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The Self-Organising Work of Music


Abstract and Figures

In this paper, I will focus on the musical work as a self-organising entity within a systemic framework. In particular, two significant and inter-related systemic concepts will be mentioned: self-organisation and open system. Firstly, I shall explain the two concepts within the context of systems thinking with reference to a graphical model of second-order cybernetics. This section will conclude with a discussion of the difference between natural and artificial self-organising systems. I will then extend the systemic perspective, describing what I call self-organising music, and discussing my algorithmic composition Ephemeron as a case study.
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The Self-Organising Work of Music
Centre de Recherche Informatique et Cre
´ation Musicale, Universite
´de Paris VIII, France
In this paper, I will focus on the musical work as a self-
organising entity within a systemic framework. In particular,
two significant and inter-related systemic concepts will be
mentioned: self-organisation and open system. Firstly,
I shall explain the two concepts within the context of systems
thinking with reference to a graphical model of second-order
cybernetics. This section will conclude with a discussion of
the difference between natural and artificial self-organising
systems. I will then extend the systemic perspective,
describing what I call self-organising music, and discussing
my algorithmic composition Ephemeron as a case study.
Theories that emerged during the second half of the
twentieth century radically changed the way in which
we experience and describe the world through science.
Instead of the reductionist view (the tendency to reduce
any complex entity to its fundamental components),
the new epistemology treated everything as organised
wholes, as systems. From a systemic perspective, we are
not only interested in the individual components, but
also in the way in which they relate to each other and
function within the whole. Aspects of systems thinking
such as cybernetics,general systems theory or the more
recent complexity science have been developed, and
have influenced many aspects of today’s thought and
practice, including the arts and music.
Numerous composers have been inspired by sys-
temic notions and have applied them to music,
including two who I have previously discussed in
detail: Iannis Xenakis and Agostino Di Scipio (Kollias
2007, 2008). Whether these applications of systemic
notions are direct (i.e. technical) or metaphorical (i.e.
aesthetic), systems thinking has been a significant source
of inspiration for music.
Barry Truax, another com-
poser who uses systemic concepts in his musical think-
ing, points out the importance of the model of ‘emergent
complex systems’ (Truax 2003). As he explains, this has
many important applications to music, providing new
models of sound design and composition, and poten-
tially changing the role of the composer to that of
guiding complex processes. According to Truax (2003),
the role of the artist as the creator of all the details of the
artistic result has now transformed into that of leading
the process of the result’s creation.
Our interest here is the work of music as a self-
organising entity. I will discuss this within a systems-
thinking framework, mainly using two inter-related
systemic concepts: self-organisation and open system.
I shall link these concepts with a graphical model of
second-order cybernetics and conclude this section by
considering the differences between natural and
artificial self-organising systems.
Subsequently, I will define what I call self-organising
music, applying the two systemic concepts to music.
To clarify my point, I shall discuss my algorithmic
composition Ephemeron (2008) as a case study.
A fundamental concept in systems thinking, linked with
the phenomenon of life, is that of the open system.Von
Bertalanffy defines a system ‘as a set of elements in
interaction’ (von Bertalanffy 1968: 83). In theory, systems
can be closed or open. According to von Bertalanffy,
closed systems are those ‘which are considered to be
isolated from their environment’ (1968: 39). As Luhmann
explains, a closed system is only a ‘limit case: a system for
which the environment has no significance or is sig-
nificant only through specified channels’ (Luhmann
1995: 7). Closed systems do not really exist in nature, but
can be found in situations such as chemical reactions in a
closed vessel. According to von Bertalanffy, the theory of
open systems is a generalisation of physical theory,
kinetics and thermodynamics (von Bertalanffy 1968:
102). He further defines the open system as ‘a system in
exchange of matter with its environment, presenting
import and export, building-up and breaking-down
of its material components’ (1968: 141). Fundamental
characteristics of life such as metabolism, growth,
development, self-regulation, response to stimuli,
spontaneous activity are attributed to ‘the fact that
the [living] organism is an open system’ (1968: 149).
The discovery of the self-organisation notion was
revolutionary for scientific studies in general since it
allowed us to more accurately study living organisms.
As the term suggests, a self-organising system is a
I have previously demonstrated two personal applications of sys-
temic principles in music composition (Kollias 2009b).
Organised Sound 16(2): 192–199 &Cambridge University Press, 2011. doi:10.1017/S1355771811000148
system able to organise its own function. I will refer to
two classic papers in the field that elaborate this notion
(von Foerster 1960 and Ashby 1962). Von Foerster
asserts that ‘there are no such things as self-organising
systems’ without taking into consideration their envir-
onments (von Foerster 1960: 1). Thus von Foerster
focuses the attention on the fundamental role that
the environment has on self-organising systems. He
summarises the following conditions (1960: 6):
1. A self-organising system is the ‘part of a system
that eats energy and order from its environment’.
2. ‘There is a reality of the environment’ opposed
to the solipsistic view that the observer is the only
existing reality.
3. ‘The environment has structure’.
As we can observe, a self-organising system is inevi-
tably an open system, as it is depended on its environ-
ment, and they are in continuous interaction. Von
Foerster indicates the difficulty of defining the bound-
aries between the self-organising system and its envir-
onment (1960: 7) since, even if the viewpoint of the
observer is exact, it is not necessarily clear what he or
she may observe. He refers to two important principles
for the understanding of self-organising systems. First,
Schrodinger’s order from order principle, which its
author considers as ‘the real clue to the understanding of
life’ (quoted in von Foerster 1960). Second, von Foerster
introduces the principle of order from noise (1960: 11).
As he explains, not only is noise desirable, but it can also
help the system adjust to a more appropriate state.
