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Purification of formaldehyde-polluted air by indoor plants of Araceae, Agavaceae and Liliaceae



Thirty plant species from Araceae, Agavaceae and Liliaceae families were tested for their abilities of removing formaldehyde in the air. Each plant was placed for seven days in a 1.0 m×1.0 m×0.8 m glass box filled with formaldehyde with the initial concentration as 15 mg m -3 . Species such as Aglaonema commutatum cv. White Rajah, Spathiphyllum floribundum cv. Clevelandii, A. commutatum cv. Golden Jewelry, Agave potatorum, Dracaena fragrans cv. Massa-Ngeana, D. reflexa, Cordyline fruticosa, Gasteria gracilis and D. angustifolia showed the most resistance to formaldehyde pollution damage; species such as D. sanderiana, D. deremensis cv. Compacta, Sansevieria trifasciata cv. Hahnii, A. commutatum cv. Silver Queen and Alocasia macrorrhiza showed the second most resistance; species such as S. trifasciata cv. Laurentii, Aloe nobilis, Scindapsus aureus, Dieffenbachia amoena cv. Camilla, A. commutatum cv. Treubii, Scindapsus pictus cv. Argyraeus, Philodendron sodiroi cv. Wendimbe and Syngonium podophyllum showed the third class resistance; species such as Asparagus setaceus, Aloe aristata, Chlorophytum comosum, Philodendron martianum cv. Con-Go, Zamioculcas zamiifolia and A. commutatum cv. Red Narrow showed the resistance to less extents. Philodendron selloum showed the worst resistance to formaldehyde pollution damage. The absorption of formaldehyde by plants in the glass box chamber was found especially apparent during the first three days. In conclusion, ten species of the plants recommendable to be used to apply for formaldehyde purification were Scindapsus aureus, Asparagus setaceus, S. trifasciata cv. Hahnii, C. comosum, A. commutatum cv. White Rajah, A. commutatum cv. Red Narrow, A. commutatum cv. Treubii, S. pictus cv. Argyraeus, G. gracilis and P. sodiroi cv. Wendimbe. These ten plants have high absorption ability to formaldehyde and receive less damage.
1012 Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment, Vol.9 (3&4), July-October 2011
Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment Vol.9 (3&4): 1012-1018. 2011
WFL Publisher
Science and Technology
Meri-Rastilantie 3 B, FI-00980
Helsinki, Finland
Received 15 March 2011, accepted 28 September 2011.
Purification of formaldehyde-polluted air by indoor plants of Araceae, Agavaceae and
Junhui Zhou 1*, Feifei Qin 2, 3, Jie Su 1, Jian-wu Liao 1 and Hui-lian Xu 2
1 College of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture, Zhongkai University of Agriculture and Engineering, Guangzhou, 510225
China. 2 International Nature Farming Research Center, 5632 Hata, Matsumoto, Nagano 390-1401, Japan. 3 Shandong Peanut
Institute, SAAS, Qingdao, China. *e-mail:
Thirty plant species from Araceae, Agavaceae and Liliaceae families were tested for their abilities of removing formaldehyde in the air. Each plant was
placed for seven days in a 1.0 m×1.0 m×0.8 m glass box filled with formaldehyde with the initial concentration as 15 mg m-3. Species such as
Aglaonema commutatum cv. White Rajah, Spathiphyllum floribundum cv. Clevelandii, A. commutatum cv. Golden Jewelry, Agave potatorum,
Dracaena fragrans cv. Massa-Ngeana, D. reflexa, Cordyline fruticosa, Gasteria gracilis and D. angustifolia showed the most resistance to
formaldehyde pollution damage; species such as D. sanderiana, D. deremensis cv. Compacta, Sansevieria trifasciata cv. Hahnii, A. commutatum cv.
Silver Queen and Alocasia macrorrhiza showed the second most resistance; species such as S. trifasciata cv. Laurentii, Aloe nobilis, Scindapsus
aureus, Dieffenbachia amoena cv. Camilla, A. commutatum cv. Treubii, Scindapsus pictus cv. Argyraeus, Philodendron sodiroi cv. Wendimbe and
Syngonium podophyllum showed the third class resistance; species such as Asparagus setaceus, Aloe aristata, Chlorophytum comosum, Philodendron
martianum cv. Con-Go, Zamioculcas zamiifolia and A. commutatum cv. Red Narrow showed the resistance to less extents. Philodendron selloum
showed the worst resistance to formaldehyde pollution damage. The absorption of formaldehyde by plants in the glass box chamber was found
especially apparent during the first three days. In conclusion, ten species of the plants recommendable to be used to apply for formaldehyde
purification were Scindapsus aureus, Asparagus setaceus, S. trifasciata cv. Hahnii, C. comosum, A. commutatum cv. White Rajah, A. commutatum
cv. Red Narrow, A. commutatum cv. Treubii, S. pictus cv. Argyraeus, G. gracilis and P. sodiroi cv. Wendimbe. These ten plants have high absorption
ability to formaldehyde and receive less damage.
Key words: Agavaceae, Araceae, formaldehyde purification, indoor plants, Liliaceae.
Increasing uses of resins and solvents such as formaldehyde
(FDH) in construction and decoration materials have caused
severe pollution of indoor air. FDH is a kind of colourless chemical
with a strong pungent odour, especially steadily releasable for
three to fifteen years. FDH together with other chemicals such as
benzene causes serious hazards to human health. It is classified
as the first class of human carcinogens by International Agency
for Research on Cancer (IARC) because it is capable of inducing
cancers and tumours. Interest in the indoor air quality has become
an earnest issue in China since there is a serious problem of
excessive use of FDH in housing construction, reformation and
decoration. Yu and Tang monitored more than fifty new decorated
bedrooms and found that the pollutants such as FDH, benzene
and other volatile organic compounds exceeded the limited
standards by 36.8%, 38.4% and 12%, respectively 1. The adoption
of energy-saving proposals to reduce releases of indoor pollutants
in homes has caused problems of inefficience in improvement of
indoor air quality. Consequently, it allowed potential health hazards
remaining. It is one of today’s hot research subjects that the air
pollutants from construction and decoration materials is absorbed
and removed by indoor plants. The early research was carried out
by Wolverton of National Aeronautics and Space Administration
(NASA). The research group listed the top ten plants which were
effective in clearing and eliminating odour, purifying air, and
absorbing and decomposing FDH, benzene and other pollutants2,3.
