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A New Species of the Feather Mite Genus Pterotrogus Gaud (Analgoidea: Pteronyssidae) from the Ivory-billed Woodpecker Campephilus principalis L. (Aves: Piciformes)

A New Species of the Feather Mite Genus Pterotrogus Gaud
(Analgoidea: Pteronyssidae) from the Ivory-billed Woodpecker
Campephilus principalis L. (Aves: Piciformes)
Ann. Entomol. Soc. Am. 97(6): 000Ð000 (2004)
ABSTRACT A new feather mite species, Pterotrogus principalis sp. n., is described from the wing
plumage of the ivory-billed woodpecker, Campephilus principalis L. This is the Þrst record of a feather
mite species from this bird, which was distributed in southeastern North America and Cuba, but is
considered to be recently extinct.
KEY WORDS feather mites, Pterotrogus, new species, Campephilus principalis
THE IVORY-BILLED WOODPECKER,Campephilus principalis
L. (1758; Piciformes: Picidae), the largest woodpecker
of North America, once inhabited mature forests of
southeastern areas in the United States and in Cuba,
but at present is thought to be extinct. The last reliable
sightings of this species in the North American con-
tinent were in the 1950s, and in Cuba in the early 1990s
(Dennis 1979, Estrada and Alayo´n 1986, Lammertink
1992, Lammertink and Estrada 1995). Feather mites
associated with the ivory-billed woodpecker have not
previously been documented.
In the course of our current taxonomic investiga-
tions of feather mites associated with nonpasserine
birds (e.g., Dabert et al. 2002, Mironov et al. 2003), we
examined a museum skin specimen of the ivory-billed
woodpecker and recorded a new feather mite species
from this host. The new species belongs to the feather
mite genus Pterotrogus Gaud, 1981 (Analgoidea: Ptero-
nyssidae), which seems to be speciÞc to large-bodied
species of woodpeckers in North America (Faccini
and Atyeo 1981).
Among 10 feather mite families, representatives of
which have been recorded from woodpeckers (Gaud
and Atyeo 1996), the family Pteronyssidae is a feather
mite group occurring most commonly on these birds.
Pteronyssid feather mites belong to the morphotype
specialized for inhabiting primary and secondary
ßight feathers (Mironov 1999, 2001, Dabert and Mi-
ronov 1999). As most feather mite taxa specialized to
this microhabitat, pretonyssid species are commonly
monoxenous or oligoxenous in their host speciÞcity.
Six genera of this family, Conomerus Gaud, 1981,
Neopteronyssus Mironov, 2002, Pteronyssus Robin,
1877, Pterotrogus, Stenopteronyssus Faccini et Atyeo,
1981, and Zygepigynia Gaud et Corpuz-Raros, 1985,
are recently known from woodpeckers (Faccini and
Atyeo 1981, Mironov 2002). With the exception for
Conomerus, which also occurs on barbets (Piciformes:
Capitonidae), these genera are restricted in their host
associations to woodpeckers. Investigations of ptero-
nyssid species diversity and analysis of their host as-
sociations with woodpeckers of the Old World have
been carried out for mites distributed in Eurasia
(Cerny and Schumilo 1973, Mironov 1989, 2003) and
Africa (Gaud 1990, 1991). Pteronyssid mites living on
woodpeckers of the Old World are currently repre-
sented by 27 species of four genera: Conomerus (three
species), Neopteronyssus (16 species), Pteronyssus
(four species), and Zygepigynia (four species). In con-
trast to that, biodiversity of pteronyssids distributed in
the New World is almost unexplored area. Up to date,
only six species of four genera, Neopteronyssus (one
species), Pteronyssus (three species), Pterotrogus (one
species), and Stenopteronyssus (one species) have
been recorded from the New World Picidae (Mc-
Daniel and Price 1963; Faccini and Atyeo 1981).
Among them, two latter genera are apparently re-
stricted to woodpeckers of the Western hemisphere.
Materials and Methods
Mites were found on one of two museum skins of the
ivory-billed woodpecker deposited in the Uebersee
Museum (Bremen, Germany). Mites were extracted
according to the scratching method of Gaud and
Atyeo (1996) and preserved in 70% ethanol. For light
microscopy, mites were macerated in 10% lactic acid
at 60C for 4 d and mounted on slides in Faure medium
(Evans 1992).
