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The Use of Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs for Exercise-Induced Muscle Damage


Abstract and Figures

Exercise-induced muscle damage (EIMD) is a common condition resulting from a bout of vigorous exercise, particularly if the individual is unaccustomed to performance of the given movement. Symptoms of EIMD include delayed-onset muscle soreness (DOMS) and a loss of physical function. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are routinely prescribed post-exercise to alleviate these symptoms and restore normal physical function. Of potential concern for those who use NSAIDs to treat EIMD is the possibility that they may impair the adaptive response to exercise. Specifically, there is emerging evidence that the action of cyclo-oxygenase (COX) enzymes, and COX-2 in particular, are important and even necessary to achieve maximal skeletal muscle hypertrophy in response to functional overload. Given that NSAIDs exert their actions by blocking COX and thus suppressing prostaglandin production, a theoretical rationale exists whereby these drugs may have detrimental effects on muscle regeneration and supercompensation. Therefore, the purpose of this article is to extensively review the literature and evaluate the effects of NSAIDs on muscle growth and development. Based on current evidence, there is little reason to believe that the occasional use of NSAIDs will negatively affect muscle growth, although the efficacy for their use in alleviating inflammatory symptoms remains questionable. Evidence on the hypertrophic effects of the chronic use of NSAIDs is less clear. In those who are untrained, it does not appear that regular NSAID use will impede growth in the short term, and at least one study indicates that it may in fact have a positive impact. Given their reported impairment of satellite cell activity, however, longer-term NSAID use may well be detrimental, particularly in those who possess greater growth potential.
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The Use of Nonsteroidal
Anti-Inflammatory Drugs for
Exercise-Induced Muscle Damage
Implications for Skeletal Muscle Development
Brad J. Schoenfeld
Department of Health Sciences, Program of Exercise Science, Lehman College, CUNY, Bronx, NY, USA
Abstract. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1017
1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1018
2. Effects of Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs) on Muscle Protein Synthesis . . . . . . . . . . . 1020
3. Effects of NSAIDs on Satellite Cell Activity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1021
4. Effects of NSAIDs on Muscle Hypertrophy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1024
5. Contradictions in Findings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1025
6. Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1026
Abstract Exercise-induced muscle damage (EIMD) is a common condition result-
ing from a bout of vigorous exercise, particularly if the individual is un-
accustomed to performance of the given movement. Symptoms of EIMD
include delayed-onset muscle soreness (DOMS) and a loss of physical func-
tion. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are routinely pre-
scribed post-exercise to alleviate these symptoms and restore normal physical
function. Of potential concern for those who use NSAIDs to treat EIMD is
the possibility that they may impair the adaptive response to exercise. Spe-
cifically, there is emerging evidence that the action of cyclo-oxygenase (COX)
enzymes, and COX-2 in particular, are important and even necessary to
achieve maximal skeletal muscle hypertrophy in response to functional
overload. Given that NSAIDs exert their actions by blocking COX and thus
suppressing prostaglandin production, a theoretical rationale exists whereby
these drugs may have detrimental effects on muscle regeneration and super-
compensation. Therefore, the purpose of this article is to extensively review
the literature and evaluate the effects of NSAIDs on muscle growth and
development. Based on current evidence, there is little reason to believe that
the occasional use of NSAIDs will negatively affect muscle growth, although
the efficacy for their use in alleviating inflammatory symptoms remains
questionable. Evidence on the hypertrophic effects of the chronic use of
NSAIDs is less clear. In those who are untrained, it does not appear that
regular NSAID use will impede growth in the short term, and at least one
study indicates that it may in fact have a positive impact. Given their reported
Sports Med 2012; 42 (12): 1017-1028
ª 2012 Springer International Publishing AG. All rights reserved.
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impairment of satellite cell activity, however, longer-term NSAID use
may well be detrimental, particularly in those who possess greater growth
1. Introduction
Exercise-induced muscle damage (EIMD) is
a common condition resulting from a bout of
vigorous exercise, particularly if the individual is
unaccustomed to performance of the given move-
ment. Damage can be specific to just a few mac-
romolecules of tis sue or manifest as large tears in
the sarcolemma, basal lamina and supportive
connective tissue, as well as altering the function
of contractile elements and the cytoske leton.
While concentric and isometric actions can cause
damage is increased by the perfor-
mance of eccentric exercise whereby muscles are
forcibly lengthened.
For an in-depth review of
the topic, see Clarkson and Hubal.
Muscle soreness is a frequently reported con-
sequence of EIMD. This phenomenon has been
termed delayed-onset muscle soreness (DOMS),
as the associated symptoms of pain and tender-
ness generally peak 2448 hours post-exercise.
DOMS is believed to be the result of a sensitization
of nociceptors by tissue breakdown products and
noxious chemicals such as histamines, bradykinins,
prostaglandins and free radicals.
Soreness may
also involve mechanoreceptors, including muscle
spindle afferents that are able to access the pain
pathway at the level of the spinal cord.
In ad-
dition, biochemical changes due to structural dis-
ruption of the extracellular matrix (ECM) has been
implicated with playing a role in the process.
It has been postulated that damage to myofibres
facilitates the escape and entrance of intracellular
and extracellular proteins, respectively, while
disturbance of the ECM media tes the inflamma-
tory response.
Symptoms can be exacerbated
by swelling within muscle fibres that exerts pres-
sure on nociceptors and thus increases the sen-
sation of pain.
EIMD can also decrease physical function, with
the degree of impairment modulated by the type,
intensity and/or duration of training.
tional post-exercise decrements have been attrib-
uted to damage to the excitation-contraction coup-
ling system and disruption of the sarcomere.
Swelling and stiffness can also contribute to the
process by limit ing range of motion.
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
are routinely prescribed to alleviate EIMD-related
symptoms and restore normal physical function.
This class of drugs can be obtained either by pre-
scription or purchased over the counter. It is
estimated that 30 million people worldwide use
NSAIDs on a daily basis,
and their consump-
tion is particularly prevalent among athletes and
others who engage in vigorous physical activity.
A primary way in which NSAIDs are believed
to exert their pain-reducing effects is by inhibiting
the activity of cyclo-oxygenase (COX), a family
of enzymes that catalyze the conversion of ara-
chidonic acid (AA) to proinflammatory prosta-
Although the exact details have not
been fully elucidated, it is believed that damage to
skeletal muscle leads to activatio n of phospholipase
, which cleaves AA from the cell membrane,
ultimately resulting in COX-mediated produc-
tion of prostaglandins
(see figure 1). Prosta-
noids are subsequently released outside the cell,
influencing biological functions by interacting
with G protein-coupled cell surface receptors in
an autocrine/paracrine manner.
In addition to
their role in promoting pain and oedema, specific
prostanoid receptors are theorized to induce anab-
olic signal ling, conceivably via stimulation of up-
stream protein synthetic regulators that include
PI3K and extracellular signal-regulated kinases.
It also has been shown that prostanoid-mediated
signalling through calcium-dependent pathways
influences satellite cell-derived myonuclear ac-
cretion, directly leading to increased myofibre
These data strongly suggest that COX
activity is necessary to achieve maximal skeletal
muscle hypertrophy in response to functional
1018 Schoenfeld
Adis ª 2012 Springer International Publishing AG. All rights reserved. Sports Med 2012; 42 (12)
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Three COX isoforms have been identified:
COX-1, COX-2 and COX-3. Of these isoforms,
only COX-1 and COX-2 are e xpressed in skeletal
and appear to be upregulated in re-
sponse to physical exercise.
It has been pro-
posed that COX-2 provides the primary impetus
for the inflammatory response following EIMD,
although emerging data seem to support an im-
portant role for COX-1 in the process.
terestingly, recent studies seem to show that certain
NSAIDs may upregulate COX-2 production, pos-
sibly as a means to compensate for the anti-
inflammatory blockade.