According to Ashby, the idea of self-organisation
implies two meanings (Ashby 1962: 114–15). The first
meaning concerns a system with separate parts that
start to form interactions among themselves. It is what
he calls the process of ‘changing from unorganized
to organized’ (1962: 115).This is what he calls a self-
connecting system,andis,forinstance,whattakes
place in the nervous system of an embryo. The second
meaning of self-organisation concerns changing from
bad organization to good organization’ as he puts it
(1962: 115). In other words, it concerns a system that
changes from an inappropriate way of behaving in a
given environment to an appropriate way of behaving
in this environment. As an example, a young child has
the tendency to approach fire but subsequently learns
to avoid it. Most of the time, with regard to the term
self-organisation we refer to the second meaning. Ashby
goes as far as to suggest that ‘every dynamic system
generates its own form of intelligent life [and] is self-
organizing in this sense’ (1962: 118).
To make the above concepts more comprehensible,
I will refer to the model of second-order cybernetics,
which implies both an open system and self-organi-
sation. Let us consider that the main function of
cybernetics is to model a chosen part of reality. In
second-order cybernetics the observer is also taken
into consideration in the modelling process. From
this perspective there is no model of reality without
its observer.
The model of second-order cybernetics described by
Heylighen and Joslyn (2001), offers a comprehensible
description along with schematisation (Figure 1). In this
model, we have a system that is in continuous interac-
tion with its environment, based on a feedback cycle
with two inputs. The first input is the goal of the system,
which is to control the values of the system’s essential
variables. A variable can be any observable and con-
sistent change which may interest the observer in his
or her modelling process. The second input is the dis-
turbances in the environment – in other words, all the
processes in the environment that the system cannot
control and which can influence the essential system
The model functions in the following manner: the
system observes (or senses) the environment’s variables
that interest it. Through the process of perception,the
system represents the external variables ‘inside’ itself.
This representation is always processed with regard to
the system’s goal, and the system decides on an action
upon the environment. Consequently, this action will
affect variables of the environment. The environment’s
dynamics will be influenced by these affected variables
as well as by other variables not known to the system –
that is, the disturbances in the environment. In conclu-
sion, the variables observed by the system will be also
be affected by the changes in the environmental
dynamics, and thus the system will start again the
cyclical process of perceiving and acting.
Note that the diagram in Figure 1 may give rise
to certain questions. Is it possible to talk about
Figure 1. Model of a self-organising system (from Heylighen
and Joslyn 2001).
The Self-Organising Work of Music 193
representation in natural self-organising systems?
Where are the limits between the system and its
environment – to talk about the inside and outside
of the system – as von Foerster asks? Nevertheless,
even if it is a simple schematisation of the model, we
can clearly observe fundamental aspects such as the
interdependence of the system and the environment
through continuous communication, or the order
from noise principle.
It is important to make some observation here regard-
ing self-organisation. There is a fundamental difference
between the self-organising principle found in nature
and that which is applied in designed systems by human.
In nature, self-organisation takes place spontaneously at
each organisational level: for instance, the seemingly
random motion of the subatomic level will emerge into
a structured atomic level. Furthermore, possible chan-
ges in a ‘higher’ organisational level may influence
a ‘lower’ organisational level.AsMitchellexplains,all
adaptive systems preserve balance between bottom-up
and top-down processes, with an optimal balance
shifting over time (Mitchell 2006). Although the
mechanistic world view of a randomly ordered and
purposeless universe is questioned, that does not qualify
for the existence of a global designer, who creates any
of the organisational levels.
On the other hand, by observing and simulating
nature, man has managed to design mechanisms that
can show characteristics of self-organisation: from
simple self-regulating mechanisms such as the thermo-
stat, to complex servomechanisms such as robots.
Although an artificial self-organising system may seem
as efficient as an adapted organism in a particular
environment, in reality they are far from this.
What differentiates an artificial self-organising
system from a natural one is the relationship with
the environment. A live organism has emerged and
has evolved through endless years of evolution in a
particular environment. The organism is in fact an
inseparable part of this environment. It has, and has
always had, a continuous interaction with the envir-
onment, resulting in the organism being as it is at the
moment of observation. For example, a frog that
lives in a particular river has emerged as an organism
in relation with the food it can find or the predators it
has to avoid. If this species of frog becomes extinct,
inevitable changes will occur in the ecosystem: ani-
mals fed by the frog will have fewer resources to
survive and may decrease in population, whereas
insects such as flies and mosquitos will be multiplied,
which may in turn cause another set of changes to the
On the contrary, a self-organising machine is built
within an environment perceived by humans and for
a purpose designed by humans. There is no adapta-
tion of a particular machine through the interactions
with the environment, nor is there an evolution of
a hypothetical species of machines. There may be a
technological evolution in order to serve the pre-
defined human goal more efficiently. A new model of
the machine may be better adapted for the environ-
ment through the maker’s observation and redesign-
ing of the machine. Thus, the resulting evolution of
the machine is imposed rather than self-organised.
In fact, by building a machine, humans define also
the environment of the self-organising machine. This
is a fundamental difference between a simple bug
that can survive in a particular environment through
endless years of evolution and a machine that can
function correctly within certain circumstances because
it was designed for these circumstances alone. Thus, it is
necessary to consider that artificial self-organisation
takes place on limited structural levels within the system.
Now let us take the systemic discussion into music. I
have previously described self-organising music as ‘the
result of the interactions between some predefined
structures and an occasional context of performance,
through a particular interpretational model’ (Kollias
In other words, a self-organising work
emerges during a performance from the interactions
defined by an interpretational model, interactions
between the structures constituting the self-organising
work and the given context of performance. Here I will
further discuss this idea.