These plants include spider plant (Chlorophytum comosum),
English ivy (Hedera nepalensis var. sinensis), Aloe vera, Dracaena
sanderiana, Dracaena marginata, Dracaena fragrans cv. Massa-
ngeana, mother-in-law’s tongue (Sansevieria trifasciata),
Gerbera jamesonii, Chinese evergreen (Aglaonema spp.), peace
lily (Spathiphyllum floribundum cv. Clevelandii) and Pritchardia
gaudichaudii. In recent years, many researchers and scientists
focused on selection of plant species that are effective in
absorbing or removing FDH from indoor air 4-9. Plants such as
Monstera deliciosa, Ficus elastica, Chlorophytum comosum and
Opuntia stricta have proved capable of absorbing FDH from air 9.
However, effective species are still limited. Noticeably, it is still
difficult to eliminate FDH, benzene and other indoor air pollutants
in low concentrations. The previous studies showed that many
potted plants had more or less abilities of absorbing and
decomposing FDH and benzene. Moreover, the pots, media and
microorganisms in the media also showed ability of absorbing
FDH to some extents. However, the purification effects of the
tested plants, such as Chlorophytum comosum and Scindapsus
Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment, Vol.9 (3&4), July-October 2011 1013
aureus, were inconsistent with different researches. There is still
much work to do in selection of plants; not only with the good
performance to remove air pollutants, but also with less or no
damage to human. Therefore, in the present study, plants from
three families, Araceae, Agavaceae and Liliaceae, were tested for
their abilities to absorb or remove indoor FDH and other pollutants
as well as the resistance to FDH damage, in order to provide
reference to the utilization of plants for indoor air purification.
Materials and Methods
Plant materials: Thirty plant species from the Araceae, Agavaceae
and Liliaceae families were used as experimental materials
(Table 1).
Experimental treatments: The tested plants were placed in a
glass box chamber with a wall 0.8 mm thick and inside volume of
0.8 m3 (1.0 m×1.0 m×0.8 m). Inside the chamber, a small fan and a
thermometer were placed. The probe of formaldehyde (FDH)
inspector (Ke Ernuo trading Co., Ltd. of Shenzhen) was inserted
into the chamber through a hole of 1 cm in diameter. The mouth of
the hole was removable and fitted with a rubber gasket and clamps
to provide an airtight seal 2. The initial concentration of
formaldehyde was set up to 15 mg m-3. The experimental
temperature was controlled at 20±1ºC. Three treatments were
designed as: 1) plant potted in the medium was placed in the
chamber with 15 mg m-3 FDH; 2) the pot with medium but without
plant was placed in the chamber with 15 mg m-3 FDH and 3) the
chamber only filled with 15 mg m-3 FDH as control.
Measurement of chlorophyll: Leaf chlorophyll was extracted by
95% ethanol 10. The concentration of the extracted chlorophyll
was measured at 665 nm and 649 nm wavelengths using an UV-Vis
spectrophotometer (TU-1810 Model, General Analysis Instrument
Co., Ltd. of Beijing). Concentrations of chlorophyll a (CA),
chlorophyll b (CB) and the total chlorophyll (CT) were calculated
using equations as:
CA = 13.7D665 - 5.76D649
CB = 25.8D649 - 7.6D665
CT = CA + CB - 6.10D665 + 20.04D649
where D665 and D649 were the optical density (OD) values of
chlorophyll at 665 nm and 649 nm, respectively.
Measurement of leaf cell membrane permeability: The leaf
sample was rinsed 3 times with deionised water. The surface water
was absorbed with filter paper; twenty leaf discs each in 0.5 cm
diameter taken by hole puncher were immersed in 20 ml deionised
water for three hours. The electrical conductivity (EC) (recorded
as C1) of the water after the leaf immersion was measured. The leaf
sample was boiled for 15 min and the EC (C2) was measured again
after the water cooled down to the room temperature and
replenished to 20 ml with deionised water11. The leaf cell membrane
permeability (LC) was calculated as:
LC (%) = 100 × (C1/C2).
Other measurements: The formaldehyde concentration in the
chamber was measured every day after the experiment began. The
fresh above-ground part taken from the plant was weighed as
fresh mass. Then, these materials were dried in the microwave
oven for dry mass determination 12. The degree of the plant hurt
was scored from 0 through 1, 2 and 3 to 4 according to the extent
of damage caused by formaldehyde.
Plant response caused by formaldehyde: The ranking for hurt
response of potted plants to formaldehyde (FDH) pollution was
made according to Ou et al. 13 and An et al. 14 as shown in Table 2.
In the present experiment, the degrees of the plant damage caused
by FDH were scored to five grades according to the different
capacities of removing FDH and plant resistance to FDH damage.
A plant growing normal without any or apparent damage was
defined as Grade 0. Grade 1 was for plants having three to five
black or water-colour spots on the surface of leaves. Grade 2 was
for plants with rotten spots in addition to black and water-colour
spots appearing on leaf surface or in the stem and with one to
three leaves etiolated. Grade 3 was for plants with the same
symptoms as in Grade 2 but leaves of the lower part showing
signs of etiolation or necrosis and rest half of leaves growing
normal. In Grade 2, plants could recover from the FDH damage.
Grade 4 was for plants deteriorating further to the stem with half
of the leaves rotten or dried. It was suggested that species such
as A. commutatum cv. White Rajah, S. floribundum cv. Clevelandii,
Table 1. Thirty species used for materials from the Araceae, Agavaceae and Liliaceae families.
