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Phylogenetically-Informed Priorities for Amphibian Conservation

  • Amphibian Survival Alliance

Abstract and Figures

The amphibian decline and extinction crisis demands urgent action to prevent further large numbers of species extinctions. Lists of priority species for conservation, based on a combination of species' threat status and unique contribution to phylogenetic diversity, are one tool for the direction and catalyzation of conservation action. We describe the construction of a near-complete species-level phylogeny of 5713 amphibian species, which we use to create a list of evolutionarily distinct and globally endangered species (EDGE list) for the entire class Amphibia. We present sensitivity analyses to test the robustness of our priority list to uncertainty in species' phylogenetic position and threat status. We find that both sources of uncertainty have only minor impacts on our 'top 100' list of priority species, indicating the robustness of the approach. By contrast, our analyses suggest that a large number of Data Deficient species are likely to be high priorities for conservation action from the perspective of their contribution to the evolutionary history.
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Phylogenetically-Informed Priorities for Amphibian
Nick J. B. Isaac
, David W. Redding
, Helen M. Meredith
, Kamran Safi
1Natural Environment Research Council Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, Maclean Building, Wallingford, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom, 2University College London,
London, United Kingdom, 3Durrell Institute of Conservation and Ecology and Institute of Zoology, Zoological Society of London, London, United Kingdom, 4Max Planck
Institute for Ornithology, Department for Migration and Immuno-ecology, Radolfzell, Germany, 5Department of Biology, University of Konstanz, Konstanz, Germany
The amphibian decline and extinction crisis demands urgent action to prevent further large numbers of species extinctions.
Lists of priority species for conservation, based on a combination of species’ threat status and unique contribution to
phylogenetic diversity, are one tool for the direction and catalyzation of conservation action. We describe the construction
of a near-complete species-level phylogeny of 5713 amphibian species, which we use to create a list of evolutionarily
distinct and globally endangered species (EDGE list) for the entire class Amphibia. We present sensitivity analyses to test the
robustness of our priority list to uncertainty in species’ phylogenetic position and threat status. We find that both sources of
uncertainty have only minor impacts on our ‘top 100‘ list of priority species, indicating the robustness of the approach. By
contrast, our analyses suggest that a large number of Data Deficient species are likely to be high priorities for conservation
action from the perspective of their contribution to the evolutionary history.
Citation: Isaac NJB, Redding DW, Meredith HM, Safi K (2012) Phylogenetically-Informed Priorities for Amphibian Conservation. PLoS ONE 7(8): e43912.
Editor: Matthew Charles Fisher, Imperial College Faculty of Medicine, United Kingdom
Received April 12, 2012; Accepted July 26, 2012; Published August 30, 2012
Copyright: ß2012 Isaac et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Funding: No current external funding sources for this study.
Competing Interests: The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
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The current biodiversity crisis demands pragmatic triage
solutions. Lists of priority species are an important tool for the
effective allocation of scarce conservation resources. Such lists are
typically dominated, at the national and global scales, by species of
high conservation concern, usually those in the Endangered and
Critically Endangered categories of the IUCN Red List. Increas-
ingly however, the notion that species’ contribution to phyloge-
netic diversity should also be considered, has been gaining traction
Amphibians are in the grip of an unprecedented extinction crisis
[6]. One third of species are listed as threatened and a quarter are
categorised as Data Deficient. Around 43% of species are
considered to be in decline [7]. Large scale declines have occurred
over the last few decades [8], and future decades are expected to
see the extinction of many hundreds of species [9,10]. The
amphibian extinction crisis has been attributed variously to habitat
loss and fragmentation [11], disease [12,13], environmental
contamination [14], overexploitation [15], introduced species
[16], climate change [17,18], and interactions between multiple
threats [19–24].
Faced with this crisis, a set of conservation priorities for
amphibian species is urgently needed. At present, only the three
IUCN categories of extinction risk can distinguish among the
approximately 2000 threatened species, of which over 400 are
Critically Endangered. In this paper, we generate a set of global
priorities for amphibian conservation based both on threat status
and phylogenetic position using the currently available data. We
show that a working hypothesis for the species level phylogeny of
the entire class of nearly 6000 species can be generated from a
small number of synthetic sources, namely a cladogram of higher
taxa and an authoritative taxonomy. We calculate species
‘evolutionary distinctiveness’ (ED) scores based on this phylogeny,
and combine them with categories of extinction risk to generate an
‘EDGE’ list for all amphibians. We present sensitivity analyses to
test the robustness of our priority list to uncertainty in both sources
of data used to compile them: the branching structure of the
phylogeny and the categorization of species’ extinction risk. We
also explore the impact of different choices about the way in which
EDGE scores are generated from the combination of phylogenetic
and extinction risk assessment data.
Materials and Methods
Our phylogeny is largely based on three sources: the amphibian
‘tree of life’ described by Frost et al. [25], the species-level
taxonomy of Amphibian Species of the World (ASW) [26], and the
molecular phylogeny of Roelants et al. [27]. Species’ extinction
risk categories were extracted from the Global Amphibian
Assessment (GAA) [6]. In cases where the species taxonomy of
the GAA deviated from that of the ASW, we treated the ASW as
Our general aim was to produce a phylogeny that was both
maximally inclusive (i.e. containing nearly all amphibian species)
and maximally resolved (given the available data). Achieving this
goal necessitated a number of ad hoc decisions about the
placement of certain species and the precise nature of the
branching patterns, and for many clades the desire for inclusivity
was in conflict with the desire for phylogenetic resolution. For this
PLOS ONE | 1 August 2012 | Volume 7 | Issue 8 | e43912
reason, we designed some of our analyses to address directly the
issues around uncertainty in the phylogenetic position of large
numbers of species.
Higher-level Topology
The primary source of topological information was the
amphibian ‘tree of life’ described by Frost et al. [25] in a large
monograph. The phylogeny, depicted in their figure 50, is based
on both morphological and molecular data: it contains 526 tips,
most of which correspond to amphibian genera, and is almost fully
resolved, containing 522 internal nodes.