A composer may start by conceiving a number of
structures – or choosing among preconceived struc-
tures. These structures can be at any level of temporal
organisation, from the micro-temporal domain to the
macro-temporal domain. For instance, the composer
may conceive structures by synthesising sounds, or by
constructing the evolution of global changes in the
piece. Structures are codified in such a way that they
are identifiable and operational. The codification can
be by visual means, such as graphic representation
or conventional notation. The structures may vary
from abstract concepts to very determined schema-
tisations. In a cybernetic context, the predefined
structures are the content of the information flow
The concept of representation in respect to intelligence is in
question as argued by Varela (1988) or the robotic research of
Brooks (1991).
In my article (2009a) where I define self-organising music, I refer to
the term as ‘self-organised music’. Although ‘self-organised’ is not
incorrect, from now on I prefer to use the term ‘self-organising’
since it suggests a dynamic process and not a finite one.
194 Phivos-Angelos Kollias
exchanged between system and environment. The sys-
tem – in our case a self-organising work – will try to
observe changes in its environment – the context of
performance – in terms of some predefined structures,
and it will act upon the environment using also some
predefined structures – not necessarily the same ones.
For example, the composer may use as structures a
sonic cluster variably determined, or a number of
clearly defined notes and rhythms, or even programme
an audio feedback mechanism. These structures will be
subject to change during the performance in regard
with specific changes within the perceived environment.
The structures are ‘predefined’ in the sense that they
are chosen before the performance.
Acontext of performance may include anything
relatedtoaperformanceoccasion. In a systemic view-
point, we can consider the context of performance as
the environment of the system. It can be anything
perceivable by the audience that can have an impact on
the self-organising work. Or even, reversely, it can be
anything that can be influenced by the work. The
context of performance may include, for example, the
acoustic characteristics of the space, the properties or
the number of the microphones or speakers.
In addition, the composer creates, directly or indir-
ectly, the interpretational model. In a systemic sense,
that is the functional mapping between the predefined
structures and each context of performance. In other
words, the composer creates the way these structures
are interpreted during any occasional performance. As
Di Scipio puts it, the composer, instead of compos-
ing the music, ‘composes the interactions’ (Di Scipio
2003). In particular, viewed through our model of self-
organising music, he or she creates the interaction
between the predefined structures and any possible
situation in which the work will be constituted. The
interpretational model – in other words, the set of
interactions – includes any potential system which
will emerge during any potential performance.
Finally, to sum up and put the model into life, a
self organising work emerges during the performance
from the dialogue between the interpretational model
and the occasional context of performance using the
predefined structures. The self-organising work of
music emerges as a dynamic complex entity. The
work is born in the particular context of performance
in which it also dies.
One of the consequences of this approach is that the
creative process of what can be considered as the
potential musical work does not stop when the pro-
duct of composing leaves the hands of the composer.
In fact, when the composer completes the compositional
process he or she does not even have an end product of
a musical work. The occasional work will be only con-
stituted during the performance as it depends each time
on the context of performance.
This approach may sound as if there is a purely
improvised work, an indeterminate work, or an
aleatoric composition. This can be the case where the
interpretational model is not stable, and thus left
open to change during the performance. This could
be the case if decisions were extensively given to the
performer. Nevertheless, if the interpretational model
is strictly defined, as it is the case with an electronic
algorithm, then the sound result is neither determi-
nate nor random and will be different and unpre-
dictable each time. That is because there is circular
and nonlinear dynamics
from which the
work will emerge each time.
A fundamental question that emerges is whether
the work is always recognisable as one and the same
work among different performances – the question of
the work’s identity. That is dependent on the recursion
of the elements – of any possible organisational level –
among different performances. The elements can be in
any of the three major domains of a self-organising
musical work: ‘predefined structures’, ‘interpretational
model’ or ‘context of performance’. For example,
elements of recursion in the case of the context of
performance include: the place of the performance (is it
the same place or a similar one each time?), the public
(are they the same or different people?), or the sound
projection (is it projected from the same speakers?).
Elements of recursion in the case of predefined struc-
tures may be: sound material (are there any recogni-
sable sound elements that we can recall between
performances?) or macro-form (is there a similar evo-
lution in time?). Recursion within the domain of inter-
pretational model refers to the similarity of interactions
among predefined structures and thus it may not be as
apparent. For instance, the manner in which a sonic
element resonates within the listening environment can
be perceived by the self-organising work and in turn
change its subsequent evolution in time.
If there are no recursive elements within any of
these three domains, the identity of the work across
numerous performances is established due to the
existence of more abstract factors, such as for
example the work’s title or programme note.
Above we discussed the differences between natural
and artificial self-organising systems. Of course, self-
organising music cannot escape from the second
The term circular causality describes processes where the cause and
the effect are mutually dependent.
Nonlinear dynamic systems demonstrate unpredictable behaviour
or even seemingly random behaviour. Their variables are difficult
or impossible to be expressed in a collection of linear components.
The Self-Organising Work of Music 195
category. Although the term may be misunderstood
to suggest music that magically generates its own
existence without the intervention of an external
human agent, obviously this is not the case.
As we are talking about artificial creation, in the
beginning there is always a human agent designing a
part of the system. As mentioned before, this process
takes place on a particular organisational level. In
other words, even if the system is considered as a self-
organising one, there is always a level at which con-
trol is applied. This control process of designing part
of a system changes the system from the ‘outside’
before letting it regulate its own processes.
Let us take the extreme case of identifying a self-
organising work in the more absolute sense. The
composer frames part of a natural ecosystem, where
there has not been any direct human intervention.
Imagine for example that he or she defines the frame-
work of perception within a tropical forest. So the
work here is the sound environment of falling rain on
leaves and soil, birds flying, insects crawling, and so
on. The work will be a part of this natural ecosystem,
with all sounds emanating from the interactions of
its elements, be these living organisms or natural
phenomena. Thus we can claim that the composer
does not intervene with the natural self-organisation
of the given environment that has started since the
beginning of time. He or she simply allows every-
thing to emerge spontaneously: in other words, the
‘interpretational model’, ‘predefined structures’ and
‘context of performance’.
