Communication Models for the Study of Mass Communication
... The cultural values contained in a culture that are used as guidelines reflect that they will always contain wisdom in behavior, both individual and group. And, ritual communication in the understanding of McQuail and Windahl (1993) is also called expressive communication. Communication in this model places more emphasis on the intrinsic (essential) satisfaction of the sender or recipient rather than other instrumental goals. ...
... McQuail & Windahl (1993) explain the use of symbols in ritual communication aimed at symbolizing ideas and values related to hospitality, celebrations or ceremonies of worship and fellowship. These symbols are widely shared and understood, although their meanings are varied and vague. ...
The Rebo Botong ritual is an ancestral heritage of the Sasak tribe in East Lombok, NTB, whose aim is to ward off danger and maintain the safety of its citizens. Although, applying Islamic teachings by using prayers and reading verses of the holy Qur'an as well as praying to the Prophet SAW, this does not prevent oneself from the pros and cons of a society that is modern and has a different understanding of the Islamic religion. The theoretical framework of this study uses a ritual communication and cultural da'wah approach, and the method chosen is a case study with in-depth interviews and field observations with five people, with the criteria: one person (traditional leader), two people (educator and activist), and 2 people ordinary residents of the Sasak Tribe (Pringgabaya Village) East Lombok. The results of this research found that the Rebo Botong ritual was carried out to preserve ancestral culture with an Islamic framework and local traditions, and is now developing into tourism and attracting sponsors who can promote this ritual. Although, some residents no longer follow the Rebo Botong ritual because their educational background and religious understanding are different from those of the Sasak tribe who still adhere to this custom.
... Media professionals' use of disabling language over person-first language is not the sole factor for establishing or reinforcing negative stereotypes of athletes with disabilities, but it can be one of many factors involved (Auslander and Gold, 1999;Maika & Danylchuk, 2016). Personal experience, use of the media, external events, opinion leaders, and interpersonal communication all influence the effect of media (Baran & Davis, 1995;Lowery & DeFleur, 1995;McQuail, 1994;McQuail & Windahl, 1993;Severin & Tankard, 1992). Regarding disability, media can positively influence reader perception through enhancing knowledge and social awareness or negatively influence perception through misinformation and reinforcement of stereotypes (Keller et al., 1990;Maika & Danylchuk, 2016). ...
... It can be said that these theories are generally used in studies on communication, media and the use of new technologies. In one study, McQuail and Windahl (1993) stated that, from a UGT perspective, researchers should seek answers to the questions "Why do people use media?" and "What do they use it for?" rather than "how does media affect people?" ...
The main aim of this mixed methods study is to determine the evaluations made by academics on an academic text generated with ChatGPT and get their general views on ChatGPT. The convergent parallel design is utilized where the qualitative and quantitative methods are combined to produce triangulated results. Data were collected via an online form from 45 academics. Academics were asked to read and rate the sample text generated by ChatGPT. The titles “Writing rules,” “Language and expression,” and “Subject integrity” of the text generated by ChatGPT received the highest ratings from the academics. The qualitative findings obtained were interpreted within the framework of the “Diffusion of Innovations” and “Uses and Gratifications” theories, and the related themes were formed. As a result, the participants were asked about their feelings about using ChatGPT, and the themes of astonishment, pessimism, anxiety, and hopefulness emerged. Participants were asked their opinions about the benefits and negative aspects of using ChatGPT. Themes emerged under the benefits, and negative aspects titles were evaluated. Finally, the other themes that emerged under the satisfaction with ChatGPT and making ChatGPT widespread titles were assessed.
... Although the media is a vital tool for communication in the modern world, the government also uses it to sway public opinion and spread messages of intolerance and violence among the public. People's perceptions are altered by the media (McQuail & Windahl, 2015). ...
The impact of mass media on society is undeniable. Its effective influence on reporting an issue in hand can make or break the story. Free media is not an extravagance. It is the foundation of impartial development in society. Media can monitor government actions and so serve as a check on public policy. Similarly, corruption can be exposed by the media. It provides a forum for a range of viewpoints on reform and governance and aids in fostering a consensus among the populace in favour of change. These media improve the efficiency of markets. This study examines the role of mass media in Pakistan's economic development. To meet the aim of the study, this research uses the interview method. The findings of the study suggest that the media has the power to play its part in handling Pakistan's economic crisis with objective and responsible coverage. However, corporate media in Pakistan is lacking in representing actual issues or possible reasons for economic decline in the country. There is a need for more responsible reporting by mass media in Pakistan.
... Esta tem sido uma posição transversal à literatura ao longo do tempo (Littlejohn, 1988;Croucher, 2016). Têm sido, naturalmente, aprofundadas e desenvolvidas teorias e modelos específicos para o campo, mas que são, na maioria das vezes, resultantes de teorias e modelos gerais de comunicação, algo que, na nossa perspetiva, não representa uma fragilidade, mas antes um claro sinal de articulação (McQuail & Windahl, 1993;McQuail, 2003;McQuail & Deuze, 2020). Por esse motivo, não faria sentido referirmo-nos aqui a métodos ou técnicas específicas da Comunicação/Organizacional/Institucional/Estratégica, mas sim às tipicamente ou tradicionalmente mais usadas ao desenvolver investigações de natureza quantitativa na área. ...
Resumo: neste capítulo apresentam-se e discutem-se as principais técnicas de seleção de casos, recolha e análise de dados (mais) usadas em investigação quantitativa na área da Comunicação Organizacional/Institucional/Estratégica. Privilegia-se a apresentação de um panorama, enunciando os critérios para selecionar ou excluir cada uma delas, em detrimento de uma lógica de aprofundamento, deixando o trabalho de as examinar com mais detalhe (com vista à sua implementação) ao/à investigador/a que se inicia no trabalho de pesquisa (o público a que se dirige este texto). Procura-se criar um percurso, do paradigma positivista às preocupações éticas, passando pelos métodos e pelas técnicas, assente num princípio de coerência epistemológica e metodológica.
... In other ritual communications, a series of preencoded actions or texts play a similar role. Even though in natural conditions, ritual communication is not instrumental, it has consequences for society (McQuail & Windahl, 2013). ...
Dayak Ngaju community, traditional rituals, and ceremonies cannot be separated. This research is essensial because no research summarized the traditional rituals and ceremonies of the Dayak Ngaju community using a communication science approach. The theory of Prayer as Rhetoric initiated by William Fitzgerald is the basis for this study. Use qualitative research Miles and Huberman's interactive model through data process, collection, reduction, display, and conclusions. This study describes 4 (four) traditional rituals and ceremonies held by the Dayak Ngaju community such as traditional wedding ceremonies, nyaki tihi ceremonies, farming rituals, and laluhan ceremonies. The result is Dayak Ngaju community in Kuala Kapuas Regency holds traditional ceremonies and rituals as a form of communication with The Creator with the aim of petition, thanksgiving, and confession completed by meaningful symbols.
... Content analysis is "the systematic, objective, and quantitative analysis of message characteristics" (Neuendorf 2017). It is one of the fundamental methods used in this study of agenda setting since media agendas can be perceived through this type of analysis (Mcquail and Windahl 1993). ...
