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arXiv:1112.3697v1 [cs.CV] 16 Dec 2011
Insights from Classifying Visual Concepts with Multiple Kernel
Alexander Binder∗†
, Shinichi Nakajima‡
, Marius Kloft§
, Christina M¨uller, Wojciech Samek,
Ulf Brefeld¶
, Klaus-Robert M¨ullerk
, and Motoaki Kawanabe∗∗
December 19, 2011
Combining information from various image features has
become a standard technique in concept recognition tasks.
However, the optimal way of fusing the resulting kernel
functions is usually unknown in practical applications.
Multiple kernel learning (MKL) techniques allow to de-
termine an optimal linear combination of such similarity
matrices. Classical approaches to MKL promote sparse
mixtures. Unfortunately, so-called 1-norm MKL variants
are often observed to be outperformed by an unweighted
sum kernel. The contribution of this paper is twofold:
We apply a recently developed non-sparse MKL variant
to state-of-the-art concept recognition tasks within com-
puter vision. We provide insights on benefits and limits
of non-sparse MKL and compare it against its direct com-
petitors, the sum kernel SVM and the sparse MKL. We
report empirical results for the PASCAL VOC 2009 Clas-
sification and ImageCLEF2010 Photo Annotation chal-
lenge data sets. About to be submitted to PLoS ONE.
∗corresponding author,
†A. Binder and W. Samek are with Technische Universit¨at Berlin and
Fraunhofer FIRST,Berlin, Germany
‡S. Nakajima is with Optical Research Laboratory, Nikon Corpora-
tion Tokyo
§M. Kloft and C. M ¨uller are with Technische Universit¨at Berlin, Ger-
¶U. Brefeld is with the Universit¨at Bonn, Germany
kK.-R. M¨uller is with Technische Universit¨at Berlin, Germany, and
the Institute of Pure and Applied Mathematics at UCLA, Los Angeles,
∗∗M. Kawanabe is with ATR Research, Kyoto, Japan
1 Introduction
A common strategy in visual object recognition tasks is
to combine different image representations to capture rel-
evant traits of an image. Prominent representations are for
instance built from color, texture, and shape information
and used to accurately locate and classify the objects of
interest. The importance of such image features changes
across the tasks. For example, color information increases
the detection rates of stop signs in images substantially
but it is almost useless for finding cars. This is because
stop sign are usually red in most countries but cars in
principle can have any color. As additional but nonessen-
tial features not only slow down the computation time but
may even harm predictive performance, it is necessary to
combine only relevant features for state-of-the-art object
recognition systems.
We will approach visual object classification from a
machine learning perspective. In the last decades, support
vector machines (SVM) [1, 2, 3] have been successfully
applied to many practical problems in various fields in-
cluding computer vision [4]. Support vector machines ex-
ploit similarities of the data, arising from some (possibly
nonlinear) measure. The matrix of pairwise similarities,
also known as kernel matrix, allows to abstract the data
from the learning algorithm [5, 6].
That is, given a task at hand, the practitioner needs to
find an appropriate similarity measure and to plug the re-
sulting kernel into an appropriate learning algorithm. But
what if this similarity measure is difficult to find? We note
that [7] and [8] were the first to exploit prior and domain
knowledge for the kernel construction.
In object recognition, translating information from var-
ious image descriptors into several kernels has now be-
come a standard technique. Consequently, the choice of
finding the right kernel changes to finding an appropriate
way of fusing the kernel information; however, finding
the right combination for a particular application is so far
often a matter of a judicious choice (or trial and error).
In the absence of principled approaches, practitioners
frequently resort to heuristics such as uniform mixtures
of normalized kernels [9, 10] that have proven to work
well. Nevertheless, this may lead to sub-optimal kernel
An alternative approach is multiple kernel learning
(MKL) that has been applied to object classification tasks
involving various image descriptors [11, 12]. Multiple
kernel learning [13, 14, 15, 16] generalizes the support
vector machine framework and aims at learning the opti-
mal kernel mixture and the model parameters of the SVM
simultaneously. To obtain a well-defined optimization
problem, many MKL approaches promote sparse mix-
tures by incorporating a 1-norm constraint on the mixing
coefficients. Compared to heuristic approaches, MKL has
the appealing property of learning a kernel combination
(wrt. the ℓ1-norm constraint) and converges quickly as it
can be wrapped around a regular support vector machine
[15]. However, some evidence shows that sparse kernel
mixtures are often outperformed by an unweighted-sum
kernel [17]. As a remedy, [18, 19] propose ℓ2-norm reg-
ularized MKL variants, which promote non-sparse ker-
nel mixtures and subsequently have been extended to ℓp-
norms [20, 21].
Multiple Kernel approaches have been applied to var-
ious computer vision problems outside our scope such
multi-class problems [22] which require mutually exclu-
sive labels and object detection [23, 24] in the sense of
finding object regions in an image. The latter reaches its
limits when image concepts cannot be represented by an
object region anymore such as the Outdoor,Overall Qual-
ity or Boring concepts in the ImageCLEF2010 dataset
which we will use.
In this contribution, we study the benefits of sparse
and non-sparse MKL in object recognition tasks. We
report on empirical results on image data sets from the
PASCAL visual object classes (VOC) 2009 [25] and Im-
ageCLEF2010 PhotoAnnotation [26] challenges, showing
that non-sparse MKL significantly outperforms the uni-
form mixture and ℓ1-norm MKL. Furthermore we discuss
the reasons for performance gains and performance limi-
tations obtained by MKL based on additional experiments
using real world and synthetic data.
The family of MKL algorithms is not restricted to
SVM-based ones. Another competitor, for example, is
Multiple Kernel Learning based on Kernel Discriminant
Analysis (KDA) [27, 28]. The difference between MKL-
SVM and MKL-KDA lies in the underlying single kernel
optimization criterion while the regularization over kernel
weights is the same.
Outside the MKL family, however, within our problem
scope of image classification and ranking lies, for exam-
ple, [29] which uses a logistic regression as base crite-
rion and results in a number of optimization parameters
equal to the number of samples times the number of input
features. Since the approach in [29] uses a priori much
more optimization variables, it poses a more challenging
and potentially more time consuming optimization prob-
lem which limits the number of applicable features and
can be evaluated for our medium scaled datasets in detail
in the future.
Alternatives use more general combinations of kernels
such as products with kernel widths as weighting param-
eters [30, 31]. As [31] point out the corresponding opti-
mization problems are no longer convex. Consequently
they may find suboptimal solutions and it is more diffi-
cult to assess using such methods how much gain can be
achieved via learning of kernel weights.
This paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we
briefly review the machine learning techniques used here;
The following section3 we present our experimental re-
sults on the VOC2009 and ImageCLEF2010 datasets; in
Section 4 we discuss promoting and limiting factors of
MKL and the sum-kernel SVM in three learning scenar-
2 Methods
This section briefly introduces multiple kernel learning
(MKL), and kernel target alignment. For more details we
refer to the supplement and the cited works in it.
