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The aim of the present study was to explore possible correlations between dog owners' relationships with their dogs, as measured with the Monash Dog Owner Relationship Scale (MDORS), and oxytocin and cortisol levels in both the owners and their dogs. Ten female owners of male Labrador Retrievers completed the MDORS. The scores obtained from the single items, subscales, and total score of the MDORS were calculated. Ten blood sam-ples were collected from each dog owner and her dog during a 60-minute interaction. Blood samples were analyzed for oxytocin and cortisol by Enzyme Immuno Assay (EIA) and mean values of oxytocin and cortisol were calcu-lated in both owners and dogs. The MDORS scores obtained were correlated with basal and mean oxytocin and cortisol levels. The correlation analysis revealed some relationships between the scores of items in the MDORS that reflect the character of the dog–owner-relationship and the owners' hormone levels. For example, higher oxytocin levels in the owners were associated with greater frequency in kissing their dogs (r s = 0.864, p = 0.001). Lower cortisol levels in the owners were associated with their perception that it will be more traumatic when their dog dies (r s = –0.730, p = 0.025). The correlation analy-sis also revealed some relationships between the scores of items in the MDORS and the dogs' hormone levels. For example, greater frequency in owners kissing their dogs was associated with higher oxytocin levels in the dogs (r s = 0.753, p = 0.029). Six items in the subscale Perceived Costs, as well as the subscale itself, correlated significantly with the dogs' oxytocin levels (r s = 0.820, p = 0.007), that is, the lower the perceived cost, the higher the 215 Anthrozoös AZ VOL. 25(2).qxp:Layout 1 3/30/12 10:15 AM Page 215 dogs' oxytocin levels. In addition, significant correlations between the oxytocin levels of the owners and the dogs were demonstrated. Possible mechanisms behind these correlations are discussed. In conclusion, the scores of some items and the subscales of the MDORS correlated with oxytocin, and to a lesser extent cortisol, levels in both the owners and dogs.
Associations between the
Psychological Characteristics
of the Human–Dog
Relationship and Oxytocin
and Cortisol Levels
Linda Handlin*†, Anne Nilsson*†, Mikael Ejdebäck*,
Eva Hydbring-Sandbergand Kerstin Uvnäs-Moberg*†
*Systems Biology Research Centre, University of Skövde, Sweden
Department of Animal Environment and Health, Swedish University
of Agricultural Sciences, Skara, Sweden
Department of Anatomy, Physiology, and Biochemistry, Swedish
University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala, Sweden
ABSTRACT The aim of the present study was to explore possible correlations
between dog owners’ relationships with their dogs, as measured with the
Monash Dog Owner Relationship Scale (MDORS), and oxytocin and cortisol
levels in both the owners and their dogs. Ten female owners of male Labrador
Retrievers completed the MDORS. The scores obtained from the single items,
subscales, and total score of the MDORS were calculated. Ten blood sam-
ples were collected from each dog owner and her dog during a 60-minute
interaction. Blood samples were analyzed for oxytocin and cortisol by Enzyme
Immuno Assay (EIA) and mean values of oxytocin and cortisol were calcu-
lated in both owners and dogs. The MDORS scores obtained were correlated
with basal and mean oxytocin and cortisol levels. The correlation analysis
revealed some relationships between the scores of items in the MDORS that
reflect the character of the dog–owner-relationship and the owners’ hormone
levels. For example, higher oxytocin levels in the owners were associated with
greater frequency in kissing their dogs (rs= 0.864, p= 0.001). Lower cortisol
levels in the owners were associated with their perception that it will be more
traumatic when their dog dies (rs= –0.730, p= 0.025). The correlation analy-
sis also revealed some relationships between the scores of items in the
MDORS and the dogs’ hormone levels. For example, greater frequency in
owners kissing their dogs was associated with higher oxytocin levels in the
dogs (rs= 0.753, p= 0.029). Six items in the subscale Perceived Costs, as
well as the subscale itself, correlated significantly with the dogs’ oxytocin levels
(rs= 0.820, p= 0.007), that is, the lower the perceived cost, the higher the
215 Anthrozoös DOI: 10.2752/175303712X13316289505468
Address for correspondence:
Linda Handlin,
Systems Biology Research
Centre, University of Skövde,
Box 408, SE-541 28,
Skövde, Sweden.
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dogs’ oxytocin levels. In addition, significant correlations between the oxytocin levels of the owners
and the dogs were demonstrated. Possible mechanisms behind these correlations are discussed.
In conclusion, the scores of some items and the subscales of the MDORS correlated with oxytocin,
and to a lesser extent cortisol, levels in both the owners and dogs.
Keywords: cortisol, dog, dog owner, MDORS, oxytocin
The relationship between humans and animals, especially between humans and their
companion dogs, can be a close emotional connection. Dogs often have the status
of family members and are frequently described by owners as a source of emotional
support (Walsh 2009).
Attachment, according to Bowlby and Ainsworth (Bowlby 1969; Bowlby 1973; Bowlby
1980; Ainsworth 1989), is a description of the relationship between a child and his/her mother.
Bonding, on the other hand, is used to describe the positive interaction between mothers and
their infants (Kennell and Klaus 1998). Both types of relationships are characterized by positive
emotions in the sense that both individuals experience pleasure and security in the presence
of each other, and anxiety and distress when separated. Lately, it has been suggested that the
relationship between a dog owner and his/her dog might represent expressions of attach-
ment/bonding (Topal et al. 1998; Prato-Previde, Spiezio and Sabatini 2003; Palmer and
Custance 2008).
The neuropeptide oxytocin plays an important role in bonding and attachment between
mother and young in all mammalian species, as well as other types of relationships such as
in pair bonding (Carter 1998; Insel et al. 1998; Uvnäs-Moberg, Arn and Magnusson 2005).
Oxytocin is produced in the supraoptic nucleus (SON) and paraventricular nucleus (PVN) of the
hypothalamus and was originally described as a hormone released into the circulation during
labor and suckling (Richard, Moos and Freund-Mercier 1991). However, oxytocin neurons
from the PVN also project to important regulatory areas within the brain.
Animal studies have shown that administration of oxytocin induces different types of so-
cial behavior, including maternal behavior, bonding between mother and young, and pair bond-
ing (Carter 1998; Insel et al. 1998). In addition, oxytocin induces anxiolytic-like, pain relieving
and sedative effects (Uvnäs-Moberg et al. 1994; Amico et al. 2004); decreases cortisol levels
(Petersson, Hulting and Uvnäs-Moberg 1999) and blood pressure (Petersson et al. 1996;
Holst, Uvnäs-Moberg and Petersson 2002); and influences the release of gastrointestinal
hormones (Petersson et al. 1999). Some of these effects have been shown to be sustained
for several weeks, even months, after repeated administration of oxytocin (Uvnäs-Moberg
1998; Uvnäs-Moberg and Petersson 2010).
