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Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine
Volume 2012, Article ID 732816, 7pages
Research Article
Positive Modulation Effect of 8-Week Consumption of
Kaempferia parviflora
on Health-Related Physical Fitness
and Oxidative Status in Healthy Elderly Volunteers
Jintanaporn Wattanathorn,1, 2 Supaporn Muchimapura,1, 2 Ter dth ai Ton g-Un, 1, 2
Narisara Saenghong,3Wipawee Thukhum-Mee,1, 2 and Bungorn Sripanidkulchai3
1Department of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine, Khon Kaen University, Khon Kaen 40002, Thailand
2Integrative Complementary Alternative Medicine Research and Development Group, Khon Kaen University,
Khon Kaen 40002, Thailand
3Center for Research and Development of Herbal Medicine, Khon Kaen University, Khon Kaen 40002, Thailand
Correspondence should be addressed to Jintanaporn Wattanathorn,
Received 18 June 2012; Accepted 26 June 2012
Academic Editor: Yukihiro Shoyama
Copyright © 2012 Jintanaporn Wattanathorn et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons
Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is
properly cited.
Health-related physical fitness declines as the age advances. Oxidative stress is reported to contribute the crucial role on this
phenomenon. This condition is also enhanced by antioxidant. Therefore, we aimed to determine the effect of Kaempferia parviflora,
a plant reputed for antifatigue, longevity promotion, and antioxidant effects, on health-related quality physical fitness and oxidative
status of the healthy elderly volunteers. Total 45 subjects had been randomized to receive placebo or K. parviflora extract at doses
of 25 or 90 mg once daily for 8 weeks. They were determined baseline data of physical performance using 30 sec chair stand test,
hand grip test, 6 min walk test, and tandem test. Serum oxidative stress markers including malondialdehde (MDA) level and the
activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), and glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) were also assayed. All assessments
were performed every 4 weeks throughout the 8-week study period. The results showed that K. parviflora increased performance in
30-second chair stand test and 6 min walk test together with the increased all scavenger enzymes activities and the decreased MDA
level. Therefore, K. parviflora can enhance physical fitness partly via the decreased oxidative stress. In conclusion, K. parviflora is
the potential health supplement for elderly. However, further study is required.
1. Introduction
Health-related physical fitness is defined as fitness related to
some aspect of health. It is regarded as a major marker of
health status at any age. It comprises of 4 main domains
including strength and endurance of skeletal muscles, joint
flexibility, body composition, and cardiorespiratory endur-
ance [1]. Physical fitness is varied depending on the age.
It has been reported that physical fitness achieves the peak
performance during late teens and begins a slow decline in
their early 20s. Therefore, the definition of physical fitness
must be defined with consideration for an individual’s age. It
is defined as a physical condition that allows an individual
to work without becoming overly fatigued, perform daily
chores, and have enough energy left over to engage in
leisure activities in younger person, whereas it is defined as
the physical condition that allows an individual to conduct
daily activity without becoming exhausted or tired. Thus,
the decreased health-related physical fitness produces great
impact on quality of life and disability condition of the
elderly. Therefore, the ultimate goal in ageing society nowa-
days is to maintain the health-related physical fitness of the
Recent findings showed that age-related physical decline
might be related to oxidative damage perpetrated by free
radicals [2]. Free radicals disrupt the homeostasis of biolog-
ical systems by damaging their major constituent molecules,
leading eventually to cell death [3,4]. It has been reported
2 Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine
that oxidative damage may play a crucial role in the
decline of functional activity in human skeletal muscle with
normal aging [5,6]. Recent findings showed that plasma
antioxidant concentrations correlate positively with physical
performance and strength. Higher dietary intakes of most
antioxidants, especially vitamin C, are associated with higher
skeletal muscular strength in elderly persons [7]. In addition
to the muscle strength, oxidative stress also plays an impor-
tant role on cardiopulmonary performance, which can be
assessed via 6 min walk test [8].