Communications professionals have widely recognized the importance of media coverage measurement. Despite having been discredited in measuring media coverage, either by the scientific community or by industry main organizations, advertising value equivalency (AVE) continues, nevertheless, to be a metric used by many communication professionals to measure digital media coverage. We propose a new metric, the Media Output Score (MOS), to automatically measure the online media coverage of brands in real-time, combining brand objectives with target media, media visibility, media favorability, readership, and social amplification of news by individuals. Using the design science research methodology, this research includes a case study analyzing the media coverage of the three main Portuguese telecommunications brands during one year on ten digital media outlets. The use of MOS with the sample data proved to be a comprehensive and valid metric to measure the output performance of brands’ digital media coverage since it effectively combines all variables, providing a single metric that can be used to evaluate and compare the performance in this context. This article presents the development, the application, and the implications of the MOS, providing a new lens through which to view and assess media coverage.
... Any communication exchange or content sharing could derive perceived entertainment value from its ability to fulfill the audience's (i.e. gamer's) needs for escapism, diversion or emotional release (McQuail & Windahl, 2015). Players may psychologically perceive that they are flexible and describe mobile social gaming as an enjoyable and casual way to fulfill time. ...
This study aims to investigate how cognitive antecedents impact social game addiction and virtual properties purchase among Generation Y players in Malaysia. Using a quantitative method with 341 Generation Y gamers analysed via structural equation modeling through a two-step analysis approach, the results demonstrate that social game addiction is influenced by enjoyment, play intensity, and self-control. The purchase intention of virtual goods is affected by flexibility and play intensity. However, social game addiction has no impact on a gamer’s intentional purchase of virtual items. A player’s income level interacts with the relationship between flexibility and likelihood of virtual property purchase, which could be insightful for gaming publishers and vendors.
... If the factors were identified strictly by eigenvalues, the total number would be four, given that only the first four factors have initial eigenvalues greater than 1 (see Table C1 and Figure C1 in Appendix C). Factor selection in analysis, as underscored by Henson and Roberts (2006), should be a composite of statistical consideration and theoretical alignment, a stance mirrored in the discourse of the media and communication discipline (Hoyle & Duvall, 2004;McQuail & Windahl, 1993). In alignment with this multi-faceted approach, our decision to adopt a six-factor model was not solely influenced by the eigenvalues. ...
Since Tinder's worldwide popularity, location-based dating apps have become widespread. The existing literature mainly focuses on a single app in European and US contexts and pays little attention to other cultural contexts. This paper addresses this gap by examining dating app choices and motivations of young adults (18–29 years old) in Turkey. It examines the intersectionality of socio-demographic variables in a cultural setting that is quite different not only from European and US contexts but also from other Muslim-majority contexts. Deriving from the nationally representative survey (n = 1,498), our research finds statistically significant differences in dating app preferences and adults’ motivations regarding location, sexual, gender, and religious identities. This study underlines the crucial role of cultural geography and its social fabric in mobile dating, even within the same national setting.
... The Journalist sees himself as dominating the media process, having a strong sense of its own, clear direction, and seeing the target audience as the media message consumer, and the content is a persuasive message specifically aimed at influencing the consumer (the public), as the audience in this model is a term of persuasive communication [30]. This makes the Journalist in this form eager to see the echo quickly, so that it can be sure that its goals in the communication process it leads are met. ...
The study of the journalist's relation with political authority in Egypt from 1960 to 2011 seeks to reveal, describe, analyze and interpret the journalist's relation with political authority in Egypt during this period and to reach a model that explains the factors affecting the journalist's relation with political authority. This is by exposing the political, legislative, social and cultural factors affecting the journalist's relationship with political authority during the period of study. This paper aims to reveal the personal characteristics of successive political leaders during the period of study, and their role in shaping the relationship between the journalist and the political authority in Egypt. In addition to revealing the social development, personal characteristics and professional gradations of a sample of prominent journalists during the course of the study, and the role these factors played in shaping the relationship between the journalist and the political authority in Egypt. The study found that the media in general, and the press in particular, play a role in political life, whether by expressing interest groups and opinion leaders, or by relying political systems on them to reach out to the public and promote their policies at home and abroad alike. Media has also proved to be the link between the public on the one hand and political decision makers on the other. The results also confirmed that the media helps the political systems to create public opinion in favor of their policies or to mobilize public opinion against those opposing their policies, which in both cases is a dangerous and vital role. The study also revealed that the mass media can influence the minds and emotions of the public and change their attitudes and behavior in a way that serves their policies and achieves the interests and goals of the political authority. The results of the study also confirmed that the legislation and laws prevailing in each country determine the form of the relationship between the press and the political authority. The results of the study also showed that the forms of relations between journalists and politicians vary, sometimes they are confused, and sometimes stable
... Virtual reality games are 3D game environments that combine digital games with virtual reality technology, activating multiple senses of the gamers such as hearing, seeing and touching through special virtual reality equipment and providing a real experience (Bohil et al., 2009;Jerald, 2015;Dani, 2019). When the theory of Uses and Gratifications, which explains how individuals use the media to meet their needs and desires, is applied to virtual reality games, it reveals that gamers play VR games to meet certain needs and desires and obtain some gratifications (Katz et al., 1973;Palmgreen et al., 1980;Rubin, 1983;McQuail, 1984;Rosengren et al.;LaRose et al., 2001). Accordingly, a gamer may play virtual reality games to satisfy their needs for competition, challenge, social interaction, diversion, fantasy and arousal (Sherry et al., 2006). ...
Digital media users, who have integrated digital technologies into their daily lives, represent a broad spectrum of age groups and backgrounds. Digital natives, commonly referred to as individuals who were born and raised in the digital era, have grown up surrounded by digital technologies and are characterized by their deep integration and familiarity with them; while digital hybrids represent a transitional group, consisting of individuals who have adapted to the digital world later in life, either through necessity or choice. Understanding the dynamics between digital natives, and digital hybrids, as digital media users, in the realm of VR games is crucial for game developers, researchers and the gaming industry. This study aims to serve as a foundation for further exploration and analysis of the evolving relationship between these media user groups and virtual reality (VR) games, shedding light on the implications for gamer gratifications and media use in the digital era.
... The effectiveness of fact-checking can be observed by the manner in which corrections (debunkings) of misinformation were communicated in response to the original misinformation. The basis for evaluating the effectiveness of factchecking is found in Osgood-Schramm's circular communication model (McQuail & Windahl, 1993), which explains that the effectiveness of communication depends on the "behavior of the main actors in the communication process" (McQuail & Windahl, 1993, p. 19). Osgood-Schramm's model takes a source that encodes the message through various channels to the recipients, who then decode the message and send feedback to complete the communication process. ...
This study explores the role of fact-checking organisations in debunking the disinformation about COVID-19, based on the case of the Croatian fact-checking organisation By using computational methods and content analysis, we analysed 212 debunked fact-checks relating to Covid-19 (N=212) published between July 1, 2020, and the March 31, 2021. The sample was used to compare the debunked and disinformation versions of the same story, regarding their impact on users in the form of engagement (likes, comments, shares) as measure of efficiency of fact-checking. The main findings show that the practice of publishing fact-checks on websites and using social media to promote debunked content is insufficient.
... Este processo ocorre devido a inúmeras variáveis, sociais e psicológicas, que caraterizam não só a escolha do meio, como também o objetivo que sustenta essa ação (Ruggiero, 2000). Tratava-se de medir os efeitos que os media têm na sociedade, tendo também como campo analítico o seu impacto nas escolhas mediáticas que são feitas (McQuail, Windahl, 1993;Palmgreen, et. al., 1985). ...