2.1 Multiple Kernel Learning
Given a finite number of different kernels each of which
implies the existence of a feature mapping ψj:X → Hj
onto a hilbert space
x) = hψj(x), ψj(¯
the goal of multiple kernel learning is to learn SVM pa-
rameters (α, b)and linear kernel weights K=Plβlkl
This can be cast as the following optimization problem
which extends support vector machines [2, 6]
s.t. ∀i:yi
jψj(xi) + b
The usage of kernels is permitted through its partially du-
alized form:
s.t. ∀n
i=1 : 0 ≤αi≤C;
yiαi= 0;
j=1 :βj≥0; kβkp≤1.
For details on the solution of this optimization problem
and its kernelization we refer to the supplement and [21].
While prior work on MKL imposes a 1-norm constraint
on the mixing coefficients to enforce sparse solutions ly-
ing on a standard simplex [14, 15, 32, 33], we employ a
generalized ℓp-norm constraint kβkp≤1for p≥1as
used in [20, 21]. The implications of this modification
in the context of image concept classification will be dis-
cussed throughout this paper.
2.2 Kernel Target Alignment
The kernel alignment introduced by [34] measures the
similarity of two matrices as a cosine angle of vectors un-
der the Frobenius product
A(K1, K2) := hK1, K2iF
It was argued in [35] that centering is required in order
to correctly reflect the test errors from SVMs via kernel
alignment. Centering in the corresponding feature spaces
[36] can be achieved by taking the product H KH, with
H:= I−1
Iis the identity matrix of size nand 1is the column vec-
tor with all ones. The centered kernel which achieves a
perfect separation of two classes is proportional to e
y= (eyi),eyi:= (1
n+yi= +1
and n+and n−are the sizes of the positive and negative
classes, respectively.
3 Empirical Evaluation
In this section, we evaluate ℓp-norm MKL in real-
world image categorization tasks, experimenting on the
VOC2009 and ImageCLEF2010 data sets. We also pro-
vide insights on when and why ℓp-norm MKL can help
performance in image classification applications. The
evaluation measure for both datasets is the average pre-
cision (AP) over all recall values based on the precision-
recall (PR) curves.
3.1 Data Sets
We experiment on the following data sets:
1. PASCAL2 VOC Challenge 2009 We use the official
data set of the PASCAL2 Visual Object Classes Challenge
2009 (VOC2009) [25], which consists of 13979 images.
The use the official split into 3473 training, 3581 valida-
tion, and 6925 test examples as provided by the challenge
organizers. The organizers also provided annotation of
the 20 objects categories; note that an image can have
multiple object annotations. The task is to solve 20 bi-
nary classification problems, i.e. predicting whether at
least one object from a class kis visible in the test im-
age. Although the test labels are undisclosed, the more
recent VOC datasets permit to evaluate AP scores on the
test set via the challenge website (the number of allowed
submissions per week being limited).
2. ImageCLEF 2010 PhotoAnnotation The Image-
CLEF2010 PhotoAnnotation data set [26] consists of
8000 labeled training images taken from flickr and a test
set with undisclosed labels. The images are annotated
by 93 concept classes having highly variable concepts—
they contain both well defined objects such as lake, river,
plants, trees, flowers, as well as many rather ambigu-
ously defined concepts such as winter, boring, architec-
ture, macro, artificial, motion blur,—however, those con-
cepts might not always be connected to objects present
in an image or captured by a bounding box. This makes
it highly challenging for any recognition system. Un-
fortunately, there is currently no official way to obtain
test set performance scores from the challenge organiz-
ers. Therefore, for this data set, we report on training
set cross-validation performances only. As for VOC2009
we decompose the problem into 93 binary classification
problems. Again, many concept classes are challenging
to rank or classify by an object detection approach due
to their inherent non-object nature. As for the previous
dataset each image can be labeled with multiple concepts.
3.2 Image Features and Base Kernels
In all of our experiments we deploy 32 kernels capturing
various aspects of the images. The kernels are inspired by
the VOC 2007 winner [37] and our own experiences from
our submissions to the VOC2009 and ImageCLEF2009
challenges. We can summarize the employed kernels by
the following three types of basic features:
•Histogram over a bag of visual words over SIFT fea-
tures (BoW-S), 15 kernels
•Histogram over a bag of visual words over color in-
tensity histograms (BoW-C), 8 kernels
•Histogram of oriented gradients (HoG), 4 kernels
•Histogram of pixel color intensities (HoC), 5 kernels.
We used a higher fraction of bag-of-word-based fea-
tures as we knew from our challenge submissions that
they have a better performance than global histogram fea-
tures. The intention was, however, to use a variety of dif-
ferent feature types that have been proven to be effective
on the above datasets in the past—but at the same time
obeying memory limitations of maximally 25GB per job
as required by computer facilities used in our experiments
(we used a cluster of 23 nodes having in total 256 AMD64
CPUs and with memory limitations ranging in 32–96 GB
RAM per node).
The above features are derived from histograms that
contain no spatial information. We therefore enrich the re-
spective representations by using spatial tilings 1×1,3×
1,2×2,4×4,8×8, which correspond to single levels
of the pyramidal approach [9] (this is for capturing the
spatial context of an image). Furthermore, we apply a χ2
kernel on top of the enriched histogram features, which
is an established kernel for capturing histogram features
[10]. The bandwidth of the χ2kernel is thereby heuris-
tically chosen as the mean χ2distance over all pairs of
training examples [38].
The BoW features were constructed in a standard way
[39]: at first, the SIFT descriptors [40] were calculated on
a regular grid with 6 pixel pitches for each image, learning
a code book of size 4000 for the SIFT features and of size
900 for the color histograms by k-means clustering (with
a random initialization). Finally, all SIFT descriptors
were assigned to visual words (so-called prototypes) and
then summarized into histograms within entire images or
sub-regions. We computed the SIFT features over the
following color combinations, which are inspired by the
winners of the Pascal VOC 2008 challenge winners from
the university of Amsterdam [41]: red-green-blue (RGB),
normalized RGB, gray-opponentColor1-opponentColor2,
and gray-normalized OpponentColor1-OpponentColor2;
in addition, we also use a simple gray channel.
We computed the 15-dimensional local color his-
tograms over the color combinations red-green-blue,
gray-opponentColor1-opponentColor2,gray, and hue (the
latter being weighted by the pixel value of the value com-
ponent in the HSV color representation).
This means, for BoW-S, we considered five color chan-
nels with three spatial tilings each (1×1,3×1, and 2×2),
resulting in 15 kernels; for BoW-C, we considered four
color channels with two spatial tilings each (1×1and
3×1), resulting in 8 kernels.
The HoG features were computed by discretizing the
orientation of the gradient vector at each pixel into 24
bins and then summarizing the discretized orientations
into histograms within image regions [42]. Canny de-
tectors [43] are used to discard contributions from pix-
els, around which the image is almost uniform. We com-
puted them over the color combinations red-green-blue,
gray-opponentColor1-opponentColor2, and gray, thereby
using the two spatial tilings 4×4and 8×8. For the ex-
periments we used four kernels: a product kernel created
from the two kernels with the red-green-blue color com-
bination but using different spatial tilings, another prod-
uct kernel created in the same way but using the gray-
opponentColor1-opponentColor2 color combination, and
the two kernels using the gray channel alone (but differing
in their spatial tiling).