Similar effects as those seen in animals have also been demonstrated in humans following
the administration of oxytocin as a nasal spray. Oxytocin has been shown to increase social
skills, decrease anxiety and stress, and increase trust (Heinrichs et al. 2003; Kosfeld et al. 2005).
The same effects seen in both animals and humans after the administration of oxytocin can
also be seen after endogenous oxytocin release in response to non-noxious stimulation, such
as massage, skin-to-skin contact, breastfeeding, and after positive social interactions (Uvnäs-
Moberg and Petersson 2010). For example, rats exposed to stimulation of the sciatic nerve
or gentle stroking (massage) display increased oxytocin levels (Stock and Uvnäs-Moberg
1988), increased pain thresholds (Lund et al. 2002), decreased pulse and blood pressure
(Lund et al. 1999; Holst, Uvnäs-Moberg and Petersson 2002), and decreased cortisol levels
(Tsuchiya, Nakayama and Sato 1991).
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In addition, mothers who are breastfeeding or having skin-to-skin contact with their infants
display increased oxytocin levels (Nissen et al. 1996; Matthiesen et al. 2001; Jonas et al. 2009)
and decreased cortisol levels and blood pressure (Liu et al. 1997; Jonas et al. 2008a; Handlin
et al. 2009). They also become less anxious, calmer, and more inclined to social interactions
(Uvnäs-Moberg 1996; Nissen et al. 1998; Jonas et al. 2008b). A similar effect was also
observed in infants (Christensson et al. 1995; Bystrova et al. 2003; Jonas et al. 2007).
In breastfeeding mothers, the oxytocin effects are induced as an acute response to the actual
interaction; but in response to the repeated interaction, and hence repeated exposure to oxy-
tocin, these effects are also transformed into long-term effects. In addition, individual mothers
have their own oxytocin levels, and mothers with higher basal oxytocin levels are more interactive
with their children and more sensitive to their children’s cues (Feldman et al. 2007).
Interaction between humans and dogs is followed by a release of oxytocin in both species
and also by reduced cortisol levels and blood pressure (Odendaal and Meintjes 2003; Miller et
al. 2009; Handlin et al. 2011). It is not known, however, whether the type of relationship a dog
owner has with his/her dog is reflected in endocrine parameters. Owners with high oxytocin lev-
els may hypothetically have a more caring and interactive character or personality and therefore
a more positive attitude towards their dogs, just as mothers with high oxytocin levels are more
interactive and sensitive to their infants’ needs (Feldman et al. 2007). It is also possible that dogs
with high oxytocin levels may be more interactive and more sensitive to their owners’ physiological
and mental status. Alternatively, the interaction between the dog and its owner may induce long-
term, secondary endocrine changes, resulting in increased oxytocin levels.
Since oxytocin is released in response to each positive interaction between a dog and its
owner, and since repeated administration of oxytocin can induce long-term, anti-stress ef-
fects, a long lasting relationship involving repeated close interaction between owners and dogs
might give rise to a reduction in blood pressure and cortisol levels. In fact, interaction between
dog owners and dogs has been shown to result in lower cortisol levels for the dogs. Further-
more, dogs with highly interactive owners have low cortisol levels in comparison with those with
less interactive owners (Kotrschal et al. 2009).
The quality and type of relationship between dog owners and their companion dogs can
be evaluated by inventories such as the Monash Dog Owner Relationship Scale (MDORS),
which concerns both positive and negative aspects of the relationship with a companion dog.
In the present study, we wanted to investigate whether there are associations between
the quality of the relationship between a dog and its owner and the oxytocin and cortisol lev-
els in both owners and dogs. Ten female dog owners completed the 28-item MDORS ques-
tionnaire, and blood samples from both the owners and the dogs were collected. The answers
from the MDORS questionnaire were then correlated with the owners’ as well as the dogs’
oxytocin and cortisol levels.
The study was conducted at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences in Skara, Sweden.
Through information gathered at local workplaces and local veterinarian clinics, the prospec-
tive participants were informed of the study and the experimental design. As a result, ten
privately owned male Labrador Retrievers and their female owners were recruited to the study.
Eligible participants were middle-aged women (35–70 years) who owned a male Labrador
older than 1 year, where both owner and dog did not have any current documented illnesses.
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The mean age of the owners was 53 years (SD = 10) and the mean age of the dogs was 4.7
years (SD = 3).
Before the experiment started, the owners were informed about the study; they were given
the opportunity to ask any questions regarding the experiment, and were informed that they
could end their participation at any time. The owners then signed an informed consent form
to participate in the study. The experimental procedure for the human participants was
approved by the Local Ethics Committee in Uppsala, and the procedure for the dogs was ap-
proved by the Animal Ethics Committee in Uppsala. The use of privately owned dogs was
approved by the National Board of Agriculture.
The Monash Dog Owner Relationship Scale (MDORS) was developed by Dwyer, Bennett and
Coleman in 2006 to assess the perceived relationship between dog owners and their com-
panion dogs. The scale consists of 28 items where the dog owner selects one of five possi-
ble responses, labeled 1 to 5 for each item, with 1 representing the lowest frequency or the
least positive response and 5 representing the highest frequency or the most positive re-
sponse. The items can then be further arranged into sub-scales. The subscale Dog–Owner
Interaction reflects both general activities related to the care of the dog and more intimate ac-
tivities; this subscale indicates the amount of time spent together as well as the opportunity
for shared emotional experiences and reciprocal interactions. The subscale Perceived
Emotional Closeness contains items relating to social support, affectional bonding, psycho-
logical attachment, companionship, and unconditional love. The subscale Perceived Costs
addresses the cost of caring for a companion dog; this subscale includes the monetary as-
pects and increased responsibility and restrictions placed on the owner because of the dog
(Dwyer, Bennett and Coleman 2006). The MDORS score has no absolute value, so what con-
stitutes an average, high, or low score is not known and probably varies depending on the type
of dogs and groups of humans investigated.
In the present study, the item “My dog gives me a reason to get up in the morning” was
excluded because some owners interpreted it as a positive statement, while others interpreted
it as a negative statement. For a similar reason, the item “There are major aspects of owning
a dog I don’t like” was also excluded due to owners’ different interpretations of the item as ei-
ther a positive or a negative statement. The item “How often do you take your dog in the car?”
was excluded because not all dog owners had a car. Therefore these three items were not in-
cluded in the summarized scores for the different subscales or in the total score of the MDORS.
Experimental Setup
The owner and her dog arrived together at the testing facility. The experiment was performed
in a room located on the second floor of one of the buildings in the university campus. It was
an ordinary room, designed to look like a regular living room with a desk, four chairs, a book
case, and a water bowl for the dog. Both the owner and the dog had a cannula inserted for
blood sampling before the experiment started, according to the procedure described by
Handlin et al. (2011).
The Interaction Experiment and MDORS
The owner sat in a chair during the entire experiment while the dog was let loose (i.e., off-
leash), sitting or lying beside her. At time point zero, the owner sat in close contact with her
dog and started to pet and stroke different parts of the dog’s body and talked to the dog for
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three minutes. After three minutes of interaction, the owner remained seated in her chair and
did not touch the dog for the rest of the experiment, which lasted 60 minutes. The whole
experiment was videotaped.
