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Reproductive Development of the Christmas Rose (Helleborus niger L.): The Role of Plant Hormones



Christmas rose (Helleborus niger L.), a native perennial of southeastern Europe, is characterized by an interesting phenomenon in the world of flowering plants: after fertilization perianth becomes green, photosyntheticaly active, and persists during fruit development. Removal of the reproductive organs (anthers and carpels) affects the elongation and vascular anatomy of flower stalk, prevents complete perianth greening, and promotes perianth senescence. Endogenous plant hormones auxins, gibberellins and cytokinins, identified and quantified in floral and fruit tissues, are shown to regulate reproductive development. Dynamics of these signaling molecules are summarized and their potential role in coordination of floral organ development are discussed.
This article belongs to the Special Issue Chemistry of Living Systems devoted to the intersection of chemistry with life.
CCACAA, ISSN 0011-1643, e-ISSN 1334-417X
Croat. Chem. Acta 84 (2) (2011) 277–285.
Reproductive Development of the Christmas Rose (Helleborus niger L.):
The Role of Plant Hormones
Branka Salopek-Sondi
Department of Molecular Biology, Ruđer Bošković Institute, Bijenička cesta 54, Zagreb, Croatia
Abstract. Christmas rose (Helleborus niger L.), a native perennial of southeastern Europe, is characterized
by an interesting phenomenon in the world of flowering plants: after fertilization perianth becomes green,
photosyntheticaly active, and persists during fruit development. Removal of the reproductive organs (an-
thers and carpels) affects the elongation and vascular anatomy of flower stalk, prevents complete perianth
greening, and promotes perianth senescence. Endogenous plant hormones auxins, gibberellins and cytoki-
nins, identified and quantified in floral and fruit tissues, are shown to regulate reproductive development.
Dynamics of these signaling molecules are summarized and their potential role in coordination of floral
organ development are discussed.(doi: 10.5562/cca1820)
Keywords: Helleborus niger L., reproductive development, auxin, cytokinin, gibberrelin, LC-MS/MS
Plant reproductive development, considering flowering
and the production of a viable seeds as final result, is a
complex, and well regulated process dependent on a
number of biotic and abiotic factors. It can be separated
into five main phases: (1) development of reproductive
organs (pre-anthesis), (2) flowering (anthesis) at which
pollination and fertilization occur, (3) fruit growth and
development (post-anthesis), and (4) fruit maturation.
Plant hormones are endogenous signaling compounds
highly involved in the regulation of each of these
steps.15 Pollination and fertilization are events crucial
for the fate of, usually attractive flowers. The most
basic function of showy flower perianth is an attraction
of pollinators. Thus, shortly after pollination, colorful
perianth of the most flowers enter the process of senes-
cence (involving changes in pigmentation, shedding or
wilting), and finally abscission.6,7 This highly regulated
process involves complex structural, biochemical and
molecular changes in plant cells, and, it is in many
cases considered as a one type of programmed cell
Exceptionally, in some species, pollination
and/or the presence of developing fruit increase the life
span of the perianth which then tends to turn green (or
darker green) contributing to the photosynthetic assi-
milation. The number of published studies deals with
orchids,7 araceans Spathiphyllum wallisii Regel,12
Zantedeschia aethiopica Spreng.13,14 and Z. elliotiana
Engl.,15 as well the dicots Chrysosplenium alternifo-
lium L., C. oppositifolium L.,16 and Nuphar luteum
Sibth. et Sm.15 In all of these species, unpollinated or
depistillated flowers or inflorescences entered the
program of senescence much earlier than their polli-
nated counterparts.
Reproductive development of Christmas rose
(Helleborus niger L.) is one impressive example of this
phenomenon.1719 Herein, we describe reproductive
development of the Christmas rose, give overview of
the endogenous plant hormones profile, and discuss on
their possible roles in triggering and mediating of an
uncommon morphological changes of flowers.
A Christmas rose (H. niger) belongs to the genus Hel-
leborus (family Ranunculaceae) which comprises
about 20 perennial species with large, attractive flow-
ers in various shades of purple, green, and white.20 A
detailed botanical description can be found else-
where.19,21,22 The plants used in our experiments were
278 B. Salopek Sondi, Reproductive Development of the Christmas Rose
Croat. Chem. Acta 84 (2011) 277.
collected at two locations through several growth sea-
sons: habitat 1 was a natural mountain forest at Gorski
kotar, Croatia (altitude: 800 m), and habitat 2 was a
woodlot at the “Fran Kušan” Botanical Garden of the
Faculty of Pharmacy and Biochemistry of the Univer-
sity of Zagreb.
