these traumatic events and linked them con-
sistently with the development of anxiety disorders and SAD
in particular. Since traumatic events are well-documented for
inducing stress and subsequent anxiety, these correlations
Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment 2008:4(1)
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are not surprising. A more perplexing question is why only
some children develop anxiety since life is by nature aversive.
Although research has yet to determine causal roots for SAD,
there are some tantalizing hints in the newly developed con-
cept of risk and resilient factors whereby protective factors
successfully aid a child in coping with anxiety provoking
situations (Manassis et al 2004; Muris 2006b).
Adverse conditions
Conditioning through traumatic events is a mechanism
implicated in the acquisition of fear responses (Pavlov 1928;
see also Rosen and Schulkin 1998, for a review). Studies
focused on this area of research have looked for associa-
tions between adverse life events and anxiety symptoms.
Tiet et al (2001) collected from their sample of youth, the
self-perceived adverse events and psychiatric disorders from
the previous year. Overall, they found that groups of psy-
chiatric disorders were more closely associated with some
adverse life events than with others. Concerning SAD in
particular, they saw a strong association between the arrival
of a new stepparent and the development of an overanxious
disorder (now subsumed under generalized anxiety disorder
in the DSM-IV; APA 1994) in girls, and changing schools
with socially phobic boys. Grover et al (2005) looked more
closely into a longitudinal association between general
anxiety and trauma in fi rst grade children, and when they
reached seventh grade. Using multiple informants, they
found that those who had experienced losses through death
and separation, academic failure and a more negative family
environment showed a greater degree of anxiety at both age
levels. Data also revealed that the greater the number of total
risk factors, the higher the level of anxiety. In an attempt to
connect the vicarious learning of fear with SAD specifi cally,
Bandelow et al (2004) collected retrospective reports from
adults on their separation from parents, parental marital
discord, sexual abuse, familial violence, and childhood
illness. All these events linked with higher rates of SAD,
with separation experiences having the highest correlation.
In addition, there was no evidence suggesting that any age
between 0 and 15 years was particularly sensitive to any one
risk factor. In another study, Chartier et al (2001) detected a
gender difference in response to adverse life events and the
development of SAD, where females were more likely to
report sexual abuse and boys more prone to report contact
with the juvenile justice system. This same research also
pointed to a potential difference in the role of risk factors
between the subtypes of SP, where the adversities reported
were more strongly associated with complex (generalized)
versus talking-only (non-generalized) SP disorders. As a
result, through the data collected, it is becoming evident
that many adverse life events have some role to play in the
etiology of SAD, although the precise understanding of this
association is still unclear.
Sexual and physical abuse
Some groups have targeted their research toward looking at
particular aversive life events, such as sexual and physical
abuse, as antecedents of SAD to understand better the possible
environmental causes of this disorder. After controlling for
demographic and family background variables, Freerick and
Snow (2005) showed that childhood sexual abuse explained a
small but signifi cant amount of women’s SAD for avoidance
and social distress. Higher scores arose when the women’s
abuse included actual or attempted intercourse, occurred early
in life, frequently, and involved psychological pressure. This
result confi rmed previous studies that linked early sexual
abuse and SP, particularly in women (Magee 1999; Dinwiddie
et al 2000). Research also correlated physical abuse with
later development of phobia anxiety disorders, such as SAD
(Magee 1999). However, this relation was considerably less
signifi cant, and results connected panic disorder more closely
with physical abuse (Stein et al 1996; Safren et al 2002). What
has become increasingly clear through these investigations
is that neither sexual nor physical abuse works in isolation
from other factors. Developmental trajectories of anxiety
disorders, such as SAD, are not necessarily predetermined
in the presence of sexual and physical abuse when resilience
effects come into play. Furthermore, an interaction between
these risk and resilience factors appears to change the devel-
opmental outcome of children exposed to various adverse life
events. One prospective study gathered information on both
risk and resilience factors on children from kindergarten until
grade 8 (Lansford, Malone, Stevens et al 2006). The results
showed resilience factors of unilateral parental decision-
making, reduced early stress, diminished adolescence stress,
and an enhanced adolescence hostile attribution moderated
the connection between early physical abuse and internal-
izing behaviors. This work directs us to consider additional
information on environmental resilience factors of SAD, and
not just risk factors, to have a better understanding of the
pathogenesis of this anxiety disorder.
Peer relationships, teasing and bullying
Another area of investigation into specifi c risk factors of SAD
is that of peer relationships, teasing and bullying. Severe and
traumatic bullying appears to be a likely determinant for
Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment 2008:4(1) 135
Social anxiety disorder: A review of environmental risk factors
anxiety, especially social anxiety given the negative social
interaction between the bully and victim. Several research
groups of late have looked into a possible connection. Glad-
stone et al (2006) studied an adult population from a mood
disorder clinic where the participants were assessed using
structured clinical questionnaires through self-report and
interviews. In addition to assessing their moods in the present
day and retrospectively, researchers also looked for a history
of childhood bullying and other adverse environmental or
personality correlates. Those correlates that particularly
associated with reports of bullying were parental overcontrol,
illness or disability, and the likelihood of having an early
inhibited temperament. Independent of other childhood risk
factors, the study also found a strong relation between depres-
sion with comorbid anxiety, including SP, and childhood
bullying. Others have looked into the connection between
bullying and the development of SAD because the defi ning
criterion of this disorder is fear of social situations in which
embarrassment or humiliation occurs (Neal and Edelmann
2003). Teasing and bullying interactions clearly represent
such a situation. McCabe et al (2003) found a connection
between anxiety disorders and a history of teasing in child-
hood and adolescence, and this relation was signifi cantly
higher for those diagnosed with SP than those with OCD
or panic disorder, with or without agoraphobia. To avoid
confounding their results, McCabe et al (2003) separated the
participants into four distinct anxiety subgroups, with three of
them lacking comorbid SP, before analysis of the data. Their
results were consistent with previous research that linked
childhood teasing with social anxiety in adulthood through
retrospective reports (Roth et al 2002). As well, other work
correlated high school adolescent social anxiety with poor
peer acceptance (La Greca and Lopez 1998) where higher
levels of social anxiety linked strongly with poorer social
functioning and fewer friendships, particularly in girls. Thus,
it appears that peer relations, bullying and teasing may play
some role in the etiology of SAD. However, it is uncertain
whether this connection is causal or how it integrates in the
environmental etiological model of SAD.
