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Reproductive Ecology of the Endangered Enigmatic Mauritian Endemic Roussea simplex (Rousseaceae)


Abstract and Figures

Roussea simplex is the sole member of the endemic family Rousseaceae from Mauritius. Once widespread and locally common on Mauritius, today R. simplex is critically endangered, with 85–90 known remaining individuals in a few scattered populations. We documented the unusual flowering and fruiting phenology and studied the pollination and seed dispersal ecology of R. simplex in the accessible flowering and fruiting populations. Endemic diurnal Phelsuma cepediana geckos were the only pollinators and the only animals eating the pulp and dispersing the tiny seeds. In experiments with captive geckos, we confirmed that geckos ingest the seeds and pass them apparently unharmed. This makes R. simplex one of the few known plants that use the same animal species for both pollination and seed dispersal. However, none of the seeds from fruits or gut-passed seeds germinated, highlighting the large gap that remains in our understanding of the germination and regeneration of R. simplex. Conservation management must address this in the near future to avoid extinction of this unique lineage, and we highlight several options for applied conservation.
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Dennis M. Hansen1and Christine B. Mu
Institute of Environmental Sciences, University of Zurich, Winterthurerstrasse 190, 8057 Zurich, Switzerland
Roussea simplex is the sole member of the endemic family Rousseaceae from Mauritius. Once widespread and
locally common on Mauritius, today R. simplex is critically endangered, with 85–90 known remaining individuals
in a few scattered populations. We documented the unusual flowering and fruiting phenology and studied the
pollination and seed dispersal ecology of R. simplex in the accessible flowering and fruiting populations. Endemic
diurnal Phelsuma cepediana geckos were the only pollinators and the only animals eating the pulp and dispersing
the tiny seeds. In experiments with captive geckos, we confirmed that geckos ingest the seeds and pass them
apparentlyunharmed. This makes R. simplex one of the few known plants thatuse the same animal species for both
pollination and seed dispersal. However, none of the seeds from fruits or gut-passed seeds germinated, highlighting
the large gap that remains in our understanding of the germination and regeneration of R. simplex. Conservation
management must address this in the near future to avoid extinction of this unique lineage, and we highlight several
options for applied conservation.
Keywords: Mauritius, Phelsuma, gecko, plant-lizard interactions, aggregated pollen, conservation.
Roussea simplex Sm. is the sole member of the enigmatic
endemic family Rousseaceae from the island of Mauritius in
the Indian Ocean. Today, R. simplex is critically endangered,
occurring in only a few populations with a total of 85–90
known adult individual plants (fig. 1; table 1; Friedmann 1988;
Scott 1997). However, R. simplex was once a widespread and
locally common species in wet high-altitude forests in Mauri-
tius. For example, Vaughan and Wiehe (1937, p. 314) remarked
that in some places ‘‘an extremely thick canopy of woody lianes
(Roussea simplex ... develops about 4–6 m. above ground-level,
causing such dense shade that both terrestrial and epiphytic
plants are practically excluded.’’
The taxonomy of R. simplex has been debated since its first
description in 1789. Recently, using molecular data, Lundberg
(2001) circumscribed Rousseaceae to include a larger mono-
phyletic clade together with Carpodetaceae, a subfamily com-
prising three small genera confined to New Guinea, the Solomon
Islands, New Zealand, and Australia (Gustafsson and Bremer
1997; Gustafsson 2007). However, the monophyly of each of
the two resulting subfamilies is as well supported as that of
the larger clade, and Koontz et al. (2007) suggest maintaining
them as two separate families. The peculiar biogeography of
the Roussea-Carpodetaceae clade is evident, with R. simplex
occurring on Mauritius and the genera Carpodetus,Cuttsia,
and Abrophyllum in Carpodetaceae found much farther east
in eastern Australia, New Guinea, and New Zealand. Although
the Roussea-Carpodetaceae clade has a possible sister rela-
tionship with Campanulaceae, the phylogenetic split between
this large basal clade and the rest of the Asterales is only
weakly supported (Lundberg and Bremer 2003).
The tentative basal position of R. simplex in the Asterales,
combined with its restricted occurrence on a young volcanic
island and critical conservation status, makes R. simplex a
very interesting species that calls for in-depth ecological study
(Bremer and Gustafsson 1997; Lundberg 2001). Little is known
about the pollination biology of R. simplex, and nothing at all
is known about its seed dispersal biology; these are both impor-
tant processes in the life cycle of many plants. Given the critical
conservation status of R. simplex, a study of its pollination and
seed dispersal biology is thus pivotal for successful conservation
Preliminary studies and observations show that the flowers
are visited by several animal species, including the endemic nec-
tarivorous passerine Zosterops mauritianus; the endemic day
gecko Phelsuma cepediana; several small Diptera; the intro-
duced hymenopterans Apis mellifera (honeybee), Polistes he-
braeus (wasp), and Technomyrmex albipes (ant); and a native
lepidopteran, Henotesia narcissus (Hansen 2005; Kaiser 2006;
D. M. Hansen, personal observation). Apart from the gecko,
the bird, and the ant, the other flower visitors have been ob-
served only rarely and have never been observed receiving a
pollen load by touching the anthers. Hansen (2005) showed
that although the birds entered the flowers in a way that could
result in pollen transfer, the feathers on their foreheads became
bedraggled with a mixture of sticky pollen, nectar, and dirt that
was unlikely to effect any transfer onto stigmas. Only four ob-
servations of geckos foraging for nectar in R. simplex flowers
were reported by Hansen (2005), and no experimental evi-
dence was given. No studies have investigated the seed dis-
persal biology of R. simplex, but many hours of preliminary
1Current address: Department of Biology, Stanford University, 371
Serra Mall, Stanford, California 94305, U.S.A.; e-mail: dmhansen@
2Deceased, March 7, 2008.
Manuscript received May 2008; revised manuscript received July 2008.
Int. J. Plant Sci. 170(1):42–52. 2009.
Ó2009 by The University of Chicago. All rights reserved.
1058-5893/2009/17001-0004$15.00 DOI: 10.1086/593050
observations in 2004, from distances of >10 m, showed that
P. cepediana was the only animal foraging on the fruits.
Here, we therefore focus on the role of P. cepediana in
the pollination and seed dispersal biology of R. simplex and
speculate on the role of other potential seed dispersers. Our
aim is threefold: first, to investigate and document the flow-
ering and fruiting phenology and the pollination and seed
dispersal biology of R. simplex; second, to address the po-
tential implications of our findings for a wider under-
standing of the biogeography and evolutionary ecology of
the Roussea-Carpodetaceae clade; and third, to discuss appro-
priate urgent conservation measures for R. simplex based on
our results.
Material and Methods
Study Species
Roussea simplex is a climbing shrub, often leaning onto
other plants and sometimes strangling them. It has large
(7–12 33–3:5-cm), rigid leaves. Flowers are borne singly in
the leaf axis and are yellow to orange, large (;2.5 cm corolla
diameter and length), and protandrous, with large, thick sta-
mens and anthers. Anthers split open lengthwise and secrete a
sticky, slimy pollen substance that adheres to any surface
touching it. The pollen grains are spheroid and ;30 mmin
diameter, with a smooth surface and five or six pores (Hansen
2005; Koontz et al. 2007). Later, stamens fall off to reveal the
thick style and the large stigma (fig. 2). Flowers have a weak,
sweet, and slightly fermented smell and produce copious
amounts of nectar (Hansen 2005).
Phelsuma cepediana is one of five endemic Phelsuma species
in Mauritius. It is a medium-sized gecko (maximum snout-vent
lengths: males ¼58 mm, females ¼49 mm) found on the wet
central plateau and the southern highland, with a generalized
diet of invertebrates, nectar, and fruit (Vinson and Vinson 1969).
Phelsuma geckos have excellent color vision (Taniguchi et al.
1999) and acute olfactory perception (Schwenk 1993). At Pe
and elsewhere on Mauritius, P. cepediana has been observed
visiting the flowers of many different native and endemic plant spe-
cies, serving as pollinators of at least some of them (Kaiser 2006;
Hansen et al. 2007; D. M. Hansen, personal observation).
The presence of the invasive and aggressive ant Techno-
myrmex albipes foraging for nectar or fruit pulp on some R.
simplex flowers and fruits has a detrimental effect on gecko
visitation rates and lowers fruit set on ant-infested flowers.
These competitive interactions are the focus of another study
(Hansen and Mu
¨ller, forthcoming) and will not be described
in detail here. In this study, all observed and experimentally
manipulated flowers and fruits were free of ant infestation.
Study Sites
Mauritius, one of the three Mascarene Islands, is an 1865-
, 8-Myr-old volcanic island ;800 km east of Madagascar.
Today, less than 2% of the original native vegetation remains
Fig. 1 Map of Mauritius showing the locations of Roussea simplex
populations, with the Black River Gorges National Park outlined in
gray. The numbers indicate the locations of the populations: 1,Le
Pouce; 2, Trou aux Cerfs; 3,Pe
´trin; 4, Bassin Blanc; 5, Pigeon Wood;
6, Piton Savanne; 7, Kanaka Crater; 8, Grand Bassin. See also table 1.