Araceae Agavaceae Liliaceae
Aglaonema commutatum cv. Golden Jewelry Agave potatorum Aloe aristata
Aglaonema commutatum cv. White Rajah Cordyline fruticosa Aloe nobilis
Aglaonema commutatum cv. Red Narrow Dracaena angustifolia Asparagus setaceus
Aglaonema commutatum cv. Silver Queen Dracaena deremensis cv. Compacta Chlorophytum comosum
Aglaonema commutatum cv. Treubii Dracaena fragrans cv. Massa-ngeana Gasteria gracilis
Alocasia macrorrhiza Dracaena reflexa
Dieffenbachia amoena cv. Camilla Dracaena sanderiana
Dieffenbachia amoena cv. Green Magic Sansevieria trifasciata cv. Hahnii
Philodendron martianum cv. Con-go Sansevieria trifasciata cv. Laurentii
Philodendron selloum
Philodendron sodiroi cv. Wendimbe
Scindapsus aureus
Spathiphyllum floribundum cv. Clevelandii
Scindapsus pictus cv. Argyraeus
Syngonium podophyllum
Zamioculcas zamiifolia
1014 Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment, Vol.9 (3&4), July-October 2011
A. commutatum cv. Golden Jewelry, A. potatorum, D. fragrans cv.
Massa-Ngeana, D. reflexa, C. fruticosa, G. gracilis and D.
angustifolia showed the most resistance ability to FDH damage
and grouped into Grade 0. P. selloum showed the lowest resistance
to formaldehyde. The plants before (left in the frame) and after
(right in the frame) subjected to FDH pollution are shown in Fig.1.
The concentration of formaldehyde in the chamber was
decreased fast in the first three days. The fastest purification of
FDH was found in species such as A. potatorum, C. fruticosa, S.
trifasciata cv. Laurentii, A. commutatum cv. Golden Jewelry, A.
macrorrhiza, D. deremensis cv. Compacta and D. amoena cv. Green
Magic. The slowest one was found in species such as A. aristata,
P. sodiroi cv. Wendimbe and P. selloum (Table 3).
Absorption of formaldehyde by potted plants: As it is shown in
Table 4, the top ten plants which had high FDH absorption per
dry weight were S. aureus, A. setaceus, S. trifasciata cv. Hahnii,
C. comosum, A. commutatum cv. Red Narrow, A. commutatum cv.
Treubii, S. pictus cv. Argyraeus, P. selloum, P. sodiroi cv.
Wendimbe and A. commutatum cv. White Rajah. The hurt response
of potted plants to FDH pollution was divided into 10 scores. The
9-10 scores were in Grade 0; 7-8.9 scores in Grade 1; 5-6.9 scores in
Grade 2; 3-4.9 scores in Grade 3 and 1-2.9 scores in Grade 4. The
score of the FDH absorption per dry mass was multiplied by 10
with each relative value. In the integrated score, the fraction of
hurt response took 20% and the absorption per dry mass took
The integrated evaluation on the FDH purification effect of
potted plants was shown in Table 5. The top ten plants for FDH
purification effect according to their integrated evaluation are listed
as S. aureus, A. setaceus, S. trifasciata cv. Hahnii, C. comosum, A.
commutatum cv. White Rajah, A. commutatum cv. Red Narrow, A.
commutatum cv. Treubii, S. pictus cv. Argyraeus, G. gracilis and
P. sodiroi cv. Wendimbe.
Changes in total chlorophyll concentration and cell membrane
permeability: According to changes in cell membrane permeability
(CMP), plants were divided into three groups. The first group,
with change of more than 10%, includes species such as A. nobilis,
D. angustifolia, P. selloum, S. trifasciata cv. Laurentii, A. aristata,
S. podophyllum, A. commulatum cv. Silver Queen, C. fruticosa, A.
commutatum cv. White Rajah, S. pictus cv. Argyraeus and A.
potatorum. The second group, with CMP change between 5%
and 10%, includes species such as A. setaceus, G. gracilis, S.
aureus, D. amoena cv. Camilla, A . commutatum cv. Treubii and D.
fragrans cv. Massa-ngeana. The third group, with CMP changes
less than 5%, includes species such as D. reflexa, A. macrorrhiza,
A. commutatum cv. Golden Jewelry, S. floribundum cv. Clevelandii,
Table 2. Damage response and grade for 30 kinds of potted plants after formaldehyde treatment.
Species Plant response Grade
A. commutatum cv. White Rajah No damage 0
S. floribundum cv. Clevelandii No damage 0
A. commutatum cv. Golden Jewelry No damage 0
D. reflexa No apparent damage 0
D. fragrans cv. Massa-ngeana No apparent damage 0
D. angustifolia No apparent damage 0
C. fruticosa No apparent damage 0
G. gracilis No apparent damage 0
A. potatorum No apparent damage 0
D. sanderiana 3 to 5 black spots on leaves 1
D. deremensis cv. Compacta 3 to 5 black spots on leaves 1
S. trifasciata cv. Hahnii 3 to 5 black spots on leaves 1
A. commutatum cv. Silver Queen 3 water spots on leaf surface 1
A. macrorrhiza Several small spots on leaf surface 1
S. aureus 3 to 5 black spots on one or two leaves with 1 or 2 rotten spots 2
D. amoena cv. Camilla 2 small black spots and 4 white rotten spots on leaves without colour change 2
A. commutatum cv.Treubii One etiolated leaf with 5 black spots 2
S. pictus cv. Argyraeus 3 etiolated leaf blades with 10 black spots. A 2 cm long black rotten spot on stem 2
S. podophyllum 3 etiolated leaf blades with 10 black round spots 2
D. amoena cv. Green Magic 2 etiolated leaf blades and 1-2 yellow leaves with rotten spots 2
P. sodiroi cv. Wendimbe 2 etiolated leaf blades with 5 black spots 2
S. trifasciata cv. Laurentii Most leaves were normal. The plant had 1 or 3 completely etiolated lower leaves
with several rotten spots on other leaves
A. nobilis Most leaves were normal. The plant had 1 or 3 completely etiolated lower leaves
with several rotten spots on other leaves
P. martianum cv. Con-go The plant had 4 to 5 etiolated leaves and 1 or 2 small spots on other leaves 3
Z. zamiifolia The tip of one-third leaves of the plant turned colour to black. Black spots
appeared on part of the surface of a few leaves with dotted rot on the stem 3
A. commutatum cv. Red Narrow 5 etiolated leaves of which one was going to fall off 3
A. setaceus More than 3 completely etiolated or dying leaves in the lower part, but half of
leaves grew normal. The plant would recover from the formaldehyde damage
A. aristata
The plant had more than 3 completely etiolated or dying leaves in the lower part,
but half of leaves grew normal. The plant would recover from the formaldehyde
C. comosum
More than 3 completely etiolated or dying leaves in the lower part. Water-colour
spots and black spots appeared on stem, but half of leaves grew normal. The
plant would recover from the formaldehyde damage
P. selloum Half of the leaves and the stem got rotten or dried 4
Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment, Vol.9 (3&4), July-October 2011 1015
