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Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section A - Animal Science
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The Welfare Quality® project and beyond: Safeguarding farm animal well-
H. J. Blokhuisa; I. Veissierb; M. Mielec; B. Jonesd
a Department of Animal Environment and Health, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences,
Uppsala, Sweden b INRA, Saint-Genes-Champanelle, France c School of City and Regional Planning,
Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK d Animal Behaviour and Welfare Consultancy, Edinburgh, UK
Online publication date: 20 October 2010
To cite this Article Blokhuis, H. J. , Veissier, I. , Miele, M. and Jones, B.(2010) 'The Welfare Quality® project and beyond:
Safeguarding farm animal well-being', Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section A - Animal Science, 60: 3, 129 — 140
To link to this Article: DOI: 10.1080/09064702.2010.523480
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The Welfare Qualityproject and beyond: Safeguarding farm animal
Department of Animal Environment and Health, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala, Sweden,
UR1213 Herbivores, F63-122 Saint-Genes-Champanelle, France,
School of City and Regional Planning, Cardiff
University, Glamorgan Building, King Edward VII Avenue, Cardiff CF10 3WA, UK, and
Animal Behaviour and
Welfare Consultancy, 110 Blackford Avenue, Edinburgh EH9 3HH, UK
Welfare Qualitywas the largest ever European research project on animal welfare. Here, we briefly describe some major
achievements of Welfare Qualityand identify future research priorities, potential strategies and organisational structures to
build on the outcomes. Achievements include: definition of principles and criteria of good welfare; development of
standardised, primarily animal-based measures for each welfare criterion and their integration in an overall assessment
Since Welfare Qualitycould not answer all the questions we recommend:
(1) Continued development and refinement of the assessment systems and extension to new species.
(2) The development of automatic measures of welfare to reduce the duration of the assessment while still retaining its
holistic nature.
(3) Exploration of potential implementation strategies across food chain actors.
(4) Establishment of an independent body to manage and update the assessment and information systems, support their
implementation and inform and engage stakeholders.
Keywords: Animal welfare, information system, policy recommendations, public involvement, welfare assessment, welfare
Let us state at the outset that the present paper is not
intended as a general review of farm animal welfare
and/or research in this field. Rather, it specifically
describes the background of the European Union
(EU)-funded Welfare Qualityproject, its inception
and subsequent development, some of its major
achievements and our thoughts on potential ways of
implementing our findings and thereby progressing
the assessment and improvement of farm animal
welfare. We hope it will help guide the considerations
and actions of a wide range of interested stakeholders.
About seven years ago the first aims and
approaches of what became the largest piece of
integrated research work yet carried out on animal
welfare in Europe were formulated. Welfare
Qualitywas a research project financed under
the European sixth Framework Programme for
Research and Technological Development. The
project began in 2004 and comprised a partnership
of 40 institutions in Europe and, since 2006, four
in Latin America. The partners were based in 13
European countries as well as Uruguay, Brazil,
Chile and Mexico. During the project’s lifetime the
Correspondence: H. J. Blokhuis, Department of Animal Environment and Health, Swedish University of Ag ricultural Sciences, P.O. Box 7068, 750 07
Uppsala, Sweden. Tel: 46 18671627. Fax: 46 18 673588. E-mail:
Acta Agriculturae Scand Section A, 2010; 60: 129140
(Received 24 August 2010; revised 9 September 2010; accepted 9 September 2010)
ISSN 0906-4702 print/ISSN 1651-1972 online #2010 Taylor & Francis
DOI: 10.1080/09064702.2010.523480
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original ideas (Blokhuis et al., 2003) evolved and the
priorities were modified accordingly. However, the
main drivers underlying the vision, the general aims
and the research have remained the same.
Welfare Qualitywas a huge, multidisciplinary
and complex project that generated many important
outcomes and deliverables. Many articles have been
published on specific aspects of Welfare Quality,
but papers focusing on the implications of its
outcomes were still lacking. The first part of this
article presents a condensed overview of the back-
ground, approach and main achievements of the
Welfare Qualityproject. The second part aims to
provide some guidance to policy makers and other
stakeholders on research priorities as well as the
potential implementation and use of the projects
final deliverables, particularly the animal welfare
assessment system, the product information system
and the practical welfare improvement strategies.
We hope this paper will also illustrate how the
combination of different disciplines (ethology,
pathology, animal science, social science, economy,
mathematics ...) can bring new insights into the
issue of animal welfare.
Overview of the Welfare Qualityproject
The drivers
Many and very diverse groups, factors, circumstances
and developments were influential in driving and
guiding the Welfare Qualityproject (Blokhuis,
2008, 2009; Miele et al., 2010), but three crucial
external factors included: (1) citizens; (2) production
chains and markets; and (3) regulatory control.
Citizens. The closing decades of the twentieth century
saw several major changes in animal farming
(Blokhuis et al., 1998; Fraser, 2008). Production
intensified enormously, farms became highly specia-
lised and there were huge increases in the number
of animals per farm and in actual production
(Porcher, 2001). Furthermore, housing conditions
and management practices changed profoundly with
the appearance of increased mechanisation and other
technological developments. Animal production
became increasingly industrialised, with quantity
often taking precedence over quality.
Over the years, cultural, attitudinal and commercial
barriers hampered constructive communication
between farmers and the people who ultimately
eat what is produced. The activities of consumer
groups and animal protectionists and, more recently,
the effects of crises such as swine fever, bovine
spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), foot-and-mouth
disease and avian influenza led to an increased
awareness that animal production is more than just
an industry and animal welfare assumed much greater
importance for the public (in the specific form of
‘‘consumer concerns’’). Farm animal welfare is now
an important issue for ordinary people across Europe
and there is clear demand for higher farm animal
welfare standards (Eurobarometer, 2005, 2007;
Kjaernes & Lavik, 2008). The mounting interest in
farm animal welfare is also reflected in a widespread
demand for transparent information across Europe.
However, this demand varies significantly across
different countries and largely reflects differences in
primary production, processing and distribution as
well as governance structures and public discourse.
Moreover, information demand often seems to reflect
just a general interest rather than one that is apparent
through purchase choice (Kjaernes & Lavik, 2008;
Miele & Evans, 2010).
Production chains and markets. The production chain
now focuses more and more on delivering good
animal welfare as an important attribute of total food
quality. In general, farmers consider animal welfare
as an important aspect of farming (Bock, 2009) and
they are very motivated to take good care of their
animals. Farmers also realise that they are operating
in a market where they have to take peoples
concerns about the welfare of farm animals into
account. There is also a broadening recognition that
conditions that harm animal welfare can negatively
affect production, damage specific quality aspects
and jeopardise profitability (Jones, 1998).
Farmers favour an objective standardised system
of assessing animal welfare that could be used
throughout Europe and preferably worldwide
(Bock, 2009). But, they also worry about the costs
of welfare assessments, welfare improvements and
more stringent regulations. They are also anxious
about who will bear such costs.
Producers, retailers and other food chain actors also
recognise that consumer concerns for good animal
welfare represent a business opportunity that could be
profitably incorporated in their commercial strategies
(Roe & Buller, 2008). Animal welfare is increasingly
used, particularly by retailers, as a component of
product and supply chain differentiation (Miele
et al., 2005; Eurogroup for Animals, 2007). Such
differentiation (and creation of mark ets) may be based
on an ‘‘overall’’ high welfare level; be related to specific
welfare aspects; or be ‘‘bundled’’ or not with other
product characteristics, e.g. ‘‘environment’’,‘‘global
warming’’ or ‘‘sustainability’’.