Insert: regional map showing relative locations of Madagascar and
two of the Mascarene Islands.
Table 1
Populations of Roussea simplex in Mauritius, with the Numbers of Plants Found during Surveys in 2003
and 2004 and the Current Conservation Status of the Habitats Where They Occur
Population No. of plants Population habitat conservation status
Le Pouce 29 Forestry Service Reserve, degraded native forest
Trou aux Cerfs ;5
Exotic pine forest
´trin 3 Conservation management area, inside national park
Bassin Blanc 17 Highly degraded native forest, outside national park
Pigeon Wood 6 Highly degraded native forest, inside national park
Piton Savanne 23 Highly degraded native forest, outside national park
Kanaka Crater 0?
Highly degraded native forest, outside national park
Grand Bassin 7 Highly degraded native forest, outside national park
Note. See also figure 1.
aA ‘‘handful’’ of plants were seen on the southern edge of the crater in 2005 (V. F. Florens, personal
bLast recorded from here in 1932; despite repeated surveys, we found no plants in 2003 or 2004.
in Mauritius, most of it within the Black River Gorges Na-
tional Park (fig. 1). Most of the native vegetation is heavily de-
graded by invasive plant species.
During surveys in 2003 and 2004, we searched most of the
known sites of R. simplex and recorded the number of indi-
vidual plants (fig. 1; table 1). Plants in most of the popula-
tions (including the largest, on Le Pouce Mountain) did not
flower during the study period. Logistical reasons prevented
us from using the one other population, apart from our study
populations, that did flower (Piton Savanne), because it could
not be accessed on an almost daily basis. We thus selected
´trin and Bassin Blanc as our main study populations. Pe
holds one of the last remaining areas of upland heath in Mau-
ritius, a 2–3-m-tall, shrubby vegetation on old, weathered
Fig. 2 Flowering and fruiting phenology of Roussea simplex.A, Bud, ready to open. B, Young male-phase flower, anthers not yet dehisced. Note
the green stigma and the reflection in the plentiful nectar at the base of the flower cup. C, Close-up of male-phase flower, showing the slimy pollen
excreted in long ‘‘sausages’’ along slits in the anthers. D, Longitudinal section of male-phase flower, with one anther removed to show pale ovary and
thick style. The entire gynoecium is very rigid and hard. E, Female-phase flower; all stamens dropped off, style now swollen and pale yellow (see fig.
3C,3D). Note the still-plentiful nectar in the flower cup. F, Developing fruit, ;1 mo after flower wilted. The stigma dries and falls off after ;1 wk, and
the developing fruit swells and turns dark green, remaining hard. G, Ripe fruit, about to burst open. When ripe, fruits turn pale cream but are still very
hard except for the style, which turns soft. H, The style bursts and the central column of the ovary is pushed out. I, The slimy pulp with the embedded
small seeds is then slowly secreted over several days. Photo in Hby C. N. Kaiser; all other photos by D. M. Hansen.
lava. At Pe
´trin, there is a 6.2-ha fenced and weeded conserva-
tion management area (CMA), and there are three large R.
simplex plants within the CMA (hereafter, ‘‘Pe
´trin’’ refers to
the CMA only). Bassin Blanc is a small crater lake with rela-
tively good native forest around it; the population of R. simplex
is found a few hundred meters north, on a heavily degraded,
steep slope under a sparse cover of native trees 5–8 m in height,
growing in dense, shrubby vegetation dominated by the inva-
sive Psidium cattleianum (Myrtaceae). There we found 17
adult R. simplex plants growing within an area of ;0.5 ha.
However, only seven of these plants flowered during the study
period, and only three of these had enough flowers for all ex-
perimental treatments. For observations of geckos feeding on
fruits, we also used a third population, Grand Bassin, with seven
plants scattered in three small patches of heavily degraded native
Phenology Data
We collected data on flowering phenology, to supplement
the preliminary nectar volume and concentration data pre-
sented by Hansen (2005), and investigated fruiting phenology.
To investigate anthesis patterns, we marked buds that were
about to open, recording the sexual phase of the flowers daily
until they wilted. For nectar, we measured the standing crop
and sugar concentration in buds that were about to open and
in male- and female-phase flowers at noon. We also measured
diel nectar production, split up into diurnal and nocturnal
nectar production, for both male- and female-phase flowers.
We either emptied flowers of nectar between 0800 and 0900
hours, bagged them, and measured nectar volume and concen-
tration between 1600 and 1700 hours (diurnal production) or
emptied flowers between 1600 and 1700 hours, bagged them,
and measured nectar volume and concentration between 0800
and 0900 hours the following day (nocturnal production). We
did three replications of all of the above phenology measure-
ments on each of three plants at Pe
´trin and on three plants at
Bassin Blanc, for a total of 18 samples for each measurement.
Different flowers were used for male- and female-phase mea-
surements. Measurements were analyzed with linear mixed-
effects models (LMMs), with plants nested within site as a
random effect. To analyze sugar composition, we collected six
5-mL samples of nectar on filter paper from three male- and
three female-phase flowers, one of each from the three plants
at Pe
´trin. The samples were taken to Switzerland, and their
sugar composition was analyzed using HPLC (Bischoff Triath-
lon 900 autosampler, Bischoff RI 8120 detector, Aminex
HPX-87H column, with 5 mM sulfuric acid as eluent). To re-
cord fruiting phenology, we marked three fruits that were about
to open (see fig. 2G) on each of three plants at Pe
´trin and on
three plants at Bassin Blanc and recorded daily whether they
still secreted fresh pulp.
Hand-Pollination Experiments and Seed Set
In November 2004, we bagged buds and applied one of three
different treatments: autogamy (selfing), geitonogamy (self-
compatibility), or xenogamy (outcrossing). For autogamy, we
simply left bagged flowers untouched throughout anthesis.
For geitonogamy and xenogamy, opening buds were emascu-
lated by cutting off the anthers. Then, when flowers entered
the female phase (in which their stamens fell off, their stigma
swelled, and their color changed from green to pale green or
cream; fig. 2E;fig.3C,3D), we transferred pollen from a freshly
opened male flower on the same plant (geitonogamy) or pollen
from another plant in the same population (xenogamy). We
setuptwoflowersofeachtreatment on the three plants at Pe
and two flowers of each treatment on five plants at Bassin
Blanc. We also investigated natural levels of seed set in flowers
to which pollinators had access. We marked three flowers on
each of the three plants at Pe
´trin and three plants at Bassin
Blanc. Developing fruits from all the treatments and the open-
pollinated control flowers were harvested and seed set was
scored in late February 2005. An LMM was used to compare
seed sets of the fruits from the different treatments and the
open-pollinated fruits, with plants nested within site as a ran-
dom effect. Sample sizes were small by necessity; the majority
of plants were small and had only a few open flowers or pulp-
secreting fruits at any one time. To obtain a baseline number
against which to compare the seed sets of the experimental
and naturally pollinated flowers, we counted the number of
ovules and ovary locules in the ovaries of freshly wilted flow-
ers, using three ovaries from three plants at both Pe
´trin and
Bassin Blanc, for a total of 18 ovaries.
Flower Visitor and Frugivore Observations
Flower visitor and frugivore observations were made with
10 332-mm Leica binoculars from a distance of 4–5 m, with
the sitting observer mostly covered by either vegetation or a
133-m lightweight camouflage net. After setting up the obser-
vation post, the observer remained as motionless and quiet as
possible for 20 min before starting to record flower visitation
and fruit feeding by geckos and other animals, to allow nearby
animals to become accustomed to the presence of a human.
Observation periods were 60 or 90 min for flower observa-
tions and 90 or 120 min for fruit observations and were
spread evenly from 0700 to 1800 hours (daylight hours) in
both populations. For both flowers and fruits, 15 observation
periods were spent over 3 d (five each day) in each population.
Flowers were observed for 17 h at Pe
´trin and 19.5 h at Bassin
Blanc, and fruits were observed for 22 and 21.5 h, respec-
tively. For flowers, we observed four to eight flowers in each
period, with equal numbers of male- and female-phase flow-
ers. For fruits, we observed three to five fruits in each period.
Preliminary observations indicated that, depending on sex
and size, geckos behave differently at flowers and fruits of R.
simplex and therefore likely differ in importance as pollinators
and seed dispersers. Adult male P. cepediana are easily identi-
fiable (fig. 3A,3F), whereas female and juvenile geckos are
much harder to distinguish because of their drab brown and
green color (fig. 3D). Therefore, we divided observed geckos
into two groups: (1) adult males and (2) females plus juveniles.
We recorded both the number of visits per observation period
and the length of the visit. A visit started when a gecko first
probed a flower or started feeding at a fruit and ended when
the animal left the flower or fruit. We analyzed the gecko vis-
itation rates at flowers and fruits with an LMM with gecko
sex/age, flowers/fruits, and study population as main effects
and observed-plant identification as a random effect. Simi-
larly, we investigated duration of visits with an LMM, with
gecko sex/age, flowers/fruits, and study population as main ef-
fects and observed-plant identification nested in observation
period as a random effect.
