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Nail disorders and systemic disease: What the nails tell us



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VOL 57, NO 8 / AUGUST 2008 509
Nail disorders and systemic
disease: What the nails tell us
Here’s what you’ll see and what to suspect with these
11 nail disorders
Stamatis Gregoriou, MD,
George Argyriou, MD,
George Larios, MD, and
Dimitris Rigopoulos, MD,
University of Athens
Medical School, Dermatology
Department, Nail Clinic, Athens
Beau’s lines
Pitted nails
Muehrcke’s nails
Terry’s nails
Half-and-half nails
Red lunula
If you said onycholysis (left) and red lunula (right), you are correct. As for
the underlying diseases: The patient with onycholysis has hyperthyroidism
and the patient with red lunula has chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
(COPD). Onycholysis and red lunula are among the more common changes
to the morphology (shape) and color of the nail—the 2 ways by which nail
changes are classi ed.
Can you name these 2 nail conditions?
What underlying diseases do you suspect
are behind these conditions?
Nail abnormalities can be a reveal-
ing sign of underlying disease,
and because the nails are readily
examined, a convenient diagnostic tool,
as well.
This review of common—and not so
common—nail disorders shows which
changes to the nail are more likely to
occur with which underlying internal
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Nail plate
Distal edge
of nail plate
nail fold
nail groove
Nail bed
Nail matrix
nail fold
What you’ll see: Distal separation of
the nail plate from the underlying nail
bed. Nails with onycholysis are usually
smooth,  rm, and without nail bed in-
ammation. It is not a disease of the nail
matrix, though nail discoloration may
appear underneath the nail as a result of
secondary infection.
What to suspect: Onycholysis is associ-
ated with many systemic conditions,
including thyroid disease—especially
hyperthyroidism. (See list at left.) The
nail changes seen with hyperthyroidism
usually consist of onycholysis beginning
in the fourth or  fth nail, the so-called
Plummer’s nails.1 Nakatsui and Lin2 have
suggested that patients with unexplained
onycholysis be screened for asymptom-
atic thyroid disease.
Amyloid and multiple
Carcinoma (lung)
Erythropoietic porphyria
Histiocytosis X
Ischemia (peripheral)
Lupus erythematosus
Pemphigus vulgaris
Pleural effusion
Porphyria cutanea tarda
Psoriatic arthritis
Reiter’s syndrome
Syphilis (secondary
and tertiary)
Thyroid disease
systemic diseases1,2
Nail anatomy
Nail changes are classi ed according
to whether they occur in the morphology
(shape) or color of the nail. Onycholysis,
clubbing, and koilonychia are some
of the most common changes in the
morphology of the nail. Red lunula is
one of the most common changes in
the color of the nail.
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Nail disorders
VOL 57, NO 8 / AUGUST 2008 511
What you’ll see: Increased transverse and
longitudinal nail curvature with  bro-
vascular hyperplasia of the soft tissue
proximal to the cuticle. With clubbing,
the Lovibond’s angle, formed between
the dorsal surface of the distal phalanx
and the nail plate, is greater than 180 de-
grees. Schamroth’s sign—the disappear-
ance of the normal window between the
back surfaces of opposite terminal pha-
langes—may also be present.3
What to suspect: Clubbing may be heredi-
tary, idiopathic, or acquired in association
with a variety of disorders. It may also be
unilateral or bilateral. Unilateral clubbing
has been associated with hemiplegia and
vascular lesions, while bilateral clubbing
has been linked to neoplastic, pulmonary,
cardiac, gastrointestinal, infectious, endo-
crine, vascular, and multisystem diseases.
Cribier et al4 studied the frequency
What you’ll see: Concave thin nails with
everted edges shaped like a spoon and
capable of retaining a drop of water. It
is more common in  ngernails, but is oc-
casionally seen in toenails.