Since the health-related quality of life produces great
impact on quality of life and it is under the influence of many
factors, various strategies have been implemented to enhance
and maintain the health-related quality of life. Among vari-
ous strategies, phytomedicine or herbal therapy, which has
been long-term used in traditional folklore to treat various
ailments and to restore physical fitness [9], has gained much
K. parviflora Wall. ex Baker or Krachai Dam is belonging
to the family of Zingiberaceae. It has been long term used
in Thai traditional medicine for treating various ailments
including allergy, fatigue, sexual dysfunction, and ulcer. In
addition, it is also used as longevity promoting substance
and as nerve tonic. Recent findings showed that K. parviflora
rhizomes extract contained numerous flavonoids [10], which
was previously reported to possess antioxidant activity,
neuroprotective, and cognitive-enhancing effects [11]. Based
on the antifatigue and antioxidant effect of K. parviflora,
we hypothesized that K. parviflora might enhance the
physical fitness and oxidative status in healthy elderly. To
elucidate this issue, we aimed to determine the effect of 8-
week consumption of K. parviflora extract on health-related
physical fitness and on oxidative stress status of healthy
elderly volunteers.
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Subjects. A total 45, healthy elderly volunteers were
initially recruited to take part in a randomized trial designed
to investigate the effects of an 8-week consumption of K.
parviflora on health-related physical fitness. Subjects were
volunteers who were older than 60 years, healthy, and with-
out history of cardiovascular diseases, respiratory diseases,
neuropsychological diseases, head injury, diabetes, cancer,
alcohol addiction, and smokers of more than 10 pieces per
day. Any persons taking prescribed and nonprescribed drugs
or nutraceutical compounds influencing the function of the
nervous system were also excluded. All participants were also
requested and agreed to abstain from caffeine-containing
products, throughout each study day, and alcohol for a
minimum of 12 h prior to the test sessions. This study was
approved by the Khon Kaen University Ethics Committee of
Human Research.
Prior to the participation, each volunteer had signed
an informed consent form and completed a medical health
questionnaire. All recruited subjects were screened for
healthy status again by the physician. In addition, the blood
was also collected for the determination of oxidative stress
2.2. Kaempferia parviflora Preparation. A standardized ex-
tract of K. parviflora was prepared by the Center for Research
and Development of Herbal Health Product, Faculty of Phar-
maceutical Sciences, Khon Kaen University. All K. parviflora
used in this study was obtained from Loei Province. The
plant was authenticated and kept as voucher specimen at
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Khon Kaen University.
Standardization and conformity of the extract is assured by
strict in-process controls during manufacture and complete
analytical control of the resulting dry extract. A-day capsule
contained a specialized rhizome extract containing 5,7
dimethoxyflavone (2.1%), 5,7,4-trimethoxyflavone (3.1%),
and 3,5,7,3,4-pentamethoxyflavone (2.3%). Each K. parvi-
flora capsule contained crude extract of K. parviflora at doses
of 25 and 90 mg.
Placebo tablets were manufactured using the same phar-
maceutical excipient and replicated the active in appear-
ance, odor, and texture. Packaging and randomization was
performed by Integrative Complementary and Alternative
Medicine Research and Development Group, Khon Kaen
University, the study coordinator.
2.3. Procedures and Intervention. In this study, we deter-
mined the health-related physical fitness by using modified
method of Fan `
o et al., which focused on muscular strength
and cardiopulmonary endurance [6]. In addition to the
domain just mentioned, we also focused on the postural
control because it produced great influence on risk to fall
of the elderly. Therefore, our tests were consisted of 30-
second chair stand test, hand grip strength test, 6-minute
walk test, and tandem test. The 30-second chair stand test
was used to assess the strength of skeletal muscle especially
muscle of the lower extremity whereas hand grip strength
test was used to assess the strength of muscle of the
upper extremity, especially the hand muscle. The cardio-
pulmonary endurance was performed via 6-minute walk test,
whereas the postural control was assessed using tandem test.
Subjects were assessed the physical fitness with the same
sequence in all assessments. The health-related physical fit-
ness and oxidative stress markers were assessed every 4 weeks
throughout the experimental period.
The code for study allocation was only broken when
the last participant completed the entire followup. Staffs
involved in the collection of the study’s endpoints were
instructed to follow a rigorous protocol and not to discuss
any issues related to the use of medication. The review of
compliance with medication and side-effects was performed
independently by the investigators, who were also blinded to
group allocation. Adverse effects were assessed during every
study visit. Subjects were requested to call the study center
if they experienced any medical problems during the 8-week
study period.
