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Abstract and Figures

Selection for fast early growth rate and feeding and management procedures which support growth have lead to various welfare problems in modern broiler strains. Problems which are directly linked to growth rate are metabolic disorders causing mortality by the Sudden Death Syndrome and ascites. Fast growth rate is generally accompanied by decreased locomotor activity and extended time spent sitting or lying. The lack of exercise is considered a main cause of leg weakness, and extreme durations of sitting on poor quality litter produces skin lesions at the breast and the legs. Management factors which slow down early growth alleviate many welfare problems. Alternatively it may be considered to use slow growing strains which do not have the above mentioned welfare problems. Since growth is a main economical factor, there are problems of acceptability of these measures in the commercial broiler production. Stocking density is a central issue of broiler welfare. It is evident, that the influence of stocking density on growth rate and leg problems acts through its influence on litter and air quality. High moisture content of the litter enhances microbial activity, which in turn leads to increase of temperature and ammonia in broiler houses, and thus, high incidence of contact dermatitis. High stocking density impedes heat transfer from the litter surface to the ventilated room. This restricts the efficacy of conventional ventilation systems in alleviating heat stress. Lighting programmes with reduced photoperiods are considered essential for the stimulation of locomotor activity and the development of a circadian rhythm in the birds. Extended dark periods, however, reduce growth when applied in the first weeks of age. Compensation occurs when the time of the production cycle is substantially increased. Various methods to enrich the environment have shown only moderate effects on the behaviour and physical conditions of broilers.
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© World’s Poultry Science Association 2006
World’s Poultry Science Journal, Vol. 62, September 2006
Received for publication November 25, 2005
Accepted for publication January 24, 2006 455
DOI: 10.1079/WPS2005108
Welfare of broilers: a review
University of Hohenheim, Institute of Animal Husbandry and Breeding (470), D-
70593 Stuttgart, Germany
Selection for fast early growth rate and feeding and management procedures which
support growth have lead to various welfare problems in modern broiler strains.
Problems which are directly linked to growth rate are metabolic disorders causing
mortality by the Sudden Death Syndrome and ascites. Fast growth rate is generally
accompanied by decreased locomotor activity and extended time spent sitting or
lying. The lack of exercise is considered a main cause of leg weakness, and extreme
durations of sitting on poor quality litter produces skin lesions at the breast and the
legs. Management factors which slow down early growth alleviate many welfare
problems. Alternatively it may be considered to use slow growing strains which do
not have the above mentioned welfare problems. Since growth is a main economical
factor, there are problems of acceptability of these measures in the commercial
broiler production. Stocking density is a central issue of broilerwelfare. It is evident,
that the influence of stocking density on growth rate and leg problems acts through
its influence on litter and air quality. High moisture content of the litter enhances
microbial activity, which in turn leads to increase of temperature and ammonia in
broiler houses, and thus, high incidence of contact dermatitis. High stocking density
impedes heat transfer from the litter surface to the ventilated room. This restricts the
efficacy of conventional ventilation systems in alleviating heat stress. Lighting
programmes with reduced photoperiods are considered essential for the stimulation
of locomotor activity and the development of a circadian rhythm in the birds.
Extended dark periods, however, reduce growth when applied in the first weeks of
age. Compensation occurs when the time of the production cycle is substantially
increased. Various methods to enrich the environment have shown only moderate
effects on the behaviour and physical conditions of broilers.
Keywords: broilers; welfare; behaviour; management; leg problems
As a result of intensive selection for fast early growth, the poultry breeds and lines used
for meat production differ substantially from egg producing breeds in their anatomy,
physiology and behaviour. Feeding and management for meat production has been
developed concurrently to exploit the genetic potential for growth. The time required to
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reach 1.500 g live weight was reduced from 120 days in 1925 to 30 days in 2005 (Albers,
1998). In order to exploit the high genetic potential for growth highly concentrated diets
fed in pellet form and extended lighting programmes are required. The main welfare issues
which have been addressed in the last two decades are closely linked with the fast early
growth rate: high susceptibility to metabolic disorders and low locomotor activity. Among
the management measures which have elicited criticism from the welfare point of view are
in first line stocking density, litter quality and ammonia concentration in the air. In
addition inadequate light duration and intensity and lack of environmental stimuli are
considered to compromise welfare conditions. Most of the welfare problems are caused by
multiple genetic and environmental factors and their interactions. Therefore it is generally
not possible to strictly attribute particular problems to particular genetic or management
factors. In the following the welfare problems are categorised in those which are mainly
related to the genetic line and mainly to environmental factors.
The basic welfare issues in meat producing poultry are similar for the different species.
As broiler chickens represent the major part of poultry meat in Europe and world wide,
and most of the research on welfare has been done on broilers, the present overview is
limited to chickens. It is expected, however, that more emphasis will be placed on the
welfare of other poultry species in the future.
Genetic issues
Slow growing breeds show lower mortality from day-old to slaughter age, although the
duration of the fattening period is shorter in the latter (Bauer et al., 1996). Causes of
mortality related to fast growth are mainly Sudden Death Syndrome (SDS) (Gardiner et
al., 1988) and ascites (Maxwell and Robertson, 1997). With regard to SDS fast growing
male birds are generally more affected than females (Grashorn et al., 1998). Although the
physiological mechanisms causing SDS are not fully understood, there is no doubt that
growth rate represents the most eminent cause for this problem. As expressed in the name
of the syndrome birds which are otherwise in good condition die within a short time. The
range from the first sign of unrest until death was from 37 to 69 seconds (Newberry et al.,
1987). Hence suffering of the birds is restricted to that period. The welfare situation is
different in the case of ascites. Ascites develops gradually and the birds suffer for an
extended period before they die. The disease is characterised by hypertrophy and
dilatation of the heart, changes in liver function, pulmonary insufficiency, hypoxaemia
and accumulation of large amounts of fluid in the abdominal cavity (Riddel, 1991). The
underlying problem of these symptoms is insufficiency of oxygen supply of the tissues of
rapidly growing broilers, and both genetic and environmental factors contribute to the
development of the disease. There exists genetic variation of the susceptibility to ascites
between and within broiler lines (Deeb et al., 2002). Broilers which are susceptible to
ascites showed a reduced function of the tissues mitochondria (Cisar et al., 2005).