In general, animal welfare is increasingly used as
an important attribute of an overall concept of ‘‘food
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quality’’ (Blokhuis et al., 1998; Buller & Cesar,
Regulatory control. In the EU, legislation on animal
welfare has a longstanding tradition in many
member states (Blokhuis et al., 2008; Bennett &
Appleby, 2010). The Protocol on Protection and
Welfare of Animals annexed to the European Com-
munity (EC) Treaty in 1999 (the Treaty of Amster-
dam amending the Treaty on EU) is a milestone for
the development of the Communitys animal welfare
policy. This Protocol spells out the obligation to pay
full regard to the welfare of animals as sentient beings
when formulating and implementing the Commu-
nitys policies. The legal recognition of animals as
‘‘sentient beings’’ was recently reconfirmed in the
Lisbon Treaty in 2007.
There is now a range of EU Directives and
Regulations specifying requirements, conditions and
practices to ensure good animal welfare for different
species. These cover areas such as animal housing
and husbandry, transport and slaughter. In general,
current EU legislation largely relies on input-based
measures, e.g. specifying the provision of particular
resources and practices (i.e. prescriptions). This
approach is important to guide decisions on the
banning of conditions/practices that are widely
considered to result in poor welfare, such as certain
housing systems (e.g. battery cages for laying hens)
or painful procedures. However, reliance on a pre-
scriptive ‘‘input-based approach’’ leads to several
difficulties when one seeks to promote good welfare.
For example, an ongoing assurance of good animal
welfare using prescriptive legislation requires deeper
and continuous detailing of housing design and
requirements, management procedures, etc. and
this could result in very complicated and inflexible
legislation. Moreover, it is often difficult (if not
impossible) to define detailed input measures in
such a way that they provide the same protection of
animal welfare under the very different farming and
climatic conditions that prevail in the various member
states. If input-based rules are too detailed and
restrictive they may prevent farmers from choosing
husbandry systems and practices to their liking or that
fit their specific circumstances most, even if these
could result in good welfare in that situation. Clearly,
detailed definition of systems and practices does not
stimulate innovation. Also, it is very complicated (and
very likely impossible) to prescribe all relevant details
of management practices. Finally, ensuring compli-
ance with such detailed legislation of husbandry
conditions and practices would be virtually
In the European Commissions Action Plan for
Animal Welfare 20062010 (European Commission,
2006), it was stated that efforts will be made to
incorporate specific measurable animal welfare
indicators where available into existing and future
Community legislation.
Vision and approach
The Welfare Qualityvision was designed to
accommodate the above drivers and developments
and to respond to their diverse requirements. Trans-
parency of the product quality chain and provision of
guarantees in relation to animal welfare can be
considered major and overarching requirements.
These involve visibility of production processes to all
stakeholders (public, industry, government, etc.) and
a trustworthy way of quantifying how these processes
affect animal welfare (Blokhuis et al., 1998; Blokhuis,
2009). Welfare Qualitytherefore set out to deliver
reliable, science-based, on-farm welfare assessment
systems for poultry, pigs and cattle as well as a
standardised system to convey welfare measures into
clear and understandable product information.
It was also recognised that a concerted European
effort in the area of animal welfare should include
research designed to identify practical ways of solving
some of the main welfare problems in current animal
production. Therefore, Welfare Qualityinitiated
studies in important areas like handling stress,
injurious behaviours, lameness, temperament, etc.
Through its integrated European approach,
Welfare Qualitywas instrumental in providing a
firm basis for the European harmonisation of assess-
ment and information systems. Such harmonisation is
essential to create a level playing field for European
producers and to provide transparent consumer
information and marketing. Also, as a possible basis
for future legislation, welfare measures need EU-wide
support and harmonisation.
Welfare Qualityprovided instruments (assess-
ment methods and improvement strategies) which
can also drive further developments outside the EU.
European agriculture embraces diverse physical
environments (e.g. cold Nordic countries to warm
Mediterranean ones) and different socio-cultural
conditions (Kjærnes et al., 2007). The fact that we
took this diversity into account means that the
instruments developed in Welfare Qualityare likely
to be robust and applicable to many other contexts
and countries. We believe that most Welfare Quality
outcomes can be used not only throughout the EU,
but also at the level of the Council of Europe and
beyond in the case of international trade. Indeed,
the welfare assessment protocols have already been
The Welfare Qualityproject 131
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successfully tested by Welfare Qualitypartners in
Latin America.
Such a harmonised assessment procedure can
also be an invaluable tool for testing and evaluating
new housing and husbandry systems as well as new
genotypes before they are allowed onto the market.
By identifying potential risks, such testing would
play a critical preventative role.
Thus, the main aims of the Welfare Quality
project were described as:
to develop a standardised system for the assess-
ment of animal welfare;
to develop a standardised way to convey
measures into animal welfare information;
to develop practical strategies/measures to
improve animal welfare; and
to integrate and interrelate the most appropriate
specialist expertise in the multidisciplinary field
of animal welfare in Europe.
Animal welfare is a multidimensional concept. It
comprises both physical and mental health and
includes several aspects such as physical comfort,
absence of hunger and disease, possibilities to
perform motivated behaviour, etc. These specificities
of the welfare concept make its assessment a difficult
exercise, particularly when the importance attribu-
ted to these dimensions may vary between people
and change over time (Fraser, 1995, 2008). In
Welfare Qualitya primary requirement was that
the different aspects of welfare covered had to be
stated clearly. These aspects should reflect what is
meaningful to animals, as understood by animal
welfare science, and also be agreed upon by the
public and other stakeholders in order to ensure that
wider ethical and social issues are taken into
account. Therefore, in Welfare Qualitywe devised
ways of establishing dialogue between the projects
scientists and the various social constituencies
(ordinary citizens, farmers, breeders, retailers, certi-
fication bodies, NGOs, etc.; Miele et al., 2010).
Early consultation among animal scientists gener-
ated a list of four welfare principles and 12 criteria that
combined various scientific perspectives on how to
approach farm animal welfare as well as particular
aspects of an animals life that should be monitored in
order to gain as full an impression as practically
possible about its quality of life (Table I). In a truly
integrated fashion, this list of welfare principles and
criteria was discussed with members of the public in
focus groups in seven European countries (Evans &
Miele, 2007); with the stakeholders and external
scientific experts in the projects Advisory Committee
and Scientific Board, respectively, and in interviews
with farmers, retailers and certifying bodies in six EU
countries (Bock & Van Huik, 2007; Roe & Buller,
Once the Welfare Qualityassessment protocols
were drafted and tested at numerous European farms,
we organised citizen and farmer juries in three EU
countries to discuss: how the various aspects of
welfare are measured; how the results are combined
to evaluate farms (see the scoring system below);
and how the scheme might best be implemented
to realise improvements in European farm animal
welfare. Welfare Qualityoutcomes were presented
at three large stakeholder conferences (at Brussels
in 2005, Berlin in 2007 and Uppsala in 2009)
attended by farmersassociations, certification
bodies, retailers, NGOs, scientists, members of the
EU Parliament and the EU Commission, national
policy makers, the media, etc. Feedback from these
groups was taken into consideration when the assess-
ment protocols were refined. Intensive discussions
between animal and social scientists facilitated the
integration of the concerns and welfare priorities of
citizens and other stakeholders with a scientific
approach to animal welfare. The consultation process
is described in more details by Miele et al. (2010).