The description of the new species follows the stan-
dard approach used for pteronyssid mites (Faccini and
Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Univer-
sitetskaya embankment 1, 199034 Saint Petersburg, Russia(e-mail:
Department of Animal Morphology, A. Mickiewicz University, 28
Czerwca 1956/198, Poznan´61Ð 484, Poland.
Institute of Nature Conservation and Environmental Education,
University of Vechta, Driverstrasse 22, D-49377 Vechta, Germany.
0013-8746/04/0000Ð0000$04.00/0 2004 Entomological Society of America
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Atyeo 1981, Mironov 2001, 2002). The nomenclature
of idiosomal chaetotaxy follows GrifÞths et al. (1990)
and the leg chaetotaxy is that of Atyeo and Gaud
(1966). All measurements are given in micrometers.
Analgoidea Trouessart and Me´gnin, 1884
Pteronyssidae Oudemans, 1941
Figs. 1–4. Pterotrogus principalis sp. n., male. (1) Dorsal view. (2) Ventral view. (3). Tarsus III, dorsal view. (4) Tarsus
IV, dorsal view. Signatures for idiosomal setae: c1, c2, c3, cpÑsegment C setae, d1, d2Ñsegment D setae, e1, e2Ñsegment E
setae, f2Ñsegment F setae, gÑgenital setae, h1–h3Ñsegment H setae, ps1–ps3Ñsetae of pseudanal segment, SE, siÑscapular
setae, viÑinternal vertical setae, 1a, 3a, 3b, 4aÑcoxal setae. Signatures for leg setae and solenidia: d, e, fÑdorsoapical setae
of tarsi I-IV, kTÑventral seta of tibiae III, IV, rÑparaxial ventral seta of tarsi III, IV, wÑventral seta of tarsi III, IV,
Ñdorsoapical solenidion of tibiae IÐIV.
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Pterotrogus Gaud in Faccini and Atyeo 1981
Until now, the feather mite genus Pterotrogus in-
cluded only the type species, Pterotrogus simplex
(Haller, 1882), which was described from the red-
headed woodpecker, Melanerpes erythrocephalus L.
(1758), in Canada (Haller 1882). This genus can be
distinguished from other pteronyssid genera speciÞc
to woodpeckers by the complete fusion of dorsal
shields of the body into a single uniformly punctured
shield covering almost the entire dorsal surface of the
idiosoma; only the scapular shields may be separated
or traces of their fusion with prodorsal shields are
present (Fig. 1). In a generic revision of the pteron-
yssids, Faccini and Atyeo (1981) had redescribed the
type species and noted that Þve undescribed conge-
neric species are also distributed on the New World
Picidae; however, these authors listed neither species
nor genera of woodpeckers from which they collected
Pterotrogus principalis sp. n.
(Figs. 1Ð7)
Male (Holotype). Length of idiosoma 286, greatest
width of idiosoma 132 (idiosomal size in Þve paratypes
290Ð298 by 136 Ð146). All dorsal shields of the body
fused into single idiosomal shield; traces of fusion
between prodorsal and scapular shields visible (Fig.
1), surface without ornamentation, lateral margins of
prodorsal area of the shield with small incisions ante-
rior to scapular setae, distance between setae SE 84.
Length of hysterosoma from level of setae c2 to lobar
apices 175. Setae c3 lanceolate, with acute apex, 13 in
length. Dorsal setae e1 situated at the level of lateral
Figs 5–7. Pterotrogus principalis sp. n., female. (5) Dorsal view. (6) Ventral view. (7) Head of spermatheca. SD, secondary
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setae e2, hysteronotal gland openings gl poorly devel-
oped, setae ps1 awl-shaped, 14 in length. Opisthosoma
wide, approximately two-thirds greatest body width,
with short and widely rounded opisthosomal lobes;
terminal cleft shallowly concave, 12 in length. Dorsal
measurements: c2–d2 88, d2– e2 47, d2– gl 32, gl–e1 25,
e2–e1 4Ð6, e2–h3 42, h2– h2 54, h3– h3 37, ps1–ps1 22,
ps2–ps2 66. Inner ends of epimerites IIIa form an
oblique T; epiandrium absent. Setae 3a anterior to 3b,
situated on sclerotized inner ends of epimerites IIIa
(Fig. 2). Genital arch 15 in length, 12 in width, ae-
deagus one-half as long as arch, genital setae g, and
coxal setae 4a at midlevel of genital arch. Adanal
apodemes, adanal shields, and adanal membranes ab-
sent. Tarsus III with apical claw, 27 in length; seta r
short, 7 in length (Fig. 3). Tarsus IV without dor-
sobasal teeth; modiÞed seta dand econical, weakly
sclerotized (Fig. 4).