Several questions may arise here. Is it possible to be
present in the environment and not influence it? Given
that this is the only person to experience this, does
it really qualify as a work of music? Alternatively, if
we place an audience inside this spontaneous self-
organised music ecosystem, will the ecosystem stay
unchanged? Or in the other extreme, if there is no
human observer in the framed sonic ecosystem, does it
qualify as a work without any human presence? Does
not the action of choosing and setting the framework
make the composer part of the ecosystem?
Here I will discuss my own work Ephemeron (2008),
firstly in order to clarify my points, and secondly to
show concrete results of the applications of my
research, and of course to satisfy the curiosity of
those seeking to listen to and understand the resulting
The aforementioned work is an attempt to apply
notions of systems thinking into live electroacoustic
music. The sound result comes from an algorithm
written in Max/MSP and using the ‘external’ loud-
ness ,, a sound descriptor of the perceptual attribute
of loudness, created by Tristan Jehan. The algorithm
receives sound from two to four microphones and
projects the result through eight to twenty-one
speakers. I have already described the work’s struc-
ture functionally and spatially, and I have discussed
its principles within a systemic framework (Kollias
2009a) so will avoid repeating the discussion here.
The main idea of Ephemeron is a live music
organism, existing during the performance and fed by
the sound of the audience’s applause – applause
always acknowledging the previous piece of music. In
each performance, since the constitution of sound
begins, a new musical work emerges – a new Ephe-
meron. The work is the sound result of its adaptation
within the sonic-ecosystem; that is to say, the physical
space observed through the sense of hearing –
including the particular acoustic properties and any
sound included within this sonic-ecosystem. The
work emerges during the performance from the dia-
logue between the electronic algorithm (‘interpreta-
tional model’) and the ‘context of performance’,
using different settings of audio feedback (‘predefined
Ephemeron’s existence begins from the moment the
process of the sound’s projection starts from the
speakers and its existence ends with the completion of
the sound’s emission. There is no Ephemeron before
or after the performance. After the performance, it
exists only as a memory, whereas before the perfor-
mance it is only an expectation of its imaginary
manifestation in the future. Nevertheless, the algo-
rithm that can bring any possible Ephemeron into life
is always in existence.
The notion of the work in this kind of self-organising
music has an ephemeral character. As we show
above, a musical work emerges during a particular
performance from the dialogue between ‘interpreta-
tional model’ and the ‘context of performance’ using
‘predefined structures’. Its emergence as a complex
dynamic entity is framed from its birth and its death
in the particular context of performance.
To go even further in this line of thought, we may
not always be aware that even music of fixed medium,
composed in a studio situation, has characteristics of
open systems. Every time it is diffused, the work’s
constitution depends on the particular characteristics
of the playback system, the acoustic characteristics of
space, not to mention the particular social context.
Even in this case the work’s constitution depends on
the particular ‘context of performance’. Any unexpected
sound event that may occur during the performance can
critically influence the appreciation of the work. On the
one hand, we can argue that our perceptual system
has been taught to filter out anything considered
as undesirable in a concert situation, like the creaking
196 Phivos-Angelos Kollias
of chairs, the breathing of the person sitting next to us,
the sound of turning pages, the usual interferences of
the light-projectors with sound system, and so on. On
the other hand, some unexpected events may directly
affect the perception or the diffusion-execution of a
piece: an ambulance passing by, or a door banging.
In some cases such unexpected events may be rather
disturbing. In others, the unexpected event can be
integrated into the perception of the whole context –
one more example of the principle of order from noise.
Another aspect is that the experience of a work,
even if it is a work of a stable identity, differs for each
and every individual. This depends on factors such as
the position of the auditor in the concert hall, or even
his or her psychosomatic state. Imagine, for example,
listening to a multi-channel composition from a
central point in a concert space, or instead sitting
on the back of the hall. Or imagine the difference
between listening in the same situation after a glass of
wine, or after a hard day’s work. Moreover, the
perception of the same piece is different every time it
is performed for the same person.
It is the attribution of symbols, or any kind of
signs, that makes a particular situation to be per-
ceived as similar with another situation. Nevertheless,
if we compare these situations, only a small part will
be identical. As von Glasersfeld puts it:
The living creature, be it fish, fowl, or human, thrives by
abstracting regularities and rules from experience that
enable it to avoid disagreeable situations and, to some
extent, to generate agreeable ones. This ‘abstracting of
regularities’ is always the result of assimilation. No
experience is ever the same as another in the absolute
sense. Repetition and, consequently, regularity can be
obtained only by disregarding certain differences. (von
Glasersfeld 1990)
Concerning acousmatic music written on a fixed
medium, from the moment the composer decides
the work’s completion there is no intervention on
what we could call the level of creation. There will
be no more change, in this particular structural level
(i.e. the level of creation) during the diffusion of the
work. As there is no influence on this particular
structural level during the ‘context of performance’,
we can consider that particular organisational level
as ‘closed’.
Nevertheless, as we said above, a closed system is
an extreme case. In reality, there are no systems
completely closed or completely open. The com-
pletely closed case signifies a system that is absolutely
unchanged by the environment, something inexistent.
The completely open case refers to a system that is
completely influenced by the environment, and thus
cancels out any possible definition of its boundaries.
With regard to the acousmatic work, it is difficult
to define the boundaries between the work’s ‘closed’
level of creation, and the ‘open’ level of its ‘interpreta-
tional model’ during a given ‘context of performance’.
It is therefore more accurate to talk about degrees of
openness of a work with regard to context of per-
formance. For instance, an acousmatic composition
of the fixed medium is classified as less ‘open’ to
change during the performance than a planned
improvisation or an interactive composition.