Blood samples were collected simultaneously from both owner and dog at 0, 1, 3, 5, 15,
30, and 60 minutes after the start of interaction. According to the analysis of the video record-
ings, the dogs did not experience the collection of blood samples as stressful (data not shown)
and the impact of the blood sampling appeared minimal.
If the dog attempted to interact with the owner during the remaining time of the experiment,
the owner was instructed to ignore the dog. This resulted in the dog immediately stopping its
attempt for contact. Verbal communication between the owner and the other people present
in the room was allowed during the whole experiment.
During the last 30 minutes of the experiment, the owners completed the MDORS, with the
dog still in the room. The MDORS had previously been translated into Swedish from Dwyer,
Bennett and Coleman’s original English version (2006).
Only one dog–owner pair performed the experiment at a time. In addition to the owner and
the dog, four other persons were present in the room during the entire experiment: one ani-
mal caretaker, one nurse, one person preparing the blood samples for hormone analysis, and
one person videotaping the experiment. The animal caretaker and the nurse were in contact
with the dog or owner during cannula insertion and blood sampling. None of the other persons
were in physical contact with either the dog or the owner during the experiment.
Hormonal Analysis
Oxytocin and cortisol levels from both owners and dogs were analyzed by enzyme
immunoassay, as described by Handlin et al. (2011).
Statistical Analysis
The data were analyzed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS/PASW)
software, version 18.0 (Chicago, IL, USA).The mean scores and standard deviations were
calculated for each item in the MDORS. The items were then arranged into subscales, as pro-
posed by Dwyer, Bennett and Coleman (2006), and the mean score and standard deviation
for each subscale, as well as the total mean score, were also calculated for each owner. The
three excluded items were not included in any of the calculations.
For each hormone and participant, mean values with corresponding SD based on all sam-
ples collected during the experiment (0–60 minutes) were calculated. The non-parametric
Spearman rank coefficient was used to calculate correlations because the number of partici–
pants in the present study was relatively small and a normal distribution of data could not be
assumed. Correlations were calculated between MDORS scores and the mean and basal lev-
els of the owners’ and the dogs’ oxytocin and cortisol levels. Correlations were also calculated
between the owners’ and the dogs’ oxytocin and cortisol levels at each individual time point
of the interaction experiment. The statistical significance level was set at p< 0.05.
Owners’ itemized scores of single items, the subscales, and the total MDORS score are sum-
marized in Table 1. The scores of the three subscales, Dog–Owner Interaction (DOI), Emotional
Closeness (EC), and Perceived Costs (PC), were 4.1 (SD = 0.4), 3.8 (SD = 0.4), and 3.8
(SD = 0.4), respectively, and the mean total MDORS score was 4.0 (SD = 0.4).
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Table 1. The scores of the single items, subscales, and total MDORS score are presented as
mean values (SD).
Items/Subscales Answering Alternatives Mean Score
1) How hard is it to look after 1 = very easy, 2 = easy, 3 = neither hard nor easy, 4 = hard, 1.8 (0.8)
your dog? (PC) 5 = very hard
2) My dog gives me a reason Excluded due to the owners’ different interpretations
to get up in the morning. (EC) of the item as either a positive or a negative statement
3) There are major aspects of Excluded due to the owners’ different interpretations of the
owning a dog I don’t like. (PC) item as either a positive or a negative statement
4) How often do you kiss your 1 = never, 2 = once a month, 3 = once a week, 4 = once 4.1 (1.4)
dog? (DOI) every few days, 5 = at least once a day
5) I wish my dog and I never 1 = strongly disagree, 2 = disagree, 3 = neither agree nor 3.3 (1.2)
had to be apart. (EC) disagree, 4 = agree, 5 = strongly agree
6) My dog makes too much 1 = strongly disagree, 2 = disagree, 3 = neither agree nor 1.9 (1.0)
mess. (PC) disagree, 4 = agree, 5 = strongly agree
7) How often do you play 1 = never, 2 = once a month, 3 = once a week, 4 = once every 4.4 (1.0)
games with your dog? (DOI) few days, 5 = at least once a day
8) It bothers me that my dog 1 = strongly disagree, 2 = disagree, 3 = neither agree nor 1.5 (0.5)
stops me from doing things I disagree, 4 = agree, 5 = strongly agree
enjoyed before I owned it. (PC)
9) How often do you take your 1 = never, 2 = few times each year, 3 = once a month, 4.3 (0.9)
dog to visit people? (DOI) 4 = once a fortnight, 5 = once a week
10) It is annoying that I 1 = strongly disagree , 2 = disagree, 3 = neither agree nor 2.0 (0.9)
sometimes have to change my disagree, 4 = agree, 5 = strongly agree
plans because of my dog. (PC)
11) My dog costs too much 1= strongly disagree , 2 = disagree , 3 = neither agree nor 1.6 (0.7)
money. (PC) disagree, 4 = agree, 5 = strongly agree
12) How often do you buy your 1 = never , 2 = few times each year , 3 = once a month, 3.2 (1.1)
dog presents? (DOI) 4 = once a fortnight, 5 = once a week
13) My dog is constantly 1 = strongly disagree, 2 = disagree, 3 = neither agree nor 3.9 (0.9)
attentive to me. (EC) disagree, 4 = agree, 5 = strongly agree
14) How often do you give your 1 = never, 2 = once a month, 3 = once a week, 4 = once every 4.2 (0.6)
dog food treats? (DOI) few days, 5 = at least once a day
15) How often do you tell your 1 = never, 2 = once a year, 3 = once a month, 4 = once a week, 2.7 (0.9)
dog things you don’t tell anyone 5 = once a day
else? (EC)
16) How often do you feel that 1 = never, 2 = once a year, 3 = once a month, 4 = once a week, 1.6 (1.1)
looking after your dog is a 5 = once a day
chore? (PC)
17) How often do you take your Excluded since not all dog owners had a car
dog in the car? (DOI)
18) How often does your dog 1 = never, 2 = once a year, 3 = once a month, 4 = once a week, 1.8 (0.8)
stop you from doing things you 5 = once a day
want to? (PC)
19) I would like to have my dog 1 = strongly disagree, 2 = disagree, 3 = neither agree nor 3.3 (1.2)
near me all the time. (EC) disagree, 4 = agree, 5 = strongly agree
20) How often do you groom 1 = never, 2 = once a month, 3 = once a week, 4 = once every 2.4 (0.7)
your dog? (DOI) few days, 5 = at least once a day
21) If everyone else left me, my 1 = strongly disagree, 2 = disagree, 3 = neither agree nor 4.4 (1.0)
dog would still be there for me. disagree, 4 = agree, 5 = strongly agree
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Items/Subscales Answering Alternatives Mean Score
22) How often do you feel that 1 = never, 2 = once a year, 3 = once a month, 4 = once a week, 1.4 (1.0)
having a dog is more trouble 5 = once a day
than it is worth? (PC)
23) My dog helps me get 1 = strongly agree, 2 = disagree, 3 = neither agree nor 4.3 (0.7)
through tough times. (EC) disagree, 4 = agree, 5 = strongly agree
24) How often do you hug 1 = never, 2 = once a month, 3 = once a week, 4 = once 4.9 (0.3)
your dog? (DOI) every few days, 5 = at least once a day
25) My dog provides me with 1 = strongly disagree, 2 = disagree, 3 = neither agree nor 4.6 (0.7)
constant companionship. (EC) disagree, 4 = agree, 5 = strongly agree
26) How often do you have your 1= never, 2 = once a month, 3 = once a week, 4 = once 4.9 (0.3)
dog with you while relaxing, i.e., every few days, 5 = at least once a day
watching TV? (DOI)
27) My dog is there whenever 1 = strongly disagree, 2 = disagree, 3 = neither agree nor 4.5 (0.7)
I need to be comforted. (EC) disagree, 4 = agree, 5 = strongly agree
28) How traumatic do you 1= not traumatic at all, 2 = not traumatic, 3 = neither traumatic 4.7 (0.5)
think it will be for you when nor not traumatic, 4 = traumatic, 5 = very traumatic
your dog dies? (EC)
Dog–Owner Interaction 1 = less interaction … 5 = much interaction 4.1 (0.4)
Emotional Closeness 1 = less emotional closeness … 5 = strong emotional
closeness 3.8 (0.4)
Perceived Costs 1 = high perceived cost … 5 = low perceived cost 3.8 (0.4)
Total 1 = less positive relationship … 5 = very positive relationship 4.0 (0.4)
DOI: Dog–Owner Interaction subscale.