Environmental factors, which increase the demand for oxygen, such as low brooding
temperature, or, which impair oxygen supply to the blood, such as high altitude, are known
to increase the incidence of ascites (Mitchell, 1997; Julian, 2000).
There is a high incidence of skeletal disorders in commercial broilers. Most of them are
found in the locomotor system. Although diseases and nutritional deficiencies may play a
role in the development of leg problems as well, the influence of growth must be
considered as the main factor. Among the leg problems varus and valgus deformities,
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osteodystrophy, dyschondroplasia and femoral head necrosis play a major role. It has been
found in experiments that the incidence of twisted legs and tibial dischondroplasia can be
reduced by genetic selection (Sørensen, 1989). Because of the negative correlation
between leg problems and growth rate this option may not be fully exploited in
commercial breeding programmes. The leg abnormalities impair the locomotor abilities of
the birds, and lame birds spend more time lying and sleeping (Vestergaard and Sanotra,
1999). Subjective gait scoring systems have been developed from 1 (normal gait) to 5
(high walking problems) to assess the incidence of leg problems in broiler flocks (Kestin
et al., 1992) and it has been assumed that the welfare of birds is poor when the scores are
3 or higher (McGeown et al., 1999). Walking in birds with poor gait scores was
significantly improved after treatment with analgesic and anti-inflammatory drugs. In
self-selection experiments lame birds selected more drugged feed than intact birds
(Danbury et al., 2000). This lead to the assumption that leg problems in broilers are
painful. The proportion of broilers with gait scores of >3 varies from 3 to 30 percent (EU,
2000). In a survey including 29 broiler flocks Sanotra et al. (2001) reported an average
incidence of 30 per cent with a gait score of 3 or more, ranging from 12 to 55 per cent. The
variation of the data may by explained by the effect of the scoring personal rather than
differences in the flocks studied. There exist more objective methods of gait analysis in
birds using video-tracking or foot-print analysis (Reiter and Bessei, 1997; De Jong et al.,
2004). These methods, however, are highly complicated and time consuming, and thus,
not applicable when large flocks have to be controlled. It may be useful to develop a
scoring system which reduces the influence of the scoring personnel.
Hock burns, breast blisters and foot pad lesions which may be summarised under the
expression contact dermatitis, have been increased in broiler flocks during the last decades
(Hartung, 1994). They are characterised by hyperkeratosis and necrosis of the epidermis
of the affected sites. In an advanced stadium there are inflammations of the subcutis with
degeneration of tissue. Secondary infections (e.g. E. coli) may further worsen the
conditions of the birds. There is evidence that the contact dermatitis cause pain and thus is
a matter of welfare. The incidence has found to be highly variable. Surveys in Sweden
have reported an average prevalence of 5 to 10% (Elwinger, 1995; Berg, 1998) with high
variation among flocks.
Contact dermatitis is obviously the result of the extremely long time of sitting and poor
litter quality. Sitting and lying in fast growing broilers increase with age from 75% in the
first week to 90% at 5 weeks of age (Bessei, 1992a).
Locomotor activity is important for the ossification of the bones of growing animals.
There is a causal interrelationship between fast growth, low locomotor activity and leg
problems. Thorp and Duff (1988) exercised broilers four times for 15 minutes per day
starting at 8 days of age. This reduced the incidence of leg abnormalities from 33 days of
age onwards. Reiter and Bessei (1994; 1995) have shown that the walking ability of fast
growing broilers on a treadmill was higher than the voluntary activity under home pen
conditions, and the increased exercise improved the skeletal conditions of the legs. The
voluntary locomotor activity of fast growing broilers was significantly increased when a
part of the body weight was alleviated by a special suspension device (Rutten et al., 2002).
This treatment improved bone characteristics as compared to the control broilers without
exercise. The importance of exercise differs among breeds. In a recent experiment birds of
a slow and a fast growing broiler line were brought to the same load on the legs by putting
weight on the slow growing and alleviating weight of the fast growing lines (Djukic et al.,
2005). As before, the alleviation of weight from the fast growing lines increased
locomotor activity and improved the leg bone conditions. Loading weight on the slow
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growing broilers decreased the locomotor activity. But the bone structure and walking
ability was not significantly changed.
Environmental issues
Stocking density is a key issue for the economical result of broiler production. Current
recommendations for stocking density in broilers differ widely by country and
organisation (Table 1). There are plenty of experiments covering a wide range, from less
than 10 to over 80 kg/m2floor space. Highest stocking rates of more than 80 kg/m2have
been reported in caged broilers by Andrews (1972). In deep litter systems maximum
stocking densities of about 50 kg/m2have been tested by Shanawany (1988) and Grashorn
and Kutritz (1991). Most other experiments ranged between 20 and 40 kg (Scholtyssek
and Gschwindt-Ensinger, 1983; Scherer, 1989; Wiedmer and Hadorn, 1998). There is a
well documented reduction of feed intake and reduced growth rate when stocking density
exceeds about 30 kg/m2under deep litter conditions. The effect of stocking density was
reduced, when broilers were kept in cages (Scholtyssek, 1973) or on perforated floors in
combination with under-floor ventilation (von Arkenau et al., 1997). The negative effect
of stocking density on growth rate was partially compensated by increased ventilation
rates (Grashorn and Kutritz, 1991). These results lead to the assumption that problems of
dissipating the metabolic heat may be the causal factor for the depression of growth rate.