Finally, the flower visitation rate of P. cepediana is known
to be affected by habitat structure at a small spatial scale. In
particular, dense patches of endemic Pandanus (Pandanaceae)
species are favored microhabitats for the geckos, because they
may offer protection from attacks by the geckos’ main native
predator, the Mauritius kestrel Falco punctatus. Hence, flow-
ering plants close to these patches are likely to receive more
visits by geckos than plants away from such Pandanus patches,
as was recently demonstrated for Trochetia blackburniana
(Malvaceae; Hansen et al. 2007). At Pe
´trin, two of the three
R. simplex plants were growing at the edges of large Pandanus
Fig. 3 Phelsuma cepediana geckos foraging at flowers and fruits of Roussea simplex.A, Adult male gecko visiting a male-phase flower, getting
a smear of the slimy pollen substance (see fig. 2C) on the forehead. B,C, Adult male gecko with the characteristic smear of pollen on the forehead
(arrow), approaching and entering a female-phase flower, where some of the pollen is then deposited on the stigma. D, Female or juvenile gecko
visiting a female-phase flower. E, The smaller female and juvenile geckos must insert their heads deeper into the flower, leaving themselves
vulnerable to harassment or attack by other geckos. F,G, Adult male geckos foraging at fruits, using a mixture of licking and chewing at the pulp
and swallowing the tiny seeds in the process.
patches, while the last plant was more isolated, >15 m from
the closest Pandanus patch. We therefore additionally ana-
lyzed visitation rates for flowers and fruits of R. simplex at
´trin in relation to proximity to Pandanus patches (close or
away) with ANOVAs and duration of visits in relation to prox-
imity to Pandanus patches with LMMs with observation pe-
riod as a random effect.
Feeding and Germination Experiments
The observations at the fruits showed that only P. cepediana
was feeding on the pulp of R. simplex fruits (see ‘‘Flower Visi-
tor and Frugivore Observations’’). Therefore, we experimen-
tally investigated the effect of gecko gut passage on the seeds.
Three adult P. cepediana were caught near Brise Fe
´r Field Sta-
tion, located in a rain forest ;4 km north of Pe
´trin. The
geckos were kept in cages in partly shaded conditions. Ripe R.
simplex fruits with large, fresh masses of pulp with seeds were
taken from the three plants at Pe
´trin and fed to the geckos
three times, on February 7, February 9, and February 11, 2005.
Fruits were attached to the wire mesh between 0800 and 1000
hours and removed again between 1400 and 1600 hours. The
geckos were observed feeding on the fruit pulp within 20–40
min of the attachment of the fruit. Cages were checked for
gecko droppings at ;1800–1900 hours and at ;0800–0900
hours from February 7 to February 12. Any seeds found were
extracted from the dropping, examined under a dissecting mi-
croscope, and put on moist cotton wool in petri dishes, with
roughly 1.5 cm between each seed.
We set up two additional petri dishes with seeds that had
been manually extracted from ripe pulp. Each of these con-
tained 10 seeds from one fruit from three different plants, for
a total of 30 seeds in each dish. One dish contained seeds
from the three plants at Pe
´trin, and the other contained seeds
from fruits of three random plants at Bassin Blanc. Finally,
we set up two dishes with small lumps of ripe pulp contain-
ing ;10 seeds each from the same fruits and sites mentioned
above. Each of these dishes had five lumps of pulp with seeds.
All petri dishes were kept at the Brise Fe
´r Field Station near a
window but away from direct sunlight. Seeds were checked
daily, and the cotton wool was kept moist. We also attempted
to assess seed germination in the field by putting out seeds in
three sites in moist litter beneath Pandanus patches at Pe
However, the seeds are minute, and they disappeared from all
sites within 2–5 d, usually after heavy rains, and could not be
found again. All statistical analyses were done with R.2.3.1 (R
Development Core Team 2006).
Flowering and Fruiting Phenology
At Pe
´trin and Bassin Blanc, Roussea simplex flowered from
September 2004 until late January 2005, while ripe fruits were
available from early January to mid-May. Individual plants
flowered during most of the overall flowering period and could
have both flowers and ripe fruits simultaneously in the tempo-
ral overlap between flowering and fruiting. The temporal se-
quence from bud to ripe fruit is illustrated and annotated in
figure 2. Flowers were open for 6–8 d (7:160:2; all results
presented as means 61 SE; n¼18 flowers in all cases), with
the male phase lasting 2–5 (3:360:2) d and the female phase
lasting 3–5 (3:860:2) d. Fruits presented pulp for a total of
4–7 d (5:460:2; n¼18 fruits). Flowers had very large stand-
ing crops of nectar (table 2), which was hexose dominated
with only trace amounts of sucrose (glucose ¼52:8% 61:6%,
fructose ¼47:2% 61:6%, n¼6). There were no significant ef-
fects of flower sexual phase on volume or concentration of nec-
tar standing crop (P>0:1 for both).
Nectar production probably started at least 1–2 d before
anthesis, because large unopened buds contained very large
amounts of nectar, up to just above 1 mL (table 2). During an-
thesis, more nectar was produced overnight than during the
day (F1;64 ¼7:09, P¼0:010), and male-phase flowers produced
more nectar than female-phase flowers (F1;64 ¼8:81, P¼0:004).
There were no significant effects of production time or flower
sexual phase on the concentration of nectar produced (P>0:3
for both).
Hand-Pollination Experiments and Seed Set
The ovaries of R. simplex flowers contained ;2100–3300
(2572 679) ovules in 5–10 ovary locules (6:560:3; n¼18
ovaries). We had to harvest the experimental fruits before they
ripened and opened (see fig. 2G–2I) to count all the seeds.
Table 2
Nectar Phenology of Roussea simplex Buds and Flowers
Volume (mL) Concentration (%)
Range Mean 61 SE Range Mean 61SE
Standing crop 120–1185 511.3 667.2 6.5–11.5 8.9 6.4
Male phase:
Standing crop 21–510 195.7 632.8 7.5–12.5 9.9 6.3
Diurnal production 67–305 190.1 616.5 6.5–14 9.8 6.4
Nocturnal production 110–380 234.2 615.6 7.5–14 10 6.4
Female phase:
Standing crop 42–335 163 619.1 7.5–13 10.7 6.4
Diurnal production 70–285 155.5 613.2 6.5–12.5 9.5 6.4
Nocturnal production 130–275 185.8 69.95 7.5–13 10.1 6.3
Note. Sample size for all values is 18.
None of the flowers in the autogamy treatment produced any
seeds. Geitonogamously pollinated flowers produced fruits with
an average of 399 629 seeds (;16% seed set, n¼16 fruits),
and xenogamous fruits produced slightly more seeds, an aver-
age of 476 647 (;19% seed set, n¼16 fruits). The devel-
oping fruits from naturally pollinated flowers contained an
average of 505 652 seeds (;20% seed set; n¼18 fruits).
Numbers of seeds in these latter three categories were not sig-
nificantly different from one another (F2;40 ¼1:38, P¼0:264).
Seeds of ripe fruits were 0.7–1.1 mm long, 0.5–0.8 mm wide,
and ;0.3 mm thick, with a thin, semihard, light brown seed
coat (fig. 2I) and white endosperm.
Flower Visitor and Frugivore Observations
At the flowers, we observed Phelsuma cepediana,Zosterops
mauritianus, and several of the previously observed inverte-
brates: honeybees, flies, the ant Technomyrmex albipes, and the
butterfly Henotesia narcissus. We never observed any of the in-
sects touching the anthers with the slimy pollen substance, and
it is highly unlikely that the birds transfer pollen (Hansen
2005). The observed flowers received only occasional nectar-
foraging visits from the introduced ant T. albipes,nowherenear
the numbers of ants found on ant-infested flowers and plants
(Hansen and Mu
¨ller, forthcoming). Thus, we give detailed re-
sults only for P. cepediana flower visitation. At ripe fruits, we
observed only P. cepediana feeding on the pulp. Several frugivo-
rous birds were observed in the vicinity of fruiting plants (Z.
mauritianus and the introduced red-whiskered bulbul Pycnono-
tus jocosus), but they did not show any interest in these fruits.
Only one gecko at a time visited a particular flower or fruit.