We pruned the Frost et al.’s [25] ‘tree of life’, to produce a
‘higher taxon tree’ to which assignment of ASW species would be
relatively uncontroversial. A total of 169 tips were pruned. This
includes the speciose genus Litoria, of which the Frost et al.
phylogeny includes just 10 out of 162 species: our higher taxon
tree contains just a single tip for the entire genus. Likewise, about
1/3 of the 169 pruned tips were in the speciose families Ranidae
and Bufonidae.
We then added a 23 additional clades that were not included in
Frost et al. [25]. From the ‘Comments’ field in ASW we placed
chella,Salamandrina,Spelaeophryne,Zachaenus, and the Leptodactylus
pentadactylus and Triturus vulgaris groups. From Roelants et al. [27]
we placed Caudacaecilia,Glyphoglossus,Hylophorbus,Luetkenotyphlus,
Microcaecilia,Praslinia,Proteus and Xenorhina. Finally, we placed
Onychodactylus and Protohynobius from Zhang et al. [28], Itapotihyla,
Megastomatohyla and Tepuihyla from Faivovich et al. [29] and
Barygenys from Van Bocxlaer [30].
Species-level Topology
We assigned each species in ASW [26] to each one of these
higher taxa. In most cases, this was straightforward because the
tips of the higher taxon tree were mostly at genus level. Generally,
we used a star phylogeny i.e. an unresolved multifurcating tree for
species within higher taxa. For genera containing subgenera or
‘species group’ names in ASW, we treated these taxonomic units as
monophyletic clades, thus providing extra resolution. However,
this introduced problems for some large genera in which not all
species have been assigned membership to any subgenus or species
group. We decided assignment to a genus under ASW represented
valid phylogenetic information, so we sought ways to include these
‘orphan species’ without losing the additional resolution provided
by this additional information. Our approach depended on the
size of the genus and the number of intra-genus clades. For the
large genera Philautus (145 species) and Platymantis (55 species),
both of which contain species groups that include around two
thirds of their species complement, we assigned the remaining
third to an ‘orphan’ clade within each genus. For 163 species in 18
genera where the proportion of orphans was relatively small, we
assigned the orphans to species groups at random. This included
members of Eleutherodactylus (n = 89 orphans out of 483 species),
Rhacophorus (24/70) and Xenopus (7/16).
For some taxa, material in ASW indicated that phylogenetic
data was available to add further resolution. In some cases this was
a simple observation of relatedness, e.g. ‘probable sister species’; in
other cases it referred to an external study on the phylogeny of the
group in question. We used all such information where available,
combined with species group assignments (described above). For
example, we used Emerson et al.’s [31] phylogeny of Limnonectes to
generate resolution within species groups, for a total of 17
subgeneric clades: 24 species were assigned to one of these clades
with confidence, 16 species were assigned to a random clade
within known species group, and 10 were assigned completely at
Just three out of 382 higher taxa represent taxonomic units
above the genus. These were the clades defined by the following
species in Frost et al. [25]: Argenteohyla siemersi,Hamptophryne boliviana
and Phyllomedusa vaillantii. We used ASW to determine which
genera were likely close relatives, often based on their status in
previous taxonomic monographs. We then treated these genera as
monophyletic within the suprageneric tip, and assigned species to
them as described above.
A total of 5713 species were assigned to higher taxa,
representing around 97% of valid extant amphibian species and
only 153 species could not be assigned to any of the higher taxa.
Dating the Phylogeny
The ages of deep nodes come from Roelants et al. [27] who
presented a molecular phylogeny of 171 amphibian species.
Specifically, we used the version of Roelants et al.’s tree that was
constrained to be compatible with Frost et al’s [25] tree of life
(figure 3 in Roelants et al. [27]). Node ages below Roelants et al.
were derived by assuming a ‘pure-birth model’ of cladogenesis
(following [32,33]). The pure-birth model is a popular null model
of evolutionary diversification (e.g. [34–36]) and is based on a
Markov process. Specifically, it estimates the age of a node as T *
ln(a)/ln(b), where T is the age of the parent node and a and b are
the number of species descended from the focal node and the
parent node, respectively [32]. The full composite phylogeny can
be found as supporting information online (Phylogeny S1).
Evolutionary Distinctiveness and EDGE Scores
We estimated species’ contribution to phylogenetic diversity
using the ‘Evolutionary Distinctiveness’ (ED) algorithm described
by Isaac et al. [37], with a modification to the way in which scores
were corrected for polytomies (nodes with .2 descendents). Isaac
et al. used a statistical fit to simulated data in order to correct the
ED scores of branches descended from polytomies. This correction
factor decreases to zero for nodes with large numbers (.20) of
descendants, leading to an underestimate of the ED of many
species in poorly-resolved areas of the phylogeny (i.e. most species
in our amphibian phylogeny). Instead, we used a ‘pure birth
model’ of cladogenesis to derive a correction factor based on the
expected (i.e. mean) ED, given all the possible resolutions of the
polytomy [38]. This empirical correction factor yields ED scores
that are almost identical to those derived from a recently-
developed Bayesian method for resolving polytomies in dated
phylogenies [4,39].
We calculated ED scores for each amphibian species using the
caper package [40] in R [41]. Using the ‘EDGE’ algorithm
previously used for mammals [4,37], we combined these values
with the extinction risk scores taken from Global Amphibian
Assessment [6] to create our reference EDGE scores (figure 1).
Data deficient species were excluded from this analysis. We
created a further ‘candidate’ list of data deficient high ED scoring
species (in the top 5% of ED scores) as targets for future threat
The ‘EDGE algorithm’ of Isaac et al. [37] is not the only way to
combine ED scores with extinction risk categories, and the issue of
how to convert these categories into an ordinal scale remains an
issue [42,43]. The EDGE algorithm treats each category as a
quasi-probability in which each step is associated with increasing
the extinction risk by a factor of two. The main alternative is the
‘expected loss’ (EL: [44]) algorithm, which is based on the actual
probability of extinction over 100 years, using values of 0.1%, 1%,
10%, 67%, 99.9% for categories LC, NT, VU, EN and CR
Amphibian Conservation Prioritization
PLOS ONE | 2 August 2012 | Volume 7 | Issue 8 | e43912
respectively, thereby giving much higher weight to CR and EN
categories (compared with the EDGE approach). We compared
the makeup of the top 100 species produced by both methods, and
several variants thereof. One variant, named ‘IUCN500’ [42], is a
modification of the EL approach but with extinction probabilities
estimated over a much longer time period (i.e. 500 years), with
probabilities of 0.5%, 5%, 39%, 99.6%, 100% [39]. The other two
are variants on the EDGE calculation of Isaac et al. [37], in which
extinction risk increases by 1.25 fold and 5 fold respectively, for
each increase in threat categories. For each of these five methods,
we expressed the makeup of the list as the running mean ED score
of the top n ranked EDGE species, for all values of n from 1:100.