EC: Perceived Emotional Closeness subscale.
PC: Perceived Costs subscale.
Table 2. Mean hormone concentrations (SD) by time for owners and dogs dyads (n= 10).
0 min 1 min 3 min 5 min 15 min 30 min 60 min Mean
Oxytocin Levels (pmol/l)
Dogs 155.8 211.2 236.9 178.6 163.5 157.5 157.5 180.0
(80.8) (92.0) (116.1) (88.7) (103.4) (108.0) (123.3) (102.1)
Owners 168.5 169.8 180.6 170.2 146.4 171.3 165.1 170.0
(109.5) (107.8) (108.8) (88.1) (104.2) (108.3) (83.2) (97.4)
Cortisol Levels (nmol/l)
Dogs 168.4 169.4 168.1 180.1 224.1 202.8 190.2 186.0
(46.8) (50.9) (48.3) (56.3) (102.7) (58.0) (59.4) (63.3)
Owners 389.8 382.7 382.7 387.6 362.1 331.6 305.2 363.0
(378.4) (339.7) (347.5) (378.1) (341.3) (253.2) (197.9) (312.2)
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In response to some of the items, almost all owners gave a maximal score. This resulted
in mean scores of almost 5. Due to the lack of spread, the scores of these items did not allow
for correlation analysis (for details, see Table 1).
Owners’ and Dogs’ Oxytocin and Cortisol Levels
Data on the owners’ and dogs’ oxytocin and cortisol levels have been described previously
(Handlin et al. 2011) but are summarized in Table 2.
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Correlations between the Owners’ MDORS Scores and Their Oxytocin and
Cortisol Levels
There was a significant correlation between the owners’ oxytocin levels and how often the
owners kissed their dogs (rs= 0.864, p= 0.001), that is, more frequent kissing was associated
with higher oxytocin levels in the owners. In addition, there was a tendency towards a
significant negative correlation between the owners’ oxytocin levels and how difficult the
owners thought it was to look after their dogs (rs= –0.571, p= 0.085).
Significant correlations were also observed between the scores of some items of the
MDORS and the owners’ cortisol levels. Lower cortisol levels in the owners were related to the
following: being less bothered about their dog stopping them from doing things, increased fre-
quency in bringing their dogs to visit people, and the increased perception of trauma in the
event that the dog dies (rs= 0.661, p= 0.037; rs= –0.645, p= 0.044; and rs= –0.730,
p= 0.025, respectively) (Table 3).
Correlations between the Owners’ MDORS Scores and the Dogs’ Oxytocin and
Cortisol Levels
The dogs’ mean oxytocin levels correlated significantly with three items indicating the inten-
sity of the dog–owner relationship. The higher the dogs’ oxytocin levels, the greater the fre-
quency of owners kissing their dogs, the lower the frequency in giving food treats to their dog,
and the stronger was the perceived bond with the dog (rs= 0.753, p= 0.019; rs= –0.757,
p= 0.018; and rs= 0.708, p= 0.033, respectively) (Table 3).
In addition, significant negative correlations and tendencies towards significant correla-
tions were observed between scores obtained in several items of the Perceived Costs sub-
scale and the dogs’ oxytocin levels. Higher oxytocin levels in the dogs were associated with
the owners having a perception of the dog being less difficult to look after and less thought of
as making a mess (rs= –0.846, p= 0.004 and rs= –0.763, p= 0.017, respectively). In addi-
tion, higher oxytocin levels in the dogs were associated with the owners having a perception
of becoming less annoyed that they sometimes had to change plans because of their dog, a
lower frequency among the owners in feeling that looking after their dog was a chore, and a
perception of there being less trouble in having a dog (rs= –0.647, p= 0.059; rs= –0.614,
p= 0.079; and rs= –0.639, p= 0.064, respectively) (Table 3). One item in the PC subscale also
correlated significantly with the dogs’ mean cortisol levels (r= –0.701, p= 0.024): higher
cortisol levels in the dogs were associated with greater perception in owners that there was
less trouble in having a dog (Table 3).
The dogs’ mean oxytocin levels also correlated significantly with the entire PC subscale
(rs= –0.820, p= 0.007) and, additionally, the dogs’ mean oxytocin levels correlated significantly
with the mean total MDORS score (rs= 0.753, p= 0.019), that is, the higher the dogs’ oxy-
tocin levels, the lower the owners’ perceived cost, and the higher the mean total score. This
indicates a more positive evaluation of the relationship in total (Table 4).
Correlations between the Dog Owners’ and the Dogs’ Hormone Levels
The owners’ mean oxytocin levels at each time point (0, 1, 3, 5, 15, 30, and 60 minutes) and
their mean oxytocin level between 0 and 60 minutes correlated positively, some of which were
statistically significant, with the mean oxytocin level of the dogs at 60 minutes. The higher the
owners’ oxytocin levels were during the interaction experiment, the higher the dogs’ oxytocin
levels were at the end of the experiment (for rs- and p-values, see Table 5). In addition, there
was a significant positive correlation between the dogs’ and the owners’ oxytocin levels at 15
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Table 3. Correlations of single item scores from the MDORS with owner and dog hormone
levels. Only significant correlations (p< 0.05) and those that tended towards significance
(p< 0.10) are shown.