Ao abordar os media pode ver-se que se está perante uma enunciação de manifestações comunicacionais norteadas por uma relação direta, de causa e efeito, que ocorre em dois domínios – o estímulo codificado, que é proposto pelos media, e as múltiplas respostas que compõem a interação com o público. É na vastidão deste eixo, que é caraterizado por uma constante permuta de códigos, signos e suportes linguísticos, que ocorre o paradigma da construção e transmissão da realidade para o homem através dos artefactos mediáticos. No caso da televisão, historicamente, está-se perante um meio de comunicação com uma presença e um impacto que são inauditos na história da humanidade. Dos seus conteúdos destaca-se a informação. No que concerne ao consumidor idoso, pode verse que se regista uma grande adesão ao meio a este género em particular. Esta aspeto deve-se ao cumprimento de necessidades relacionadas não só com a sua dieta mediática, como também à resposta a dinâmicas muito particulares desta faixa etária. Neste trabalho, que se encontra ainda em fase de revisão literária, à luz da abordagem dos Usos & Gratificações (U&G), pretende-se, num primeiro momento, fazer uma revisão dos motivos que sustentam e particularizam o consumo de TV e da informação televisiva, compreendendo não só as motivações para o consumo deste meio e este género em particular para os idosos, como também a pluralidade que especificam as aplicações práticas que representa no quotidiano e na qualidade de vida dos idosos.
... In addition, C. Wright has introduced an "entertaining" function (Wright, 1960). However, a couple of decades later, D. McQuail and S. Windahl suggested to complement existing list with a "mobilizing" function, which prevails in the course of political and social campaigns by playing a role of a "trigger", or a "call to action" that encourages a target audience to either take or refrain from certain actions (McQuail & Windahl, 1981). This description already sounds like a precise definition of manipulations with public consciousness designed to impose certain ideas and disseminate them within certain groups. ...
Türkiye, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri ve İngiltere’nin ardından dünyada en fazla dizi ihraç eden üçüncü ülke konumundadır. Bu çalışma, popüler Türk dizilerinde sunulan aile imajını ve lise öğrencileri üzerindeki potansiyel sonuçlarını incelemektedir. Araştırma, boşanma, nikâhsız birliktelikler, serbest ilişkiler ve mahremiyetin dönüşümü gibi aile kurumunu tehdit eden ve dönüştüren faktörleri belirlemiş ve bu faktörlerin toplumsal yapı üzerindeki yansımalarını değerlendirmiştir. Medyanın, özellikle dizilerin, toplum üzerindeki etkisi ve lise öğrencilerinin medya tüketim alışkanlıkları, anket ve tematik içerik analizi yöntemleri kullanılarak analiz edilmiştir. Türkiye’de lise öğrencileri arasında en popüler dizilerin "Kurtlar Vadisi", "Yasak Elma", "Sadakatsiz" ve "Aşk 101" olduğu tespit edilmiş ve bu dizilerin sunduğu aile imajı eleştirel bir bakış açısıyla incelemiştir. Dizilerdeki aile temsillerinin, gençlerin aile anlayışını ve mahremiyet kavramını nasıl etkilediği ekme ve gündem belirleme kuramları çerçevesinde analiz edilmiştir. Bulgular, popüler dizilerin, geleneksel aile değerlerine ve yapısına yönelik algıları değiştirebileceğini ve genç izleyicilerin sosyal gündemlerini etkileyebileceğini göstermiştir. Araştırma sonuçları, eğitimcilere, aile danışmanlarına ve politikacılara, gençlerin medya ile olan ilişkisini yönlendirecek stratejiler geliştirme konusunda rehberlik etmeyi amaçlamaktadır.
Aim of the Study: To determine the influence of television content on the opinion of public regarding performance of government, the survey based research design was carried out in online survey in Lahore, Pakistan. Methodology: The survey was conducted only online because of the COVID-19 outbreak in the quarantine crisis situation. A random sample of (N=300) students was chosen and the questionnaire was completed. Findings: The study findings showed that television news channels play a greater role in that people's expectations and shifting their attitudes to the output of the government. Suppose that the premeditated elected government tightened people's opinion quality and people saw what they watch on TV. Conclusion: Study concluded that television content is massive presumptive knowledge documentation. In this study, the audience and political phenomenon programs like the political talk shows and political satirical programs like, "Mazakrat" and "Hasb-e-Haal" were examined as political awareness and people's perception affected a lot after watching these shows.
The last step in the process diagram (Fig. 3.6) is dedicated to the “action arena of the recipients/civil society.” In this area, communication studies offer a particularly large number of theories and approaches for analytically processing the use, reception and impact of reporting on terrorist events. There is a consensus that such an event is not without disruptions on its way to the recipient and that the recipient’s different images of the media as well as the journalist’s images of the recipient influence the selection and transmission. After terrorist attacks, according to the uses-and-gratifications approach, the need for information increases and so does media use. The information function is most important, but also a kind of satisfaction of a desire for entertainment and fascination are present. Thus, the act of terrorism is not only on the topic agenda of recipients because of its social relevance, but also because of its emotional and finally personal relevance (see Valenzuela S, Value resonance and the origins of issue salience. In Johnson TJ (ed), Agenda setting in a 2.0 world. New agendas in communication. A tribute to Maxwell McCombs, Routledge, pp 53–64, 2014). This means, for example, paying attention to news about controls at airports out of a need for security, or information that concerns the recipient as a member of a certain ethnic or religious group. In addition, political involvement plays a role in determining the potential influence on attitude change: TV coverage is particularly effective in shaping the judgments of citizens with limited political resources and abilities, whereas people with high political involvement, such as party members or activists, are less easily persuaded to change their attitudes (see Iyengar S, Kinder DR, News that matters, The University of Chicago Press, p 60, 1987).
The concept of “status conferral” indicates that terrorists are already accorded a certain status simply by the fact that they are reported on. The concept, which goes back to Lazarsfeld and Merton (Mass communication, popular taste and organized social action. In Bryson L (ed) The communication of ideas, Cooper Square Publishers, pp 95–118, 1964 [1948]), refers purely to an attribution of importance and prominence; it does not interpret this as a gain in image or legitimacy. In terms of its approach, it is quite close to agenda setting. A particular image, on the other hand, can be conveyed through frames (salience and interpretation schemata). The framing approach is strongly rooted in communication studies research. With regard to terrorism reporting, it helps to determine which perspective politicians and journalists take, how the problem is classified and to whom responsibility is attributed, which reasons are sought and which possible solutions are preferred. Should a certain region be given autonomous status, or should military intervention be used? Are social deprivations cited as the predominant reasons for an act, or is fanaticism? Following Norris et al.’s (Framing terrorism. The news media, the government and the public, Routledge, 2003) schema, “real-world indicators,” personal experiences, and interpersonal communication, that is, in a sense, an individual’s various “world references” and communicative networks, also influence the recipient’s opinion. Individuals communicate by referring to the world directly or indirectly (via references to world references) (see Kuhlmann, Kommunikation als Weltbezug, Halem, p 229, 2016). Again, constructivism is recognizable as an overarching theory and, as a practical implication, again the call for journalists to report not only in event-related, closed and episodic frames, but in context-rich, open and thematic frames. Recipients take in (not only through the media) different frames; but it cannot be assumed that they align their own opinions with them. The concept of priming is dedicated to these processes. Often the existing opinion is held on to, but sometimes it is discarded, as the recipient abandons the state of tension of cognitive dissonance in favor of a homogeneous opinion frame. Something similar happens in the spiral of silence (see Noelle-Neumann, Öffentliche Meinung. In Jarren O, Sarcinelli U, Saxer U (eds) Politische Kommunikation in der demokratischen Gesellschaft. Ein Handbuch mit Lexikonteil, Westdeutscher Verlag, pp 81–94, 1998): those who feel that they do not represent the majority opinion (which is often spread via the media) increasingly isolate themselves. Although empirically confirmed for many situations, the predictive power of the spiral of silence remains limited, since other factors are also always decisive for it not always occurring to the expected extent. With regard to the implications for reporting, it can be stated that even against the background of framing and the spiral of silence, a high degree of transparency is required in the presentation of the attribution of cause and responsibility, so that non-majority opinions such as criticism of one’s own system can also be expressed.