This was confirmed by a study on the temperature of the litter (Reiter and Bessei, 2000)
(Table 2). The temperature measured 5 cm underneath the litter surface increased from
23.3 to 31.3 centigrade as stocking density increased from 19 to 40 kg per m2. The
temperature 1 m above the litter was about 22 centigrade and not influenced by stocking
density. The assumption that the negative effect of stocking density on growth is caused by
heat stress has been confirmed by McLean et al. (2001). They found that deep panting in
broilers was increased when stocking density increased from 28 to 34 and 40 kg/m2,
suggesting more thermal discomfort from 34 kg onwards. The increase of litter
temperature with increasing stocking density can be explained by different effects. Higher
stocking density increases nitrogen and moisture level in the litter and thus, improves the
conditions for the microbial activity. The transfer of heat from the litter surface to the
ventilated space is inhibited when, at the end of the growing period, the total area of the
floor is covered by the birds. Petermann and Roming (1993) measured the area covered by
broilers in response to their body weight. Based on these data the percentage of the area
covered by the birds was calculated. The area was totally covered at densities of 42, 45 and
48 kg/m2when the live weight of the broilers increased from 1.5 to 1.9 and 3.2 kg
There was no consistent trend of stocking density on feed conversion rate. While this
trait was improved (Scholtyssek and Gschwindt, 1980; Shanawany, 1988; Grashorn and
Kutritz, 1991; Cravener et al., 1992) or not significantly changed in some cases
(Scholtyssek and Gschwindt-Ensinger, 1983; Waldroup et al., 1992), there was a
significant deterioration reported by Scholtyssek (1974).
The occurrence of morphological changes, such as dermatitis including food pad
lesions, breast blisters and soiled plumage have been reported as a result of high stocking
rate. Most of the experiments have shown that the prevalence and incidence of these
damages increased with increasing stocking rate (Weaver et al., 1973; Proudfoot et al.,
1979, Cravener et al., Gordon, 1992). It seems, however, that as mentioned before, the
negative effects are the response to factors related to stocking density. When stocking
densities from 10 to 35 birds/m2were studied, the incidence of dermatitis, leg problems
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and soiled plumage varied with humidity of the litter and ammonia concentration, but not
with stocking density as such (Algers and Svedberg, 1989). In a large scale experiment
with commercial farms using different breeds, management systems and stocking
densities, it was confirmed that the management conditions (litter quality, temperature and
humidity) were more important than stocking density (Dawkins et al., 2004). Wet litter
and ammonia have been found to produce breast blisters and skin lesions (Harms et al.,
1977; Proudfoot et al., 1979; Valentin and Willsch, 1987; Weaver and Meijerhof, 1991;
Grashorn 1993). Wet litter was also identified as main factor for foot-pad dermatitis by
Ekstrand et al. (1997). In this context the type of the watering system showed a significant
effect. Interestingly the incidence of foot-pad dermatitis increased with thickness of the
litter layer.
It can be concluded that the influence of stocking density on the growth rate of broilers
is acting through heat stress rather than physical restriction of the animals` space for
movement. The results have shown that the growth depression which has been found with
increasing stocking density was closely linked to problems of heat dissipation. The effect
of stocking density on growth rate was reduced when the birds were kept on perforated
floors, or on litter floors in combination with under-floor ventilation High stocking density
impedes under conventional deep litter conditions, the heat transfer from the litter to the
ventilated space and increased ventilation rate will not entirely alleviate the problem of
heat stress. The negative effects of stocking density on different forms of dermatitis are
mediated through poor litter conditions.
Table 1 Some recommendations on stocking density in the EU.
EU (2000) Slaughter age, weight and ventilation rate / climatic condition should be
considered; it appears that welfare problems are likely to emerge when
stocking rates exceed 30 kg/m2
This stocking densities should only be allowed when the
producer is able to maintain air and litter quality
European Council (1995) no fixed figures
a.v.e.c. (1997) … stocking density depends on the housing capacity and
quality of equipment and standard of management
Danske Fjekraeraad (1997) maximum 40 kg/m2
FAWC (1992) 34 kg maximum stocking; should not be exceeded at any
Germany (Voluntary
Agreement, 1999) 35 kg/m2
Switzerland (Federal Law) 20 birds/m2or 30 kg /m2maximum
Sweden (Berg, 1998) 20 – 36 depending on management scoring
Table 2 Temperature in a broiler house at the end of a 6 weeks growing period in response to different
stocking densities and different locations (height over litter surface and underneath litter surface) (after
Reiter and Bessei, 2000).
Height over litter Stocking density (kg/m2)
surface (cm) 19,4 30,0 40,2
100 21,8 21,8 22,3
20 22,3 22,5 28,6
0 23,3 26,9 30,3
-5 23,3 26,9 31,3
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The effect of stocking density on locomotor and scratching behaviour in fast growing
broilers was increased when stocking density was increased from 10 birds/m2in small
groups, to higher densities in larger groups (Blokhuis and van der Haar, 1990; Lewis and
Hurnik, 1990; Bessei and Reiter, 1993). In other studies using larger groups only there was
no significant effect of stocking density on the behaviour with stocking densities varying
from 10 to 25 birds/m2(Scherer, 1989; Bessei, 1992a). Since the behavioural activities of
broilers decrease rapidly from 2 weeks of age onwards (Reiter and Bessei, 1995) the effect
of stocking density may become less important in this regard.
The barren environment may contribute to the low behavioural activities of broilers.
There have been various attempts to stimulate the behaviour by the enrichment of the
environment. Various methods have been examined, using litter, light programmes, toys,
sequential feeding programmes and perches or elevated platforms.
The availability of litter stimulates scratching behaviour. There is a sharp decline of
scratching activity with growing age in conventional broilers (Bessei, 1992a). It is
assumed that the deterioration of litter quality and the general decrease of the activity may
be causes of this effect, but the relative importance of both factors has not been elucidated
so far. The availability of litter did not modify locomotion as compared to an elastic
perforated floor (Bessei, 1992b). Arnould et al. (2001) observed an increase in activity of
young broiler chickens by providing strings and trays containing sand. The effect of the
enrichment disappeared with increasing age. There was no effect of the treatment on the
leg conditions. Mench et al. (2001) found significant improvements of behaviour
activities on leg conditions of broilers, when they were reared in enriched pens with
opportunities to climb, scratch and perch. Provision of perches is considered to stimulate
the activity of broilers. The use of perches is depending on the height from the floor and
the weight of the birds. Since heavy birds, which are considered to need the behavioural
stimulation, are making poor use of the perch, their effect on the locomotor activity is
rather limited. According to Martrenchar et al. (1999) less than 1% of broilers used
perches (20 and 33 cm high) at low stocking density (11 birds/m2). The acceptance of
perches was increased to 10% when the stocking density was raised up to 22 birds/m2.