The HoC features were constructed by discretiz-
ing pixel-wise color values and computing their 15
bin histograms within image regions. To this end,
we used the color combinations red-green-blue, gray-
opponentColor1-opponentColor2, and gray. For each
color combination the spatial tilings 2×2,3×1, and 4×4
were tried. In the experiments we deploy five kernels: a
product kernel created from the three kernels with differ-
ent spatial tilings with colors red-green-blue, a product
kernel created from the three kernels with color combina-
tion gray-opponentColor1-opponentColor2, and the three
kernels using the gray channel alone(differing in their spa-
tial tiling).
Note that building a product kernel out of χ2kernels
boils down to concatenating feature blocks (but using a
separate kernel width for each feature block). The in-
tention here was to use single kernels at separate spatial
tilings for the weaker features (for problems depending
on a certain tiling resolution) and combined kernels with
all spatial tilings merged into one kernel to keep the mem-
ory requirements low and let the algorithms select the best
In practice, the normalization of kernels is as important
for MKL as the normalization of features is for training
regularized linear or single-kernel models. This is owed
to the bias introduced by the regularization: optimal fea-
ture / kernel weights are requested to be small, implying
a bias to towards excessively up-scaled kernels. In gen-
eral, there are several ways of normalizing kernel func-
tions. We apply the following normalization method, pro-
posed in [44, 45] and entitled multiplicative normalization
in [21]; on the feature-space level this normalization cor-
responds to rescaling training examples to unit variance,
3.3 Experimental Setup
We treat the multi-label data set as binary classification
problems, that is, for each object category we trained
a one-vs.-rest classifier. Multiple labels per image ren-
der multi-class methods inapplicable as these require mu-
tually exclusive labels for the images. The respective
SVMs are trained using the Shogun toolbox [46]. In or-
der to shed light on the nature of the presented techniques
from a statistical viewpoint, we first pooled all labeled
data and then created 20 random cross-validation splits
for VOC2009 and 12 splits for the larger dataset Image-
For each of the 12 or 20 splits, the training images were
used for learning the classifiers, while the SVM/MKL reg-
ularization parameter Cand the norm parameter pwere
chosen based on the maximal AP score on the validation
images. Thereby, the regularization constant Cis op-
timized by class-wise grid search over C∈ {10i|i=
−1,−0.5,0,0.5,1}. Preliminary runs indicated that this
way the optimal solutions are attained inside the grid.
Note that for p=∞the ℓp-norm MKL boils down to a
simple SVM using a uniform kernel combination (subse-
quently called sum-kernel SVM). In our experiments, we
used the average kernel SVM instead of the sum-kernel
one. This is no limitation in this as both lead to identical
result for an appropriate choice of the SVM regularization
For a rigorous evaluation, we would have to construct
a separate codebook for each cross validation split. How-
ever, creating codebooks and assigning descriptors to vi-
sual words is a time-consuming process. Therefore, in
our experiments we resort to the common practice of us-
ing a single codebook created from all training images
contained in the official split. Although this could result
in a slight overestimation of the AP scores, this affects
all methods equally and does not favor any classification
method more than another—our focus lies on a relative
comparison of the different classification methods; there-
fore there is no loss in exploiting this computational short-
3.4 Results
In this section we report on the empirical results achieved
by ℓp-norm MKL in our visual object recognition experi-
VOC 2009 Table 2 shows the AP scores attained on
the official test split of the VOC2009 data set (scores
obtained by evaluation via the challenge website). The
class-wise optimal regularization constant has been se-
lected by cross-validation-based model selection on the
training data set. We can observe that non-sparse MKL
outperforms the baselines ℓ1-MKL and the sum-kernel
SVM in this sound evaluation setup. We also report on
the cross-validation performance achieved on the training
data set (Table 1). Comparing the two results, one can ob-
serve a small overestimation for the cross-validation ap-
proach (for the reasons argued in Section 3.3)—however,
the amount by which this happens is equal for all meth-
ods; in particular, the ranking of the compared methods
(SVM versus ℓp-norm MKL for various values of p) is
preserved for the average over all classes and most of
the classes (exceptions are the bottle and bird class); this
shows the reliability of the cross-validation-based eval-
uation method in practice. Note that the observed vari-
ance in the AP measure across concepts can be explained
in part by the variations in the label distributions across
concepts and cross-validation splits. Unlike for the AUC
measure, the average score of the AP measure under ran-
domly ranked images depends on the ratio of positive and
negative labeled samples.
A reason why the bottle class shows such a strong de-
viation towards sparse methods could be the varying but
often small fraction of image area covered by bottles lead-
ing to overfitting when using spatial tilings.
We can also remark that ℓ1.333-norm achieves the best
result of all compared methods on the VOC dataset,
slightly followed by ℓ1.125-norm MKL. To evaluate the
statistical significance of our findings, we perform a
Wilcoxon signed-rank test for the cross-validation-based
results (see Table 1; significant results are marked in bold-
face). We find that in 15 out of the 20 classes the opti-
mal result is achieved by truly non-sparse ℓp-norm MKL
(which means p∈]1,∞[), thus outperforming the base-
line significantly.
ImageCLEF Table 4 shows the AP scores averaged
over all classes achieved on the ImageCLEF2010 data set.
We observe that the best result is achieved by the non-
sparse ℓp-norm MKL algorithms with norm parameters
p= 1.125 and p= 1.333. The detailed results for all
93 classes are shown in the supplemental material (see
B.1 and B.2.We can see from the detailed results that in
37 out of the 93 classes the optimal result attained by non-
sparse ℓp-norm MKL was significantly better than the sum
kernel according to a Wilcoxon signed-rank test.
We also show the results for optimizing the norm pa-
rameter pclass-wise (see Table 5). We can see from the
table that optimizing the ℓp-norm class-wise is beneficial:
selecting the best p∈]1,∞[class-wise, the result is in-
creased to an AP of 39.70. Also including ℓ1-norm MKL
in the candidate set, the performance can even be lever-
aged to 39.82—this is 0.7 AP better than the result for the
vanilla sum-kernel SVM. Also including the latter to the
set of model, the AP score only merely increases by 0.03
AP points. We conclude that optimizing the norm param-
eter pclass-wise can improve performance; however, one
can rely on ℓp-norm MKL alone without the need to addi-
tionally include the sum-kernel-SVM to the set of models.
Tables 1 and 2 show that the gain in performance for MKL
varies considerably on the actual concept class. Notice
that these observations are confirmed by the results pre-
sented in Tables B.1 and B.2, see supplemental material
for details.
3.5 Analysis and Interpretation
We now analyze the kernel set in an explorative manner;
to this end, our methodological tools are the following
1. Pairwise kernel alignment scores (KA)
2. Centered kernel-target alignment scores (KTA).
3.5.1 Analysis of the Chosen Kernel Set
To start with, we computed the pairwise kernel alignment
scores of the 32 base kernels: they are shown in Fig. 1.
We recall that the kernels can be classified into the follow-
ing groups: Kernels 1–15 and 16–23 employ BoW-S and
Table 1: Average AP scores on the VOC2009 data set with AP scores computed by cross-validation on the training set. Bold faces
show the best method and all other ones that are not statistical-significantly worse.