The explanations have shown that communication studies already provide some approaches to explaining selection decisions and effects, but that the important question of persuasion towards conflict-sensitive reactions to a crisis, has not yet been adequately answered. Here, models from persuasion research can contribute to a better understanding of why an individual decides for or against a certain idea—whether it is presented in the media or on the home page of a terrorist group. As a representative of other models, the potential of Petty and Cacioppo’s (Communication and persuasion: Central and peripheral routes to attitude change, Springer, 1986) elaboration likelihood model should be discussed here. This model, like so many others, did not originate in communication studies but in social psychology. However, it is well suited to be applied to questions in communication studies, because persuasion plays a central role in interpersonal as well as in mediated communication, during the reception of television news as well as while listening to a sermon in a house of worship or streamed from a video platform. Of course, the same persuasion attempt can lead to different outcomes; the elaboration likelihood model (ELM) attempts to explain the framework for this. In our case, we are concerned with the “success” of terrorist communication versus the success of political communication, usually transmitted through the media. The recipient is thus faced with two diametrically opposed persuasion attempts by two actors: those of the status quo political system and those who seek to overthrow the current system and replace it with their own. The model describes how likely it is (likelihood) for a person to engage with an argument (elaboration). A peripheral route applies to recipients who give little thought to the persuasion attempt, and a central route applies to those who exhibit intense elaboration (see Klimmt C, Das Elaboration-Likelihood-Modell, Nomos, p 19, 2011). The central route is characterized by a careful and circumspect examination and evaluation of the merits of the presented position. The peripheral route, on the other hand, is oriented toward cognitive, affective, or behaviorally expressed signals in the context of the influence attempt that are directly associated with the merits of the presented recommended position (see Petty RE, Cacioppo JT, Communication and persuasion: Central and peripheral routes to attitude change, Springer, pp vii–viii, 1986). Behavioral changes gained for beliefs via the central route are, according to Petty and Cacioppo (Communication and persuasion: Central and peripheral routes to attitude change, Springer, pp viii, 1986), more resistant to influence attempts by the opposing party. In this respect, this route should be preferred in counterterrorism measures. A limiting consideration here is that personal relevance and concern, prior knowledge, and positive or negative feelings regarding an issue all play a role in the predictive ability of the model. In the final analysis, attempts at persuasion would have to be individually tailored. At the very least, however, arguments can be prepared with regard to specific target groups and embedded in affective and situational settings. Since personal relevance has a decisive influence on the strength of elaboration, it must also be decisively explained in terrorism reporting why it is worthwhile to engage with peaceful attempts at a solution. These persuasion attempts must be designed for the long term, as this is the only way to permanently consolidate attitudes and thus also behavior and to remain stable against counterpersuasion. Depending on the target group of the medium, the communication strategies for different target groups must be adapted by different media (see Klimmt C, Das Elaboration-Likelihood-Modell. Nomos, p 79, 2011), just as politicians must strategically communicate their persuasion attempts in a way that is appropriate for the target group. Again, recourse to non-reflective rhetoric can be helpful in this regard. As outlined in Sect. 4.12.7, anger, rage, a sense of threat, fear, uncertainty and excitement were cited as the main emotions following an attack. Proposals for a de-escalating response to the violent communication of a terrorist act must take these emotions into account in their crisis communication strategy, not negate them, but build the response behavior on them in recognition of these emotions.
The dominance of terrorist events leaves emotional and cognitive traces on the recipient. Terms such as Ulrich Beck’s (Risikogesellschaft. Auf dem Weg in eine andere Moderne. Suhrkamp, 1986) “risk society” or Stig Arne Nohrstedt’s (Threat society and the media. In Nohrstedt SA (ed) Communicating risks. Towards the threat society? Nordicom, pp 17–51, 2010) “threat society” describe effects at the macro level of society as a whole and point to the expansion of a “culture of fear” (Nohrstedt, Threat society and the media. In Nohrstedt SA (ed) Communicating risks. Towards the threat society? Nordicom, p 24, 2010), which can be further fueled by unreflected media reporting. Nohrstedt (Threat society and the media. In Nohrstedt SA (ed) Communicating risks. Towards the threat society? Nordicom, p 25, 2010) sees his “threat society” as complementary to the “risk society”: “From a semantic point of view, it seems that the word ‘threat’ presumes an active subject that directs a danger towards someone else, an object, whereas this is not the case with the word ‘risk’.” Risk has a rather latent, threat an acute character, Nohrstedt defines with reference to a document of the “Swedish Commission on Threat and Risks.” It is certainly a risk to travel to certain areas that are home to terrorist organizations, but there is not always a current threat situation that causes tourism to collapse.
The preoccupation with middle-range theories, which were the focus of Chap. 4, has already clearly shown that communication studies can and already does make fruitful use of its own and other disciplines’ approaches in order to penetrate the communication aspects of the phenomenon of “terrorism.” Chapter 5 will now show whether more comprehensive theoretical approaches, the so-called grand theories, can also contribute to this.
Abstrak Studi ini membahas tentang PT Batik Air dalam menghadapi krisis pada tahun 2023 yang dipicu oleh gangguan yang terjadi pada pasokan daya listrik yang menyebabkan nonaktifnya AC (Air Conditioner. Krisis komunikasi merupakan sesuatu yang tidak bisa dihindari oleh perusahaan. Krisis bisa datang kapan saja dan dengan cepat mempertaruhkan reputasi perusahaan. Manajemen krisis komunikasi merupakan elemen penting bagi setiap perusahaan agar bisa terhindar dari dampak buruk dari krisis yang terjadi. Perencanaan matang, respons cepat, dan aspek kepentingan public turut terpenuhi dalam menghadapi kondisi krisis. Tim manajemen atau PR seperti sudah memiliki pedoman dalam menangani krisis. Mereka dengan cepat memberi respons atas apa yang terjadi. Hasil penelitian ini mengungkapkan Batik Air menerapkan strategi komunikasi krisis yang baik dan matang dalam kasus kegagalan sistem AC pada penerbangan Kuala Lumpur-Jakarta. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam kajian ini adalah teknik dokumentasi (studi dokumen) melalui pengumpulan data primer berupa teks berita yang tersaji di laman portal berita Batik Air menerapkan strategi komunikasi krisis yang baik dan matang dalam kasus kegagalan sistem AC pada penerbangan Kuala Lumpur-Jakarta. Membuat media statement adalah cara terbaik dan menyebarkan ke media mainstream adalah channel terbaik untuk penyelesaian krisis komunikasi. Sebab, kredibilitas dari jawaban Batik Air bisa tetap terjaga dan tidak mengalami gangguan. Abstract This study discusses PT Batik Air in facing a crisis in 2023 which was triggered by disruptions in the electrical power supply which caused the AC (Air Conditioner) to be deactivated. A communication crisis is something that cannot be avoided by the company. A crisis can come at any time and quickly. risking the company's reputation. Communication crisis management is an important element for every company to avoid the negative impacts of a crisis that occurs. Careful planning, quick response, and aspects of the public interest are also fulfilled in dealing with crisis conditions handling the crisis. They quickly responded to what happened. The results of this research revealed that Batik Air implemented a good and mature crisis communication strategy in the case of the AC system failure on the Kuala Lumpur-Jakarta flight (document study) through collecting primary data in the form of news texts presented on the news portal page. Batik Air implemented a good and mature crisis communication strategy in the case of an AC system failure on the Kuala Lumpur-Jakarta flight. Making a media statement is the best way and spreading it to mainstream media is the best channel for resolving a communication crisis. Because, the credibility of Batik Air's answers can be maintained and not experience significant interference.
