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Gratitude is conceptualized as a moral affect that is analogous to other moral emotions such as empathy and guilt. Gratitude has 3 functions that can be conceptualized as morally relevant: (a) a moral barometer function (i.e., it is a response to the perception that one has been the beneficiary of another person's moral actions); (b) a moral motive function (i.e., it motivates the grateful person to behave prosocially toward the benefactor and other people); and (c) a moral reinforcer function (i.e., when expressed, it encourages benefactors to behave morally in the future). The personality and social factors that are associated with gratitude are also consistent with a conceptualization of gratitude as an affect that is relevant to people's cognitions and behaviors in the moral domain.
... Theories on the structure and nature of thanks offer frameworks for studying behavior on these systems. Expressions of thanks are a signal of informal exchange between two parties that acknowledges a kind of social indebtedness distinct from formal trade or contracts (Smith 1759;Simmel 1950;McCullough et al. 2001). These messages signal that two parties "have now completed a (usually pleasing) reciprocal exchange, and the door is opened to the possibility of new and mutually pleasing exchanges in the future" (McAdams and Bauer 2004). ...
... The two-person structure of thanks has been observed in peer resource exchange systems, where users who are unable to generalize their sense of obligation to a wider community share tokens of appreciation with the specific parties who helped them to "lessen uneasy feelings of indebtedness" (Lampinen et al. 2013). Thanks is also usually attached to a single exchange between the parties, in contrast with gratitude, which is more often associated with overall life narratives, or attached to deities rather than people or institutions (McCullough et al. 2001). ...
... Our term "appreciation system" is chosen to reflect these inclusion criteria and connect these systems to scholarship on the exchange of thanks. We also considered the term "gratitude systems," but this term is inconsistent with theory -gratitude is an affect rarely attached to a specific exchange (McCullough et al. 2001). Other terms like "thanks systems" and "peer incentive systems" over-emphasize the peer aspect of these systems or over-emphasizes a single theory of motivation. ...
Appreciation systems--platforms for users to exchange thanks and praise--are becoming common in the workplace, where employees share appreciation, managers are notified, and aggregate scores are sometimes made visible. Who do people thank on these systems, and what do they expect from each other and their managers? After introducing the design affordances of 13 appreciation systems, we discuss a system we call Gratia, in use at a large multinational company for over four years. Using logs of 422,000 appreciation messages and user surveys, we explore the social dynamics of use and ask if use of the system addresses the recognition problem. We find that while thanks is mostly exchanged among employees at the same level and different parts of the company, addressing the recognition problem, managers do not always act on that recognition in ways that employees expect.
... H1: Personality traits (e.g., extraversion and empathy) significantly influence gratitude levels, with more extraverted individuals being more likely to experience gratitude (McCullough et al., 2001). ...
... Gratitude Questionnaire-6 (GQ-6): Used to assess participants' levels of gratitude, this scale has been widely used in gratitude research and has demonstrated strong reliability and validity (McCullough et al., 2001). ...
... Extraverted individuals are more likely to engage with others and express and experience positive emotions, while empathetic individuals are more inclined to appreciate others' acts of kindness, resulting in higher gratitude (Wood et al., 2009). Therefore, individuals with higher levels of extraversion and empathy are expected to show greater gratitude (McCullough et al., 2001). ...
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This study explores the multifaceted factors influencing gratitude and investigates the effectiveness of gratitude interventions and mindfulness practices in enhancing gratitude levels. Based on existing research, personality traits (e.g., extraversion and empathy), social support, and cultural background are hypothesized to significantly impact the experience and expression of gratitude. A four-week experimental design involving gratitude journaling and mindfulness training is proposed to examine the potential for these practices to elevate individual gratitude levels. The study further aims to highlight the role of emotional regulation in moderating the relationship between gratitude and well-being. The findings are expected to contribute to the theoretical understanding of gratitude and provide practical guidance for implementing gratitude-based interventions in various settings, such as education, clinical therapy, and organizational management.