Animals differ in their genetic structure, early
experience and temperament and may therefore
experience the same environment in different ways.
Even apparently similar environments may be man-
aged differently by the stockperson, further affecting
the animalsexperience of a particular situation.
Thus, resource- (e.g. housing, stocking density) or
management-based measures (e.g. feeding strategies,
health plans) provide only partial information about
the animalswelfare in particular situations. So, in
line with the Commissions intention to adopt a more
outcome-based approach to animal welfare, the
Welfare Qualityscientists focused on animal-/
outcome-based measures that reflect the actual wel-
fare state of the animals in terms of their behaviour,
fearfulness, health, physical condition, etc. The fact
Table I. Principles and criteria for good welfare.
Principles Welfare criteria
Good feeding 1 Absence of prolonged hunger
2 Absence of prolonged thirst
Good housing 3 Comfort around resting
4 Thermal comfort
5 Ease of movement
Good health 6 Absence of injuries
7 Absence of disease
8 Absence of pain induced by man-
agement procedures
Appropriate 9 Expression of social behaviours
behaviour 10 Expression of other behaviours
11 Good humananimal relationship
12 Positive emotional state
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that such measures are sensitive to variations in farm
management and specific systemanimal interactions
makes them particularly relevant (Figure 1). It was
agreed that if no animal-based measure was available
to check a specific aspect, or if it was not sufficiently
sensitive or reliable, measures of the resources or the
management would be used to determine as much as
possible whether or not a given welfare requirement is
being met.
In Welfare Qualitys vision, feedback of the
detailed results of the measures (assessment infor-
mation) to the farmer is essential for ongoing farm
management. Together with expert advice such in-
formation can support the farmers efforts to further
improve the animalswelfare. For instance, once
the welfare status of a farm has been determined
using the above system(s) the feedback of results and
the provision of practical advice on remedial strategies
will help the farmer to deal successfully with any
problems that were identified. In this context, the
welfare improvement strategies developed in Welfare
Qualityand the associated Technical Information
Resource (which describes possible risk factors and
remedial measures) will contribute significantly to
the advisory component of the cyclical process of
farm assessment feedback and advise welfare
improvement reassessment, etc.
Main achievements
Principles and criter ia of good welfare. Ongoing
dialogue between Welfare Qualityscientists and
external stakeholders resulted in a list of 12 criteria
for good animal welfare which encompass all potential
areas of concern. These criteria, which built on
and extended the ‘‘Five Freedoms’’ were broadly
supported in focus groups (general public) and in
citizensand farmersjuries. The 12 criteria were then
grouped into four main principles to ease their
aggregation in the overall welfare assessment
(Table I). Along with methodologies developed in
operational research, the 12 criteria were defined so as
to cover all dimensions of animal welfare, to avoid
redundancies between criteria and to be interpreted
independently of each others (Bouyssou, 1990). This
logical approach is a major advance in animal welfare
science. It provides a solid framework for developing
welfare measures that will in turn be used to build a
comprehensive picture of animal welfare.
Standardised measures. Welfare Qualityresearchers
developed standardised, primarily animal-based
measures to check compliance of farms or slaughter-
houses with the 12 welfare criteria. Each assessment
system focuses on one of seven categories of animals of
three species (sows with piglets, fattening pigs, dairy
cattle, beef cattle, veal calves, laying hens and broilers)
and incorporates 3050 measures. Validity was
paramount, i.e. the measures had to say something
about the animalswelfare. However, animal-based
measures that have been validated for experimental
use are often unsuitable for commercial conditions
because they are too time-consuming, require
equipment to be taken to the animal unit, or need
specialist veterinary or behavioural expertise. Clearly,
practicality demands that measures should be quick
and easy; in fact many of the current Welfare Quality
measures simply require the assessor to count
frequencies of events and conditions or to classify
observations according to a few categories illustrated
by photographs. The scientists agreed among them-
selves upon the final composition of each assessment
Many welfare measures currently used in quality
assurance schemes have not actually been tested for
reliability. So, to address concerns about subjectivity
or mood-dependent variation in assessment all
measures were tested for inter- (between observers)
and intra-observer (within the same observer) reli-
ability. Procedures were standardised as much as
possible to allow comparisons between measures
and, whenever different options were available, the
measure with the highest reliability and feasibility was
selected. The reliability of the animal-based measures
was generally high and the methodology was further
improved by the provision of instructions on how the
test animals were to be selected. If reliability was poor
the measure was rejected.
Overall welfare evaluation model. A major goal was to
develop harmonised methods for the overall evalua-
tion of animal welfare on farm and at slaughter that
are science based and meet societal concerns. Since
welfare is multidimensional its assessment requires
measures of many aspects. Welfare Qualitywas
the first project to not only formulate a sound way
Animal welfare
information Legislative
Figure 1. Diagrammatic representation of the assessment and
information systems (adapted from Blokhuis et al. 2003).
The Welfare Qualityproject 133
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of integrating scores from many measures into an
overall welfare assessment, but also to tune the
evaluation model according to the opinion of
selected experts: biologists, social scientists and
stakeholders (Veissier et al., 2009). Combining
subjective assessments with mathematical ap-
proaches from other disciplines strengthened the
methods validity. Our formal evaluation model
transforms the data into value scores that reflect
compliance with the 12 criteria and four principles of
good welfare (Figure 2). After assessment each farm
can be allocated to one of four welfare categories:
excellent, enhanced, acceptable and not classified.
Like in all evaluation processes, ethics played an
important role, e.g. in determining the thresholds
between the welfare categories, or whether or not to
allow good results on some welfare aspects to
compensate for poor scores on others (Veissier
et al., 2010).
We created a software chain to ease collection of
data from the 3050 measures per system (using a
laptop or tablet PC), a database to store data for all
animal types and a software module to calculate
welfare scores at criterion, principle and overall level.
The results are shown on the website (http://www.; the farmers can access their
own results and welfare improvement strategies can
be simulated.
The ‘‘protocol’’ documents. After extensive testing of
the system(s) in practice the ‘‘protocol’’ documents
for assessing and evaluating welfare in cattle, pigs
and poultry were developed with the Dutch Stan-
dardisation Institute (NEN). This process combined
the efforts of many researchers and stakeholders to
create the ‘‘first’’ overall welfare assessment scheme
for farms and slaughterhouses using animal-based
outcomes and originating from a broad international
consensus. Although the protocols need some re-
finement and modification to facilitate application in
commercial settings, they are extremely positive
and important outputs of Welfare Quality. The
protocols are freely available and large numbers have
already been distributed to interested parties.
Improvement strategies and management support. The
effective uptake of the assessment systems by
farmers, advisors, retailers and others demands a
cyclical process of: assessment, feedback of results and
advice, welfare improvement, reassessment, etc. The
practical welfare improvement strategies developed in
the project, e.g. stockperson training programmes,
selection criteria to improve welfare through future
breeding programmes, recommendations on housing
and husbandry, provide an extremely important
contribution to the advisory component of that
process. Moreover, by focusing on the 12 criteria
and the welfare problems considered particularly
important by a wide range of stakeholders, Welfare
Qualityscientists are continuing to develop a
technical information resource describing the causes
and consequences of welfare problems as well as the
associated practical welfare improvement strategies.