Mental health is often disregarded because it does not involve physical pain. However, it is just as important as physical health, and many Indonesians still need to understand it fully. To address this issue, a research study was conducted to examine how mental health content on TikTok affects Generation Z's understanding of toxic relationships. The study analyzed the TikTok account @sundarindah, which posted content about toxic relationships between January and November 2023 and used Uses and Gratification theory to analyze research findings. The study used an explanatory survey with a quantitative approach and a positivistic paradigm. The findings indicate that there is a positive correlation between mental health content and knowledge about toxic relationships. However, the study also found that the impact of TikTok content on mental health was moderate. The findings of this study are understandable because the mass audience can no longer be seen as passive recipients of any message conveyed through the media. Audiences now actively choose media that can fulfill their needs and desires. However, TikTok has become an attractive medium for Generation Z because of its audiovisual advantages. The information conveyed through this account is casual and has entertainment elements. Abstrak: Kesehatan mental tanpa disadari kerap disepelekan karena dianggap tidak menimbulkan rasa sakit secara fisik. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mencari dampak pengaruh konten tentang kesehatan mental terhadap tingkat pengetahuan mengenai toxic relationship pada Generasi Z dengan objek penelitian adalah akun TikTok @sundarindah selama Januari-November 2023 menggunakan teori Uses and Gratification sebagai teori utama. Paradigma positivistik dengan pendekatan kuantitatif serta metode survei eksplanatif dilakukan kepada pengikut TikTok @sundarindah. Berdasarkan uji analisis regresi linear dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh positif antara konten TikTok kesehatan mental terhadap pengetahuan mengenai toxic relationship. Meskipun demikian, konten TikTok hanya memberikan pengaruh sedang terhadap tingkat pengetahuan. Tidak kuatnya pengaruh konten TikTok dapat dipahami karena saat ini khalayak tidak bisa lagi dipandang sebagai penerima pasif atas pesan yang disampaikan melalui media. Khalayak sadar sepenuhnya terhadap ketertarikan, motif, dan pilihan media yang mereka gunakan. Meskipun demikian, TikTok dengan kelebihan audio visualnya menjadi media yang menarik bagi Generasi Z karena informasi yang disampaikan melalui akun ini bersifat kasual serta mengandung unsur hiburan.
This section analyses the content of the interviews and questionnaires, focusing on all crossover aspects from which common characteristics or points can be extrapolated. Singularities that enable characterisation of collective behaviour or opinion were highlighted. Following the methodology of qualitative interviews, the goal was not numerical data or concrete percentages, but instead the meaning of the sources (interviewees and respondents to the questionnaire) which would allow us to obtain reliable first-hand data as well as providing valid and contrasted thoughts about the field of study.
هدف الدراسة: تسعى الدراسة إلى معرفة مستوى تعرض عينة الدراسة لمطبوعات العلاقات العامة الصحية، ودرجة اعتماد عينة الدراسة على مطبوعات العلاقات العامة الخاصة بالتوعية الصحية. المنهجية: بلغ عدد أفراد العينة البحثية 400 مستجيب ومستجيبة من الحجاج والمعتمرين. وقد استخدمت الاستبانة أداة رئيسة للدراسة. أدخلت البيانات وحللت بوساطة البرنامج الإحصائي SPSS. اعتمدت الدراسة على الإحصاء الوصفي، واختبار (كا2)، ومعامل الارتباط بيرسون ومعامل كرامرز في واختبار (ت). أهم النتائج: توجد علاقة ارتباطية ذات دلالة إحصائية بين تعرض الحجاج والمعتمرين (عينة الدراسة) لمطبوعات العلاقات العامة للتثقيف الصحي ودرجة معرفتهم بالموضوعات التي تتناولها، وتوجد علاقة ارتباطية ذات دلالة إحصائية بين تعرض الحجاج والمعتمرين (عينة الدراسة) لمطبوعات العلاقات العامة ومساهمة الموضوعات التي يتم نشرها في زيادة معلوماتهم الصحية. الخلاصة: مطبوعات العلاقات العامة أثبتت أن لها دوراً في التثقيف الصحي للحجاج والمعتمرين.
This paper examined the influence of interpersonal communication on vote buying in the 2023
Anambra South senatorial election in Nigeria. Clientelism theory and the Two Step Flow Model
of Communication formed the theoretical underpinning for the study. The research was a
descriptive survey, data were collected through a multi-stage sampling technique and were
analyzed using frequency tables and simple percentages. Results obtained show that senatorial
candidates used interpersonal communication in vote canvassing and buying; incidentally the
electorate perceived vote buying as good and acceptable aimed at assuaging their poverty. The
effect is such that that the highest bidder coast home to victory. We hereby suggest more
stringent electoral laws that are capable of handling the danger of vote buying, corporal
punishment to perpetrators, massive sensitization of the general electorate on the ugly effect of
vote buying by civil societies and lovers of democracy and a united force of the masses against
manipulation by political gladiators.
This paper reviews the implicit context theory from the perspectives of linguistics, communication, and cross-cultural communication. In order to discerns the implicit context of cross-cultural communication, it could be distinguished into four types of paradigms—cultural context, institutional context, relationship context and the posterior context. Then, the authors make the appropriate recommendations for the four types of implicit context paradigms. The main point raised is that some implicit contexts may be interpreted from the positive, through a positive way to adapt, or take a supportive strategy; some implicit contexts are negative, and can take the way to avoid, dilute or guide. This paper mainly analyzes the problem of implicit contextual processing in the cross-cultural communication of Chinese brands, such as CRRC, Huawei, Trump Chi, SANY, etc.