Concerning works written and performed by
means of notation, the score is the part of the system
that tends to be ‘closed’. Nevertheless, the score is not
the work itself but a detailed representation of it.
A representation in such a manner will give to the
performers the appropriate information, which, if
executed in an appropriate way, will lead to the
work’s manifestation.
IntheinstanceofEphemeron, when the work does not
sound, the work is not there. There lies only the
algorithm of potential works. There is also the expec-
tation and possibly the memory of the work. In the
case of a notated piece of music, the score contains the
interpretational model, including the predefined struc-
tures, but it is not the work itself, as it is not manifested
in a context of performance. The score is a set of well-
defined symbols through conventions, representing
a potential work to be constituted; but the work is
not there.
The boundaries become indistinct if we are able to
read notation and can recreate a portion of it in our
imagination. Is this a valid constitution of the work?
Or is it only a physical manifestation of sound that
validates the existence of a work?
Perhaps we have studied a composition intensively,
both in score and in concert. In an isolated and silent
room, we are able to recreate the musical experience
in our imagination in the finest detail, as if con-
fronted by an actual performance. Is this a manifes-
tation of the work through our perception, or does
the physical absence of sound make it invalid? The
difficulty here is only compounded considering von
Foerster and Maturana’s insight that ‘in the nervous
system there is no a priori distinction between a
perception and a hallucination: both are merely pat-
terns of neural activation’ (paraphrased in Heylighen
and Joslyn 2001).
I have presented the notion of a musical work as a self-
organising entity, where a self-organising work of music
emerges during the performance using ‘predefined
structures’ between the dialogue of the ‘interpretational
model’ – the set of composed interactions – and the
The Self-Organising Work of Music 197
‘context of performance’. The self-organising work
will be only constituted during a performance, as in
each instance it is dependent on the context of per-
formance. The sound result is neither determinate
nor random and will be different and unpredictable
each time. The identity of a self-organising work is
dependent on the recursion of elements in any of the
three domains: predefined structures, interpretational
model or context of performance. However, if there
are no recursive elements within any of these three
domains, the identity of the work across numerous
performances is established due to the existence of
more abstract factors, such as, for example, the
work’s title or a programme note.
There is a fundamental difference between the self-
organising principle found in nature and that which is
applied in designed systems by human. Natural self-
organisation takes place spontaneously in each
organisational level of the whole system. Artificial
self-organisation takes place on limited structural
levels within the system. In self-organising music,
being also an artificial creation, there is always a level
in which control is applied before we let the work
regulate its own processes. By composing a frame
around a part of a natural ecosystem, I show the
difficulty of creating a self-organising work in its
absolute sense, that is to say where self-organisation
would take place at each organisational level. On the
one hand, the presence of a human observer influ-
ences self-organisation of the ecosystem. On the other
hand, the absence of any human factor does not
necessarily make it a work.
My algorithmic composition Ephemeron is pre-
sented as a case study in order to clarify these points.
Ephemeron emerges during the performance from
the dialogue between the electronic algorithm (inter-
pretational model) and the occasional context of
performance using different audio feedback settings
(predefined structures). After the performance,
Ephemeron exists only as a memory, whereas before
the performance it is only an expectation of its
imaginary manifestation in the future.
The ephemeral character of any musical work is
exemplified here. Even in fixed-medium music, the
work’s constitution depends on the particular context
of performance. The experience of the same work
differs for each and every individual, and differs every
time it is performed for the same person.
This is related to the difficulty of defining the
boundaries between the work’s ‘closed’ level of
creation, and the ‘open’ level of its interpretational
model during a given context of performance. Thus,
it is more accurate to talk about degrees of openness
of a work in regard to its context of performance.
I close the article by considering the difficulty of
grasping the existence of a musical work. If we
consider that in the nervous system the distinction
between a perception and a hallucination is not a
priori, to the extent that we are able to construct a
musical performance inside our imagination, might
this not be a valid constitution of a musical work?
You can experience here the sound result of two
Ephemera (Sound example 1).Both music organisms’
existences lie in the past. This is only a memory of them.
Resulting from their original interactive constitution,
I have put them together to form an acousmatic
experience under the title Sur la Construction de Re
The first music organism presented here existed at the
concert hall of ZKM, Germany on 26 February 2010,
between 2004400 and 2005100 (000000–504800 on Sound
example 1) and the second one at the concert hall of De
Montfort University, UK on 7 May 2009, between
2001800 and 2002300 (502400–905600 on Sound example 1).
I would like to acknowledge the following people
for providing me with valuable feedback during the
revision of this article: Horacio Vaggione, Anne Sedes,
Theodoros Tsirkas and the anonymous peer-reviewers
of this volume. I would also like to thank Triantafyllos
Gkikopoulos for his professional perspective as a biol-
ogist. And, last but not least, I would like to express my
gratitude to Peiman Khosravi for his comments and
most of all for his corrections in English.
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The Self-Organising Work of Music 199
... More recently, new approaches in the creation of generative music systems based on feedback networks have been relying on computational methods. An important technical addition provided by computers lies in their capacity to analyze incoming data in order to provide informed algorithmic responses to environmental stimuli (DI SCIPIO, 2003, 2011ELDRIDGE, 2009;KOLLIAS, 2008;SANFILIPPO, 2018;KIM, WAKEFIELD, NAM, 2016). Some authors of these recent feedbackbased works also report influence from cybernetics and system theories and include in their theoretical framework the concept of autopoiesis, introduced in the 1980's by thinkers such as Francisco Varella and Humberto Maturana (MATURANA & VARELA, 1980), claiming an ecosystemic paradigm to define their art works (DI SCIPIO, 2003, 2011, DI SCIPIO & SANFILIPPO, 2019WATERS, 2007WATERS, , 2011. ...
