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Abstract and Figures

The purpose of the study was to find out if taekwondo players competing on an international level have faster reactions than recreational taekwondo players or sports students. We measured three different time intervals. The time measurements started with the flashing of a light diode and ended respectively with the first visible movement of the hip, the shoulder or the foot. Differences were found depending on the skill level, age and gender with the taekwondo players competing on an international level showing significant faster reactions.
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XXV ISBS Symposium 2007, Ouro Preto – Brazil 293
Manfred Vieten #, Markus Scholz #, Hashem Kilani , Markus Kohloeffel *
#University of Konstanz, Konstanz, Germany
University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan
*German Taekwondo Union, Friedrichshafen, Germany
The purpose of the study was to find out if taekwondo players competing on an
international level have faster reactions than recreational taekwondo players or sports
students. We measured three different time intervals. The time measurements started
with the flashing of a light diode and ended respectively with the first visible movement of
the hip, the shoulder or the foot. Differences were found depending on the skill level, age
and gender with the taekwondo players competing on an international level showing
significant faster reactions.
KEY WORDS: biomechanics, taekwondo, reaction time, response time
The Korean martial art Taekwondo is an official Olympic sport since the 2000 Sydney
Olympics. Taekwondo is a full contact combat art where the majority of successful
techniques are powerful kicks, which are delivered towards the opponent’s frontal upper
trunk or head. Scoring occurs when those blows are delivered accurately and forcefully.
During the last years the type of successful techniques condensed toward direct strait kicks,
which can be applied within a shorter time interval compared with more complicated kicks.
Therefore, it seems success greatly depends on the execution time of a technique. Beside
speed, reaction time and the response to the opponent’s actions appear to be one of the key
elements for victory. Naturally, coaches and practitioners need to know if a short reaction
time is indispensable for high performing athletes. There are two types of reaction time. The
“complex” reaction time arises in combat situations. Here an athlete “reads” the situation and
anticipates the further progression to take advantage of the situation. The “simple” reaction
time is the physiological response toward a neutral sense stimulus. Here (Zaciorskij, 1972) a
receptor excitation (e.g. of the eye) initiates a signal which is transmitted via the central
nervous system to the motor cortex. Its response triggers a signal that stimulates the
muscles and initiates the mechanical activity. With this study we investigated, if high
performing taekwondo players on the international level have significantly shorter “simple”
reaction times than taekwondo players on regional level or sport students.
99 subjects participated in this study and were divided into 7 groups (Table 1) according to
age, gender and skill level. All national team members are athletes of the German
taekwondo squad competing on international tournaments. The other taekwondo players are
active on a regional level. The sport students had taken a first semester of taekwondo.
Table 1 Number of participants within the 7 groups
Group Abbreviation No of subjects
Females below 18 years F<18 9
Females below 18 years, national team members FS<18 13
Females 18 years and older, national team members FS18 20
Males below 18 years M<18 14
Males 18 years and older M18 15
Males 18 years and older, national team members MS18 19
Male sport students 18 years and older Sp 11
All participants were tested after a warm up during one of their training sessions. Within an
area of 5 by 5 meters we assigned a training mitt as the target (Figure 1). Two stacks of red
XXV ISBS Symposium 2007, Ouro Preto – Brazil 294
light emitting diodes were place beside the training mitt but not in the reach of a kick. The
athlete was positioned in front of the vaulting buck in attack position. Reflective markers were
placed on the shoulder, hip, and at the kicking foot (ankle). The subjects were asked to start
kicking at the onset of the red diode lights. Ten trials of each subject were filmed. and the
actual number of valid trials varied between 8 and 12. We used one digital camera to tape
the whole movement and the light diodes.
Figure 1 Sketch of the experimental setup from a bird's eye view
The taping was stored in MPEG2 format and later converted to AVI. The 50 half frames per
second were analyzed using the APAS trimming module. The evaluation was done by one of
us (MS) to avoid effects caused by personal judging differences. We calculated the mean
reaction time of each participant. This was the input for the calculation of the group means,
standard deviation, and standard error.
Our group selection shows homogeneity within six of the seven groups (see Figure 2 for
results on the standard deviation).