The Christmas rose may produce flowers from
early winter up until late spring. In mild winters, the
flowers may indeed appear at Christmas time and main-
tain until April or May. The seeds generally mature by
May. Floral longevity strongly depends on the tempera-
ture fluctuations as reported for other Hellebores spe-
cies.23 Since the developmental stages could not be
defined on an absolute time scale, several developmen-
tal stages were described according to morphological
parameters, such as the lengths and weights of the sep-
als and fruit clusters, intensity of sepal greening, and the
length of the flower stalk.19 Figure 1 shows representa-
tive stages of H. niger flower development: bud stage at
pre-anthesis (A), female (B) and male (C) stages at
anthesis, light green (D) and green stages (E) at post-
It is shown that this species is generally credited
with pure white flowers. When the bud appeared over
ground (pre-anthesis), it was already 1015 mm long,
and its size thus increased only about twice before un-
folding (Figure 1A). Simultaneously, the flower stalk
grew at a much faster rate to attain its final length (ap-
proximately 2025 cm) shortly after anthesis (Figure
1F). The sepals appeared to elongate at bud opening
(anthesis), but there was little expansion afterwards. The
proterogynous flowers first passed through their female
phase (Figure 1B) during which the stigmata were re-
ceptive, the immature anthers were arranged in a ring at
the base of the cluster of carpels. The male phase (Fig-
ure 1C) began with the elongation of the filaments, and
ended with their abortion. After pollination (post-
anthesis), the sepals first turned yellowish-greenish
(Figure 1D), then green (Figure 1E), and maintained this
color until shortly before seed shedding. They becomes
photosynthetically active, leaf like organs. Fruit consists
of pericarp inside which seeds grow. Fruit length in-
creased about threefold, while fresh weight (FW) accu-
mulation of the fruit increased 6 to 7 fold until the last
stage of development. In Helleborus seeds, both endos-
perm growth and embryo differentiation start around the
time when the sepals begin turning green. As long as the
seeds are connected to the mother plant, embryo devel-
opment does not progress beyond an early cotyledonary
stage.2426 After-ripening period of about three months
at room temperature followed by two months at +4 ºC
are required for the embryos to differentiate into cotyle-
dons and hypocotyl-radicle, thus enabling the seeds to
In addition to interesting post-anthesis transforma-
tion of flower following fertilization, the Christmas rose
is well-suited for experimental work on flower biology
due to size and life span of its flowers. All elements of
their large flowers are accessible, while single flower, is
in many case, sufficient for hormone, pigment, and
related biochemical analyses. The greening process in
the perianth and elongation of flower stalk, are linked to
the presence of developing fruit, which makes the ferti-
lized Christmas rose flower an interesting model for
studying developmental aspects of sink-source interac-
The fate of white, attractive Christmas rose flowers are
strongly influenced by fertilization and fruit develop-
ment.1719 As already mentioned, life cycle of an intact
flowers are characterized by processes such as inten-
sive flower stalk elongation at pre-anthesis and anthe-
sis, flower opening and sepal growth at anthesis, and
sepal greening at post-anthesis during which fruit was
growing and developing (Figure 1). On the other side,
flowers in which fertilization was prevented, naturally
or experimentally by removing the anthers (unferti-
lized flowers), or exciding the entire reproductive
organs (depistillated flowers), survive as long as ferti-
lized counterparts but do not pass through entire deve-
lopmental process. Impact of depistillation on the
Figure 1. Representative developmental stages of the Christ-
mas rose flower (Helleborus niger L.): bud stage at pre-
anthesis (A), “Female” (B) and “Male” (C) stages at anthesis,
and “Light green” (D), and “Green” (E) stages at post-
anthesis. Elongation of flower stalk (m-2) (F), and chlorophyll
accumulation in perianth during post-anthesis (measured by
chlorophyll meter) (G) were monitored in fertilized control
(closed circles), and depistillated flowers (open circles). Dat
are arithmetic mean ± SE (n = 20 to 25).
B. Salopek Sondi, Reproductive Development of the Christmas Rose 279
Croat. Chem. Acta 84 (2011) 277.
perianth and stalk development is the most evident on
the greening process of sepals and the flower stalk
Greening process of Christmas rose sepals is con-
nected with differentiation of chloroplasts from color-
less plastids leucoplasts, and subsequent accumulation
of photosynthetic pigment (chlorophylls and caroteno-
ids).17 In the sepals of fertilized flowers chlorophyll
accumulates gradually until the value of 3.5 monitored
by chlorophyll meter (which correspondents to approx-
imately 350 mg per g of FW) at stationary green stage
phase (Figure 1G).
The greening process of sepals is significantly in-
hibited if developing fruits are missing. Chlorophyll
accumulation in the sepals of depistillated flowers does
never reach the level of fertilized ones. Thus, chloro-
phyll maximal level reaches about 70 % of that meas-
ured in fertilized flower sepals (Figure 1G).
Furthermore, depistillated flowers enter the pro-
gram of senescence earlier in comparison to fruit-
bearing counterparts what is firstly evident by visual
observation. It was detected at ultrastructural level
where gerontoplasts were shown to be predominant
plastids in the sepal cells of depistillated flowers in
comparison to typical, well developed chloroplasts
present in the cells of fertilized flowers of the same
age.1719 At biochemical level, this thesis can be con-
firmed by several parameters such as decreased chloro-
phylls/carotenoids ratio,17 elevated accumulation of
H2O2 and lower activities of an antioxidant enzymes in
depistillated flowers in comparison to fertilized ones.27
The most prominent elongation of flower stalk oc-
curs at pre-anthesis when its length increased up to ten
fold (from 1 to 10 cm) (Figure 1F). Thereafter, stalk
elongated additionally about twice during anthesis and
early post-anthesis period reaching, at stationary phase,
approximately 20 to 25 cm. In depistillated flowers,
stalk growth was stunted through their lifespan and
never reached the length of fruit-bearing flowers. Thus
the flower stalk of depistillated flowers at the stationary
phase reached 68 % of the fertilized flower stalk. Simi-
lar effect of flower stalk growth inhibition upon bud
decapitation or emasculation was observed in miniature
Cymbidium orchid,28 tulip, and daffodil.2931
Depistillation additionally impacts the vascular
anatomy. In the stalk of fruit bearing flower the vascular
tissue showed phloem and xylem fully developed with
an interfascicular cambium layers well distinguished
between them. Significant deposition of lignin and cel-
lulose was observed in sclerenchyma surrounding vas-
cular bundle. In contrast, vascular bundles found in the
stalk of depistillated flowers are generally smaller, inter-
fascicular cambium has been hardly noticed and the
lignin deposition was significantly lower.27
It has been already reported that floral photosynthesis in
some species can provide a significant part of the car-
bon needed for reproduction.32 Green sepals of fruit
bearing H. niger flowers are shown to be photosynthetic
active being able to produce approximately 60 µmol of
oxygen per hour per g FW, which is one-half, and one-
forth of production determined in young leaves, and
mature leaves, respectively.21 Aschan and Pfanz32 de-
termined electron transport rates (at the photon flux
density of 600 µmol m2 s1) in green sepals of about 60
% of those in mature leaves. On the other side, photo-
synthetic efficacy of depistillated flower has been
shown to follow the trend of chlorophyll accumulation,
and found to accomplish about 30 % of value deter-
mined in the sepals of fruit-bearing flower.27 Compara-
ble, green sepals of Helleborus viridis contribute more
than 60 % of the whole-plant CO2 gain in early spring.33
Young inflorescences of the terrestrial orchid Spiranthes
cernum achieved one-third of the leaf photosynthesis.34
Green spots on the white inner tepals of Snowdrop (Ga-
lanthus nivalis L.),35 and white perigon tips of Leucojum
vernum L.36 achieved photosynthesis of about one-forth
and one-third of that measured in the fully developed
leaves, respectively.
