Nineteen French apple cultivars were characterised by sensory profiling, penetrometry and visible/near infrared (vis/NIR) spectroscopy. The main purpose was to investigate the relationships between sensory attributes, including apple texture and flavour, and destructive penetrometric measurements and non-destructive vis/NIR spectroscopy. Sensory crunchiness, touch resistance and crispness correlated well with total puncture force, flesh rupture breakdown force, and the work associated with that force. Juiciness and mealiness, two very important quality indices, were strongly correlated with the slope of force-deformation curves. A relationship was also found between different vis/NIR wavelengths and sensory attributes for apples (roughness, crunchiness, mealiness, sour and sweet taste). Subsequent studies will investigate the possible benefit of using vis/NIR spectroscopy to estimate certain sensory attributes measured by trained panellists.