D. deremensis cv. Compacta, A. commutatum cv. Red Narrow, P.
sodiroi cv. Wendimbe, Z. zamiifolia, C. comosum, P. martianum
cv. Con-go, D. amoena cv. Green Magic, S. trifasciata cv. Hahnii
and D. sanderiana. However, there were no obvious relations of
the FDH absorption ability with both the changes in total
chlorophyll concentration and the changes in cell membrane
permeability. It is suggested that the lower the changes in cell
membrane permeability are, the stronger is the FDH absorption
ability (Table 6).
Currently, it seems a bit confusing in ranking of the ability of
plants to absorb and purify formaldehyde (FDH). We suggested
A. commutatum cv. Treubii
(Right lower shows the water-colour and sympto m spots)
S. pictus cv. Argyraeus
(Right lower shows the water-colour and symptom s pots)
G. gracilis
P. sodiroi cv. Wendimbe
S. aureun (Right lower shows the water-colour and
symptom sp ots)
A. setaceus
S. trifasciata cv, Hahnii
C. comosum
A. commutatum cv. White Rajah
Figure 1. Photos of the plants before (left in the frame) and after (right in the frame) subjected
to FDH pollution.
top ten species in purification of formaldehyde as S. aureum, A.
setaceus, S. trifasciata cv. Hahnii, C. comosum, A. commutatum
cv. White Rajah, A. commutatum cv. Red Narrow, A. commutatum
cv. Treubii, S. pictus cv. Argyraeus, G. gracilis and P. sodiroi cv.
Wendimbe. Surprisingly, there were three Aglaonema spp. in the
top ten plants; outstanding for their low hurt response and high
absorption ability. Wolverton 3 also found three species of plants
(C. comosum, S. trifasciata and Aglaonema spp.) showing strong
FDH absorption ability. We could not compare our results with
other researchers such as Zhou et al. 5, Li 4, Wang et al.15, Huang
et al. 6, Cao et al. 7, Xiong et al. 8 and Tian et al. 16. Although they
tried to give the ranking of FDH purification ability, the number of
tested potted plants were both few and insystemic, or there were
1016 Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment, Vol.9 (3&4), July-October 2011
some ploblems in their experiment designs. For example, they
wraped or sealed the pot, media and the bottom of the tested
plants with plastic bags or films 5, 17, 18 without enough number of
plants; in turn, without enough tillers or shoots, which could not
ensure high FDH absorption. There may be three ways for potted
plants to react to FDH air pollution: the first one with high
absorption but weak resistance to FDH damage, showing obvious
hurt morphology; for example, in plants such as P. selloum and A.
setaceus. The second one shows weak absorption but strong
resistance with normal morphology by taking avoidance strategy
to protect itself. Plants such as A. macrorrhiza, A. potatorum, S.
Table 3. Formaldehyde concentration per day
(mg m-3) in the chamber.
Species -----------Day after being treated-------------
1d 2d 3d 4d 5d 6d 7d
A. commutatum 14.8 14.1 5.3 1.65 0.58 0.14 0.01
(cv. White Rajah)
S. floribundum 14.1 9.7 3.12 1.22 0.24 0.15 0.12
(cv. Clevelandii)
A. commutatum 14.1 10.2 1.22 1.03 0.79 0.05 0.03
(cv. Golden Jewelry)
A. commutatum 13.4 12.8 2.40 1.07 0.23 0.01 0.01
(cv. Silver Queen)
A. macrorrhiza 14.7 11.4 1.23 1.21 1.09 1.03 0.74
S. aureus 14.7 14.2 5.65 2.87 1.38 0.24 0.12
D. amoena 14.1 8.8 2.55 1.58 0.15 0.11 0.08
(cv. Camilla)
A. commutatum 14.9 10.2 2.59 0.91 0.39 0.14 0.11
(cv. Treubii)
S. pictus 14.7 11.5 5.21 1.90 0.18 0.27 0.01
(cv. Argyraeus)
S. podophyllum 14.9 8.8 2.37 0.83 0.31 0.15 0.01
D. amoena 13.4 9.1 1.35 0.51 0.44 0.39 0.38
P. sodiroi 13.4 12.7 8.09 3.63 1.72 0.44 0.18
(cv. Wendimbe )
P. martianum 14.9 12.5 5.63 2.61 1.18 0.50 0.22
(cv. Con-go)
Z. zamiifolia 14.7 5.6 1.52 0.55 0.19 0.11 0.08
A. commutatum 14.1 5.8 3.86 2.27 1.14 0.95 0.51
(cv. Red Narrow)
P. selloum 14.1 13.1 7.57 2.53 1.02 0.22 0.08
D. reflexa 14.9 12.0 4.72 2.09 0.85 0.62 0.32
D. sanderiana 13.4 7.7 2.52 1.14 0.36 0.26 0.11
D. deremensis 14.1 10.7 1.30 0.50 0.15 0.04 0.01
(cv. Compacta )
D. angustifolia 14.1 7.5 1.72 0.54 0.26 0.12 0.03
A. nobilis 14.7 12.1 3.06 0.42 0.09 0.07 0.03
S. trifasciata 14.9 7.1 1.18 0.16 0.03 0.01 0.01
(cv. Laurentii)
G. gracilis 13.4 7.3 1.89 0.62 0.31 0.09 0.01
C. fruticosa 14.1 4.8 0.72 0.14 0.04 0.01 0.01
S. trifasciata 14.9 12.9 3.22 2.05 1.06 0.58 0.05
(cv. Hahnii)
A. aristata 13.4 12.5 7.68 3.77 2.64 1.62 0.93
A. setaceus 14.1 12.8 1.43 0.48 0.28 0.12 0.08
D. fragrans 14.7 12.6 3.32 1.18 0.30 0.15 0.03
(cv. Massa-ngeana)
A. potatorum 14.1 2.4 0.07 0.05 0.03 0.03 0.03
C. comosum 14.1 7.8 2.49 1.02 0.42 0.31 0.00
trifasciata cv. Laurentii and D. angustifolia belong to this group.