Norm Average Aeroplane Bicycle Bird Boat Bottle Bus
ℓ154.94 ±12.3 84.84 ±5.86 55.35 ±10.5 59.38 ±10.1 66.83 ±12.4 25.91 ±10.2 71.15 ±23.2
ℓ1.125 57.07 ±12.7 84.82 ±5.91 57.25 ±10.6 62.4 ±9.13 67.89 ±12.8 27.88 ±9.91 71.7 ±22.8
ℓ1.333 57.2 ±12.8 84.51 ±6.27 57.41 ±10.8 62.75 ±9.07 67.99 ±13 27.44 ±9.77 71.33 ±23.1
ℓ256.53 ±12.8 84.12 ±5.92 56.89 ±10.9 62.53 ±8.9 67.69 ±13 26.68 ±9.94 70.33 ±22.3
ℓ∞56.08 ±12.7 83.67 ±5.99 56.09 ±10.9 61.91 ±8.81 67.52 ±12.9 26.5 ±9.5 70.13 ±22.2
Norm Car Cat Chair Cow Diningtable Dog Horse
ℓ154.54 ±7.33 59.5 ±8.22 53.3 ±11.7 23.13 ±13.2 48.51 ±19.9 41.72 ±9.44 57.67 ±12.2
ℓ1.125 56.59 ±8.93 61.59 ±8.26 54.3 ±12.1 29.59 ±16.2 49.32 ±19.5 45.57 ±10.6 59.4 ±12.2
ℓ1.333 56.75 ±9.28 61.74 ±8.41 54.25 ±12.3 29.89 ±15.8 48.4 ±19.3 45.85 ±10.9 59.4 ±11.9
ℓ255.92 ±9.49 61.39 ±8.37 53.85 ±12.4 28.39 ±16.2 47 ±18.7 45.14 ±10.8 58.61 ±11.9
ℓ∞55.58 ±9.47 61.25 ±8.28 53.13 ±12.4 27.56 ±16.2 46.29 ±18.8 44.63 ±10.6 58.32 ±11.7
Norm Motorbike Person Pottedplant Sheep Sofa Train Tvmonitor
ℓ155 ±13.2 81.32 ±9.49 35.14 ±13.4 38.13 ±19.2 48.15 ±11.8 75.33 ±14.1 63.97 ±10.2
ℓ1.125 57.66 ±13.1 82.18 ±9.3 39.05 ±14.9 43.65 ±20.5 48.72 ±13 75.79 ±14.4 65.99 ±9.83
ℓ1.333 57.57 ±13 82.27 ±9.29 39.7 ±14.6 46.28 ±23.9 48.76 ±11.9 75.75 ±14.3 66.07 ±9.59
ℓ256.9 ±13.2 82.19 ±9.3 38.97 ±14.8 45.88 ±24 47.29 ±11.7 75.29 ±14.5 65.55 ±10.1
ℓ∞56.45 ±13.1 82 ±9.37 38.46 ±14.1 45.93 ±24 46.08 ±11.8 74.89 ±14.5 65.19 ±10.2
Table 2: AP scores attained on the VOC2009 test data, obtained on request from the challenge organizers. Best methods are
marked boldface.
average aeroplane bicycle bird boat bottle bus car
ℓ154.58 81.13 54.52 56.14 62.44 28.10 68.92 52.33
ℓ1.125 56.43 81.01 56.36 58.49 62.84 25.75 68.22 55.71
ℓ1.333 56.70 80.77 56.79 58.88 63.11 25.26 67.80 55.98
ℓ256.34 80.41 56.34 58.72 63.13 24.55 67.70 55.54
ℓ∞55.85 79.80 55.68 58.32 62.76 24.23 67.79 55.38
cat chair cow diningtable dog horse motorbike
ℓ155.50 52.22 36.17 45.84 41.90 61.90 57.58
ℓ1.125 57.79 53.66 40.77 48.40 46.36 63.10 60.89
ℓ1.333 58.00 53.87 43.14 48.17 46.54 63.08 61.28
ℓ257.98 53.47 40.95 48.07 46.59 63.02 60.91
ℓ∞57.30 53.07 39.74 47.27 45.87 62.49 60.55
person pottedplant sheep sofa train tvmonitor
ℓ181.73 31.57 36.68 45.72 80.52 61.41
ℓ1.125 82.65 34.61 41.91 46.59 80.13 63.51
ℓ1.333 82.72 34.60 44.14 46.42 79.93 63.60
ℓ282.52 33.40 44.81 45.98 79.53 63.26
ℓ∞82.20 32.76 44.15 45.69 79.03 63.00
Table 3: Average AP scores on the VOC2009 data set with norm parameter pclass-wise optimized over AP scores on the training
set. We report on test set scores obtained on request from the challenge organizers.
∞ {1,∞} {1.125,1.333,2} {1.125,1.333,2,∞} {1,1.125,1.333,2}all norms from the left
55.85 55.94 56.75 56.76 56.75 56.76
Table 4: Average AP scores obtained on the ImageCLEF2010 data set with pfixed over the classes and AP scores computed by
cross-validation on the training set.
ℓp-Norm 1 1.125 1.333 2 ∞
37.32 ±5.87 39.51 ±6.67 39.48 ±6.66 39.13 ±6.62 39.11 ±6.68
BoW-C features, respectively; Kernels 24 to 27 are prod-
uct kernels associated with the HoG and HoC features;
Kernels 28–30 deploy HoC, and, finally, Kernels 31–32
are based on HoG features over the gray channel. We see
from the block-diagonal structure that features that are of
the same type (but are generated for different parameter
values, color channels, or spatial tilings) are strongly cor-
related. Furthermore the BoW-S kernels (Kernels 1–15)
are weakly correlated with the BoW-C kernels (Kernels
16–23). Both, the BoW-S and HoG kernels (Kernels 24–
25,31–32) use gradients and therefore are moderately cor-
related; the same holds for the BoW-C and HoC kernel
groups (Kernels 26–30). This corresponds to our original
intention to have a broad range of feature types which are,
however, useful for the task at hand. The principle useful-
ness of our feature set can be seen a posteriori from the
fact that ℓ1-MKL achieves the worst performance of all
methods included in the comparison while the sum-kernel
SVM performs moderately well. Clearly, a higher fraction
of noise kernels would further harm the sum-kernel SVM
and favor the sparse MKL instead (we investigate the im-
pact of noise kernels on the performance of ℓp-norm MKL
in an experiment on controlled, artificial data; this is pre-
sented in the supplemental material.
Based on the observation that the BoW-S kernel sub-
set shows high KTA scores, we also evaluated the perfor-
mance restricted to the 15 BoW-S kernels only. Unsur-
prisingly, this setup favors the sum-kernel SVM, which
achieves higher results on VOC2009 for most classes;
compared to ℓp-norm MKL using all 32 classes, the sum-
kernel SVM restricted to 15 classes achieves slightly bet-
ter AP scores for 11 classes, but also slightly worse for
9 classes. Furthermore, the sum kernel SVM, ℓ2-MKL,
and ℓ1.333-MKL were on par with differences fairly be-
low 0.01 AP. This is again not surprising as the kernels
from the BoW-S kernel set are strongly correlated with
each other for the VOC data which can be seen in the
top left image in Fig. 1. For the ImageCLEF data we ob-
served a quite different picture: the sum-kernel SVM re-
stricted to the 15 BoW-S kernels performed significantly
worse, when, again, being compared to non-sparse ℓp-
norm MKL using all 32 kernels. To achieve top state-
of-the-art performance, one could optimize the scores for
both datasets by considering the class-wise maxima over
learning methods and kernel sets. However, since the in-
tention here is not to win a challenge but a relative com-
parison of models, giving insights in the nature of the
methods—we therefore discard the time-consuming op-
timization over the kernel subsets.