Items Owners’ Owners’ Owners’ Dogs’ Dogs’
Mean Mean Basal Mean Mean
Oxytocin Cortisol Cortisol Oxytocin Cortisol
(pmol/l) (nmol/l) (nmol/l) (pmol/l) (nmol/l)
Dog–Owner Interaction
4) How often do you kiss your dog? rs= 0.864 ns ns rs= 0.753 ns
p= 0.001 p= 0.019
9) How often do you take your dog ns ns r= –0.645 ns ns
to visit people? p= 0.044
14) How often do you give your dog ns ns ns rs= –0.757 ns
food treats? p= 0.018
Emotional Closeness
21) If everyone else left me, my dog ns ns ns rs= 0.708 ns
would still be there for me. p= 0.033
28) How traumatic do you think it will ns r= –0.730 ns ns ns
be for you when your dog dies? p= 0.025
Perceived Costs
1) How hard is it to look after rs= –0.571 ns ns rs= –0.846 ns
your dog? p= 0.085 p= 0.004
6) My dog makes too much mess. ns ns ns rs= –0.763 ns
p= 0.017
8) It bothers me that my dog stops ns ns rs= 0.661 ns ns
me from doing things I enjoyed before p= 0.037
I owned it.
10) It is annoying that I sometimes have ns ns ns rs= –0.647 ns
to change my plans because of my dog. p= 0.059
16) How often do you feel that looking
after your dog is a chore? ns ns ns rs= –0.614 ns
p= 0.079
22) How often do you feel that having a
dog is more trouble than it is worth? ns ns ns rs= –0.639 rs= –0.701
p= 0.064 p= 0.024
Perceived Costs Total Score ns ns ns rs= –0.820 ns
p= 0.007
Total MDORS Score ns ns ns rs= 0.753 ns
p= 0.019
ns = non significant.
Handlin et al.
223 Anthrozoös
minutes (rs= 0.857, p= 0.007) (Table 5). No significant correlations were found between the
owners’ and the dogs’ cortisol levels.
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224 Anthrozoös
Associations between the Psychological Characteristics…
Table 4. Correlations of subscales and total MDORS scores with owner and dog hormone
levels. Significant correlations (p< 0.05) are in bold.
Subscale Owners’ Owners’ Owners’ Dogs’ Dogs’
Mean Mean Basal Mean Mean
Oxytocin Cortisol Cortisol Oxytocin Cortisol
(pmol/l) (nmol/l) (nmol/l) (pmol/l) (nmol/l)
Dog–Owner Interaction rs= 0.299 rs= –0.218 rs= –0.195 rs= –0.135 rs= –0.135
p= 0.402 p= 0.572 p= 0.589 p= 0.729 p= 0.711
Emotional Closeness rs= 0.391 rs= –0.035 rs= 0.130 rs= 0.519 rs= –0.391
p= 0.263 p= 0.930 p= 0.719 p= 0.152 p= 0.263
Perceived Costs rs= 0.238 rs= –0.301 rs= –0.341 rs= 0.820 rs= 0.177
p= 0.508 p= 0.431 p= 0.334 p= 0.007 p= 0.625
Total MDORS Score rs= 0.472 rs= –0.356 rs= –0.313 rs= 0.753 rs= –0.092
p= 0.168 p= 0.347 p= 0.379 p= 0.019 p= 0.800
Table 5. Significant correlations (p< 0.05) between the owners’ and the dogs’ oxytocin levels
during the interaction experiment.
Owners’ Oxytocin Levels at Dogs’ Oxytocin Levels at rsp
0 min 60 min 0.733 0.025
1 min 60 min 0.800 0.010
3 min 60 min 0.683 0.042
5 min 60 min 0.900 0.001
30 min 60 min 0.700 0.036
60 min 60 min 0.700 0.036
15 min 15 min 0.857 0.007
Mean (0–60 min) 60 min 0.783 0.013
Given that oxytocin levels have been demonstrated to correlate with some maternal physio-
logical and behavioral variables, including the level of maternal interaction and sensitivity to the
infant’s cues, this study explored whether the scores obtained on the MDORS correlated with
oxytocin and cortisol levels in dogs and their owners. In the present study, we demonstrated
that the scores of some items and subscales in the MDORS, describing the quality of the
relationship between dog owners and their dogs, correlated significantly with the owners’ as
well as their dogs’ oxytocin and cortisol levels.
The characteristics of the relationship between humans and dogs can be described by in-
ventories such as the MDORS. The items in this scale address both the positive and the neg-
ative aspects of the dog–owner relationship and they have been arranged into three subscales:
Dog–Owner Interaction, Perceived Emotional Closeness, and Perceived Costs (Dwyer, Bennett
and Coleman 2006). There are no normative values for the MDORS and so the results obtained
in the present study cannot be compared with those obtained in other studies.
In general, the owners participating in the present study described their relationship with
their dogs in very positive terms. In response to some of the items, almost all owners gave a
maximal score. For example, “How often do you hug your dog?” and “How often do you have
AZ VOL. 25(2).qxp:Layout 1 3/30/12 10:15 AM Page 224
your dog with you while relaxing, i.e., watching TV?” (mean of 4.9 out of 5 for both items),
supporting the premise that these owners had a close relationship with their dogs.
The correlation analysis showed that higher oxytocin levels in the owners were associated
with greater frequency in kissing their dogs and a perception that looking after their dog was
not difficult. It also showed that lower cortisol levels in the owners were associated with a per-
ception of being less bothered about the dog stopping them from doing things, a greater fre-
quency in bringing their dogs when visiting people, and a perception that the dog’s death
would be traumatic. Taken together, these results indicate that high levels of oxytocin and low
levels of cortisol in dog owners are related to owners having a perception of the relationship
with their dogs as pleasant and interactive and associated with few problems.
The scores obtained from the MDORS were also correlated with the dogs’ oxytocin and
cortisol levels. The correlation analysis showed that higher oxytocin levels in the dogs were
associated with greater frequency in being kissed by their owners and lower frequency in
getting food treats from their owners. In addition, the strength of the perceived bond corre-
lated with the dogs’ oxytocin levels. Higher oxytocin levels in the dogs were associated with
lower perceived cost by the owners and a more positive overall evaluation of the relationship
by the owners. These results indicate that high levels of oxytocin in the dogs are related to
increased interaction with the owner and with the owners seeing their dog as a positive and
pleasant companion.
The previous findings of positive correlations between maternal oxytocin levels and moth-
ers being more interactive with their children and also more sensitive to their children’s cues
(Feldman et al. 2007) give support to the idea that owners with high oxytocin levels may inter-
act more with their dogs. The positive relationships between the owners’ and the dogs’ oxy-
tocin levels indicate that there is a mutual relationship between dog owners and their dogs and
that this relationship influences their oxytocin levels, and perhaps also their cortisol levels. How-
ever, due to the correlational nature of this study, it cannot be concluded whether it is the high
oxytocin levels that generate the close and frequent interaction between owners and their dogs
or if it is the close and frequent interaction that generates the increased oxytocin levels.