Gaps, limitations and required research
Specific measures and models
Although Welfare Qualitywas the largest ever
collaborative project in animal welfare science, it is
clear that it could not have possibly covered all the
questions and every detail. So, it is not surprising that
there are still unanswered questions and discussion
points about specific welfare measures or the lack
of animal-based measures for some criteria (e.g.
prolonged thirst and thermal comfort in adult cattle).
Furthermore, no measures were developed for the
welfare at slaughter of dairy cows, veal calves, sows,
piglets and hens. Welfare Qualityalso had to
prioritise some tasks and species at the expense of
others because of budgetary and other constraints.
Thus, the models for the overall evaluation of welfare
in sows and piglets on farm, laying hens on farm,
buffalos or animals at slaughter could not be fully
completed. However, these could be developed
relatively easily in a follow-on project because all the
necessary processes and principles are in place.
New species
During the projects lifetime the Welfare Quality
measures and evaluation models were largely
developed for the seven animal types described above.
However, in order to provide a basis for welfare
assessment in general, the system has to be extended
to include other animal types and species. The 12
welfare criteria and the methods and outcomes of
Welfare Qualityform a sound basis for such
In line with our thinking, within the context of
the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) the EU
overall assessment
Figure 2. The model for the overall evaluation of animal welfare
(adapted from Botreau et al. 2008).
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recently called for research proposals to further
develop and refine the welfare assessment and
monitoring systems and to bring other important
species into the model (European Commission,
2009). New species that clearly merit study include
sheep, turkeys and horses; these are all very im-
portant for the continued agricultural and rural
development in Europe and they represent specific
challenges to the application of the Welfare Quality
system. For instance, sheep production is very
diverse and the extent to which sheep are farmed
extensively raises several issues for welfare assess-
ment, such as health problems, hunger, weather-
related discomfort, etc. that may not have been
encountered for other species. On the other hand,
the factors and issues influencing turkey welfare may
not be very different from those affecting broiler
chickens. Turkeys therefore represent an interesting
case in that they enable us to determine how
effectively the Welfare Qualityassessment system
can be transposed between two close species and
production environments.
Horses also display key differences from the other
animal models studied in Welfare Quality. These
include: (1) horses are generally kept individually or
in (very) small groups for a large part of the day;
(2) ownersspecific instructions may result in horses
being managed differently even within the same
facility; and (3) horses are kept for several different
purposes, e.g. as companion animals or for leisure
riding, sport, meat production, etc. Thus, a welfare
evaluation would need to target the individual animal
and tailor the calculation of scores accordingly.
Carrying out a complete Welfare Qualityassess-
ment may take 48 h. This is not only costly but it
also limits the number of farms that can be assessed
in a given period. So, it is essential to reduce the
workload and time required but without losing
the holistic nature of the assessment that enables an
overall and reliable view of animal welfare. The
software developed for capturing data on farms (on
a computer or a hand-held ‘‘personal digital assis-
tant’’ device) will optimise data collection in terms of
time and accuracy as well as enabling rapid avail-
ability and feedback of the results for management
support and further use in the production chain.
The workload may also be reduced by automating
some measures. Techniques developed in Precision
Livestock Farming (use of sensors, sensing systems
and real-time modelling, e.g. Silva et al., 2009)
may complement or replace manual measures in the
Welfare Qualityprotocols. Such automation could
greatly increase the effectiveness and time efficiency
of the existing welfare assessment protocols while
simultaneously providing valuable management in-
Frequency of assessment
It is agreed that the Welfare Qualityassessment
protocols require further refinement to reduce the
workload and encourage their uptake. It is also
necessary to determine how often a farm must be
assessed in order to guarantee its welfare status,
e.g. if a farm is rated ‘‘excellent’’ how frequently does
that rating need to be checked? In this context, the
incorporation of risk factor analysis in a future study
would not only identify likely problem areas, but
may also establish the frequency of visits required for
particular farms and whether it is necessary to run a
full assessment on each visit.
New European Union (EU) member states and
candidate countries
Our research on public attitudes to animal welfare
(focus groups, population survey with consumers
and citizen juries) was conducted in seven European
countries: five old member states (UK, France, the
Netherlands, Italy and Sweden) one new member
(Hungary) and a non-EU country, Norway. It
revealed at least three distinct modes of governance
and institutional environments pertaining to animal
welfare: the ‘‘market’’ , the ‘‘welfare state’’ and the
‘‘terroir’’ models (Kjaernes et al., 2009); these
greatly affect how ordinary people feel they can
take action to improve farm animal welfare while
shopping for food. We now need to fill the gap in
knowledge about the modes of governance/institu-
tional environments and consumer attitudes in new
member states and candidate countries.
Implementation and incorporation into
existing schemes
Now that Welfare Qualityhas developed and field
tested a comprehensive set of animal-based welfare
assessment protocols, the implementation task today
is to achieve their widespread adoption across food
chain actors. In turn, this would establish: first, a
greater basis for improved consumer confidence in
welfare claims; second, a genuine means of validating
higher welfare systems; and third, improvements in
the quality of farm animalslives. This mission faces a
number of challenges. The livestock sector is already
heavily regulated and assessed for a variety of reasons.
Farm inspection visits are multiplying and existing
The Welfare Qualityproject 135
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procedures are often seen as offering few concrete
benefits to producers. Moreover, many private
schemes incorporate some aspect of animal welfare
and many are operated as part of retail assurance
However, in practical terms, the Welfare Quality
system offers several major advantages: it is animal
based, thereby responding to shifting consumer,
legislative and welfare concerns about the quality of
animal lives; it is comprehensive and holistic across
the time and space of animal production; it is
rigorously and scientifically tested; it offers scope for
market segmentation based on valid and transferable
standards; it is dynamic, in that it encourages higher
welfare performance (and the benefits thereof); and,
critically, it is flexible in that it can be integrated into
existing assessment practice thereby reducing the
impact on producers, food chain actors and assessors.
We see four principal avenues for the implementa-
tion of the Welfare Qualityassessment scheme
(Table II). The first is legislative and regulatory.
The Welfare Qualityscheme offers the potential
for comprehensive and comparable (mainly animal-
based) assessment to be undertaken as part of
legislative compliance within individual production
sectors or, more readily, as the basis for a distinctive
welfare labelling initiative at the EU level. In this
instance, the scheme might act as an essentially
undifferentiated qualifying assessment leading to the
use and display of a label or brand. A second avenue is
as the basis for assessing the potential delivery of a
recognised public good, the provision of which by
private actors over and above mandatory minimum
standards might merit payment through such
targeted schemes as are currently operating within
the EU Rural Development Regulation. Here, the
Welfare Qualityassessment system might act
in certain conditions as the basis for assessing
differentiated levels of payment, according to asso-
ciated levels of welfare provision. Third, by offering
competitive advantage and demonstrating ethical
responsibility, a critical area for implementation of
the Welfare Qualityassessment scheme lies in its
adoption by food chain actors as part of their quality
assurance procedures. Finally, the Welfare Quality
scheme can play a vital role in farm management
through the feedback of assessment results and advice
(see section Improvement strategies and management
support). As such, it offers greater integration within
existing auditing and inspection protocols, without
duplicating procedures. Its exploration of innovative
monitoring and self-assessment methods, and poten-
tial integration with existing resource-based assess-
ment, makes the Welfare Qualityassessment scheme
a positive contribution to farm manag ement with clear
benefits to producers seeking formalised recognition
for good welfare practice or those actively wishing to
improve their own welfare standards.
Integration in existing schemes
The cost of the Welfare Qualityassessment not only
has to cover the time taken for the assessment visit
itself, but also that of getting a qualified assessor on
site in terms of training, transport and administration.