Other mechanisms of
action have been attributed to NSAIDs including
activation of descending serotonergic pathways,
upregulation of cannabinoid receptors and inhibi-
tion of leukocyte adhesion pathways.
Despite their immense popularity as an an-
algesic and anti-inflammatory agent, the ability
of NSAIDs to relieve symptoms associated with
EIMD remains dubious. Although several re-
searchers have shown that NSAID administration
facilitates recovery of muscle function following
others have failed to note improve-
ments in comparison with placebo.
while some studies have reported reductions in
ratings of perceived soreness with post-exercise
NSAID consumption,
Connolly et al.
that the preponderance of evidence reveals no
therapeutic effect from their use.
Of potential concern for those who use NSAIDs
to treat EIMD is the possibility that they may
impair the adaptive response to exercise. Specifi-
cally, there is emerging evidence that COX enzymes
are important and even necessary to achieve
maximal skeletal muscle hypertrophy in response
to functional overload.
The hypertrophic ef-
fects of COX appear to be related to the synthesis
Muscle damage
Phospholipase A
Prostacyclin Thromboxane
Selective COX-2
Fig. 1. Simplified schematic of the COX inflammatory pathway from exercise-induced muscle damage and the proposed mechanism of
NSAID action on the process. Damage to skeletal muscle leads to activation of phospholipase A
, which cleaves AA from the cell membrane.
AA is then converted to PGG
, in turn, is converted to PGH
, which serves as a common precursor to all of the prostaglandins,
prostacyclin and thromboxane. NSAIDs exert their action by inhibiting COX, thereby ultimately blocking prostaglandin synthesis and thus
reducing the inflammatory response. AA = arachidonic acid; COX = cyclo-oxygenase; NSAID = nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug; PGG
= prostaglandin G
and H
The Use of NSAIDs for EIMD 1019
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of various prostaglandins, which have been shown
to stimulate satellite cell proliferation, differentia-
tion and fusion,
and increa se muscle protein
Given that NSAIDs supposedly
exert their actions by blocking COX and thus
suppressing prostaglandin production, a theore-
tical rationale exists whereby these drugs may
have detrimental effects on muscle regeneration
and supercompensation. Therefore, the purpose
of this article is to extensively review the literature
and evaluate the effects of NSAIDs on muscl e
growth and development. To carry out this re-
view, English language literature searches of the
PubMed and EBSCO databases were conducted
for all time periods up to December 2011. Com-
binations of the following keywords were used as
search terms : ‘NSAID’, ‘anti-inflamma tory drug’,
‘cyclo-oxygenase inhibitor’, ‘exercise’, ‘muscle
hypertrophy’, ‘growth’, ‘satellite cell’, ‘myoblast’
and ‘protein synthesis’. The reference lists of ar-
ticles retrieved in the search were then screened
for any additional articles that had relevance to
the topic. All applicable studies were included for
discussion, with a focus on the results of in vivo
protocols, particularly those involving human
2. Effects of Nonsteroidal
Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs)
on Muscle Protein Synthesis
The maintenance of skeletal muscle tissue
involves the dynamic balance between muscle pro-
tein synthesis and degradation.
Muscle hy-
pertrophy occurs when protein synthesis exceeds
proteolysis. Protein synthetic rates are markedly
increased following resistance exercise in both
young and old individuals alike, facilitating ad-
aptation to imposed demands.
The post-
exercise accretion of muscle proteins is carried
out via a complex cascade of an abolic signalling
pathways, although the exact mechanisms and
interplay between these pathways are not clearly
understood at this time.
Early studies in animal models demonstrated
that NSAIDs impaired protein metabolism.
These findings were attributed to an attenuation
of prostaglandin production via COX inhibition.
A suppression of prostaglandin F
), in
particular, was purported to play a primary role
in blunting the muscle protein synthetic rate.
To date, four trials have investigated the ef-
fects of NSAID administration on post-exercise
muscle protein synthesis in humans (see table I).
The first of these studies was conducted by Trappe
et al.
Twenty-four sedentary or recreationally
active males (mea n standard deviation [SD] age
25 3 years) were randomly assigned to receive
either 1200 mg of ibuprofen, 4000 mg of parace-
tamol (acetaminophen) or placebo following a
bout of supramaximal eccentric exercise. Exercise
consisted of 1014 sets of 10 lengthening actions
for the knee extensors at a workload set to 120%
of concentric 1-repetition maximum (RM). Com-
pared with pre-exercise levels, skeletal muscle
fractional synthetic rate (FSR) was significantly
greater in those receiving placebo compared with
ibuprofen or paracetamol (mean SD 76 19%
vs 35 21% vs 22 23%, respectively) at 24 hours
post-exercise. In addition, levels of PGF
significantly increased (77%)intheplacebogroup
but remained unchanged in the treatment groups.
Based on this data, it was concluded that NSAIDs
blunt post-exercise protein synthesis by suppres-
sing production of PGF
via the COX enzyme.
A limitation of the study was that researchers
only analysed mixed muscle protein synthesis.
Therefore, it is not clear what percentage of the
FSR represented myofibrillar versus noncontractile
proteins such as collagen.
In contrast to these findings, Burd et al.
employed a similar study design but found that
NSAID consumption did not impair mixed muscle
protein FSR foll owing performance of 10 sets
of 10 lengthening contractions for the knee ex-
tensors at a workload equating to 120% of con-
centric 1-RM. Subjects were 16 recreationally
active males (mean SD age 23 1 years) randomly
assigned to receive eithe r 600 mg of celecoxib or
placebo in double-blind fashion. The primary
difference between this study and that of Trappe
et al.
was the use of a selective COX-2 inhibitor
(celecoxib) rather than a nonselective COX in-
hibitor (ibuprofen). Results suggest that the COX-1
enzyme may play a primary role in mediating
post-exercise muscle protein synthesis and that
1020 Schoenfeld
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COX-2 may be more reactive to injur y-related
stimuli. As with the study by Trappe et al.,
however, results were limited by a n inability to
isolate the contractile component of muscle pro-
tein synthesis.
Petersen et al.
was the first to evaluate the
effects of NSAIDs on post-exercise contractile
muscle protein synthesis. In a double-blind fash-
ion, 20 elderly subjects (aged 5070 years) with
knee osteoarthritis were divided into either a
treatment group (n = 9) who received 1200 mg of
ibuprofen or a placebo group (n = 11). Exercise
consisted of 60 minutes of one-legged kicking at
55% of maximal workload while the contralateral
leg did not exercise. At 24 hours post-exercise,
plasma levels of PGF
were significantly lower in
the NSAID group compared with placebo but
myofibrillar FSR was not different between groups.
It is difficult to justify these seemingly contradictory
results. Moreover, considering the injury history
and age of the subjects, as well as the endurance-
oriented nature of the exercise protocol, the gen-
eralizability of findings to healthy individuals who
perform resistance exercise is questionable.