The primary, an ecological role of green spots on
the white perianth, and regreened parts of perianth dur-
ing fruit development are mainly attraction of pollina-
tors, and protection against herbivores, respectively. A
second relevant function of green or regreen parts of
perianth is proposed to be in performing an efficient
photosynthesis and providing the flower and the devel-
oping seeds with assimilates.
In the Christmas rose, like other helebore species,
the overwintering leaves are often pressed to the ground
by snow and covered with debris, and naturally die back
in early winter when fertilization and young fruits oc-
cured. New generation of leaves emerges later in spring
during fruit developing and ripening, and fully expand
after seed maturity.37 Green sepals achive maximum of
photosynthetic activity at that time. Apart from the
stores in the roots, the green perianth thus represents the
most reliable source of assimilates for the developing
seeds in this and other species of Helleborus. Herrera38
approved this theory by showing the positive corelation
between calyx size and seed mass in green flowering
Helleborus foetidus: he found an approximately 10 %
decrease in final seed weight (but no effect on seed
number) when he removed the sepals right after pollina-
tion. In the most of flowers of H. niger deprived of their
sepals, the fruit aborted before maturity. In the single
recorded case, in which claster of the fruit remained
280 B. Salopek Sondi, Reproductive Development of the Christmas Rose
Croat. Chem. Acta 84 (2011) 277.
viable, their lenght only reached one-half, while their
overall fresh weight one-third of the values observed for
intact fertilized flowers.18
Since the morphological changes of flower organs are
influenced by fertilization and fruit development, an
intriguing question is the following: how do these fruits
communicate with other floral parts and mediate certain
changes observed in the Christmas rose during repro-
ductive period? Fruit tissues are known to be rich source
of plant hormones, the small signaling molecules that
generally coordinate and mediate plant develop-
ment.1,2,39 According to historically established classifi-
cation there are five main groups of plant hormones:
auxins, cytokinins, gibberellins, abscisic acid (ABA),
and gas ethylene. In addition, brassinosteroids, salicylic
acid (SA) and jasmonates are also shown to act as endo-
genous signaling molecules.2
In order to test the potential role of different
plant hormones in the Christmas rose flower develop-
ment, our first approach accomplished a treatment of
depistillated flowers with several representatives of
plant hormones auxins [indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), 4-
chloroindole-3-acetic acid (4-Cl-IAA)], cytokinins
[N6-benzyladenine (BA), trans-zeatin (Z), trans-zeatin
riboside (ZR), dihydrozeatin (DZ), dihydrozeatin ribo-
side (DZR), N6-(Δ2-isopentenyl)adenine (iP), N6-(Δ2-
isopentenyl)adenine riboside (iPR)], and gibberellins
[GA3, GA4, GA7]. The representatives of these three
groups of plant hormones are shown in Figure 2. They
were applied in lanoline paste, in concentrations rang-
ing from 105 to 102 mol dm3, to the inner surfaces of
the sepals of depistillated flowers at the anthesis. Re-
sults were monitoring six to eight weeks upon treat-
ment when fruit bearing counterparts reached the
“green phase” of development. The effect of hormone
application on the depistillated flowers was clear-cut:
all cytokinins stimulated sepal greening, the auxins
had no such effect on chlorophyll accumulation but
promoted flower stalk elongation while gibberellins
were participated in both, sepal greening and stalk
elongation.18 At the cellular level, hormone treatment
affected both the abundance of chloroplasts and their
ultrastructure. Cytokinin- and gibberellin-treated sep-
als contained comparable number of chloroplast as
fruit-bearing flowers of the same age with a typical
ultrastructure: dense stroma with numerous ribo-
somes, and well developed grana and stroma tylako-
ids. On the other side, untreated and auxin-treated
sepals of depistillated flowers contained significantly
lower number of mostly degenerated chloroplasts with
relatively transparent stroma containing spare ribo-
somes, and many large plastoglobules while thylako-
ids were few in number and assembled into atypical
grana. Cytokinins have long been known as hormones
preventing the chlorophyll degradation, or to increase
its accumulation. Many studies showed that cytoki-
nins are involved in the prevention the plant tissue of
the senescence, particularly the photosynthesis appa-
In addition, cytokinins preserve the chloroplast in-
tegrity by increasing activity of antioxidant enzymes
(catalase and ascorbate peroxidase) and decreasing the
level of H2O2 and reactive oxygen species (ROS).41 The
role of gibberellins appears to overlap with that of cyto-
kinins; they reduce chlorophyll degradation in senescing
lettuce leaves,42 in Alstroemeria shoots,43 and in ripen-
ing citrus fruits.44 Furthermore, both hormones in-
creased the expression of NADPH-protochlorophyllide
oxidoreductase, an enzyme of chlorophyll biosynthe-
sis.45 In a number of species, auxins and gibberellins
have been shown to regulate the flower stalk develop-
ment and elongation. The removal of the flower or floral
organs resulted in inhibition of the floral stalk elonga-
tion.28 Treatments of emasculated or decapitated flowers
with auxins,2831 as well as treatments of isolated stalk
explants46 led to the conclusion that these plant hor-
mones originated in anthers, gynoecium or developing
fruit are mostly responsible for stalk elongation. A
complex interplay of auxins and gibberellins in flower
stalk elongation has, for instance, been studied in tulip,47
and barley.48
The application of plant hormones cytokinins,
gibberellins, and auxins to the sepals of depistillated
flowers mimicked some of the correlative signals re-
leased by the fruit developing in intact flowers. Thus,
the profile and dynamics of endogenous hormones were
of particular interest as a next step in the investigation
of their role in floral developmental program.
Figure 2. Plant hormones representatives: cytokinin zeati
(Z), gibberellin A1 (GA1), and auxin indole-3-acetic-aci
B. Salopek Sondi, Reproductive Development of the Christmas Rose 281
Croat. Chem. Acta 84 (2011) 277.