We compared these five empirical distributions two extreme
selection criteria, one based solely on ED, the other selecting first
all CR species then EN, in decreasing order of ED. Ideally, we
would like a distribution that falls midway between these two
Analyses and Simulations
We tested how uncertainty in the underlying data could affect
the species chosen for conservation attention by the EDGE listing
process. We examined the robustness of our priority list calculated
using the standard EDGE algorithm, to four specific forms of
uncertainty: a) the placement of species on the phylogeny (‘ED
errors’), b) changes to species’ Red List status (‘GE errors’), c)
future reassignment of species currently listed as Data Deficient
(DD) and d) a sensitivity test varying the number of species for
which there were errors in the data (i.e. 2% of the species have ED
or GE errors compared to 25%).
We refer to the ED scores, extinction risk estimates and EDGE
scores described above as the ‘unmodified’ or ‘reference’ sets. For
each perturbation scenario (described in detail below), we
generated 1000 replicate datasets at each level of perturbation
and calculated EDGE scores for all species in each dataset. Given
that the EDGE listing process has been previously been used to
choose the top 100 ranked species to target for conservation
Figure 1. Species level phylogeny of 4339 amphibian species, colour-coded by species’ EDGE scores. Data Deficient and Extinct
species have been omitted.
Amphibian Conservation Prioritization
PLOS ONE | 3 August 2012 | Volume 7 | Issue 8 | e43912
attention [45], we used the similarity (i.e. the proportion of shared
species) of the top 100 species as our overall measure of effect size.
a) ED errors: perturbing the phylogeny. The phylogeny is
assembled in an ad hoc manner, so we wanted to be sure that our
conclusions were robust to incorrect assignments. Assuming that
most amphibian genera are monophyletic, the main errors in our
phylogeny derive from treating subgeneric entities as clades, and
the placement of species among these entities (see above). We
simulated the impact of these decisions by altering the topology of
the tree at random 1000 times. At each simulation, we selected
10% of species at random and moved them each to a different, but
closely-related, clade. The severity of incorrect assignments was
tested by sequential analyses moving another 1000 sets of
randomly selected 10% of all species one, two, four, eight and
finally sixteen clades away.
b) GE errors: altering the categories of extinction
risk. We simulated the impact of uncertainty in each species’
extinction risk categorization. This is important because most
changes on the Red List are due to advances in knowledge, rather
than genuine changes in status [4]. For each simulation, we
selected 10% at random and then moved them either up or down
(again at random) one threat category (e.g. Vulnerable to
Endangered or Near Threatened). This process was repeated
allowing 10% of species to move two, three and then four
categories up or down. In all cases, if a Least Concern status
species was chosen to be moved down it was kept at Least Concern
and, conversely, if a Critically Endangered species was chosen to
be more severely threatened it was kept at Critically Endangered.
c) Data deficient species. Approximately a quarter of
amphibian species are categorized as Data Deficient (DD) [6].
An unknown proportion of these species are, in reality, not at risk
of extinction whilst others are likely to be threatened. To assess
potential impact that DD species could have on EDGE scores, the
DD species were randomly assigned threat categories at the same
ratio of CR:EN:VU:NT:LC as for the set of species for which
threat categories are known. We then repeated this simulation
assuming that DD species were more threatened than expected.
Again we randomly assigned threat categories at the same ratio as
before, but then manually increased the newly-assigned threat
categories by one level. We repeated the analysis three more times,
first increasing each DD species newly-assigned threat level by two
categories, and then also decreasing each by one and two levels
respectively. Again, whenever Least Concern status was chosen to
be less threatened, it was kept at Least Concern and, conversely,
when critically endangered species were chosen to be more
severely threatened; they were kept at that level. Unlike the other
perturbations, in which species can either increase or decrease in
EDGE score if selected, the simulated top 100 sets resulting from
this process differ only in the number of currently DD species that
displace the existing top 100.
d) Multiple sources of uncertainty. Finally, we tested how
the total amount of uncertainty could affect the priority list. In the
above scenarios, we changed 10% of species at random and
examined each source of uncertainty separately: here we explore
the effect of varying this number and include both perturbations to
the phylogeny and changes to the extinction risk categories (i.e.
both ED and GE errors), in order to test whether the uncertainty is
additive or multiplicative. We simulated a scenario in which a
proportion of species had been wrongly assigned by one or two
threat categories and placed between one and two clades from
their location on our reference phylogeny, with Data Deficient
species treated as in c, above. We first chose 5% of all species
randomly and altered their ED and/or GE scores as set out above.
We repeated the analysis with the same parameter values but
increased the number of species sequentially to 10, 15, 20, 30 and
40% of all species.
We calculated ED scores for 5713 amphibian species, of which
1344 were Data Deficient and 35 extinct, meaning that we could
calculate EDGE scores for 4334 species (figure 1, for details see
Table S1). The top scoring species was Archey’s Frog, Leiopelma
archeyi, a Critically Endangered (CR) frog from New Zealand,
followed by the Chinese Giant Salamander, Andrias davidianus (also
CR, see supplemental material). The only non CR species in the
top ten was the Purple Frog, Nasikabatrachus sahyadrensis, as it has
the 7th highest ED score across all amphibians and is considered
as Endangered (EN) by the IUCN. Of the top 100 species, 75 were
classified as CR, 15 EN and 10 vulnerable (VU). There were 47
‘candidate’ (DD but high ED) species, all but 10 of which are
caecilians (table 1). The frog species Hymenochirus boulengeri,
Hymenochirus feae,Mixophyes hihihorlo and the salamanders Ambystoma
flavipiperatum,Ambystoma rivulare,Ambystoma silvensis,Protohynobius
puxiongensis were the highest-ranking non-caecilian candidate
Different listing procedures produced ranking lists with different
weighting of the two component values of the EDGE listing
approach (figure 2). The weighting used for the mammal EDGE
prioritisation (‘EDGE log (2)’) in amphibians struck a reasonable
balance between threat and ED for much of the top 100, but is
slightly biased towards the threat component. Expected loss (EXP
LOSS) showed a similar pattern of slight bias towards threat status
as the EDGE list based on the log(2) listing. The approach that
appears to take the most even-handed choice of species, with
respect to the two input variables, is the Expect Loss approach
used with probabilities that predicted 500 years into the future
(Exp Loss 500).