Sovyetler Birliği’nin 1991 yılında dağılmasıyla birlikte Türki Cumhuriyetler bağımsızlıklarını kazanmıştır. Ortak tarih ve kökenden gelen devletlerin bağımsızlıklarını sürdürebilmeleri ve güçlerini artırabilmeleri için askeri, diplomatik, ekonomik, güvenlik ve siyasi alanlarda güçlü işbirliklerine ihtiyaç duymuşlardır. Bu kapsamda Türk kökenli devletler, 1992 yılında “Türk Dili Konuşan Ülkeler Devlet Başkanları,” 2009 yılında “Türk Konseyi” ve 2021 yılında ise “Türk Devletler Teşkilatı” adı altında farklı birçok alanda faaliyetlerde bulunarak iş birliklerini genişletmişlerdir. Türk Devletler Teşkilatı faaliyet alanının, Rusya Federasyonu ile aynı coğrafyada bulunması ve teşkilatın başat üyesi Türkiye ile Uluslararası birçok alanda yakın ilişki içerisinde olması teşkilatın faaliyetlerinde belirleyici olmaktadır. Buradan yola çıkan çalışma, Türk Devletler Teşkilatı haberlerinin Rus medyasının önde gelen haber sitelerinde sunum biçimlerini incelemek amacıyla ortaya konmuştur. Bu kapsamda Rusya’nın önde gelen ilk üç haber sitesi olan “”, “” ve “” internet gazetelerinde 2021-2023 yılları arası “Türk Devletler Teşkilatı” ile alakalı çıkan haberler incelenmiştir. Çalışmada yöntem olarak içerik analizi tekniğinden yararlanılmıştır. Haberler, kategorisel analiz ve frekans analiz tekniği ile değerlendirmeye tabi tutulmuştur. Çalışma, Rusya basınının Türk Devletler Teşkilatına bakışını ortaya koyması açısından önem arz etmektedir.
The paper presents a model of the communication relationship between managers and subordinates to explain the complex nature of the interactive process of communication by superior and subordinate; and the link with job performance. The model consists of two main types of information paths, the instruction path and the feedback path. Both subordinate and manager give feedback while instruction is strictly the domain of the manager. An influence path is also indicated which links communication with job performance, with job satisfaction as an intermediary variable between communication and employee job performance. The model posits that communication between the manager and subordinate is interactive and circular in nature, and that communication is equal and reciprocal, i.e. both manager and subordinate are equally engaged as sender and receiver. It was considered that feedback in communication relationship between the manager or supervisor and the subordinate is critical to job performance by the subordinate because it allows the subordinate to be involved in the decision process, and therefore, makes him more receptive to the directives/instructions as he feels his opinion is being taken into account, and consequently, strives to meet performance expectations.
Public art is not only beautifying the urban environment, but also a medium of urban cultural communication. Urban public art in Macao constitutes a beautiful landscape. Still, there are some problems in its planning and construction. According to these problems, combined with the relevant theories of urban cultural communication and the actual situation of Macao, through field research, this paper summarizes several basic characteristics of urban public art in Macao and proposes the planning process of urban public art in Macao.
This chapter deals with the literature related to journalism in practice studies (JPS) during the years from 2003 to 2023 in the hope of recognizing the usefulness of these studies for the society, especially for journalism practitioners. The findings of the systematic review highlight the growing interest in JPS research along with the increased recognition of its perspectives over the past 20 years. The analysis provided us with many studies that were based on different disciplines and dealt with a variety of fields, such as journalism ethics and professionalism, newsroom cultures and practices, and technological shifts in journalism. Furthermore, the sample studied shows that JPS has focused on qualitative studies, including textual and narrative analyses. For this, the authors believe that the JPS literature considered in this chapter provides insights for journalist practitioners into role development, changing audience behaviors, and technological advances, allowing them to adapt and stay informed. As advances in technology continue to shape the field, JPS is keeping an eye on digital transformation, especially artificial intelligence, and looks for ways to leverage it in the practice of journalism. Thus, future research will be devoted to exploring the ever-evolving landscape of journalism and its multifaceted dimensions.
The assumption that a tariqa group opposes worldly attainment and power is incorrect; their engagement in practical politics stems from a moral duty to uphold the state’s unity and integrity. This article delves into the political communication established by a Sufi figure, Abah Anom, aiming to reinforce the teachings of the tariqa and its relevance to religion and the state. Employing a descriptive qualitative approach through literature review, this research obtained data from various documents such as lecture texts, announcements, and photographs. The findings reveal two strategies employed by Abah Anom to reinforce the relations between religion and the state. First, a focus on spiritual growth, emphasizing practice and religious knowledge as guiding principles. Second, the maintenance of relations with state leaders, fostering legitimacy as responsible citizens. This study concludes that the relations between religion and the state that constitute part of the teachings of the Qodiriyah Naqsabandiyah tariqa (TQN)serve as a means to advocate and position itself within Muslim communities and government, aligning with both religion and state objectives. Furthermore, it suggests that the roles of the kyai extend beyond a broker of culture; the kyai also plays the role of a broker of politics to preserve harmony among religious groups and uphold the state’s unity and integrity.
Estudos constatam o crescimento quantitativo e “qualitativo” da violência nas mídias, como o que aponta que 80% dos conteúdos são violentos[1]. Mas mensagens violentas tornam sua audiência também violenta? Essa indagação tem sido objeto de investigação de tradições que privilegiam os “efeitos” sobre o comportamento do indivíduo. Para o possível efeito, entretanto, as motivações do receptor, bem como suas características particulares ao selecionar conteúdos violentos devem ser examinadas. Nesse sentido, realizamos uma revisão de literatura dos estudos de Usos e Gratificações que exploram o desenvolvimento do comportamento violento. Para além das características fundamentais para desenvolver tais comportamentos, categorizamos os fatores para a exposição à violência: 1. Hábito; 2.Gerenciamento do Humor; 3.Integração Pessoal e 4.Interação Social. Muito embora os motivos e a exposição à violência das mídias sejam consistentes com o desenvolvimento de comportamentos agressivos, esses não são os predecessores mais significativos associados a tal comportamento. [1] Ver WEAVER (2011).
The article presents the results of an empirical research, continuing the series of our works in the field of psychology of film, aimed at acquiring new information about the psychological patterns of how movies are chosen. We studied the relation between psychological characteristics of the individuals, the specifics of their psychological response, and the movie choices they made in the situation of the COVID-19 pandemic. A total of 1,109 individuals took part in the online survey during the quarantine period (May-June 2020). Data from 811 participants (283 male and 528 female) were selected for analysis. Almost half of the participants (46.1%) started watching movies more often in quarantine. Measures: The Original Movie Pre fe rences Measure, TIPI-RU Big Five Short Test, Coping Strategies Indicator by J. Ami rkhan, and State-Trait Anxiety Inventory by Ch. Spielberger. It was found that the choice of films during the quarantine restrictions was determined
Анотація. Сьогодення показує, що завдяки активності впровадження в усі сфери суспільного життя електронних і цифрових комунікацій, розвитку технологій штучного інтелекту в комунікаційних процесах визначальні компоненти існуючих комунікаційних моделей трансформувалися, а їх функціональне призначення змінюється над швидкими темпами. Саме тому авторами значну увагу в даній статті приділено окресленим напрямам перетворення, серед яких якісне зростання соціальної комунікації, зміна способів передачі інформації та елементів комунікативного процесу, а саме комунікатор – аудиторія. Статтю присвячено проблемам зміни сучасної комунікаційної парадигми. Авторами запропонована удосконалена комунікаційна модель Г. Лассвела, що враховує сучасні зміни цифровізації комунікацій, час зацікавлення та структуру розповсюдження. Автори вважають, що окрім фізичного середовища розповсюдження інформації, значний вплив на її ефективність має структура розповсюдження, що в сучасних умовах має безумовний мережевий характер. У випадку мережевої структури розповсюдження документів (повідомлень) із миттєвим та майже одночасним одержанням інформації значною кількістю осіб основним фактором впливу буде «час зацікавлення» реципієнтів до одержаної інформації. У статті проаналізовано нові фактори цифрового комунікаційного процесу: комунікатор (джерело інформації) може бути анонімним (невідомим), а інформація, що пересилається, може підлаштовуватись під адресата, канали зв’язку теж можуть налаштовуватись під адресата. Кількість інформаційних джерел для адресата теоретично є безмежною, проте фактично адресат користується обмеженою кількістю джерел, будучи впевненим, що володіє повноцінним доступом до будь-якої інформації. Найбільш значущою особливістю цифрових комунікацій сучасності є бурхливий розвиток соціальних мереж, в яких одержувачі інформації є одночасно і джерелом масової комунікації, і виробниками ексклюзивного контенту. Автори доходять до висновку, що розвиток сучасних технологій комунікації є одним із найважливіших векторів сьогодення, проте несе неоднозначні наслідки для розвитку глобального суспільства.