The third one shows absorption and transforming ability with
more or less hurt responses. This group are of high applying
value and include plants such as S. aureun, A. setaceus, S.
trifasciata cv. Hahnii, C. comosum, A. commutatum cv. White
Rajah, A. commutatum cv. Red Narrow, A. commutatum cv. Treubii,
S. pictus cv. Argyraeus and so on.
Plant DM, plant dry mass (g); dcr in FDH, decrease in FDH (mg m-3);
FDH absor., actual FDH absorption (mg m-3); FDHAB per DM, actual
FDH absorption per dry mass.
Table 4. The formaldehyde absorption and content
per dry matter of species.
Species Plant Decr FDH FDHAB
DM in FDH absor per DM
S. aureus 4.76 14.62 4.35 0.92
A. setaceus 4.12 14.01 3.75 0.91
S. trifasciata 5.80 14.82 4.55 0.79
(cv. Hahnii)
C. comosum 5.21 14.09 3.83 0.73
A. commutatum 5.55 13.59 3.32 0.60
(cv. Red Narrow)
A. commutatum 9.86 14.76 4.50 0.46
(cv. Treubii)
S. pictus 9.99 14.72 4.46 0.45
(cv. Argyraeus)
P. selloum 8.53 14.01 3.75 0.44
P. sodiroi 7.10 13.22 2.96 0.42
A. commutatum 11.53 14.86 4.60 0.40
(cv. White Rajah)
D. amoena 9.47 14.01 3.75 0.40
(cv. Camilla)
Z. zamiifolia 12.06 14.66 4.39 0.36
P. martianum 12.74 14.66 4.39 0.35
G. gracilis 9.54 13.38 3.12 0.33
A. aristata 7.30 12.47 2.21 0.30
A. commutatum 12.94 14.07 3.80 0.29
(cv. Golden Jewelry)
S. floribundum 12.76 13.97 3.71 0.29
(cv. Clevelandii)
C. fruticosa 14.16 14.08 3.82 0.27
S. podophyllum 17.36 14.86 4.60 0.26
A. nobilis 19.89 14.71 4.45 0.22
D. amoena 14.25 13.02 2.76 0.19
(cv. Green Magic)
D. deremensis 20.27 14.08 3.82 0.19
(cv. Compacta)
A. commutatum 17.68 13.38 3.12 0.18
(cv. Silver Queen)
D. sanderiana 27.42 13.29 3.03 0.11
D. reflexa 39.84 14.55 4.29 0.11
D. fragrans 44.20 14.71 4.45 0.10
(cv. Massa-ngeana)
A. macrorrhiza 52.00 14.00 3.74 0.07
D. angustifolia 57.55 14.07 3.80 0.07
(cv. Laurentii)
S. trifasciata 106.91 14.86 4.60 0.04
A. potatorum 132.72 14.07 3.80 0.03
Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment, Vol.9 (3&4), July-October 2011 1017
Table 5. Integrated evaluation for the
purification effect of potted plants
on formaldehyde pollution.
Species HR AF IS
S. aureus 6.8 9.2 8.72
A. setaceus 4.8 9.1 8.24
S. trifasciata 7.6 7.9 7.84
(cv. Hahnii)
C. comosum 3.3 7.3 6.50
A. commutatum 9.8 4.0 6.04
(cv. White Rajah)
A. commutatum 2.8 6.0 5.36
(cv. Red Narrow)
A. commutatum 6.2 4.6 4.92
(cv. Treubii)
S. pictus 6.0 4.5 4.80
(cv. Argyraeus)
G. gracilis 9.6 3.3 4.56
P. sodiroi 5.7 4.2 4.50
(cv. Wendimbe)
D. amoena
(cv. Camilla) 6.4 4.0 4.48
A. commutatum 9.8 2.9 4.28
(cv. Golden Jewelry)
S. floribundum 9.8 2.9 4.28
(cv. Clevelandii)
C. fruticosa 9.6 2.7 4.08
P. selloum 2.0 4.4 3.92
Z. zamiifolia 4.9 3.6 3.86
P. martianum 4.9 3.5 3.78
(cv. Con-go)
S. podophyllum 6.0 2.6 3.28
D. deremensis 8.6 1.9 3.24
(cv. Compacta)
A. aristata 3.5 3.0 3.10
A. commutatum 7.8 1.8 3.00
(cv. Silver Queen)
A. nobilis 5.7 2.2 2.90
D. reflexa 9.6 1.1 2.80
D. fragrans 9.6 1.0 2.72
(cv. Massa-ngeana)
D. amoena 5.8 1.9 2.68
(cv. Green Magic)
D. sanderiana 8.6 1.1 2.60
D. angustifolia 9.6 0.7 2.48
A. macrorrhiza 8.6 0.7 2.28
A. potatorum 9.6 0.3 2.16
S. trifasciata 7.2 0.4 1.76
(cv. Laurentii)
HR: Hurt response; AF: Absorption fraction; IS: Integrated score.