Female (Paratype). Length of idiosoma 455, width
of idiosoma 164 (idiosomal size in other four paratypes
445Ð450 by 162Ð178). Structure of entire dorsal idio-
somal shield as in the male (Fig. 5), setae SE separated
by 98. Length of hysterosoma from level of setae c2 to
posterior end 322. Setae c3 lanceolate with acute apex,
20 in length. Posterior margin of opisthosoma
rounded, without lobes. Setae d1 at level of humeral
setae cp, setae e1 posterior to level of setae e2. Setae
ps1 thick setiform, 46 in length. External copulatory
tube as small weakly sclerotized terminal extension,
5 in length. Dorsal measurements: c2–d2 133, d2–e2
84, e2–f2 90, e2–e1 24 Ð30, h2–h2 69, ps1–ps1 24. Epigy-
nium a long arch, 34 in length, 25 in width; sclerotized
fold of oviporus long, extending beyond the midlevel
of epimerites IV (Fig. 6). Head of spermatheca as in
Fig. 7.
Type Material. HOLOTYPE: one male (ZISP BR
145) from the Ivory-billed Woodpecker Campephilus
principalis (Picidae), female, North America, no other
data (UBR No 6165); PARATYPES: Þve males and Þve
females, same data. Holotype male, paratype 2 males
and two femalesÑZoological Institute, Russian Acad-
emy of Sciences, Saint Petersburg, Russia (ZISP);
paratype one male and two femalesÑA. Mickiewicz
University, Poznan´, Poland (AMU); paratype one
male and one femaleÑUebersee Museum, Bremen,
Germany (UBR).
Diagnosis. The males of the new species differ from
those of the type species, Pterotrogus simplex, by hav-
ing setae e1 situated approximately at level of setae e2,
widely rounded opisthosomal lobes, legs IV not ex-
tending beyond lobar apices, and setae 3a situated on
sclerotized areas of epimerites IIIa; the females are
distinguished by having setae e1 clearly posterior to
the level of setae e2, legs IV not reaching the posterior
end of opisthosoma, and setae ps1 twice as long as the
distance between their bases. Males of P. simplex have
setae e1 situated between the levels of setae d2 and e2
and commonly equidistant from them, opisthosomal
lobes obtusely angular, legs IV extending beyond the
lobar apices by the length of an ambulacral disc, and
setae 3a are off the sclerotized areas of epimerites IIIa.
Females have setae e1 equidistant from the levels of
setae d2 and e2, legs IV extending beyond the posterior
end of opisthosoma by distal half of tarsus, setae ps1
having length approximately one-third distance be-
tween their bases.
Etymology. The speciÞc epithet derives from the
speciÞc name of the host.
The authors thank P.-R. Becker, head of the Natural His-
tory Department in the U
¨bersee Museum (Bremen, Ger-
many), for making the ornithological collection available for
our study, and H. C. Proctor (University of Alberta, Canada)
for critically reviewing the manuscript. This study was mainly
supported by the Committee of Science Promotion of the
University of Vechta (KFN), Germany, and in part, by the
Russian Foundation for Basic Researches (Project 03-04-
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Acta Parasitol. 48: 280Ð293.
Received 13 April 2004; accepted 15 July 2004.
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... This genus is one of 12 pteronyssid genera restricted in their host associations to birds of the order Piciformes . To date, the genus Pterotrogus has included 17 species; all of them are associated with woodpeckers of the New World (Mironov 2005;Mironov et al. 2005;Hernandes 2012). Phylogenetic analysis of relationships within this genus, based on morphological characters, and a key to species were provided by Mironov (2005). ...