From the above analysis, the question arises why re-
stricting the kernel set to the 15 BoW-S kernels affects
the performance of the compared methods differently,
for the VOC2009 and ImageCLEF2010 data sets. This
can be explained by comparing the KA/KTA scores of
the kernels attained on VOC and on ImageCLEF (see
Fig. 1 (RIGHT)): for the ImageCLEF data set the KTA
scores are substantially more spread along all kernels;
there is neither a dominance of the BoW-S subset in the
KTA scores nor a particularly strong correlation within
the BoW-S subset in the KA scores. We attribute this
to the less object-based and more ambiguous nature of
many of the concepts contained in the ImageCLEF data
set. Furthermore, the KA scores for the ImageCLEF data
(see Fig. 1 (LEFT)) show that this dataset exhibits a higher
variance among kernels—this is because the correlations
between all kinds of kernels are weaker for the Image-
Table 5: Average AP scores obtained on the ImageCLEF2010 data set with norm parameter pclass-wise optimized and AP scores
computed by cross-validation on the training set.
∞ {1,∞} {1.125,1.333,2} {1.125,1.333,2,∞} {1,1.125,1.333,2}all norms from the left
39.11 ±6.68 39.33 ±6.71 39.70 ±6.80 39.74 ±6.85 39.82 ±6.82 39.85 ±6.88
CLEF data.
Kernel Index
Kernel Index
10 20 30
Kernel Index
Class Index
10 20 30
Kernel Index
Kernel Index
10 20 30
Kernel Index
Class Index
10 20 30
Figure 1: Similarity of the kernels for the VOC2009 (TOP) and
ImageCLEF2010 (BOTTOM) data sets in terms of pairwise ker-
nel alignments (LEFT) and kernel target alignments (RIGHT),
respectively. In both data sets, five groups can be identified:
’BoW-S’ (Kernels 1–15), ’BoW-C’ (Kernels 16–23), ’products
of HoG and HoC kernels’ (Kernels 24–27, ’HoC single’ (Ker-
nels 28–30), and ’HoG single’ (Kernels 31–32).
Therefore, because of this non-uniformity in the spread
of the information content among the kernels, we can
conclude that indeed our experimental setting falls into
the situation where non-sparse MKL can outperform the
baseline procedures (again, see suuplemental material.
For example, the BoW features are more informativethan
HoG and HoC, and thus the uniform-sum-kernel-SVM
is suboptimal. On the other hand, because of the fact
that typical image features are only moderately informa-
tive, HoG and HoC still convey a certain amount of com-
plementary information—this is what allows the perfor-
mance gains reported in Tables 1 and 4.
Note that we class-wise normalized the KTA scores to
sum to one. This is because we are rather interested in a
comparison of the relative contributions of the particular
kernels than in their absolute information content, which
anyway can be more precisely derived from the AP scores
already reported in Tables 1 and 4. Furthermore, note that
we consider centered KA and KTA scores, since it was ar-
gued in [35] that only those correctly reflect the test errors
attained by established learners such as SVMs.
3.5.2 The Role of the Choice of ℓp-norm
Next, we turn to the interpretation of the norm parameter
pin our algorithm. We observe a big gap in performance
between ℓ1.125-norm MKL and the sparse ℓ1-norm MKL.
The reason is that for p > 1MKL is reluctant to set ker-
nel weights to zero, as can be seen from Figure 2. In con-
trast, ℓ1-norm MKL eliminates 62.5% of the kernels from
the working set. The difference between the ℓp-norms for
p > 1lies solely in the ratio by which the less informative
kernels are down-weighted—they are never assigned with
true zeros.
However, as proved in [21], in the computational opti-
mum, the kernel weights are accessed by the MKL algo-
rithm via the information content of the particular kernels
given by a ℓp-norm-dependent formula (see Eq. (8); this
will be discussed in detail in Section 4.1). We mention at
this point that the kernel weights all converge to the same,
uniform value for p→ ∞. We can confirm these theo-
retical findings empirically: the histograms of the kernel
weights shown in Fig. 2 clearly indicate an increasing uni-
formity in the distribution of kernel weights when letting
p→ ∞. Higher values of pthus cause the weight distri-
bution to shift away from zero and become slanted to the
right while smaller ones tend to increase its skewness to
the left.
Selection of the ℓp-norm permits to tune the strength of
the regularization of the learning of kernel weights. In this
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
Weight Values
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2
Weight Values
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2
Weight Values
0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25
Weight Values
Figure 2: Histogram of kernel weights as output by ℓp-norm MKL for the various classes on the VOC2009 data set (32 kernels ×
20 classes, resulting in 640 values): ℓ1-norm (TOP LEFT)), ℓ1.125-norm (TOP RIGHT), ℓ1.333-norm (BOTTOM L EFT), and ℓ2-norm
sense the sum-kernel SVM clearly is an extreme, namely
fixing the kernel weights, obtained when letting p→ ∞.
The sparse MKL marks another extreme case: ℓp-norms
with pbelow 1loose the convexity property so that p= 1
is the maximally sparse choice preserving convexity at the
same time. Sparsity can be interpreted here that only a few
kernels are selected which are considered most informa-
tive according to the optimization objective. Thus, the ℓp-
norm acts as a prior parameter for how much we trust in
the informativeness of a kernel. In conclusion, this inter-
pretation justifies the usage of ℓp-norm outside the exist-
ing choices ℓ1and ℓ2. The fact that the sum-kernel SVM
is a reasonable choice in the context of image annotation
will be discussed further in Section 4.1.
Our empirical findings on ImageCLEF and VOC seem
to contradict previous ones about the usefulness of MKL
reported in the literature, where ℓ1is frequently to be
outperformed by a simple sum-kernel SVM (for exam-
ple, see [30])—however, in these studies the sum-kernel
SVM is compared to ℓ1-norm or ℓ2-norm MKL only. In
fact, our results confirm these findings: ℓ1-norm MKL is
outperformed by the sum-kernel SVM in all of our ex-
periments. Nevertheless, in this paper, we show that by
using the more general ℓp-norm regularization, the pre-
diction accuracy of MKL can be considerably leveraged,
even clearly outperforming the sum-kernel SVM, which
has been shown to be a tough competitor in the past [12].
But of course also the simpler sum-kernel SVM also has
its advantage, although on the computational side only: in
our experiments it was about a factor of ten faster than its
MKL competitors. Further information about runtimes of
MKL algorithms compared to sum kernel SVMs can be
taken from [47].
3.5.3 Remarks for Particular Concepts
Finally, we show images from classes where MKL helps
performance and discuss relationships to kernel weights.
We have seen above that the sparsity-inducing ℓ1-norm
MKL clearly outperforms all other methods on the bottle
class (see Table 2). Fig. 3 shows two typical highly ranked
images and the corresponding kernel weights as output
by ℓ1-norm (LEFT) and ℓ1.333-norm MKL (RIGHT), re-
spectively, on the bottle class. We observe that ℓ1-norm
MKL tends to rank highly party and people group scenes.