If delivered as ‘‘bolt on’’ within existing schemes, the
additional cost of time taken to deliver the Welfare
Qualityassessment is relatively low in comparison
with a ‘‘stand-alone’’ visit (Burton, 2009). Moreover,
existing schemes already have a pool of trained
assessors in place who have the skills to acquire new
competences and adopt new inspection methods and
tools. Integration of Welfare Qualityprotocols into
either existing ‘‘national’’ or ‘‘international’’ schemes
or retailersown assessment systems would there-
fore be the most cost effective way of delivering
the protocols (Burton, 2009; De Thore´, 2009). The
one danger of this method is the risk of the protocols
being taken out of context so it will be important to
make it abundantly clear how the protocols can be
grouped so that the scoring method can be applied
(Burton, 2009).
Table II. Possible ways to implementation the Welfare Qualityassessment tool (after Buller 2009).
Tool use Outcome Integration Remit
Full assessment
assessment tool Pass/fail Tiered
alone Bundled
Part of
brand Inclusive Exclusive
Legislation X XX XX X X XX XX XX X
European label XX X X XX XX X X X XX
Public good XX X XX XX X X X XX
Commercial assurance XX XX X XX X XX XX X XX
Farm management XX X X XX XX X X XX X
Note: XX more probable in the implementation of the Welfare Qualityassessment scheme; X less probable in the implementation of
the Welfare Qualityassessment scheme.
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Governance of the Welfare Qualitysystems and tools
Welfare Qualityno longer exists as an integrated and
collaborative structure. Scenario analyses performed
in Welfare Qualityidentified the urgent need to
establish and support an independent and inter-
nationally respected body to manage, maintain and
upgrade the welfare assessment and product infor-
mation systems as well as the support instruments,
e.g. welfare improvement strategies, and other tools
developed in the project (Ingenbleek et al., 2009).
This body would have strategic responsibilities for
managing the assessment and information systems
and related tools, supporting the implementation of
these systems for the various species and informing
the general public and stakeholders about all aspects
of the assessments and other tools.
A European Network of Reference Centres
for Animal Welfare, as recently suggested by the
European Commission (2009), would be admirably
suited to fulfil the above roles. Because national
environments vary considerably within Europe, and
specific expertise is available in several member states,
such a Network could effectively and efficiently link
the national expertise and practices.
Some important tasks for such a governing body
are briefly mentioned as follows.
Management of the system and support instruments. For
a harmonised and effective implementation of the
Welfare Qualityassessment systems, it is essential
to clearly define conditions of use. These should be
made clear to all stakeholders and implemented and
complied with by all users. For an unambiguous
communication to the public, it is also crucial to
define and describe the claims that can be made
on the basis of the outcomes of the assessments.
The constraints, in terms of marketing and commu-
nication messages, must also be made very clear.
Moreover, it is important that an independent body
verifies that the implementation plans proposed by a
stakeholder comply with the above conditions.
Training. The assessor is a ‘‘critical component’’ of
every certification and inspection scheme. Without
competent and credible assessors there would be no
consistency across assessments, so the scheme would
be unable to satisfy the producer or the consumer.
Thus, appropriate and recognised training in the use
and practical application of the welfare assessment
protocols is essential (Burton, 2009; Butterworth,
2009). Assessorsperformance should be evaluated
during a robust training course to ensure uniform
scoring, and then re-evaluated when they are active
in the field to ensure retention of objectivity,
impartiality and repeatability in scoring (Butter-
worth, 2009). Thus, assessor training and its deliv-
ery should focus prominently in further discussions
on implementation of the Welfare Qualityassess-
ment system. Recognition/accreditation of assessors
by an independent body (see above) is essential to
harmonise the use and application of the Welfare
Qualitysystems and to guarantee consistency.
Data management and protection. The application
(by trained/certified assessors) of Welfare Quality
assessment systems in food production chains will
generate large amounts of data from individual
farms all over Europe (and beyond). To ensure
harmonisation, processing of the data into integrated
welfare assessment scores should be entrusted to the
above independent body. These results must be
carefully stored to ensure the safe and steady
accumulation of knowledge. Indeed, such storage is
essential to keep the database up to date and
accurate. Data collected at several locations and at
various intervals can subsequently be used (with
appropriate protection) to: (1) continue to inform
stakeholders (e.g. on the progress made by a certain
population of farms/certain slaughterhouses, etc.);
(2) help farmers or slaughterhouse managers see
the progress they are making; (3) produce a yearly
‘‘European welfare barometer’’ with statistical
summaries of assessment scores; and (4) further
analyse the links between welfare problems and/or
identify their associated risk factors.
Supporting the adoption of the assessment system.
Activities one can envisage to stimulate the adoption
of the Welfare Qualityassessment system include:
advisory services; training and support packages to
help individual farmers, farmer organisations or
farmer retailer groups; and quality assurance
checks to ensure that the system is used correctly.
The resultant increase in animal welfare data would
aid the development of these support products and
One can also envisage a legitimising role, in
ensuring that the system has a solid acceptance basis
among the general European public, stakeholders
(farmers, retailers, certification bodies, etc.) with
specific interests in safeguarding farm animal welfare,
NGOs, policy groups and a wider group of stake-
holders concerned with sustainable development.
Updating the assessment system. The existing Welfare
Qualityassessment protocols and evaluation models
The Welfare Qualityproject 137
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need to be regularly updated and refined on the basis
of new scientific findings, societal developments and
practical experiences gained during implementation.
For example, some new measures may prove easier to
collect, or they may be more precise or more reliable
than those in the current Welfare Qualityprotocols.
The inclusion of a new measure or the replacement of
one measure by another requires stringent testing of
validity, repeatability and robustness (Engel et al.,
2009) followed by consultation in order to translate
the data into a value score (Veissier et al., 2009). This
process requires an independent body with the
appropriate expertise to check new measures and to
decide whether or not they can be incorporated into
the system. Currently, the Welfare Qualityscoring
system proposes that animal units should be placed in
one of four welfare categories (excellent, enhanced,
acceptable and not classified) according to a specific
set of rules. After a few years of implementation and in
order to satisfy the demand of the public for strin-
gency, we envisage raising the requirements of some of
these rules when clear improvements in welfare status
and strategies have become apparent at farms and
Upgrading a resource on welfare improvement strategies.
The provision of sound advice on ways of avoiding
welfare risks or resolving problems is critical for the
uptake and implementation of the Welfare Quality
assessment systems and for improving farm animal
welfare in general. Remedial measures developed
within and outside the Welfare Qualityproject are
described in a Technical Information Resource
which also details the causes and consequences of
welfare problems (Jones & Manteca, 2009). Clearly
there is an urgent need to maintain, update, extend
(to include new strategies and new species) and
disseminate this resource as new results emerge.
Through the management of the systems and the
efforts to support implementation, areas requiring
further research are expected to be highlighted. Such
areas may include: fundamental biological knowl-
edge required to assess all aspects of animal welfare
as well as relevant developments in stakeholder or
consumer attitudes, areas of cross-compliance, and
social, economic and environmental policy. A prior-
itisation of such R&D needs would be helpful for a
range of EU and national research funding bodies.
The active participation of a broad range of stake-
holder organisations (farmers, breeders, retailers,
certification bodies, NGOs, etc.) in the actual
research and in an advisory capacity greatly facili-
tated the uptake of Welfare Qualityoutcomes and
helped to guide the development of follow-on
projects. The strategic value of such collaborative
ventures is clear and the fact that Welfare Quality
generated the European Animal Welfare Platform, a
multi-stakeholder project committed to safeguarding
and progressing farm animal welfare, provides the
necessary impetus to foster further cooperation.