... The mite genus Pterotrogus is widely distributed on New World woodpeckers, particularly the species-rich genera Campephilus Gray, Colaptes Vigors and Veniliornis Bonaparte in Central and South America. A few species of Pterotrogus species are also known from single host species from the genera Dryocopus Boie, Leuconotopicus, and Melanerpes Swainson in North America (Mironov 2005;Mironov et al. 2005;Hernandes 2012). We suggest that the ancestor of P. panamensis has shifted from a woodpecker species of the gen-era Colaptes or Veniliornis harboring species of the simplex group (Mironov 2005). ...
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Two new feather mite species of the superfamily Analgoidea are described from the hairy woodpecker Leuconotopicus villosus (Linnaeus, 1766) (Piciformes: Picidae) in Panama: Pterotrogus panamensis n. sp. (Pteronyssidae) and Trouessartia hernandesi n. sp. (Trouessartiidae). Pterotrogus panamensis belongs to the simplex species group and most clearly differs from the other species of this group in having the pregenital sclerite paired in males, and the hysteronotal shields strongly narrowed posteriorly in females. Trouessartia hernandesi is close to T. picumni Hernandes, 2014, the only previously known species of this genus from woodpeckers, and differs from the latter by having the following features: in both sexes, setae d1 and d2 are present and genual setae cGI, cGII and mGI are spiculiform; in males, epimerites IVa are long, bow-shaped and extend to the base of the genital apparatus; in females, the external copulatory tube is long and spiculiform.
... The diversity of the family Pteronyssidae has been most extensively studied in the Old World, particularly in Europe (erny and Schumilo 1973;Mironov 1985Mironov , 1989 and Africa (Gaud 1988(Gaud , 1989(Gaud , 1990a(Gaud , 1990b(Gaud , 1991. Representatives of this family are extremely poorly known in North America; only seven species belonging to the genera Pteronyssus (two species), Neopteronyssus Mironov, 2002 (one species), Pterotrogus Faccini and Atyeo, 1981 (two species), and Scutulanyssus (two species) have been recorded from the Nearctic region (Tyrrell 1882;Hall 1912;Banks 1915;McDaniel and Price 1963;Bruce and Johnston 1969;Faccini and Atyeo 1981;Mironov 2003;Mironov et al. 2005). ...
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In this paper, we review the pteronyssid feather mites of the genera Pteronyssus Robin, Scutulanyssus Mironov, and Stenopteronyssus Faccini and Atyeo found in the course of an investigation into ectoparasites of birds in Canada. Five new species of feather mites are described: Pteronyssus sphyrapicinus sp. nov. from the Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, Sphyrapicus varius (L.); Stenopteronyssus proctorae sp. nov. from the Northern Flicker, Colaptes auratus (L.); Scutulanyssus prognei sp. nov. and Scutulanyssus subis sp. nov. from the Purple Martin, Progne subis (L.); and Scutulanyssus petrochelidonis sp. nov. from the Cliff Swallow, Petrochelidon pyrrhonota (Vieillot). New host records are provided for Pteronyssus picoides Černy and Schumilo from the Downy Woodpecker, Picoides pubescens (L.), and for Scutulanyssus obscurus (Berlese) from the Cliff Swallow; Pteronyssus brevipes Berlese and Scutulanyssus hirundicolus Mironov are formally recorded in North America for the first time; and Pteronyssus centurus McDaniel and Price is reported for the first time in Canada, from Lewis' Woodpecker, Melanerpes lewis (Gray). Scutulanyssus tyrrelli (Canestrini) is reported for the first time in Manitoba from the Tree Swallow, Tachycineta bicolor (Vieillot). Keys are provided for all species of Pteronyssus and Scutulanyssus found in North America.
... Six feather mite species were described from the museum exhibit of the Carolina parakeet Conuropsis carolinensis, the only North American parrot, 100 years after this bird became extinct through the destruction of its forest habitat (Mironov et al. 2005a). Also, the recently described new Pterotrogus (Analgoidea, Pteronyssidae) species was discovered on the museum skin of the ivory-billed woodpecker Campephilus principalis, a bird still believed by some ornithologists to exist despite the last reliable sightings of this species being in the 1950s in North America and probably in the early 1990s in Cuba (Mironov et al. 2005b). The well-known example of the extinct Diplaegidia gladiator (Analgoidea, Analgidae) from the passenger pigeon Ectopistes migratorius should not be included in this list of discovered ''museum fossils'' because it was described when the passenger pigeon was still alive (Haller 1882). ...