What to suspect: This nail sign may result
from trauma, constant exposure of hands
to petroleum-based solvents, or nail-patella
syndrome. Koilonychia is most commonly
associated with iron de ciency anemia
and occasionally occurs in patients with
hemochromatosis. Other frequent system-
ic causes of koilonychia include coronary
disease and hypothyroidism.5 In addition,
of nail disorders in HIV-infected patients
and found that clubbing affects 5.8% of
these patients. Moreover, Cribier’s data
reinforced the notion that clubbing could
be an early sign of AIDS in pediatric pa-
tients, and thus play a role in diagnosis.
koilonychia is sometimes a normal variant
in infants; it usually disappears in the  rst
few years of life.
Koilonychia is
a normal variant
in infants;
it usually
disappears in
the fi rst few
years of life
What you’ll see: Proximal separation of
the nail plate from the nail bed. This
typically results in shedding of the nail.
What to suspect: Trauma is the usual
cause. Less common causes include poor
nutritional status, febrile illness, or drug
Wester et al6 observed the develop-
ment of onychomadesis in a critically
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Terry’s nails have
been reported
in hemodialysis
patients and renal
transplant patients
Beau’s lines
What you’ll see: Transverse depressions in
the nail plate that occur as a result of a
temporary cessation in nail growth.
What to suspect: The causes are similar
to those of onychomadesis and include
trauma, poor nutritional status, febrile
illness, and drug sensitivity.
Pitted nails
What you’ll see: Pinpoint (or larger) de-
pressions in an otherwise normal nail.
What to suspect: Pitting is usually associat-
ed with psoriasis and affects 10% to 15%
of patients with the disorder.10 Pitting has
also been reported in patients with Reiter’s
syndrome (and other connective tissue dis-
orders), sarcoidosis, pemphigus, alopecia
areata, and incontinentia pigmenti.5
Muehrcke’s nails
What you’ll see: Transverse white bands
parallel to the lunula. These bands usu-
ally occur in pairs and extend all the
way across the nail.
This nail disorder is uncommon, and
is 1 of 3 forms of leukonychia caused by
abnormalities in nail bed vascularization.
(The other 2 forms—Terry’s nails and
half-and-half nails—are described on page
What to suspect: Muehrcke’s nails ap-
pear in patients with hypoalbuminemia
and can improve if serum albumin lev-
els return to normal. They may also oc-
cur in patients with:11,12
• nephrotic syndrome,
• glomerulonephritis,
• liver disease,
• malnutrition, and
those who have undergone
Muehrcke’s lines have also been de-
scribed in a patient with Peutz-Jeghers
syndrome,13 as well as in a heart transplant
ill patient with a large pulmonary ab-
scess. Onychomadesis is often a clinical
manifestation of pemphigus vulgaris.7
It has also been associated with Kawa-
saki disease8 and hand, foot, and mouth
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Nail disorders
VOL 57, NO 8 / AUGUST 2008 513
Terry’s nails
What you’ll see: Most of the nail plate is
white, with a narrow pink distal band.
All nails tend to be uniformly affected,
with an appearance of ground glass.15
Terry’s nails have been found in 80% of
patients with cirrhosis of the liver.15
What to suspect: One study found Terry’s
nails in 25% of 512 consecutive hospi-
tal inpatients, with researchers linking
the disorder with cirrhosis, chronic CHF,
and adult-onset diabetes mellitus.16 On
rare occasions, Terry’s nails have been re-
ported in hemodialysis patients and renal
transplant recipients.17 Terry’s nails have
also been observed in HIV patients.4
Azure lunula has
occurred in argyria
and in patients
taking medications
like 5-fl uorouracil
and azidothymidine
What you’ll see: The proximal portion on
the nail bed is white because of edema of
the nail bed and capillary network; the
distal portion is pink or reddish brown.
The nail plate is unaffected.