Marital discord
Finally, research has focused on the idea that parent divorce
and separation may infl uence the trajectories of internal-
izing behavior development. Serious family confl ict, which
arises out of these particular situations, may affect children’s
adjustment over time (Spence et al 2002). Lansford, Malone,
Castellino et al (2006) investigated this behavioral adjust-
ment or outcome in children starting in kindergarten and
continuing through to grade 10. Subdividing the children into
two groups based on whether their parents were divorced,
they collected teacher and mother reports on child behavior
each year. Results suggested that early parent divorce was
associated with the development of internalizing problems,
whereas later parent divorce corresponded to poorer grades
in school. These data replicated previous work on behavior
adjustment to divorce in between fourth and sixth grade
(Wood et al 2004). Multiple informant behavior ratings in
the work of Wood et al (2004) showed that those children
whose parents divorced had signifi cant and ongoing adjust-
ment difficulties that translated into internalizing (and
externalizing) behaviors, as compared to those who lived
with their married parents. In addition, they also found that
depressive or withdrawn parenting seemed to play a role in
the child’s adjustment problems, and that the infl uence of
this parenting trait diminished as the child transitioned from
preadolescence to early adolescence. The impact of marital
quality was further studied in a sample of non-clinical 5 and 6
year olds (Peleg-Popko and Dar 2001). The mothers of these
children completed questionnaires on marital quality, family
adaptability and cohesion, and child fears and social anxi-
ety. The fi ndings suggested that rigid, fused families or low
quality marriages (marital discord) might be risk factors for
high levels of fears and social anxiety in children. Although
all of the results above did not specifi cally connect marital
discord or divorce with the development of SAD, negative
environments often arise in divorced households and may
well be a contributing risk factor in the trajectories of SAD
and other anxiety disorders.
In review, there appear to be a number of different traumatic
events that may be part of the conditioning response for
SAD. Events that have been recently studied and thought to
contribute to the environmental etiology are losses such as
death or separation, negative family environment or marital
discord, family violence, sexual and physical abuse, child-
hood illness and bullying. Although there has yet to be a
causal association established, the current research does
point to and aid in developing possible interventions that
could alter the developmental course of SAD (Chavira and
Stein 2005).
Societal and cultural factors
Socioeconomic status (SES)
Little mention of SES is discussed as a potential risk factor
in some of the most current reviews on SAD (Ollendick and
Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment 2008:4(1)
Brook and Schmidt
Hirshfeld-Becker 2002; Neal and Edelmann 2003; Chavira
and Stein 2005). Yet, the consensus in the literature is that
rates of anxiety disorders are greater for those with a SES
disadvantage (Merikangas 2005). This potential risk factor
for SAD plays out even more dramatically in developing
countries (Vorcaro et al 2004; Muris, Loxton et al 2005).
Research suggests that the burden of extreme poverty seems
to affect social functioning quite strongly. Therefore, it is
important to keep sociodemographic variables such as SES in
mind when investigating possible environmental antecedents
of SAD, especially in nations with extreme deprivation.
Developed versus developing countries
The relative effect of SES in developed as opposed to devel-
oping countries shows interesting differences. Research in
Australia, for example, suggests poverty in the fi rst ve
years of life infl uences the development of high internal-
izing problems when there is associated maternal depression
(Bor et al 1997, cited in Spence et al 2002). However, a dif-
ferent study found poverty to be considerably predictive of
later high anxiety (and depressive) symptoms in adolescence
after controlling for marital discord and maternal psycho-
pathology (Spence et al 2002). Although these two studies
were not quite in line with one another, Spence and col-
leagues’ evidence partially corroborated earlier fi ndings that
SP was associated with socioeconomic circumstances when
other psychiatric disorders were not at play (Schneier et al
1992, cited in Vorcaro et al 2004). More concerning is the
effect of SES in developing countries where socioeconomic
conditions are of vital importance to everyday survival.
A recent paper on this topic publicized the prevalence of SP
and its associated factors in a Brazilian community (Vorcaro
et al 2004). Using community samples, the researchers
collected information through interviews on a variety of
variables including sociodemographic characteristics and
health problems. Data analysis revealed a high prevalence
of SP, similar or greater than that observed in developed
countries, and an associated poorer health status. Addition-
ally, there was a very strong link between SES and SP,
which strikingly exposed the major social inequalities of
the impoverished Brazilian community. A replication of this
result occurred in a South African study, where colored or
black youth developed SAD in connection with parenting
styles associated entirely with SES (Muris, Loxton et al
2005). The strength of these results makes it imperative
to consider SES as one probable risk factor in the etiology
of SAD, most especially in developing nations and as part
of a global perspective on this anxiety disorder.
It appears SES is one of many possible antecedents in the
development of SAD. Its potential mechanism, however, is
not very clear. In developed countries, research suggests SES
may or may not be associated with other psychopathology,
and it is conceivable that poverty could be either a cause or
the result of psychopathology. This potentially reciprocal
relation needs further elucidation. In developing countries,
the association is much stronger, and treatment programs
that address poverty may ameliorate some of the worst
psychopathology, and particularly SAD. Thus, the relative
impact of SES seems to depend on context. Further research
in this area could help expand our understanding of SAD in
a global framework.
Culture and society
Culture is described as the customary beliefs, the set of col-
lective attitudes, values, and practices, or the characteristic
features of everyday life that are shared by people in the
same place or time. By virtue of this defi nition, conven-
tions espoused by a culture shape the society. In turn, the
society and all of its social rules likely infl uence emotional
development, but the mechanism is obscure. Research inves-
tigating these social norms in different countries found that
they correlate to different prevalence rates of social anxiety
(Heinrichs et al 2006). As well, the construct of social anxiety
seemed to be culturally defi ned (Kleinknecht et al 1997).
When confi ning a study of anxiety disorder symptoms inside
one country, researchers also revealed differences in preva-
lence due to ethnicity (Muris, Loxton et al 2005; Vendlinski
et al 2006). Another laboratory decided to study anxiety as
it correlated to different birth cohorts as groups representing
social trends within a country and found differences between
the generations (Twenge 2000). All of these studies make it
clear that any discussions on the antecedents of anxiety, and
SAD more specifi cally, should include cultural and societal
norms as potential contributors.
Cultural norms
At present, cross-cultural studies divide the world into
two groups categorized as collectivistic and individualistic
cultures (Hofstede 1984, cited in Heinrichs et al 2006). Col-
lectivistic societies are those whose people pursue harmony
within a group to the virtual exclusion of their own individual
needs. Individualistic societies embrace individual feelings
and thoughts that may supersede the needs of the group.