F-18 FS-18 FS+18 M-18 M+18 MS+18 Sp
Standard Deviation [s]
Figure 2 Standard deviation of reaction times for the different groups
The deviations of the groups are comparable with each other with the exception of the males
of 18 years or older. This group showed also the widest age rage as well as the highest
variability in trainings intensity. Table 2 shows the mean, the standard deviation, and the
standard error of each group’s reaction time for the shoulder, the hip and the ankle
XXV ISBS Symposium 2007, Ouro Preto – Brazil 295
Table 2 Mean, standard deviation, and standard error of the reaction times
Shoulder Hip Ankle
Subject Mean SD SE Mean SD SE Mean SD SE
F < 18 0.23 0.03 0.009 0.22 0.02 0.008 0.36 0.03 0.010
FS < 18 0.21 0.03 0.007 0.22 0.02 0.006 0.37 0.05 0.014
FS 18 0.20 0.02 0.003 0.21 0.01 0.003 0.35 0.03 0.006
M < 18 0.23 0.04 0.011 0.26 0.09 0.025 0.37 0.05 0.014
M 18 0.23 0.03 0.007 0.22 0.02 0.005 0.36 0.04 0.010
MS 18 0.20 0.02 0.005 0.20 0.02 0.004 0.31 0.05 0.011
Sp 0.23 0.02 0.006 0.24 0.02 0.007 0.38 0.03 0.009
There is a substantial difference between the reaction time of the ankle movement and the
time for shoulder and hip movement within each group. Between the reaction time for the hip
and the shoulder we find no statistically significant difference. However, there exist
differences in reaction time between different groups (Figure 3). We found significant
differences of the reaction time (see Figure 3 and Tables 3 – 5) between the different
groups. For the hip reaction time the adult male national team members are fastest, second
are the adult female national squad followed by the female national team members below 18
years of age. The slowest reaction time we found in the male taekwondo players below 18
years, second the male sport students, followed by the recreational male taekwondo players
above 18 years of age and females below 18 years.
M-Hi p
M-A n kl e
F-18 FS-18 FS+18 M-18 M+18 MS+18 Sp
Reaction Time [s]
Figure 3 Mean, standard error and standard deviation of shoulder, hip, and ankle reaction
For the shoulder respectively the foot reaction time negligible changes in the above order
occur. In any case the adult male national team members are the fastest followed by the
adult female national team members. The significance levels of the differences between the
groups as given in the Tables 3 – 5 are to be understood in the following way: Cursive writing
indicates the group denoted in the upper line is faster. Otherwise the group indicated in the
first column has shorter reaction time.
Table 3 Significance level of group differences for shoulder reaction times
Subject F < 18 FS < 18 FS 18 M < 18 M 18 MS 18 Sp
F < 18 1 0.1304 0.0204 0.8230 0.9800 0.0061 0.9984
FS < 18 0.1304 1 0.3202 0.1090 0.0878 0.2376 0.0762
FS 18 0.0204 0.3202 1 0.0161 0.0033 0.7285 0.0003
M < 18 0.8230 0.1090 0.0161 1 0.7757 0.0133 0.7849
M 18 0.9800 0.0878 0.0033 0.7757 1 0.0020 0.9745
MS 18 0.0061 0.2376 0.7285 0.0133 0.0020 1 0.0015
Sp 0.9984 0.0762 0.0003 0.7849 0.9745 0.0015 1
XXV ISBS Symposium 2007, Ouro Preto – Brazil 296
Table 4 Significance level of group differences for hip reaction times
Subject F < 18 FS < 18 FS 18 M < 18 M 18 MS 18 Sp
F < 18 1 0.7590 0.0963 0.2154 0.8852 0.0020 0.0978
FS < 18 0.7590 1 0.0791 0.1744 0.8207 0.0016 0.0291
FS 18 0.0963 0.0791 1 0.0759 0.0093 0.0203 0.0008
M < 18 0.2154 0.1744 0.0759 1 0.1907 0.0354 0.5560
M 18 0.8852 0.8207 0.0093 0.1907 1 0.0002 0.0273
MS 18 0.0020 0.0016 0.0203 0.0354 0.0002 1 1.51E-6
Sp 0.0978 0.0291 0.0008 0.5560 0.0273 1.51E-6 1
Table 5 Significance level of group differences for foot reaction times
Subject F < 18 FS < 18 FS 18 M < 18 M 18 MS 18 Sp
F < 18 1 0.5970 0.3217 0.6987 0.8452 0.0078 0.1599
FS < 18 0.5970 1 0.1793 0.8810 0.4576 0.0021 0.5948
FS 18 0.3217 0.1793 1 0.2175 0.4349 0.0048 0.0078
M < 18 0.6987 0.8810 0.2175 1 0.5533 0.0024 0.4749
M 18 0.8452 0.4576 0.4349 0.5533 1 0.0053 0.1112
MS 18 0.0078 0.0021 0.0048 0.0024 0.0053 1 0.0001
Sp 0.1599 0.5948 0.0078 0.4749 0.1112 0.0001 1
The most significant differences we find in the hip reaction time between the groups.