sadharanikaran model of communication
This article presents the upgraded Organic Multilevel Model 2.0 (OMM2) initially proposed by Oller in 2016. OMM2 underlines organic analysis principles, focusing on dynamic, comparative and diverse perspectives. It offers a methodology tailored for studying communication and media in developing nations, especially those with evolving intermedia journalistic cultures, emerging or fragile democracies, and autocratic governance. Particularly applicable to nations recently joining the EU, like those in Southern, Central, and Eastern Europe (SCEE), OMM2 aids in analyzing journalism, media monitoring, and political communication in these regions. These countries, often characterized by political upheaval and historical events like colonialism (e.g., Eastern Bloc), are the focus of the MEDIADELCOM project. Media assessment entities in these areas are part of a larger network encompassing diverse societal facets. In the SCEE context, deliberative communication signifies collective decision-making through public discourse, recognizing diverse opinions. Utilizing OMM2 for a comparative study of media monitoring is crucial to comprehend deliberative discussions in these EU-associated European democracies.
The attributes of terrorism identified in Chap. 2 were expanded in Chap. 3 to include actor constellations and sub-areas in the terrorist process. This was necessary to determine the communication processes: At which points does communication occur? Between which actors/organizations/systems does it occur? The preliminary consideration of terrorism as a process led directly to one of the oldest and highly simplistic communication models, the Lasswell formula. This was taken up by various scholars (mainly from political science and sociology), some of whom extended it and applied it to the terrorist process. Some researchers additionally asked about the “why” of the terrorist act, some divided the target group (“to whom”) into primary and secondary recipients, others saw the effect divided into physical destruction and psychological fear propagation.
Section 3.1.2 discussed the extent to which the stimulus-response model is suitable for describing the terrorist process. Even if the model certainly falls short and cannot suffice for a detailed examination, it essentially captures the two essential elements in the terrorist process with the simplification “S = attack → R = fear in the population.” It is evident that an analytical process model must go beyond this simplification in order to capture the complexity of an attack and its consequences.
In a process model presented in this book, which is not logically compelling but structurally plausible, a differentiation was finally made according to six action arenas or settings, which appear as situations determined by certain constituents. The model leads from the formation of a terrorist group to the response of the state, it shows the path from the written or video claim of responsibility to the reception and effect on the reader or viewer. Communication studies models, theories, or families of theories were assigned to each setting and arena. In addition, in a separate step, it was clarified which participants act in the arenas. For this purpose, existing actor models were considered, which often appeared as triangles. However, they often lacked a prominent position of communication and/or media. A mixing of social levels was also conspicuous. These were consistently separated in this book’s model. It presents itself as a quadrangle with the constituents terrorists-journalists-politicians-citizens (at the micro level), terrorist organization-mediaorganization-government-citizen groups (at the meso level), and terrorism-journalism-politics-civil society (at the macro level). An additional level of society, the exo level, mentioned in Sect. 3.3, has not yet been integrated into the model. Its fruitfulness for a communication studies-oriented view of terrorism has yet to be tested. However, initial considerations, such as the possibility of inserting a level of “faith communities” between the system of “religion” and the individual church organizations, are promising. Victims of an attack, who often find a place in already existing models, were not included in this book’s model, since they ultimately only fulfill a proxy function for the entire public in the society perceived as hostile, which is the actual addressee of the terrorist message.
Decker and Rainey (Terrorism as communication, Paper presented at the annual meeting of the speech communication association New York, 1980) addressed the following question already in the early 1980s: “What role should the communication scholar play in the investigation of terrorism?” They found six fields of research: mass media, applied communication, small group/interpersonal communication, rhetoric, intercultural communication, and communication ethics. The research guiding model covers all of these identified fields and then some. Depending on the goal, each constituent can communicate with different single or multiple partners. Additionally, actors at each pole could be differentiated by national or international scope: Thus, there are terrorist groups that operate nationally, others that operate internationally, national as well as international media, national governments, but also international alliances of states, as well as local, regional, national, international, continental, and the global public. Processes are by no means “purely” national or international. Often, for example, it is nationally active separatist groups such as the LTTE that turn to international organizations and publics (including the diaspora) to a significant extent in order to achieve progress in the struggle for autonomy in the national territory through international recognition of their cause.
That the terrorist-media relationship and its effect thus emerge as essential process parts of Lasswell’s formula can be well recapitulated by drawing on Bockstette (Jihadist terrorist use of strategic communication management techniques, Garmisch-Partenkirchen: George C. Marshall Center, p 8, 2008). “The purpose of terrorism is to exploit the media in order to achieve maximum attainable publicity as an amplifying force multiplier in order to influence the targeted audience(s) in order to reach short- and midterm political goals and/or desired long-term end states.” Terrorists would primarily aim not for physical effects but for psychological effects, strategically relying on the symbolic power of their attack. The purpose of terrorism would not be to fight, injure or destroy the opponent, but to deliver a message to the target audience.
Thus, if terrorism is to be countered, its “primary purpose,” i.e., the success of delivering the message, must be countered. Anti-violence measures often start at the exo level; this is evident in statements such as: “We must fight organized crime.” This creates an analytical naming of the “large-scale phenomenon” but is impractical as a tangible starting point. Concrete actions can only reach the micro and meso levels, such as lone offenders and gangs. One problem with anti-terrorist measures is that for far too long they have been framed in much the same way as measures against ordinary crime and criminality: Catch and punish the perpetrators was the only goal. In the case of terrorism, a phenomenon that is only named in this way from a certain perspective, the communication component in particular must also be addressed; this was initially ignored. When critically comparing different actor and process models, it was noticeable that the communication dimension was sometimes missing, did not occupy a prominent position, or was not elaborated in sufficient detail. When communication processes were mentioned, it was often only in terms of the terrorist-media relationship. This identified research gap again underlines the importance of elaborating in detail the communication dimensions of the phenomenon of “terrorism.” This is addressed in the next two chapters, also in order to guide countermeasures based on communication studies findings.
Gate-keeping in journalism is of vital importance in the media environment today. In Kenya, the role of media in the safeguarding of transparency of democratic processes in modern-day politics and society cannot be underestimated. However, in building linkages between the people and their representatives, the gains for audience have remained clouded. This Study sought to analyze the newspaper audiences‟ gains from reading news on Parliament’s activities. The Study was anchored on Habermasian Theory of the Public Sphere as well as the Herman and Chomsky’s ‘Manufacturing Consent – A Propaganda Model’. Constructivist research philosophy adopted a mixed method design in which triangulation of tools was used. This study was conducted within Nairobi County, Kenya. The two main newspapers which were chosen were The Nation and The Standard. The results showed that overall public perception on Parliamentary reporting by print media had a negative score which in quantitative percentages would translate to 37% positive, 11% negative and 52% undecided respondents. The study concluded that Kenyans are not just passive consumers of parliamentary news. Instead, they question - and even react to – news that are likely to have great impact on their lives. The study thus recommended that vernacular newspapers be set up to specifically report on Parliament, so as to enable more people, especially those not conversant with either English or Kiswahili, to understand what happens in Parliament.