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We describe one new feather mite species Coraciacarus muellermotzfeldi sp. nov. (Acari, Astigmata) found as dried corpses on the feathers of the museum skin of the huia Heteralocha acutirostris (Gould, 183718. Gould , J. 1837. A synopsis of the birds of Australia, and the adjacent islands, Vol. I, London: Gould. 11 p1. View all references) (Passeriformes, Callaeatidae). This endemic New Zealand passerine bird is believed to have been extinct since the beginning of the twentieth century. Comments on the systematic position of the new species within the genus Coraciacarus are presented. A key to all known species and subspecies of the genus is provided. The unusually wide host range of Coraciacarus is discussed. The presence of a representative of this genus on a passerine bird is an enigmatic phenomenon. It might be the result of horizontal transfer from cuckoos (Cuculiformes) rather than ancient co‐phylogenesis but this hypothesis is only weakly supported by currently available data.
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Feather mites of finfoots (Heliornithidae), a small gruiform family, are poorly and partly erroneously recognized. Grallolichus heliornisi sp. n. (Astigmata: Pterolichidae) is here described from the sungrebe Heliornis fulica as the first representative of the genus commonly found on close relatives of finfoots, Rallidae and Sarothuridae. This species belongs to the species group having ornamented dorsal shields and is morphologically most close to G. proctogamus inhabiting Eurasian coot (Fulica atra). Males of the new species differ from G. proctogamus mainly by the shape of opisthosomal lobes (triangular vs. rounded) and the aedeagus form (parallel sided vs. tapering distally). Females differ mainly by the shape of supranal concavity (open anteriorly vs. closed) and location of setae h1 in relation to supranal concavity (lateral vs. anterior). A key to known species of the genus Grallolichus is provided. The morphological analysis and descriptive characterization of this species, like much of the approximately 2500 feather mite species described to date, were based on mummified mite material preserved in 19th-century old museum bird specimens. These often-forgotten collections are the only source for the analysis of the acarofauna of many rare, unavailable wild or even extinct bird taxa.
Two new feather mites of the genus Calcealges Gaud, 1952 (Acari: Trouessartiidae) are described from antbirds (Passeriformes: Thamnophilidae) in Brazil: Calcealges formicivorae n. sp. from Formicivora grisea (Boddaert) and C. stymphalornithi n. sp. from Stymphalornis acutirostris Bornschein, Reinert & Teixeira. Calcealges formicivorae n. sp. differs from C. trinidadensis Orwig by having, in both sexes, the inner margin of the humeral shields deeply incised and, in females, setae d2 reaching only to the level of trochanters III. Calcealges stymphalornithi n. sp. differs from C. novimundus Orwig, 1968 by having in both sexes the posterolateral areas of the prodorsal shield with longitudinal and oblique striae; males also have the central area of hysteronotal shield without ornamentation and relatively shorter setae d2.
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Two new species of the feather mite family Pteronyssidae Oudemans, 1941 are described from the white-barred piculet, Picumnus cirratus Temminck from Brazil: Pterotrogus picumni sp. n. and Ramphastobius scutatus sp. n., representing the first mites described from this host. Pterotrogus picumni sp. n. can be readily distinguished from all previous species of the simplex group by having dorsal crest on femora I and II in both sexes. This is the first representative of the genus Pterotrogus Gaud, 1981 recorded on a host of the genus Picumnus Temminck. Ramphastobius scutatus sp. n. is unique among species of the genus by having in both sexes the prodorsal and scapular shields fused into a single propodonotal shield covering all prodorsum. An updated key to known species of the genus Ramphastobius Gaud, 1981 is presented.
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The ivory-billed woodpecker (Campephilus principalis), long suspected to be extinct, has been rediscovered in the Big Woods region of eastern Arkansas. Visual encounters during 2004 and 2005, and analysis of a video clip from April 2004, confirm the existence of at least one male. Acoustic signatures consistent with Campephilus display drums also have been heard from the region. Extensive efforts to find birds away from the primary encounter site remain unsuccessful, but potential habitat for a thinly distributed source population is vast (over 220,000 hectares).