We found a significant difference in the reaction time between the members of the national
taekwondo teams and the other groups namely those practicing taekwondo for recreational
reasons and the sport students. Fontani et al. (2006) reported similar findings for karate
players whose sport demands similar skills as taekwondo. Our findings make clear success
in taekwondo is correlated with a distinctly shorter-than-average reaction time. The higher
significance between the participants’ hip reaction time and those of the other body
segments seems to indicate its specific importance. There are two strong arguments for this.
First, taekwondo players recognize an opponent’s reaction from his or her movement of the
upper body (shoulders and chest). A hip movement is harder to detect. By holding back the
upper body movement as long as possible gives an additional timing advantage. Second, an
attack in taekwondo is most probable a kick not a punch. So, the hip move must be initiated
first. The advantage of moving mainly the hip and not the complete trunk results in a
substantially reduced movement of the center of gravity. This saves energy, and because
just a part of the body mass has to be accelerated these masses can move faster.
Fast reactions are essential for success in taekwondo competitions. During an attack it is
advisable to move as little mass as possible to accelerate those segments involved in the
movement as quick and as effective as possible. Therefore, the movement should be
initiated by the hip. We showed the importance of a short reaction time but how much of it is
predisposition and how much can be archived by training? To answer this question we
propose a long-time study on beginning taekwondo students to see how they develop during
their career. If preposition is an important factor in fast reactions, measuring it at an early
stage of an athlete’s career could even be used for evaluating their potential.
Fontani, G., Lodi, L., Felici, A., Migliorini, S. and Corradeschi, F. (2006) Percept Mot Skills,
102, 791-805.
Zaciorskij, V. (1972) Die körperlichen Eigenschaften des Sportlers, Bartels & Wernitz.
... This ability is essential in combat sports such as Martial Arts, where athletes must recognize offensive movements and formulate an appropriate defensive response with speed and accuracy (11). Across a range of combat sports extensive task specific perceptual-motor practice allows Martial Artists to accurately anticipate future movements based on kinematic cues (11,12,(24)(25)(26)(27)(28)(29). However, reaction time findings have yielded mixed results, indicating that athletes perform slower than nonathletes on perceptual tasks (30,31) or the same (32)(33)(34)(35). ...
... Frontiers in Sports and Active Living which indicate an effect of expertise on action intent accuracy in the sporting field especially balls sports (17-20, 52, 53), and more specifically in the field of combat sports (11,12,(24)(25)(26)(27)(28)(29). We note that there were differences in the gender balance between the athlete and non-athlete groups but there was no evidence that participant gender influenced accuracy or reaction times. ...
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Athletes in Martial Arts must anticipate the target of their opponent's kick or strike to avoid contact. Findings suggest that features, e.g., head and face may play a greater role in predicting opponent action intent compared to global movement information, however little research has explored the role of the head in action anticipation. The aim of this study was to examine the role of the head in predicting the target of a kicking action in martial arts. N = 76 volunteer participants (n = 32 athletes > 5 years of experience, n = 36 non-athletes with no experience) were asked to watch a series of video clips depicting various kicking techniques with differing levels of spatial occlusion of the head. These clips were also temporally occluded compelling participants to predict the landing target of each kick (i.e., head or chest). The hypothesis of the current study is that athletes would be more accurate than non-athletes, but there was no significant effect of expertise on accuracy. Both athletes and non-athletes performed well above chance level performance. Head occlusion did not significantly influence performance and did not interact with expertise, suggesting head and face information did not play a role in predicting opponent action intent. Across participants the landing target of the roundhouse kick was identified with greater accuracy than the front or the back kick. Additionally, participants identified kicks from the rear leg with greater accuracy than the front leg. These findings have significant implications for combat sports where athletes are required to anticipate the action intent of their opponent to formulate an effective defensive response.
