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New Record of A Bobtail Squid, Euprymna hyllebergi Nateewathana, 1997, in the Gulf of Thailand



The bobtail squid, Euprymna hyllebergi Nateewathana, 1997 was first described from the Andaman Sea of Thailand. Recently, the species was sampled in the Gulf of Thailand. Previously, 3 species of Euprymna have been identified from the Gulf of Thailand: E. morsei (Verrill, 1881), E. stenodactyla (Grany, 1833) and E. berryi (Sasaki, 1929) but these identifications remain unresolved since the material cannot be traced.
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... E. albatrossae, E. bursa, and E. phenax were known only from the types. The original type material of E. stenodactyla is lost, no further material has been found in Mauritius yet and the description of the species is poor (Norman & Lu,According to Nateewathana et al. (2001) the occurrence of E. morsei, E. stenodactyla, and E. berryi in Thai waters was still uncertain since the voucher material could not be located. However, E. morsei and E. stenodactyla from the Andaman Sea and Myanmar waters have been registered at the PMBC Reference Collection in 2007. ...
... The bobtail squids were obtained from fishing boats, research vessels, fish markets, and fish landings along the Andaman Sea coast of Thailand and the Gulf of Thailand as described by Nateewathana (1997b) and Nateewathana et al. (2001). Additional material for the present study was primarily obtained from the R.V. Chulaphorn of the Deep Sea Fishery Technology Research and Development Institute operating off the Andaman Sea coast of Thailand, and from fishing boats, fish markets and fish landings along the Andaman Sea coast of Thailand and the Gulf of Thailand. ...
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A total of 265 specimens, 118 males and 147 females, of the bobtail squid, Euprymna hyllebergi, are registered in the Reference Collection, Phuket Marine Biological Center, Thailand. Nearly all specimens were collected from Thai waters, the Andaman Sea and the Gulf of Thailand. The species is here reported as a new record for Myanmar waters and the distribution in the Indian Ocean has been extended to the west of the Andaman Islands. A male neotype is designated on a specimen collected from the original locality in order to replace the lost male holotype specimen. The neotype is deposited in the Reference Collection of Phuket Marine Biological Center, Thailand, as is the remaining female paratype, whereas selected specimens are deposited in National Science Museum Tokyo, Japan, U.S. National Museum, Washington D.C., USA and the Zoological Museum, SNM, University of Copenhagen, Denmark. Measurements of the neotype, paratype, and selected specimens are presented and discussed.
... The ocellus is a pattern shaped like a dark spot surrounded by a pale or cream colored ring on the inside and dark brown-black on the outside. The ocellus is present on the crown side of the arm above the third arm [10], [14]. Along the arms of this octopus has a pattern like a pattern of bluishwhite spots. ...
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Octopus is a commodity that has important economic value and high export value. Gugop Distric is one of the producers of octopus in the form of fresh products and processed products developed by Kube Mangat. It is said that the octopus species in Indonesia are dominated by Octopus cyanea , but there is no scientific certainty for the type of octopus in this Gugop village. This study aimed to identify morphometric analysis is for octopus. This research conducted in May-July 2022. Information on octopus resources in Aceh is still limited. Information about octopus biology needs to be known as basic information in octopus resource management. A total of 35 octopus samples were obtained, there are 5 key characteristics in Octopus cyanea including ocellus, bluish-white spots, brown markings all over the body, diamond-shaped papillae on the neck and head. The presence of false eye spots indicating that this species is Octopus cyanea . The size trend based on the total length of the octopus showed 6 classes with the highest total in the 68-72 cm category, namely 9 individuals. These results indicate that the octopus caught is still in a suitable size for capture feasibility and has entered the reproductive period.
... Character measurements Dorsal mantle length(DML) × 100 Fig. 1 Map showing the earlier distribution records (shaded circles) (Nateewathana 1997;Nateewathana et al. 2001;Khatami et al. 2014) and the new distribution record (clear circles) of Euprymna hyllebergi Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved. ...
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The small benthic squid Euprymna hyllebergi is reported for the first time from the southeastern Arabian Sea along the Indian coast. A total of 97 individuals (56 females and 41 males) were collected from commercial trawls. The dorsal mantle length (DML) of the individuals ranged from 21 to 46.5 mm for males and 24 to 50 mm for females. This species has previously been reported only from the Persian Gulf, the Gulf of Thailand, and the Andaman Sea. Detailed morphometric, meristic, and molecular data for this species are provided. The documentation of this squid from India expands the catalogue of cephalopod fauna of the Arabian Sea, shedding new insights on its distribution patterns.
... Morphometric measurements of these specimens were recorded, following the methods of Valinassab (1993), Nateewathana (1997), Anderson (2000), Nateewathana et al. (2001) and Jereb and Roper (2010). The morphological characters (10-25 characters) used for identification included mantle shape, shape and size of arm and tentacular club suckers, shape and number of teeth on the arm and tentacular club suckers and fin shape (Table 1). ...
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The Persian Gulf and Oman Sea constitute one of the most important marine ecosystems and have many economically important aquatic species, including several coleoid cephalopods. Some coleoids are difficult to identify using traditional morphological characteristics. In this study, two mitochondrial fragments, cytochrome oxidase I (COI) and the large ribosomal subunit (16S rRNA), were used for identification of coleoid species in four regions in the northern Persian Gulf and Oman Sea. The study led to the identification of potential cryptic species of Sepia, Amphioctopus and Uroteuthis. Furthermore, Euprymna hyllebergi was reported for the first time from the Persian Gulf. A high diversity of Coeloidea was found in the study area. Mean intraspecific and interspecific nucleotide distances for COI were 0%–2% and 2%–7%, respectively, while these values for 16S rRNA sequences were 0%–1% and 1%–4%. Given the uncertainty about species identity and the high levels of intraspecific genetic diversity reported for some species in GenBank, a comprehensive global study will be needed to resolve the taxonomic status of several coleoid species.
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