What to suspect: This nail disorder has
occurred in patients with renal disease as-
sociated with azotemia.18 Half-and-half
nails have also been detected in hemo-
dialysis patients, renal transplant recipi-
ents,17 and in HIV patients.4
Red lunula
What you’ll see: The lunula is red. In ad-
dition to the red lunula pictured here,
there is also the absence of lunula and
azure lunula.
What to suspect: Red lunula has been
associated with alopecia areata, and
collagen vascular disease. It has also oc-
curred in patients on oral prednisone
for rheumatoid arthritis. Red lunulae
are seen in cardiac failure, COPD, cir-
rhosis, chronic urticaria, psoriasis, and
carbon monoxide poisoning.19
Absence of lunula was the most
common nail disorder in a group of he-
modialysis patients (31.9%) and has also
been reported in renal transplant recipi-
ents (17.1%).17 Azure lunula occurs in
patients with Wilson disease. It has also
Half-and-half nails (Lindsay’s nails)
occurred in argyria and in patients tak-
ing medications like 5- uorouracil and
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Splinter hemorrhages
What you’ll see: Extravasations of blood
from the longitudinally oriented ves-
sels of the nail bed. These hemorrhages
do not blanch. They form as a result
of the nail plate-dermis structural re-
lationship and tend to be seen in older
What to suspect: While trauma is the most
common cause, they may also occur with
psoriasis and fungal infection.
Bacterial endocarditis is the most
common systemic disease associated with
splinter hemorrhages. These hemorrhages
are more common in subacute, rather
than acute, infection. Although splinter
hemorrhages in subacute bacterial endo-
carditis have been described as proximal-
ly located,21 there are no suf cient data to
con rm this—mainly because splinter le-
sions migrate distally as the nail grows.22
Splinter hemorrhages may also be
associated with mitral stenosis, vasculi-
tis, cirrhosis, trichinosis, scurvy, chronic
glomerulonephritis, and Darier’s disease.
However, due to the diverse and com-
mon causes of splinter hemorrhages, they
cannot be used as an isolated sign of ill-
ness, except when they are accompanied
by things like fever, Roth’s spots, Osler’s
nodes, Janeway’s lesions, or a heart mur-
mur, since any of the above would greatly
increase their signi cance.
Dimitris Rigopoulos, assistant professor of dermatology,
University of Athens Medical School, 5 Ionos Dragoumi
Street, 16121 Athens, Greece;
The authors reported no potential con ict of interest rel-
evant to this article.
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sis, pathophysiology, and clinical relevance. J Am
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4. Cribier B, Mena ML, Rey D, et al. Nail changes in
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5. Zaiac MN, Daniel CR III. Nails in systemic disease.
Dermatol Ther. 2002;5:99-106.
6. Wester JP, van Eps RS, Stouthamer A, Girbes AR.
Critical illness onychomadesis. Intensive Care Med.
7. Engineer L, Norton LA, Ahmed AR. Nail involve-
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8. Ciastko AR. Onychomadesis and Kawasaki dis-
ease. CMAJ. 2002;166:1069.
9. Clementz GC, Mancini AJ. Nail matrix arrest fol-
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11. Muehrcke RC. The  ngernails in chronic hypoalbu-
minemia. BMJ. 1956;1:1327.
12. D’Alessandro A, Muzi G, Monaco A, Filiberto S,
Barboni A, Abbritti G. Yellow nail syndrome: does
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13. Skoog S, Boardman L. Muehrcke’s nails in Peutz-
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14. Nabai H. Nail changes before and after heart trans-
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15. Dupont AS, Magy N, Humbert P, Dupond JL. Nail
manifestations of systemic diseases. Rev Prat.
16. Holzberg M, Walker HK. Terry’s nails: revised de -
nition and new correlations. Lancet. 1984;2:896.
17. Saray Y, Seckin D, Gulec AT, Akgun S, Haberal M.
Nail disorders in hemodialysis patients and renal
transplant recipients: a case-control study. J Am
Acad Dermatol. 2004;50:197-202.