More perching (22%) could be achieved by Davies and Weeks (1995) who adapted the
high of the perches, according to the growth of the birds, from 2.5 to 26 cm. Su et al.
(2000) found no effect of perches on gait score. According to our own observations
broilers used a ramp between feeder and drinker as perch, and spent more time sitting than
broilers without ramps (Bessei, 1992 b). Barriers between feeders and drinkers have been
reported to be used as perches (Bizeray et al., 2001). But gait score was not improved.
Some improvement of tibial breaking strength was reported by Balog et al. (1997) when
ramps were placed between feeders and drinkers, but there was no reduction of tibial
dyschondroplasia. Bokkers and Koene (2003) found that more slow growing than fast
growing broilers used perches. The use of perches produced breast blisters and
deformation of the keel bones.
Sequential feeding of diets containing different levels of lysine has been used to
stimulate the activity of broiler chickens (Bizeray et al., 2001). This procedure increased
the foraging behaviour and locomotor activity in the chicks and improved leg conditions.
At the same time, however, the body weight of the sequentially fed birds was reduced.
Briefly, environmental enrichment methods, which successfully stimulate the activity
can improve the leg conditions and, thus, the welfare state of broilers. Perches are poorly
used and do not increase the activity of the birds. While there was no impact of perches on
leg conditions, they obviously increased the incidence of breast blisters.
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Continuous light regimes allow the birds to feed continuously throughout the day.
Earlier experiments have shown that growth rate and feed conversion were better under
continuous light than under a natural day-night regime (Schutze et al., 1960; Morris,
1967). Short light-dark-rhythms produced similar effects on the performance as
continuous light (McDaniel, 1972; Buckland et al., 1973; Kondo et al., 1986). There was
a positive effect of extended dark periods with regard to leg problems, mortality and
metabolic disorders (Zubair and Leeson, 1996), but growth rate was reduced by this
treatment. It is known that chickens, under extended dark phases, develop a circadian
rhythm with increased feed intake before the beginning of the dark phase. It is also known
that broilers start eating in the dark, when extended dark phases are introduced. It seems,
however, that young broilers are not able to fully compensate for the shortened light
periods. Thomsen (1989) kept broilers at 12:12 hours (light: dark) from 3 to 21 days of age
and at continuous light thereafter. Growth rate was delayed under the 12:12 hrs light-dark
cycle. Full compensation occurred at 49 days of age only. When intermittent lighting of 1
hour light : 3 hrs darkness have been compared with nearly continuous light (23 hrs light:1
hr darkness) compensation of growth rate was observed in males, but not in females
(Buyse, et al., 1996). Sørensen et al. (1999) found reduced incidence of tibial
dyschondroplasia but no improvement of walking ability, when extended dark periods
where provided between 3 and 21 days of age.
It has been shown that the light programme influences the level and diurnal pattern of
the locomotor activity of the chickens. Simons and Haye (1978) measured the activity of
broilers under continuous and intermittent light regimes. The total activity was higher
when continuous light was given, and the activity was evenly distributed throughout the
day. Under intermittent lighting conditions using short light-dark-cycles episodes of high
locomotor activity occurred during the short light periods. These short periods of high
activity did positively influence leg conditions (Simons and Haye, 1978; Thomsen, 1989).
Reiter and Bessei (2002) measured the locomotor activity of broilers under quasi
continuous light (23 hrs light : 1h dark) and 16 hrs light : 8 hrs dark. The average activity
level in the light phase increased as the duration of light decreased. In the same experiment
it was shown that broilers under 23 hrs light : 1 h dark did not develop a circadian activity
patters, while those under 8hrs dark : 16 hrs light did. The development of circadian
rhythms is considered an important indicator of welfare in domestic animals. Therefore
clear day- night light programmes, which enable the expression of the diurnal rhythms,
play an important role in the recommendations of animal-friendly livestock systems. It
seems that more than one hour darkness is required for this purpose. 8 hrs of darkness
obviously allow the development of the rhythm, but it is not known so far, whether this is
the minimum time of light required. It has also to be considered in this context, that these
results are based on the activity of groups of birds. It is generally known that the light
cycles do not generate rhythms, but synchronise endogenous rhythms with different basic
frequencies. It is possible that individual circadian rhythms even under continuous light.
They may remain undetected in the group data because of lacking synchronisation.
The requirement for light was investigated by Savory and Duncan (1982) who trained
broilers to operate a light switch. When the birds were offered to switch the light on in a
dark environment (1 to 3 min of light per response) they realised a light period of about
20% of the time of day. When the programme allowed switching off the light in a light
environment the time of darkness was less than 1%, and when they could switch the light
on and off the duration of light was more than 80 percent of the time budget. Berk (1995)
reported that broilers, when they were given free choice between a light and dark, the time
spent in the dark increased with age.
Light intensity, wave length and source of light can influence the activity of broilers.
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High light intensity (180 vs. 6 lux) increased the locomotor activity and reduced leg
problems in 6 week old broilers (Newberry et al., 1988). The positive effect of light
intensity disappeared at 9 weeks of age. In another experiment using 2 and 200 lux tibial
bowing was higher at the high light intensity (Gordon and Thorp, 1994). Despite the
higher locomotor activity at high light intensity there was no negative effect on growth
rate and feed conversion. This is in contrast to earlier results where high light intensity was
found to reduce growth and deteriorate feed conversion rate (Proudfoot and Sefton, 1978).
Prayitino et al. (1997) reported that high intensity of red light stimulated the activity of
broilers. Boshouwers and Nicaise (1993) found that high frequency UV light produced
higher activity in laying hens as compared to low frequency UV light.
High light intensities and particular light sources show some potential to increase the
activity of chickens. Their impact on leg problems and welfare, however, has still to be
Chickens kept on continuous light (fluorescent and incandescent), continuous darkness
or under dim light developed ocular enlargement and shallow anterior chambers (Lauber
and Kinnear, 1979). The intraocular pressure was not influenced by the light treatment
(Whitley et al., 1984; Li et al., 1995). Similar results have been reported in turkey poults
by Davis et al. (1986). The continuous light effect on the chicken eye could be avoided by
providing at least 4 hours of darkness in one block at the same time of the day (Li et al.,
2000). In most studies of light on the chicken eye chicks of layer strains have been used.