... Works by Kashdan et al. (2006), Park et al. (2004), Emmons and Crumpler (2000), McCullough et al. (2001), and Wood (2007) exemplify this focus. These studies have laid the groundwork by defining gratitude, exploring its theoretical underpinnings, and establishing methods for its measurement. ...
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This study endeavors to investigate the predictive role of religiosity and social support in fostering gratitude. It further aims to elucidate the intricate relationships between gratitude, religiosity, and social support. Additionally, the study seeks to identify potential age-related differences in gratitude between adolescents and adults. The study employed a convenience sample of 175 participants from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, specifically Riyadh. The sample comprised two age groups: adolescents (n = 95) and adults (n = 80). The adolescent group consisted of high school students (boys and girls) with an average age of 15.8 years (SD = 0.54). The adult group included teachers from the same schools with an average age of 29 years (SD = 5). participated in this study. Data collection employed validated instruments: the Arabic Multidimensional Social Support Scale (MDSSS) by Dion & Dunn et al. (1987) adapted by Aserssa & Abdel-Maksoud (2001), the Arabic Gratitude Questionnaire (GQ-6) by McCullough & Emmons (2002) further refined by Southpaw et al. (2005), and a researcher-developed measure of religiosity. Analysis revealed significant positive relationships between religiosity and social support, with adults exhibiting higher gratitude than adolescents. Importantly, all three variables (religiosity, social support, and peer support) emerged as significant predictors of gratitude.
... The importance of gratitude to human happiness is empirically undeniable (cf. Portocarrero et al. 2020 for a recent meta-analysis), and it is increasingly recognized as an important religious (Watkins et al. 2003;Exline and Wilt 2023) and moral quality (McCullough et al. 2001). Its importance to epistemology has been less wellappreciated. 1 In this essay, I will describe three different interactions between gratitude and the epistemic realm. ...
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Epistemic trust in others frequently cannot be disentangled from interpersonal trust more generally, but the epistemic implications of how we affectively express our trust in others are under-investigated. This essay claims that gratitude, despite its empirically undeniable importance to human flourishing generally, is also important epistemically and in several intersecting ways. To be grateful to a person is to represent the world differently in key respects. Gratitude, even if it is for past non-epistemic benefits, should play an important role in shaping who we epistemically rely on. Gratitude for specifically epistemic benefits is an important way in which we show our attunement to epistemic value and contribute to the incentive structures that make much of our public knowledge and informational ecosystems possible. Likewise, ingratitude is a crippling epistemic vice that renders our dependence on quality sources of information fragile and vulnerable to capture by misinformation.
... Di mana perasaan ini lebih dari hanya penghargaan antarpribadi dengan bantuan orang lain (Weiner et al., 1979). Pendapat lain menyatakan bahwa emosional yang disebabkan oleh perilaku moral (McCullough et al., 2001). Berdasarkan pendapat diatas, kebersyukuran sebagai perasaan kagum dan apresiasi akan nikmat yang sudah didapat dari Sang Pencipta pada hambaNya, syukur terhadap orang lain, dan juga pada alam. ...
The tradition of manganan or earth alms is an annual tradition that is held once a year. This research is related to gratitude. Gratitude itself is a feeling of amazement and appreciation of the favors that have been obtained from the God to His servants, gratitude to others, and also to nature. This research aims to find out the description of gratitude in the manganan tradition in Dander Village, Bojonegoro. The researcher used the Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) method. Researchers try to compile the results of literature review, interviews, and other supporting documentation. Things that are obtained is a description of gratitude in the manganan tradition. In addition, the researcher found a unique theme from the interview results, namely respecting the universe from the earth alms. From this, we can learn to respect the universe from the earth alms. learn to respect the surrounding nature. In addition, the earth alms itself is not only done by the Muslim community but can also be followed by non-Muslims.