Table 6. Changes in the total chlorophyll
content and cell membrane
permeability (CMP) of potted plant
Species Change in Change in
chlorophyll cell MP
(g kg
FW) (%)
A. commutatum 0.41 12.90
(cv. White Rajah)
S. floribundum 0.50 3.84
(cv. Clevelandii)
A. commutatum 0.07 3.96
(cv. Golden Jewelry)
D. reflexa 0.31 4.70
A. potatorum 0.07 11.34
D. angustifolia 1.25 21.86
G. gracilis 0.23 9.39
C. fruticosa 1.22 13.70
D. fragrans 0.27 5.22
(cv. Massa-ngeana)
A. commutatum 0.69 14.70
(cv. Silver Queen)
A. macrorrhiza 1.29 4.28
D. sanderiana 0.17 0.10
D. deremensis 0.53 3.43
(cv. Compacta)
S. trifasciata 0.65 1.17
(cv. Hahnii)
S. aureus 0.14 7.83
D. amoena 0.17 6.35
(cv. Camilla)
A. commutatum 0.19 5.92
(cv. Treubii)
S. pictus 0.53 11.93
(cv. Argyraeus)
S. podophyllum 0.42 14.93
D. amoena 0.61 1.89
(cv. Green Magic)
P. sodiroi 0.51 2.41
(cv. Wendimbe)
A. nobilis 0.26 22.28
S. trifasciata 0.32 17.87
(cv. Laurentii)
P. martianum 0.70 2.15
(cv. Con-go)
Z. zamiifolia 0.25 2.30
A. commutatum 0.67 3.39
(cv. Red Narrow)
A. aristata 0.21 17.76
A. setaceus 1.33 9.70
C. comosum 0.13 2.30
P. selloum 0.83 19.29
In conclusion, ten species of the plants which could be
recommendable to be used for formaldehyde purification were S.
aureun, A. setaceus, S. trifasciata cv. Hahnii, C. comosum, A.
commutatum cv. White Rajah, A. commutatum cv. Red Narrow, A.
commutatum cv. Treubii, S. pictus cv. Argyraeus, G. gracilis and
P. sodiroi cv. Wendimbe.
This project was supported by the Technology and Information
Bureau of Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, China.The authors
thank Mr. Yi-pin Zhou, Dr. Xiao-rong Wan, Ms. Wan-feng Zhang
and Ms. Jie-ping Liu from Zhongkai University of Agriculture and
Engineering, for their generous help and technical assistance.
1018 Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment, Vol.9 (3&4), July-October 2011
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... eir list in rooms is opened by formaldehyde (Zhou et al., 2011). It is ubiquitous in the environment and generated by numerous natural sources, but high levels are achieved through anthropogenic activities such as industrial emissions and transport. ...
... Highly ranked on the list of gaseous pollutants in the rooms is formaldehyde (Zhou et al., 2011). is compound is ubiquitous in the environment formed by numerous natural sources, but these are at very low levels or not at all. ...
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A large part of the civilizational progress has been achieved at the expense of the natural environment, which recently reached the stages that threaten its creator. Plants play an important role in various areas of our lives, and it turned out that we can rely on them to reduce this threat. The ability of living organisms and the systems they create to protect and restore the environment is at the core of a technology called environmental biotechnology. Advances in science and technology have created a plant-based discipline known as phytoremediation. This technology allows us to remove or reduce the level of pollutants in our surroundings. We can phytoextract heavy metals from contaminated soil and water with the help of resistant plant species and recover noble metals and rare elements. When the soil or water is contaminated with organic compounds, we try to eliminate them completely with the help of plants and their microbiome. Phytoextraction from water is related to the accumulation of pollutants in water and sediments, in which macrophytes from all water groups participate, including free-floating submerged and emerged plants. The task of these plants, apart from the accumulation of metals or organic toxins, is also the uptake of phosphorus and nitrogen to prevent the eutrophication of water. In recent years, the quality of air has deteriorated. Nowadays, 90% of the population breathes air that does not meet WHO standards. It should be emphasized that in the case of outdoor air, there is no industrial system for removing pollutants. In fact, we can only count on nature: rainfall and plants. Indoor air is sometimes even more polluted than outside and, therefore, we should be safe in it with the help of plants that are able to create a refuge. Additionally, it fulfills biofilling desires and improves our mood.
... However, the ability of the whole potted plant system to remove air pollutants is the gathering effect of the plant, and its associated microflora are scarce in the literature Khalifa et al. 2023;Matheson et al. 2023). In the literature, S. trifasciata plant is also recommended as a good and hardy plant that can be kept indoors at many times of the year (Yang et al. 2009;Zhou et al. 2011;Treesubsuntorn and Thiravetyan 2012;Sriprapat et al. 2014). ...
... The removal of pollutants from indoor air by the potted plant S. trifasciata has been studied (Yang et al. 2009;Chun et al. 2010;Kim et al. 2010;Zhou et al. 2011; (Gunasinghe et al. 2022). The results indicated that S. trifasciata is an effective botanical toluene purifier in removing toluene from the indoor atmosphere. ...
Sansevieria trifasciata plant is one of the most popular indoor plant around the world. Its potential for toluene removal in intramural conditions is well known. S. trifasciata potted plants also degrade toluene through their phyllosphere, rhizosphere, endophytes, and soil-associated microbial activities. Since the phyllosphere is a transient habitat, this study focused on the other microbial habitats associated with the S. trifasciata potted plant. Hence, the soil and endophytic bacterial isolates were selected after three successive enrichments with 1% toluene. The redox indicator 2.6-dichloro phenol indophenol (DCPIP) activity was used to rank this bacteria's ability to degrade toluene. The two most active isolates were chosen and subjected to molecular identification and quantitative analysis to measure toluene degradation. The headspace initial toluene concentration was 41,385 ± 404 mg/m3 ~ 104 ppm, after 28 days, bacterial isolates Priestia aryabhattai TE2 and Metabacillus halosaccharovorans 3S1 were found to have reduced toluene by 17.34% and 40.53%, respectively, while the survival rates were revealed as 96.8 ± 14.6% and 1863 ± 143%, respectively. M. halosaccharovorans 3S1 has good growth over the time while degrading toluene.
... Additionally, Zhou et al. (2011) have reported the application of 15 mg/m 3 formaldehyde to C. comosum for 7 days, which led to etiolation in few leaves with an appearance of black on the stem along with 100% removal efficiency. VOCs are known to impart deleterious effects on the basic physiological processes of plants along with damage to cell ultrastructures (Yoo et al. 2006). ...