We conjecture that this has two reasons: first, many peo-
ple group and party scenes come along with co-occurring
bottles. Second, people group scenes have similar gra-
dient distributions to images of large upright standing
bottles sharing many dominant vertical lines and a thin-
ner head section—see the left- and right-hand images in
Fig. 3. Sparse ℓ1-norm MKL strongly focuses on the
dominant HoG product kernel, which is able to capture
the aforementioned special gradient distributions, giving
small weights to two HoC product kernels and almost
completely discarding all other kernels.
Next, we turn to the cow class, for which we have seen
above that ℓ1.333-norm MKL outperforms all other meth-
ods clearly. Fig. 4 shows a typical high-ranked image
of that class and also the corresponding kernel weights
as output by ℓ1-norm (LEFT) and ℓ1.333-norm (RIGHT)
MKL, respectively. We observe that ℓ1-MKL focuses on
the two HoC product kernels; this is justified by typical
cow images having green grass in the background. This
allows the HoC kernels to easily to distinguish the cow
images from the indoor and vehicle classes such as car
or sofa. However, horse and sheep images have such a
green background, too. They differ in sheep usually being
black-white, and horses having a brown-black color bias
(in VOC data); cows have rather variable colors. Here,
we observe that the rather complex yet somewhat color-
based BoW-C and BoW-S features help performance—it
is also those kernels that are selected by the non-sparse
ℓ1.333-MKL, which is the best performing model on those
classes. In contrast, the sum-kernel SVM suffers from in-
cluding the five gray-channel-based features, which are
hardly useful for the horse and sheep classes and mostly
introduce additional noise. MKL (all variants) succeed
in identifying those kernels and assign those kernels with
low weights.
4 Discussion
In the previous section we presented empirical evidence
that ℓp-norm MKL considerably can help performance
in visual image categorization tasks. We also observed
that the gain is class-specific and limited for some classes
when compared to the sum-kernel SVM, see again Tables
1 and 2 as well as Tables B.1, B.2 in the supplemental
material. In this section, we aim to shed light on the rea-
sons of this behavior, in particular discussing strengths
of the average kernel in Section 4.1, trade-off effects in
Section 4.2 and strengths of MKL in Section 4.3. Since
these scenarios are based on statistical properties of ker-
nels which can be observed in concept recognition tasks
within computer vision we expect the results to be trans-
ferable to other algorithms which learn linear models over
0 10 20 30
Kernel Index
Kernel Weight
0 10 20 30
Kernel Index
Kernel Weight
Figure 3: Images of typical highly ranked bottle images and
kernel weights from ℓ1-MKL (left) and ℓ1.333-MKL (right).
0 10 20 30
Kernel Index
Kernel Weight
0 10 20 30
Kernel Index
Kernel Weight
Figure 4: Images of a typical highly ranked cow image and
kernel weights from ℓ1-MKL (left) and ℓ1.333-MKL (right).
kernels such as [28, 29].
4.1 One Argument For the Sum Kernel:
Randomness in Feature Extraction
We would like to draw attention to one aspect present in
BoW features, namely the amount of randomness induced
by the visual word generation stage acting as noise with
respect to kernel selection procedures.
Experimental setup We consider the following experi-
ment, similar to the one undertaken in [30]: we compute
a BoW kernel ten times each time using the same local
features, identical spatial pyramid tilings, and identical
kernel functions; the only difference between subsequent
repetitions of the experiment lies in the randomness in-
volved in the generation of the codebook of visual words.
Note that we use SIFT features over the gray channel that
are densely sampled over a grid of step size six, 512 vi-
sual words (for computational feasibility of the cluster-
ing), and a χ2kernel. This procedure results in ten ker-
nels that only differ in the randomness stemming from the
codebook generation. We then compare the performance
of the sum-kernel SVM built from the ten kernels to the
one of the best single-kernel SVM determined by cross-
validation-based model selection.
In contrast to [30] we try two codebook generation pro-
cedures, which differ by their intrinsic amount of random-
ness: first, we deploy k-means clustering, with random
initialization of the centers and a bootstrap-like selection
of the best initialization (similar to the option ’cluster’
in MATLAB’s k-means routine). Second, we deploy ex-
tremely randomized clustering forests (ERCF) [48, 49],
that are, ensembles of randomized trees—the latter pro-
cedure involves a considerably higher amount of random-
ization compared to k-means.
Results The results are shown in Table 6. For both
clustering procedures, we observe that the sum-kernel
SVM outperforms the best single-kernel SVM. In par-
ticular, this confirms earlier findings of [30] carried out
for k-means-based clustering. We also observe that the
difference between the sum-kernel SVM and the best
single-kernel SVM is much more pronounced for ERCF-
based kernels—we conclude that this stems from a higher
amount of randomness is involved in the ERCF clustering
method when compared to conventional k-means. The
standard deviations of the kernels in Table 6 confirm this
conclusion. For each class we computed the conditional
standard deviation
std(K|yi=yj) + std(K|yi6=yj)(6)
averaged over all classes. The usage of a conditional vari-
ance estimator is justified because the ideal similarity in
kernel target alignment (cf. equation (4)) does have a vari-
ance over the kernel as a whole however the conditional
deviations in equation (6) would be zero for the ideal ker-
nel. Similarly, the fundamental MKL optimization for-
mula (8) relies on a statistic based on the two conditional
kernels used in formula (6). Finally, ERCF clustering
uses label information. Therefore averaging the class-
wise conditional standard deviations over all classes is not
expected to be identical to the standard deviation of the
whole kernel.
We observe in Table 6 that the standard deviations are
lower for the sum kernels. Comparing ERCF and k-means
shows that the former not only exhibits larger absolute
standard deviations but also greater differences between
single-best and sum-kernel as well as larger differences in
AP scores.
We can thus postulate that the reason for the superior
performance of the sum-kernel SVM stems from aver-
aging out the randomness contained in the BoW kernels
(stemming from the visual-word generation). This can be
explained by the fact that averaging is a way of reduc-
ing the variance in the predictors/models [50]. We can
also remark that such variance reduction effects can also
be observed when averaging BoW kernels with varying
color combinations or other parameters; this stems from
the randomness induced by the visual word generation.
Note that in the above experimental setup each kernel
uses the same information provided via the local features.
Consequently, the best we can do is averaging—learning
kernel weights in such a scenario is likely to suffer from
overfitting to the noise contained in the kernels and can
only decrease performance.
To further analyze this, we recall that, in the compu-
tational optimum, the information content of a kernel is
measured by ℓp-norm MKL via the following quantity, as
Method Best Single Kernel Sum Kernel
VOC09, k-Means AP: 44.42 ±12.82 45.84 ±12.94
VOC09, k-Means Std: 30.81 30.74
VOC09, ERCF AP: 42.60 ±12.50 47.49 ±12.89
VOC09, ERCF Std: 38.12 37.89
ImageCLEF, k-Means AP: 31.09 ±5.56 31.73 ±5.57
ImageCLEF, k-Means Std: 30.51 30.50
ImageCLEF, ERCF AP: 29.91 ±5.39 32.77 ±5.93
ImageCLEF, ERCF Std: 38.58 38.10
Table 6: AP Scores and standard deviations showing amount of
randomness in feature extraction:results from repeated compu-
tations of BoW Kernels with randomly initialized codebooks
proved in [21]:
β∝ kwk
2= X
αiyiKij αjyj!2
In this paper we deliver a novel interpretation of the above
quantity; to this end, we decompose the right-hand term
into two terms as follows:
αiyiKij αjyj=X
αiKij αj−X
αiKij αj.