... An important technical addition provided by computers lies in their capacity to analyze incoming data in order to provide informed algorithmic responses to environmental stimuli (DI SCIPIO, 2003, 2011ELDRIDGE, 2009;KOLLIAS, 2008;SANFILIPPO, 2018;KIM, WAKEFIELD, NAM, 2016). Some authors of these recent feedbackbased works also report influence from cybernetics and system theories and include in their theoretical framework the concept of autopoiesis, introduced in the 1980's by thinkers such as Francisco Varella and Humberto Maturana (MATURANA & VARELA, 1980), claiming an ecosystemic paradigm to define their art works (DI SCIPIO, 2003, 2011, DI SCIPIO & SANFILIPPO, 2019WATERS, 2007WATERS, , 2011. ...
... This term refers to autonomous systems capable of exhibiting global patterns of organization that emerge from the interactions between their parts in parallel and distributed processes (KOLLIAS, 2011, BEYLS, 1990. Synergy is the term used to describe the coupling of the parts of a system under interaction of mutual influence. ...
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This article presents practical and artistic contributions to the field of computer music systems based on audio feedback networks. The ideas that oriented the conception of two digital music instruments and examples of their use in the author's music practice are discussed. The article begins with a general conceptualization of feedback systems as well as a brief historical review of its use in experimental music. Later, a more specific contextualization of its application in recent computer music research and artwork is made, and two contributions are presented: the first is a network of cross-modulated sinusoidal oscillators (by frequency modulation), and the second is a network of algorithms for playing and transforming pre-recorded sound samples. In conclusion, examples of the artistic usage of the described systems to the creation of electroacoustic music are discussed.
... More recently, new approaches in the creation of generative music systems based on feedback networks have been relying on computational methods. An important technical addition provided by computers lies in their capacity to analyze incoming data in order to provide informed algorithmic responses to environmental stimuli (DI SCIPIO, 2003, 2011ELDRIDGE, 2009;KOLLIAS, 2008;SANFILIPPO, 2018;KIM, WAKEFIELD, NAM, 2016). Some authors of these recent feedbackbased works also report influence from cybernetics and system theories and include in their theoretical framework the concept of autopoiesis, introduced in the 1980's by thinkers such as Francisco Varella and Humberto Maturana (MATURANA & VARELA, 1980), claiming an ecosystemic paradigm to define their art works (DI SCIPIO, 2003, 2011, DI SCIPIO & SANFILIPPO, 2019WATERS, 2007WATERS, , 2011. ...
... An important technical addition provided by computers lies in their capacity to analyze incoming data in order to provide informed algorithmic responses to environmental stimuli (DI SCIPIO, 2003, 2011ELDRIDGE, 2009;KOLLIAS, 2008;SANFILIPPO, 2018;KIM, WAKEFIELD, NAM, 2016). Some authors of these recent feedbackbased works also report influence from cybernetics and system theories and include in their theoretical framework the concept of autopoiesis, introduced in the 1980's by thinkers such as Francisco Varella and Humberto Maturana (MATURANA & VARELA, 1980), claiming an ecosystemic paradigm to define their art works (DI SCIPIO, 2003, 2011, DI SCIPIO & SANFILIPPO, 2019WATERS, 2007WATERS, , 2011. ...
... This term refers to autonomous systems capable of exhibiting global patterns of organization that emerge from the interactions between their parts in parallel and distributed processes (KOLLIAS, 2011, BEYLS, 1990. Synergy is the term used to describe the coupling of the parts of a system under interaction of mutual influence. ...
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This article presents practical and artistic contributions to the field of computer music systems based on audio feedback networks. The ideas that oriented the conception of two digital music instruments and examples of their use in the author's music practice are discussed. The article begins with a general conceptualization of feedback systems as well as a brief historical review of its use in experimental music. Later, a more specific contextualization of its application in recent computer music research and artwork is made, and two contributions are presented: the first is a network of cross-modulated sinusoidal oscillators (by frequency modulation), and the second is a network of algorithms for playing and transforming pre-recorded sound samples. In conclusion, examples of the artistic usage of the described systems to the creation of electroacoustic music are discussed.
... The music part of the Nostophiliac ai project was made using the author's algorithm Ephemeron, written in MaxMSP (Fig. 17). Ephemeron, an adaptive algorithm, constantly changes behaviour by continuously adapting to its sonic environment, embodying a self-organising system akin to a living musical entity with a stable yet adaptable structure (for more information on Ephemeron algorithm see: Kollias, 2008;2011;2018;2021). This music organism constantly "listens" via microphones, deriving sonic "feeding", and responds through speakers with sound. ...
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This article explores the concept of Artificial Collective Memories as an interplay between collective memory and large datasets employed by ai algorithms. A collective memory represents “the recollection of events shared by a group” (Roediger, 2015). It includes lived experiences and human interactions. Contrarily, large datasets used by ai algorithms, such as Large Language Models ( llm s) or text-to-image models, are amassed by scraping internet data representing human communication. Those large datasets and the vast number of digitised representations of memories they encapsulate are references to the collective memories they represent, which we refer to as “Artificial Collective Memories”. Using our audio-visual project Nostophiliac ai as the starting point of this discourse and with references to our projects The ai Oracle and ai Reconstructing Realities , we are exploring areas of convergence between artificial intelligence and collective memories. With this article, we aim to enhance our understanding of ai by examining it through the lens of collective memory and, inversely, to obtain fresh insights on human collective memory through observations of generative ai ’s applications.
... In summary, these systems tend to exhibit non-linear behavior, which means that their output is not directly proportional to their input, yielding complex results with emergent characteristics that, even though are based on deterministic process, are difficult to predict. Self-organized is the term used to describe autonomous systems that exhibit global patterns of organization emerging from the interaction between its parts in parallel and distributed processes, and adapting itself to external conditions [16]. The term synergy describes the coupling of parts of a system under interaction of reciprocal influence in which cause and effect are mutually dependent (i.e. ...