Accordingly, more rules are thought to guide social behav-
ior in collectivist societies to support and protect the group
Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment 2008:4(1) 137
Social anxiety disorder: A review of environmental risk factors
identify than in individualistic cultures (Heinrichs et al 2006).
Heinrichs and colleagues (2006) assessed whether these
perceived social norms shaped the level of social anxiety
in their respective cultures. Eight countries participated in
a cross-cultural collaboration with three registering as col-
lectivistic and fi ve as individualistic. Participants responded
to vignettes based on societal norms across cultures and
completed questionnaires assessing levels of social anxiety
and fear of blushing. When commenting on cultural norms
within their own societies, data showed that collectivistic
participants displayed more acceptance of socially reticent
and withdrawn behavior than did individualistic participants.
In contrast, when asked about their personal perspectives,
participants from both individualistic and collectivistic
countries were equally accepting of these same behaviors.
Collectivistic contributors also reported higher levels of SAD
and more blushing. In conclusion, the correlation between
cultural acceptance of withdrawn behavior and greater levels
of SAD in collectivistic nations provided initial evidence
that cultural norms were associated with the development
of this disorder.
Another study also investigated the impact of cultural
factors on SAD. In this case, experimenters examined two
different culturally defi ned forms of social anxiety, the DSM-
IV SAD in the United States and Taijin Kyofusho (TKS,
heightened concern over offending others through behavior
or appearance) in Japan (Kleinknecht et al 1997). Factor
analysis of SAD, TKS, and self-designation as independent
or interdependent elucidated a different set of predictors for
these two culturally defi ned forms of social anxiety but also
revealed some correlations between high scores of TKS and
SAD. The authors hypothesized that culture-mediated the
expression of SAD and suggested that both forms existed in
each country. Thus, a clearer picture has evolved focusing on
cultural specifi c types of anxiety that may have core anxiety
characteristics in common. Future work should focus on
identifying core versus culture specifi c symptoms to clarify
the role that culture plays as a potential risk factor in the
development of SAD.
Within the boundaries of many nations today, various reli-
gious, linguistic, or cultural groups coexist. These different
groups are subject to the same social and legal structures
instituted by a country, but often their identities remain
separate and intact. It is alongside this factor, ethnicity, that
a recent paper published results on DSM-defi ned anxiety
symptoms and perceived parental rearing in South Africa
(Muris, Loxton et al 2005). As mentioned above in the
parenting section on culture, investigators found signifi cant
differences in anxiety across different ethnic groups. Col-
ored or black youth displayed appreciably higher anxiety
levels than white youth, and this pattern was associated
with perceived parental rearing behaviors. The authors also
coupled the parenting behaviors with the previous South
African Apartheid regime, where being part of the colored
or black ethnic group dictated cruel treatment at the hands
of the ruling white party. Although being part of one ethnic
group linked the youth to higher levels of anxiety, adverse
life conditions may also have been additionally involved in
the development of these symptoms. Other research looked
at a more targeted role for ethnicity in internalizing disorders.
Vendlinski et al (2006) contended that ethnic differences
play a potential part in moderating the connection between
poor family functioning (marital confl ict and lack of warmth)
and anxiety. Through interviews and questionnaires, this
group discovered that the African American background
reduced the strength of the association between poor fam-
ily functioning and internalizing symptoms, whereas the
European American background increased this association.
When they analyzed the results without regard to ethnicity,
family functioning was not associated with internalizing
problems in seven out of eight tests. The authors proposed
that this fi nding partially due to ethnicity being crucial to the
understanding of family functioning and a child’s adjustment.
Although it is unclear how these factors are interacting, there
is evidence that part of the mechanism for SAD development
may involve ethnicity as a mediator.
Birth cohorts
In the fi eld of psychology, scientists generally acknowledge
that people from one generation to another think and behave
differently. Research refl ects this ideology in experimental
design by undertaking cross-sectional studies in which age
or birth cohort separates participants into groups. Because
the environment is constantly changing, research tries
to capture how these differences affect human behavior.
Twenge (2000) was interested in how this played out in the
areas of anxiety and neuroticism. He studied birth cohorts
between the years of 1952 and 1993, and collected data
from child and college age studies over this period. His two
meta-analyses found that Americans today have signifi cantly
higher levels of anxiety, and the average child of the 1980s
had substantially more anxiety than the child psychiatric
patient of the 1950s. This growth in anxiety over time cor-
related with increases in measures of environmental dangers
Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment 2008:4(1)
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and decreases in recorded social connectedness. Twenge
argued that the potential impact of the larger sociocultural
environment on psychopathology was important beyond
the boundaries of individuals, their families and genetics.
Although his data included information on all anxiety disor-
ders, it was indicative of trends within the spectrum of SAD
and pointed to possible predictors for this disorder.
The literature does not refl ect potential cultural and social
antecedents of SAD well, even though the few studies pub-
lished to date on this issue indicate that cultural impacts are
important to etiological discussions. Data that shows dif-
ferent prevalence rates are associated with different social
norms, and social anxiety concepts appear culturally defi ned.
Research in this area also suggests that core symptoms are
likely between collectivistic and individualistic societies, but
each society has unique and identifi able anxiety characteris-
tics that are culture specifi c. Future investigations warrant a
broader focus to include a more global perspective on anxiety
and understanding of the development of SAD. In this way,
clinical practice can target treatment to ethnically or culturally
specifi c populations, especially when one population is at a
Gender roles
Gender differences
Reports consistently place females as having higher rates of
SAD than males by a ratio of approximately 3:2 (Hidalgo
et al 2001; Rapee and Spence 2004). In rare cases the ratio
is equal between the sexes, but varying methodologies could
account for these results (Degonda and Angst 1992, cited
in Hidalgo et al 2001). In spite of the disparity between the
genders, there has been little investigation into why there is
a difference. To remedy this oversight, several groups have
looked at male and female gender orientation and discov-
ered an appreciably higher proportion of anxiety symptoms
associated with feminine traits (Ginsburg and Silverman
2000; Muris, Meesters et al 2005; Palapattu et al 2006).
The authors proposed a gender role theory to explain sex
differences in severity of anxiety symptoms. Another team
investigating this same topic found that family adversity
affected the sexes differently in the onset of SAD (DeWit
et al 2005). De Wit et al (2005) suggested that gender was
a moderator of the effects of childhood family adversity
thought to increase the risk of SAD. Although it is not
altogether apparent how gender interacts in all situations
to give identifi able risks in the development of SAD, initial
proposals suggest several psychosocial explanations such as
gender socialization. Although none is yet verifi able, it does
emphasize the importance of including gender and gender
socialization in any examination of the etiology of SAD.