18. Dyachenko P, Monselise A, Shustak A, et al. Nail
disorders in patients with chronic renal failure and
undergoing haemodialysis treatment: a case control
study. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. 2007;21:340-
19. Cohen PR. Red lunulae: case report and literature
review. J AM Acad Dermatol. 1992;26:292.
20. Tanner LS, Gross DJ. Generalized argyria. Cutis.
21. Saccente M, Cobbs CG. Clinical approach to infec-
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22. Swartz MN, Weiburg AN. Infections due to gram-
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23. Lawry M, Daniel CR. Nails in systemic disease.
In: Scher RK, Daniel CR III, eds. Nails: Diagnosis,
Therapy, Surgery. 3rd ed. Philadelphia: Elsevier
Saunders; 2005:147-176.
Systemic disease
typically affects more
than 1 nail.5,23
Fingernails usually
provide more accurate
information than toenails
because clinical signs
on toenails are often
modifi ed by trauma.23
Fingernails grow at a
rate of 0.1 mm/day and
toenails grow at a rate
of 0.03 mm/day.5,23 Thus,
you can estimate the time
at which an initial insult
occurred by measuring
the distance between the
cuticle and the leading
edge of any pigmentation
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... Эта эффлоресценция формируется за счет паракератоза внутри матрикса. К другим причинам появления истинной лейконихии относят интоксикацию мышьяком, сурьмой, болезнь Ходжкина, лепру, туберкулез, малярию, почечную и сердечную недостаточность [21]. Мелкие белые точки обычно являются результатом травмы ногтя. ...
Introduction . The nail psoriasis severity does not always correspond to the skin process intensity, but often correlates with a more severe, prolonged and aggressive course of the disease. Materials and methods . 48 adult patients (n = 48) with nail psoriasis were under observation. The severity of the psoriatic lesion of the nails was determined using the NAPSI index (Nail Psoriasis Severity Index). The assessment was carried out before the start of treatment, in the first week, and then every 4 weeks up to and including 52 weeks. The Dermatological Quality of Life Index (DLQI) were determined by questionnaires before the start of treatment, at the 12th and 52nd weeks. All patients on an outpatient basis received netakimab monotherapy at a dose of 120 mg in the form of two subcutaneous injections of 1 ml (60 mg) of the drug, each administered once a week at weeks 0, 1 and 2, then 1 time every 4 weeks. The total duration of treatment for each patient was 52 weeks. The safety of netakimab was evaluated based on the development of adverse events and local reactions to the administration of the drug. Results . The results of the study for 52 weeks showed high efficacy of netakimab. Average NAPSI score improved – 33.1% by the week 12 of treatment and – 72.3% by the week 52 compared to baseline, the quality of their life improved. During the 52 weeks of the study, there were no cases of early withdrawal due to adverse events and cases of serious adverse events. Conclusion . Based on the study results we recommend netakimab for medical use among patients with moderate and severe nail psoriasis.
... La causa de aparición de la alteración también es un factor influyente que variará la naturaleza de la patología presentada. Entre muchos posibles, se destacan con mayor frecuencia el factor inflamatorio, infeccioso, tumoral o por exposición a diversas sustancias 5 . ...
... [11] The nails are a mirror of health or disease and can act as an early warning system as well as it can be a window of systemic diseases, such as thyroid disorders. [12,13] Indeed, the average nail growth rate was estimated at 3.0 mm per month and the regeneration time has been reported at 3-5 and 8-16 months for fingernails and toenails, respectively. The fingernails grow at a constant rate, which facilitates the interpretation of the results. ...