Endogenous Cytokinins
Endogenous cytokinins are N6-substituted adenine com-
pounds (Figure 2) which exist in the plant cell as mix-
tures of free bases, nucleosides as well as mono-, di-,
and tri-nucleotides in apparent equilibrium. Two types
of cytokinins according to side chain are recognized, an
isoprenoid and an aromatic cytokinins.2,49 All forms of
cytokinins may be reversible or irreversible conjugated
with sugars, and amino acids, both, at the adenine moie-
ty or the side chain.50 The adenine ring can be glucosy-
lated at the N3-, N7- and N9-position. Conjugation of
cytokinins involves also O-glycosylation, and O-
acetylation at the hydroxyl group of the side chains of
cytokinins. Free-base cytokinins are generally accepted
as an active forms, nucleosides, because of their abun-
dance in the vascular tissues, are suggested to be trans-
location forms, while sugar conjugates are the storage
and inactivated cytokinins forms.2,50
Cytokinin analyses in the floral tissues have been
done by LC-MS/MS.25 A protocol based on immunoch-
romatography and liquid chromatography-mass spectro-
metry revealed the presence of the free bases (Z, DZ, iP),
their ribosides, and the corresponding O-glucosides and
riboside monophosphates, while 9-glucosides were only
detected in some developmental stages, in a very small
amounts. Cytokinin quantification was accomplished by
isotope dilution, using deuterated internal standards.
The overall cytokinin levels increased significantly
in the fruit during early development (“Light green” to
“Green” stage), and then continued with accumulation
until the last investigated stage (Figure 3A). Cytokinin
conjugates accumulate in accordance with the free bases
increase. Details about distribution of particular cytoki-
nin species during flower and fruit development are
described earlier.19,25 In brief, riboside monophosphates
(iPRMP, ZRMP, DZRMP) peaked first, followed by the
ribosides (ZR and DZR), while the free bases (Z and
DHZ) were the most abundant in the last developmental
stage analyzed (“Almost ripe” stage, 2–3 weeks before
seed ripening). At anthesis, DZ-type cytokinins were
slightly more abundant than their zeatin analogs, but,
during post-anthesis, this proportion was inverted, with Z
and derivatives attaining up to seven times higher con-
centrations. At the last developmental stage (almost ripe
fruit), cytokinins were mostly localized in seeds (80 %)
in comparison to peicarp (20 %). Zeatin type cytokinins
were first isolated from immature corn seeds,51 and ap-
pear to be abundant in developing fruits and seeds of
other plant species, such as kiwi fruit,52 cereal grains,53,54
chickpea,55 and white lupine.56 In these species cytokinin
levels rise dramatically after fertilization, and then, drop
abruptly during the late ripening stage. This cytokinin
peak is usually correlated with cell division rates in the
endosperm.54,57 In contrast, cytokinins were high in Hel-
leborus seeds until the end of development. As men-
tioned earlier, embryo development in the Christmas
rose does not progress beyond an early cotyledonary
stage, as long as the seeds are attached to the mother
plant.2426 Thus, the constantly high cytokinin levels
throughout fruit maturation, are probably required for
embryo differentiation up to the cotyledonary stage
which occur finally in the postripening period.58,59
Figure 3. Endogenous plant hormones cytokinins (A), gibber-
ellins (B), and auxins (C) analyzed in the Christmas rose
carpels/fruits (closed circles) and perianth (open circles) dur-
ing anthesis (Female, 1; and Male, 2), and post-anthesis (Ligh
green, 3; Advanced green, 4; Green, 5; and Almost ripe, 6).
282 B. Salopek Sondi, Reproductive Development of the Christmas Rose
Croat. Chem. Acta 84 (2011) 277.
While overall fruit cytokinins increased precipi-
tously, their pooled concentrations in the sepals did not
pass through such a significant changes (Figure 3A).
Free cytokinins elevated during two last stages of de-
velopment when intensive photosynthesis occurs in
sepal tissue. Only iPRMP peaked transiently, when
perianth greening was initiated.25 The changes were less
pronounced than in the developing fruit, but occurred in
the same time frame. To verify the effect of developing
seeds on cytokinin levels in the sepals, depistillated
flowers were also analyzed at the green developmental
stage.25 As can be seen, the overall cytokinins level was
significantly lower in the sepals of deseeded flowers
than in the sepals of fruit-bearing flowers of the same
physiological age (Figure 4A). In addition, ribotides
(particularly iPRMP) were not detected. The perianth of
seedless flowers also weighed less and did not pass
through a complete greening process. It may be con-
cluded that iPRMP is the cytokinin transported from the
fruit to the perianth to induce the greening response.
Endogenous cytokinin analysis in combination with
results of exogenous treatments indicates that cytokinins
play role in the normal life cycle of the perianth includ-
ing the greening response following fertilization.
Endogenous Gibberellins
Gibberellins (GAs) are tetracyclic diterpenoid acids (Fig-
ure 2) synthesized from acetyl CoA via the mevalonic
acid pathway. There are two classes based on the pres-
ence of 19 or 20 carbons organized into either four or five
rings. The 19-carbon forms are, in general, the biological-
ly active gibberellins. There are currently 136 GAs identi-
fied from plants, fungi and bacteria. They are named by
numbers (GA1, GA2 etc.) in order to their identification
Among 136 GAs, only a few are identified as an active
hormones (GA1, GA3, GA4, GA5, GA6, and GA7), while
others presents precursors and catabolites in the GA
metabolic pathway.2 GAs are believed to be synthesized
in young tissues of the shoot and also the developing
seed. Seed originated GAs are also likely to be involved
in the coordination of fruit and perianth develop-
Endogenous gibberellin levels in the Christmas
rose were determined by LC-MS/MS [consisting of a
quadrupole/time of flight tandem mass spectrometer and
an Acquity Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatograph
equipped with a reversed-phase column] using 2H2 la-
beled GAs as internal standards according to Varbanova
et al.61 Two physiologically active gibberellins, GA1
and GA4, and a number of their precursors and catabo-
lites were identified and quantified in floral and fruit
tissue during development.26
Dynamic of bioactive gibberellins (GA1+GA4) are dis-
played on Figure 3B. As can be seen, the level of total
bioactive GAs starts increasing after fertilization
("Male" stage) and continuing during early fruit devel-
Figure 4. Comparison of endogenous hormones cytokinins
(A), gibberellins (B), and auxin (C) in the sepals of fertilize
and depistillated flowers.