Most recently, Mikkelsen et al.
studied the
effects of NSAIDs on post-exercise protein syn-
thesis in eight healthy male volunteers (mean
SD age 23 3 years) who were experienced in
endurance exercise but not lower body resistance
training. Forty-five mg of indomethacin was
locally infused for 7.5 hours via catheter into the
vastus lateralis muscle of one leg before, during
and after exercise while the contralateral leg was
infused with placebo. Exercise consisted of 200
unilateral maximal isokinetic lengthening con-
tractions for the knee extensors. Muscle biopsies
taken 2428 hours after training revealed no sig-
nificant differences in eithermyofibrillarorcollagen
mean muscle FSR between the NSAID-infused
leg compared with placebo at 2428 hours post-
3. Effects of NSAIDs on Satellite Cell
Satellite cells are myogenic stem cells that re-
side between the basal lamina and sarcolemma
of muscle fibres. At rest, the satellite cell pool
Table I. Summary of human studies investigating the effect of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug consumption on post-exercise protein synthesis
Study, y Subjects Age
Exercise protocol NSAID/dosage Measurement
et al.,
24 healthy sedentary or
recreationally active M
25 31014 sets of 10 repetitions of
unilateral knee extensor exercise at
120% 1-RM separated by 60 sec
rest intervals
Ibuprofen/1200 mg/day: n = 8, or
paracetamol (acetaminophen)/
4000 mg/day: n = 8, or placebo:
n = 8
Baseline and
24 h post-
Increase in mixed muscle FSR
significantly greater in placebo group
compared with NSAID group 24 h
et al.,
16 healthy recreationally
active M
23 1 10 sets of 10 repetitions of
unilateral knee extensor exercise at
120% 1-RM separated by 60 sec
rest intervals
Celecoxib/600 mg/day: n = 8, or
placebo: n = 8
Baseline and
24 h post-
No significant difference in mixed
muscle protein FSR between groups
24 h post-exercise
et al.,
20 sedentary or
recreationally active M
(n = 11) and F (n = 9) with
knee osteoarthritis
5070 60 min of one-legged kicking at
55% of workload maximum
Ibuprofen/1200 mg/day: n = 9, or
placebo: n = 11
Baseline and
24 h post-
No significant difference in
myofibrillar FSR between groups
24 h post-exercise
et al.,
8 healthy endurance-
trained M
23 3 200 unilateral maximal eccentric
knee extensor contractions
Indomethacin/45 mg/day: n = 8
(within-subject design)
Baseline and
2428 h post-
No significant differences in either
myofibrillar or collagen mean muscle
FSR between groups 2428 h
a Age data are presented as mean SD or range where stated.
F = female; FSR = fractional synthetic rate; M = male; NSAID = nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug; RM = repetition maximum.
The Use of NSAIDs for EIMD 1021
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remains quiescent until aroused by mechanical
stimuli. Once activated, they
generate precursor
cells (myoblasts) that proliferate and ultimately
fuse to existing cells, providing agents needed for
repair and subsequent growth of new muscle tis-
Satellite cells also help to retain the mitotic
capability of muscles by donating their nuclei to
existing muscle fibres, thereby increasing the ca-
pacity to synthesize new contractile proteins.
Since the nuclear content-to-fibre mass ratio of a
muscle remains constant during hypertrophy, the
satellite cell -derived addition of new myonuclei is
believed to be essential for realizing long-term
increases in muscle mass.
This is consistent
with the concept of myonuclear domain, which
proposes that the myonucleus regulates messen-
ger RNA (mRNA) production for a finite sarco-
plasmic volume, and any increases in fibre size
must be accompanied by a proportional increase
in myonuclei.
Moreover, satellite cells co-express
various myogenic regulatory factors such as Myf5,
MyoD, myogenin, and myogenic regulatory factor
that bind to sequence-specific DNA
elements present in the promoter of muscle genes
to aid in the hypertrophic process.
Although somewhat controversial, current
theory suggests that satellite cells are crucial for
the regulation of muscular growth.
In sup-
port of this view, a recent cluster analysis by
Petrella et al.
demonstrated that subjects who
experienced extreme increases in mean myo fibre
cross-sectional area of the vastus lateralis (>50%)
possessed a much greater ability to expand the
satellite cell pool compared with those who ex-
perienced moderate or negligible increases in hy-
pertrophy. Further support for the theory comes
from studies showing that muscle hypertrophy is
significantly attenuated when satellite cells are
obliterated by g-irradiation.
It should be noted
that some researchers dispute the importance of
satellite cells in exercise-induced muscle hyper-
trophy. A complete discussion of the topic is be-
yond the scope of this article and those interested
are referred to the point/counterpoint articles
by O’Connor and Pavlath
and McCarthy and
Evidence that NSAIDs might have a negative
impact on satellite cell activity was initially
documented in animal cell culture. Zalin
played a marked suppression of fusion of chick
myoblasts when they were subjected to non-
selective COX inhibitors. Subsequently, Santini
et al.
found that the differentiation into myo-
tubes was impaired when myoblasts wer e main-
tained in indomethacin. Follow-up in vitro studies
have confirmed these results for both the COX-1
and COX-2 enzymes independently.
In vivo
research on rodents has similarly demonstrated
that selective COX-2 suppression reduced satellite
cell activation, proliferation and differentiation,
as well as inhibiting myonuclear incorporation
into muscle.
Interestingly, COX-1 was not
found to play a significant role in these studies,
leading to the supposition that COX-1 and COX-2
pathways have distinct roles during muscle repair.
More recently, researchers have conducted
human trials to investigate the topic (see table II).
Mackey et al.
examined the influence of NSAID
use on satellite cell activity following a single bout
of intense exercise in 14 healthy, well trained male
endurance athletes. Subjects were divided into
two groups, receiving either a 100 mg daily dose
of the nonspecific COX inhibitor indomethacin
for 12 days or placebo. Exercise for both groups
consisted of a 36 km run, with muscle biopsies
collected 1, 3 and 8 days post-exercise. Compared
with pre-exercise levels, results showed a 27%
increase in the number of neural cell adhesion
molecule-positive cells on day 8 post-exercise in
placebo, while levels remained unchanged at all
timepoints for the NSAID group.
Mikkelsen et al.
investigated the effects of
NSAID administration on the satellite cell response
to a bout of eccentric exercise. Eight healthy male
volunteers (mea n SD age 23 3 years) per-
formed 200 unilateral maximal isokinetic length-
ening contractions for both legs. Subjects were
considered well trained but had not performed
resistance training of the lower limbs for at least
1 year. On the day of the exercise bout, 45 mg of
indomethacin was locally infused for 7.5 hours
via catheter into the vastus lateralis muscle of one
leg before, during and after exercise. The control
leg was infused with placebo. Results showed that
the number of Pax7(+) cells per myofibre was
significantly increased by 96% in the control leg
1022 Schoenfeld
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8 days post-exercise but remained unchanged in
the muscles infused with indomet hacin, indicat-
ing a decidedly detrimental effect of NSAID admin-
istration on satellite cell activity. A noteworthy
aspect of the study was that these findings were
seen with a single infusion of NSAID, suggesting
that COX blockage in the early post-exercise
period may interfere with pathways necessary for
satellite cell proliferation.
In a double-blind, placebo-controlled experi-
ment, Paulsen et al.
evaluated the effects of a
selective COX-2 inhibitor on muscle recovery
following damaging exercise. Thirty-three young,
physically active volunteers (22 males; 11 females)
performed 2 bouts of maximal lengthening ac-
tions of the elbow flexors. The bouts were sepa-
rated by 3 weeks and only one arm was trained
per session, with the other arm serving as a non-
exercise control. Participants were randomized to
either an NSAID group or a placebo group. Those
in the NSAID group received 400 mg of celecoxib
daily for 9 days, with the first dose administered
approximately 45 minutes prior to each exercise
bout. The placebo group received lactose pills over
the same time periods. In contrast to the findings
of Mackey et al.
and Mikkelsen et al.,
sults showed no significant differences in the
number of satellite cells/ myoblasts per myofibre
between groups following either exercise bout
at any of the timepoints studied. No significant
differences were found in the number of macro-
phages, although the five highest peak values
were all found in samples from those in the pla-
cebo group. Whether the discrepancy between
this study and those reporting a negative effect on
satellite cell activity are due to the use of a selec-
tive COX-2 inhibitor versus a nonselective COX
inhibitor are not clear at this time.