Troilo et al. (1995) found significant differences in the reaction of different strains to
different light schedules. Therefore the extension of the above mentioned results on broiler
chicks must be considered with reservations.
Final conclusions
In conclusion the welfare problems of broilers are caused by factors which enable fast
early growth, such as genetic background and extended lighting programmes. Fast
growing lines under continuous light programmes decrease their locomotor activity and
increase the time spent sitting with age. Low locomotor activity in combination with high
early growth rate causes development problems in leg bones and cartilage, which result in
deformation of leg bones and gait anomalies. High duration of time spent sitting on wet
litter lead to skin lesions at the breast and legs, and contribute to deterioration of the
welfare situation. It is assumed that these leg problems are painful. It has been proved that
measures which reduce the early growth rate generally improve the welfare situation of
broilers. The use of slow growing broilers as alternative to reduce growth rate in fast
growing broilers has shown to be more efficient in reducing leg weakness and metabolic
diseases. Stocking density influences welfare criteria mainly through litter and air quality,
and its negative effects can be reduced by adequate management procedures. Moisture and
temperature of the litter increase with age of the broiler and with increasing stocking
density. This leads to thermal discomfort of the animals at the end of the growing period.
Therefore it is recommended to monitor the physical and behavioural conditions of the
birds rather than fixing data on maximum stocking density and other environmental
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... Furthermore, it has been reported that in many parts of the world, commercial broiler chickens are reared with high stocking densities, both in production systems with little space per chicken and in those lacking in environmental enrichments that allow the exhibition of natural behaviors, which could lead to stress and increase agonistic behaviors. According to Bessei (2006), broiler chickens are mostly reared in barren environments at high stocking densities, and lameness, hock burns, breast blisters, and footpad dermatitis have been reported to be some of the major welfare-related issues in modern-day broiler chickens (Bradshaw et al., 2002;EFSA, 2010;Bessei, 2006). These welfarerelated issues are caused by the frequent contact and pressure of the skin of the breast, hocks, and feet against humid and soiled litter materials (Ekstrand et al., 1997(Ekstrand et al., , 1998. ...
... Furthermore, it has been reported that in many parts of the world, commercial broiler chickens are reared with high stocking densities, both in production systems with little space per chicken and in those lacking in environmental enrichments that allow the exhibition of natural behaviors, which could lead to stress and increase agonistic behaviors. According to Bessei (2006), broiler chickens are mostly reared in barren environments at high stocking densities, and lameness, hock burns, breast blisters, and footpad dermatitis have been reported to be some of the major welfare-related issues in modern-day broiler chickens (Bradshaw et al., 2002;EFSA, 2010;Bessei, 2006). These welfarerelated issues are caused by the frequent contact and pressure of the skin of the breast, hocks, and feet against humid and soiled litter materials (Ekstrand et al., 1997(Ekstrand et al., , 1998. ...
... The manipulation of the environment of the production system or the provision of a more stimulating environment has been predicted to improve welfare in both fast and slow-growing broiler chickens (Kells et al., 2001;Bessei, 2006;Bailie et al., 2013). Moreover, it has been reported that the movement of animals can be influenced by environmental enrichment (Leone et al., 2007), thereby enhancing the adequate use of space (Newberry & Shackleton, 1997;Cornetto & Estevez, 2001a). ...
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This work reviews the effect of environmental enrichments (perches, platforms, stocking density, outdoor access, bale, and dust bathing substrates) on the performance of fast and slow-growing commercial broiler strains. The performance of both slow and fast-growing commercial broiler strains under conventional production systems are generally poor, especially regarding the welfare status. One of the strategies to improve the performance of commercial broiler strains is by adding enrichment objects to production systems. The addition of enrichments to production systems should improve animal welfare, have no negative effect on production performance, and be both economically practicable and feasible to employ. Perches and platforms are the most common enrichments used to increase the activity of broiler chickens to improve leg conditions. The use of perches and platforms could lead to the reduction in the incidence of footpad dermatitis, hockburns and breast blisters, with subsequent effects on meat quality. Moreover, the provision of outdoor access could improve the biology responses of broiler chickens to various environmental stimuli, with a profound effect on performance and meat quality traits. Furthermore, another enrichment strategies that could increase the exploratory behavior and the general welfare of broiler chickens is the use of dustbathing and bale subtrates. Moreover, adjusting the stocking density provides broiler chickens with the necessary space for movement, reduces crowding, trampling and the associated agonistic behavior. However, the effect of some of these enrichments (perches, platform, bale) objects may vary depending on height, age, sex, and strain of the chickens. Keywords: Broiler; environmental enrichment; production systems; performance; strain
... In terms of producers, housing density is the final live weight obtained by the number of broilers to be placed per unit area . Although it varies according to production systems, there is a large variation in housing density recommendations from 20 to 80 kg/m 2 (Bessei 2006). However, stocking densities above 40 kg/m 2 are usually achieved in grid or cage systems. ...
... However, stocking densities above 40 kg/m 2 are usually achieved in grid or cage systems. Due to the negative effects and welfare problems of increased housing density, limitations have been introduced by various organisations (Bessei 2006;European Commission 2007). While it has been reported that the performance characteristics of broiler chickens are positively affected by decreasing the stocking density (Bilgili and Hess 1995;Dozier et al. 2005Dozier et al. , 2006Mtileni et al. 2007;Skrbic et al. 2009;Şekeroğlu et al. 2011), some studies reported no effect (Thomas et al. 2004) or negative effect (Feddes et al. 2002). ...
... However, according to the results of most previous studies, reducing the stocking density contributes positively to welfare parameters, especially due to improvements in temperature-humiditylitter conditions in the poultry house (Abudabos et al. 2013;Yaowen et al. 2022; Van der Eijk et al. 2023). Although changes in housing density can lead to changes in some carcass characteristics by increasing the mobility of birds (Meena et al. 2024), the majority of research results indicate that these differences depend on age at slaughter, fast or slow growth level, and grid, cage or enriched floor systems (Bessei 2006). On the other hand, housing density practices may vary according to regional conditions (Gholami et al. 2020;Sarıca et al. 2022), local or international sanctions (European Commission 2007 or the growth rate of broilers (slow or fast growth) ( Van der Eijk et al. 2022. ...