Our perturbation of species’ ED and GE scores had very little
impact on the makeup of the ‘EDGE top 100’ (figure 3). Small
perturbations (2 clades or 2 threat categories) changed only a small
proportion of the priority list (similarity = 0.9). Even under severe
perturbation of 10% of the species’ ED or GE values, the top 100
of the original EDGE list maintained a similarity of 0.85 with the
reference set of unperturbed scores (figure 3 top left and right
panels). The impact of Data Deficient (DD) species is much
greater: when assuming that DD species were as threatened as
expected (DD category = 0 on figure 3 lower left panel) then the
similarity was 0.8 on average (in other words, 20 currently DD
species would be listed in the top 100), but similarity dropped to
0.5 if DD species are on average two categories more threatened
than expected.
When all three forms of uncertainty were combined, the
similarity was lower still (figure 3 lower right panel). Low levels of
both ED and GE errors (2 clades and 2 threat categories for 10%
of species), plus assignment of DD species in the expected
proportions, yielded similarity of around 0.7, which is roughly
what would be expected from running each perturbation
separately. Under the extreme scenario where 40% of species
were perturbed, similarity dropped further, but only to around 0.6.
In other words, quadrupling the level of perturbation causes just
10 changes to the makeup of the top 100 EDGE species.
In view of the unprecedented species decline, particularly
among amphibians, immediate conservation action is necessary.
However, the high number of threatened amphibian species will
likely overwhelm global conservation efforts and resources, even if
Amphibian Conservation Prioritization
PLOS ONE | 4 August 2012 | Volume 7 | Issue 8 | e43912
these efforts were to be intensified dramatically. Conservation
action therefore must prioritise its actions and focus its attention
and resources toward alleviating the situation for the most pressing
cases. Basing prioritisation on phylogenetic uniqueness of species
(ED), in addition to extinction risk status, captures not only the
non-randomness of extinction (with respect to phylogenetic
position), but also the fact that evolutionarily distinct species could
have important ecological roles and that their loss would result in
an over-proportional loss of evolutionary history [46,47]. Here, we
provide such a prioritization for the entire Class Amphibia. Our
analyses show that the set of priority species is robust to the ad hoc
nature of our phylogenetic tree and uncertainties in the extinction
risk assessment of large numbers of species.
Our ‘EDGE list’ of amphibians is already a focus for
conservation activities ( This is
important because threatened amphibians with high ED are no
more likely to receive conservation mitigation than by chance, and
just 15% of the top 100 high EDGE scoring amphibian species
threatened with extinction are receiving active conservation
attention [48]. The EDGE Amphibians project has supported
conservation efforts and capacity building for over 15 top priority
species (including Andrias davidianus in China, Boulengerula niedeni in
Kenya, Rhinoderma darwinii in Chile, Proteus anguinus in Croatia and
Nasikabatrachus sahyadrensis in India), funding training initiatives and
conservation actions, with even greater aims to continue
expanding the project’s scope of activities into the future. The
EDGE Amphibians project has increased global awareness of
amphibian species, providing international audiences with further
reasons to become interested in lesser known species and
amphibians in general. The project has thus far raised over £2
million for amphibian conservation initiatives around the world
and the EDGE listing has played a major role in raising the profile
of poorly known but highly distinctive species internationally. The
EDGE website provides full details of high-priority species and
ongoing conservation activities, and has proved to be a useful
platform in leveraging support for amphibian conservation,
illustrating how a science-based conservation prioritisation tool
focusing on evolutionary distinctiveness can capture the interest of
a wide range of conservation supporters and stakeholders. Whilst
our focus here, and on the EDGE website, is on the highly-
threatened species making up the top 100, the full has wider
applications for conservation, such as mapping global hotspots of
evolutionary distinctiveness and EDGE.
The production of our amphibian EDGE list was only possible
by first assembling a species-level phylogeny. Whilst our approach
is somewhat ad hoc, it is consistent with the principles of
phylogenetic ‘supertree’ construction [49,50]. Although in the
future we can expect to obtain more accurate phylogenies based
on molecular data, conservation must act in a timely manner given
the urgency of the situation and the very real risk of imminent
amphibian species extinctions globally. A complete molecular
phylogeny of amphibians is unlikely to be available for many years,
despite the enormous pace of developments in the molecular
biology and bioinformatics, by which time it is likely that many
species will have gone extinct [8,9]. The phylogeny that we have
produced will be a valuable tool for comparative studies of
extinction risk [51,52] and the randomness (or otherwise) of
extinction risk [51,53], as well as questions about the evolutionary
history of amphibians [54–56]. Eventually, the combination of
spatial, environmental and phylogenetic information could be used
to predict the potential threat status of Data Deficient species [57].
Our simulations showed that even substantial amounts uncer-
tainty about species’ phylogenetic position and threat status have
only a minor on the set of priority species identified by the EDGE
Table 1. The 47 candidate amphibian species with high ED
scores and ‘‘Data Deficient’’ IUCN assessment staus.