Conference Paper
This article presents practical and artistic contributions to the field of computational musical systems based on audio feedback networks which have been used as instruments for music creation in the author's artistic practice. The article begins with an introduction to the research field of feedback and selforganized music systems. Later on two systems are presented: the first is a network of cross-modulated sinusoidal oscillators (by frequency modulation), and the second is a network of transforming processes of pre-recorded sound samples.
... An entity is a person, place, or object that is considered relevant to the interaction between a user and an application, including the user and applications themselves" (Dey 2001) 5 Self-organising music: The term 'self-organising' derives from second-order cybernetics acknowledging the existence of a surrounding environment (or context as defined in note 4) with which the system is in constant interaction, changing its structure in response to the environment's perturbations, i.e. from the "order from noise" principle (Von Foerster 2003). In this way, a self-organising music system constantly interacts with its (natural or artificial) surrounding environment (or context) while the sound result is the outcome of those interactions (Kollias 2011). ...
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In this article, we discuss the current role of Ambient Intelligence (AmI) in electroacoustic music and reflect on its future. AmI refers to the user-centric approach of seamless ‘intelligent’ environments designed to continuously adapt to the user’s needs and intentions. We have previously discussed a contemporary emergent trend in electroacoustic music identified as ‘self-organising music’. This trend is directly related to the technological concepts of AmI: i.e., it includes works able to ‘sense’ their environment and change their functional structure – self-organise sonically – in response to this environment through decentralised ‘intelligent’ control processes. This article continues beyond our original discussion by envisioning an emerging musical tendency, determined by music interfaces using AmI. This consequently poses radically novel technical and aesthetic questions; new principles for creating music as well as for experiencing it - and as a result perceiving/describing/studying it. In other terms, the consideration of the perceptual ‘paradigm shift’, reflected by implications of AmI. We therefore suggest that it is important to think, not only in terms of technological progress but also in terms of a mental evolution.
... We note here that our use of the term of self-organisation into music is a direct reference to systems theories (seeKollias 2008Kollias & 2011, independently from Blackwell & Young. For our part, we use the term self-organising music to describe all cases of music ...
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This paper aims to identify and discuss the music field of self-organising music: an emerging field based on different forms of self-organising music interfaces, that is to say 'intelligent' sound/music systems characterised among others by autonomy, distributed/decentralised feedback processes and of environmental awareness. A music field based on systems-oriented concepts (cybernetics, general systems theory, complexity) and which is formed spontaneously by individual cases of composers-researchers with unique yet converging approaches. We are describing the general context of self-organising music and presenting different cases of composers-researchers that deal with the subject both from a technical and a theoretical perspective. We conclude the paper suggesting the search for a system-oriented shared musical language in order to broaden and evolve the field's musical though.
... However Kollias observed that with AESI, the composer has lost control over the overall sonic shape, as it only determines microstructural sonic design [4,15]. With Ephemeron, Kollias demonstrated a network of several systems recognizing and expressing sound respectively. ...
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Audio feedback is defined as a positive feedback of acoustic signals where an audio input and output form a loop, and may be utilized artistically. This article presents new context-based controls over audio feedback, leading to the generation of desired sonic behaviors by enriching the influence of existing acoustic information such as room response and ambient noise. This ecological approach to audio feedback emphasizes mutual sonic interaction between signal processing and the acoustic environment. Mappings from analyses of the received signal to signal-processing parameters are designed to emphasize this specificity as an aesthetic goal. Our feedback system presents four types of mappings: approximate analyses of room reverberation to tempo-scale characteristics, ambient noise to amplitude and two different approximations of resonances to timbre. These mappings are validated computationally and evaluated experimentally in different acoustic conditions.
... By referring to Mitchel's work [7], he instead suggests that adaptive systems must preserve a balance between bottom-up and top-down processes. He proposed Ephemeron [4,8], a feedback-based improvisation system, which is presented as a metaphorically living organism and consists of cells which are sonic units. This system is acoustically adaptive as the cells recognize environmental characteristics in an evolutionary process, yet also features both high-and low-level controls for producing music. ...
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Aiming for high-level intentional control of audio feedback, though microphones, loudspeakers and digital signal processing, we present a system adapting toward chosen sonic features. Users control the system by selecting and changing feature objectives in real-time. The system has a second-order structure in which the internal signal processing algorithms are developed according to an evolutionary process. Genotypes develop into signal-processing algorithms, and fitness is measured by analysis of the incoming audio feedback. A prototype is evaluated experimentally to measure changes of audio feedback depending on the chosen target conditions. By enhancing interactivity of an audio feedback through the intentional control, we expect that feedback systems could be utilized more effectively in the fields of musical interaction, finding balance between nonlinearity and interactivity.
... By measuring the environmental performance of an architectural structure and feeding the collected data into the algorithm, a feedback loop is established encouraging the growth of constantly optimized architectures. Similarly in music, a special case of live interactive composition is the selforganizing work of music (Kollias 2011). The music work emerges during the performance from " the interactions between some predefined structures and an occasional context of performance, through a particular interpretational model " (Kollias 2008). ...
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This paper is exploring correlations in the creative process of algorithmic composition in both architecture and music. It is product of a collaborative effort between the two disciplines, aiming to inform architects and composers about similarities and differences of the creative process. More specifically the attempt is to investigate the dynamic transformation of a composition through its entire lifespan: starting with the "genesis" of a creative idea, then the representation of intentions, through the dynamic development of a project influenced by different factors, which leads to the user experience of the final result. The interdisciplinary approach used is both in terms of the interaction between the two disciplines and the use of concepts, like those of emergence and self-organization. Some of the factors examined through such perspective are the decision making process during composition and the evolution of a design or musical piece.