... These studies usually compared novices with experts or athletes at different levels. Some studies have discovered that higher-level athletes are characterized by a faster RT [38,39], while others have found no difference [40] or even the opposite effect [41]. In addition, results could have been more consistent when multiple RT tasks had been used in the same study. ...
... Another characteristic used in sports and martial arts is reaction time [38,39,72]. RT solely influences sports performance in particular tasks [42]. ...
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Background: Handgrip strength (HGS) is essential in sports, including martial arts, as it can be used to evaluate general athletes’ performance and physical fitness. Reaction time (RT) is another characteristic that is of value in sports based on fast reaction instead of strength. The two measures belong to the same group of coordinative energetic abilities analyzed in sports theory. The available literature suggests that handgrip strength may depend on body weight but can also be affected by other parameters. Additionally, the athlete’s age and martial arts training can impact reaction time. Still, verifying whether the characteristics could be applied to martial arts athletes is crucial. Methods: Several characteristics, such as athletes’ body weight, age, years of training, and skills, were evaluated during a survey of 166 male jiu-jitsu athletes (modern jiu-jitsu) and karate (Shotokan, Kyokushin). HGS was measured based on the dynamometric approach, whereas reaction time was evaluated using Ditrich’s rod method. The data were analyzed using the hierarchical multiple regression method to identify the variables influencing HGS and RT. Furthermore, the classification and regression tree method was implemented to illustrate how variables used in the study influenced HGS or RT. Results: The present study demonstrated that athletes’ body weight is the most significant factor affecting the handgrip strength of male athletes trained in martial arts. It can explain 61% of the HGS variance. Regression analysis of factors influencing reaction time showed that martial arts are the factor that affects the characteristic. However, martial arts can explain up to 17% of the reaction time variance. Based on the classification and regression tree approach, it was shown that HGS depends primarily on athletes’ body weight rather than on their age, skills, and years of training. For reaction time, martial arts were the most significant factor distinguishing between jiu-jitsu and karate participants. The next factor affecting athletes’ classification was years of training. Conclusion: Based on the hierarchical multiple linear regression method and classification and regression tree approach, it was found that athletes’ body weight is the most influential factor affecting the handgrip strength of martial arts practitioners. Reaction time is affected by martial arts. However, using the classification and regression tree approach revealed that additional factors such as athletes’ age, years of training, or skills should be considered. Similarly, reaction time is also affected by years of training. Although our study showed that handgrip strength and reaction time are functions of other variables that can be easily evaluated in trainers’ practice, the two statistical methods cannot reveal the relationships between the variables, suggesting further studies in the field.
... However, several studies on reaction/execution times reported the first movement of the respective segment (punch-hand or kick-foot) as defined start of the reported duration (C. Falco et al., 2011;, whereas others suggest more proximal locations, such as knee (Mudric et al., 2015), pelvis (Vieten et al., 2007) or centre of mass (Milazzo, Farrow, Ruffault et al., 2016). This suggestion is in disagreement with other karate studies, reporting earlier initiation actions, such as shifting the supporting leg in front of the kicking leg (Wąsik, 2011), or a preparatory "closing step" (Witte et al., 2007;Yuncza, 2011) . ...
... Results indicate that the initiation actions of WRTs start significantly earlier than CETs (Table 1), as well as there are differences between the segmental TG starting moments ( Table 2), which leads to the acceptance of hypothesis 2. In accordance with Milazzo, Farrow, Ruffault et al. (2016) and Vieten et al. (2007), post-hoc tests suggest that proximal initiation actions start earlier than distal ones, which also explains why more ⁺marks variables significantly differing from normal distribution *marks significant differences between segments successful athletes tend to focus more on those (Lee et al., 2010;Ripoll et al., 1995). More precisely, the average sequence can be illustrated as [centre of mass; torso; hips > arms; knees], however, no significant differences between hip and arm were found ( Table 3). ...