Primary hypothyroidism is classified as a public health issue by the World Health Organization. The technique for diagnosing hypothyroidism is the measurement of thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) and thyroxine (FT4). It is necessary to develop new methods that are more accessible, especially for developing countries. The aim of this work is the in-situ use of nail fluorescence for a simple and rapid preliminary diagnosis of primary hypothyroidism. The choice of the nail as biological tissue is justified because nails have a long-term memory, act as a mirror of health, and serve as an early warning system as well as a window of systemic disease. The in situ analysis of the nails of the patients shows good results. Specially, a clear separation was obtained between healthy controls and patients and also between low- and high-level hypothyroidism. Moreover, a strong correlation between fluorescence spectra and TSH values for the population with hypothyroidism was clearly established. Moreover, linear discriminant analysis shows that it is possible to predict the state of test patients after the training of a fraction of the population.
... Clubbing (Figure 2(g)) is the incrassation of the soft organization beneath the proximal nail plate, leading to increased curvature of the nails. Diagnostic findings include Lovibond's angle, and the Schamroth sign [44]. This condition may indicate cyanotic congenital heart disease, pulmonary fibrosis, bronchial carcinoma, inflammatory bowel disease, cirrhosis and thyroid acropachy. ...
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Background: The skin is a major target organ for extrahepatic manifestations of liver diseases, and dermatologic abnormalities are common in patients with hepatic disorders. Clinical examination of the skin, nails and hair can allow for appropriate recognition, early diagnosis and treatment of liver diseases, and improvement in the quality of life and life expectancy of affected patients. Methods: We searched 3 databases (Pubmed,Medline and Embase) and selected studies about cirrhosis related skin manifestations and their pathophysiology. Results: A total of 73 articles were included in the review. Studies displayed the spectrum of cutaneous manifestations related to hormonal and vascular changes as well as nail and hair changes in patients with cirrhosis and/or portal hypertension. Conclusion: Cutaneous alterations are important clues or potential indications in the diagnosis of liver cirrhosis. Familiarity with skin conditions can be promptly diagnosed and appropriate management initiated. KEY MESSAGES Manifestations of the liver and skin disorders are interrelated in various ways. Cutaneous changes may be the first clue that a patient has liver disease. The skin is a major target organ for extrahepatic manifestations of liver diseases. A broad range of cutaneous alterations can be present in patients with cirrhosis, such as vascular, nail, hair, hormonal changes, etc. Recognizing these signs is crucial so that potential underlying diseases including liver disease can be promptly diagnosed and appropriate management timely initiated.
... Другой симптом -онихолизис, который характеризуется отслоением ногтевой пластинки от ногтевого ложа в его дистальной части, по данным литературы, встречается в 80-94% у пациентов с псориазом [20]. ...
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Psoriatic onychodystrophy affects up to 50% of patients with psoriasis and up to 80% of patients with psoriatic arthritis, with an estimated lifetime risk of nail plate changes in this patient population of up to 90%. Nail psoriasis is characterised by a variety of morphological changes resulting from the inflammation in the nail matrix or nail bed, leading to functional impairment and negative impact on patient’s quality of life. Psoriatic onychodystrophy is a distinct therapeutic problem, as its localization is torpid to the current treatment. The limited penetration of topical agents through the nail plate together with the poor adherence to treatment make them typically ineffective. Systemic therapy is often regarded by dermatologists as inappropriate for patients with limited cutaneous lesions. Many systemic drugs, especially biologics, are effective in treating nail psoriasis, but with delayed and less pronounced effects compared to the improvement of skin manifestations. Efficacy for nail changes should be evaluated after 3–6 months of therapy. Recent studies demonstrate that the best effect is achieved after 1 year of treatment. This article presents the main clinical features of psoriatic onychodystrophy and provides information about the interleukin 17A (IL-17A) inhibitor drug netakimab as a promising therapeutic agent for patients with nail psoriasis. It also describes our own clinical experience of using netakimab in the therapy of patients with psoriasis coupled with onychodystrophy. Our experience of using netakimab in two cases of resistant psoriasis accompanied by nail lesions demonstrates its high efficacy in treatment of patients with both plaque psoriasis and psoriasis with “difficult”, hard-to-treat locations, such as nail plate lesions.