Indeed, the need for closer collaboration between
academics and stakeholders was recognised in the
Commissions recent call for proposals.
Ordinary people are often confused by existing
labels carrying welfare claims and they know little
about modern farming systems or animal welfare
problems. Welfare Qualityresearchers revealed a
clear need for the provision of reliable, user-friendly,
science-based information to raise awareness of
farm animal welfare in the general public and
schoolchildren, to help support welfare improve-
ment initiatives, and to increase consumersability
to interpret welfare claims on products (Evans &
Miele, 2007; Miele & Evans, 2010).
Earlier in this article we described the disad vantages
and difficulties of resource-based legislation. To
recap, firstly welfare is the quality of life as perceived
by the animal and is therefore best measured at the
animalslevel. Secondly, resource-based regulatory
efforts face difficulties in providing detailed (and
lasting) descriptions of the resources and in coping
with national and regional variations in critical factors
such as climate, farming conditions and traditions.
Thirdly, such regulatory systems would restrict the
managerial freedom of farmers and the innovative
capacity of the industry.
Since the Welfare Qualityprotocols for evaluating
welfare are primarily outcome based they provide a
strong platform for the European Commissions
intention to adopt a more outcome-based approach
to animal welfare legislation and welfare improve-
ment in the EU. Basically, this alternative approach
to legislation would simply define the minimum
acceptable level for the assessment results. These
minimum levels not only could be defined for each of
the many individual measures, but they could also be
set at the level of criteria, principles or even that of the
integrated assessment (e.g. a farm should at the very
least attain a score that places it in the ‘‘acceptable’’
In order to guarantee a harmonised assessment for
the whole of the EU, it is crucial that the assessment
system itself is clearly defined in such legislation.
There must also be scope for upgrading the system
as new measures and technologies emerge. Clearly,
the establishment of an independent managerial
body (as described above) should be integral to the
governance of that system.
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This type of legislation would also enable another
type of control, i.e. the owner of the animal unit
could be made responsible for ensuring that his/her
unit is assessed by a recognised third party. Official
controls could then focus on checking the assess-
ment outcomes and the quality of the process.
Random reassessment or specific risk-based controls
could also be part of such a system. Once again, this
whole process would be enormously facilitated by
the establishment of an independent body that could
also administer the assessment outcomes. Clearly,
this type of legislative control would give a far greater
coverage (in principle all European animal units)
than at present.
The Welfare Qualityteam is fully aware that it
would be dangerous to move entirely and solely to the
above type of output-based animal welfare legislation
in Europe and to abandon all prescriptive rules and
requirements. Legislation should maintain bans of
systems (e.g. battery cages) and practices proven to
induce poor welfare. This would protect the welfare of
animals and help ensure that individual farmers are
not misled into investing in systems or practices
that would simply lead to poor assessment results
according to the Welfare Qualityprotocols. The
bottom line can be summarised as: ‘‘ban bad systems
and practices and assess the remaining ones’’ (c.f.
Grandin, 2010).
An important opportunity for such an assessment-
based legislation is the possibility to include the
requirements for a specific voluntary EU labelling
scheme for products that are produced by animals
with a higher animal welfare status than legally
required (European Commission, 2009). Such a
scheme could build on exactly the same assessment
protocols and procedures while offering great
advantages for their implementation and helping
farmers who want to join the scheme (since they are
already assessed).
Another relevant opportunity is the introduction
of an EU-wide pre-testing facility (for housing
systems, genotypes and husbandry practices) based
on the same assessment procedures.
The outcomes of the Welfare Qualityproject
have a number of important implications for animal
welfare. Firstly, the assessment systems developed in
the project to measure welfare on farm and at
slaughter represent a whole new approach, i.e. they
primarily consist of animal-based measures. A
strongly structured evaluation model developed by
Welfare Qualityresearchers then integrates the
results of all the measures into an overall welfare
assessment for the farm or slaughter house. Rather
than the previous reliance on prescriptive scores
of the environment (resources) and management
(practices) our new approach enables the assessment
of animal welfare to focus more on the animals
experience of the farming environment. This is
also consistent with the aims of European and
national regulatory bodies as well as private industry
initiatives. Secondly, several practical welfare im-
provement strategies were developed as well as an
associated and comprehensive information resource
on methods of safeguarding and progressing farm
animal welfare. A third important innovation was
our effort to enhance societal involvement at all
levels by analysing and addressing the perceptions
and concerns of a broad sweep of stakeholders.
These included the general public, academics,
producers, animal breeders, retailers, certification
bodies, NGOs, government, etc. Our associated
dissemination activities included an interactive
web-based platform, conferences and symposia,
newsletters, fact sheets and media initiatives. Collec-
tively, the Welfare Qualityapproach represents a
paradigm shift in how to give an account of the lives
of farm animals and how to make it visible to the
broad public. The adoption of a harmonised method
for evaluating an animals quality of life on farm or at
slaughter and the provision of advice on remedial
strategies is likely to stimulate widespread improve-
ment in farm animal welfare as well as increasing the
credibility of welfare claims on animal products.
This text was produced as part of the Welfare
Qualityresearch project which has been co-financed
by the European Commission, within the sixth
Framework Programme, contract no. FOOD-CT-
2004-506508. The text represents the authors’ views
and does not necessarily represent a position of the
Commission who will not be liable for the use made
of such information. The authors acknowledge all
contributors to the Welfare Qualityproject who
carried out the research and produced the results on
which this text is based. Special thanks to Henry
Buller for his contribution to specific parts of this text.
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... The Welfare Quality® project organized welfare indicators according to 12 criteria and 4 principles (i.e., good feeding, good housing, good health, and appropriate behavior; Blokhuis et al., 2010). Other assessment tools differentiate welfare indicators according to animalbased (indicators that can be evaluated by direct or indirect observation of the animals) and resource-based (e.g., presence of concentrate and water; Barry et al., 2019;Hayer et al., 2021). ...
... For example, the animal welfare assessment tool proposed by Hayer et al. (2021) includes 14 animal-based indicators and 7 resource-based indicators. The Welfare Quality® assessment protocol for veal calves organizes the indicators according to 4 welfare principles and 12 criteria (Blokhuis et al., 2010). It stated that animal welfare assessment could be evaluated by considering good feeding, good housing, good health, and appropriate behavior (Blokhuis et al., 2010). ...
... The Welfare Quality® assessment protocol for veal calves organizes the indicators according to 4 welfare principles and 12 criteria (Blokhuis et al., 2010). It stated that animal welfare assessment could be evaluated by considering good feeding, good housing, good health, and appropriate behavior (Blokhuis et al., 2010). In another study, important areas for animal welfare -such as calving management, care for newborn calves, painful procedures, colostrum management, calf feeding, weaning, and calf housing -were identified, and an advisory tool was developed for dairy calves in Québec, Canada (Vasseur et al., 2010). ...