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In this paper, I will present the practical results of my research on the interdisciplinary scientific field of Systemics. I will include two experimental approaches to composition based on the application of systemic principles. Systemics consists of a number of interdisciplinary theories based on organizational approach to problems. From a systemic viewpoint, everything is considered as a system, i.e. as a complex of interacting elements. In the first part of the paper, I will show how I have applied the theory in instrumental composition. In this approach, I have attempted to develop an experimental compositional model based on a model of live interactive music from a systemic viewpoint. In the 'Systemic Model of Symbolic Music', we are interested on the information's flow through 'symbolic' means, i.e. through music notation. In addition, the approach treats 'systemically' the compositional work, applying notions found in Systemics through the help of the Cognitive Sciences. In the second part, I will show an alternative approach to interactive electroacoustic composition, also based on concepts of Systemics. In this approach, the musical work it appears in time like a 'living music organism', a musical work able to adapt in any given situation but always maintaining a stable and recognisable structural form. This 'organism' results from a live algorithm, a software, installed on a computer. The organism has the ability to 'listen' through the microphones and to 'express' itself through the loudspeakers. In this way, the organism is a self-organised system, in other terms it is capable of influencing its own organisation. Here, I will demonstrate the structure of the 'organism' and I will explain the basic principles of its creation.
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The present paper discusses an alternative approach to electroacoustic composition based on principles of the interdisciplinary scientific field of Systemics. In this approach, the setting of the electronic device is prepared in such a way to be able to organise its own function, according to the conditions of the sonic environment. We discuss the approaches of Xenakis and of Di Scipio in relation to Systemics, demonstrating the applications in their compositional models. In my critique on Di Scipio's approach, I argue that the composer is giving away a major part of his control over the work and therefore the notion of macro-structural form is abandoned. Based on my work Ephemeron, I show that it is possible to conduct emerging situations applying the systemic principle of 'equifinality'. Moreover, I argue that it is possible to acquire control over these situations and their properties over time so as to develop formal structure.
Today, the principles of the self-organizing system are known with some completeness, in the sense that no major part of the subject is wholly mysterious. We have a secure base. Today we know extactly what we mean by "machine", by "organization", by "integration", and by "selforganization". We understand these concepts as thoroughly and as rigorously as the mathematician understands "continuity" or "convergence". In these terms we can see today that the artificial generation of dynamic systems with "life" and "intelligence" is not merely simple-it is unavoidable if only the basic requirements are met. These are not carbon, skater, or any other material entities but the persistence, over a long time, of the action of any operator that is both unchanging and single-valued. Every such operator forces the development of its own form of life and intelligence. But will the forms developed be of use to us? Here the situation is dominated by the basic law of requisite variety (and Shannon's Tenth Theorem), which says that the achieving of appropriate selection (to a degree better than chance) is absolutely dependent on the processing of at least that quantity of information. Future work must respect this law, or be marked as futile even before it has started. Finally, I commend as a program for research, the identification of the physical basis of the brain's memory stores. Our knowledge of the brain's functioning is today grossly out of balance. A vast amount is known about how the brain goes from state to state at about millisecond intervals; but when we consider our knowledge of the basis of the important long-term changes we find it to amount, practically, to nothing. I suggest it is time that we made some definite attempt to attack this problem. Surely it is time that the world had one team active in this direction?
In this article, I discuss some recent ideas in complex systems on the topic of networks, contained in or inspired by three recent complex systems books. The general science of networks is the subject of Albert-Lazlo Barabasi's Linked [A.-L. Barabasi, Linked: The New Science of Networks, Perseus, New York, 2002] and Duncan Watts' Six Degrees [D. Watts, Six Degrees: The Science of a Connected Age, Gardner's Books, New York, 2003]. Commonalities among complex biological networks, e.g., immune systems, social insects, and cellular metabolism, and their relation to intelligence in computational systems are explored in the proceedings of a interdisciplinary conference on ''Distributed Autonomous Systems'' [L.A. Segel, I.R. Cohen (Eds.), Design Principles for the Immune System and Other Distributed Autonomous Systems, Oxford University Press, New York, 2001]. The ideas discussed in the third book have led to me to propose four general principles of adaptive information processing in decentralized systems. These principles, and the relevance of ''network thinking'' for artificial intelligence (and vice versa), are the subject of the last two sections of the article.
When the Neapolitan philosopher Giambattista Vico published his treatise on the construction of knowledge,† it triggered quite a controversy in the Giornale de’Letterati d’Italia, one of the most prestigious scholarly journals at the time. This was in the years 1710–1712. The first reviewer, who remained anonymous, had carefully read the treatise and was obviously shocked by the implications it had for traditional epistemology—all the more so because, as he conceded, the arguments showed great learning and were presented with elegance. He was therefore impelled to question Vico’s position, and he very politely suggested that one thing was lacking in the treatise: the proof that what it asserted was true.
Conference Paper
No PDF available ABSTRACT Musical research over the last century has become increasingly entwined with the areas of acoustics, psychoacoustics, and electroacoustics. One of the most striking results has been to push the frontiers of models of sound and music to the micro level, what is generally termed microsound. At this level, concepts of frequency and time are conjoined by a quantum relationship, with an uncertainty principle relating them that is precisely analogous to the more famous uncertainty principle of quantum physics. A class of methods of sound synthesis and signal processing known as time‐frequency models have their basis at this quantum level such that changes in a signal’s time domain result in spectral alterations and vice versa. One such method, granular synthesis and the granulation of sampled sound, produces results by the generation of high densities of acoustical quanta called grains. Such a radical shift has profound implications for not only our models of sound design, but also for the compositional methods that emerge as well as the role of the composer in guiding complex processes. The paper will argue that these models are examples of a class of complex systems exhibiting emergent form that create a new form of virtual music instrument.