Background and Objectives Nail findings may represent a part of the symptom complex that may be useful for the physical diagnosis. Thus, the present study was undertaken to know the nail changes in systemic diseases among patients attending the outpatient and inpatient departments of dermatology, medicine, nephrology, pulmonology, and surgery attached to Karnataka Institute of Medical Sciences (KIMS), Hubballi. Methodology A hospital-based original study was conducted at KIMS, Hubballi. During January 1, 2021–January 30, 2023, data were collected by personal interview after obtaining informed consent from all eligible participants using a prestructured and pretested pro forma, among a convenient sample of 272 patients selected by the simple random sampling method. Results Among 272 patients, 57.5% of the patients were young adults with male predominance (56.0%) and inpatients (66.0%) were more compared to outpatients (44%). Of the 272 patients, respiratory system (RS) (26%) was most common involved followed by hematology (21.0%), gastrointestinal tract (GIT) and liver (17%), cardiovascular system (CVS) and renal (12%), and clubbing was the most common nail change encountered (35.5%) followed by longitudinal ridging (33%) and pallor (31%) of the nail subsequently. RS was found as the common cause of clubbing followed by CVS and liver and GIT. Conclusion RS (clubbing) was the most common system involved. Other systems involvement were renal system (half and half nail), liver, and GIT system (Terry’s nail) which are the specific nail changes that can lead us to the diagnosis. Thus, nails can serve as a window for the underlying systemic illness.
Psoriatic onychodystrophy is observed in about 80% of patients with psoriasis. Psoriasis can affect two nail structures ― the matrix and the nail bed. Involvement of the nail matrix in the pathological process can lead to the formation of leukonychia, thimble symptom, red spots in the area of the hole and destruction of the nail plate. On the other hand, the lesion of the nail bed is characterized by the formation of onycholysis, subcutaneous hyperkeratosis and subcutaneous hemorrhages. Nail lesions in psoriasis are accompanied by functional disorders and aesthetic defects, and also indicate a severe course of psoriasis. Treatment of psoriatic onychodystrophy includes topical medications, systemic therapy in cases accompanied by extensive skin lesions. This article is an overview of the main clinical features, diagnostic issues and evaluation methods, as well as treatment options for nail psoriasis.
Background Moulds are often wrongly considered contaminants, not very sensitive to conventional antifungal treatments, but they may cause ungual hyphomycosis, particularly Aspergillus. Due to the lack of precise diagnostic criteria, their real impact is underestimated. Objectives Retrospective descriptive analysis of all ungual hyphomycosis cases diagnosed at Montpellier Hospital from 1991 to 2019 to: (i) determine the incidence of onychomycosis by pseudo-dermatophytes and moulds; (ii) perform an epidemiological analysis of nail aspergillosis; (iii) provide simple criteria for mould involvement in onychopathy. Patients/Methods: Data concerning 4053 patients were collected: age, sex, onychomycosis location, direct examination results, species(s) identified, and fungal co-infections. Moreover, clinical data of patients with nail aspergillosis were analysed to identify potential contributing factors, and the classical criteria for mould involvement in onychopathy were critically reviewed. Results A pseudo-dermatophyte or a mould was involved in nail colonization in 17.25% of patients (men/women ratio: 0.70; mean age: 53.1 years). The identified hyphomycetes belonged mainly to the genera Fusarium (45.68%), Scopulariopsis (30.23%) and Aspergillus (16.94%). Analysis of the clinical reports of 102 patients with ungual aspergillosis (men/women ratio: 0.67; mean age: 56.3 years) identified cardiovascular (43.9%), endocrine (25.8%), cancer (19.7%) and skin (18.2%) diseases as contributing factors. Conclusions The adoption of simple and reliable criteria (i.e. characteristic filaments on direct microscopic examination after periodic acid-Schiff staining, growth at seeding points in culture) allows determining the formal involvement of a mould in chronic onychopathies and avoiding possible side effects and costs of empirical or inappropriate and repetitive treatments.