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Dairy calf welfare assessment tools focusing on the pre-weaning period have been proposed in recent research. Despite the existence of these tools, assessing the welfare and health-related quality of life (HRQoL) of dairy calves remains challenging. These difficulties may stem from the complexity of assessing all dimensions of calf welfare and the validity, reliability, and feasibility of the indicators used in assessment tools. This review aims to discuss welfare and HRQoL concepts and integrate them into a framework to facilitate the understanding of dairy calf welfare and HRQoL. The review also identifies on-farm dairy calf welfare indicators and explores how their validity, reliability, and feasibility have been evaluated. HRQoL, as a component of the quality of life concept, is used to determine how an animal feels during illness using behavioral expressions of affective states. In this review, we adapted a human HRQoL framework for dairy calves, illustrating the interconnection of 3 domains of animal welfare (behavior, mental state and health) in assessing calves' HRQoL. It is worth noting that a limited number of HRQoL assessment tools have been developed for dairy calves, and there is no standard way to assess the welfare of pre-weaned dairy calves. Some studies focus on specific aspects of animal welfare, while others address this concept more broadly. While behavioral indicators have been explored in dairy science , they often remain disconnected from the concept of HRQoL. After reviewing various welfare assessment tools focusing on pre-weaned dairy calves, 44 welfare indicators were selected. Considering the selected welfare indicators, we observed that their validity, reliability, and feasibility have not been extensively explored. This review contributes to understanding welfare and HRQoL concepts for pre-weaned dairy calves and highlights opportunities to enhance the assessment of welfare and HRQoL for these animals.
... In connection with the previous point, the EU provided funding for one of the most ambitious projects ever undertaken on animal welfare, namely the Welfare Quality ® project, from 2004 to 2009. This project aimed to develop protocols to assess animal welfare in an objective, scientific, and practical way, with a focus on animal-based measures (9). However, this project was primarily focused on raising cattle, pigs, and chickens. ...
... A sampling method was used to assess some birds in different locations within the farm to ensure that they were representative of the overall picture of the farm. All farms were audited by the same auditor, who was trained according to the Welfare Quality ® training procedure (9) and followed the certification requirements. In the present study, the structure provided by the Welfare Quality ® scheme was utilised, wherein 12 criteria comprised of 4 distinct principles were evaluated based on 36 specific welfare indicators in quails ( Figure 1). ...
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Introduction It is estimated that 1.4 billion quails are reared each year for their eggs and meat, but animal welfare assessment protocols for this species have yet to be established. The objective of this study was to devise an animal welfare assessment protocol developed through a multidimensional approach that contained a number of animal-based indicators (ABIs) for quails (Coturnix japonica) reared for meat production. Methods During 2021 and 2022, the identical auditor visited and audited 14 Spanish farms in their initial year of integration into an animal welfare certification scheme. The protocol is categorised into 4 principles and 12 criteria. The “good feeding” principle includes 6 indicators (1 ABI), “good housing” includes 10 indicators (5 ABIs), “good health” includes 12 indicators (9 ABIs), and “appropriate behaviour” contains 8 indicators (5 ABIs). The final welfare assessment is calculated at the farm level using scores from the on-farm recordings. The assessment is a step-by-step weighted sum of the scores from the various indicators, with the final score ranging between 0 and 100. Results and discussion The main welfare issues found on all farms were a lack of temperature and humidity records, a poor lighting pattern, and the absence of an outdoor range or access to one. To a lesser degree, it was also found that there were excessive numbers of birds per feeder, the presence of improperly functioning drinkers (i.e., not working, inadequate water flow, or dripping water), poor litter quality, and a high prevalence of birds with dirty plumage and lameness. Despite this, the farms achieved a good overall score, being classified as “enhanced” (n = 11) and “acceptable” (n = 3). The tool proved helpful in identifying specific welfare issues at the farm level and conducting benchmarking.
... The four welfare principles and 12 criteria proposed, as a development of the five freedoms concept, by the Welfare Quality project (Blokhuis et al., 2010) are a more useful general guideline. However, they have some of the same disadvantages, for example they also include: "no disease", "no injuries", "expressing normal behavior", although normal behavior is qualified by "nonharmful". ...
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Welfare is a scientific concept that refers to all living animals including humans. There is one welfare, just as there is one health and one biology. The welfare of an individual is its state as regards its attempts to cope with its environment. Welfare incorporates the individual's feelings and health as well as the functioning of various physiological, behavioral, and other adaptive mechanisms. Animal welfare research has provided information about needs and the extent of good or poor welfare. The relationships between the concepts of welfare, health, pain, needs, stress, feelings, quality of life and euthanasia are discussed.
... When a bird is exposed to stressful environmental conditions, the hypothalamopituitary-adrenal gland and parasympathetic nervous system are activated and this results in temperature increase (28) which has detrimental effect on the animal's welfare (29). A thermally stressful environment is also known to alter the homeostatic mechanisms of birds (30; 31), resulting in impairment of erythropoisis and protein synthesis (27). ...
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The study was conducted at the Shendam Outstation of the National Veterinary Research Institute to investigate the influence of seasons on haematologic and serum biochemical profiles of indigenous chickens in Shendam, Plateau State, Nigeria. Four males and forty females formed the base population. For haematologic parameters, the season had a significant effect only on haemoglobin, PCV (P<0.001), MCV, MCHC (P<0.05) and monocytes (P<0.001). Haemoglobin was highest (14.58±2.52g/dl) during the late rainy season and lowest (12.41±2.99; 12.33±3.14g/dl) during the late and early rainy seasons respectively. The PCV had the highest value (35.98± 1.19%) during the late rainy season and the lowest (31.18± 1.20%) during the early rains. On the other hand, monocytes were highest (3.21±0.13%) during the early rains and lowest (1.01±0.20%) during the early dry season. For biochemical parameters, on the other hand, the season had a significant effect only on glucose, albumin (P<0.001), total protein (P<0.01), cholesterol (P<0.001) and calcium (P<0.05). For these serum biochemical parameters, the highest versus lowest values on season bases were: glucose (early higher than late rainy season), albumin (late than early rainy season), total proteins (early than late rainy season), cholesterol (late rains than late dry season), cholesterol (late rains than late dry season) and calcium (late rains than late dry season) respectively. The higher haematologic values during the late rains might have been because of a favourable environment. There were also variations in biochemical parameters with season but there was no trend to indicate that they were in response to environmental changes. Deliberate efforts should be made to ameliorate the effects posed by these changes.
... A common way to assess welfare is to evaluate a wide range of parameters reflecting different aspects of the animal itself (animal-based parameters) and its environment (resource-based parameters) (e.g., Blokhuis et al. 2010;Caroprese et al. 2016;Mellor 2016;Mellor et al. 2020). These various measurable or observable parameters can be used to infer the likely associated mental experiences and therefore allow for insight into the welfare state of individual animals (Dawkins 2003;Mellor et al. 2020). ...
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The assessment of wild animal welfare has recently gained interest and represents a novel, complementary approach to monitoring free‐ranging populations for conservation purposes. However, few attempts have been made to develop standardized welfare assessment tools for free‐ranging animals. In the present study, a preliminary scoring system for the welfare assessment of Indo‐Pacific humpback dolphins (IPHDs) was created using the Five Domains Model. During a series of online meetings, the panel established the scoring unit, the contribution of each parameter to the four physical/functional domains, the inferred mental states and impact intensity associated with each of these parameters, and the method of aggregating parameter scores within and among domains. The resulting framework includes a total of 53 parameter scores. A total of 20 welfare‐status and 33 welfare‐alerting parameters were identified; these are aggregated into two overall welfare grades for enhancement (positive experiences) and compromise (negative experiences). The panel attributed confidence scores to the intensity impact reflected by each parameter and associated mental states. As expected, these scores reflect higher confidence in welfare‐status than welfare‐alerting parameters; welfare compromise was also attributed higher confidence than welfare enhancement and Domain 1 (Nutrition) globally received higher confidence scores than other domains. As with any expert elicitation study, subjective biases likely exist; these can be reduced through further research on the suggested parameters. The framework uses current knowledge and has been developed to enable continual improvement as further evidence becomes available on various parameters. This study represents an important step in the development of a welfare assessment tool (WAT) for IPHDs. Next steps include defining measurement methods and thresholds for scoring parameter intensities, followed by reliability testing. This WAT can then be used to systematically monitor populations of IPHDs in a way that will better inform conservation measures and ensure their effectiveness.