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Formaldehyde is a prominent volatile organic compound and also considered as an indoor air pollutant. Chlorophytum comosum, an indoor plant, has been reported to metabolize indoor formaldehyde. But the phytotoxic effects of formaldehyde, being a pollutant, on C. comosum are not well explored. Furthermore, C. comosum responses that can be considered as markers at the physiological and biochemical level against formaldehyde stress are not yet investigated. Therefore, the current research study was aimed to evaluate such potential markers against formaldehyde in C. comosum. Briefly, C. comosum was exposed to 5-, 10-, and 20-ppm formaldehyde doses in an airtight glass chamber. Plant samples were then taken to analyze morpho-anatomical, physiological, and biochemical responses after short (2, 4, and 6 h), medium (12 and 24 h), and extended durations (48 and 96 h) for each tested dose. Application of 10 and 20 ppm formaldehyde doses leads to a significant incline in enzymatic antioxidants. Formaldehyde concentration of 10 ppm leads to a maximum increase in catalase (30.30 U/mg of protein), guaiacol peroxidase (135.64 U/mg of protein), and superoxide dismutase (44.76 U/mg of protein) compared to their respective controls. A significant change is also observed in non-enzymatic parameters, including total phenolic content, which ranged from 3.62 mg GAE/g (control) to 10.51 mg GAE/g, total antioxidants vary from 27.37% (control) to 85.05% in 20 ppm formaldehyde, respectively. However, formaldehyde application negatively affected the physiological responses of C. comosum by reducing its photosynthetic rate, transpiration rate, and stomatal conductance. Additionally, extended exposure of C. comosum to 10- and 20-ppm formaldehyde doses leads to visible leaf damage. Principal component analysis indicated that enzymatic parameters including SOD, CAT, and GPX and non-enzymatic parameters including MDA, TPC, TFC, TAOs, carotenoids, TSS, and intercellular CO2 contributed the most to the total variance. Thus, these parameters have potential to serve as physiological and biochemical markers in C. comosum against formaldehyde stress.
... The sampling was initiated after the initial concentration of formaldehyde was stable and performed every 12 h, and each group of experiments was conducted for 48 h. The initial concentration of formaldehyde selected in this study was 11.950 ± 1.442 mg • m −3 , which was within the range of initial formaldehyde concentrations commonly used in related research (Teiri et al. 2018;Wang et al. 2020;Zhou et al. 2011). The indoor light source and additional LED lights were used, and the light intensity in the chamber was controlled by changing the distance between the additional light source and the glass chamber. ...
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Phytoremediation technology is an effective method to remove formaldehyde indoors, but the purification capacity and physiological response of plants to formaldehyde under the simultaneous influence of light and CO2 have not been examined in previous studies. In this study, formaldehyde fumigation experiments were conducted on the C3 plants Epipremnum aureum A. and Chlorophytum comosum L., and the crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM) plant Dieffenbachia maculate A. The phytoremediation performance and physiological response of plants were studied. The initial concentration of formaldehyde was established at 11.950 ± 1.442 [Formula: see text]; the light intensities were 448 ± 7 [Formula: see text], 1628 ± 22 [Formula: see text], and 3259 ± 22 [Formula: see text], respectively; and the concentrations of CO2 were 455 ± 29 [Formula: see text], 978 ± 50 [Formula: see text], 2020 ± 66 [Formula: see text], and 3006 ± 95 [Formula: see text], respectively. The results indicated that the highest purification rates of formaldehyde by E. aureum, D. maculata, and C. comosum were 55.8%, 43.7%, and 53.2%, respectively. The light intensity had a positive effect on the formaldehyde purification rates of all three plants and positively stimulated peroxidase (POD) activity, while the CO2 concentration had no significant impact on the formaldehyde purification capacity and plants' physiological characteristics. Exposure to formaldehyde inhibited formaldehyde dehydrogenase (FADH) activity and positively stimulated catalase (CAT) activity. The superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity positively correlated with the formaldehyde purification capacity of plants.
... In the formative years of chamber-based experiments, the primary focus of research was exploring the specific removal capacities of VOCs by a wide range of plant species Yang et al. 2009;Zhou et al. 2011). While differences between species were observed, the general conclusion was that all plant species were effective at removing VOCs to some degree, and that the driver for phytoremediation was likely to be the rhizospheric microbial community which existed in a symbiotic relationship with the plant (Irga et al. 2013;Torpy et al. 2013). ...
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Poor indoor air quality has become of particular concern within the built environment due to the time people spend indoors, and the associated health burden. Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) off-gassing from synthetic materials, nitrogen dioxide and harmful outdoor VOCs such benzene, toluene, ethyl-benzene and xylene penetrate into the indoor environment through ventilation and are the main contributors to poor indoor air quality with health effects. A considerable body of literature over the last four decades has demonstrate the removal of gaseous contaminants through phytoremediation, a technology that relies on plant material and technologies to remediate contaminated air streams. In this review we present a state-of-the-art on indoor phytoremediation over the last decade. Here we present a review of 38 research articles on both active and passive phytoremediation, and describe the specific chemical removal efficiency of different systems. The literature clearly indicates the efficacy of these systems for the removal of gaseous contaminants in the indoor environment, however it is evident that the application of phytoremediation technologies for research purposes in-situ is currently significantly under studied. In addition, it is common for research studies to assess the removal of single chemical species under controlled conditions, with little relevancy to real-world settings easily concluded. The authors therefore recommend that future phytoremediation research be conducted both in-situ and on chemical sources of a mixed nature, such as those experienced in the urban environment like petroleum vapour, vehicle emissions, and mixed synthetic furnishings off-gassing. The assessment of these systems both in static chambers for their theoretical performance, and in-situ for these mixed chemical sources is essential for the progression of this research field and the widespread adoption of this technology.
