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Developments in ROOT I/O and trees
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2008 J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 119 042006
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Developments in ROOT I/O and Trees
1 CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
2 Fermilab, Batavia, IL, United States of America
3 GSI, Darmstadt, Germany
Abstract. For the last several months the main focus of development in the ROOT I/O package
has been code consolidation and performance improvements. We introduced a new pre-fetch
mechanism to minimize the number of transactions between client and server, hence reducing
the effect of latency on the time it takes to read a file both locally and over wide are network.
We will review the implementation and how well it works in different conditions (gain of an
order of magnitude for remote file access). We will also briefly describe new utilities,
including a faster implementation of TTree cloning (gain of an order of magnitude), a generic
mechanism for object references, and a new entry list mechanism tuned both for small and
large number of selections. In addition to reducing the coupling with the core module and
becoming its owns library (libRIO) (as part of the general restructuring of the ROOT libraries),
the I/O package has been enhanced in the area of XML and SQL support, thread safety,
schema evolution, tree queries, and many other areas.
1. ROOT I/O History
ROOT I/O has been at the core of ROOT since its inception and has continually improved for 12
years. This is brief review of the major enhancements. In earlier version, the I/O was requiring the
user to modify its code and was using a streamer function either automatically generated or hand
coded when schema evolution was required. In 2001, we introduced support for Automatic schema
evolution using the CINT dictionary information to completely drive the I/O and introduced a
reference type (TRef). In 2002 and 2003 we lifted all the requirements of the user classes to be
instrumented and extended all the I/O API accordingly. Since 2005 ROOT allows for files with a size
larger than 2 GB. Also the compression capabilities of the I/O system for floating point umbers were
improved. In 2006, we extended the TRef to work seamlessly and more efficiently with our drawing
tools and improved performance over wide area networks by introducing automatic prefetching.
2. General I/O
2.1. Major Enhancements
In addition to the enhancement described here, at this conference Leandro Franco describes in [1] the
advances in the client-server communication and the importance of the ROOT prefetching mechanism.
This prefetching improves by several order of magnitudes the access time to ROOT file over low
latency network but also improve the access time over other networks and local access.
Fabrizio Furano describes in [2] the gains obtained by introducing parallel sockets connection in the
I/O framework.
International Conference on Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics (CHEP’07) IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 119 (2008) 042006 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/119/4/042006
2008 IOP Publishing Ltd
2.2. Shared Library Organization.
ROOT underwent a reorganization of its libraries in order to reduce the memory footprint of the most
used functionality. In particular all the I/O classes have been gathered in their own new library,
libRIO. This library includes the implementation of TFile, TKey, TBufferFile, etc. The classes most
used in user code, TBuffer and TDirectory are now pure abstract interfaces. TFile now derives from a
new class TDirectoryFile which itself derives from TDirectory.
These changes allow the dictionary files generated by rootcint to be totally independent of the
ROOT I/O classes.
These changes are backward compatible except for the following changes:
• If you created a TDirectory object, replace it by a TDirectoryFile
• If you created a TBuffer object, replace it by a TBufferFile
2.3. Floating Point On Disk Compression.
We originally introduced the type “Double32_t” as a mean to use a floating point value in memory as
a double and to store it on disk as a simple float, allowing the calculation to be made in double
precision while using less space on disk. We extended this support to allow the user to specify, via an
annotation of their class’s header file, the range of value covered by their data member and, optionally,
the number of significant bits the user would like to keep on disk. When these annotations are
specified, the double is stored on disk as integer with the specified precision; this actually allows in
some cases to keep more precision than with a float for less space, in particular due to the higher
compression ratio achievable with integral values, as shown in the “Double32_t compression and
precision” chart:
The compression factor for floating values increases with less significant digits retained.
We currently implement Double32_t as a typedef to double. Due to the way C++ handles typedef,
this mean that templated type using double and Double32_t, like vector<double> or
vector<Double32_t> are indistinguishable by C++ itself. This should be alleviated in the future
release of the C++ standard which introduces an ‘opaque typedef’ allowing the target and the typedef
to be of different types. In the meantime, we extended the “string based” interface in ROOT to be able
International Conference on Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics (CHEP’07) IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 119 (2008) 042006 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/119/4/042006
to distinguish those types. The “string based” interfaces include all the dictionary based I/O
mechanism and the TTree branch creation mechanism that requires the user to specify the type.
We also added support for schema evolution from a container of double to the same container of
Double32_t and vice et versa.
