Porous media are inherent in many industrial applications such as oil recovery, soil
remediation, CO2 underground storage, liquid separation and geothermal energy. Highly
irregular cavities and tortuous interconnected pathways surrounded by a solid skeleton extend
throughout the hollow at the interior of the medium, so macroscopic properties such as
porosity or permeability are not sufficient to characterize the local shape and dimension of the
pore space. Although the void space is continuous, it is usually discretized as being a
succession of individual pores, which is a useful idealization to quantify local characteristics.
Indeed, the size of the pores and their relative distribution determine numerous transport
properties of porous media so they are of vital importance. A practical and commonly used
approach lies in modelling the pore space as a combination of capillaries whose radii are
distributed following a specific distribution, known as Pore Size Distribution (PSD). PSD
influences the distribution of fluids and capillary pressures inside the material, its
permeability, particles retention, solute dispersion, etc.
Some properties that are intimately linked to the PSD, e.g. capillary pressure curves, are used
as inputs to reservoir simulation software and provide valuable information for management
and decision making. Likewise, several methods used in Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) are
based on flooding with chemicals such as polymer solutions, foams or emulsions with the
purpose of reducing the mobility ratio of displacing fluid to the displaced fluid. This results in
reduction of viscous fingering and therefore in improved sweep efficiency in the reservoir
(Sheng 2011). The PSD of the reservoir rock influences the propagation of the fluid front and
is often determinant to choose the most appropriate technique.
As a consequence of the interest in PSD of porous media, engineers and researchers have
developed a multitude of techniques for its characterization, each of them having particular
advantages and drawbacks. Recent advances provide improved spatial and temporal
resolution for microtomography. At present, multiphase flow and displacement can be
quantified with this non-destructive technique, regardless of whether the images contain
diverse phases. Even dynamic processes can be imaged. However, several obstacles have not
yet been overcome. Resolution (~1 μm) and reliable segmentation of the images are some of
the limiting factors. Besides, acquisition time is long and not all materials can be
characterized. Other methods are convenient to obtain PSD of macroporous materials (> 50
nm) but they are often time-consuming and require meticulous preparation. This is the case of
water-desorption calorimetry, which allows determination of PSDs typically ranging from 50
nm to a 10 μm from interpretation of water desorption isotherm.
Nowadays, mercury porosimetry is the most widespread technique to determine pore size
distributions of porous media. Some of its strengths are the broad range of analyzable pore
sizes (~1 nm – 500 μm), the relatively short duration of the tests (~ 3h) and the benefits and
popularity of a well-established method which is the reference when characterizing PSDs.
However, this technique presents several drawbacks including toxicity of the employed fluid
2 1. General Introduction
and low performance with unconsolidated porous media. Despite the existence of other less
toxic porosimetry methods, none of them is efficient enough to replace mercury porosimetry.
Furthermore, the new international legislation that will be put in place following the
ratification of the Minamata Convention on Mercury in October 2013 is intended to ban or
severely restrict mercury porosimetry, forasmuch as it is one of the main sources of mercury
use. Moreover, it is always advisable to replace a toxic technique as this one with a new
environmentally-friendly technique which in addition does not threaten the user’s health. It is
for that reason that the IUPAC (International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry) recently
appealed to the international scientific community (Rouquerol et al. 2012) emphasizing the
interest and the need to develop new effective and non-toxic porosimetry methods.
The most likely outcome of the decline of mercury porosimetry is that 3D microtomography
takes its place as the dominant technique to obtain PSD. However, there is an absence of
alternatives during the years ahead until microtomography reaches full development… and
even then, because this method may remain unaffordable for most research centers and is not
applicable to all types of porous samples. In this context, the objective of the present thesis is
to answer the following question: is it possible to develop a simple, efficient and nontoxic
method to characterize porous media in terms of their Pore Size Distribution?
To answer this question, the starting point is the work of Ambari et al. (1990), who proposed
the theoretical basis of a new method to obtain the PSD by injecting yield stress fluids
through porous media while measuring the flow rate Q at several pressure gradients ∇P. On
the grounds of these theoretical considerations, an intuitive approach to calculate PSD from
Q(∇P) is presented in this work. It relies on considering the extra increment of Q when ∇P is
increased, as a consequence of the pores of smaller radius newly incorporated to the flow. The
underlying principle of such behavior is the rheology of yield stress fluids in porous media.
The procedure is first tested and validated on numerically generated experiments. Then, it is
applied to exploit data coming from laboratory experiments and the resulting PSDs are
compared with those provided by mercury porosimetry and in some cases also with results
from 3D micro tomographies.
The performances that are pursued with this new technique are diverse. Obviously, the first
requisite will be nontoxicity in contrast to mercury porosimetry. In addition, we seek a simple
and inexpensive method which allows rapid characterization of a large spectrum of porous
media without needing any exclusive equipment. Furthermore, it is also preferred that the
analyzed cores can be subsequently analyzed by other means, so the tests should be
nondestructive. Moreover, the characterized pore dimensions must be associated with
macroscopic properties of interest. This method is expected to be especially useful in EOR
due to the nature of the experiments, which involve injection of commonly used flooding
Other important goals of the present work are to identify and assess the most critical questions
regarding the experimental feasibility of the method, determine its strengths, its weaknesses,
and propose ways to improve its performance without scarifying any of the main criteria. In