Rank Family Species ED score
1 Rhinatrematidae Epicrionops columbianus 81.3908
2 Rhinatrematidae Epicrionops lativittatus 81.3908
3 Rhinatrematidae Epicrionops marmoratus 81.3908
4 Rhinatrematidae Epicrionops parkeri 81.3908
5 Rhinatrematidae Epicrionops peruvianus 81.3908
6 Caeciliidae Herpele multiplicata 73.1665
7 Caeciliidae Luetkenotyphlus brasiliensis 63.6999
8 Caeciliidae Geotrypetes angeli 59.3842
9 Caeciliidae Geotrypetes pseudoangeli 59.3842
10 Caeciliidae Boulengerula changamwensis 56.8488
11 Caeciliidae Boulengerula denhardti 56.8488
12 Caeciliidae Boulengerula fischeri 56.8488
13 Pipidae Hymenochirus boulengeri 52.5783
14 Pipidae Hymenochirus feae 52.5783
15 Myobatrachidae Mixophyes.hihihorlo 50.1187
16 Caeciliidae Dermophis costaricensis 50.0494
17 Caeciliidae Dermophis glandulosus 50.0494
18 Caeciliidae Dermophis gracilior 50.0494
19 Caeciliidae Dermophis oaxacae 50.0494
20 Caeciliidae Dermophis occidentalis 50.0494
21 Caeciliidae Microcaecilia rabei 49.7193
22 Caeciliidae Microcaecilia supernumeraria 49.7193
23 Caeciliidae Gegeneophis carnosus 45.7398
24 Caeciliidae Gegeneophis danieli 45.7398
25 Caeciliidae Gegeneophis fulleri 45.7398
26 Caeciliidae Gegeneophis krishni 45.7398
27 Caeciliidae Gegeneophis seshachari 45.7398
28 Caeciliidae Gegeneophis madhavaorum 45.7398
29 Caeciliidae Gegeneophis nadkarnii 45.7398
30 Ambystomatidae Ambystoma flavipiperatum 42.3185
31 Ambystomatidae Ambystoma rivulare 42.3185
32 Ambystomatidae Ambystoma silvensis 42.3185
33 Hynobiidae Protohynobius puxiongensis 42.1579
34 Caeciliidae Siphonops insulanus 41.7074
35 Caeciliidae Siphonops leucoderus 41.7074
36 Caeciliidae Crotaphatrema bornmuelleri 37.1099
37 Caeciliidae Crotaphatrema lamottei 37.1099
38 Caeciliidae Crotaphatrema tchabalmbaboensis 37.1099
39 Caeciliidae Atretochoana eiselti 35.9600
40 Ichthyophiidae Uraeotyphlus interruptus 35.3800
41 Ichthyophiidae Uraeotyphlus malabaricus 35.3800
42 Ichthyophiidae Uraeotyphlus menoni 35.3800
43 Ichthyophiidae Uraeotyphlus narayani 35.3800
44 Ichthyophiidae Uraeotyphlus oxyurus 35.3800
45 Mantellidae Wakea madinika 34.9872
46 Microhylidae Adelastes hylonomos 30.5161
47 Limnodynastidae Notaden weigeli 29.3150
Amphibian Conservation Prioritization
PLOS ONE | 5 August 2012 | Volume 7 | Issue 8 | e43912
approach. Wholesale changes to the mammal taxonomy and
reassessment of all species’ Red List status led to a change in the
identity of around 15 species making up the top 100 EDGE
mammals [4] (i.e. similarity = 0.85). Taxonomic and Red List
instability are likely to be greater for amphibians than mammals,
due to substantial uncertainty around cryptic species complexes in
Figure 2. The mean ED scores of the top 100 species chosen using five different methods to create EDGE lists. Thick black lines indicate
upper and low limits where species are chosen purely by having the highest ED score irrespective of threat (upper line) and just the most threatened
(lower line) species are chosen. Lines represents the mean ED of the top 1:n top ranked species by each EDGE listing process. Note logarithmic y-axis.
Figure 3. Results from simulations to explore the impact of uncertainty on the makeup of 100 highest ranked EDGE amphibian
species. In each case, ‘similarity’ is the proportion of species shared with the unperturbed reference set, based on 1000 simulated datasets.
Confidence intervals are drawn in grey but lie too close to the mean to be visible. Panel a) shows the impact of perturbing the evolutionary
distinctiveness component (ED) by moving 500 (10%) randomly-selected species to closely related clades. Panel b) shows a similar relationship when
500 species have their threat categories perturbed. Panel c) shows the effect of different assumptions about true threat categories of Data Deficient
(DD) species: with ‘DD category = 09, DD species were assigned randomly, according to the distribution of non-DD species; with DD category .0we
assume that DD species are on average more threatened than expected. Panel d) shows the impact of multiple perturbations, with increasing the
numbers of species perturbed. See text for further details.
Amphibian Conservation Prioritization
PLOS ONE | 6 August 2012 | Volume 7 | Issue 8 | e43912
the tropics [54,55]. Our perturbation of the input data has shown
the top 100 species are rather resilient to errors and increased
knowledge. The J-shaped distribution of ED scores is likely to be
the main reason for this, as although the highest ED score is
around 190 million years, only 5% of species have scores greater
than 25 million years and 75% of species have scores under
12.5my. Therefore, if assessed and threatened, the small number
of highly distinct species will remain in the top 100 unless a serious
mistake has been made in the phylogenetic (and likely morpho-
logical) analyses of these species.
By far the most substantial source of uncertainty in our analyses
surrounds the true conservation status of species currently listed as
Data Deficient. Our list of ‘candidate’ species should be targeted
for data collection in order to make full Red List assessments as a
matter of urgency. The candidate list is dominated by caecilian
species, which are typically cryptic and poorly understood. The
whole group is in need of major taxonomic reassessment before
detailed conservation targets can be established [25]. Reassuringly,
their principally fossorial nature means that they may be, in many
cases, relatively common but undetected [56]. If true, this would
be a rare piece of good news among the devastation of amphibian
biodiversity that continues all around us. In practical terms, the
EDGE approach can successfully catalyze conservation action for
little known and often overlooked amphibian species. It is proving
itself to be a very useful prioritization tool in the development of
conservation initiatives and also has considerable potential to
continue raising awareness of the plight of amphibians globally.
Supporting Information
Table S1 EDGE and ED scores of all amphibians (see
text for details).
Phylogeny S1 The composite phylogeny dervied as
described in the text to build the EDGE and ED scores
with. The file can be read and converted in other formats using
the open source programming environment R using the read.tree
function of the library ape.
We are grateful to Olaf Bininda-Emonds and Arne Mooers for advice and
constructive criticism, and to Gordon Smith for technical assistance. We
would also like to thank Stefan Lo¨tters and an annonymous referee for
constructive comments on an earlier version of our manuscript.