During most flower visits, geckos inserted their heads into the
corolla, with the forehead toward the center of the flower,
thus either receiving a slimy smear of pollen at male-phase
flowers (fig. 3A) or depositing pollen on the stigma at female-
phase flowers (fig. 3C,3D). We often saw geckos with a large
part of the forehead, neck, and upper back covered in a thin
layer of the slimy pollen substance (fig. 3B,3C). When forag-
ing at fruits, geckos usually used a mixture of licking and
eating lumps of pulp with seeds (fig. 3F,3G) and otherwise be-
haved in the same way as when they were feeding on nectar at
The analyses of the visitation rates demonstrated that P. c e -
pediana visits were significantly more frequent to flowers than
to fruits (F1;98 ¼4:75, P¼0:032; fig. 4A,4B)andthatthere
was a significant effect of gecko sex/age, with adult male
Fig. 4 Visitation rates (A,B) and duration of visits (C,D) of adult male and female/juvenile Phelsuma cepediana geckos at flowers and fruits of
Roussea simplex in the two study populations, Pe
´trin and Bassin Blanc. Bars represent mean values 61 SE. Sample size is 15 observation periods
in Aand 12 observation periods in B. Sample sizes (number of visits) for Cand Dare shown in each bar.
geckos visiting more frequently than females and juveniles
(F1;98 ¼41:0, P<0:001; fig. 4A,4B). There was a marginally
significant difference between study populations, with slightly
more visits per hour at Pe
´trin than at Bassin Blanc (F1;6¼5:39,
P¼0:059; fig. 4A,4B). Duration of visits varied as well, but
contrary to visitation rate results, the geckos foraged longer at
fruits than at flowers (F1;233 ¼127:8, P<0:001; fig. 4C,4D),
and they foraged longer at Bassin Blanc than at Pe
(F1;233 ¼4:05, P¼0:045; fig. 4C,4D). However, the signifi-
cant effect of gecko sex/age was similar to that observed for for-
aging at flowers, with adult males foraging longer than females
and juveniles (F1;233 ¼46:7, P<0:001; fig. 4C,4D). All inter-
actions between main effects were nonsignificant, and values
given here are from minimum adequate models with only main
effects fitted.
At Pe
´trin, there were significant effects of proximity to Panda-
nus patches on gecko visitation rates for both flowers (close:
1:44 60:13 visits=flower=h; away: 0:64 60:09 visits=flower=h;
F1;13 ¼16:7, P¼0:001) and fruits (close: 1:15 60:11 visits=
flower=h; away: 0:63 60:06 visits=flower=h; F1;10 ¼9:46,
P¼0:012). However, there were no significant effects of prox-
imity to Pandanus patches on duration of visits to flowers
(F1;80 ¼0:02, P¼0:372) or fruits (F1;56 ¼0:23, P¼0:634).
There were no significant interactions between proximity to
Pandanus and gecko sex/age (both P>0:30); hence, the re-
ported results are for models with duration of adult male and
female/juvenile visits pooled.
Feeding and Germination Experiments
Eighteen seeds were retrieved from three gecko droppings
in the cages. A further eight droppings did not contain seeds.
Gut-passage time was a few hours or less, because seeds were
found only in the evenings after the geckos had been feeding
on the fruit pulp during the day. In the gecko droppings, we
found only whole seeds with no visible marks or damage to
the seed coat; we did not find any remains of damaged seeds
(e.g., pieces of seed coat).
All the lumps of pulp were attacked by fungi after 3–5 d,
and none of the seeds germinated. The petri dishes with manu-
ally depulped seeds and the gut-passed seeds remained free of
fungal attack (dark brown or black hyphae clearly visible un-
der a dissecting microscope) for 7–12 d, after which time seeds
were attacked by fungi, too, turning dark brown or black. Sin-
gle seeds were removed from the dish as soon as they were vis-
ibly attacked, but despite staying swollen and looking healthy
until attacked by fungi, none of the seeds germinated.
Our results strongly suggest that Phelsuma cepediana is an
efficient pollinator of Roussea simplex. Our observations con-
firmed that the geckos were the only flower visitors to con-
sistently touch the reproductive structures. Furthermore, the
geckos were the only animals observed feeding on the fruits and
acting as seed dispersers. Our feeding experiment with captive
geckos showed that they are capable of dispersing the tiny seeds
apparently unharmed. However, the germination experiments
were unsuccessful, illustrating the large gap that still remains in
our understanding of the reproductive biology of R. simplex.
Pollination and Seed Dispersal
Our results show that a reasonably efficient within-population
pollination service is being provided by P. cepediana, at least
in the southern R. simplex populations where this gecko co-
occurs. In the northern population at Le Pouce, another en-
demic gecko, Phelsuma ornata, may be an efficient pollinator.
This gecko is known to pollinate other plant species in Mau-
ritius (Nyhagen et al. 2001; Olesen et al. 2002).
Geckos foraged at flowers and fruits for prolonged periods.
For flowers, this led to repeated contacts with anthers in male-
phase flowers and stigmas in female-phase flowers. The high
volumes of nectar are likely to induce long foraging bouts. For
fruits, it was impossible to see individual seeds being swal-
lowed during the observation periods, but close-up observa-
tions confirmed that geckos ingested small lumps of pulp that
contained seeds.
We found an increase in duration of foraging visits to fruits
compared with visit duration at flowers for female/juvenile
geckos but not for males. This is probably related to domi-
nance patterns between geckos of different sizes. Males were
usually large enough to literally keep an eye out while forag-
ing at flowers (see fig. 3A), while female/juvenile geckos were
often so small that they had to insert more of their bodies into
the corolla to reach the nectar, rendering them vulnerable to
attack (see fig. 3E) and more likely to stop foraging and as-
sume vigilance for approaching geckos or predators. Fruits,
however, do not present this dilemma to small geckos.
The difference in visitation rates between study populations
is likely due to a lower overall density of geckos at Bassin
Blanc (D. M. Hansen, personal observation). The vegetation
there is very degraded, offering few of the typically favored re-
treats of Phelsuma geckos (e.g., Pandanus patches, palms, old
trees with holes; Harmon 2005; Hansen et al. 2007; D. M.
Hansen, personal observation). The spatial arrangement of fa-
vored retreats of the geckos is likely to structure their mutualis-
tic interactions with plants, and the strong positive effects of
proximity to Pandanus patches on gecko visitation rates for
both flowers and fruits of R. simplex, albeit obtained from
only three plants, confirm the results of Hansen et al. (2007).
The large, dense stands of R. simplex recorded early in the
twentieth century (Vaughan and Wiehe 1937) may, by them-
selves, have provided a favorable microhabitat for geckos, thus
attracting and maintaining a population of ‘‘in-house’’ pollina-
tors and seed dispersers.
The flowers produced large amounts of nectar, more than
typical vertebrate-pollinated flowers of a similar size (Proctor
et al. 1996). Another unusual floral trait of R. simplex is the
pale yellow, slimy, and sticky substance in which the pollen
grains are embedded, which effectively causes pollen grains
to be aggregated (Harder and Johnson 2008). One possible
function of this could be to prevent pollen theft by insects; this
would make sense for vertebrate-pollinated, long-lived flow-
ers with a protracted male phase. Indeed, we observed a small
fly and several ants getting stuck on the viscid, slimy pollen
substance. Another possibility is that it could be an adaptation
to lizard pollination, as it could make more pollen grains ad-
here to the relatively smooth scales than if the pollen was of
the normal dry type. This could function in a parallel way to
the findings of Traveset and Sa
´ez (1997), who reported that
more pollen grains of Euphorbia dendroides were carried on
the snouts of the pollinating lizards Podarcis lilfordi if the liz-
ard snouts had been in contact with the sticky nectar before
brushing against the anthers. Finally, the sticky aggregation of
pollen grains could be linked to the large number of ovules
per ovary in R. simplex, because it would ensure increased ac-
cess to these ovules, if deposited on a receptive stigma (Harder
and Johnson 2008).
A puzzling result was that while the autogamy treatment
did not result in the production of any seeds, fruits and pulp
still developed as in fertilized fruits. This suggests that R. sim-
plex is parthenocarpic, and it could be a way for fruiting R.
simplex plants to enhance attractiveness to seed dispersers,
by increasing both the display size and the amount of reward
offered (Jordano 1989). Other studies have also suggested
parthenocarpy to be an adaptation against seed predators
(Zangerl et al. 1991; Traveset 1993). However, contrasting em-
pirical evidence means that no clear pattern for the ecological
function of parthenocarpy has emerged (Verdu
´and Garcı
Fayos 1998).
It is also noteworthy that P. cepediana probably serves as
the sole current pollinator and seed disperser of R. simplex.
There are relatively few examples of plants being pollinated
and having their seeds dispersed by the same animal species,
e.g., some mistletoe species in New Zealand (by bellbirds;
Kelly et al. 2004) and three species of columnar cacti in South
America (by bats; Soriano and Ruiz 2002). Roussea simplex is
the first documented example of a plant having the same liz-
ard species as a pollinator and a seed disperser. It is very likely
that there are more such ‘‘double-mutualistic’’ lizard-plant in-
teractions, especially on oceanic islands, where lizards are im-
portant pollinators and seed dispersers (Olesen and Valido
2003). Overall, because of their often high abundance in many
insular ecosystems (Rodda and Dean-Bradley 2002), lizards
could thus be important pollinators and dispersers for many
endangered endemic island plants. A good example of this comes
from the Balearic Islands, where local extinction of a frugivo-
rous lizard has disrupted the seed dispersal of the endangered
shrub Daphne rodriguezii (Thymelaceae) and this disruption
has been identified as the major factor in the continued decline
of the species (Traveset and Riera 2005).
Movement patterns of geckos will influence their efficiency
as mutualists, and one concern could be that lizard-mediated
gene flow is relatively restricted, in terms of both pollen trans-
port and seed dispersal. Phelsuma ornata geckos in Mauritius
move up to 87 m in a straight line in 29 h, but most recorded
movements were much shorter, ;10–20 m within 24 h (Nyha-
gen et al. 2001). Male Phelsuma are known to be territorial
(Nyhagen et al. 2001; Harmon 2005; D. M. Hansen, personal
observation), and while territoriality may ensure high levels
of geitonogamous self-fertilization, it could also reduce the in-
cidence of interplant cross-fertilization and lead to relatively lo-
cal seed dispersal only. However, smaller males and females/
juvenile geckos may travel longer distances and thus provide a
more valuable pollinating and seed-dispersing service.