Gender roles
The concept of gender role is the degree to which a person
demonstrates the traits, behaviors and attitudes consistent with
a stereotypical female or male role. Those persons expressing
fearfulness and anxiety are in line with the accepted behavior
of the feminine gender role, while those who do not are dis-
playing the socially appropriate masculine gender role. The
gender role theory is one that embraces the idea that society
socializes girls and boys differently to display these gender
specifi c roles. This theory, then, potentially explains why we
expect girls to be generally more fearful than boys. Several
studies have investigated this phenomenon. The fi rst to exam-
ine gender role orientation and anxiety in children assessed
them between the ages of 6 and 11 for their self-reported
masculinity and femininity traits, and anxiety (Ginsburg and
Silverman 2000). As expected, the data supported a relation
between gender role and fearfulness in children with anxiety
disorders. More specifi cally, those with higher levels of mas-
culinity showed lower overall fearfulness: however, levels of
femininity did not correlate to anxiety. A different research
group released results that augmented this preliminary, but
partial, support for the gender role theory (Muris, Meesters
et al 2005). They examined non-clinical referred children
between the ages of 10 and 13 and found that femininity
was positively, and masculinity negatively, associated with
fear and anxiety. Criticism of this work, however, contended
that masculinity was a substitute for self-esteem since both
represented traditional masculine traits such as confi dence
and assertiveness (Ohannessian et al 1999, cited in Pala-
pattu et al 2006). Additionally, Ohannessian et al (1999)
proposed that any study assessing masculinity was really
measuring self-esteem. In an attempt to clarify this argument,
another group instituted further work to examine the relation
between gender role orientation, self-esteem, and anxiety
symptoms (Palapattu et al 2006). Palapattu and colleagues’
data supported the gender role theory as an explanation for
a higher incidence of anxiety symptoms in girls than factors
of biological gender and self-esteem. Even so, self-esteem
played a signifi cant moderating role between femininity and
anxiety. Hence, evidence appears to support the gender role
theory of sex differences in anxiety. Whether this translates
into explanations for gender differences in the prevalence of
SAD is uncertain; however, it does lead to much supposition
Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment 2008:4(1) 139
Social anxiety disorder: A review of environmental risk factors
and future research. In addition, these fi ndings also have
important implications for the gender specifi c socialization
of children as it relates to treatment regimes for SAD or other
anxiety disorders.
Gender responses to family adversity
Speculation also revolves around whether the gender of the
child moderates or mediates the effect of family adversity risk
factors for the onset of SAD. In several studies, gender based
interactions were associated with sexual abuse and prediction
of SAD, where signifi cantly more female victims were likely
to develop this disorder than males (Magee 1999; Dinwiddie
et al 2000; Chartier et al 2001; Freerick and Snow 2005).
Another study found gender composition of the parent-child
dyad linked negative parenting factors to the development
of internalizing problems; fathers had a greater impact on
symptoms in boys as opposed to girls, and the opposite was
true for the mothers (Roelofs et al 2006, see attachment and
parenting section above). DeWit and his colleagues examined
the gender differential in the onset of SAD and its moderat-
ing role on the indicators of childhood family adversities
that potentially increase the risk of developing SAD (DeWit
et al 2005). First, data indicated gender differences in the
prevalence of SAD sub-types. Females exceeded the number
of males with the generalized sub-type across all ages, while
females only outstripped males in probability of developing
the non-generalized subtype after 12 years of age. Second,
increased risk of developing SAD was strongly associated
with family adversity by gender. Males were twice as likely to
develop both sub-types of SAD, or only the non-generalized
sub-type, if they had grown up without a close and confi ding
relationship. Females were one and half times more likely to
develop both sub-types of SAD if they experienced the effects
of marital confl ict growing up. As well, girls had an increased
probability of developing generalized SAD if they reported
physical abuse by their father. Lastly, females were twice as
likely to develop non-generalized SAD if their mother suf-
fered from mental illness, especially bipolar disorder. The
authors emphasized the importance of considering gender
differences in the effects of family adversity as a result of
SAD sub-types. However, DeWit and colleagues also pointed
to the limitations of their potentially biased retrospective data
and stressed the need to broaden future research directions
to include a prospective approach that demarcates variables
of gender, severity of symptoms, and sub-types of SAD.
Regardless of these contentions, gender differences in SAD
raised by these results indicate that future treatment should
target gender specifi c outcomes.
Evidence has long supported higher prevalence rates of SAD
in females versus males. More recently, gender differences
have been associated with negative child-parent interactions
that likely result in SAD. However, in other than a few
experiments, little research has focused specifi cally on sex
differences in the onset and development of this disorder.
More often, the gender differences studied are a by-product
of other research goals, where the researchers analyze all
the variables multifactorially and fi nd correlations. Data
derived from experiments designed explicitly to target gender
links with SAD, perhaps investigating gender socialization
parameters, might be more informative. Even though research
is limited, what has become apparent is that female gender
orientation is a potential risk factor for SAD. Furthermore,
adverse life events that possibly promote the development of
SAD are gender specifi c; girls respond negatively to martial
confl ict, maternal mental illness, and physical abuse, while
boys react poorly to the lack of a close and confi ding rela-
tionship. It would be of practical interest to delineate these
differences more precisely to clarify the gender patterns that
are involved in the pathogenesis of SAD.
Limitations, implications,
and future directions
What is evident from this review of the recent extant lit-
erature on SAD is that the research methodology used over
the last 20 years is unsystematic and needs standardization
(Cartwright-Hatton 2006). The terminology is inconsistent
making it diffi cult to compare studies or concepts. In many
cases, there are no data for comparison because little research
has been undertaken in the area of SAD. Furthermore, the
SAD research community is presenting ideas that have yet
to mature, especially since new information and concepts are
frequently similar but often obdurately distinct as well. With
the sizeable number of reviews on the potential etiology of
SAD published in the last fi ve years, the research community
appears poised to focus ideas and refi ne research directions.
Here are some thoughts for this endeavor.