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Environmental pollution, especially indoor air pollution, has become a global issue and affects nearly all domains of life. Being both natural and anthropogenic substances, indoor air pollutants lead to the deterioration of the ecosystem and have a negative impact on human health. Cost-effective plant-based approaches can help to improve indoor air quality (IAQ), regulate temperature, and protect humans from potential health risks. Thus, in this review, we have highlighted the common indoor air pollutants and their mitigation through plant-based approaches. Potted plants, green walls, and their combination with bio-filtration are such emerging approaches that can efficiently purify the indoor air. Moreover, we have discussed the pathways or mechanisms of phytoremediation, which involve the aerial parts of the plants (phyllosphere), growth media, and roots along with their associated microorganisms (rhizosphere). In conclusion, plants and their associated microbial communities can be key solutions for reducing indoor air pollution. However, there is a dire need to explore advanced omics technologies to get in-depth knowledge of the molecular mechanisms associated with plant-based reduction of indoor air pollutants.
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The ADH2 gene codes for the Arabidopsis glutathione-dependent formaldehyde dehydrogenase (FALDH), an enzyme involved in formaldehyde metabolism in eukaryotes. In the present work, we have investigated the potential role of FALDH in detoxification of exogenous formaldehyde. We have generated a yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) mutant strain (sfa1Delta) by in vivo deletion of the SFA1 gene that codes for the endogenous FALDH. Overexpression of Arabidopsis FALDH in this mutant confers high resistance to formaldehyde added exogenously, which demonstrates the functional conservation of the enzyme through evolution and supports its essential role in formaldehyde metabolism. To investigate the role of the enzyme in plants, we have generated Arabidopsis transgenic lines with modified levels of FALDH. Plants overexpressing the enzyme show a 25% increase in their efficiency to take up exogenous formaldehyde, whereas plants with reduced levels of FALDH (due to either a cosuppression phenotype or to the expression of an antisense construct) show a marked slower rate and reduced ability for formaldehyde detoxification as compared with the wild-type Arabidopsis. These results show that the capacity to take up and detoxify high concentrations of formaldehyde is proportionally related to the FALDH activity in the plant, revealing the essential role of this enzyme in formaldehyde detoxification.
The objective of this study is to examine the impact of phytofiltration system on the improvement of indoor air quality. This study conducted the experiment to compare the concentration reduction effects of indoor air pollutants to by Korean native plants and foreign plants. The experiment of reduction effect of indoor air pollutants was conducted to Korean native plants such as Fatsia japonica Decne. et Planch, and Ardisia pusilla DC, and foreign plants such as Aglaonema and Benzamine rubber tree. The experiment was conducted in summer, and the four kinds of plants were placed in doors in the same conditions. Field measurements were performed in models where the plants were placed or not. The dimensions of the two models were equal. The concentrations of benzene, toluene, ethylbezene, xylene and formaldehyde were monitored, since they were known as the most toxic materials. Moreover, the concentration of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) was monitored three hours and three days after the plants were placed. This study grasped, compared and assessed the VOCs reduction effect of two kinds of foreign plants and two kinds of Korean native plants. The findings are as follows; (1) in all experiments, the room with plants is greater in VOCs reduction effect than that without plants, and for most VOCs materials, the reduction effect of foreign plants is more excellent than Korean native ones; (2) in the planting and growing volume experiment, the best effect occurs when Benzamine rubber tree covers 10% of the experiment room space, especially, formaldehyde is reduced the most when benzamine rubber tree is placed; (3) in the experiment of plating and growing placement, the best effect occurs when Aglaonema is placed at sunny spot, especially, toluene reduction capability is the best.
Foliage plants were evaluated for their ability to sorb carbon monoxide and nitrogen dioxide, the two primary gases produced during the combustion of fossil fuels and tobacco. The spider plant (Chlorophytum elatum var. vittatum) could sorb 2.86 micrograms CO/sq cm leaf surface in a 6 h photoperiod. The golden pothos (Scindapsus aureus) sorbed 0.98 micrograms CO/sq cm leaf surface in the same time period. In a system with the spider plant, greater than or equal to 99 percent of an initial concentration of 47 ppm NO2 could be removed in 6 h from a void volume of approximately 0.35 cu m. One spider plant potted in a 3.8 liter container can sorb 3300 micrograms CO and effect the removal of 8500 micrograms NO2/hour, recognizing the fact that a significant fraction of NO2 at high concentrations will be lost by surface sorption, dissolving in moisture, etc.
A research on the ability of absorbing formaldehyde among five species of indoor ornamentals
  • Y Xiong
  • Z G Su
Xiong,Y. and Su, Z. G. 2009. A research on the ability of absorbing formaldehyde among five species of indoor ornamentals. Environ. Sci. Manage 34(1):45-47 (in Chinese).
The Ornamentals Absorb Formaldehyde in the Room
  • Q J Li
Li, Q. J. 2006. The Ornamentals Absorb Formaldehyde in the Room. Master thesis, Northeast Forestry University, pp. 15-19 (in Chinese).
Research of eight kinds of indoor foliage plants to formaldehyde purification
  • Y C Tian
  • B H Pan
  • S J Cao
Tian, Y. C., Pan, B. H. and Cao, S. J. 2011. Research of eight kinds of indoor foliage plants to formaldehyde purification. Northern Hort. 2:82-84 (in Chinese).
belong to this group. The third one shows absorption and transforming ability with more or less hurt responses This group are of high applying value and include plants such as S. aureun, A. setaceus, S. trifasciata cv. Hahnii, C. comosum, A. commutatum cv. White Rajah, A. commutatum cv
  • Trifasciata Cv
  • D Laurentii
trifasciata cv. Laurentii and D. angustifolia belong to this group. The third one shows absorption and transforming ability with more or less hurt responses. This group are of high applying value and include plants such as S. aureun, A. setaceus, S. trifasciata cv. Hahnii, C. comosum, A. commutatum cv. White Rajah, A. commutatum cv. Red Narrow, A. commutatum cv. Treubii, S. pictus cv. Argyraeus and so on.
Investigation and analysis of the indoor environment of the new building in Guangzhou city
  • G L Yu
  • H Y Tang
Yu, G. L. and Tang, H. Y. 2005. Investigation and analysis of the indoor environment of the new building in Guangzhou city. Chinese J. Health Inspection 15(3):350-364 (in Chinese).