Author Contributions
Conceived and designed the experiments: NJBI. Performed the experi-
ments: NJBI HM DWR. Analyzed the data: NJBI DWR. Contributed
reagents/materials/analysis tools: DWR. Wrote the paper: KS NJBI DWR
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Amphibian Conservation Prioritization
PLOS ONE | 8 August 2012 | Volume 7 | Issue 8 | e43912

Supplementary resources (2)

August 2012
Nick J. B. Isaac · David Redding · Helen Meredith · Kamran Safi
August 2012
Nick J. B. Isaac · David Redding · Helen Meredith · Kamran Safi
... All Andrias species have been included on CITES Appendix I since 1975 a. The genus is considered a global priority for conservation due to its evolutionary history and global endangerment (Isaac et al., 2012). In 2012, President Xi Jinping initiated an ongoing nation-wide anticorruption campaign aimed at reducing the consumption of rare animal products at official banquets, and demand for consumption of Chinese giant salamanders at banquets declined as a result . ...
Technical Report
Full-text available
Chinese giant salamanders (Andrias spp.) are the world’s largest amphibians. These salamanders are economically important and are extensively farmed in China for their meat. Whilst Chinese giant salamanders were consumed historically across China, a large-scale farming industry was established in the early 2000s and giant salamanders were collected from the wild to stock these farms. Populations of Chinese giant salamanders have declined across China, and these declines have primarily been driven by overexploitation as well as habitat loss and degradation. Giant salamanders in China were once considered to be a single widespread species (Andrias davidianus) but genetic analyses have revealed that there are multiple species (likely at least seven) and that populations across central, eastern and southern China represent genetically distinct, local populations. Currently four species are formally named and recognised by the scientific community, and it is likely more will be described in future. China’s government has supported releases of farmed giant salamander as a conservation measure, but this has resulted in the release of non-native giant salamanders across China and there is a risk that wild populations could hybridise with released non-native species. An urgent, large scale conservation response is required if Chinese giant salamanders are to persist in the wild, and this will require a collaborative and coordinated strategy with all stakeholders.
... For instance, the Alliance for Zero Extinction maintains a database of discrete sites serving as the last refuge of Endangered or Critically Endangered species 69 . The evolutionarily distinct globally endangered (EDGE) framework allows conservation planners to integrate considerations of phylogenetic distinctness 70 , and a spatial prioritization approach that additionally incorporates endemism and anthropogenic pressures on a site has also been proposed 71 . In the U.S.A., the Priority Amphibian and Reptile Conservation Areas project 72 is conducting regional assessments to identify critical sites for herpetofaunal conservation based on species rarity, species richness, and landscape integrity. ...
Full-text available
Initiatives to protect 30% of Earth by 2030 prompt evaluation of how to efficiently target shortcomings in the global protected area (PA) network. Focusing on amphibians, the most vulnerable vertebrate class, we illustrate the conservation value of microreserves, a term we employ here to refer to reserves of <10 km ² . We report that the network continues to under-represent threatened amphibians and that, despite this clear shortcoming in land-based conservation, the creation of PAs protecting amphibians slowed after 2010. By proving something previously assumed–that amphibians generally have smaller ranges than other terrestrial vertebrates–we demonstrate that microreserves could protect a substantial portion of many amphibian ranges, particularly threatened species. We find existing microreserves are capable of hosting an amphibian species richness similar to PAs 1000–10,00X larger, and we show that amphibians’ high beta diversity means that microreserves added to a growing PA network cover amphibian species 1.5—6x faster than larger size categories. We propose that stemming global biodiversity loss requires that we seriously consider the conservation potential of microreserves, using them to capture small-range endemics that may otherwise be omitted from the PA network entirely.
... One way of valuing species in this way is through the EDGE approach, which ranks species based on a combination of their Evolutionary Distinctiveness (ED) and their Global Endangerment (GE) 33 . These ranked lists exist for a variety of taxonomic groups, including mammals 33,34 , amphibians 35 , birds 36 , corals 37 , reptiles 38 , gymnosperms 39 , and sharks and rays 40 . The approach has recently been updated under the EDGE2 methodology 41 to incorporate phylogenetic complementarity 41 , which describes how the irreplaceability of focal species is influenced by the extinction risk of closely-related species 42,43 . ...
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The biodiversity crisis is pruning the Tree of Life in a way that threatens billions of years of evolutionary history and there is a need to understand where the greatest losses are predicted to occur. We therefore present threatened evolutionary history mapped for all tetrapod groups and describe patterns of Evolutionarily Distinct and Globally Endangered (EDGE) species. Using a complementarity procedure with uncertainty incorporated for 33,628 species, we identify 25 priority tetrapod EDGE Zones, which are insufficiently protected and disproportionately exposed to high human pressure. Tetrapod EDGE Zones are spread over five continents, 33 countries, and 117 ecoregions. Together, they occupy 0.723% of the world’s surface but harbour one-third of the world’s threatened evolutionary history and EDGE tetrapod species, half of which is endemic. These EDGE Zones highlight areas of immediate concern for researchers, practitioners, policymakers, and communicators looking to safeguard the tetrapod Tree of Life.
... Although the current proportion of DD species is smaller than it has been in previous years (>25% in 2017; Bland et al., 2017), concerns remain because it is thought that DD taxa have a higher average extinction risk than assessed species (Morais et al., 2013;Howard & Bickford, 2014;Tapley et al., 2018). Nevertheless, conservation prioritisation tools such as the EDGE of Existence Programme (Isaac et al., 2012;, as well as regional conservation policy, typically deprioritise DD taxa for research and funding due to their uncertain extinction risk (Howard & Bickford, 2014;Bland et al., 2017). ...
Full-text available
At the time of our research in 2022, 16.4% of amphibian species on the IUCN Red List were assessed as Data Deficient (DD). There is minimal funding allocated to the research and reassessment of DD taxa, this prevents them from being prioritised for conservation. We identified 656 non-DD amphibian species that were previously assessed as DD and used their subsequent assessment trajectories to predict the extinction risk of remaining DD taxa. Assuming similarity of the distribution of these taxa between extinction risk categories to those of currently DD species, we compared this dataset with the risk category distribution of assessed amphibians that had never been assessed as DD. Previously DD amphibians, when compared to those that were never DD, were found to be more threatened (52.1% vs. 39.6%) and less likely to be non-threatened (22.4% vs. 60.0%). When explored further at the level of Order, more previously DD amphibians in the Order Gymnophiona were reassessed as ‘Near Threatened’, more Caudata ‘Critically Endangered’ with fewer ‘Least Concern’, and more Anura ‘Vulnerable’ and ‘Endangered’ with fewer ‘Least Concern’ than counterparts that were never assessed as DD. Based on these previously-DD amphibian data, we estimated that around half (49.6%, n = 592) of currently DD amphibians are likely threatened by extinction. Our approach arrives at similar conclusions to authors using other approaches and bolsters the argument that conservationists and funding organisations should implement recommendations to address concerns for DD amphibians, especially DD Caudata.