The above term can be interpreted as a difference of the
support-vector-weighted sub-kernel restricted to consis-
tent labels and the support-vector-weighted sub-kernel
over the opposing labels. Equation 7 thus can be rewritten
β∝ X
αiKij αj−X
αiKij αj!2
Thus, we observe that random influences in the features
combined with overfitting support vectors can suggest a
falsely high information content in this measure for some
kernels. SVMs do overfit on BoW features. Using the
scores attained on the training data subset we can ob-
serve that many classes are deceptive-perfectly predicted
with AP scores fairly above 0.9. At this point, non-sparse
ℓp>1-norm MKL offers a parameter pfor regularizing the
kernel weights—thus hardening the algorithm to become
robust against random noise, yet permitting to use some
degree of information given by Equation (8).
[30] reported in accordance to our idea about overfit-
ting of SVMs that ℓ2-MKL and ℓ1-MKL show no gain
in such a scenario while ℓ1-MKL even reduces perfor-
mance for some datasets. This result is not surprising
as the overly sparse ℓ1-MKL has a stronger tendency to
overfit to the randomness contained in the kernels / fea-
ture generation. The observed amount of randomness in
the state-of-the-art BoW features could be an explanation
why the sum-kernel SVM has shown to be a quite hard-
to-beat competitor for semantic concept classification and
ranking problems.
4.2 MKL and Prior Knowledge
For solving a learning problem, there is nothing more
valuable than prior knowledge. Our empirical findings
on the VOC2009 and ImageCLEF09 data sets suggested
that our experimental setup was actually biased towards
the sum-kernel SVM via usage of prior knowledge when
choosing the set of kernels / image features. We deployed
kernels based on four features types: BoW-S, BoW-C,
HoC and HoG. However, the number of kernels taken
from each feature type is not equal. Based on our experi-
ence with the VOC and ImageCLEF challenges we used
a higher fraction of BoW kernels and less kernels of other
types such as histograms of colors or gradients because
we already knew that BoW kernels have superior perfor-
To investigate to what extend our choice of kernels in-
troduces a bias towards the sum-kernel SVM, we also per-
formed another experiment, where we deployed a higher
fraction of weaker kernels for VOC2009. The difference
to our previous experiments lies in that we summarized
the 15 BOW-S kernels in 5 product kernels reducing the
number of kernels from 32 to 22. The results are given
in Table 7; when compared to the results of the origi-
nal 32-kernel experiment (shown in Table 1), we observe
that the AP scores are in average about 4 points smaller.
This can be attributed to the fraction of weak kernels be-
ing higher as in the original experiment; consequently, the
gain from using (ℓ1.333 -norm) MKL compared to the sum-
kernel SVM is now more pronounced: over 2 AP points—
again, this can be explained by the higher fraction of weak
(i.e., noisy) kernels in the working set (this effect is also
confirmed in the toy experiment carried out in supplemen-
tal material: there, we see that MKL becomes more bene-
Class / ℓp-norm 1.333 ∞
Aeroplane 77.82 ±7.701 76.28 ±8.168
Bicycle 50.75 ±11.06 46.39 ±12.37
Bird 57.7 ±8.451 55.09 ±8.224
Boat 62.8 ±13.29 60.9 ±14.01
Bottle 26.14 ±9.274 25.05 ±9.213
Bus 68.15 ±22.55 67.24 ±22.8
Car 51.72 ±8.822 49.51 ±9.447
Cat 56.69 ±9.103 55.55 ±9.317
Chair 51.67 ±12.24 49.85 ±12
Cow 25.33 ±13.8 22.22 ±12.41
Diningtable 45.91 ±19.63 42.96 ±20.17
Dog 41.22 ±10.14 39.04 ±9.565
Horse 52.45 ±13.41 50.01 ±13.88
Motorbike 54.37 ±12.91 52.63 ±12.66
Person 80.12 ±10.13 79.17 ±10.51
Pottedplant 35.69 ±13.37 34.6 ±14.09
Sheep 37.05 ±18.04 34.65 ±18.68
Sofa 41.15 ±11.21 37.88 ±11.11
Train 70.03 ±15.67 67.87 ±16.37
Tvmonitor 59.88 ±10.66 57.77 ±10.91
Average 52.33 ±12.57 50.23 ±12.79
Table 7: MKL versus Prior Knowledge: AP Scores with a
smaller fraction of well scoring kernels
ficial when the number of noisy kernels is increased).
In summary, this experiment should remind us that se-
mantic classification setups use a substantial amount of
prior knowledge. Prior knowledge implies a pre-selection
of highly effective kernels—a carefully chosen set of
strong kernels constitutes a bias towards the sum kernel.
Clearly, pre-selection of strong kernels reduces the need
for learning kernel weights; however, in settings where
prior knowledge is sparse, statistical (or even adaptive,
adversarial) noise is inherently contained in the feature
extraction—thus, beneficial effects of MKL are expected
to be more pronounced in such a scenario.
4.3 One Argument for Learning the Multi-
ple Kernel Weights: Varying Informa-
tive Subsets of Data
In the previous sections, we presented evidence for why
the sum-kernel SVM is considered to be a strong learner
in visual image categorization. Nevertheless, in our ex-
periments we observed gains in accuracy by using MKL
for many concepts. In this section, we investigate causes
for this performance gain.
Intuitively speaking, one can claim that the kernel non-
uniformly contain varying amounts of information con-
tent. We investigate more specifically what information
content this is and why it differs over the kernels. Our
main hypothesis is that common kernels in visual concept
classification are informative with respect to varying sub-
sets of the data. This stems from features being frequently
computed from many combinations of color channels. We
can imagine that blue color present in the upper third of an
image can be crucial for prediction of photos having clear
sky, while other photos showing a sundown or a smoggy
sky tend to contain white or yellow colors; this means
that a particular kernel / feature group can be crucial for
some images, while it may be almost useless—or even
counterproductive—for others.
However, the information content is accessed by MKL
via the quantity given by Eq. (8); the latter is a global
information measure, which is computed over the support
vectors (which in turn are chosen over the whole dataset).
In other words, the kernel weights are global weights that
uniformly hold in all regions of the input space. Explicitly
finding informative subsets of the input space on real data
may not only imply a too high computational burden (note
that the number of partitions of an n-element training set
is exponentially in n) but also is very likely to lead to
To understand the implications of the above to com-
puter vision, we performed the following toy experi-
ment. We generated a fraction of p+= 0.25 of posi-
tively labeled and p−= 0.75 of negatively labeled 6m-
dimensional training examples (motivated by the unbal-
ancedness of training sets usually encountered in com-
puter vision) in the following way: the features were di-
vided in kfeature groups each consisting of six features.
For each feature group, we split the training set into an
informative and an uninformative set (the size is varying
over the feature groups); thereby, the informative sets of
the particular feature groups are disjoint. Subsequently,
each feature group is processed by a Gaussian kernel,
where the width is determined heuristically in the same
way as in the real experiments shown earlier in this paper.