Research should include proper controls to eliminate
confounds or independent factors; longitudinal studies to
assess cause-effect relations; prospective self-reports from
a variety of informants; increased use of and uniformity in
observational procedures and questionnaires; investigations
into differences in anxiety across age groups into old age;
and further purposeful international collaborations in the
Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment 2008:4(1)
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effort to maximize the pool of participants and minimize
costs. Longitudinal studies in particular could help eluci-
date a developmental pathway for SAD by following the
trajectory of individuals over a signifi cant period of time,
especially over development. This direction would enhance
our understanding of the complexity of interacting risk and
resilience factors from birth or conception to adulthood,
thereby helping to pinpoint actual causes and outcomes of
this disorder. In addition, it would be extremely useful to
access information from many informants on many fronts
since this could eliminate some of the bias in response and
provide a broader perspective on the disorder. No matter
what approach is taken, further study is needed to illuminate
the bigger picture of the involvement of environmental risk
factors in the development of SAD.
In general, no single study or literature review from
the last fi ve years seems completely authoritative on the
etiology of possible environmental risk factors of SAD. The
strongest data to date are not suffi ciently strong enough that
other groups are not supplanting it with alternative data.
There were contradictions and discrepancies in the research
presented, which is most likely due to the relatively small
amount of research done in this specifi c area, preventing the
SAD community from reaching an assured consensus. As
well, teasing apart the relative importance of all possible risk
factors, be they genetic, cognitive, or environmental within
a developmental perspective, is turning out to be a very
complex scientifi c process. The particulars of the multimodal
and integrative diathesis-stress model, hypothesized as the
best fi t so far, are persistently recondite. Moreover, although
SAD research has weighed out the nuances of each risk and
resilience factor, the members of the medical community
must exercise caution in how they apply this information to
treatment regimes. Gene-environment interactions have only
been studied in relation to SAD in a very limited fashion.
Without an understanding of the dynamic interactions
between these two intimately connected spheres, we cannot
hope to fully understand the etiology of SAD. Beyond this
overarching lack of recent research on SAD, there are many
factors of interest that could be explored further. These
include, but are certainly not limited to, the presence of
physical defects, pervasive cultural role models as portrayed
in the global media, and perhaps most importantly, Internet
communication as an insolating infl uence. Ultimately, there
is no doubt that this work will provide proper guidelines
for interventions that will prevent the disorder or, more
realistically, improve the quality of life for those who suffer
from SAD.
Our review of the environmental risk factors of SAD indi-
cates that there are four general areas currently being studied.
Parenting and the family environment are by far the best
researched, and results show a connection between parental
overcontrol and parental psychopathology with childhood
SAD. Second, adverse life events such as sexual abuse, nega-
tive peer relationships and marital discord are also found to
contribute to the etiology of this disorder. Third, SES and
different cultural values, as seen between individualistic and
collectivist societies or between different ethnicities, are also
tied to SAD development. Last, consistently higher rates of
female versus male SAD have been traced to the concept of
gender roles and to gender differences in child-parent inter-
actions. Although these connections have been established,
there must be some caution practiced in the interpretation
of these results, given the paucity of research in most areas
except for parenting. Despite the obvious limitations in
the science of SAD alluded to in the previous paragraphs,
research is making great strides towards understanding the
pathogenesis of this mental disorder. As a result, the research
points to a multi-faceted process of environmental risk and
resilience factors that are interrelated symbiotically in a
developmental pathway to social anxiety disorder.
The writing of this chapter was funded in part by an operat-
ing grant from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research
Council (SSHRC) of Canada awarded to Louis A Schmidt.
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... Individuals with social phobia often exhibit a fear of social situations, worrying about the judgment and humiliation of others and thus avoiding interactions with strangers [2,3]. However, compared to other psychiatric disorders, social phobia is more likely to go unnoticed and untreated [4], which could further exacerbate the symptoms and persistence of social phobia, as well as other comorbidities [1]. Although the causes of social phobia are challenging to predict, a large body of research has conducted experiments focusing on the potential factors that may increase the likelihood of social phobia in adolescence [5][6][7]. ...
... According to Brook & Schmidt, a negative family environment is believed to have an unhealthy impact on a child and potentially promote the development of social phobia later in life [4]. This is evidenced by adolescent patients with social phobia who experienced parental separation, overcontrol, overprotection, and frequent rejection or emotional neglect during childhood [4]. ...
... According to Brook & Schmidt, a negative family environment is believed to have an unhealthy impact on a child and potentially promote the development of social phobia later in life [4]. This is evidenced by adolescent patients with social phobia who experienced parental separation, overcontrol, overprotection, and frequent rejection or emotional neglect during childhood [4]. In a later study, Michail and Birchwood also mentioned that dysfunctional parental behaviors, especially overcontrol, overprotection, and emotional neglect in childhood, are strongly associated with social phobia, as a significant number of individuals with social phobia reported experiencing these behaviors in their early years [25]. ...
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This paper explores potential risk factors and underlying experiences associated with the development of social phobia in adolescents, emphasizing the importance of early intervention and treatment. Factors investigated include gender roles, cultural influences, socioeconomic status, parental psychopathology, alcohol use, early memories, and family environment. Gender differences reveal higher rates of social phobia among females, while collectivist cultures and adverse childhood experiences significantly contribute to its prevalence. Dysfunctional family environments are associated with an increased risk and higher persistence of social phobia, particularly due to their influence on childhood experiences. Alcohol use may exacerbate symptoms and lead to higher persistence due to its link to alcohol dependence. Parental psychopathology demonstrates a higher prevalence and co-occurrence with other comorbidities across all ages. Low socioeconomic status and popularity serve as additional risk factors. The paper critiques understudied aspects of these factors and suggests future research directions to enhance understanding and inform effective prevention strategies.
... Research into social anxiety has identified several key factors that contribute to its development and persistence. Genetic predisposition and temperamental traits such as behavioral inhibition are well-documented predictors of social anxiety [17,18]. However, environmental factors play an equally critical role, especially school environment [19]. ...
... Additionally, this study focused on demographic characteristics, online and offline social behaviors, social media usage, environmental preferences, and social anxiety levels. However, research suggests that biological, psychological, and family social environmental factors also play a role in shaping social anxiety [18,110,111]. Future studies should consider incorporating these additional variables and exploring their potential mediating effects on the relationship between environmental preferences and social anxiety. ...