Interestingly, Mikkelsen et al.
found that
nonselective NSAID use downregulated insulin-
like growth factor (IGF)-1Ea expression at 5 hours
post-exercise. IGF-1Ea has been shown to en-
hance fusi on of satellite cells with existing muscle
fibres, facilitating the donation of myonuclei and
helping to maintain optimal DNA to protein
ratios in muscle tissue.
Levels of the muscle
specific IGF-1Ec isoform (i.e. mechano growth
factor), however, were unaffected by NSAID
Table II. Summary of human studies investigating the effect of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug consumption on satellite cell activity
Study, y Subjects Age (y)
Exercise protocol NSAID/dosage Measurement
Mackey et al.,
14 healthy M
endurance athletes
25 3 Running 36 km Indomethacin/
100 mg/day: n = 7,
or placebo: n = 7
Baseline, and 1, 3
and 8 days post-exercise
Significant increase in number of
NCAM+ cells on day 8 post-exercise
in placebo group vs no change in the
Mikkelsen et al.,
8 healthy endurance-
trained M
23 3 200 unilateral maximal
eccentric knee extensor
45 mg/day: n = 8
(within-subject design)
Baseline and 8 days
Significant blunting of satellite cell
number in NSAID group compared
with placebo 8 days post-exercise
Paulsen et al.,
33 healthy recreationally
active M (n = 22) and
F(n= 11)
~25 2 bouts of 70 maximal
unilateral eccentric actions
of the elbow flexors
separated by 3 wk
400 mg/day: n = 15,
or placebo: n = 18
Baseline and 1, 2,
4 and 7 days post-exercise
No significant differences in satellite
cell activity between groups at
1, 2, 4 and 7 days post-exercise
a Age data are presented as mean SD or approximate where stated.
F = female; M = male; NCAM+ = neural cell adhesion molecule; NSAID = nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug.
The Use of NSAIDs for EIMD 1023
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administration. This is intriguing, because the
initial pulse of IGF-1Ec has been shown to acti-
vate satellite cells and mediate their proliferation
and differentiation.
The implication s of these
findings require further study.
4. Effects of NSAIDs on Muscle
Studies on rodents have consistently shown that
treatment with both selective and nonselective
NSAIDs following chron ic overload have a pro-
foundly detrimental effect on muscle growth.
Soltow et al.
demonstrated that ibuprofen ad-
ministration in Sprague-Dawley rats resulted in
a50% decrease in hypertrophy of the plantaris
muscle 14 days post-surgical removal of the gas-
trocnemius and soleus. Similar impairments in
compensatory hypertrophic increases have been
reported from the use of selective COX- 2 in-
hibitors following synergist ablation of the tri-
ceps surae
and chronic hind limb suspension
in mice.
In contrast to the aforementioned animal
studies, the three human trials conducted to date
have failed to demonstrate a negative impact of
NSAIDs on hypertrophy (see table III). Krentz
et al.
examined the impact of a moderate dose of
NSAID on hypertrophy in 18 young volunteers
(12 males, 6 females; ~24 years of age). Employ-
ing a counterbalanced double-blind design, sub-
jects were randomly assigned to receive a daily
dose of 400 mg of ibuprofen following resistance
exercise for the elbow flexors of one arm and
placebo after working the other arm the next day.
Training con sisted of 6 sets of 410 repetitions,
and was performed 5 days a week. After 6 weeks
of training, no differences in muscle thickness
were noted between arms (~0.29 cm change in
muscle thickness for NSAID arm vs ~0.28 cm for
placebo). The study was limited by its short du-
ration and thus it is not clear wheth er differences
Table III. Summary of human studies investigating the effect of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug consumption on muscle hypertrophy
Study, y Subjects Age
Exercise protocol Study
NSAID/dosage Measurement
et al.,
18 healthy
M(n= 12) and
F(n= 6)
in resistance
~24 3 sets of 810 concentric
repetitions at 70% of 1-
RM, and 3 sets of 46
eccentric repetitions at
100% of 1-RM for the
elbow flexors with 1 min
rest interval performed on
alternate days for each
arm for 5 days/wk
6 Ibuprofen/
400 mg/day: n = 18
(within-subject design)
No differences in
muscle thickness
of the upper arm
between groups
after 6 wk
et al.,
36 healthy
M(n= 24) and
F(n= 12)
6085 2 sets of 5 knee
extensions at a light
weight, followed by 3 sets
of 10 repetitions with
2 min rest interval
performed 3 days/wk on
nonconsecutive days
12 Paracetamol
4000 mg/day: n = 11, or
ibuprofen/1200 mg/day:
n = 13, or placebo: n =12
MRI Significantly
greater increase in
hypertrophy in
NSAID group
compared with
control after 12 wk
et al.,
20 sedentary
M(n= 16) and
F(n= 20) with
5070 4 sets of 15-RM in the first
wk progressively
increasing to 4 sets of 8-
RM by wk 7 and onward of
the knee extension and
leg press performed 3
nonconsecutive days per
12 Ibuprofen/1200 mg/day:
n = 12 , glucosamine/
1500 mg/day: n = 12, or
placebo: n = 11
MRI No differences in
muscle cross-
sectional area of
between groups
after 12 wk
a Age data are presented as approximate or ranges where stated.
F = female; M = male; MRI = magnetic resonance imaging; NSAID = nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug; RM = repetition maximum.
1024 Schoenfeld
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may have manifested had a longer-term protocol
been employed. It should also be noted that the
dosage (400 mg of ibuprofen) was substantially
less than that use d in the other studies, making it
difficult to draw relevant conclusions.
Trappe et al.
conducted a double-blind study
whereby 36 healthy, elderly adults (6085 years of
age; 24 males, 12 fema les) were randomly as-
signed to receive a daily dose of either 4000 mg/day
of paracetamol (n = 11), 1200 mg/day of ibuprofen
(n = 13) or placebo (n =12). Subjects performed
3 sets of 10 repetitions of progressive resistance
exercise for the knee extensors. Training was
carried out 3 days a week on nonconsecutive
days. After 12 weeks, subjects who consumed
anti-inflammatory drugs displayed a significantly
greater increase in muscle volume compared with
control (placebo: mean SD 69 12; paracetamol:
109 14; ibuprofen: 84 10 cm
). These results
suggest that chronic NSAID use may in some
way promote adaptations that ultimately lead to
greater long-term skeletal muscle protein accre-
tion. Findings were limited to untrained, elderly
subjects, however, and thus it remains unknown
whether similar results would be seen in a young,
athletic population.
Most recently, Petersen et al.
the effects of NSAID administration on muscle
hypertrophy in elderly subjects (20 women, 16 men;
age range, 5070 years) with a history of bilateral
tibiofemoral knee osteoarthritis. Participants
were randomly divided to receive either 1200 mg
of ibuprofen, 1500 mg glucosamine or placebo.
Training consisted of unilateral knee extension
and leg press for both legs, with intensity in-
creasing from 4 sets of 15-RM in the first week to
4 sets of 8-RM by week 7 and onward. Training
was carried out on three, nonconsecutive days per
week. After 12 weeks, results failed to show any
differences in muscle cross-sectional area between
groups. Interestingly, however, consumption of
NSAIDs resulted in greater gains in maximal
isometric strength, maximal eccentric strength
and eccentric work compared with placebo. This
suggests that the alleviation of pain in this pop-
ulation may allow individuals to exert greater
force during resistance training efforts and thereby
enhance strength capacity. That said, the effect
size of the reported gains was rather small, calling
into question whether costs of treatment out-
weigh the benefits.
5. Contradictions in Findings
Based on the body of current literature, evidence
is lacking that COX inhibitors have a detrimental
acute effect on post-exercise protein synthesis.
Although animal studies have shown an impaired
response when either selective or nonselective
NSAIDs were given following chronic overload,
the majority of human trials fail to support this
finding. Pos sible reasons explaining these dis-
crepancies are differences in methodologies be-
tween studies, physiological differences between
species and/or differences in the mechanisms of
the various drugs used (i.e. selective vs non-
selective COX inhibitors).