2.4. Health-Related Physical Fitness Assessment. To assess the
health-related physical fitness in the elderly, we used the
battery test as follows.
30-Second Chair Stand Test. This test was used to evaluate
lower-body muscular strength. According to this test, the
Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 3
number of times within 30 second that an individual can rise
to a full stand from a seated position with back straight and
feet flat on the floor, without pushing offwith the arms, was
Handgrip Strength Test. This test was the upper-body mus-
cular strength by using a digital dynamometer. Subjects
performed (alternately with both hands) the test twice
allowing a 1-minute rest period between measures. The best
value of 2 trials for each hand was chosen, and the average of
both hands was registered.
6-Minute Walk Test. This test involves the determination of
the maximum distance (meters) that can be walked in 6 min
along a 45.7 meters rectangular course. It reflects the cardio-
pulmonary endurance.
Ta n d e m S t a n c e Te s t . This test was performed with both eyes
opened and with eye closed while one foot placed in front of
the other foot when both feet touching each other. Standing
duration without swaying was recorded.
2.5. Determination of Oxidative Stress Markers. Fasting
venous blood sample was collected in all subjects and care
was taken. Serum was separated and analyzed for oxidative
stress parameters including the level of malondialdehyde
(MDA) and the activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD),
catalase (CAT), and glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px). MDA
was measured by thiobarbituric acid reactive substances
assay (TBRAS) method [12]. SOD activity was measured
using the xanthine/xanthine oxidase reaction as a source of
substrate (superoxide) and reduced nitroblue tetrazolium
as an indicator of superoxide [13]. The activity of CAT
was assayed based on the decomposition of substrate H2O2,
which was monitored via spectrophotometrically at 340 nm
for 5 minutes [14], whereas the activity of GSH-Px was
performed using t-buthylhydroperoxide as the substrate
2.6. Statistical Analysis. Alldataareexpressedasmean±
S.E.M. Between-group comparisons and the comparison
between baseline data and the changes observed at various
time points of physical fitness and biochemical parameters
were performed using analysis of variance (ANOVA). Post
hoc, Dunnett test was used after using one-way analysis
of variance. Statistical significance was regarded at Pvalue
3. Results
3.1. Demographic Data of Subjects. The baseline data about
demographic data of subjects in all groups were shown in
Tab l e 1. No significant differences of all parameters among
3.2. Effect of K. parviflora on Health-Related Physical Fitness.
Effects of various doses of K. parviflora on various param-
eters indicating physical fitness were shown in Table 2.It
was found that subjects who consumed K. parviflora at dose
of 90 mg/day significantly increased 30-second chair stand
test (Pvalue <0.05; compared to baseline data). In addition,
it was found that subjects who consumed the extract at
dose of 90 mg/may increase 6 min walk test (Pvalue <0.05
all; compared to either baseline or placebo treated group).
However, no other significant effects were observed.
3.3. Effect of K. parviflora on Oxidative Stress Markers. The
effect of K. parviflora on various oxidative stress markers
including superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), and
glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) activities and the level of
malondialdehyde (MDA) in serum were shown in Figures 1–
4. Our data showed that subjects who consumed K. parviflora
extract at dose of 25 mg/day showed the significant increase
in SOD activity at 4-week (Pvalue <0.01 compared to
placebo-treated group; Pvalue <0.05 compared to baseline
data) and 8-week period (Pvalue <0.001 all; both compared
to placebo treated group and compared to baseline data).
However, subjects who consumed the low dose of extract
failed to show significant changes of CAT and GSH-Px
activities and MDA level at 4-week intervention period.
It was found that at 4-week study period, subjects who
consumed K. parviflora extractatdoseof90mgshowed
the significant elevation of SOD activity (Pvalue <0.05;
compared to baseline data and Pvalue <0.001 compared
to placebo-treated group). The significant elevation of CAT
activity was also observed (Pvalue <0.001; compared to
placebo treated group), whereas no significant changes of
GSH-Px activity and MDA level were not observed at this
duration. When the consumption period was increased fur-
ther to 8 weeks, it was found that subjects who consumed K.
parviflora at dose of 90 mg showed the significant elevation
of SOD (Pvalue <0.001 all; both compared to placebo
treated group and compared to baseline data), CAT (Pvalue
<0.001 all; both compared to placebo-treated group and
compared to baseline data), and GSH-Px activities (Pvalue
<0.05 compared to placebo treated group and Pvalue <0.01
compared to baseline data). In addition, the decreased MDA
level was also observed (Pvalue <0.01 compared to placebo
treated group; Pvalue <0.05 compared to baseline data).