يرى البعض أن حراسة البوابة هي في الأساس نظرية وصفية، لا تقدم إلا القليل من القدرة التحليلية التنبؤية. كما أن قيمتها الأساسية لا تتعدى تقديم إطار نظري، يلخص القوى الفاعلة في عملية حراسة البوابة. مرتكزات ومفاهيم النظرية، أصبحت غير قادرة على تفسير الطريقة والآلية التي تتدفق وفقها المعلومات في العصر الاتصالي الشبكي: يضيف المنتقدون. إن بناء نظرية لحراسة البوابة في الاتصال الجماهيري، أمر بالغ الأهمية، فهذه العملية هي أكثر من مجرد اختيار للمعلومات أو سلسلة من القرارات، بل يمكن اعتبارها على أنها العملية الشاملة التي يتم من خلالها بناء الواقع الاجتماعي، لأن حراس البوابة يحددون الواقع الاجتماعي للمتلقي، من خلال تقديم وجهة نظر معينة عن العالم. عليه، تبحث هذه الدراسة في المراجعات العلمية لنظرية حراسة البوابة، للكشف عن مدى كفاءة النظرية في استيعاب التطورات الاتصالية الحالية. فهل نجحت تلك المراجعات في ترميم وتطوير النظرية، والحفاظ على قيمتها التحليلية والتفسيرية؟ كيف لهذه النظرية أن تتعامل مع المدخلات الاتصالية الجديدة؟ تنطلق الورقة من فرضية أن الفكرة التي قامت عليها نظرية حراسة البوابة مازالت قائمة وفاعلة، بالرغم من التحديات المفاهيمية الكبيرة التي أفرزتها المستجدات التكنولوجية والاتصالية. كما أن المراجعات التي خضعت لها النظرية، كانت متسقة ومتماسكة، وقد أعادت للنظرية روحها، وقوتها الابستمولوجية في التعامل مع الظاهرة الاتصالية. كلمات مفتاحية: نظرية حارس البوابة، نموذج التسلسل الهرمي للتأثيرات، نظريات الاتصال، التوسط في الرسالة، الحراسة الشبكية.
This research aims to examine Baleele culture as a value inheritance ritual in Banggai culture. This research is qualitative, using an ethnographic approach with the following steps: [1] Determining the object of ethnographic research; [2] Identifying and determining the location of the cultural group; [3] Selecting the cultural theme of the cultural group; [4] Determining the type of ethnography; [5] Collecting information; [6] Writing research results. The result found that Baleele is a form of ritual communication carried out at a certain time, ahead of the "Big Ritual" of Banggai custom, namely the Mabangun Tunggul Ritual, held every 6 years. Baleele is one of the rituals that takes place three nights before the Mabangun Tunggul Ritual. The Banggai people strongly believe in the advice delivered, and consider the process as something sacred, valuable, for themselves, their families and the Banggai community as a whole.
This study aimed at exploring the Demands for Sign Language Interpreters (SLI) at University of Education, Winneba. This study employed an Explanatory Sequential Mixed Methods Design to answer the research questions. The researcher first conducted quantitative research, analyzed the results and then built on the results to explain them in more detail with qualitative responses. Out of a target population of 14 respondents, eight (8) were purposively sampled for this study due to the practical skills they had acquired in Sign language, including assistance given to the deaf at the University. Core issues include environmental, interpersonal, paralinguistic, and intrapersonal demands. The two main instruments used to gather data were a 24-item questionnaire with a four-point Likert scale and interview guide. Descriptive statistics involving simple percentages, mean, standard deviations and thematic approach were computed and used for the analysis. The findings indicated that Sign Language Interpreters (SLI) expressed strong concerns about the obstructions they encountered during an interpreting assignment, such as the speaker's accent, power dynamics and authority, the use of technical vocabulary and interpreting for long hours without rest. Therefore, it is recommended that there is a need to encourage SLI to go for further studies in the area of interpreting. Besides, the University can employ and retain experienced Sign Language Interpreters to work as interpreters for deaf students.
Many global companies have turned to social media as critical marketing tools in reaching targeted consumers. Air Arabia is one of the companies that use social media to communicate with and engage its customers. This study evaluates the role of social media platforms in Air Arabia's effective online communication and consumer engagement. It aims to determine the airline's social media marketing strategy and analyze users' experience on its platforms to determine appropriate social media marketing strategic plans for both existing and potential customers. The data obtained from Air Arabia social media accounts reports between January and November 2019, including Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook reports, are systematically analyzed. The findings indicate that Air Arabia's strategic utility of social media channels provides the company with a competitive advantage over its rivals, as the employees came to believe that marketing through social media platforms contributed to increasing the company's revenues, according to statistics. The results further indicate that despite this advantage, the company still needs to improve the performance of its social media strategy, including the marketing approach, engagement, and customer loyalty.
This article analyzes the media coverage of the COVID-19 vaccine by major media outlets in five Latin American countries: Argentina, Colombia, Chile, Mexico, and Peru. For this purpose, the XLM-roBERTa model was applied and the sentiments of all tweets published between January 2020 and June 2023 (n = 24,243) by the five outlets with the greatest online reach in each country were analyzed. The results show that the sentiment in the overall media and in each nation studied was mostly negative, and only at the beginning of the pandemic was there some positivity. In recent months, negative sentiment has increased twelvefold over positive sentiment, and has also garnered many more interactions than positive sentiment. The differences by platform and country are minimal, but there are markedly negative media, some more inclined to neutrality, and only one where positive sentiment predominates. This paper questions the role of journalism in Latin America during a health crisis as serious as that of the coronavirus, in which, instead of the expected neutrality, or even a certain message of hope, the media seem to have been dragged along by the negativity promoted by certain discourses far removed from scientific evidence.
Penelitian ini berjudul Kajian Efektivitas dan Dampak Konvergensi Media Pada Kantor Berita Antar Sumatera Selatan. Peneliti menganalisis efektivitas dan dampak konvergensi media berita Antara dalam meningkatkan aksesibilitas dan jangkauan konten berita, serta memfasilitasi distribusi dan berbagi informasi di antara berbagai jenis media dan audiens yang berbeda. mengevaluasi efektivitas dan dampak konvergensi media di kantor berita ANTARA Sumatera Selatan secara khusus. Termasuk penggunaan manual sudah menjadi otomatis sehingga hal yang rumit menjadi lebih praktis dan memudahkan pengguna. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis lebih dalam efektivitas dan dampak konvergensi media pada kantor berita Antara di Sumatera Selatan, mengapa terdapat perbedaan sebelum dan sesudah era digital, menganalisis perubahan akses berita dan akurasi pasca berita Antara. digitalisasi era produksi. Teori yang digunakan menggunakan teori konvergen media oleh Henry Jenkins. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian deskriptif. Dan pengumpulan data peneliti menggunakan data wawancara, observasi, serta triangulasi data dan dokumentasi. Dari penelitian ini dapat diperoleh hasil analisis peneliti kantor berita Antara yang mengutamakan kecepatan dan ketepatan dalam pemberitaan.
an academic course on communication and media theories at Kathmandu University
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