Longer-term effects of NSAIDs on exercise-
induced muscle hypertrophy are equivocal at this
time. There is strong evidence that satellite cell
activity is impaired by the use of nonselective
COX inhibitors in both animal and human trials,
although further study is warranted to determine
if such effects persist with the administration
of drugs selective to the COX-2 enzyme. It seems
logical to infer from these data that NSAID con-
sumption would limit a person’s hypertrophic
potential by restricting the satellite cell pool. Some
researchers have proposed that a myonuclear
domain ceiling of ~2000 mm
exists beyond which
further hypertrophy cann ot occur unless there is
satellite cell-mediated incorporation of addi-
tional myonuclei.
If true, NSAIDs would most
certainly be detrimental to those who aspire to
maximize muscle development. Emerging data,
however, suggests this might only have relevance
to a certain segment of the population. As pre-
viously noted, Petrella et al.
showed that hy-
pertrophic ‘responders’ to resistance training
had a robust capacity to increase satellite cell
activity while ‘nonresponders’ did not. Thus, it
may be that any negative effects of NSAID ad-
ministration on muscle growth may be specific to
those with an increased potential to ad d lean
mass and have a minimal impact on the rest of
the population.
The Use of NSAIDs for EIMD 1025
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is prohibited.
Direct studies on the topic are contradictory.
The preponderance of data in animal models
shows a marked reduction in exercise-induced
hypertrophy following NSAID administration.
These results are consistent with the use of both
selective and nonselective COX inhibitors. On the
other hand, the limited number of human studies
conducted to date do not indicate that NSAIDs
blunt the hypertrophic response, and one recent
actually found up to a 50% increase in
muscle mass over 12 weeks in subjects consuming
either ibup rofen or paracetamol. These conflict-
ing findings are difficult to reconcile. A pos sible
explanation is that NSAID-mediated reductions
in proteolysis may be greater than any suppres-
sion of protein synthesis, thereby leading to an
overall positive nitrogen balance. In support of
this contention, Rodemann and Goldberg
played that COX inhibition of incubated rat soleus
muscle resulted in a 39% increase in net protein
balance, which was attributed to an attenuation of
protein breakdown that exceeded impairments in
protein synthetic rate. However, this would not
explain the marked NSAID-induced impairment
in hypertrophy found in vivo in animal studies.
Another possibility is that the degree of myo-
fibre hypertrophy experienced by subjects in the
human trials did not reach their myonuclear do-
main ceiling. This would conceivably account for
the significant blunting of hypertrophy in animal
models, where the techniques employed (i.e. chronic
stretching, synergist ablation) result in extreme rates
of weekly hypertrophy not seen in traditional
human exercise programmes (~40% vs 1%, re-
and thus would seemingly require a
robust satellite cell pool . Further research is
needed to assess this prospect.
6. Conclusion
In summary, there is little reason to believe
that the occasional use of NSAIDs will negatively
affect muscle growth, although the efficacy for
their use in alleviating inflammatory symptoms
remains questionable. Evidence on the hyper-
trophic effects of the chronic use of NSAIDs is
less clear. In those who are untrai ned, it does
not appear that regular NSAID use will impede
growth in the short term, and at least one study
indicates that it may in fact have a positive im-
pact. Given their reported impairme nt of satellite
cell activity, however, longer-term use may well
be detrimental, particularly in those who possess
greater growth potential. Future research should
seek to clarify inconsistencies between studies, as
well as investigating the effects of NSAIDs on
muscle hypertrophy in trained subjects and ath-
letes who are known to be frequent consumers of
these drugs.
This review was not funded by any outside organization.
Brad Schoenfeld is the sole author of this work. There are no
conflicts of interest present that are directly relevant to the
content of this review.
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Correspondence: Dr Brad Schoenfeld, MSc, CSCS, Depart-
ment of Health Sciences, Program of Exercise Science,
APEX Building, Room # 265, Lehman College, CUNY, 250
Bedford Park Blv. West, Lehman College, Bronx, NY 10468,
1028 Schoenfeld
Adis ª 2012 Springer International Publishing AG. All rights reserved. Sports Med 2012; 42 (12)
... 4 Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are often used to enhance muscle function and reduce DOMS after exercise. 5 Although NSAIDs have attenuated DOMS in some studies, findings in soccer players remain equivocal, and there are concerns that NSAIDs could impair muscle regeneration. 5 Despite medical departments and the International Federation of Association Football warning against their use, NSAIDs are still commonly consumed to support recovery in soccer. ...
... 5 Although NSAIDs have attenuated DOMS in some studies, findings in soccer players remain equivocal, and there are concerns that NSAIDs could impair muscle regeneration. 5 Despite medical departments and the International Federation of Association Football warning against their use, NSAIDs are still commonly consumed to support recovery in soccer. 4 As NSAIDs may have deleterious side effects, including gastrointestinal stress, and impaired central nervous system function, 5 there is a growing interest in the efficacy of nutritional supplements on DOMS and muscle force recovery in soccer players. ...
... 5 Despite medical departments and the International Federation of Association Football warning against their use, NSAIDs are still commonly consumed to support recovery in soccer. 4 As NSAIDs may have deleterious side effects, including gastrointestinal stress, and impaired central nervous system function, 5 there is a growing interest in the efficacy of nutritional supplements on DOMS and muscle force recovery in soccer players. ...
Purpose: To examine the effects of acute curcumin (CURC) supplementation on recovery from a soccer match in male professional players. Methods: In a randomized, placebo-controlled, crossover design, 11 players from the under-23 team of an English Premier League club (age 19 [1] y, body mass 79.4 [7.9] kg, height 180.8 [5.7] cm) consumed 500 mg of CURC or a control (medium-chain triglycerides) immediately and 12 and 36 hours after a 90-minute match. Countermovement jump height (CMJ), reactive strength index (RSI), delayed-onset muscle soreness (DOMS, 0-200 mm), and subjective well-being were measured before and 12, 36, and 60 hours postmatch. Global positioning systems measured external load during matches, and dietary intake was recorded across the testing period. Results: External load and dietary intake did not differ between conditions (P ≥ .246). CURC attenuated deficits in CMJ (P ≤ .004) and RSI (P ≤ .001) and reduced DOMS (P ≤ .004) at all postmatch time points (except 60 h post for RSI). The greatest difference between control and CURC was 12 hours post for CMJ (P < .001, 1.91 [4.40] cm, 95% CI, 1.25 to 2.57, g = 0.36) and RSI (P = .003, 0.40 [0.41] AU, 95% CI, 0.17 to 0.63, g = 0.90) and 36 hours post for DOMS (P < .001, 47 [23] mm, 95% CI, -67 to -27, g = 2.12). Conclusions: CURC intake <36 hours after a soccer match attenuated DOMS and muscle function deficits, suggesting that CURC may aid recovery in professional male soccer players.
... Giving NSAIDs after exercise has the effect of inhibiting hypertrophy and muscle strength. As a result, giving NSAIDs will actually negate the results of the exercises carried out (Schoenfeld 2012). High-intensity exercise will increase Nuclear Factorkappa B (NF-κB) signaling so that it will trigger inflammation (Jung et al. 2018). ...