Germination and Natural Regeneration
The potential role of lizard gut passage in the reproductive
ecology of R. simplex is less clear. Gut passage through frugiv-
orous lizards can have either positive (Valido and Nogales
1994) or negative or neutral effects on seed germination (Iver-
son 1985; Valido and Nogales 1994). Our study was unable
to address effects of lizard gut passage on R. simplex seeds be-
cause none of the seeds from any of the treatments germi-
nated. Under the circumstances of working in a field camp
without access to a nursery, we provided the best possible ger-
mination conditions. If the seeds had not been attacked by
fungus, they may have germinated after a longer period, or
perhaps the seeds need to pass through the gut of a specific en-
demic animal other than P. cepediana, now locally or globally
extinct, to germinate. Alternatively, the seeds might need a
special microhabitat, or they may need certain mycorrhizal
fungi to be present before they can germinate. Dispersal to cer-
tain specific microhabitats suitable for germination and growth
may be important for R. simplex. Lizards, in particular, have
been shown to deposit seeds in protected microhabitats, such
as small cracks and crevices, with positive effects on seed ger-
mination and seedling growth (Whitaker 1987; Valido and
Nogales 1994; Wotton 2002).
Biogeography and Evolution
While the monophyly of the Roussea-Carpodetaceae clade
has strong support (Lundberg 2001; Lundberg and Bremer
2003), the biogeography of the taxa is still a mystery. It is
clear that the lineage of which R. simplex is the only known
extant member is not a neoendemic on the young island of
Mauritius. Available evidence for dating the split between the
R. simplex lineage and the Carpodetaceae is unreliable at pres-
ent; the data indicate that the split could have occurred as
early as 100 million years ago (Mya) or as recently as 20 Mya
(J. Lundberg, personal communication). It is thus impossible to
distinguish between (1) a relatively recent extreme long-distance
dispersal event of R. simplex or its ancestral form from at least
Papua New Guinea to Mauritius, with subsequent extinction
of the lineage from there, and (2) a relatively recent dispersal of
R. simplex or its ancestral form from somewhere much closer
to Mauritius, e.g., India or Madagascar, with subsequent ex-
tinction of the lineage from there.
The flowers of the Carpodetaceae (Carpodetus,Cuttsia,
and Abrophyllum) are all quite small and open and are polli-
nated by thrips, flies, and beetles (Norton 1984; Williams
et al. 2001). The only known seed disperser of any Carpodeta-
ceae is the cassowary, which eats the black berries of Abro-
phyllum ornans (Crome 1975). Lizard pollination and potential
lizard seed dispersal of R. simplex could thus have evolved in
situ in Mauritius or earlier in its evolutionary history; e.g., in
Madagascar or on some of the now disappeared islands that
existed during the past 50 Myr between India and where the
Mascarene Islands now lie.
Conservation Management
During our surveys, we found 85 adult plants of R. simplex
(table 1). It is very likely that further surveys of surrounding
areas in Bassin Blanc, Pigeon Wood, and Piton Savanne will
reveal additional individuals. It is almost certain that the pop-
ulation on Le Pouce contains additional plants on the steep
northern slopes that we could not survey. However, even if
additional plants are located, the known populations remain
very small and widely scattered, and genetic exchange be-
tween populations is highly unlikely. We did not find plants
in one former location (Kanaka Crater), and the population
at Bassin Blanc, described as being ‘‘full of R. simplex plants
everywhere’’ in the 1980s (M. Allet, personal communication),
now contains only 17 scattered individuals.
Currently, only the three plants at Pe
´trin are growing in a
weeded and fenced CMA. The population on Le Pouce nomi-
nally grows in a Forestry Service nature reserve, but that is a
small patch of 1–2 ha of native forest surrounded by heavily de-
graded habitats. All the other populations are growing in invaded
and degraded areas, with only the plants in Pigeon Wood grow-
ing within the boundaries of the Black River Gorges National
Park. We did not find juvenile plants or seedlings in any of the
populations. Therefore, for future assignment of International
Union for Conservation of Nature red-list status, R. simplex
should be considered critically endangered and still declining.
Apart from the massive loss of native habitat between the
seventeenth century and the 1980s, one likely cause of contin-
ued decline is competitive exclusion from the preferred sub-
canopy strata between 3 and 6 m in the wet upland forests,
where especially strawberry guava Psidium cattleianum now
forms dense canopies, excluding native species. One conserva-
tion management option is therefore weeding of the invasive
plant species, although at Le Pouce, this approach may cause
the demise of one of the last strongholds of endemic ant spe-
cies (Ward 1990) and open the habitat for incursions by inva-
sive ants (Lach and Sua
´rez 2005). In another study, we showed
that invasive Technomyrmex albipes ants have a detrimental
effect on the pollination and seed dispersal interactions between
R. simplex and P. cepediana (Hansen and Mu
¨ller, forthcom-
ing). Moreover, in the short term, wholesale removal of inva-
sive species will reduce structural habitat diversity, which leads
to lower densities of Phelsuma geckos (Padayatchy 1998; Har-
mon 2005) until native vegetation has regrown. Therefore,
gradual removal, leaving patches of dense invasive vegetation
for a number of years, may be better than removing all inva-
sive vegetation at once, as is currently practiced in habitat res-
toration efforts in Mauritius.
The only way the National Parks and Conservation Service
and the Forestry Service have been able to propagate R. sim-
plex is with cuttings from adult plants, but these are difficult to
get to grow and survive in nurseries (R. Rutty, personal com-
munication). Further research on how the seeds can be brought
to germinate either in situ or ex situ is urgently required for the
production of viable plants. Ideally, availability of healthy seed-
lings, combined with habitat restoration that takes the concerns
about weeding practices raised above into consideration, should
lead to supplementary planting within existing subpopula-
tions, reestablishment of extinct subpopulations, and possibly
establishment of new subpopulations in suitable sites.
Finally, it is imperative to take into account recently ex-
tinct animal species that could have played a role in the eco-
logical interactions and the evolution of plant traits in R.
simplex. In pristine Mauritius, now-extinct birds or fruitbats
may have mediated both local and long-distance pollination
or seed dispersal events (within the island), while lizards pol-
linated and dispersed the seeds only locally. If so, then today
there is a gap in the population dynamics of R. simplex,be-
cause only one of the local pollinators and dispersers is extant.
Similarly, as a once widespread and locally common prolifi-
cally nectar-producing plant, R. simplex may have been very
important for native and endemic nectarivorous animals.
We thank Mario Allet, Raj Rutty, Vincent Florens, and
Jean-Claude Sevathian for sharing their knowledge about sev-
eral of the Roussea simplex populations. We thank the Na-
tional Parks and Conservation Service and the Forestry Service
for permission to work in the forests and for general assistance,
and the staff and volunteers of the Mauritian Wildlife Founda-
tion for never-ending support. We thank Johannes Lundberg
and Mats Gustafsson for providing information and Christo-
pher Kaiser, Nancy Bunbury, Mauro Galetti, Anna Traveset,
Johannes Lundberg, and an anonymous reviewer for construc-
tive comments. The project was funded by the Swiss National
Science Foundation (grant 631-065950 to C. B. Mu
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... Interestingly, some animals may act as both pollinator and seed disperser of the same plant, i.e. as 'double mutualists'. The term was first coined for a lizard-plant-system in which the Mauritian endemic plant Roussea simplex was found to depend on the gecko Phelsuma cepediana for pollination and seed dispersal (Hansen and Müller, 2009). However, double mutualisms may be generally rare as they increase vulnerability to perturbation and loss of an interaction partner (Fuster et al., 2019). ...
... Moreover, throughout this study we will refer to a Lacertilia species as a 'double mutualist' if it has been recorded as a flower visitor and a seed disperser of the same or different plant species. This differs from the 'classic' definition of a double mutualism, which refers to pollination and seed dispersal of the same plant species (Hansen and Müller, 2009). However, due to the lack of data on flower visitation and pollination interactions, we argue that several of our potential 'double mutualists' will also qualify as double mutualists in the 'classic' sense when more data on lizard-plant interactions become available. ...
... Although evidence for flower visitation and potential pollination was only recorded in ~ 2% of the investigated Lacertilia species, this may be an underestimate due to a lack of data, rather than true absence of this behaviour across Lacertilia lineages. Only recently, researchers became aware of a potential role of Lacertilia as flower visitors and pollinators, and there are only a few studies that systematically assessed this behaviour (but see Hansen and Müller 2009;García and Vasconcelos 2017;Hervías-Parejo et al. 2020;Correcher et al., 2023). Our study included slightly more Lacertilia species that may act as pollinators than Correcher et al. (2023;41 versus 23 Lacertilia species). ...