Thereby, we consider two experimental setups for sam-
pling the data, which differ in the number of employed
kernels mand the sizes of the informative sets. In both
cases, the informative features are drawn from two suf-
ficiently distant normal distributions (one for each class)
while the uninformative features are just Gaussian noise
(mixture of Gaussians). The experimental setup of the
first experiment can be summarized as follows:
Experimental Settings for Experiment 1 (3 kernels):
nk=1,2,3= (300,300,500), p+:=P(y= +1) = 0.25
The features for the informative subset are drawn
according to
i∼(N(0.0, σk)if yi=−1
N(0.4, σk)if yi= +1 (10)
σk=(0.3if k= 1,2
0.4if k= 3 (11)
The features for the uninformative subset are drawn
according to
f(k)∼(1 −p+)N(0.0,0.5) + p+N(0.4,0.5).(12)
For Experiment 1 the three kernels had disjoint informa-
tive subsets of sizes nk=1,2,3= (300,300,500). We used
1100 data points for training and the same amount for test-
ing. We repeated this experiment 500 times with different
random draws of the data.
Note that the features used for the uninformative sub-
sets are drawn as a mixture of the Gaussians used for the
informative subset, but with a higher variance, though.
The increased variance encodes the assumption that the
feature extraction produces unreliable results on the un-
informative data subset. None of these kernels are pure
noise or irrelevant. Each kernel is the best one for its own
informative subset of data points.
We now turn to the experimental setup of the second
Experimental Settings for Experiment 2 (5 kernels):
nk=1,2,3,4,5= (300,300,500,200,500),
p+:=P(y= +1) = 0.25
The features for the informative subset are drawn
according to
i∼(N(0.0, σk)if yi=−1
N(mk, σk)if yi= +1 (13)
Experiment ℓ∞-SVM ℓ1.0625-MKL t-test p-value
1 68.72 ±3.27 69.49 ±3.17 0.000266
2 55.07 ±2.86 56.39 ±2.84 4.7·10−6
Table 8: Varying Informative Subsets of Data: AP Scores in
Toy experiment using Kernels with disjoint informative subsets
of Data
mk=(0.4if k= 1,2,3
0.2if k= 4,5(14)
σk=(0.3if k= 1,2
0.4if k= 3,4,5(15)
The features for the uninformative subset are drawn
according to
f(k)∼(1 −p+)N(0.0,0.5) + p+N(mk,0.5) (16)
As for the real experiments, we normalized the ker-
nels to having standard deviation 1 in Hilbert space and
optimized the regularization constant by grid search in
C∈ {10i|i=−2,−1.5,...,2}.
Table 8 shows the results. The null hypothesis of equal
means is rejected by a t-test with a p-value of 0.000266
and 0.0000047, respectively, for Experiment 1 and 2,
which is highly significant.
The design of the Experiment 1 is no exceptional lucky
case: we observed similar results when using more ker-
nels; the performance gaps then even increased. Experi-
ment 2 is a more complex version of Experiment 1 using
using five kernels instead of just three. Again, the infor-
mative subsets are disjoint, but this time of sizes 300,300,
500,200, and 500; the the Gaussians are centered at 0.4,
0.4,0.4,0.2, and 0.2, respectively, for the positive class;
and the variance is taken as σk= (0.3,0.3,0.4,0.4,0.4).
Compared to Experiment 1, this results in even bigger per-
formance gaps between the sum-kernel SVM and the non-
sparse ℓ1.0625-MKL. One can imagine to create learning
scenarios with more and more kernels in the above way,
thus increasing the performance gaps—since we aim at a
relative comparison, this, however, would not further con-
tribute to validating or rejecting our hypothesis.
Furthermore, we also investigate the single-kernel per-
formance of each kernel: we observed the best single-
kernel SVM (which attained AP scores of 43.60,43.40,
and 58.90 for Experiment 1) being inferior to both MKL
(regardless of the employed norm parameter p) and the
sum-kernel SVM. The differences were significant with
fairly small p-values (for example, for ℓ1.25 -MKL the p-
value was about 0.02).
We emphasize that we did not design the example in
order to achieve a maximal performance gap between the
non sparse MKL and its competitors. For such an exam-
ple, see the toy experiment of [21], which is replicated in
the supplemental material including additional analysis.
Our focus here was to confirm our hypothesis that ker-
nels in semantic concept classification are based on vary-
ing subsets of the data—although MKL computes global
weights, it emphasizes on kernels that are relevant on the
largest informative set and thus approximates the infeasi-
ble combinatorial problem of computing an optimal parti-
tion/grid of the space into regions which underlie identical
optimal weights. Though, in practice, we expect the situ-
ation to be more complicated as informative subsets may
overlap between kernels.
Nevertheless, our hypothesis also opens the way to
new directions for learning of kernel weights, namely re-
stricted to subsets of data chosen according to a mean-
ingful principle. Finding such principles is one the future
goals of MKL—we sketched one possibility: locality in
feature space. A first starting point may be the work of
[51, 52] on localized MKL.
5 Conclusions
When measuring data with different measuring devices, it
is always a challenge to combine the respective devices’
uncertainties in order to fuse all available sensor informa-
tion optimally. In this paper, we revisited this important
topic and discussed machine learning approaches to adap-
tively combine different image descriptors in a systematic
and theoretically well founded manner. While MKL ap-
proaches in principle solve this problem it has been ob-
served that the standard ℓ1-norm based MKL often cannot
outperform SVMs that use an average of a large number
of kernels. One hypothesis why this seemingly unintuitive
result may occur is that the sparsity prior may not be ap-
propriate in many real world problems—especially, when
prior knowledge is already at hand. We tested whether this
hypothesis holds true for computer vision and applied the
recently developed non-sparse ℓpMKL algorithms to ob-
ject classification tasks. The ℓp-norm constitutes a slightly
less severe method of sparsification. By choosing pas a
hyperparameter, which controls the degree of non-sparsity
and regularization, from a set of candidate values with the
help of a validation data, we showed that ℓp-MKL sig-
nificantly improves SVMs with averaged kernels and the
standard sparse ℓ1MKL.
Future work will study localized MKL and methods to
include hierarchically structured information into MKL,
e.g. knowledge from taxonomies, semantic information
or spatial priors. Another interesting direction is MKL-
KDA [27, 28]. The difference to the method studied in the
present paper lies in the base optimization criterion: KDA
[53] leads to non-sparse solutions in αwhile ours leads to
sparse ones (i.e., a low number of support vectors). While
on the computational side the latter is expected to be ad-
vantageous, the first one might lead to more accurate so-
lutions. We expect the regularization over kernel weights
(i.e., the choice of the norm parameter p) having similar
effects for MKL-KDA like for MKL-SVM. Future studies
will expand on that topic. 1
This work was supported in part by the Federal Ministry
of Economics and Technology of Germany (BMWi) un-
der the project THESEUS (FKZ 01MQ07018), by Federal
Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) under the
project REMIND (FKZ 01-IS07007A), by the Deutsche
Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), and by the FP7-ICT pro-
gram of the European Community, under the PASCAL2
Network of Excellence (ICT-216886). Marius Kloft ac-
knowledges a scholarship by the German Academic Ex-
change Service (DAAD).
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