Full-text available
The study aimed to analyze the effect of curcumin on serum NF-kB levels after high-intensity exercise. This experimental research uses a pre and post-control group design. Research subjects were selected using a purposive sampling technique. Following this, the subjects were divided into two groups: Group K1 with a placebo and Group K2 with a dose of 400 mg of curcumin. A total of 20 healthy men aged between 20-30 years participated in this study. On the first day, Data on the characteristics of the research subjects were collected. The subjects warmed up and did high-intensity training in squad exercises and leg presses with an intensity of 80-90% of maximum ability. The intensity of each research subject was determined using the one repetition maximum (1RM) test. 1RM is the maximum weight that can be lifted in one repetition of a movement. The exercise is performed in four sets of 10 repetitions with a recovery time of approximately 60 seconds between set. On the second day, 24 hours after high-intensity exercise, all subjects took blood samples (pre-test) and then were given intervention based on their respective groups. On the third day, 48 hours after high-intensity exercise, all subjects took blood samples (post-test). Blood samples were analyzed in the laboratory using the ELISA method with catalog numbers Human NF-kB ELISA kit E0690Hu. The results of this study reported that the group given curcumin after high-intensity exercise reduced serum NF-kB levels significantly (*p<0.05) compared to the placebo group. It can be concluded that the administration of curcumin at 400 mg after high-intensity exercise can reduce serum NF-kB levels. Reducing NF-kB levels is believed to lessen pro-inflammatory cytokines such as TNF-a and is closely related to muscle pain after exercise. We recommend using curcumin as a natural ingredient that can potentially reduce NF-kB. In future research, we strongly recommend examining other inflammatory biomarkers, such as TNF-a and Interleukin. Keywords: Curcumin, Inflammation, Cytokines, Exercise, Health
... Giving NSAIDs after exercise is a wrong alternative for managing pain, this is because NSAIDs have a disruptive effect on the muscle growth response which has an impact on hypertrophy and muscle strength. As a result, giving NSAIDs will actually negate the results of the exercise carried out (Schoenfeld, 2012). ...
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Study purpose. This research aims to analyze and highlight the potential of bee products in reducing oxidative stress and inflammation after physical activity/exercise. Materials and methods. This research uses a systematic review method by searching various journal databases such as Scopus, Web of Science, PubMed and Embase. The inclusion criteria in this study were articles published in the last 5 years and articles discussing bee products, honey, oxidative stress, inflammation, physical activity, and exercise. The exclusion criteria in this study were articles published in disreputable journals. Titles, abstracts, and full texts of articles were screened then verified and stored in Mendeley software. A total of 7,124 articles from the Scopus, Web of Science, PubMed and Embase databases were identified. A total of 8 articles that met the inclusion criteria were selected and analyzed for this systematic review. Results. Bee products that have anti-oxidant properties can reduce oxidative stress and the anti-inflammatory properties of bee products can reduce uncontrolled inflammation due to exercise. Conclusions. Bee products contain flavonoids which have anti-oxidant properties which can reduce oxidative stress. In addition, the anti-inflammatory properties of bee products can reduce uncontrolled inflammation due to physical activity/exercise. In this case, honey works by inhibiting inflammation through NF-κB signals and reducing inflammation by suppressing the secretion of pro-inflammatory cytokines such as TNF-α and inflammatory markers such as CRP. Reducing inflammation can reduce the intensity of muscle pain. It is recommended that bee products be used in individuals to reduce oxidative stress and inflammation after physical activity/exercise.
... Giving NSAIDs after exercise has the effect of inhibiting hypertrophy and muscle strength. resulting in giving NSAIDs will actually negate the results of the exercise performed [14]. ...
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Purpose The purpose of this study was to analyze and prove the effect of curcumin on NF-kB, TNF-a levels, and pain intensity after high-intensity physical exercise. Method This experimental study used a pre and post-control group design. Research subjects were selected using a purposive sampling technique and then the subjects were divided into 2 groups, namely group (K1) with placebo administration and group (K2) with 400 mg dose of curcumin. A total of 20 healthy men aged between 20-30 years participated in this study. On the first day, all subjects took data on the characteristics of research subjects, then warmed up, and then the subjects did a high-intensity physical exercise in the form of squad and leg press exercises with an intensity of 80-90% of maximum abilities. The exercise was carried out in 4 sets for each form of exercise and rest between sets for about 1 minute. On the second day, after 24 hours, all subjects measured pain intensity and took pre-test blood samples, then were given interventions based on their respective groups. On the third day, after 24 hours, all subjects took pain intensity measurements and took post-test blood samples. Measurement of pain intensity using the Visual Analytical Scale (VAS) and blood samples were analyzed in the laboratory using the ELISA method to examine levels of NF-kB and TNF-a. After the data was obtained, the data were analyzed using the IBM SPSS version 26 application. Results The results of this study reported that the group that was given curcumin after high-intensity physical exercise was able to significantly reduce levels of NF-kB, TNF-a, and pain intensity (*p<0.05) compared to the placebo group. Conclusions We believe that the main cause of muscle soreness is the uncontrolled increase of pro-inflammatory cytokines after high-intensity physical exercise. Since the reduction in pain intensity after high-intensity exercise is necessary to support bodily functions, we highly recommend the use of curcumin which has many positive benefits for exercisers.
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Cannabidiol (CBD) is widely used in sports for recovery, pain management, and sleep improvement, yet its effects on muscle are not well understood. This study aimed to determine the transcriptional response of murine skeletal muscle myotubes to broad‐spectrum CBD and synthetic CBD (sCBD). Differentiated C2C12 myotubes were treated with 10 μM CBD, sCBD, or vehicle control (DMSO) for 24 h before RNA extraction. Poly‐A tail‐enriched mRNA libraries were constructed and sequenced using 2 × 50 bp paired‐end sequencing. CBD and sCBD treatment induced 4489 and 1979 differentially expressed genes (DEGs; p < 0.001, FDR step‐up <0.05), respectively, with common upregulation of 857 genes and common downregulation of 648 genes. Common upregulated DEGs were associated with “response to unfolded protein,” “cell redox homeostasis,” “endoplasmic reticulum stress,” “oxidative stress,” and “cellular response to hypoxia.” Common downregulated DEGs were linked to “sarcomere organization,” “skeletal muscle tissue development,” “regulation of muscle contraction,” and “muscle contraction.” CBD treatment induced unique DEGs compared to sCBD. The data indicate CBD may induce mild cellular stress, activating pathways associated with altered redox balance, unfolded protein response, and endoplasmic reticulum stress. We hypothesize that CBD interacts with muscle and may elicit a “mitohormetic” effect that warrants further investigation.
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Background Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) possess analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties by inhibiting cyclooxygenase (COX) enzymes. Conflicting evidence exists on whether NSAIDs influence signaling related to muscle adaptations and exercise with some research finding a reduction in muscle protein synthesis signaling via the AKT-mTOR pathway, changes in satellite cell signaling, reductions in muscle protein degradation, and reductions in cell proliferation. In this study, we determined if a single maximal dose of flurbiprofen (FLU), celecoxib (CEL), ibuprofen (IBU), or a placebo (PLA) affects the short-term muscle signaling responses to plyometric exercise. Methods This was a block randomized, double-masked, crossover design, where 12 participants performed four plyometric exercise bouts consisting of 10 sets of 10 plyometric jumps at 40% 1RM. Two hours before exercise, participants consumed a single dose of celecoxib (CEL 200 mg), IBU (800 mg), FLU (100 mg) or PLA with food. Muscle biopsy samples were collected before and 3-h after exercise from the vastus lateralis. Data were analyzed using a repeated measures (RM) ANOVA, ANOVA, or a Friedman test. Significance was considered at p < 0.05. Results We found no treatment effects on the mRNA expression of PTSG1, PTSG2, MYC, TBP, RPLOP, MYOD1, Pax7, MYOG, Atrogin-1, or MURF1 (all, p > 0.05). We also found no treatment effects on AKT-mTOR signaling or MAPK signaling measured through the phosphorylation status of mTORS2441, mTORS2448, RPS6 235/236, RPS 240/244, 4EBP1, ERK1/2, p38 T180/182 normalized to their respective total abundance (all, p > 0.05). However, we did find a significant difference between MNK1 T197/202 in PLA compared to FLU (p < .05). Conclusion A single, maximal dose of IBU, CEL, or FLU taken prior to exercise did not affect the signaling of muscle protein synthesis, protein degradation, or ribosome biogenesis three hours after a plyometric training bout.