Full-text available
Pollination and seed dispersal of plants by animals are key mutualistic processes for the conservation of plant diversity and ecosystem functioning. Although different animals frequently act as pollinators or seed dispersers, some species can provide both functions, so-called 'double mutualists', suggesting that the evolution of pollination and seed dispersal may be linked. Here, we assess the macroevolution of mutualistic behaviours in lizards (Lacertilia) by applying comparative methods to a phylogeny comprising 2,838 species. We found that both flower visitation (potential pollination) (recorded in 64 species [2.3% of total] across 9 families) and seed dispersal (recorded in 382 species [13,5% of total] across 26 families) have evolved repeatedly in Lacertilia. Furthermore, we found that seed dispersal activity pre-dated flower visitation and that the evolution of seed dispersal activity and flower visitation was correlated, illustrating a potential evolutionary mechanism behind the emergence of double mutualisms. Finally, we provide evidence that lineages with flower visitation or seed dispersal activity have higher diversification rates than lineages lacking these behaviours. Our study illustrates the repeated innovation of (double) mutualisms across Lacertilia and we argue that island settings may provide the ecological conditions under which (double) mutualisms persist over macroevolutionary timescales.
... The same lizard species can sometimes feed first on the flowers of a plant and subsequently on its fruits, acting as a double mutualist (sensu Olesen 2003, Hansen andMüller 2009). Double mutualist animal species have been documented most frequently on islands, and more often in the tropics than in temperate zones (Fuster et al. 2019), although the environmental factors that shape such a distribution are still unknown. ...
... From a plant's perspective, by consuming nectar and fruits, lizards may act as effective pollinators and dispersers if they visit the flowers and disperse the seeds to suitable sites for germination and growth, respectively Sáez 1997, Hansen andMüller 2009). The quantity component of pollination effectiveness is estimated as the frequency of floral visits and their duration whereas the quality component is quantified as fruit and/or seed set (Schupp et al. 2017). ...
... Malvaceae) and Roussea simplex (F. Rousseaceae) have been documented to be truly dependent for their pollination on lizards, Pseudocordylus subviridis (Cozien et al. 2019) and Phelsuma cepediana (Hansen and Müller 2009). ...
Full-text available
Plant–lizard interactions are still poorly studied, despite lizards are known to interact with flowering plants in many parts of the world. They are commonly reported on islands although the number of documented interactions has also increased in mainland, mostly in isolated environments. In this study, we first performed a global review to explore whether lizard–flower and lizard double mutualistic interactions in continents occur in environments similar to those of islands. Then, we aimed at explaining the factors driving the current distribution of such interactions worldwide. To do this, we considered four environmental factors (latitude, altitude, rainfall and temperature), and phylogeny and body size of lizards that may influence flower visitation. Furthermore, we investigated for the first time the functional role (legitimate visit versus florivory) of lizards in plant reproduction and the conditions under which each type of interaction occurs. Finally, we explored the factors influencing the distribution of lizard double mutualisms worldwide. We recorded a total of 452 lizard–flower interactions (ca 3.4% and 0.1% of the extant lizard and plant species, respectively). Lizard–flower interactions were more frequently recorded on islands (79%) regardless of phylogeny and lizard body size, whereas in mainland the number of interactions increased with altitude. Our analyses also revealed that only 20% of all interactions confirmed pollination effectiveness and a strong association of the type of interaction with environmental factors and species traits. Regarding the distribution of lizard double mutualisms, we found a positive effect of island and rainfall, but a decrease in their occurrence with latitude, altitude, temperature and body size. We predict that mutualistic plant–lizard interactions will be increasingly documented, especially in isolated environments (both on islands and continents), which will help us to better understand the biological patterns of this phenomenon and the mechanisms underlying them.
... Pollination ecology of R. simplex is special. It is one of the few plants that makes us of the same animal, (an endemic gecko), for both pollination and seed dispersal forming a "double-mutualistic" interaction (Hansen and Müller, 2009a). ...
... Once common in pristine Mauritius (Vaughan and Wiehe, 1937), R. simplex is now found in only few locations of fragmented vegetation (Hansen and Müller, 2009a). The study plant is mostly confined to wet, high-altitude mountainous areas (Bosser et al., 2008). ...
... It is described as having robust branches and thick pedicels (suggesting that they can support the weight of relatively large flower visitors) (Bosser et al., 2008). Its flowers are solitary and hanging with a size of about 2.5 cm across, and a corolla which is 3 cm across at anthesis (Bosser et al., 2008;Hansen and Müller, 2009a;Lundberg, 2001). Flowers are campanulate with a corolla tube of about 4-10 mm (Bosser et al., 2008). ...
A species’ geographical range and its variation throughout time are important reference points for conservationists as they are often good predictors of extinction risks. Insular endemic plants often have naturally small habitat range and populations which are threatened by human-caused habitat destruction, habitat alteration and fragmentation. For example, in Mauritius, many species often decline to highly narrow distributed habitats, resulting in even smaller population. Thus small populations have the tendency to decline towards extinction, a phenomenon known as extinction vortex which is further impacted by predation or competition by invasive alien species. The latter are known to directly disrupt insular plant-pollinator interactions of endemic plants. In this context, I used the Mauritian mono-specific scrambler Roussea simplex (Rousseaceae) as a model of endangered endemic insular plant to investigate and quantity flower visitors of R. simplex in order to assess their potential ecological role to the plant. Pollination efficiency of flower visitors were investigated using pollinator exclusion treatments: (i) open to all visitors, (ii) bird excluded (partial exclusion), and (iii) all excluded (complete exclusion). Hand-pollination experiments were made for seed counts to further determine the pollination efficiency of visitors. The results of the study indicate that visitors of R. simplex differ both spatially and temporally. Experimental exclusion of birds reduced the mean natural seed set by a factor of eight, suggesting that R. simplex might be bird pollinated. There was a difference from fruits that were naturally pollinated compared to those with partial and complete exclusions (Kruskal-Wallis chi-squared = 13.0, df = 2, p = 0.001). Supplement hand-pollination experiments showed that crossed flowers have more seeds per fruit than naturally pollinated flowers. Also the lack of seed production in emasculated flowers indicates that R. simplex is not apomictic. Locations with Hypsipetes olivaceus: Pétrin and Piton Savanne had three times more seed natural set compared to locations without H. olivaceus and the two categories of sites were significantly different from each other (F1, 14 = 10.39, p < 0.01). Findings of this study indicate that birds, mainly H. olivaceus play a vital ecological role in maintaining higher seed production of R. simplex and function by pollinating the endemic plant. This situation is however impeded upon by invasive exotic mammals such as rats and monkeys which predate on reproductive structures of Roussea. Findings clearly show the importance of H. olivaceus in context of pollination of an endangered insular plant. It is thus likely that the endemic bird might be a potential pollinator of other native and endemic plant species, and thus aid in the structure and regeneration of forest communities. This study therefore highlights the needs to develop interdisciplinary approaches for the conservation and preservation of the sole member of the Rousseaceae family.
... Consequently, island plant species include new interactions (that are more rarely seen on mainland) with opportunistic vertebrates like insect-eating passerine birds and lizards, which include nectar or pollen into their diet (e.g. Elvers 1977;Pérez-Mellado & Casas 1997;Traveset & Sáez 1997;Rodríguez-Rodríguez & Valido 2008;Hansen & Müller 2009;Siverio & Rodríguez-Rodríguez 2012;García & Vasconcelos 2017;Abrahamczyk 2019;Fuster et al. 2019). ...
... Numerous studies demonstrate that lizards might be effective pollinators, as they visit flowers and are able to carry pollen (e.g. Elvers 1977;Pérez-Mellado & Casas 1997;Traveset & Sáez 1997;Rodríguez-Rodríguez & Valido 2008;Hansen & Müller 2009;Ortega-Olivencia et al. 2012;García & Vasconcelos 2017;Jaca et al. 2018;Pinho et al. 2018;Hernández-Teixidor et al. 2020;Koppetsch et al. 2020;Esposito et al. 2021). However, data about the contribution of Macaronesian reptiles to plant reproductive success or their ability to carry pollen grains are still scarce (but see Rodríguez & Valido 2008;Jaca et al. 2018;Hernández-Teixidor et al. 2020). ...
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Oceanic islands are places where biological assemblages are relatively simple, as compared to the mainland. On islands, however, pollinator assemblages may to be composed of a taxonomically disparate group of organisms (e.g. insects, lizards, and birds), some of them with opportunistic nectar-feeding behaviour. Here we investigated some components of pollination effectiveness of Lotus maculatus (Fabaceae), an endangered Canary Islands endemic. In a flower exclusion experiment, we bagged flowers and compared their subsequent fruit and seed set to that of control flowers. Number of interactions with vertebrate and invertebrate flower visitors was counted and it was recorded whether interactions were legitimate (potentially pollinating) or non-legitimate (nectar robbing). Additionally, we estimated pollen loads on lizards and looked for any relationship between reproductive success of individual plants and number of visits made by the top three flower-visiting species (in terms of both frequency of occurrence at censuses and number of floral visits). Bagged flowers fruited less and with fewer seeds than control flowers. The only observed flower-visiting vertebrate was the Tenerife lizard Gallotia galloti, whose interactions were always legitimate and with around a half of captured individuals carrying pollen grains. The most frequent flower-visiting insect was the honeybee Apis mellifera followed by the solitary bee Lasioglossum arctifrons. The honeybee, however, was only a nectar robber, and the solitary bee was not an effective pollinator, but rather a pollen gatherer. Fruit set by individual plants was positively related only to frequency of visits by the lizard. Thus, the lizard seems to play a key role in the conservation management of L. maculatus.