... Welfare is a multi-dimensional concept. It comprises physical and mental health, and includes aspects such as comfort, absence of hunger, thirst, disease and fear (Blokhuis et al 2010), and not least the animals' own experience of their environment (Mellor et al 2009). Thus, assessing an animal's welfare status requires protocols that include a variety of effective and practical measures covering these different dimensions. ...
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This paper describes the development and pilot-testing of a horse welfare assessment protocol (HWAP). The HWAP consists of the collective measurement of numerous factors considered likely to affect a horse's welfare and is thereby designed to provide a holistic score of its welfare status and to identify potential risk factors. The draft protocol contains 47 measures: 15 animal-based, 24 resource-based and eight management-based. It was tested in the autumn at two Swedish riding schools using a total of 37 horses of varying breed, gender and age. Each assessment was repeated after 16-25 days. The results showed that 66% (31/47) of the measures had over 85% repeatability between assessments. Results indicated occurrence of behavioural issues, eg aggression and avoidance, and potential risk factors, such as inadequate management routines and feeding regimes. Using the HWAP, the assessment of up to 22 horses could be carried out in one day. Changes were proposed to the draft protocol which included incorporating an ethogram to assess the human-animal relationship and assessing bit-related injuries. We propose that the protocol might: i) provide a firm basis for the welfare monitoring of horses; ii) identify important potential risk factors; iii) guide welfare improvement and management practices for horse owners and stable managers; and iv) contribute to the development of certification schemes for horse facilities.
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Based on current definitions, animal welfare has to be linked to a life worth living, as perceived by animals, thanks to positive experiences rather than to the mere absence of negative ones. The measure of on-farm welfare of livestock is crucial to improve farming systems, identify critical points and compare different farming systems in view of welfare labelling protocols. To this end, species-specific protocols are necessary, which should use different types of indicators, i.e. resources-based indicators, management-based indicators and, especially, animal-based indicators. These indicators should work under different farming systems and for different animal categories and can be used to assess welfare in the short term or during the productive life of the animal. Last but not least, indicators should be able to measure the affective state of animals in terms of positive emotions. In this scenario, rabbits are quite unique, as little information is available about i) their behavioural needs under farming conditions; ii) the degree of suffering associated with the behavioural restrictions that can occur under farming conditions; iii) the indicators to be used in the very different housing and management conditions in which rabbits can be farmed; and iv) the relationships between emotions and affective states of animals as well as the effect on resiliency of rabbits under different conditions. In this context, the present review is aimed at summarising the state of the art and designing a road map for assessing on-farm rabbit welfare based on the most recent knowledge and approaches with special emphasis on candidate animalbased indicators for measuring both negative and positive affective states of rabbits. The identification of positive welfare indicators is a big challenge, given the biological and behavioural characteristics of rabbits. Accordingly, a comprehensive and robust assessment of rabbit welfare on farms cannot do without structure- and management-based indicators, which should be included in validated and standardised protocols using a multi-indicator approach.
The assessment of goat welfare must necessarily be based on science, using valid, reliable, and feasible animal-based indicators. In recent years, interest in goats and their welfare has increased significantly, culminating in the publication of the European AWIN welfare assessment protocol in 2015. Although this protocol is widely used, there are still many gaps to be filled for a comprehensive goat welfare assessment. Most studies address the welfare of dairy goats, while virtually no work specifically exists on meat or fibre goats. Only a few indicators have been developed to assess the welfare of bucks and kids, while some studies are available for extensively farmed goats. Feral and wild goats are rarely considered in animal welfare studies. Most validated indicators are useful for measuring the health status of goats, while few are suitable for assessing emotions. There is a great expectation towards Precision Livestock Farming technologies and how it will improve and simplify welfare assessment. While this is partly true, we must not forget that relying completely on technology brings with it risks that can be detrimental to animals.
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Pig welfare constitutes a strategic pillar of sustainability within the pork industry. Consequently, there is a need to identify, develop and/or validate indicators for assessing pig wellbeing under commercial conditions. A systematic review following PRISMA guidelines identified 95 pig welfare indicators (PWIs) categorized into physiological, behavioral, health and post-mortem, and product quality. The review evaluated their validity and feasibility (V&F) for use in abattoirs to measure welfare during transport and slaughter. Thirty V&F indicators were found: one physiological (body temperature), 12 behavioral (human-animal relationship, aggression, falling, vocalization, slipping, panting, lying down, sitting, turning back), 13 health and post-mortem (presence of entry points, hernias, body lesions, ear lesions, tail lesions, pericarditis, pneumonia, bursitis, lameness, dead animals, walking and non-walking animals), and four product quality (pH, bruises, body condition, carcass weight). This information might help to identify the factors that affect the risk level of particular pig welfare problems, thereby aiding in the application of risk-based strategies.
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This study, commissioned by the Policy Department for Citizens' Rights and Constitutional Affairs upon request of the Committee on Petitions, finds out that EU animal welfare policy and legislation has had much positive influence in the world, on the image of the EU as well as helping animals. However, most kinds of animals kept in the EU are not covered by legislation, including some of the worst animal welfare problems, so a general animal welfare law and specific laws on several species are needed. Animal sentience and welfare should be mentioned, using accurate scientific terminology, in many trade-related laws as well as in animal-specific laws.
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That humans exploit animals, often in cruel ways, is not open to doubt. Reponsibility for exploitation and cruelty lies unambiguously on the human side of any human-animal divide. For this reason, relations between humans and animals might be described as profoundly asymmetrical (Schiktanz 2004: 2). Asymmetry emerges whenever animals are confined for human purposes, for instance in farms, zoos and homes. As Schiktanz (2004: 2) puts it, “the animal itself has usually no opportunity to force its necessities – everything depends on the good will of the human ‘owner’”. Such asymmetric relations are apparently inevitable, especially in the agricultural domain where billions of animals are raised for slaughter. In fact, farm-based asymmetry is undoubtedly widespread as the modern industrial system leads to the ever-greater intensification, industrialisation and mechanisation of animal production (Fiddes, 1990; Rifkin, 1992; Strassart and Whatmore, 2003).
For a long time legislation has been the commonest way of protecting farm animal welfare but more recently growing consumer demand both for quality food products and more ethical food production has meant that farm animal welfare is emerging as an area of potential added value for producers, retailers and other food chain actors. To support chain actors in their efforts, Welfare Quality® has been investigating the impact of these new consumer demands, and the current industry responses to them. Research carried out by Welfare Quality® in Norway, Sweden, the Netherlands, the UK, France and Italy looked at how animal welfare is mobilised from farm to supermarket shelf as a means of both achieving increased product value and broader ethical branding.
The role of the veterinarian in animal welfare. Animal welfare: too much or too little? The 21st Sympos ium of the Nordic Committee for Veterinary Scientific Cooperation (NKVet) Meeting