While statistically significant positive relationships existed between the owner’s and the
dog’s oxytocin levels, no significant relationships were identified for cortisol. The reason why
no correlations were found for their cortisol levels is not known. However, cortisol levels are
easily affected by various kinds of stimuli, such as movement and activity, which might be the
case in this study.
Oxytocin is released not only in response to interactions between humans but also in re-
sponse to interactions between dogs and their owners (Odendaal and Meintjes 2003; Miller
et al. 2009; Handlin et al. 2011). Since cortisol levels are lowered by oxytocin, the correlations
between the MDORS scores and oxytocin and cortisol levels may both reflect the interaction
between dogs and their owners.
In the present study, we chose to study middle-aged (35–70 years) women and their
male Labrador Retriever, in order to keep variation due to gender, sex -steroid levels, and
breed to a minimum. Labradors are one of the most common companion dogs and are
considered friendly and easy to work with. In future studies, it would be interesting to study
other breeds, as well as to study both female and male owners, to see if the results differ.
Future studies should also include a larger number of participants compared with the pres-
ent study, in order to further evaluate the role of oxytocin and other hormones in the quality
of the human–dog relationship.
225 Anthrozoös
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If the MDORS continues to be used as a tool to evaluate the relationship between dog
owners and their companion dogs, it would be helpful to validate it across cultures and to
evaluate the effects of excluding single items.
In conclusion, the results from the present study suggest that owners’ perceptions of their
relationship with their dogs are related to the oxytocin, and to lesser extent cortisol, levels in
both owners and dogs. Whether the responses identified are innate or acquired over time
through the interaction with the dog cannot be determined by a correlational study and requires
further investigation.
We thank all the dogs and people who participated in the study and also Ulla Nilsson, Thomas
Gustavsson, and Sara Magnusson for assisting during the experiment.
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... Psychobiological factors, such as the relationship quality between humans and their dogs, significantly influence cortisol variability in human-dog dyads [53]. Positive interactions, such as petting, playing, and simply being in the presence of familiar humans, have been shown to reduce stress in dogs. ...
... This finding suggests that regular human contact can mitigate the stress associated with confinement and social isolation. A study revealed that interactions between dog owners and their dogs lead to an increase in oxytocin levels in both parties, while cortisol levels decrease in the owners but show an upward trend in the dogs [53]. ...
Full-text available
Cortisol, an essential glucocorticoid hormone, is crucial in regulating the stress response and maintaining physiological and behavioral homeostasis in mammals, including dogs. This review explores cortisol’s physiological and behavioral role in canines, focusing on its effects on stress, immune function, and metabolism. Various methods of measuring cortisol levels in dogs, invasive (blood, saliva, urine) and non-invasive (hair, fecal assays), are discussed regarding their accuracy and practical applications. The review also highlights the influence of different environmental factors, such as shelter conditions, human interaction, and music, on cortisol levels in dogs. Furthermore, the clinical and behavioral implications of abnormal cortisol levels are examined, with particular attention to conditions like Cushing’s disease and stress-related behavioral issues. The findings emphasize the importance of cortisol monitoring in veterinary practice and animal welfare, proposing future research directions to improve canine health and stress management.
... Important factors related to this relationship between the dog and its owner [16][17][18][19], gaze behavior [20], and cognitive performance [21] are associated with oxytocin. Oxytocin, a hormone associated with social behavior [22], positive emotional states [23], and animal welfare [22], is thought to be higher in dogs that have a closer relationship or feel more comfortable around their owner [18,24,25]. ...
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Our understanding of social cognition in brachycephalic dog breeds is limited. This study focused specifically on French Bulldogs and hypothesized that a closer relationship between dog and owner would improve the dogs’ understanding of nonverbal cues, particularly pointing gestures. To investigate this, we tested twenty-six dogs and their owners in a two-way object choice test in which the familiar person pointed to the bowl. As understanding of pointing gestures is influenced by human–animal interaction, we used the Monash Dog Owner Relationship Scale (MDORS) to assess various aspects of the dog–owner relationship, including dog–owner interaction, emotional closeness, and negative aspects of dog ownership and measured salivary oxytocin levels. This study examined the dogs’ correct choices and their straight approach patterns to a reward bowl. Several factors influenced the two measures of social cognition, such as the age and sex of the dog, dog–owner interaction, emotional closeness, and the choice time (time it took the dog to reach the reward bowl), but also that neutered dogs and those with no training history showed better cognitive performance. We found a very high number of correct choices, which could be attributed to the owners’ high scores on the dog–owner interaction scale. Oxytocin showed no direct effect on these measures. To increase the generalizability of the results, we suggest future studies focus on more than one breed to capture the temporal development of the owner–dog relationship and social cognitive abilities.
... Of note, the oxytocin release can be also stimulated simply by gaze (Nagasawa et al., 2015). Similar to cortisol, correlations between owner and dog oxytocin concentrations have been reported (Handlin et al., 2012). ...
The body of research into the effects of animal-assisted interventions (AAIs) on human health outcomes has been rapidly growing over the past decades. In contrast, scientific efforts to address the animal perception of AAIs have been comparably scarce. Also, early studies merely focused on therapy dogs or horses, as they were and continue to be the most frequently used species in AAIs. However, in recent years, there has been an increase in both the numbers of studies investigating animal welfare in AAIs and the variability of species including rabbits, guinea pigs, and donkeys. Research has primarily focused on physiological and behavioral welfare indicators as well as handler, experimenter, or client surveys to identify work-related stress in therapy animals. Study outcomes suggest that frequency and duration of AAI sessions, novelty of the environment, controllability, duration and intensity of contact with the recipient as well as age and familiarity of recipients modulate animal welfare. The generalizability of scientific findings is however limited due to the heterogeneity of AAI programs, recipient and session characteristics, small animal sample sizes, and lack of methodological rigor. The most commonly studied animal welfare indicators in AAI research are behavioral indices of comfort and discomfort as well as analyses of cortisol and heart rate to parallel work-related arousal. More recent studies have included analysis of oxytocin, respiration rate, and temperature monitoring. Overall, research outcomes do not give rise to an accumulation of adverse effects or severe concerns for animal welfare that challenge current AAI practices. However, science-based recommendations for practice include adequate and timely socialization and training, matching the duration and frequency of sessions to meet an animal's individual requirements and species-specific preferences, providing sufficient time to adapt to novel environments, as well as a shelter or a resting area that is exclusive for the animal. Lack of opportunity to withdraw from guided human–animal interaction in AAIs negatively impact the individual's stress tolerance. Recipients' characteristics and previous experiences with a species should be considered as well as the level of familiarity with the animal(s) involved in AAIs. Cross-species synchronization patterns have been observed during affiliative interactions, but also cumulating stress in the animal handler may be transferred to the animal. Environmental factors such as high ambient temperature, noise or transportation to the AAI setting have been related to higher arousal. As the current body of evidence on animal welfare in AAIs is based on relatively small sample sizes, future research is challenged to raise methodological rigor to facilitate the generalizability of study outcomes.