... observations). Roussea is protandrous, both saurophilous (Hansen & Müller 2009a) and ornithophilous (Bissessur et al. 2019) and can reproduce clonally. Its small seeds (0.7-1.1 × 0.5-0.8 ...
... Its small seeds (0.7-1.1 × 0.5-0.8 mm) are recorded to be disseminated by Phelsuma cepediana, an endemic day-gecko (Hansen & Müller 2009a). The invasive alien white-footed ant, Technomyrmex albipes (Formicidae) disrupts Roussea's pollination mutualism (Hansen & Müller 2009b), however ant infestation, hence the species' influence, varies much temporally and is worsened by alien plant invasion (Bissessur et al. 2020). ...
Up to 6,800 plant species endemic to oceanic islands are highly threatened with extinction. Although habitat destruction and fragmentation have greatly contributed to this, it is generally recognised that invasive alien species currently pose the single most important threat to island plants. Most studies exploring the role of novel interspecific interactions in driving declines of island plants, focussed on threats mediated by animals, be it direct (e.g. browsing, seed predation, mutualism disruption) or indirect (e.g. extinction of seed dispersal or pollination mutualists). Relatively few studies have investigated the specific role of plant-plant interactions, particularly in-situ. We studied a threatened island endemic plant in rapid decline to evaluate the short (1-2 years) and medium-term (about 1-2 decades) influence of invasive alien plants (IAPs) on individuals and a variety of proxies of plant fitness. We compared mortality of traceable individuals that were recorded 12-20 years previously between habitats that are invaded with IAPs and habitats where IAPs are absent, or have been removed decades ago. We also carried out an in-situ manipulative experiment using 14 randomly chosen plants from around which IAPs were removed, paired with controls, at two sites. Canopy cover change before and after IAPs’ removal was quantified along with above ground biomass of IAPs removed for use as potential explanatory variables of change in proxies of plant fitness. Ten branches were randomly selected per plant and branch dynamics, leaves’ sizes and reproductive structure production were monitored quarterly for two years. Over the medium term, plant mortality was recorded only in presence of IAPs (X2=4.80, df = 1, p<0.05). Over the short term, at the plant level, IAPs’ removal triggered overall weak to moderate improvements in the number of surviving and new branches as well as change in number of branches at one of the sites. At the leaf and branch levels, we found weak evidence for positive effects of IAPs removal on surviving leaves, flower buds produced and difference in leaf surface area per branch in one site. We therefore provide some experimental evidence of negative effects of alien plants on overall fitness of the threatened species in-situ presumably through competitive interactions. We posit that the effects were found to be weak to moderate due to the short experimental period over which they could develop (1-2 years). Overall, IAPs stand out as the most severe threat from among all documented threats to the species, for being the only one capable of causing mortality of adult plants. Results hence highlight island plants’ vulnerability to IAPs, and how their timely control would improve the survival and fitness of threatened plants, even at the scale of single individuals. Such a strategy could be more often employed. Our study stresses on prioritising IAPs’ control for rescuing long-lived threatened plants that grow in habitats invaded by alien plants (itself a very common situation on oceanic islands) before addressing other subtler, slower-acting threats, like disrupted pollination or seed dispersal mutualisms, florivory or seed predation.
... Double mutualists generate positive feedback loops that improve food resources recruitment and protection in subsequent seasons [19]. Despite their importance, double mutualists are still scarcely studied, with only a few documented cases [19][20][21][22], which arises from the tendency and practicality of focusing either on pollination or on seed dispersal [23]. A multilayer network approach can provide an integrated perspective of these two key ecological processes [24]. ...
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Non-native trees disrupt ecological processes vital to native plant communities. We studied how forests dominated by Acacia dealbata and Eucalyptus globulus affect the role of birds as dual pollinators and seed dispersers in a region heavily impacted by these two non-native species. We compared bird–plant interactions in the native and in the two non-native forest types. We constructed a multilayer regional network for each forest type and evaluated differences in network dissimilarity between networks. We also calculated the bird’s importance in connecting processes and variables associated with module diversity. To determine how the networks react to changes in species richness, we did a simulation of species richness gradient and link percentage for each forest type. The number of birds acting both as pollinators and seed dispersers was higher in native than in non-native forests. However, birds in non-native forests still play a crucial role in maintaining the ecological services provided to native plant communities. However, the eucalyptus network exhibited a concerning simplification, forcing bird species to fully exploit the few remaining resources, leaving little room for structural adjustments and limiting the ecosystem’s ability to withstand further species loss. These findings highlight how non-native trees may trigger cascading effects across trophic levels.
... Technomyrmex albipes has been associated with the presence and spread of the pink mealybug, which causes pineapple wilt disease and reduces fruit yield in Sri Lanka (Sulaiman, 1998;Jahn et al., 2003). While it has been mentioned as an invasive species affecting the threatened plant Roussea simplex in the Mauritius Islands, recent studies suggest its impact is negligible (Hansen and Müller, 2009). T. albipes is a common pest of imported plants, especially those that have been freshly cut. ...
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The invasion of exotic ant species in China presents significant challenges to ecosystems, agriculture, and the economy. This paper provides an in-depth analysis of China's ongoing battle with exotic ants, examining the factors contributing to their introduction and establishment. It explores the responses implemented by the decision makers, including capacity building, establishment of research institutions, and legislative measures. Limitations and gaps in the current strategies are identified, highlighting the need for regional collaboration, increased awareness, and strengthened early detection and response systems. Furthermore, the paper emphasizes the importance of conducting research to understand various exotic ant species' ecological and economic impacts , facilitating the development of targeted and effective management approaches. By adopting a comprehensive and coordinated approach, China can mitigate the impacts of ant invasions and safeguard its biodiversity, agriculture, and economy. This analysis underscores the significance of collective efforts in addressing the ongoing battle with exotic ants and preserving the well-being of ecosystems, economies, and the society.
... Although unprecedented, the finding is not surprising considering that visits to flowers by another congeneric species (Tarentola delandii in Euphorbia lamarckii) had already been discovered on islands in the Palearctic ecozone [66]. However, the importance of these geckos as potential pollinators should be much less relevant when compared to frequent floral visitors in the tropics such as Phelsuma sp. in Mauritius and Reunion [15,[67][68][69]. In addition, the nocturnal activity of geckos makes their absence in the censuses logical. ...
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The role of lizards as potential pollinators on islands has been documented for either one or a few plants in different parts of the world, but it has never been assessed for an entire plant community. Here, we quantified interaction rate by lizards and evaluated intraspecific differences in the use of flowers on Cabrera Gran (Cabrera archipelago, Balearic Islands) by means of visual observations, automated cameras and the analysis of pollen grain samples. Overall, we recorded interactions of the Balearic wall lizard (Podarcis lilfordi) with flowers of 44 plant species, 72.7% of which were unknown to date. Although florivory occurs in some of these species (35%), the majority of visits were legitimate (65%); in addition, we found intraspecific differences in the interactions related to the sex and age of lizards. Our findings support the role of Balearic wall lizards as potential pollinators across the entire plant community, and their contribution to particular plant species, for instance the endangered Cistus heterophyllus carthaginensis. This study also documents the first record of another sympatric lizard (Tarentola mauritanica) visiting flowers and contributes to the few existing records of flower interactions involving geckos in the Paleartic ecozone.
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Throughout their evolutionary history, animals have interacted with and evolved alongside plants. There is a long tradition of studying mutualistic relationships between plants and animals. However, the study of mutualistic relationships still present substantial challenges. For instance, the role of dual mutualists in the rebuilding of degraded ecological networks is poorly understood. Additionally, while syndromes have been studied for years, support for the role of fruit and flower colour and their association with animals are still being debated. Finally, even after decades of study, it is still unclear how colours are adaptive in fruit colour polymorphisms and the conditions that lead to them being maintained in nature. It is the goal of this thesis to investigate these understudied aspects of ecology using model species in New Zealand.
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The structure of pollination networks is described for two oceanic islands, the Azorean Flores and the Mauritian Ile aux Aigrettes. At each island site, all interactions between endemic, non-endemic native and introduced plants and pollinators were mapped. Linkage level, i.e. number of species interactions per species, was significantly higher for endemic species than for non-endemic native and introduced species. Linkage levels of the two latter categories were similar. Nine types of interaction may be recognized among endemic, non-endemic native and introduced plants and pollinators. Similar types had similar frequencies in the two networks. Specifically, we looked for the presence of 'invader complexes' of mutualists, defined as groups of introduced species interacting more with each other than expected by chance and thus facilitating each other's establishment. On both islands, observed frequencies of interactions between native (endemic and non-endemic) and introduced pollinators and plants differed from random. Introduced pollinators and plants interacted less than expected by chance. Thus, the data did not support the exist- ence of invader complexes. Instead, our study suggested that endemic super-generalist species, i.e. pollinators or plant species with a very wide pollination niche, include new invaders in their set of food plants or pollinators and thereby improve establishment success of the invaders. Reviewing other studies, super generalists seem to be a widespread island phenomenon, i.e. island pollination networks include one or a few species with a very high generalization level compared to co-occurring species. Low density of island species may lead to low interspecific competition, high abundance and ultimately wide niches and super generalization.