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A technique in Martial Arts is often indicated by an athlete’s preceding actions, which potentially enables an opponent to detect or counter it. Prior to kicks, fighters attain balance and ease leg elevation by re-distributing their weight (WRT) or ease following sequences by elevating COM (CET). The aim of this study was to define such movements and to compare them by their duration and motion amplitude. The kick preceding actions and regular fighting movements of a kicking combination performed by 44 fighters across different skill levels (advanced to world leading) were compared. The initiation action start was determined by the moment during the preparatory phase, when a joint angle significantly exceeds or subceeds a specific threshold (3Sd). Descriptive statistics and qualitative analysis were used to summarise movement types, durations, and amplitudes. T- and Wilcoxon tests were performed to analyse differences in movement start and amplitude between WRT and CET, while Friedman- and Dunn-Bonferroni tests were used between body segments. Results showed that WRTs start earlier, happen more often, and are more subtle than CETs. Furthermore, proximal segments tend to move earlier [Sequence: COM; torso; hips> arms; knees] and with less movement amplitude [Sequence: arms > hips; knees > torso].
... Several studies on groups of well-trained or international level taekwondo athletes presented different results for reaction time. They clarify that success in taekwondo is tantamount to a shorter than average reaction time [17,26,29,80]. Miller and Sadowski [51] reported shorter reaction time in a group of senior taekwondo athletes with medals than the current study. ...
... In contrast, a study on elite Iranian taekwondo players demonstrated longer reaction time compared to the present research [31]. The findings of Vieten et al. [80] indicate a significant difference in the reaction time between the members of the national taekwondo team and those adopting taekwondo for recreational purposes. According to Chung et al. [17], professional taekwondo athletes in response to visual stimuli have a shorter total reaction time compared with sedentary people, whereas in response to audio stimuli they have a longer reaction time than amateur athletes. ...
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Study aim: To identify the physical, physiological and psychological profiles of elite Turkish taekwondo athletes. Material and methods: Twelve players of the Turkish national taekwondo team (age = 22.7 ± 2.8 years, BMI = 22.2 ± 1.4 kg/m ² , body fat = 12.8 ± 3.4%) participated in the study. Anthropometric measurements including leg length and foot size were assessed. Maximal oxygen uptake, explosive power of leg extensors, isokinetic peak torque, muscular endurance, anaerobic power, agility, flexibility, maximal speed, reaction time, and postural balance were examined by incremental treadmill running, vertical jump, isokinetic strength, sit-ups and push-ups, Wingate, shuttle run, sit-and-reach, 30-meter sprint, multiple-choice reaction time, and General Postural Stability and Athlete Single Leg stability tests, respectively. Psychological characteristics including mental skills and mood states were evaluated using OMSAT-3 and POMS tests. Results: VO 2 max, isokinetic peak torque and Wingate test mean power values were 54.1 ± 4.4 mL ∙ kg ⁻¹ ∙ min ⁻¹ , 191.7 ± 19.2 N ∙ m, and 9 ± 0.7 W/kg, respectively. Postural stability index 0.18 ± 0.06, single leg stability index 0.82 ± 0.11, reaction time 0.344 ± 0.032 s, 10 × 5-m shuttle run 17.09 ± 0.68 s, 30-meter sprint 4.60 ± 0.23 s, and vertical jump 43.5 ± 6.1 cm were the other values reported. The highest scores for the 12 mental skills in OMSAT-3 were for goal setting (6.25 ± 0.45) and self-confidence (6.16 ± 0.45). The lowest score was for Imagery (5.64 ± 0.36). The results of six mood states of POMS showed higher scores on the Vigor-activity, Anger-Hostility and Tension-Anxiety scales and lower scores on Depression-Dejection, Fatigue-Inertia and Confusion-Bewilderment than norms. Conclusions: The findings of this study revealed the physical, physiological, and psychological characteristics in taekwondo. The results of the tests could be useful for performance assessment of taekwondo players.