B. Salopek Sondi, Reproductive Development of the Christmas Rose 283
Croat. Chem. Acta 84 (2011) 277.
opment. Two bioactive GAs are differently distributed
during fruit development: GA4 peaked during embryo
development and GA1 during the subsequent period of
rapid nutrient accumulation. The GA4 level in developing
fruit rose its peak when sepal greening was intensive
("Light green" to "Green" stage), at a concentration about
100 times above that in the pistils in their "Female"
phase. This pattern overlaps with embryo and endosperm
differentiation which passes through its initial stages
during the "Light Green" phase to yield, at seed matura-
tion, a miniature embryo in its early cotyledonary stage,
enclosed in a just slightly larger endosperm, all enveloped
by a prominent perisperm as the major storage tissue.
Bioactive gibberellins are required for embryo growth
and seed development and generally accumulate during
these processes.4,62 Particularly detailed in vitro studies in
carrot and anise63,64 indicated increased GA4 biosynthesis
during the differentiation of somatic embryos. The peri-
carps contained about six times more GA1 than the seeds,
while the GA4-concentrations were equivalent in both
tissues. Gibberellins’ concentrations in the sepals ranged
from 2 to 50 times below those in the fruit tissues. In the
sepals, GA1 plus GA4 peaked transiently while the photo-
synthetic system was induced, and again close to seed
ripening. The sepals of unfertilized and depistillated
flowers contained very low levels of bioactive GAs (Fig-
ure 4B). Level of GA4 in sepals was more affected by
fruit absence than GA1.26 In the sepals of depistillated
flowers, level of catabolites (GA34 and GA8) was in ac-
cordance with level of respective bioactive GAs. This
finding suggests that decreased biosynthesis, rather than
increased catabolism, resulted in reduced GA4 and GA1
Endogenous Auxins
Auxins are indolic compounds (Figure 2). Their biosyn-
thesis may be accomplished by two separate paths: the
tryptophan (Trp)-dependent pathway beginning with
amino acid Trp, and Trp-independent pathway in which
IAA can be synthesized from an indolic precursors other
than Trp.65,66 Although the indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) is
the most common naturally occurring auxin, other com-
pounds such as 4-chloroindole-3-acetic acid (4-Cl-IAA)
and indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) have also been identi-
fied as an endogenous auxins in some plant species.
Auxins exist in plant tissue as a mixture of free (gener-
ally only 510 %) and conjugated (approximately
9095 %) forms. IAA can be ester-linked to different
sugars or amide-linked to amino acids and peptides.
Proposed roles of these conjugates include storage,
transport, compartmentalization, protection against
degradation and detoxification.50,66,67 Auxins are re-
ported to play the instructive role in the flower68 and the
fruit development,69 and participate in the coordination
between floral organs.5
To assess the dynamics of auxins during flower
and fruit development of the Christmas rose, endoge-
nous auxin levels (precursor IEt, free IAA, and amide
conjugates) were determined in the different tissues by
LC-MS/MS (consisting of a triple-quadrupole mass
spectrometer and an Acquity UPLC System) using
15N- and/or 2H5-labeled internal standards.70
The results of profile and dynamics of auxins in
perianth, fruit and flower stalk of the Christmas rose
during development have been reported recently.27 Total
auxin level (IAA and amid conjugates of IAA) during
development are shown on Figure 3C. In the fruit, aux-
ins start accumulating drastically during early develop-
ment reaching maximum at last stage of intensive seed
filling. As fruit development proceeds, amount of amid-
conjugates increases following the free IAA level. Ap-
proximately 98 % of total fruit auxins arose in seeds.
Among the conjugates identified in fruit, IAA-Asp and
IAA-Glu are the most abundant. Alongside IAA amino-
acid conjugates described earlier in different plant spe-
cies,50,65 novel conjugates with Val, Gly, and Phe were
identified in Helleborus seed for the first time in the
higher plants.70 IAA-Asp and IAA-Glu are mostly con-
sidered as an irreversible catabolites. Other amid conju-
gates (with Ala, Leu, Gly, Phe, Val), which are good
substrates for auxin amidohydrolases in vitro are sug-
gested to participate in storage and hormone homeosta-
sis as a slow-releasing source of free IAA.67 Seeds of
many species are reported as rich in amide conjugates,
which are the main source of active auxins in the period
of germination until young seedlings are capable to set
up their own de novo auxin biosynthesis.
In the perianth, auxin level was slightly elevated
during anthesis when sepals are still growing, and later,
at "green stage" of post-anthesis, during the intensive
photosynthetic activity and assimilate production. De-
pistilated sepals of the same age contain significantly
less amount of total auxins (Figure 4C).
Hormonal interplay during fruit development
Morphological changes of the Christmas rose flower are
obviously regulated by complex interplay of, at least,
three groups of plant hormones, cytokinins, gibberellins
and auxins. Endogenous hormones analyses showed that
their accumulation in fruit and sepals is tightly regulated
and appears during certain developmental stages. Thus,
GAs, particularly GA4 is the first hormone elevated in
carpels after fertilization (“Male” stage) and reached
peak at early fruit development. GA1 accumulation
starts later and peaked during intensive fruit growth and
elongation (Figure 3). Next stage of fruit development
(“Ligh green”) is, in addition to further increase of GA4,
also characterized by 10 fold increase of free cytokinins.