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This study aimed to investigate the effects of varying stocking densities during the first 10 days on the performance, welfare, slaughter and meat quality characteristics of broiler chickens in the subsequent period (11–42 days). In the study, treatments representing 3 different stocking densities with the same group sizes were established and a total of 432 d-old chicks were used. In the first 10 days of the rearing period, treatments of 18 (SD18), 27 (SD27) and 36 (SD36) chicks per m² were formed, and at 11 days of age, chicks in all treatments were reared at a density of 18 chicks/m². Body weight differences in SD18, SD27 and SD36 treatments at 10 and 42 days of age were significant (P < 0.05), they were 252.6, 254.3 and 241.5 g in SD18, SD27 and SD36 groups at 10 days and 2961.1, 2874.8 and 2842.7 g at 42 days of age, respectively. In the first 10 days of growing period, SD36 showed a significant difference (P < 0.05) from the other groups in feed intake and feed conversion ratio, but this was not significant at slaughter age. The livability at 10 and 42 days was not different among treatments and was between 98.6 and 99.3% and 93.5–93.8%, respectively. The uniformity at 10 days was significant among the stocking density groups (P < 0.05) and the best uniformity level was obtained in the SD36 group, the differences in CV values at 42 days were not significant among the treatments. EPEF (European production efficiency factor) values were not different between the groups, the highest numerical value was determined in the SD36 group. Foot pad dermatitis, hock burn and breast burn levels were significantly higher in SD18 chickens (P < 0.05), however incidence of finger crookedness and valgus-varus deformity did not differ between the treatments. The litter moisture contents were similar between treatments, and ranged from 25.6 to 32.6%. Different stocking density treatments during the first 10 days of the experiment had no significant effect on slaughter, abdominal fat, carcass parts, color and pH values in the breast and thigh meat. In conclusion, rearing broiler chickens by dividing the poultry house area by half during the first 10 days (36 birds/m²) could help to improve the overall productivity (EPEF) by providing ease of maintenance, efficient heating and better control.
... High stocking densities in intensive broiler chicken production systems, up to 42 kg/m 2 , often result in issues such as lameness and contact dermatitis [1,2]. Rapid growth, low activity, and wet litter exacerbate these conditions, negatively affecting the health and welfare of the birds [3][4][5]. Environmental enrichment has been proposed to improve broiler welfare by introducing elements that encourage natural behaviors and reduce stress [6]. Newberry [7] defines environmental enrichment as a modification of the environment of captive animals, thereby increasing the animal's behavioral possibilities and leading to improvements in biological function. ...
... Finally, no significant differences were found in the final BW between the treatments (F(1,14) = 0.01, p = 0.9383) ( Table 6). 4 (FCR) Feed conversion ratio of a 42-day production cycle, determined by dividing the ADG by the ADFI. 5 (SEM) standard error of the mean. The control treatment involved physical enrichment (perches, straw bales, and platforms), while the social treatment involved positive human-animal interactions. ...
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Simple Summary: Broiler chickens in intensive production systems are often kept in environments with low sensory input, which can negatively impact their welfare. This study investigated the effects of physical and social enrichments. We examined how these strategies influenced the chickens' behavior, physiological responses, overall welfare, and growth parameters. Both types of enrichment improved their welfare, but social enrichment was particularly effective in encouraging foraging behavior and seemed to promote a more positive affective state. It is noteworthy that these welfare improvements maintained both growth and productivity, as no differences were observed in the productive parameters. These results suggest that incorporating social interactions into poultry farming practices can enhance animal welfare and maintain the production efficiency, offering a practical approach to improving the conditions in intensive farming systems. Abstract: Environmental enrichment is key for improving the broiler welfare in intensive production systems. This study lasted for 43 days and evaluated the effects of physical and social enrichment on broiler welfare. A total of 96 one-day-old male broilers were divided into two treatments: control treatment, provided with physical enrichment (n = 48) including perches, platforms, and straw bales; and social treatment (n = 48), involving regular positive interactions with a human. The behavioral repertoire, footpad health, taste preferences for sweet and umami compounds, affective states (through tonic immobility and attention bias tests), and growth performance were evaluated. No effects were found for feeding, drinking, locomotion, lying, or standing behaviors, although differences were observed at specific time points: the Social group had more feeding time on day 21 (p = 0.046), while physical treatment showed reductions on days 28 and 35 (p < 0.001). The Social group showed increased drinking on day 42 (p < 0.001), reduced locomotion (p = 0.022), and increased lying (p = 0.046) on day 42. Foraging was higher in the Social group (p = 0.027), but preening showed no differences. Footpad lesions showed no significant differences. The Control group preferred sucrose 100 mM (p = 0.022), but no preference for MSG 300 mM was observed. With regard to tonic immobility, the Control group showed a tendency towards larger durations (p = 0.078), indicating a potential increase in fearfulness. In the attention bias test, although the freezing behavior increased, the latency to begin feeding was shorter in the Social group (p < 0.001), suggesting an improved affective state. Lastly, no significant differences were observed for any of the growth parameters , including average daily feed intake, average daily gain, feed conversion ratio, or final body weight, indicating that the Social group maintained productivity. This approach provides a practical solution for improving the quality of life for broilers in intensive systems.
... One of the negative implications of extremely high SD is high moisture content of the litter that enhances microbial activities, leading to increased temperature and ammonia in broiler houses (Bessei, 2006). In addition, extreme SD is a predisposing factor in the pathogenesis of intestinal diseases and the mechanisms underlying these effects on poultry body physiological homeostasis. ...