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Understanding the intricate mechanisms governing the cellular response to resistance exercise is paramount for promoting healthy aging. This narrative review explored the age-related alterations in recovery from resistance exercise, focusing on the nuanced aspects of exercise-induced muscle damage in older adults. Due to the limited number of studies in older adults that attempt to delineate age differences in muscle discovery, we delve into the multifaceted cellular influences of chronic low-grade inflammation, modifications in the extracellular matrix, and the role of lipid mediators in shaping the recovery landscape in aging skeletal muscle. From our literature search, it is evident that aged muscle displays delayed, prolonged, and inefficient recovery. These changes can be attributed to anabolic resistance, the stiffening of the extracellular matrix, mitochondrial dysfunction, and unresolved inflammation as well as alterations in satellite cell function. Collectively, these age-related impairments may impact subsequent adaptations to resistance exercise. Insights gleaned from this exploration may inform targeted interventions aimed at enhancing the efficacy of resistance training programs tailored to the specific needs of older adults, ultimately fostering healthy aging and preserving functional independence.
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Football match-play causes muscle damage and provokes an inflammatory response. Rapid recovery is paramount to optimising subsequent performance and reducing injury risk. Turmeric contains high concentrations of curcumin, a polyphenol that has been shown to reduce muscle damage and soreness post-exercise in recreational exercisers. However, it is unknown whether a curcumin-containing supplement can support elite footballers recovery between matches. This applied study explored whether a turmeric supplement could improve performance, subjective and physiological markers of recovery, in elite male footballers. Twenty-four elite male footballers divided into a turmeric group, who consumed 60 mL of a turmeric drink twice per day, or a control group who did not. After 96 h of rest, baseline measurements of subjective soreness (leg and whole-body), plasma creatine kinase ([CK]), plasma C-reactive protein ([CRP]), isometric mid-thigh pull (IMTP) and counter movement jump (CMJ), were collected. Following eight competitive matches, subjective leg and whole-body soreness and plasma concentrations of inflammation markers ([CK] and [CRP]) were assessed immediately (0 h), 40 and 64 h post-match. Performance markers (IMTP and CMJ) were also assessed at 40 and 64 h post-match. Percentage change from baseline showed a main effect of group (p = 0.035, p = 0.005) and time (p = 0.002, p = 0.002) for both leg and whole-body soreness, respectively. There was a group by time interaction effect (p = 0.049) for [CRP]. There were no effects of turmeric on [CK], CMJ or IMTP. This applied study is the first in elite footballers to show that a curcumin-containing supplementation may attenuate a biomarker of inflammation [CRP] and soreness post-match play.
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Eccentric exercise continues to receive attention as a productive means of exercise. Coupled with this has been the heightened study of the damage that occurs in early stages of exposure to eccentric exercise. This is commonly referred to as delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS). To date, a sound and consistent treatment for DOMS has not been established. Although multiple practices exist for the treatment of DOMS, few have scientific support. Suggested treatments for DOMS are numerous and include pharmaceuticals, herbal remedies, stretching, massage, nutritional supplements, and many more. DOMS is particularly prevalent in resistance training; hence, this article may be of particular interest to the coach, trainer, or physical therapist to aid in selection of efficient treatments. First, we briefly review eccentric exercise and its characteristics and then proceed to a scientific and systematic overview and evaluation of treatments for DOMS. We have classified treatments into 3 sections, namely, pharmacological, conventional rehabilitation approaches, and a third section that collectively evaluates multiple additional practiced treatments. Literature that addresses most directly the question regarding the effectiveness of a particular treatment has been selected. The reader will note that selected treatments such as anti-inflammatory drugs and antioxidants appear to have a potential in the treatment of DOMS. Other conventional approaches, such as massage, ultrasound, and stretching appear less promising.
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The quest to increase lean body mass is widely pursued by those who lift weights. Research is lacking, however, as to the best approach for maximizing exercise-induced muscle growth. Bodybuilders generally train with moderate loads and fairly short rest intervals that induce high amounts of metabolic stress. Powerlifters, on the other hand, routinely train with high-intensity loads and lengthy rest periods between sets. Although both groups are known to display impressive muscularity, it is not clear which method is superior for hypertrophic gains. It has been shown that many factors mediate the hypertrophic process and that mechanical tension, muscle damage, and metabolic stress all can play a role in exercise-induced muscle growth. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is twofold: (a) to extensively review the literature as to the mechanisms of muscle hypertrophy and their application to exercise training and (b) to draw conclusions from the research as to the optimal protocol for maximizing muscle growth.
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Nonselective blockade of the cyclooxygenase (COX) enzymes in skeletal muscle eliminates the normal increase in muscle protein synthesis following resistance exercise. The current study tested the hypothesis that this COX-mediated increase in postexercise muscle protein synthesis is regulated specifically by the COX-2 isoform. Sixteen males (23 +/- 1 yr) were randomly assigned to one of two groups that received three doses of either a selective COX-2 inhibitor (celecoxib; 200 mg/dose, 600 mg total) or a placebo in double-blind fashion during the 24 h following a single bout of knee extensor resistance exercise. At rest and 24 h postexercise, skeletal muscle protein fractional synthesis rate (FSR) was measured using a primed constant infusion of [(2)H(5)]phenylalanine coupled with muscle biopsies of the vastus lateralis, and measurements were made of mRNA and protein expression of COX-1 and COX-2. Mixed muscle protein FSR in response to exercise (P < 0.05) was not suppressed by the COX-2 inhibitor (0.056 +/- 0.004 to 0.108 +/- 0.014%/h) compared with placebo (0.074 +/- 0.004 to 0.091 +/- 0.005%/h), nor was there any difference (P > 0.05) between the placebo and COX-2 inhibitor postexercise when controlling for resting FSR. The COX-2 inhibitor did not influence COX-1 mRNA, COX-1 protein, or COX-2 protein levels, whereas it did increase (P < 0.05) COX-2 mRNA (3.0 +/- 0.9-fold) compared with placebo (1.3 +/- 0.3-fold). It appears that the elimination of the postexercise muscle protein synthesis response by nonselective COX inhibitors is not solely due to COX-2 isoform blockade. Furthermore, the current data suggest that the COX-1 enzyme is likely the main isoform responsible for the COX-mediated increase in muscle protein synthesis following resistance exercise in humans.
Objectives: The objective was to assess the effects of the nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug, flurbiprofen, and of placebo on muscle soreness, strength, swelling, and stiffness following experimentally-induced muscle injury in volunteer subjects. Methods: A one-time exercise consisting of repeated lowering of heavy loads with the elbow flexors was used to induce injury, which was manifested by soreness, swelling, stiffness, and a strength loss, i.e., force deficit, measured as isometric torque, of 50%. Partial recovery of strength left a torque deficit of 25%, two weeks later. After carrying out the exercise, subjects were randomly assigned to one of three groups: 1. no treatment [N = 14], 2. flurbiprofen, 100 mg t.i.d. [N = 15], or 3. placebo [N = 15]. The study was double-blind with respect to groups two and three. Drug or placebo administration was begun on the day preceding the exercise. Soreness, strength, stiffness, and arm circumference were monitored for two post-exercise weeks and compared to pre-exercise values. Data were analyzed with a repeated measures analysis of variance [ANOVA]. Results: In the ANOVA neither group differences nor group by time interactions were observed with respect to soreness, stiffness, or circumference. A small difference in isometric torque recovery was seen over the first five post-exercise days, with the flurbiprofen groups showing slower recovery than the placebo group. Conclusions: Flurbiprofen provides no detectable therapeutic benefit over a two week period following injury induced in the elbow flexors by eccentric contraction, as judged by subjective reports of muscle soreness and by objective measurements of swelling, stiffness or voluntary isometric force. A small difference in force recovery over the first five post-exercise days suggested that recovery was slightly retarded in the flurbiprofen group compared to the placebo group.