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The Ivory-billed Woodpecker Campephilus principalis has suffered from destruction of its habitat over the whole of its range, being last recorded in eastern Cuba (Ojito de Agua) in 1987. The only chance for the species was that the last-known birds had moved to adjacent areas, or that other populations existed in other mountainranges. Between February and May 1993 an extensive search for the species and for suitable habitat was carried out in mountain areas of eastern Cuba. In the surroundings of Ojito de Agua no suitable large old-growth forests remain, and evidence for the absence of Ivory-billed Woodpeckers from the area is discussed. In the region surveyed, only around Pico la Bayamesa in the Sierra Maestra does an almost untouched forest still stand, but this is probably outside the species's original range. Ojito de Agua and Pico la Bayamesa should nevertheless be fully protected. The last known population of Ivory-billed Woodpecker appears to have become extinct in 1989 or 1990. Scaling of bark from dead pines, formerly considered a sure sign of the species's presence, may be caused by weather damage.
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A systematic review of pterolichid feather mites of the Psittophagus generic group (Pterolichidae, Pterolichinae) is presented. New feather mite taxa are described: Psittaculobius quadriglobus gen. nov., sp. nov. from the Long-tailed Parakeet Psittacula longicauda (type host) and the Red-breasted Parakeet P. alexandri (Psittacidae, Psittacinae), Psittophagus calyptorhynchi sp. nov. from the Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoo Calyptorhynchus funereus (Cacatuidae, Calyptorhynchinae). A key to all genera and species of the Psittophagus group and taxonomic comments on formerly described species are provided, and host-parasite associations of these mites with the parrots from the Old World are briefly discussed. It is hypothesised that the Psittophagus group originated on the ancestors of Psittaciformes at the same time as other pterolichine groups specific to parrots, but in the process of coevolution with these hosts it has achieved significant success on Cacatuidae only, while on Psittacidae, the representatives of this group have been retained only on few phylogenetic lineages in the Old World.
Eight species of the feather mite genus Anephippius (Avenzoariidae, Pteronyssinae) are associated with African Piciformes. Five species are parasitic on Capitonidae, 3 species on Picidae. -from English summary
The genus Pegopteronyssus seems to be restricted to Africa and includes only P. phyllurus, a parasite of the capitonid genera Gymnobucco, Lybius, Smilorhis, Stactolaema and Tricholaema. The genus Pteronyssus is ubiquitous. Four African species assigned to this genus are very closely related, forming a species complex. All of them parasitize Picidae of the genus Campethera. -from English summary
Pteronyssus centurus is described from the goldenfronted woodpecker, Centurus aurifrons, and the ladderbacked woodpecker, Dendrocopos scalaris. It is closely related to P. glossifer Gaud but has a differently shaped propodosomal shield in both sexes, and the hysterosomal plate of the female is composed of two sections rather than three as in P. glossifer. The three lots of material on which the description is based were collected in Kleberg and Hidalgo Counties in South Texas, and in Palo Pinto County in the north-central part of the State.
Within the Astigmata, setal homologies with the general chaetotaxic systems developed for acariform mites by F. Grandjean have never been convincingly established. This study deals with all body regions, exclusive of legs and gnathosoma, mostly utilizing as models astigmatid species from three different families. Six hypotheses which attempt to explain the ontogeny of segments, setae and cupules in the caudal bend region are compared using three-dimensional views obtained by scanning electron microscopy. The hypotheses are evaluated by in-group comparisons testing their consistency with presumed segmental boundaries, and by out-group comparisons with oribatid mites. The strongest, most parsimonious hypothesis suggests that larval astigmatid mites possess segment F, but not its setae, and the two pairs posterior to segment F are hl and h2, whilst the five setae added in the protonymph are h3, f2 and ps1–3. Six pairs of structures on the deutonymphal anal plate are identified as modified setae, and evidence supporting their homologies with setae of other instars is discussed for the first time. A comparison of the principal chaetotaxic systems used for the dorsal and anal regions of the Astigmata is presented. Application of Grandjean's setal signatures to these regions, as well as to the coxisternal and genital regions, is discussed and illustrated by examples.