“Light green” stage of development is period of embryo
and endosperm differentiation and intensive cell divi-
284 B. Salopek Sondi, Reproductive Development of the Christmas Rose
Croat. Chem. Acta 84 (2011) 277.
sions. After that, IAA starts rising during fruit growth
and intensive seed filling. GA1 elevation was observed in
fruit in accordance with IAA accumulation. Time scale
of hormone accumulation in H. niger fruit is mostly in
agreement with that observed for tomato fruit.3 The main
difference is that IAA and cytokinins maintain high in
the Christmas rose fruit until the end of development,
while they decrease much earlier in tomato fruit. In
hellebores fruit high level of cytokinins and auxins may
be connected with immature embryo which need post-
ripening period out of mother plant to accomplish the
full development.2426 In the sepals hormonal changes
are not such a notable as observed in fruit tissue, but
overall hormonal levels are significantly lower if fertili-
zation failed (Figure 4). Thus, sepals of depistillated
flowers contained approximately four times lower con-
centrations of cytokinins and gibberellins, and two times
less auxins than fertilized counterparts. It seems that, in
part, signals from developing fruit mediate plant hor-
mone biosynthesis in sepals causing their post-anthesis
morphological changes. Plant development is generally
regulated by a complex interplay of different plant hor-
mones. It is clearly documented that auxin and cytokinin
act antagonistically. Auxin may regulate cytokinin meta-
bolism and vice versa. Auxin mediates rapidly negative
control of the cytokinin pool by suppressing the biosyn-
thesis via iPMP, while the effect of cytokinins on the
auxin pool in the plant is slower.71,72 Auxins are also
involved in the regulation of gibberellins biosynthesis
and catabolism.5 The best example is pea fruit in which
auxin (particularly 4-Cl-IAA) can mimic the seeds in
regulation of the GA biosynthesis and catabolic path-
ways in surrounding pericarp tissue enabling its growth
and elongation.73,74 In case of the Christmas rose flower,
further analyses are needed to elucidate a seed-derived
signals and complex hormonal interplays involved in
regulation of the reproductive development.
Reproductive development of the Christmas rose (Hel-
leborus niger L.) is one of few examples of the post-
anthesis phenomenon in the world of flowering plants:
following fertilization white perianth becomes green,
photosyntheticaly active and persist during fruit devel-
opment.1719 Absence of the developing fruit causes
certain inhibition of morphological changes such as
sepal greening and flower stalk elongation. The profile
and dynamics of three main groups of plant hormones
(cytokinins, gibberellins and auxins) were investigated
by LC-MS/MS in the Christmas rose floral tissues dur-
ing development. Developing fruit, mostly seeds, are
rich source of all three group of plant hormones which,
through a complex interplay, coordinate development of
other floral parts.
Acknowledgements. Research was supported by grants (cur-
rently no. 098-0982913-2829) awarded by the Croatian Minis-
try of Science, Education and Sports and by joint research
agreements with the Republic of Slovenia. I am particularly
grateful to my mentor and colleague Dr. Volker Magnus with
whom I started working on Helleborus physiology. Thanks to
all of my colleagues who participated in research presented by
this review.
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... 4 In view of the reproductive development of H niger, the role of its plant hormones has also been described. 5 A detailed historical overview of the long tradition from antiquity to the present of H niger in folk medicine, together with the related species H purpurascens Waldst. & Kit. and H odorus Waldst. ...
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The medicinal plant Helleborus nig er L. (Ranunculaceae) found in the European Alps has been valued as an effective remedy for numerous diseases for centuries. Recent preclinical evaluations showed pharmacologic potential of the plant extract for cancer treatment. Furthermore, several compounds extracted from H niger exhibited potent pharmacological effects. Thus, the renaissance of this old and proven medicinal herb requires better knowledge of its bioactive ingredients. A key ingredient of H niger is protoanemonin which is responsible for its burning hot taste and vesicant effect. Protoanemonin possesses antibacterial, antifungal, cytotoxic, and antimutagenic activity, and its isolation, synthesis, and preparation as a therapeutically valuable medicinal product are well elaborated. Anemonin, the dimer of protoanemonin, has antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and antimalarial activity, whereas (−)-ranunculin, a protoanemonin glycoside, possesses cytotoxicity and antimutagenic activity. (+)-Ranuncoside, another protoanemonin glycoside, has a spiro acetal molecular scaffold, a feature that is responsible for the biological activity of a multitude of natural products. Furthermore, the flavonoids kaempferol glycoside, quercetin glycoside, and glucosyl-phenyllactic acid have been isolated, and other phenolics with complex structures were detected as well. The main active ingredient of H niger rhizomes is the bufadienolide hellebrin. It is a steroidal cardiac diglycoside with utility for heart failure treatment. Hellebrin and its aglycon hellebrigenin are patented as lead compounds to treat cancer. Recently, additional bufadienolides as well as ecdysteroids were isolated from H niger whole plants and showed potent cytotoxicity on human cancer cell lines. Finally, various saponins have been determined by mass spectrometry, of which 4 compounds isolated from the rhizome are awaiting pharmacological assessment. This review gives an overview of the current knowledge of the isolation, synthesis, structure elucidation, derivatization, and biological activities of known H niger constituents. Furthermore, recent advances concerning the development of pharmaceuticals from these constituents and their derivatives are described.
... & Kitt., a deciduous species with green flowers [21,22]. After pollination during fruit development, H. niger sepals also turn green and become photosynthetically active [23]. Both species develop flowers during late winter and early spring. ...
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Helleborus niger is an evergreen species, while H. odorus is an herbaceous understorey species. They both develop flowers before the forest canopy layer closes. Their sepals remain after flowering and have multiple biological functions. To further elucidate the functions of sepals during flower development, we examined their optical and chemical properties, and the photochemical efficiency of photosystem II in the developing, flowering, and fruiting flowers. Sepals of the two species differed significantly in the contents of photosynthetic pigments and anthocyanins, but less in the UV-absorbing substances’ contents. Significant differences in photosynthetic pigment contents were also revealed within different developmental phases. The sepal potential photochemical efficiency of photosystem II was high in all developmental phases in H. odorus, whereas in H. niger, it was initially low and later increased. In the green H. odorus sepals, we obtained typical green leaf spectra with peaks in the green and NIR regions, and a low reflectance and transmittance in the UV region. On the other hand, in the white H. niger sepals in the developing and flowering phases, the response was relatively constant along the visible and NIR regions. Pigment profiles, especially chlorophylls, were shown to be important in shaping sepal optical properties, which confirms their role in light harvesting. All significant parameters together accounted for 44% and 34% of the reflectance and transmittance spectra variability, respectively. These results may contribute to the selection of Helleborus species and to a greater understanding of the ecological diversity of understorey plants in the forests.