To investigate the effect of 12 weeks of strength training in combination with a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID), glucosamine, or placebo on muscle cross-sectional area (CSA), strength (primary outcome parameters), and function, power, pain, and satellite cell number (secondary outcome parameters) in patients with knee osteoarthritis (OA). Double-blinded, randomized controlled trial. Hospital. Patients (N=36; 20 women, 16 men; age range, 50-70y) with bilateral tibiofemoral knee OA. A total of 181 patients were approached, and 145 were excluded. Patients were randomly assigned to treatment with the NSAID ibuprofen (n=12), glucosamine (n=12), or placebo (n=12) during 12 weeks of quadriceps muscle strength training. Muscle CSA and strength. No differences between groups were observed in gains in muscle CSA. Training combined with ibuprofen increased maximal isometric strength by an additional .22Nm/kg (95% confidence interval [CI], .01-.42; P=.04), maximal eccentric muscle strength by .38Nm/kg (95% CI, .05-.70; P=.02), and eccentric muscle work by .27J/kg (95% CI, .01-.53; P=.04) in comparison with placebo. Training combined with glucosamine increased maximal concentric muscle work by an additional .24J/kg versus placebo (95% CI, .06-.42; P=.01). In patients with knee OA, NSAID or glucosamine administration during a 12-week strength-training program did not improve muscle mass gain, but improved maximal muscle strength gain in comparison with treatment with placebo. However, we do not find that the benefits are large enough to justify taking NSAIDs or glucosamine.
Evidence suggests that consumption of over-the-counter cyclooxygenase (COX) inhibitors may interfere with the positive effects that resistance exercise training has on reversing sarcopenia in older adults. This study examined the influence of acetaminophen or ibuprofen consumption on muscle mass and strength during 12 wk of knee extensor progressive resistance exercise training in older adults. Thirty-six individuals were randomly assigned to one of three groups and consumed the COX-inhibiting drugs in double-blind placebo-controlled fashion: placebo (67 ± 2 yr; n = 12), acetaminophen (64 ± 1 yr; n = 11; 4 g/day), and ibuprofen (64 ± 1 yr; n = 13; 1.2 g/day). Compliance with the resistance training program (100%) and drug consumption (via digital video observation, 94%), and resistance training intensity were similar (P > 0.05) for all three groups. Drug consumption unexpectedly increased muscle volume (acetaminophen: 109 ± 14 cm(3), 12.5%; ibuprofen: 84 ± 10 cm(3), 10.9%) and muscle strength (acetaminophen: 19 ± 2 kg; ibuprofen: 19 ± 2 kg) to a greater extent (P < 0.05) than placebo (muscle volume: 69 ± 12 cm(3), 8.6%; muscle strength: 15 ± 2 kg), when controlling for initial muscle size and strength. Follow-up analysis of muscle biopsies taken from the vastus lateralis before and after training showed muscle protein content, muscle water content, and myosin heavy chain distribution were not influenced (P > 0.05) by drug consumption. Similarly, muscle content of the two known enzymes potentially targeted by the drugs, COX-1 and -2, was not influenced (P > 0.05) by drug consumption, although resistance training did result in a drug-independent increase in COX-1 (32 ± 8%; P < 0.05). Drug consumption did not influence the size of the nonresistance-trained hamstring muscles (P > 0.05). Over-the-counter doses of acetaminophen or ibuprofen, when consumed in combination with resistance training, do not inhibit and appear to enhance muscle hypertrophy and strength gains in older adults. The present findings coupled with previous short-term exercise studies provide convincing evidence that the COX pathway(s) are involved in the regulation of muscle protein turnover and muscle mass in humans.
When human skeletal muscle is exposed to exercise training, the outcomes, in terms of physiological adaptation, are unpredictable. The significance of this fact has long been underappreciated, and only recently has progress been made in identifying some of the molecular bases for the heterogeneous response to exercise training. It is not only of great medical importance that some individuals do not substantially physiologically adapt to exercise training, but the study of the heterogeneity itself provides a powerful opportunity to dissect out the genetic and environmental factors that limit adaptation, directly in humans. In the following review I will discuss new developments linking genetic and transcript abundance variability to an individual's potential to improve their aerobic capacity or endurance performance or induce muscle hypertrophy. I will also comment on the idea that certain gene networks may be associated with muscle "adaptability" regardless the stimulus provided.
Unaccustomed exercise leads to satellite cell proliferation and increased skeletal muscle protein turnover. Several growth factors and cytokines may be involved in the adaptive responses. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) negatively affect muscle regeneration and adaptation in animal models, and inhibit the exercise-induced satellite cell proliferation and protein synthesis in humans. However, the cellular mechanisms eliciting these responses remain unknown. Eight healthy male volunteers performed 200 maximal eccentric contractions with each leg. To block prostaglandin synthesis locally in the skeletal muscle, indomethacin (NSAID) was infused for 7.5 h via microdialysis catheters into m. vastus lateralis of one leg. Protein synthesis was determined by the incorporation of 1,2-(13) C(2) leucine into muscle protein from 24 to 28 h post-exercise. Furthermore, mRNA expression of selected genes was measured in muscle biopsies (5 h and 8 days post-exercise) by real-time reverse transcriptase PCR. Myofibrillar and collagen protein synthesis were unaffected by the local NSAID infusion. Five hours post-exercise, the mRNA expression of cyclooxygenase-2 (COX2) was sixfold higher in the NSAID leg (P=0.016) compared with the unblocked leg. The expression of growth factors and matrix-related genes were unaffected by NSAID. Although NSAIDs inhibit the exercise-induced satellite cell proliferation, we observed only limited effects on gene expression, and on post-exercise protein synthesis.
The purpose of this study was to determine muscle and tendon protein fractional synthesis rates (FSR) at rest and after a one-legged kicking exercise in patients with knee osteoarthritis (OA) receiving either placebo or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Twenty patients with knee OA (50-70 yr) were enrolled. For each of the 3 days before the exercise intervention, 9 patients were administered NSAIDs (1200 mg), and 11 patients were administered placebo in a double-blinded manner. Each patient performed 60 min of one-legged kicking at 55% of workload maximum while the contralateral leg remained rested. Twenty-four hours after exercise, we determined circulating concentrations of inflammatory parameters and measured FSR of myofibrillar and sarcoplasmic protein fractions of vastus lateralis muscle and patellar tendon collagen protein by the direct incorporation method using a flooding dose of 13C/12C-proline. Circulating levels of prostaglandin F2α were lower in the NSAID group compared with the placebo group (P < 0.05). There was an overall significant effect of exercise on FSR in muscle myofibrillar (P = 0.003) and sarcoplasmic protein (P = 0.026) but not in tendon collagen protein (P = 0.52). No overall significant effect of the drug was seen on either of the tissue protein fractions (P > 0.05) or on the interaction between the drug and exercise on FSR in tendon collagen (P = 0.21), muscle myofibrillar (P = 0.68), or sarcoplasmic protein, FSR (P = 0.16). In elderly patients with knee OA, an acute bout of moderate exercise significantly increases FSR of muscle myofibrillar and sarcoplasmic protein, but not tendon collagen, 24 h after exercise. NSAID administration in patients with knee OA reduced the level of circulating prostaglandin F2α but did not diminish the exercise-induced response of muscle contractile protein FSR. However, we cannot exclude that a minor inhibition of muscle sarcoplasmic proteins may have been present with NSAID treatment. This study suggests that muscle hypertrophy after long-term training is not influenced by NSAIDs.