Background: Reducing stocking densities may play a key role in minimizing difficulties such as physiological welfare when reducing or ending antimicrobials in poultry diets. As the demand for poultry and associated products increases, one of the major concerns centers on the question of whether stocking density influences welfare responses that are characteristic of physiological welfare. This study investigated the effect of stocking density on selected blood physiological variables along with plasma biochemistry variables and enzymes activities of broilers fed antibiotic-free diets grown to 3 kg. Methods: A total of 888 1-d-old Ross ´ Ross 708 chicks were randomly distributed into 24 pens based on stocking density treatments assignment. The treatments consisted of 4 densities (29, 33, 39 and 42 kg/m2) with six replicates. Treatments were blocked within the room to account for any variations in room conditions. Treatment assignments were randomized within each block. Used litter bedding was obtained from commercial farms to mimic commercial conditions and litter microflora. Birds were provided a three phase-feeding program (Starter: 0-14 d, Grower: 15-28 d and Finisher: 29-42 d) antibiotic-free diets. Feed and water provided ad libitum. Blood samples were collected from the brachial wing vein of 3 males and 3 females’ birds per pen on d 28 and 42 and analyzed immediately for blood physiological variables. Blood plasma samples were analyzed for T3, T4, corticosterone, biochemical variables and enzyme activities. Result: The only effect of stocking density was observed on partial pressure of CO2 (pCO2) and uric acid which were within physiological ranges for this species. However, blood glucose and plasma corticosterone concentrations were not affected by stocking density, suggesting no signs of physiological stress. Stocking densities up to 42 kg/m2 with proper environmental management may be suitable for both poultry integrators and contract growers to enhance broilers production efficiency without compromising the welfare of broilers grown to 3 kg body weight.
... Conditions 2, 3, and 4 reflect poor litter quality and 70.9% of the floor had these types of lairage (Table 4). Poor litter may cause foot pad dermatitis, and hock burn and can increase the temperature in the shed [25]. In cagetype lairage, sharp objects were found in 11.1% of cages which may cause injury to the chickens ( Table 4). ...
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Objective This study aimed to assess the welfare conditions of broiler chickens in the live bird markets (LBMs) in Bangladesh. Materials and Methods A total of fifty broiler outlets were studied in 10 LBMs of Chattogram, Bangladesh. A total of 10 chickens were observed to check the welfare issues during slaughter from each outlet (N = 500). The data were collected using a structured questionnaire method through interviews of the vendors and observation of the lairage and slaughter practice. Results The study revealed that the stocking density was significantly higher in cage-type lairage than in floor-type (p < 0.05). The feeding and drinking areas for the chickens were significantly but negatively correlated to the stocking density. The duration between unloading of broiler chickens at LBMs and feeding or drinking could exceed 5 hours in 22% of outlets. The mortality was significantly higher in the bigger outlets than the smaller outlets (p < 0.05). During pre-slaughter handling, the one-wing grasping method was practiced more in the bigger outlets (p < 0.05) whereas the feet grasping method was used more in the smaller outlets (p < 0.05). Moreover, the knives used to slaughter the chickens were not sharpened daily in 76% of outlets. Conclusion This study indicated that the broiler chickens in the LBMs of Chattogram had to face many stress episodes at different stages at their penultimate moments—from lairage to slaughter—which led to poor welfare conditions and exacerbated the suffering of chickens.
... Such data were used in the present study and consisted of: (a) the animal-based indicators of the AWIN transect assessment protocol for broilers, using the most recent definitions that base the protocol 32 ; (b) flock cumulative mortality on the assessment day (%);(c) initial density (birds/m 2 ), calculated using the number of birds registered in the house at arrival, and the house dimensions collected by researchers; (d) bedding quality, collected during transects according to the 5-point scale defined in the WQ protocol; and (e) environmental temperature (ºC) and relative humidity (%), collected with sensors during welfare assessments. In addition, mean body weight (kg) was also collected for all flocks and was included in the modelling process because of its relevance and implications on the welfare of fastgrowth broilers 52 . Mean body weight was estimated by averaging the weight of 100 broilers (20 flocks for which information was complete) or 50 broilers (rest of flocks) and was collected at the end of welfare assessments. ...
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To simplify fast-growth broiler welfare assessments and use them as a benchmarking tool, decision trees were used to identify iceberg indicators discriminating flocks passing/failing welfare assessments as with the complete AWIN protocol. A dataset was constructed with data from 57 flocks and 3 previous projects. A final flock assessment score, previously not included in the dataset, was calculated and used as the benchmarking assessment classifier (pass/fail). A decision tree to classify flocks was built using the Chi-square Automatic Interaction Detection (CHAID) criterion. Cost-complexity pruning, and tenfold cross-validation were used. The final decision tree included cumulative mortality (%), immobile, lame birds (%), and birds with back wounds (%). Values were (mean ± se) 2.77 ± 0.14%, 0.16 ± 0.02%, 0.25 ± 0.02%, and 0.003 ± 0.001% for flocks passing the assessment; and 4.39 ± 0.49%, 0.24 ± 0.05%, 0.49 ± 0.09%, and 0.015 ± 0.006% for flocks failing. Cumulative mortality had the highest relative importance. The validated model correctly predicted 80.70% of benchmarking assessment outcomes. Model specificity was 0.8696; sensitivity was 0.5455. Decision trees can be useful to simplify welfare assessments. Model improvements will be possible as more information becomes available, and predictions are based on more samples.
... Increased activity (Reiter and Bessei, 1998) and slower growth (Dixon, 2020), have previously been shown to have other positive effects on aspects of broiler health, specifically mobility and leg health. Increased activity has been linked to decreased contact dermatitis (Bessei, 2006) as broilers spend less time in contact with litter (Bokkers and Koene, 2004). Broilers with compromised mobility or leg disorders have lower BMC and BMD values (Guo et al., 2019). ...
The utilization of livestock for food production and economic value creation has occupied an ever-greater space since the Second World War. Significant productivity increases occurred based on increased performance’s biological potential, primarily tapped through targeted breeding and nutritional measures. In addition, technical developments create the precondition for drastically reducing the labor time expenditure per product unit and significantly expanding the transport, processing, and distribution possibilities. Production processes are also undergoing fundamental changes due to changes in economic conditions. The interlocking of intensification processes brings about productivity increases of hitherto unknown proportions and a considerable degree of undesirable side effects. These mainly affect the farm animals. They pay not only with significant restrictions in space allowance but also in their options to exercise species’ specific behavior. Above all, they are confronted with a high degree of production diseases, accompanied by pain, suffering, and damage, indicating an overstressed ability to adapt to suboptimal living conditions. To grasp occurrence, relevance, and potential solutions, the driving forces behind the productivity increases and the development of undesirable side-effects need to be understood.