... These hormones indicate activation of the parasympathetic nervous system and oxytocinergic system and down-regulation of hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis, which indicates that the human-canine bond may provide health benefits, including relaxation, bonding, and stress reduction (Teo et al., 2022). Correlations between oxytocin in humans and pet dogs have also been reported in the literature, which may be related to bonding and attachment theories (Handlin et al., 2012). ...
Full-text available
Recovery from substance use disorder (SUD) is a personal journey that includes connection with self and others, including animals – known as the human-animal bond (HAB). Research shows that canines are the most common type of animal integrated into animal-assisted interventions to support people with SUD. Yet, to our knowledge, there has been no review of the evidence on the role of canines in SUD recovery. The scoping review’s objective was to examine the literature on the human-canine bond’s role in recovery from SUD among adolescents and adults, including how the bond may help or hinder recovery. The review considered records that described the human-canine bond with respect to recovery in any recovery- or therapy-related setting globally. Eleven databases were searched, and 32 sources met inclusion criteria that involved companion dogs, therapy dogs, service/assistance, dogs and others. The thematic analysis across records identified three key benefits of the human-canine bond in SUD recovery: (1) a source of social connection and a conduit for human-to-human social connection, (2) a calming and comforting effect on individuals with SUD that can reduce stress and anxiety, and (3) the human-canine bond as a motivating factor for positive change. Through these themes, the bond may help divert substance use-related thoughts and reduce cravings, bolster engagement in treatment and recovery, and help to decrease and prevent substance use. However, a few articles found no role or a limited role of the human-canine bond in recovery, and challenges and considerations were reported, particularly for marginalized populations (e.g., related to obtaining and maintaining housing, employment, and SUD treatment). Most of the records discussed canine welfare in some capacity. Calls were also made for improved policy, public awareness, and animal welfare.
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This article summarizes my scientific work and describes some personal experiences during this period. After my basal medical training (MD) (1971), I obtained a PhD in pharmacology (1976) and ended up as a professor of Physiology. My initial studies were within the field of gastroenterology. I showed that the gastrointestinal hormone gastrin, which stimulates HCL secretion in the stomach, was released in response to stimulation of the vagal nerve. Later I showed that the entire endocrine system of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract that promotes digestion and anabolic metabolism and growth was under vagal nerve control. I also showed that activation of the vagal nerve inhibits the function of the inhibitory substance somatostatin. 10 years later, after some big changes in my personal life, my research focus changed. I became interested in female physiology, particularly the role of oxytocin. In addition, I became aware of the situation of female scientists and started to work with questions regarding equality between women and men. I gathered a group of interested female medical students and midwives around me. We demonstrated that breastfeeding and touch (e.g., between mother and baby), via stimulation of sensory nerves in the skin, activated the endocrine system of the GI tract and, thereby, anabolic processes and growth. The effects were exerted via a vagal mechanism and involved activation of parvocellular oxytocinergic neurons from the paraventricular nucleus (PVN). We also showed that the gastrointestinal hormone cholecystokinin stimulated the release of oxytocin in a calorie-dependent way via an afferent vagal mechanism. In summary, there is a bidirectional, vagally mediated connection between the endocrine system of the GI tract and the oxytocin producing neurons in the supraoptic (SON) and paraventricular (PVN) nuclei of the hypothalamus.1. Oxytocinergic neurons from the PVN enhances the activity of the endocrine system of the GI tract and thereby growth and regeneration. The effect is exerted via efferent vagal fibers which inhibit the release of somatostatin. 2. Food in the duodenum triggers a release of cholecystokinin (CCK), which via a vagal afferent mechanism stimulates the release and function of oxytocin. This mechanism is not activated in the absence of food intake. Administration of oxytocin induces a multitude of actions, i.e., anxiolytic and sedative effects, increased pain threshold, lowering of cortisol and blood pressure and an increased activity of the endocrine system of the GI tract. Repeated administration of oxytocin may induce long-term effects and “secondary” mechanisms such as an increased activity of alpha-2- adrenoceptors are involved. Oxytocin released by suckling during breastfeeding or by touch during social interaction will induce a similar effect spectrum. Activation of the parvocellular neurons will stimulate some aspects of social behavior, induce calm and well-being, and decrease levels of fear, stress, and pain. In addition, vagal functions and the activity of the endocrine system of the GI tract will be stimulated. Together, these effects are consistent with the oxytocin-mediated calm and connection response and, in a long-term perspective, with the promotion of well-being and health. A second period of professional difficulties occurred in the late 1990s. I moved to the Swedish University of Agriculture, where I started to investigate the role of oxytocin in interactions between humans and pets, as this type of interaction had been shown to promote health. I continued to study the role of oxytocin in female reproduction, in particular, the role of oxytocin during labor and birth and in the peripartum period. In addition, I started to write books about different aspects of oxytocin. I also wanted to establish a role for oxytocin in the treatment of vaginal atrophy. Several clinical studies show that local intravaginal application of oxytocin in women with vaginal atrophy increases the regeneration of vaginal mucosal cells and function.
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Oxytocin (OT) is a neuropeptide increasingly recognized for its role in bonding, socialization, and stress relief. Previous research has demonstrated participants' OT levels increased after interacting with or petting a dog, suggesting OT is at least partially responsible for the calm, relaxing feeling that participants experienced during this intervention. The purpose of our study was to more closely examine changes in oxytocin levels in men and women in response to interaction with their own dog after being separated from the dog while at work all day. This condition was compared with a reading control condition, without the presence of the dog. Because the workplace is a common stressor, participants were examined after work to evaluate how interacting with a pet may help decrease stress, as evidenced by increases in serum oxytocin levels. Ten men and ten women participated in the study. Serum oxytocin levels were obtained before the participants had contact with their dogs and then again after 25 minutes of interaction with their dog. The same protocol was followed for the reading condition except that instead of interacting with their dog, participants read nonfiction materials selected by the researchers. Serum oxytocin levels increased statistically more for women who interacted with their dog when compared with women in the reading condition (p = 0.003). There was no significant increase in oxytocin level in men after interaction with the bonded dog compared with the reading condition; in fact, male oxytocin levels decreased after both the dog and reading conditions. These results suggest that men and women may have different hormonal responses to interaction with their dogs. It is unclear to what degree OT reactivity was affected by hormones, personality traits, or interpersonal relationships; factors which warrant further research.