2.4. File Utilities
To support the common case where the data files are first created as a set of many files but where it is
more practical to actually store larger combined files in the long term storage areas, ROOT provides a
utility named hadd. This utility can merge several files containing TTree instances holding the same
type of data into a single file containing the concatenation of the small files. The hadd utility can also
be used to add several histograms together. This is especially useful if the user’s analysis was split
over several physical machines each looking at a portion of the data and producing partial histograms
in separate files.
TFile::Cp is a new static function to copy any file (including non-ROOT files) via any of the
ROOT remote file access plug-ins. A new class, TFileMerger, gives access to the functionality of the
utility hadd from within a C++ program. It allows for easy copying and merging of two or more files
using the TFile plugins (i.e. it can copy from Castor to dCache, or from xrootd to Chirp, etc.).
The AddFile() and Merge() functions use Cp() to copy the file locally before making the merge,
and if the output file is remote the merged file will be copied back to the remote destination.
TFile::Open has a new option “CACHEREAD” that first use TFile::Cp() to copy the file locally to
a cache directory, then open the local cache file. If the remote file already exists in the cache, this file
will be used directly, unless the remote file has changed.
A new function TFile::AsyncOpen allows for asynchronously opening a file. This call never
blocks but returns an opaque handle (a TFileOpenHandle) and supports a string lookup. It is currently
implemented only for an xrootd connection. This allows for a process to start opening all the needed
files at the beginning of its initialization phase and while the files are opening to be able to finish the
initialization. “Opening” a file is usually a relatively slow operation when the file is being retrieved
from a mass storage system even if the file does not have to be retrieved from tape or any other slow
2.5. Other Consolidations
The utility hadd has been extended to allow the user to select the target file compression level and to
select which objects (Histograms or Trees) are copied. Its performance is also enhanced using the new
tree fast merge mechanism.
We introduced several thread safety tweaks, including reducing the code’s reliance on global
variables like gFile and gDirectory in the ROOT I/O inner code.
We extended support for operator “new” in the dictionaries and implemented a proper 'destructor'
for 'emulated objects'. These changes allow for proper allocation and deallocation of emulated objects
in all cases.
To support the existing class structure in Geant4, we enabled I/O for C-style array of polymorphic
arrays. I/O for C-style arrays of strings was also enabled. And we added support for TBuffer’s
operator<< and operator>> from the CINT command line.
2.6. ROOT and SQL
We extended the SQL interface in ROOT by adding support for ODBC [3] and by introducing two
new major facilities. The SQL interface allows using the existing ROOT data analysis toolset even if
the data is stored in a SQL database. In addition it allows correlating this same information with
information stored in a ROOT file. Typically an experiment will store its evolution over time of the
environment conditions measurements in an SQL database and store the event data in a ROOT file.
International Conference on Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics (CHEP’07) IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 119 (2008) 042006 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/119/4/042006
2.6.1. TSQLStatement
This new class allows the ROOT SQL interface to take advantage of the underlying RDBMS’s
“prepared statement” mechanism. “Prepared statements” are the ability to set up a statement once,
and then execute it many times with different parameters. They are designed to replace building ad
hoc query strings, and do so in a more secure and efficient manner.
The ROOT implementation of SQL prepared statement works with native data types: integer,
double, date/time, string, null, etc. and introduces support for binary data (BLOBs). It is not only
useful for SELECT, but also for INSERT queries. TSQLStatement is implemented for all major
RDBMS: MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, SapDB. It provides significant improvements in
performance, especially for bulk operations, especially for Oracle (factor of 25 - 100).
2.6.2. TFileSQL
Allow access to table via the well known TFile interface. It supports all type classes whether or not
they provide a custom streamer. TFileSQL creates and maintains all the tables that are needed to
record the complex network of objects relationship.[3]
3. Trees
3.1. Auto-dereferencing
TRef and TRefArray are now auto-dereferenced when used in TTree::Draw. This auto-dereferencing
must be explicitly enabled at write-time of the TTree by calling TTree::BranchRef. For collections of
references either a specific element of the collections may be specified or the entire collection can be
scanned. The same framework can be used for any Reference classes, for example POOL::Ref.
The TTreeFormula operator “@” applied to a reference object gives access to the internals of the
reference object itself.
The dereferencing mechanism works across distributed files (if supported by the reference type).
This feature required a new abstract interface: TVirtualRefProxy. It includes a generic interface
returning referenced objects and their types and support both single references and collection of
references. The concrete implementation must be attached to the corresponding TClass.
3.2. Fast Merging
We introduced a new option for the Merge and CloneTree series of function. This “fast” option
request the copy operation to be done without unzipping the basket and without un-streaming the
object. The raw bytes are then copied directly from one file to the other. This offers also an
opportunity to re-cluster the basket within the TTree, and reduce the read time, if the read pattern is
known in advance.