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As mental health issues become increasingly prominent, social anxiety is prevalent among university students and significantly affects their social behaviors and environmental preferences. With the increasing reliance on social media, understanding how these behaviors shape preferences for physical social environments is crucial for designing supportive campus spaces. This study investigates the relationship between social anxiety, social media usage, and environmental preferences in campus settings. We aim to identify the key environmental factors that can promote healthier social interactions for students with varying levels of social anxiety and social media use. Data were collected from university students through a structured questionnaire assessing demographic characteristics, online and offline behavior, social media usage intensity, social anxiety level, and environmental preferences. Using K-means clustering, participants were grouped into four clusters based on their social media usage and social anxiety levels. ANOVA and Multivariate Multiple Regression (MMR) were conducted to examine differences in environmental preferences across these clusters. Significant differences in environmental preferences were observed across the four clusters. Gender and grade influenced social anxiety levels, with females and undergraduate students reporting greater anxiety. Individuals with high social media use, regardless of their anxiety levels, generally exhibited stronger preferences for various environmental dimensions, including openness, convenience, facility provision, safety/comfort, and cultural landscape. However, individuals with higher social anxiety tended to prefer enclosed, facility-rich, and more controlled environments. The relationship between social anxiety and preferences for convenience, safety/comfort, and cultural landscape was minimal or non-significant. This study highlights the importance of considering both behavioral and psychological factors when designing university social environments. By identifying specific environmental preferences of students with high social anxiety, the findings offer evidence-based recommendations for creating more inclusive and supportive campus spaces that promote positive social interactions and well-being.
... Additionally, the quality of parent-child relationships can influence the development of social anxiety. Insecure attachment in infancy has been linked to shyness, low peer status, and a tendency to be victimized during childhood (Brook & Schmidt, 2008), and over a third of adolescents with social anxiety had insecure attachment during infancy (Knappe et al., 2010). Children who experience rejection, shame, or criticism are more likely to focus excessively on others' evaluative comments, leading to generalized fear of negative evaluation and social anxiety (Rapee & Spence, 2004). ...
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The relationship between child maltreatment and elevated rates of psychopathology is widely recognized with research showing that the survivors of child abuse are more likely to experience higher levels of social anxiety than those in the general population. Studies confirm gender differences, with females generally exhibiting higher rates of social anxiety than males. Research suggests that coping styles may influence the connection between adverse childhood experiences and subsequent impacts, with evidence indicating that the use of specific coping strategies may vary between genders. This study examined the effects of coping styles and gender in moderating the relationship between childhood maltreatment severity and social anxiety in a sample of 200 students from the University of Tirana. Participants completed three self-reporting questionnaires: The Childhood Questionnaire-Short Form (CTQ-S), the Social Phobia and Anxiety Inventory Short Version (SPAI-18), and the Coping Inventory for Stressful Situations Short Form (CISS-21). Data analysis employed hierarchical multiple regression for moderator analyses and multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA). Results indicated that emotion-oriented coping significantly moderated the relationship between maltreatment and social anxiety, while task-oriented and avoidance coping did not. Gender also moderated this relationship, with females demonstrating greater sensitivity to maltreatment's effects. Additionally, females scored higher on emotion-oriented coping, though no significant gender differences were found for the other coping styles. These findings highlight the nuanced roles of coping styles and gender in understanding the impact of childhood maltreatment on social anxiety. Received: 10 August 2024 / Accepted: 31 October 2024 / Published: 05 November 2024
... The results obtained demonstrated that as expected, childhood adverse experiences were seen more often in the SAD patients than in the healthy control group. Previous studies have shown that emotional abuse and emotional neglect in childhood are important etiological factors in the development of SAD (Brook & Schmidt, 2008;Kuo et al., 2011). ...
In this study, the relationship was examined of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) with difficulties in emotion regulation and symptom severity in individuals with social anxiety disorder (SAD). The study included 71 patients diagnosed with SAD and a healthy control group of 73 subjects. Data for all the participants were collected using a sociodemographic data form, the Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale, the Adverse Childhood Experiences-Turkish Form scale, and the Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale-16. The study results showed a higher probability of ACEs and difficulties in emotion regulation in the SAD group than in the control group. The difficulties in emotion regulation in the SAD group were correlated with symptom severity and these difficulties were found to play a mediating role between trauma and symptom severity. It was emphasized that emotion regulation skills were an important factor in the treatment of SAD patients. It can be suggested that therapies and interventions to develop emotion regulation skills could be effective in the management of SAD symptoms. It was thus concluded that ACEs and difficulties in emotion regulation are associated with SAD symptoms and should be taken into consideration in treatment. This study emphasizes the importance of emotion regulation skills for SAD treatment and can be considered to be of guidance for future studies.
... These factors were obtained by decomposing the individual variance of 47 scales from 13 questionnaires, which comprehensively covered the nature of family, social, and cognitive/behavior coping traits, but did not include clinical symptom measures. These factors reflected a significant deviation from the HC group in the SAD group and echoed various risk factors found in previous studies [6,17,28,30,78]. Thus, our findings shed light on the major risk factors for adolescent SAD. ...
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Social anxiety disorder (SAD) is one of the most common psychiatric disorders in adolescents. The heterogeneity of both symptoms and etiology is an essential source of difficulties in the treatment and prevention of SAD. The study aimed to identify subtypes of adolescent SAD based on etiology-related phenotype dimensions and examine symptom and brain associations of the subtypes. We used a deeply phenotyped sample (47 phenotype subscales from 13 measures) of adolescents with SAD (n = 196) and healthy controls (n = 109) to extract etiology-relevant risk factors, based on which we identified subtypes of SAD. We compared the subtypes on clinical characteristics and brain morphometrics and functional connectivity, and examined subtype-specific links between risk factors, brain aberrance, and clinical characteristics. We identified six etiology-relevant risk factors and two subtypes of adolescent SAD. One subtype showed mainly elevated negative emotionality trait and coping style and diminished positive emotionality trait and coping style, while the other additionally had significantly high environmental risk factors, more severe impairments in social functioning, and significant abnormalities in brain structure and function. There were subtype-specific links between the risk factor profiles, brain aberrance, and clinical characteristics. The finding suggests two etiology-based subtypes of adolescent SAD, providing novel insights to the diversity of pathological pathways and precise intervention strategies.
... A lot of studies have explored the associated factors of depression and anxiety. Speci cally, there are different aspects of in uencing factors, including biological, psychological, social, and environmental domains (Alshelleh et al., 2022;Brook & Schmidt, 2008;Deshmukh et al., 2017;Neuroscience et al., 2001;Schreier & Chen, 2013;Zajkowska et al., 2021). For instance, some authoritative research nd that genetic predispositions and neurochemical imbalances, have long been recognized as signi cant contributors to the development of mood disorders (Caspi et al., 2003). ...