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The aim of this exploratory study was to determine heart rate and the levels of oxytocin, cortisol, and insulin in dogs and their owners in response to a short-term interaction. In addition, the dogs' behavior was studied. The owners' responses were compared with those obtained from a control group. Ten female volunteers and their own male Labrador dogs par-ticipated in an experiment during which the owner stroked, petted, and talked with her dog during the first 3 minutes. Blood samples were collected from both dog and owner before (0) and at 1, 3, 5, 15, 30, and 60 minutes after the start of the interaction. Blood samples were analyzed by EIA. Heart rate was monitored telemetrically. The data were analyzed using linear mixed models and paired t-tests. The dogs' oxytocin levels were significantly increased 3 minutes after the start of the interaction (p = 0.027). Cortisol levels were significantly increased after 15 and 30 minutes (p = 0.004 and p = 0.022, respectively), and heart rate was significantly decreased after 55 minutes (p = 0.008). The dogs displayed normal behaviors during the experiment. The owners' oxytocin levels peaked between 1 and 5 minutes after interaction (p = 0.026). No such effect was seen in the controls. Cortisol levels displayed a significant decrease at 15 or 30 minutes in both owners and controls, and insulin levels did so at 60 minutes (p = 0.030, p = 0.002 and p = 0.002,
It has been proposed that the dog–human relationship constitutes an infantile-like attachment. However, previous empirical support based on Ainsworth's Strange Situation test has proved inconclusive due to order effects inherent in the original procedure. In particular, these order effects compromise the ability to establish an essential facet of attachment: whether or not owners function as a secure base for their pet dogs. Order effects were counteracted in the present study by including a second condition in which the order of owner and stranger presence was counterbalanced. Hence, 38 adult dog-owner pairs were randomly placed in two conditions, both comprised of six 3-min episodes. In condition A, dogs entered an unfamiliar room with their owner; a stranger entered; the owner left the dog with the stranger; the dog was left alone in the room; the owner returned; and finally the dog was left with the stranger again. In condition B, the order in which owner and stranger were present was reversed. Secure-base effects were indicated in that the dogs explored, remained passive, played with the stranger and engaged in individual play more when in the presence of their owner than when left with the stranger or alone. Therefore, the dogs’ behaviour provides evidence consistent with the hypothesis that the dog–human bond constitutes an attachment. The possible role of attachment in canine separation anxiety is briefly discussed.
Massage-like stroking induces acute antinociceptive effects that can be reversed by an oxytocin antagonist, indicating activation of oxytocin on endogenous pain controlling systems. We now demonstrate an increase in hindpaw withdrawal latencies (HWLs), in response to thermal and mechanical stimuli, which was present after six treatments of massage-like stroking every other day and which continued to increase through the remaining seven treatments. Repeated massage-like stroking also resulted in increased oxytocin-like immunoreactivity (oxytocin-LI) levels in plasma and periaquaductal grey matter (PAG). Furthermore, increases in HWLs were also present after injections of oxytocin into the PAG (0.1, 0.5 and 1.0 nmol). Intra-PAG oxytocin injection of 1 nmol followed by 1 or 20 nmol of naloxone attenuated the increments in HWL. Also, there was a dose-dependent attenuation of the oxytocin-induced antinociceptive effects following intra-PAG injection of the µ-opioid antagonist β-funaltrexamine (β-FNA) and the κ-opioid antagonist nor-binaltorphimine (nor-BNI) but not the δ-antagonist naltrindole. The long-term antinociceptive effects of massage-like stroking may be attributed, at least partly, to the oxytocinergic system and its interaction with the opioid system, especially the µ- and the κ-receptors in the PAG.
Variations in maternal care affect the development of individual differences in neuroendocrine responses to stress in rats. As adults, the offspring of mothers that exhibited more licking and grooming of pups during the first 10 days of life showed reduced plasma adrenocorticotropic hormone and corticosterone responses to acute stress, increased hippocampal glucocorticoid receptor messenger RNA expression, enhanced glucocorticoid feedback sensitivity, and decreased levels of hypothalamic corticotropin-releasing hormone messenger RNA. Each measure was significantly correlated with the frequency of maternal licking and grooming (all r's > −0.6). These findings suggest that maternal behavior serves to “program” hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal responses to stress in the offspring.
With increasing scientific and clinical attention being paid to the formation, nature and consequences of human-companion animal relationships, there is a need to develop scales with which to assess such relationships in a rigorous, empirically valid manner. Accordingly, the aim in this study was to develop a psychometrically sound, multi-dimensional questionnaire with which to assess human-companion dog relationships. A multi-step process involving over 1,000 participants resulted in the development of a scale with 28 items, the Monash Dog Owner Relationship Scale or MDORS. The MDORS has three sub-scales, Dog-Owner Interaction, Perceived Emotional Closeness, and Perceived Costs, that appear to be relatively stable and interpretable across participant groups and that appear to represent important and diverse aspects of the human-companion dog relationship. It is envisaged that the future use of this scale will allow researchers to significantly increase our understanding of human-companion dog relationships by permitting direct comparisons across participant groups drawn from different demographic or cultural contexts. It may also permit clinicians to analyze relationships between dog owners and their dogs in more detail and depth than is possible using existing scales.
Ainsworth's 'strange situation' procedure was used to investigate the dog (Canis familiaris) – human relationship. 38 adult dog-owner pairs were observed in an unfamiliar room, intro-duced to a human stranger and subjected to four short episodes of separation. The procedure and behavioural analyses were as similar as possible to those used in studying human infants, except for the inclusion of an extra separation period in which the dogs were left alone in the room with articles of clothing belonging to the owner and stranger. A secure base effect was suggested by the fact that the dogs accepted to play with the stranger more in the pres-ence of their owner than during his or her absence. They also explored more in the presence of their owner, but this appeared to be due to diminishing curiosity over time rather than a secure base effect. The dogs also exhibited a range of attachment behaviours, i.e. search and proximity seeking behaviours when separated from their owner, including following, scratch-ing and jumping up on the door, remaining oriented to the door or the owner's empty chair and vocalising. They also greeted their owner more enthusiastically and for longer durations compared to the stranger. Finally, they contacted the owner's clothing more often and for 3) Corresponding authors address: Prof. 4) This research was supported by funds from Università di Milano to Emanuela Prato-Previde. We are grateful to Marcello Cesa-Bianchi and Marco Poli for allowing us to carry out the work in the Psychology Institute of Università di Milano. We thank Barbara Rotta for her invaluable help in data collection and scoring, Clara Palestrini for helping in running the experiment, Marco Colombetti for reading and commenting on the preliminary draft of the paper. Finally, a special thank to Tipota, a female mongrel, for being our rst pilot subject and to all the owners and dogs that participated as volunteers.
The specific aim of the present study was to determine if stroking in conscious rats can influence spontaneous locomotor behavior in an open-field arena. For this purpose, conscious rats were held across the scapula and the ventral side of the abdomen was stroked at a pressure of 100–150 mm H2O and at a speed of approximately 20 cm/s. The stimulation frequency was approximately 40 strokes/min and the duration 2, 5, and 10 min. Animals held for 10 min served as controls. There was a significant decrease in rearing and locomotion and a significant increase in peripheral activity in the open-field arena after the treatment. Maximal effects were obtained after 5 min of stroking. These effects were consistent with a stroking-induced sedative effect similar to that seen in this open-field arena model following neuroleptics or large doses of oxytocin.