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This study examines how empathy, operationalized into affective and cognitive dimensions, influences stakeholders' perceptions during organisational crises. Also, the study explores the mediating role of account acceptance in the relationship between crisis response strategies and organisational outcomes. An online three (crisis type: victim vs. accidental vs. preventable) × two (crisis response strategy: apology vs. denial) between‐subjects experimental design with 686 participants randomly assigned to different crises (victim, accidental, preventable) and response strategy (apology, denial) was conducted. The findings reveal that account acceptance mediates the relationship between crisis response strategies and key organisational outcomes such as reputation, forgiveness, and purchase intention. Moreover, affective and cognitive empathy serve as moderators, amplifying or diminishing the effectiveness of these strategies. This research provides both theoretical insights and practical guidance on leveraging empathy to enhance crisis communication.
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Minnettarlık duygusunun yaşam ve iş alanında bilişsel, psikolojik ve sosyal birçok etkilerinin olduğu ifade edilmektedir. Bu noktadan hareketle sağlık hizmetleri alanında minnettarlık kavramının önemli etkilerinin olabileceği değerlendirilmektedir. Bu düşünceyle bu çalışmanın amacı Youssef-Morgan, van Zyl, vd. Ahrens (2022) tarafından geliştirilen iş minnettarlık ölçeğinin Türkçe diline adaptasyonunun yapılmasıdır. Bu çalışma bir eğitim ve araştırma hastanesinde tabakalı örneklem metodu kullanılarak elde edilen 343 sağlık çalışanına uygulanmıştır. Veri toplamada anket metodu kullanılmıştır. Youssef-Morgan vd. (2022) tarafından geliştirilen ölçeğin geçerliliği değerlendirilirken kapsam geçerlilik indeksi, açıklayıcı faktör ve doğrulayıcı faktör analizleri kullanılırken, güvenilirlik analizinde bileşik güvenilirlik katsayısı ve Cronbach Alfa katsayısı kullanılmıştır. Analizler SPSS 26 ve AMOS 24 yazılımı kullanılarak yapılmıştır. Youssef-Morgan vd. (2022) tarafından geliştirilen İş Minnettarlık Ölçeğinin Türkçe adaptasyonunun sağlık çalışanlarında geçerli ve güvenilir bir ölçüm aracı olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Türkçe İş Minnettarlık Ölçeğinin sağlık çalışanlarına yönelik çalışmalarda kullanılabileceği değerlendirilmektedir. Ayrıca ölçeğin kapsamı göz önüne alındığında diğer iş alanlarında da kullanılabileceği düşünülmektedir.
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The phenomenon of migration is not merely a physical relocation but a complex process that necessitates the reconstruction of cultural, social, and emotional ties. In this context, digital platforms emerge as significant tools that enable migrants to maintain connections with their past while adapting to new societies. Digital technologies transcend physical distances, facilitating seamless communication and allowing individuals to sustain their cultural ties with their homeland. However, excessive use of these digital tools increases the risk of digital dependency, leading to the superficiality of social bonds rather than their deepening. This study explores the effects of digital dependency on the social bonds and communication practices of migrants. Findings reveal that digital dependency may hinder migrants' relationships with their new social environments, reduce face-to-face interactions, and result in negative outcomes such as loneliness and social isolation. On the other hand, balanced use of digital technologies can help migrants preserve connections with their homeland while fostering meaningful relationships in their new communities. The study underscores the importance of conscious and moderate use of digital platforms to positively influence migrants’ social integration processes. İnsan hayatının son bölümünü oluşturan yaşlılık döneminin kendine has biyolojik, sosyal ve psikolojik özellikleri bulunmaktadır. İnsan gelişiminin de son safhasını oluşturan bu dönemi her insan farklı şekilde deneyimler. Bu araştırmada, TRT'de yayınlanan ve yaşlı insanlarla yapılan röportajları içeren "Ömür Dediğin" isimli belgesel içeriğinin 10 bölümü yazılı hali içerik analizine tabi tutulmuş ve yaşlı insanların hayatları ve yaşlılık süreçleriyle ilgili ifadeleri fenomonolojik bir bakış açısıyla analiz edilmiştir. Yapılan içerik analizinde yaşlı insanların yaşlılık dönemlerinde deneyimledikleri duygu ve olgular on beş tema altında özetlenmiştir. Bunlar: Yalnızlık, Eksiklik Duygusu, Özlem, Yoksulluk, Şükür, Kabullenme, Cesaret, Tevekkül, Memnuniyet, Minnettarlık, Köklendirme, Endişeler, Korkular, Şikâyetler ve Üzüntüler. Yapılan analiz sonucunda yaşlılık dönemindeki insanların dini inançlarının yaşanan zorluklara karşı bir dayanak ve direnç kaynağı olduğu sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. Yaşlılık dönemindeki insanlar daha az maddiyatçı eğilimler sergilerken daha çok manevi temelli bir duruş içinde oldukları ölüm üzerine sıkça düşündükleri ama inançlarından dayanak alarak ölüm olgusuyla barışık oldukları sonucuna varılmıştır.