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Background: With the economic and social transformations, depression and anxiety disorders are presenting an increasingly common trend globally, becoming a widely addressed issue in mental health. Research has shown that livable natural environments and high-quality social interactions can influence residents’ psychological health and happiness. However, Studies on Whether residents’ perception of the environment affects depression and anxiety, and the underlying mechanisms are remained limited. Methods: This study relies on Health Life Satisfaction Survey of Yangtze River Phase II Delta (HLSSYRD II), collected during waves spanning 2021 and 2023. The primary objective is to examine the relationship between environmental perception, social interaction, and degree of depression and anxiety of individuals. Linear mixed-effects models were used to analyze the data. Results: A total of 1752 observations were included in this paper. The “Depression and Anxiety (HAD)” variable has a mean score of 26.01 (SE = 6.99), with “Depression” scoring at 13.15 (SE = 3.78) and “Anxiety” scoring at 12.85 (SE = 3.75) among individuals in YRDC. There is a strong negative correlation between depression, anxiety and environmental perception (β = -0.187, SE = 0.03, p < 0.001; β = -0.152, SE = 0.03, p < 0.001). Moreover, there was significant mediating effects of social interaction in the association between environmental perception and HAD. In addition, gender, chronic disease,marital status, occupation, education level, monthly personal income were associated with depression and anxiety. Conclusions: Individuals with worse environmental perception have more possibility to develop depressive and anxiety symptoms than those with better environmental perception YRDC, and such a relationship can be partly mediated by social interaction.
... Depression affects up to 15% of older adults, is underdiagnosed and if left untreated, it can worsen outcomes of other conditions [34][35][36]. Anxiety disorders also worsen chronic disease and disability while reducing social engagement [37,38]. Dementia cases, mainly Alzheimer's disease, are projected to triple by 2050, requiring extensive caregiving [39,40]. ...
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Background Human populations are rapidly ageing worldwide due to declining birth rates and rising life expectancies. This profound demographic shift presents complex public health challenges. Synthesizing evidence on key public health issues impacting ageing populations and policy strategies is required to address these needs. Methods The study employs narrative literature review based on the PubMed database. Data have been extracted on public health challenges to ageing populations and its recommended policy solutions. Results The key public health challenges identified include rising chronic disease burden, risks for preventable multi‐morbidities and co‐morbidities, disability and dependencies, mental health issues, caregiving gaps, long‐term care system deficiencies, health inequities, healthcare access barriers, end‐of‐life care needs, financial instability, ageism/elder abuse, adverse built environments, climate/disaster threats, and social isolation. Evidence‐based policy responses span interventions in healthcare, social services, urban planning, emergency preparedness, economics, technology, anti‐ageism advocacy and so on. Conclusions Proactively addressing the array of public health challenges faced by rapidly growing ageing populations globally requires implementing collaborative, multisectoral policy solutions focused on promoting healthy, equitable, and socially engaged ageing. Healthcare systems, communities, and policies must be optimized to meet the needs of elderly people and tap into their strengths.
Adolescents exposed to childhood trauma are at an elevated risk for social anxiety. However, the physiological mechanisms linking childhood trauma and adolescents' social anxiety remain poorly understood. This study examined whether cardiovascular reactivity to acute social stress was a mechanism underlying this association. Participants were Chinese adolescents ( N = 172; M age = 12.95). They first reported their childhood trauma and social anxiety using the Childhood Trauma Questionnaire and the Social Interaction Anxiety Scale. They then participated in a social stress task, during which their cardiovascular data [heart rate (HR) and systolic and diastolic blood pressure (SBP, DBP)] were monitored. The results showed that high levels of childhood trauma were associated with blunted HR, SBP, and DBP reactivity, which in turn were associated with high levels of social anxiety. Mediation analysis indicated that childhood trauma was indirectly associated with social anxiety via blunted cardiovascular reactivity. The findings suggest that blunted cardiovascular reactivity may serve as a physiological pathway linking childhood trauma and adolescents' social anxiety.
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Social anxiety disorder (SAD), also referred to as social phobia, is characterized by persistent fear and avoidance of social situations due to fears of evaluation by others. SAD can be highly distressing, and it can interfere with school, work, and social life as sufferers avoid social or performance situations. Although many individuals with SAD report that their level of anxiety varies with the gender of those with whom they interact, and it has long been observed that men are overrepresented among patients seeking treatment for SAD relative to other anxiety disorders, there has been little study of gender differences in SAD. The gender literature that does exist for SAD, however, offers interesting implications for researchers and clinicians. This chapter will provide an overview of SAD with a specific focus on evidence for gender differences within this disorder.
Aims: Social phobia in the environment of poverty and major social inequalities, as observed in most developing countries, has received little attention. This population-based study was carried out in a poor community in Brazil (15,000 inhabitants), aiming at determining the prevalence of social phobia and its associated factors. Method: The Composite International Diagnostic Interview was applied in a random sample of 1037 residents aged 5 18 years. Results: The 1-month, 1-year and lifetime prevalence of social phobia were 7.9, 9.1 and 11.8%, respectively. One-month social phobia was independently associated with age (45-64 years), marital status (divorced/separated), worse socioeconomic indicators (family income and education), number of months worked, worse health status and use of health services and medications. Conclusion: There was an important burden of social phobia in the study community, due to its high prevalence (similar or superior to those observed in most developed countries), and due to its association with worse health status and use of health services and medications. The strong association between social phobia and socioeconomic circumstance, even in a small and poor community, is certainly a reflex of the major social inequalities in Brazil.
Social anxiety disorder (SAD) is a prevalent and disabling disorder associated with significant co-morbidity. An increased awareness of SAD over the past two decades has given impetus to advances in the pharmacotherapeutic and psychotherapeutic treatment options for this disorder. On the basis of consistent data from randomised controlled trials, present consensus supports the use of SSRIs as the first-line treatment in generalised SAD, partly because of established short-and long-term efficacy in this disorder, evidence for safety and tolerability, and ability to treat co-morbid conditions. There is more recent evidence that venlafaxine XR (extended release) may also be considered a first-line treatment in SAD. Second-line treatments include MAOIs (e.g. phenelzine) and reversible inhibitors of monoamine oxidase A (e.g. moclobemide), while some benzodiazepines and antiepileptics (e.g. clonazepam and pregabalin) may also be useful. Over the past two decades, cognitive behavioural therapies for SAD have gained increasing empirical support. The optimal approach to the management of treatment-refractory SAD patients requires additional study.