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Seeds of Coccoloba uvifera and Casasia clusiaefolia, common in the diet of rock iguanas Cyclura rileyi from the Bahamas and C. carinata from the Turks and Caicos Islands, germinate readily following passage through the iguana's gut, suggesting that herbivorous lizards may be important seed dispersers, especially in communities where they are the dominant vertebrate herbivores, eg on islands. -P.J.Jarvis
Die vorliegende Dissertation befasst sich mit den Wechselbeziehungen zwischen in Mauritius eingeführten und einheimischen Tier- und Pflanzenarten und den damit verbundenen mutualistischen Pflanze-Tier-Interaktionen. Es wurden vollständig quantifizierte Besucher-Netze verwendet, um Pflanze-Tier-Interaktionen auf der Ebene der Bestäuber- und Pflanzengemeinschaft zu untersuchen. Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit deuten darauf hin, dass die Mechanismen der biotische Bestäubung und Samenverbreitung einheimischer Pflanzen durch die Anwesenheit eingeführter Pflanzenarten indirekt beeinträchtigt werden. Die lokale Bestäuberfauna wurde von eingeführten Insekten dominiert, was auf eine erhebliche Störung der einheimischen, co-evolvierten Pflanze-Tier-Beziehung schliessen lässt. This thesis investigates the effects of introduced plant and animal species on native mutualistic interactions in Mauritius. The Mauritian ecosystem is highly degraded by invasive alien plant species. Conservationists have established a habitat restoration scheme to conserve endemic plants. The consequences of this restoration for associated animals and the role of mutualists in fulfilling their previous ecosystem functions are largely unknown. The main results of this thesis include: 1. Bird pollination behaviour may be affected by restoration schemes, resulting in reduced pollination success of the endangered endemic S. mamillatum in restored habitat. 2. The Janzen-Connell model describes seedling establishment of S. mamillatum, and ecological analogue species may serve as seed dispersers. 3. There is little evidence for indirect competition for pollination between the invasive P. cattleianum and the endemic B. zaluzania. 4. Visitation webs of restored habitat were more complex than those of unrestored habitat, which may be critical for ecosystem stability. The dominance of introduced pollinators suggested strong competition with native pollinators, which may have resulted in the disruption of co-evolved plant-pollinator interactions. 5. Fluctuations in species diversity, connectance, degree distribution and nestedness in pollinator communities suggest that network stability may vary considerably both temporally and spatially.
The genus Carpodetus from New Zealand, New Guinea, and the Solomon Islands, traditionally has been included in the extremely heterogeneous Saxifragaceae sensu lato, but on account of morphological peculiarities it has sometimes been classified in its own family. On palynological grounds it has been suggested to belong near the Ericales. Parsimony analyses of matrices comprising rbcL sequences of 80 taxa sampled from the entire Asteridae and Rosidae provide support for a sister group relationship between Carpodetus and a clade comprising the closely related Australian genera Abrophyllum and Cuttsia, also formerly placed in Saxifragaceae sensu lato, but recently shown to belong within the order Asterales sensu lato. A morphological comparison between the three interrelated genera is provided. They have in common an indumentum of thick-walled unicellular hairs with warty cuticle, and are also uniform in wood anatomy as well as fruit and seed structure. It is proposed that the family Carpodetaceae be expanded to encompass Abrophyllum and Cuttsia.
Geckos in the genus Hoplodactylus regularly visit flowers to feed on nectar. They collect considerable amounts of pollen, mostly on their throats, from species such as Metrosideros excelsa and Phormium tenax. This pollen can be carried for many metres and for up to at least 12 hours, and there is thus the opportunity for lizards to transfer it to a conspecific plant to effect cross-pollination.Geckos in the genus Hoplodactylus and skinks in the genera Leiolopisma and Cyclodina all include considerable quantities of fleshy fruit in their diet during summer. Fruits most commonly consumed are in the genera Coprosma, Gaultheria, Hymenanthera, Macropiper, and Muehlenbeckia. Seeds pass through the gut undamaged and germination trials showed that at least some are viable. Because of the size, colour, and positioning of the fruit it appears that some divaricating shrubs (e.g., Coprosma, Hymenanthera) or vines (e.g., Muehlenbeckia) may be specifically adapted to seed dispersal by lizards.
Approximately 23 species of thrips were recorded from flowers of 26 species of Australian subtropical rainforest trees, shrubs and vines (in 17 families) in the Manning Valley, coastal northern New South Wales. Pollination by thrips (thripophily) appears more widespread in rainforest communities than has been previously recognized. The pollination ecology of Wilkiea huegeliana (Monimiaceae) was studied in detail. Wilkiea huegeliana is a small, unisexual, annually flowering tree or shrub of rainforest and associated ecotones in eastern Australia, and is a larval food plant for the Regent Skipper butterfly Euschemon rafflesia rafflesia (Hesperiidae). At this latitude W. huegeliana is pollinated solely by a species of thrips, Thrips setipennis, but T. setipennis is not restricted to W. huegeliana and was recorded from flowers of 13 rainforest plant species. It appears to be the obligate pollinator also for Rapanea howittiana and R. variabilis (Myrsinaceae). Pollinator exclusion experiments were inconclusive but W. huegeliana may be facultatively agamospermous. The recruitment pathway to unrewarding female W. huegeliana flowers is uncertain but attraction may function by automimicry. Both male and female flowers serve as brood sites for T. setipennis larvae. Although the pollination ecology of W. huegeliana is specialized, the family Monimiaceae exhibits a broad diversity of pollination strategies. A number of these are discussed. The apparent obligate and restricted pollinator requirements of W. huegeliana may make it, and any associated phytophagous fauna, vulnerable to the impacts of habitat fragmentation.
The relationship between an endemic lizard (Gallotia galloti) and plants with fleshy fruits was examined in a xeric habitat on the island of Tenerife, Canary Islands. An analysis of 441 droppings collected in May 1991, showed that fruits are an important item in the diet of this omnivorous lizard; 92% and 56% of droppings contained fruits from two different areas. Fruits of seven plant species were found in the droppings: Rubia fruticosa, Neochamaelea pulverulenta, Withania aristata, Lycium intricatum, Atriplex semibaccata, Opuntia dillenii and Scilla cf. haemorrhoidalis. The number of fruit species consumed at each area by G. galloti was related to their availability. Seed Viability did not differ between control seeds and seeds from the droppings, except for N. pulverulenta and L. intricatum, where viability was higher in control seeds. The gut passage of seeds significantly reduced the germination of R. fruticosa and N. pulverulenta, increased that of W aristata while no differences were found for the rest. Gallotia galloti preferred rocky and grassy sites with,less open ground and more shrub cover >50 cm in height). This should produce a non-random seed shadow in the habitats, potentially affecting the distribution of species with fleshy fruits. Omnivorous lizards on islands can act as important seed dispersers over short distances for plant species with fleshy fruits, actively influencing both their relative abundance and vegetation structure in xeric habitats.
Parthenocarpy (the production of seedless fruits) and abortion of reproductive structures at different developmental stages are important processes limiting female fecundity in Pistacia lentiscus (Anacardiaceae), a Mediterranean endozoochorous dioecious shrub. This paper (i) tests the effects of water and pollen as the ecological causes of abortion and parthenocarpy, (ii) tests the function of abortion and parthenocarpy regarding the uncertainty of resources and predispersal seed predation, and (iii) reviews the evolution of parthenocarpy across the phylogeny of the genus Pistacia and the family Anacardiaceae. Using experimental manipulations, we examined the effects of pollen and water availability on female fecundity. The components of female fecundity were the four sequential developmental stages in the reproductive cycle: (i) flower survival after pollination, (ii) latent ovary survival, (iii) final-sized fruit survival, and (iv) seed viability. The survival of reproductive structures along the four developmental stages in response to pollination was highly variable. The survival of pollen-excluded flowers was negligible. Water addition increased the survival of reproductive structures in the first two developmental stages but this effect was lost in the other two stages. However, irrigation had a delayed effect, significantly increasing the number of viable seeds per number of flowers at the following reproductive season. The irrigated females significantly increased the percentage of viable seeds, whereas nonirrigated females did not. These data support the hypothesis that the adjustment of progeny size to the available resources is an individual feature inherent to the life history of each individual and therefore independent of the present resource level. This adjustment may have an adaptive value in relation to uncertainty of water availability. An advantage for parthenocarpy in terms of reducing seed predation was not found and it may be a nonadaptive plesiomorphic character within the genus Pistacia and within the family Anacardiaceae. A significant negative relationship was found between the rate of seed abortion and predispersal seed predation by wasps, suggesting that abortion reduces insect predation. In support of this hypothesis, we found that fruits with aborted seeds abscised in a lower proportion than expected, while fruits with seeds parasitized by wasps fell in a greater proportion than expected.