... It is well known that developing fruits/seeds are rich source of plant hormones which are major signaling molecules that direct fruit/seed development (McAtee et al., 2013). Fruit-originated hormones have also been reported to have impact on the development and functionality of adjacent organs, such as in inflated calyx syndrome formation in few genera of Solanaceous plants (Khan et al., 2012), and in development of green photosynthetic active sepals in Helleborus niger (Salopek-Sondi, 2011). The same set of hormones, mostly including cytokinins and gibberellins, have been reported to control development of the inflated calyx in Physalis and Withania (He and Saedler, 2007;Khan et al., 2012) as well as photosynthetic sepals in Helleborus niger (Tarkowski et al., 2006;Ayele et al., 2010). ...
Peace lily (Spathiphyllum wallisii Regel) is a herbaceous, commercially important ornamental plant characterized by greening of its originally white spathe during a post-anthesis period and fruit development. It is a useful model plant for gaining insight into source–sink relationship. To clarify what is the triggering signal for spathe greening and its potential physiological role, the greening process has been examined in fertilized vs unfertilized and decapitated (with spadix removed) plants. Results showed that spathe of fertilized plants is viable for a longer period of time and greening process is more intensive in comparison with decapitated or unfertilized plants. Greening process comprised chloroplast differentiation as well as chlorophyll accumulation, and resulted in the photosynthetically active organs. Photosynthesis performance index (PIABS) of spathe in fertilized flowers was significantly higher than that in unfertilized and decapitated plants, indicating its better overall photosynthetic performance. Spathe removal during fruit development revealed approximately 30% smaller fruits in comparison with intact ones, implicating that green spathe contribute significantly as assimilate source for developing fruits. Cytokinin analysis showed that t-Z-type cytokinins were the most abundant in the spadix (t-Z and t-ZR) and the greening spathe (t-ZR), while overall cytokinin pool was significantly lower in the spathe of the decapitated plants. Exogenous treatment of spathe in decapitated plants with t-Z enhanced the intensity of greening. We may conclude that spathe greening in peace lily is genetically programmed process that may be mediated by fructification and, in part, by cytokinins originated in the developing fruit which was confirmed herein for the first time.
Daylily (Hemerocallis citrina Baroni.) buds suffer rapid senescence after harvest. In order to understand morphological and physiological changes of daylily buds during postharvest senescence, histological alterations and hormonal variations of different floral organs (receptacles, sepals, petals, stamens and pistils) were characterized during ambient storage (21 ± 1 °C). The external tissues (receptacles, sepals) turned yellowing and crimpling, while the internal tissues (petals, stamens) get autolyzed and collapsed in advance. Ultrastructural observations suggested that the rapid disassembly of cell walls, dismission of cell organelles (in particular, chloroplasts, mitochondrial, vacuoles), and disruption of cytoplasm occurred in floral segments. Results from biochemical measurements revealed variations of phytohormones including abscisic acid (ABA), salicylic acid, gibberellin, indole-3-acetic acid, 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid, jasmonic acid, and brassinosteroids in different floral organs. Hierarchical clustering analysis revealed associations of variations of these phytohormones with the senescence of different floral organs. ABA was found as the most abundant phytohormone and mostly positively corelated with the senescence of daylily buds. Pearson correlation analysis further unraveled that hormone-crosstalking co-works on the regulation of the senescence of daylily buds. The fundamental understanding on the postharvest senescence would help to establish novel postharvest strategies to maintain quality of daylily flower buds and extend shelf life.
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The use of hellebore (Helleborus) species for medical purposes has a long-standing tradition. Our work aimed at providing a historical survey of their medicinal application in Europe, and data on current ethnobotanical use of H. purpurascens Waldst. et Kit. in Transylvania (Romania), compared with earlier records of this region and other European countries. While the chemistry and pharmacology of hellebores have been researched extensively, little is known about their anatomical traits. Thus, we intended to provide a detailed histological analysis of Helleborus odorus Waldst. et Kit., H. purpurascens, and H. niger L., based on transverse sections of aerial parts and root. Our survey revealed that H. purpurascens is known for immunotherapy, wounds, and as antiemetic drug in ethnoveterinary medicine, but not in human therapy in the study area. Distinctive histological characters included diverse stele structure in the root; sclerenchymatous bundle caps around compound vascular bundles in the stem and the main leaf veins of H. odorus; and amphistomatic leaves in H. purpurascens. Quantitative vegetative traits also revealed significant differences among species, but they may reflect environmental influences, too. In all three species the sepal was hypostomatic with mesomorphic stomata, while the modified petal comprised a proximal nectar-producing and a distal non-secretory part. Distinctive floral traits included shape of modified petal, presence of papillae and thickness of non-secretory part; as well as ornamentation of tricolpate pollen grains. Our findings suggest that the anatomy of various plant parts varies slightly with each species, including ethnomedicinally known H. purpurascens, even though the basic structure is the same within the genus.