Theories of anxiety development suggest that parental acceptance, control, and modeling of anxious behaviors are associated with children's manifestations of anxiety. This paper reviews research pub-lished in the past decade on the relation between parenting and childhood anxiety. Observed parental control during parent–child interactions was consistently linked with shyness and child anxiety dis-orders across studies. Mixed support for the role of parental acceptance and modeling of anxious behaviors was found in observational studies. However, there was little evidence supporting the con-tention that self-reported parenting style was related to children's trait anxiety. Because of limitations associated with past research, inferences about the direction of effects linking parenting and child anxiety cannot be made. A conceptual framework based on recent models of anxiety development (e.g., Vasey & Dadds, 2001) is presented to aid in the interpretation of extant research findings and to provide suggestions for future research and theory development. Improved methodological designs are pro-posed, including the use of repeated-measure and experimental designs for examining the direction of effects. Are particular parenting styles or behaviors linked with childhood anxiety? Clinical anxiety is one of the most common psychiatric problems experienced by school-aged children (Bell-Dolan & Brazeal, 1993; Bowen, Offord, & Boyle, 1990; see also Schniering, Hudson, & Rapee, 2000). Although the problem is widespread and affects children throughout child-hood and adolescence, the etiology and sequelae of childhood anxiety remain complex and elusive. One important area that has been emphasized as con-tributing to the development of childhood anxiety is parenting (e.g., Chorpita & Barlow, 1998; Craske, 1999; Vasey & Dadds, 2001). In support, behavioral genetic studies conducted in the past decade have suggested that the 'shared environment,' possibly including childrearing experiences, accounts for a significant amount of the variance in childhood an-xiety symptoms and disorders (see Eley, 2001). Some naturalistic studies have also found a linkage be-tween parenting behavior and childhood anxiety (e.g., Whaley, Pinto, & Sigman, 1999). But the con-sistency of this association across studies and the direction of effects remain in question, primarily because a current synthesis of the literature is lacking. A previous meta-analysis (Gerlsma, Em-melkamp, & Arrindell, 1990) and two review articles (Masia & Morris, 1998; Rapee, 1997) on this topic focused primarily on retrospective studies based on adult reports. Rapee's review also included some studies of children, but these were primarily from the 1970s and 1980s. To address this gap, this paper reviews and discusses the most recent empirical evidence regarding the relation between parenting and childhood anxiety. In doing so, we not only review current theories of child anxiety development, but also expand upon such theory and provide recommendations to advance the field. The definition of 'anxiety' varies across subdis-ciplines and studies. For this paper, we adopted Craske's (1999) definitions of and distinctions be-tween trait anxiety (also referred to as negative affect or neuroticism, comprising nonspecific symptoms of fear, worry, and other negative mood states not unique to a single disorder) and anxiety disorders (e.g., social phobia, separation anxiety disorder). Trait anxiety is viewed as a continuous characteristic that, when elevated, represents a generalized vul-nerability to mood disorders, but may not cause clinically significant functional impairment by itself, whereas anxiety disorders represent specific anxiety symptom clusters that cause distress or impairment. We review the relation between parenting and both trait anxiety and anxiety disorders in children, and use the term 'childhood anxiety' when referring to both. Distinctions between the two are noted when relevant.
Two meta-analyses find that Americans have shifted toward substantially higher levels of anxiety and neuroticism during recent decades. Both college student (adult) and child samples increased almost a full standard deviation in anxiety between 1952 and 1993 (explaining about 20% of the variance in the trait). The average American child in the 1980s reported more anxiety than child psychiatric patients in the 1950s. Correlations with social indices (e.g., divorce rates, crime rates) suggest that decreases in social connectedness and increases in environmental dangers may be responsible for the rise in anxiety. Economic factors, however, seem to play little role. Birth cohort, as a proxy for broad social trends, may be an important influence on personality development, especially during childhood.
Anxiety disorders are among the most prevalent psychiatric problems in children and adolescents. The present article summarizes the main evidence that has accumulated on the pathogenesis of childhood anxiety disorders during the past two decades. Various risk and vulnerability factors (e.g., genetics, behavioral inhibition, disgust sensitivity, negative life events, family influences), protective factors (e.g., effortful control, perceived control), and maintaining factors (e.g., avoidance, cognitive biases) will be discussed. The information will be described in terms of a developmental psychopathology perspective, which assumes that (a) most forms of psychopathology are the result of multiple causal influences; (b) both successful and unsuccessful adaptation are important for understanding the origins of psychopathology; and (c) psychopathology occurs in a developing organism.
Ethological attachment theory is a landmark of 20th century social and behavioral sciences theory and research. This new paradigm for understanding primary relationships across the lifespan evolved from John Bowlby's critique of psychoanalytic drive theory and his own clinical observations, supplemented by his knowledge of fields as diverse as primate ethology, control systems theory, and cognitive psychology. By the time he had written the first volume of his classic Attachment and Loss trilogy, Mary D. Salter Ainsworth's naturalistic observations in Uganda and Baltimore, and her theoretical and descriptive insights about maternal care and the secure base phenomenon had become integral to attachment theory. Patterns of Attachment reports the methods and key results of Ainsworth's landmark Baltimore Longitudinal Study. Following upon her naturalistic home observations in Uganda, the Baltimore project yielded a wealth of enduring, benchmark results on the nature of the child's tie to its primary caregiver and the importance of early experience. It also addressed a wide range of conceptual and methodological issues common to many developmental and longitudinal projects, especially issues of age appropriate assessment, quantifying behavior, and comprehending individual differences. In addition, Ainsworth and her students broke new ground, clarifying and defining new concepts, demonstrating the value of the ethological methods and insights about behavior. Today, as we enter the fourth generation of attachment study, we have a rich and growing catalogue of behavioral and narrative approaches to measuring attachment from infancy to adulthood. Each of them has roots in the Strange Situation and the secure base concept presented in Patterns of Attachment. It inclusion in the Psychology Press Classic Editions series reflects Patterns of Attachment's continuing significance and insures its availability to new generations of students, researchers, and clinicians.
In a sample of 159 primary school children, the relationship between perceived parental rearing behaviours and self-reported attachment style, on the one hand, and worry, on the other hand, was investigated. Children completed (a) the EMBU, a questionnaire measuring perceptions of parental rearing behaviours, (b) a single-item measure of attachment style, and (c) the Penn State Worry Questionnaire for Children (PSWQ-C), an index of severity of worrying. Results showed that parental rearing behaviours, in particular rejection and anxious rearing, were positively associated with worry. Thus, children who perceived their parents as more rejective and anxious reported higher levels of worry. Furthermore, self-reported attachment style appeared to be related to worry. More specifically, children who classified themselves as avoidantly or ambivalently attached displayed higher levels of worry than did children who classified themselves as securely attached. These findings are consistent with the notion that family environment factors such as parental rearing and attachment style contribute to the severity of anxiety symptoms in children. 7 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.