... 271amphibian conservation action plan: a status review and roadmap for global amphibian conservationAdvances in species prioritisation and holistic programme planningGiven the inadequate global capacity to establish and maintain CSCs for all threatened species, and the necessary long-term nature of most CSCs, species prioritisation is a critical tool in a strategic approach to amphibian conservation, and a number of advances have been made in this area since the first ACAP (e.g.Gumbs et al., 2018;Isaac et al., 2012;Johnson et al., 2018). Additionally, the need for integration of ex-and in situ interventions (i.e.following the IUCN Conservation Planning SpecialistGroup's One Plan Approach), which was not always the case for captive breeding programmes historically, was highlighted initially by the IUCN/SSC (2002), then subsequently by the first ACAP(Gascon et al., 2007) and continues to be the case. ...
Full-text available
In the face of overwhelming and sometimes acute threats to many amphibians, such as disease or habitat destruction, the only hope in the short-term for populations and species at imminent risk of extinction is immediate rescue for the establishment and management of captive survival-assurance colonies (CSCs). Such programmes are not the final solution for conservation of any species, but in some circumstances may be the only chance to preserve the potential for eventual recovery of a species or population to threat-ameliorated habitat. A captive assurance strategy should always be implemented as part of an integrated conservation plan that includes research on amphibian biology, advances in husbandry and veterinary care, pathology, training and capacity-building in range countries, mitigation of threats in the wild, and ongoing habitat and species protection and, where appropriate, disease risk analysis and translocation. The existence of captive colonies also facilitates many of the goals of other ACAP branches, including research on amphibians and their diseases as well as the development and validation of methods that may be later used in the field. Captive programmes do not replace important programmes related to, inter alia, habitat preservation, control of harvesting, climate change, and ecotoxicology, but instead provide options and resources to enable survival of some species while these research programmes proceed, and to directly or indirectly support such programmes.
... Distinct and Globally Endangered (EDGE) programme identifies these special species. Using a combined score of evolutionary distinctiveness (ED) and extinction risk (taken from the Red List), species are ranked based on their evolutionary history and threat status (Isaac et al., 2007(Isaac et al., , 2012 (Ceríaco, 2012;Tarrant, Kruger & du Preez, 2016;Tomažič, 2011; also see Chapter 2). ...
Full-text available
Amphibians are extraordinary and diverse organisms that have inhabited Earth for millions of years; yet, they are currently the most threatened vertebrate class, with over 40% of species at risk of extinction. Herein we offer a brief overview of the amphibians, covering aspects such as broad taxonomic classification, their geographic distribution, natural history and ecology, their importance and evolutionary uniqueness, as well as their conservation status and the global response to conserve them. We also discuss the background that informed this version of the Amphibian Conservation Action Plan and what is contemplated in it, as well as our aspirations for its adoption and implementation.
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Aims: In order to support conservation efforts for the endangered Jiangxi giant salamander, we conducted a comprehensive long-term field monitoring project to assess population dynamics, species distribution, and potential threats to the species. This is the first data report on Andrias population status in the wild in China. The findings from this study will serve as crucial guidance for the development and implementation of conservation initiatives for this endangered species. Methods: In this study we established long-term monitoring of both population ecology and habitat of the wild population of the Jiangxi giant salamander (Andrias jiangxiensis) in the Jinjia tributary of the Beiliao River between 2021 to 2023. The population status was evaluated using the mark-and-recapture method which allowed us to gather essential data on population characteristics, life history, habitat condition. Results: A total of 628 adult and juvenile Jiangxi giant salamanders were successfully captured. Among them, 543 were tagged with passive integrated transponder (PIT) tags, and 230 were recaptured at least once. Using the Schnabel model for estimating population size from mark-and-recapture, the population size was estimated to be 474 individuals (95% CI: 427–534). The calculated population density was 79 individuals/km (95% CI: 71–89) or 1.31 individuals/100 m2 (95% CI: 1.19–1.48). An analysis of population structure indicated that few individuals had a body size smaller than 30 cm or larger than 70 cm. During the three consecutive years of 2021 to 2023, a total of 738 larvae were observed between January and March, a time of the year when the newly hatched larvae swim out of their breeding cave and begin to forage. In contrast, only 12 larvae were seen across the whole habitat range between April and December, with an extremely low catch per unit effort (CPUE) (0.38 individuals/person·hour). Our observations indicate that larvae of the Jiangxi giant salamander face challenges from both predators and environmental factors, leading to a low survival rate in their natural habitat. Habitat assessments have revealed significant threats to the isolated population of this species, including environmental fluctuations such as floods and perturbations of water flow, which pose a risk to their survival. Conclusion: This study recommends the evaluation of the Jiangxi giant salamander as Critically Endangered (CR) and a National Class I Protected species. Consequently, we urge the implementation of specific conservation actions.