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Background: Despite many studies on parental attitudes, the extent to which parents’ emotional resources of parents, such as empathy and gratitude, are associated with parental behaviours and attitudes towards children remains unclear. Purpose: The aim of the study was to examine the relationship between the emotional disposition to being grateful and empathetic in parents and their positive parenting attitudes as emotional warmth, autonomy support, and democratic attitude. In addition, the relationship between empathy, gratitude, and negative attitudes such as punitive, permissive discipline and anxious intrusiveness was assessed. Methodology: A sample of 712 Polish parents of children aged between six months and twelve years completed the Interpersonal Reactivity Index, the Gratitude Resentment and Appreciation Test, and the Parental Behaviours and Dimensions Questionnaire. Results: The two proposed structural equation models (SEM) confirmed that empathy and gratitude are predictors of positive and negative parenting dimensions. In addition, gratitude plays a mediating role between different dimensions of empathy and parenting behaviours. Emotional empathy, personal distress and simple appreciation are the most significant factors for positive parental attitudes. Punitive and permissive attitudes are associated with empathy, but not with gratitude. In contrast, anxious intrusiveness is associated with both empathy and gratitude. Conclusions: These findings contribute to a better understanding of the relationship between parents’ emotional resources and their parental behaviours. The results suggest that parents should enhance the experience of empathy and gratitude in their daily lives, as these emotions strengthen positive parental behaviours and weaken negative parenting.
The emergence of positive psychology interventions in foreign language classrooms has shown improvements in learner outcomes. However, more research is needed on how positive psychology can optimize second language acquisition experiences and writing performance. This mixed-methods study investigated the efficacy of positive psychology techniques in improving Indonesian university students' English writing skills across multiple areas. 60 students were randomly assigned to experimental and control groups. Assessments captured quantitative and qualitative performance differences before and after the intervention. Large effect size gains occurred for the treatment group. Students favored hope-based activities like feedback and consultations. Findings imply more positive versus negative feedback enhances writing motivation and outcomes. Further research is warranted on how positive psychology manifests in learners' complex experiences during foreign language acquisition and influences multifaceted writing performance.
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Attribution theory has proved to be a useful conceptual framework for the study of emotional development. In this paper, we review a program of research on children's developing understanding of emotion from an attributional perspective. A number of prevalent human emotions are examined in this conception, including happiness, sadness, anger, pity, guilt, pride, and gratitude. The implications of a developmental perspective for an “adult” theory of emotion are discussed.
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Two studies are reported on the question of whether children acquire concepts for more complex emotions, such as jealousy and pride, in an all-or-nothing manner rather than feature by feature. In the first study, 96 children between 4 and 7 years of age were asked to describe situations that would evoke happiness, pride, gratitude, shame, worry, and jealousy. Children were also asked whether each emotion felt good or bad. In the second study, 4 and 5-year-olds rated the same emotions for feelings of pleasure and arousal. Together, the results suggested that before a complete concept, children attain a partial conceptualisation of each complex emotion: They understand the pleasure and arousal associated with the emotion, but have no knowledge of the kind of situation that evokes it. Even 4-year-olds knew the pleasure and arousal associated with pride, gratitude, shame, worry, and jealousy-thus demonstrating that children's understanding quickly moves beyond the simpler emotions.