This new copying and merging method offers much higher performance than previous
implementations that required the unzipping and un-streaming of every single data object even if the
data itself was not looked at or used. However this new technique is only available for copying all the
entries of a set of branches.
3.3. TTree Interface enhancements
A new method TTree::ReadFile, creates a TTree based on an ASCII file containing the data. The
description of the file’s content is described using the familiar leaflist format, for example:
The new method TTree::GetEntries(const char* selection) returns the number of entries passing the
International Conference on Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics (CHEP’07) IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 119 (2008) 042006 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/119/4/042006
3.4. TTree Query System
TTree::Draw can now directly plot all three types of string types (std::string, TString and char*).
Objects can be easily plotted by adding a new method named either AsDouble or AsString, AsDouble
being used if both are present. This is used for example for plotting of the objects of type
TTree::Scan was extended to allow the formatting, using printf style formatting options, of the
tree->Scan("val:flag:flag:c:cstr", "", "col=::#x:c:");
* Row * val * flag * flag * c * cstr *
* 0 * 0 * 1 * 0x1 * a * i00 *
* 1 * 1.1 * 2 * 0x2 * b * i01 *
3.5. TTree::MakeProxy
The new function MakeProxy generates a skeleton analysis class inheriting from TSelector whose
main features are:
• on-demand loading of branches
• ability to use the 'branchname' as if it was a data member
• protection against array out-of-bound
• ability to use the branch data as an object (when the user code is available)
• Gives access to all the functionality of TSelector
In addition MakeProxy promotes a better separation of the generated code from the user written
code avoiding the many cases, in the older techniques, where the user was directly modifying the
generated code. Modifying directly the generated code usually means that it is much harder to adapt
to new structure of the data since the user needs to first generate the new files and then copy all the
modifications she made to the previous version of the generated files. MakeProxy generates code that
should not be modified by the user and only refers to a separate file containing the user source code.
Some examples are located in $ROOTSYS/tutorials: h1analysisProxy.cxx, h1analysProxy.h and
This new technique is used to support tree->Draw(“userfunc.C”); where userfunc.C is a user
generated source file which contains at least a function named userfunc which can use all of the
features of MakeProxy and any other arbitrary C++ constructs. The result of this function is plotted as
usual by TTree::Draw.
3.6. Keeping Track of List of Events
Instances of type TEvenList represent a simple sequence of the entries numbers which pass some
criteria. However TEventList’s implementation, an array of long long, scales linearly with the number
of entries selected and is not well suited for Proof due to its monolithic nature.
The Parallel ROOT Facility, PROOF, is an extension of ROOT allowing transparent analysis of
large sets of ROOT files in parallel on clusters of computers or multi-core machines.
To overcome TEventList’s limitations we introduced a new class, TEntryList which is scalable,
modular, has a small footprint and can be loaded block after block in memory. This is done by using
‘block’ holding information on only 64000 entries. Inside one of this block the information is stored
either as a bit field or as a regular array entry number depending which one is smaller. The bit field
representation is the most compact representation when more than 1/16 of the entries in the block pass
the selection criteria.
TEntryList objects can be stored and restored. TEntryList objects can be combined and split to
process trees independently from their chain. This feature is essential to be able to process in parallel
International Conference on Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics (CHEP’07) IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 119 (2008) 042006 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/119/4/042006
the content of the chain without having strong ties between the processors and nodes that process each
4. Conclusion
Even after 12 years of ROOT the I/O area is still improving. There has been quite a number of
developments including:
• Remote file performance
• SQL Support
• Tree I/O from ASCII, tree indices
• Auto dereferencing
• Fast Merge
Our main concern is currently to keep improving the quality and stability of the existing features.
Future developments will focus on:
• Consolidation (Thread Safety)
• Data Model Evolution
• Increasing support for STL, including splitting collection of polymorphic objects.
[1] “Efficient Access to Remote Data in High Energy Physics.” Leandro Franco, Chep 2007
[2] “Data access performance through parallelization and vectored access. Some results.”
Fabrizio Furano, Chep2007
This reference has two entries but the second one is not numbered (it uses the ‘Reference (no
number)’ style.
[3] “Status of SQL and XML I/O in ROOT”, Sergey Linev, ROOT Workshop 2007
[4] “ODBC Technical White Paper”, Kingsley Idehen (President and Founder of OpenLink
Software). Copyright 1993.
Date Accessed: 2008/04/07.
International Conference on Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics (CHEP’07) IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 119 (2008) 042006 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/119/4/042006