Nail plate and nail unit abnormalities may be helpful as diagnostic tools or as a part of the puzzle for confirmation of systemic disease. There are specific and nonspecific nail signs, which can be seen involving one or more nails, that occur simultaneously or secondary to systemic disease. Occasionally these clues can be diagnostic, while most are nonspecific reaction patterns. Nail changes occur in the nail plate as a result of nail matrix abnormalities caused by systemic disease and other systemic insults such as reactions to medications. In this article we review some of the more common nail signs that can be used to help diagnose systemic disease.
Objective: To present our observation of the development of a rare nail deformity in the prolonged course of disease of a critically ill patient with a pulmonary abscess. Design: Case report. Setting: Tertiary referral, 16-bed, level I surgical ICU in an academic hospital. Patient: A 48-year-old Caucasian male was treated with penicillin for a pneumococcal meningitis and pneumonia. He developed a large pulmonary abscess of the right upper lobe and needed prolonged mechanical ventilation. Extensive surgical treatment was successful eventually. A remarkable feature concerned the occurrence of onycholysis of all finger nails and toe nails resulting in complete shedding of the nails (onychomadesis). This phenomenon can be regarded as an extreme manifestation of Beau's lines precipitated by a severe systemic insult. Conclusion: We observed the development of onychomadesis in a critically ill patient with a large pulmonary abscess. This association has not been described before.
Thumb nails with asymptomatic red lunulae were noted in a 54-year-old woman with testosterone propionate-responsive vulvar lichen sclerosus et atrophicus of 4 years' duration and localized vitiligo that had been treated with topical corticosteroids for 15 months. Cutaneous and systemic disorders in which red lunulae have been observed are reviewed.
The case of a seventy-five-year-old-man with generalized argyria present for more than forty years is presented and the topic is briefly reviewed.
Nail abnormalities secondary to systemic disease are important to the dermatologist because they are readily examined and may be the initial signal that systemic disease may be present. Some of the abnormal nail findings represent part of a symptom complex that may be useful in physical diagnosis. The knowledge of the correct onychopathologic etiology may give the patient the correct nail prognosis and may prevent institution of possible incorrect lengthy and costly treatment regimens. In this article, nail signs are grouped according to the characteristics of the change and according to systemic diseases producing signs.
The fingernails of 512 consecutive hospital inpatients were examined and Terry's nails (by criteria modified slightly from those of Terry) were found in 25.2%. The nail abnormality was associated with the presence of cirrhosis, chronic congestive heart failure, and adult-onset diabetes mellitus, and was also associated with age. In younger patients the nail disorder was associated with an increased risk of systemic disease. Tissue biopsy showed that the nail abnormality was due to distal telangiectasias.
The epidemiology of IE has evolved over the past 50 years. Mitral valve prolapse and degenerative valvular disease have replaced rheumatic heart disease as the most common predisposing conditions. The average age of patients with IE has increased, and nosocomially acquired cases are becoming more common. Although viridans streptococci are currently responsible for a smaller proportion of cases than previously, this group of bacteria remains the most common cause of prosthetic value and native valve endocarditis. Staphylococci are the most important cause in some community hospitals, in nosocomial IE, and in IVDUs. IE is a multisystem disease, and patients may present with diverse clinical features. In the absence of direct histopathologic and microbiologic examination of valvular vegetations, the diagnosis of IE depends on the detection of endocardial abnormalities and the isolation of a pathogen from blood. Blood culture remains the most important laboratory test and yields the causative microorganism in 95% of patients. Echocardiography has become an important tool for detecting endocardial lesions. The clinical features of IE in IVDUs are somewhat different than those in other populations. The microbiology is distinctive, and right-sided involvement with septic pulmonary emboli is the most common clinical scenario in this group.