... These results are particularly important because they provide evidence that neurologically impaired athletes may be at a disadvantage in combat situations [17], as taekwondo [14] requires rapid reactions and performance times. Previous studies have identified various factors, such as age, gender, caffeine, and training time, that affect reaction and performance times in taekwondo [18,19]. A limitation that must be considered is that we were not able to control the athlete's caffeine intake for the data collection due to the athletes having to compete within the next two days. ...
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Para taekwondo is a combat sport martial art that requires fast reaction times for successful defense during fighting. The current classification system is based on the function and the effective length of the upper limbs, which affects the athlete’s ability to block. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the differences between the different classes in the athlete’s ability to block and move around the ring. A total of 87 Para taekwondo (K42, K43, and K44) athletes’ data were analyzed. Each participant engaged in the blocking reaction time test in a fighting stance with the left leg in front, the right leg in front, and the legs parallel in random order. A foot-stepping reaction test was performed to anlyze how the athletes moved in various directions. The results indicated no significant differences between the classes for the lower body foot stepping reaction times and the upper body blocking performance times. The stimulated blocking time of the Para taekwondo athletes ranged from 0.79 to 0.97 s Furthermore, the neurological group (0.86 ± 0.09 s) was significantly slower than the amputation/dysmelia group (0.81 ± 0.07 s). We thus concluded that the neurologically impaired athletes were disadvantaged and therefore belonged in a separate class.
... Chung and Ng (2012) found that professional taekwondo players react faster to sport-specific stimuli than amateur taekwondo players in their research of professional and amateur taekwondo players. In their study, Vieten et al. (2007) discovered a substantial difference in response time between globally competitive taekwondo players and leisure and amateur athletes. Germanow et al. (2014) found variability in agility performance and reaction time performances with different physical performance tests on firefighting sports. ...
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The purpose of this study is investigate the impact of reactive agility, reaction-based planned change of direction training on the practice of self defence methods among students enrolled in the Private Security and Protection program of Vocational Schools. Twenty male volunteer students, 21.20±1.28 years, height 177.37±6.18 cm, weight 75.56±5.50 kg, voluntarily participated in the study. While the volunteer research group received reactive agility, response speed training for 2 hours 4 days a week for 8 weeks, the control group continued to receive self defence skills instruction as usual. Measurements of body composition Body analyzer Inbody 270 (Japan), reactive test Fitspeed (Turkey) gadget for measuring agility performance, as well as other agility planned change of direction tests Fusion Smart (Australia) with an integrated system of photocell doors, T Test digital integrated system stopwatch (Belgium), Reaction time Speed test was measured using a Performanz Spark test equipment (Turkey). The SPSS 22 software was utilized to analyze the data. First, the data distribution was evaluated using the Shapiro-Wilk test, it was discovered that it did not have a normal distribution. Mann Whitney U Tests were used in this manner to find the difference between the pre-test and post-test results of the nonparametric Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test across groups in order to determine the difference between the pre-post-test data within the group. The level of significance in the study was determined at p>0.05. According to the statistical analysis, the 8-week planned change of direction, reactive agility training improved the response speed, agility performance of the work group students (p>0.05).
... Thus, the motor actions in taekwondo that are characteristics of the modality, which imposes the E:P relationship, generate energetic alternations between the moments of aerobic predominance and those determining moments when the anaerobic demand increases (Campos et al., 2012). It is important to note that success in sports such as taekwondo is often associated with rapid motor actions in response to a particular stimulus (Bouhlel et al., 2006;Loturco et al., 2017), such as, for example, the reaction and response times of the kicks (Vieten et al., 2007;Hermann et al., 2008). ...
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This study aimed to verify the effect of a pace training session at an intensity corresponding to the kick frequency at the anaerobic threshold (KFAT) on the internal load response and motor response performance of the roundhouse kick. Twelve black belt taekwondo athletes underwent two evaluation sessions: (1) performed the progressive specific test for taekwondo (PSTT) to identify the heart rate deflection point (HRDP) and the KFAT; (2) performed three 2-min rounds with a 1-min interval. Heart rate (HR) throughout each round and motor response performance before and after sessions were measured. The Student's T-test or Wilcoxon test was used, and p < 0.05 was adopted. During round 1, a lower internal load was observed (167 ± 10 bpm) compared with HRDP (179 ± 8 bpm; p = 0.035). During rounds 2 (178 ± 10 bpm; p = 0.745) and 3 (179 ± 8 bpm; p = 1), no differences were observed for an internal load and HRDP. Motor response performance showed no differences. However, a potentiation in the post countermovement jump test compared with rounds 1 (p = 0.012) and 2 (p = 0.028) was observed. The internal load (HR) observed at the intensity corresponding to KFAT can be considered in the prescription of training when the aim is to control the internal load responses without inducing fatigue.