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In two studies I addressed attributions made to possible success or failure in the attainment of goals set for different future time ranges. In the first study, 331 subjects answered questions concerning causal ascriptions for succeeding and failing in meeting goals set for 1 week to life span. They ascribed future success more to internal than to external factors, and this relative internality increased with increasing time range of a goal. They believed effort to be a primary cause of both success and failure. In a follow-up study, I tested the hypothesis that younger students would ascribe getting a BA to internal causes more than older students would. Data collected from 400 students did not support the assumption. A second question concerned the relation between attributions and emotions. The expected positive correlations between internal attributions of success and pride, external attributions of success and gratitude/surprise, internal attributions of failure and guilt/shame, and external attributions of failure and anger/frustration were confirmed. However, correlations between pride and internal attributions of success decreased from freshman year to senior year, whereas correlations between shame/guilt and internal attributions of failure increased. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
The sociology of emotions is applied to the settings of a food pantry and soup kitchen. On the basis of a series of incidents experienced by the author and other members of the volunteer and professional staff, the relationship among status, reciprocity, and emotions is considered. The place of gratitude as an expected response from clients in this context is examined. The expression of an "attitude" (ingratitude), and the anger that such expression provokes in volunteers is likewise explored. Issues such as status differences and powerlessness are considered as possible sources for the expression of "attitude."
Positive reinforcement of customers, through a simple, but sincere, expression of thanks for their business, did increase sales for a small retail store, and also payment of delinquent accounts. Carey et al include suggestions for effective use of this technique.
Parent coping behaviors were investigated in a sample of 100 mothers and 100 fathers of two- to three-month-old infants using the Family Coping Inventory, originally developed for families experiencing membership loss or separation. The relationship between coping behaviors, gender of parent and infant, and number of children also was examined. Factor analyses yielded three coping patterns: seeking social support and self-development; maintaining family integrity; and being religious, thankful, and content. T-testing between mother and father groups revealed that mothers found 17 of the 28 coping behaviors to be more useful than did fathers. Confirmatory factor analysis procedures were repeated on two equal subgroups of 100 randomly selected parents. Items relating to maintaining family integrity were usually replicated. These findings are consistent with past studies of family separation and loss that also used the Family Coping Inventory. Some commonalities were identified in both loss and acquisitions of family membership. It also was found that coping patterns were affected by the gender of the respondent.
In order to determine the interactive effects of social response and individual differences in need for approval on subsequent helping behavior, 46 female subjects were either socially rewarded or punished for helping the experimenter. As predicted, subjects who were high in need for approval were subsequently more likely to help a confederate who had dropped books if they had been socially rewarded than if they had been punished. Subjects low in need for approval were unaffected by the previous social reinforcement. Several explanations for these results are offered. The importance of examining interactions between personality and situational variables in research on prosocial behavior is discussed.
Examines the mechanism of the alternation and co-ocurrence of arigatoo ("Thank you") and sumimasen ("I'm sorry") in Japanese thanks. It is argued that (1) thanks and apologies are not as distinctly different as widely believed; (2) in Japanese, the alternation between the gratitude and the apology expression results from the empathy operation in which the focus shifts from the speaker to the hearer; (3) the alternation is subject to two constraints, the affectiveness constraint and the role-relationship constraint; and (4) both the gratitude expression and the apology expression can be used consecutively for a single event. This co- ocurrence phenomenon is due to the different discoursal functions the two expressions assume: sumimasen for local management and arigatoo for closing the gratitude exchange. The motivations behind the alternation and the co-occurrence can be characterized as the interpersonal motivation and the discourse-organizational motivation respectively. The former primarily concerns the determination of an event either as pleasing-to-speaker or offensive-to-hearer, as well as determining the necessity of the application of the empathy operation; the latter primarily concerns the problem of how an exchange can be started or ended. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
20 male college students were divided into 2 groups. One group received reinforcement when they helped a female confederate following a request for aid, the other group did not. The helping gesture involved having S volunteer to take an electrical shock which he believed would otherwise go to the confederate. The reinforcement was a "thank you" from the confederate. Ss who received the reinforcement continued to volunteer for shock, while those who did not discontinued volunteering. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)