Technical Report
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中国大鲵(Andrias spp.)是世界上最大的两栖动物。这些大鲵在经济上具有重要意义,并在中国广泛养殖以供食用。尽管中国大鲵在中国历史上曾被广泛食用,但大规模的养殖产业是在2000年代初建立的,当时大鲵被从野外捕捞,以补充养殖场存量。然而,中国大鲵的种群在中国大幅下降,主要原因是过度开发以及栖息地的丧失和退化。中国的大鲵曾被认为是单一的广泛分布的物种(Andrias davidianus),但遗传分析表明大鲵实际上由多个物种组成(可能至少有七个)。而中部、东部和南部的种群显示了基因上有明显差异的地方种群。目前已有四种物种被科学界正式命名和认可,未来可能会有更多物种被命名。中国政府已经支持放归养殖大鲵作为保护措施,然而,这导致全国范围内非野外的大鲵的放归,进而带来了野生大鲵种群与放归的非野生大鲵种群的杂交风险。如果要让中国大鲵继续在野外生存,我们迫切需要大规模的保护响应措施,并且需要所有利益相关者进行协作和协调的战略。
The alarming decline of amphibians, sometimes marked by sudden extinctions, underlines the urgent need for increased conservation efforts. Conservationists recognize that more action, particularly the setting of national targets, is needed to ensure the future persistence and recovery of species and habitats. Protecting habitats that harbor evolutionarily diverse species preserves divergent genetic information within ecosystems. Türkiye holds 36 amphibian species at the intersection of two continents, creating three biodiversity hotspots and phylogenetic transitional areas. In this study, we aimed to determine the hotspot regions and to evaluate the effectiveness of the protected areas in Türkiye in preserving amphibian populations. First, we estimated four community indexes (species richness and three evolutionary distinctiveness measures) for amphibian communities in Türkiye divided into 371 grid cells with a ca 50 × 50 km size. Then, the spatial extent of protected areas is evaluated from two perspectives: current (has a protection status) and candidate protected areas (Key Biodiversity Areas, not protected) coverage in those grid cells. Finally, these two approaches' effectiveness in protecting areas was assessed by modeling four diversity metrics using GLS models. Current protected areas protect about 6% of the total amphibian distribution in Türkiye, while Key Biodiversity Areas would cover 30% if declared protected areas. We estimated that the coastal areas of Türkiye are identified as hotspots based on the four measured amphibian community indexes. Our study also highlights that Key Biodiversity Areas (KBAs) can contribute to conserving high levels of amphibian richness and evolutionary distinctiveness of species across Türkiye. However, existing protected areas (PAs) networks were insufficient to protect amphibians.
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We unified the recent literature with the goal to contribute to the discussion on how genetic diversity might best be conserved. We argue that this decision will be guided by how genomic variation is distributed among manageable populations (i.e., its spatial structure), the degree to which adaptive potential is best predicted by variation across the entire genome or the subset of that variation that is identified as putatively adaptive (i.e., its genomic structure), and whether we are managing species as single entities or as collections of diversifying lineages. The distribution of genetic variation and our ultimate goal will have practical implications for on-the-ground management. If adaptive variation is largely polygenic or responsive to change, its spatial structure might be broadly governed by the forces determining genome-wide variation (linked selection, drift, and gene flow), making measurement and prioritization straightforward. If we are managing species as single entities, then population-level prioritization schemes are possible so as to maximize future pooled genetic variation. We outline one such scheme based on the popular Shapley value from cooperative game theory that considers the relative genetic contribution of a population to an unknown future collection of populations.
Full-text available
Cited By (since 1996):87, Export Date: 26 November 2013, Source: Scopus, Art. No.: e1636
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Biodiversity conservation is confronted with two major problems: how to define and measure biodiversity, and how to optimize the in situ conservation of biodiversity. Here we outline a conceptual framework for biodiversity conservation that is directed towards these problems. The framework combines a phylogenetic evaluation with a multi-species risk analysis and defines the objective of conservation biology as the minimization of the future loss of biodiversity.
Phylogenies reconstructed from gene sequences can be used to investigate the tempo and mode of species diversification. Here we develop and use new statistical methods to infer past patterns of speciation and extinction from molecular phylogenies. Specifically, we test the null hypothesis that per-lineage speciation and extinction rates have remained constant through time. Rejection of this hypothesis may provide evidence for evolutionary events such as adaptive radiations or key adaptations. In contrast to previous approaches, our methods are robust to incomplete taxon sampling and are conservative with respect to extinction. Using simulation we investigate, first, the adverse effects of failing to take incomplete sampling into account and, second, the power and reliability of our tests. When applied to published phylogenies our tests suggest that, in some cases, speciation rates have decreased through time.
Phylogenetics sometimes plays a major role in conservation planning, although there are still discussions about what to conserve, the evolutionary novelty revealed by adaptive process or the evolutionary potential expressed by neutral genetic divergence. I discuss the relationship between general models of phenotypic evolution and branch-length transformations used in phylogenetic diversity (PD) indices. Phylogenetic diversity based on molecular phylogenies will be satisfactory under a neutral model of evolution with constant divergence rates. If evolution of phenotypes occurs under stabilizing or directional selection, however, PD will overestimate and underestimate evolutionary diversity, respectively. I took into account phenotypic patterns in quantitative traits by finding ancestral states and, for each ancestral-descendent pathway, transforming branch length into amounts of phenotypic evolution before calculating PD. As an example, I applied the method in an evaluation of PD in the eight New World biodiversity hotspots. I based the evaluation on the phylogeny of terrestrial Carnivora and transformed and untransformed (time) branch lengths. In all hotspots, time-only PD values were larger than their respective phenotypic PD estimates, as expected if stabilizing selection drives most of body size evolution. Both PD estimates were highly correlated with species richness across the hotspots, but the priority ranks changed when loss of species restricted to one hotspot was considered. If phenotypic evolution usually occurs under stabilizing selection processes, conservation efforts and resources would be reduced and/or restricted to a few distinct species with high evolutionary rates, reflecting new adaptive peaks. This may be a liberal conservation strategy, however, compared with PD values calculated from time-calibrate supertrees or molecular phylogenies, and it is still necessary to understand how adaptive processes drive the evolution of complex phenotypes.
Amphibian declines may frequently be associated with multiple, correlated factors . In \western North America, exotic species and hydrological changes are often correlated and are considered 2 of the greatest threats to freshwater systems. Bullfrog (Rana catcsbeiana) introductions are frequently cited as a threat to lentic-breeding anurans native to western North America and are a suspected factor in the decline of red-legged frogs (Rana aurora) in California. Introduced fish and habitat change are cited less frequently but are equally viable hypotheses. I examined the relation among introduced species, habitat, and the distribution and abundance of red-legged frogs in western Washington. Red-legged frog occurrence in the Puget Lowlands was more closely associated with habitat structure and the presence of exotic fish than with the presence of bullfrogs. The spread of exotics is correlated with a shift toward greater permanence in wetland habitats regionally. Conservation of more ephemeral wetland habitats may have direct benefits fat some native amphibians and may also reduce the threat of exotic fish and bullfrogs, both of which were associated with permanent wetlands. Research and conservation efforts for lowland anurans in the West should emphasize the complexities of multiple contributing factors to amphibian losses.