... He described this principle by a rotation along the longitudinal axis with different arm positions by the Steiner`s theorem. Higher mean velocities of the vertical kick leg knee elevation (KEV1, KEV2) reduce the kick duration and thus the time to react for the opponent (Vieten, Scholz, Kilani, & Kohloeffel, 2007 ). In addition, the deceleration of knee elevation during the horizontal distance gaining movement can potentially be used for transfer of momentum to the COM to slide or jump further which needs a horizontal and vertical force component. ...
The double side kick is a frequently used technique in pointfighting on which most offensive kicking techniques are based on. The aim of the study was to identify parameters, e.g., trunk and leg positions, durations and velocities that affect successful technique execution. 44 fighters, male and female, including European and World champions, participated in the research. The participants performed double side kicks to a punching bag with the target at chest level. 10 international experts scored (1-10 points; interrater correlation ICC (3,1): 0.952) videos of the best individual trial for quality of technique execution. Based on the average of the scores participants were categorised into 2 equally sized groups. For kinematic data acquisition, a Vicon 3D-motion capturing system was used. The normalised knee height of the kick leg (KHK), normalised absolute distance to the frontal shoulder (DKS) at the end of both chambering phases, the horizontal velocity during both chambering phases (KEV), the durations of all 6 functional phases and total duration, were analysed. KHK1, KHK2, DKS1 and DKS2, total duration as well as 4 out of 6 phase durations and KEV1 showed significant differences between groups in two-sided t-test or Mann-Whitney U-test for not normally distributed variables.
The aims of this study were to examine the effects of stepping-in-place tempo on coincidence-anticipation timing (CAT) performance of roundhouse kick and to determine whether the CAT performance was the same according to types of roundhouse kick. Fifteen Taekwondo experts performed four different type of roundhouse kicks at three different stepping-in-place tempos (120, 140, and 160 bpm) in two stimulus speeds conditions for CAT performance. Raw scores were transformed to three error scores; constant, absolute, and variable errors and were analysed using separate 2 (stimulus speeds) x 4 (kick types) x 3 (tempos) repeated measures of analyses of variance. In the results, error scores (CE and AE) were significantly lower at 140 and 160 bpm compared to that at 120 bpm. Significant differences according to stepping-in-place tempo were also evident in the type of kicks (front leg < rear leg and body < head). The error scores were found to increase as the stimulus speed increased (10 mph < 20 mph) and were lower at 140 bpm compared to 120 and 160 bpm at both stimulus speed. Regardless of the type of kicks and stimulus speed, the lowest variable error was found at 140 bpm.
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The purpose of the present study was to investigate the effect of visual stimuli training on choice reaction time in male taekwondo players. This study was a quasi-experimental research with a pretest/protest design and a control group. The participants were 10 to 16 year-old male taekwondo players who practiced in three different gyms in Isfahan (first half of 1392) and had a red belt. From among these players, a number of 30 players (mean age of 16.2 ± 2.13) were selected through convenience sampling and were randomly divided into experimental (n=15) and control (n=15) groups. The experimental group participated in 8 weeks of visual stimuli training (3 sessions per week, each session 45 minutes); however, the control group did their common taekwondo training during the practice. In order to measure choice reaction time, the psychological refractory period apparatus and reaction time model 9010 were used for both the pre- and post-tests. Analysis of covariance was used to analyze the collected data (α=0.05). The results showed that 8 weeks of visual stimuli training had a significant effect on reducing choice reaction time on right and left foot in ApDollyoChagi, DollyoChagi, BahndallChagi kicks (p=0.001). Therefore, it can be concluded that visual stimuli training can be an effective training method to help improve choice reaction time in taekwondo players. Keywords: Choice reaction time, Taekwondo, Visual system, Visual stimuli training
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