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Abstract. In a carrot (Daucus carota L.) cell line lacking the ability to undergo somatic embryogenesis, and in carrot and anise ( P i m p i n e l l a anisum L.) cell lines in which embryogenesis could be regulated by presence or absence of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D), in the medium (+ 2,4-D = no embryogenesis, - 2,4-D = embryo differentiation and development), the levels of endogenous gibberellin(s) (GA) were determined by the dwarfrice bioassay, and the metabolism of [3H]GA1 was followed. Embryos harvested after 14 d of subculture in -2,4-D had low levels (0.2-0.3 gg g-1 dry weight) of polar GA (e.g. GAl-like ), but much (3-22 times) higher levels of less-polar GA (GA4/7- like); GA1, GA4 and GA 7 are native to these cultures. Conversely, the undifferentiated cells in a non-embryogenic strain, and proembryos of an embryogenic strain (+ 2,4-D) showed very high levels of polar GA (2.9-4.4 ~tg g-~), and somewhat reduced levels of less-polar GA. Cultures of anise undergoing somatic embryo development (-2,4-D) metabolized [3H]GA1 very quickly,. whereas proembryo cultures of anise (+2,4-D) metabolized [3H]GA1 slowly. The major metabolites of [3H]GA1 in anise were tentatively identified as GAs-glucoside (24%), GAs (15%), GAl-glucoside (8%) and the Am~ (2%). Thus, high levels of a GAl-like substance and a reduced ability to metabolize GA 1 are correlated with the absence of embryo development, while lowered levels of GAl-like substance and a rapid metabolism of GA 1 into GAs and GA-conjugates are correlated with continued embryo development. Exogenous application of GA3 is known to reduce somatic embryogenesis in carrot cultures; GA 4 was found to have the same effect in anise cultures. Thus, a role (albeit negative) in somatic embryogenesis for a polar, biologically active GA is implied.
The structure and physiological activity of coloured spots on the white perigone of Leucojum vernum were studied. The spots contained about 20 times less chlorophylls and about 2 times less carotenoids per fresh weight than the leaves. The greenish spots contained chloroplasts with a normally organized thylakoid system and the DAB reaction was positive thus confirming photosynthetic activity. The yellowish spots had a partially developed thylakoid system with single thylakoids occasionally stacking to form two overlapped thylakoid membranes. In some plastids specific complex aggregates of parallel membranes were also observed. Osmiophilic DAB deposits were present at most of the membranes of the single thylakoids, but at the membranes, arranged in aggregates, the DAB reaction was less intense. The photosynthetic activity of spot plastids was on the average 3 times lower than in the leaves but they performed a very efficient photosynthesis. Although the spots probably have ecological significance, their photosynthetically active tissue also suggests a possible physiological role.
Diffusates from flower buds, flower fruits, and scape segments, and extracts of flower stalks of Narcissus pseudonarcissus contain an auxin active in the Avena geo-curvature test. The auxin behaved like indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) in thin-layer chromatography (TLC) with neutral and basic solvents on different adsorbents. After TLC, the auxin of the extracts showed chromogenic reactions identical with those of IAA; in gas-liquid chromatography on two different columns, the purified substance, after methylation, appeared at the retention time of IAA methyl ester. The auxin content of the extracts has been estimated to be equivalent to ca. 10 μg IAA kg(-1) fresh weight. Diffusates, collected at the basal end of excised flowering apices and of scape segments at different developmental stages, showed highest auxin activity when collected from old buds and young flowers, and from the basal, rapidly elongating scape regions. The diffusible auxin obtained from scape segments was very likely produced by the segments themselves. Thus, the shoot of Narcissus appears to possess two different sites of auxin production, namely, the apical region represented by the flower bud, the flower or the fruit, and the scape.
1.Die Milzkräuter (Chrysosplenium alternifolium und Chr. oppositifolium) besitzen grüne Laubblätter, grünlich-gelbe Hochblätter und Kelchblätter, die im Knospenstadium grün, während der Anthese gelb und zur Fruchtzeit wieder grün sind. Für diese Färbungen sind Piastiden v h. Sie wurden licht- und elektronenmikroskopisch unter Einsatz morphometrischer Methoden untersucht.2.Gelbfärbung der Piastiden (Umwandlung zu Chromoplasten) ist allgemein mit einer Verkleinerung unter Rückbildung des Thylakoidsystems und der Stroma-Matrix sowie dem Verschwinden von Stärke verbunden. Zugleich werden Carotinoid-speichernde Plastoglobuli erheblich vergrößert.3.In den Epidermis-Chromoplasten der Blütenkelche kristallisiert das Plastoglobuli-Material aus, so daß sich die sphärischen Plastoglobuli in polyedrische, osmiophile Kristalle verwandeln.4.Das Wiederergrünen der Kelchblätter nach Ablauf der Anthese beruht auf einer Rückverwandlung der aus Chloroplasten entstandenen Mesophyll-Chromoplasten in Chloroplasten (reversible Metamorphose). Die Chromoplasten der oberen Epidermis-Zellen bleiben dagegen als Chromoplasten erhalten (monotrope Metamorphose). Die biologische Bedeutung dieser unidirektionalen Entwicklung ist unklar.5.In der Diskussion wird eine zeitgemäße Typologisierung der Chromoplasten gegeben. Die Chrysosplenium-Chromoplasten werden trotz der Kristallisation ihrer Globuli dem globulösen Typ zugerechnet, die Begründung dafür gegeben.
A new purine derivative with cytokinin activity was isolated from the cuckoo-pint fruits () and identified as 6-(o-hydroxybenzylamino)-2-methylthio-9-β-D-glucofuranosylpurine .
Stalk explants isolated from uncolled and cooled tulip bulbs cultivar ‘Oxford’ were cultured on Murashige—Skoog medium supplemented with 10 mg l−1 IAA. Explants were cultured in normal (basal end down) or inverted (basal end up) positions. Distinct stalk growth of explants isolated from uncooled and cooled bulbs was observed when they were cultured in the inverted position, in the presence of IAA in the medium. In other cases, elongation of stalk explants was slight. Thus, only basipetal transport of LAA is responsible for the induction of tulip stalk growth.
Shoot elongation of both cooled and uncooled ‘Apeldoorn’ and ‘Oxford’ tulips, as regulated by the leaves and the flower-bud, was studied. Leaves and/or flower-buds were excised and IAA, BA, or GA3 in lanolin paste, was applied at various sites.Excision of the leaves and flower-buds of cooled tulips inhibited the elongation of the stem internodes. Administration of auxin after leaf and flower excision restored the elongation, mainly basipetally from the site of application. The findings may indicate that both the leaves and the floral organs provide auxin-like substances which control the elongation growth of the stem.Stems of uncooled tulips also elongated after IAA administration to the stem, but the response was slower and weaker. One part of the effect of cooling might be the stimulation of an auxin-releasing activity in the leaves and the flowers, another part an effect on the auxin-response system.