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In modern animal husbandry, stress can be viewed as an automatic response triggered by exposure to adverse environmental conditions. This response can range from mild discomfort to severe consequences, including mortality. The poultry industry, which significantly contributes to human nutrition, is not exempt from this issue. Although genetic selection has been employed for several decades to enhance production output, it has also resulted in poor stress resilience. Stress is manifested through a series of physiological reactions, such as the identification of the stressful stimulus, activation of the sympathetic nervous system and the adrenal medulla, and subsequent hormonal cascades. While brief periods of stress can be tolerated, prolonged exposure can have more severe consequences. For instance, extreme fluctuations in environmental temperature can lead to the accumulation of reactive oxygen species, impairment of reproductive performance, and reduced immunity. In addition, excessive noise in poultry slaughterhouses has been linked to altered bird behaviour and decreased production efficiency. Mechanical vibrations have also been shown to negatively impact the meat quality of broilers during transport as well as the egg quality and hatchability in hatcheries. Lastly, egg production is heavily influenced by light intensity and regimens, and inadequate light management can result in deficiencies, including visual anomalies, skeletal deformities, and circulatory problems. Although there is a growing body of evidence demonstrating the impact of environmental stressors on poultry physiology, there is a disproportionate representation of stressors in research. Recent studies have been focused on chronic heat stress, reflecting the current interest of the scientific community in climate change. Therefore, this review aims to highlight the major abiotic stressors in poultry production and elucidate their underlying mechanisms, addressing the need for a more comprehensive understanding of stress in diverse environmental contexts.
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A total of 3544 chicken broilers were used in an experiment in which chickens were housed at 3.72, 5.55, 7.44, and 9.27 dm2 floor area per bird. Increased bird density resulted in a significant (P<.05) linear reduction in body weight of both males and females and adversely affected carcass quality. There was a significant (P<.05) increase in the incidence of breast blisters in females with the linear effect approaching significance for males. With increased stocking density, the monetary returns per bird started, declined linearly. An opposite and significant (P<.05) effect occurred when returns were based on units of floor area.
The performance traits of broilers reared in different stocking density groups were investigated. Data were obtained from 910 broilers housed in litter-type pens at densities of 12.5 (1), 15 (2), 17.5 (3) and 20 (4) broilers/m2. Each pen had 14 m2 floor space. More than 60% of the broilers were selected by random sampling and were weighed on the 21st, 35th and 49th days of investigation. Body weight estimates of the 1, 2, 3 and 4 broilers/m2 density groups were 1634.3, 1511.7, 1506.5. and 1503.9 g respectively. Mortality rates were 6.2, 7.1, 7.7 and 6.4% for the same groups respectively. Feed efficiency values were estimated to be 1.97, 2.06, 2.07, and 2.09 kg at 49 days of age for the same groups respectively. The diffeences between the values of the groups with respect to body weight at the 35th day were not statisticaly significant. The first group had higher body weight mean estimates than the other groups at the 49th day (P<.01). On the 21st day of research, the first group had a greater body weight mean estimated than the third and fourth groups (P<.05). The differences between the mortality rate values of the groups were not statistically significant at 21. 35. and 49 days of age. Consequently, it may be said that the increase in the number of brids housed per m2 floor space in pens contributed to a more desirable mortality rate and feed conversion rate; therefore, a stocking density broilers/m2 instead of 10-12 broilers/m2 in broiler rearing has more practical benefit and is more productive.
Continuous aeration of faeces-litter mixture in broiler houses leads to a reduction of ammonia emission. In this trial the influence of continuous aeration by using a Trampoline floor in a broiler house on animal performance and carcass classification was estimated. Comparative investigations were carried out in a double-storey stable. The only difference between the two compartment of this stable was the different construction of the floor. In one storey the animals were stalled in a conventional housing system, in the other storey the stable was modified by the Trampoline floor. In both compartment chopped straw was used as litter material. The influence of the Trampoline floor on life weight, carcass weight, animal losses and carcass classification were investigated. Analysis of variance with data of six repetitions of this trial was carried out. The statistical evaluation leads to following results: Animals held on the Trampoline floor gained more weight, but also more animal losses were found in this compartment. Better carcass classification of broiler housed in the stable with continuous aeration of the faeces-litter mixture could be established.
Lame and sound broilers, selected from commercial flocks, were trained to discriminate between different coloured feeds, one of which contained carprofen. The two feeds were then offered simultaneously and the birds were allowed to select their own diet from the two feeds. In an initial study to assess the most appropriate concentration of drug, the plasma concentrations of carprofen were linearly related to the birds' dietary intake. The walking ability of lame birds was also significantly improved in a dose-dependent manner and lame birds tended to consume more analgesic than sound birds. In a second study, in which only one concentration of analgesic was used, lame birds selected significantly more drugged feed than sound birds, and that as the severity of the lameness increased, lame birds consumed a significantly higher proportion of the drugged feed.
Recently it was shown that chicken susceptible to ascitcs show increased Troponin T levels in blood. As it is believed that ascites is of the same origin as the sudden death syndrome (SDS), experiments were conducted to test the relation between the incidence of SDS and Troponin T levels in the blood of broilers. Three commercial broiler breeds and pedigreed birds of two single crosses were included in the survey. Troponin T levels were determined with the Boehringer Enzymun-Test. There was no clear relation between the observed slight difference in SDS mortality between breeds and Troponin T levels. However, the highest mortality by SDS was observed in the sire line that also showed the highest Troponin T levels. Heritability estimates (MMLSML) for native Troponin T levels were 0.201 for paternal half-sibs and 0.391 for full-sibs. Estimates for transformed values were 0.099 and 0.121, respectively. Based on maternal half-sibs, the estimates were poor. Using the animal model (REML) resulted in heritability estimates of 0.23 for transformed und untransformed Troponin T values.