4. Discussion
This study has clearly revealed that K. parviflora significantly
enhanced the performance in 30-second chair stand test and
6 min walk test which reflect the enhanced strength of muscle
of lower extremities and the enhanced cardiopulmonary
endurance together with the improved oxidative stress status.
Current trend in the dramatically increased elderly
population enhances the importance of sustaining physical
fitness of this group of population. It has been reported that
as the age advances, the physical fitness declines. Both muscle
area and fiber numbers are decreased since the fourth decade
[16]. A parallel decrease in muscle strength (knee extension)
also occurs with the decrease in muscle mass. In addition to
the decreased muscle mass, the decreased muscle efficiency
such as decreased oxygen uptake [17] and the decreased
muscle mitochondria ATP production [18], the decreased
ratio between type I and type II [19], are also observed. All
4 Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine
Tab le 1: Demographic data of subjects (n=15/group).
General characteristic Placebo KP25 KP90
62.66 ±6.33
Age (years) 64.2±6.95 61.53 ±6.39 F(0.05, 2, 42) =0.6236,
7.33 ±2.96
Education (years) 7.73 ±2.65 7.53 ±2.82 F(0.05, 2, 42) =0.0754,
91.26 ±4.31
Full-scale IQ 90.6±7.66 89.2±63.55 F(0.05, 2, 42) =0.4160,
120.20 ±5.94
Systolic blood pressure (mmHg) 122.26 ±8.22 121.20 ±6.63 F(0.05, 2, 42) =0.3270,
84.80 ±6.47
Diastolic blood pressure (mmHg) 81.53 ±6.84 83.26 ±7.64 F(0.05, 2, 42) =0.8165,
23.04 ±1.67
Body mass index 21.92 ±2.06 23.27 ±1.34 F(0.05, 2, 42) =2.6763,
Data were present as mean ±SEM.
Tab le 2: Effect of various doses of K. parviflora on health related physical fitness.
Measured parameters Group Pre-dose 1 month 2 month
Placebo 24.53 + 2.55 24.33 + 2.28 24.33 + 2.46
Grip strength (Rt) (kg) KP25 25.06 + 3.01 25 + 2.97 24.86 + 3.18
KP90 23.93 + 3.30 24.6+3.13 24.8+3.14
Placebo 21.06 + 1.83 21.33 + 1.58 21.2+1.56
Grip strength (Lt) (kg) KP25 22.06 + 1.86 21.66 + 1.521.26 + 1.48
KP90 20.86 + 2.72 21.6+2.02 21.6+1.84
Placebo 19.13 + 2.79 19.26 + 1.43 18.93 + 1.70
30-second chair stand test. (sec) KP25 18.33 + 2.58 19 + 2.77 20 + 3.11
KP90 18.6+2.52 19.6+2.13 20.66 + 2.28#
Placebo 567.33 + 33.52 598.73 + 31.57 571.26 + 32.05
6 min. walk test (m.) KP25 571.26 + 33.68 570.33 + 38.32 575.53 + 36.04
KP90 572.8+32.65 575.46 + 34.29 601.26 + 33.70∗#
Placebo 164.8±12.34 163.06 ±10.35 165.06 ±9.80
Tandem test(Opened Eye, Right leg is in front) (sec) KP25 161.8±11.16 164.06 ±9.63 162.26 ±8.93
KP90 164 ±10.50 166.6±6.81 168.46 + 6.90
Placebo 112.33 ±11.00 110.66 ±10.01 109 + 10.20
Tandem test (Opened Eye, Left leg is in front) (sec) KP25 111.93 ±7.77 112.33 ±11.39 111.8+10.16
KP90 108.2±11.32 109.33 ±13.62 110.46 + 13.31
Placebo 33.8±9.22 30.8±10.74 31.66 + 10.41
Tandem test (Closed Eye, Right leg is in front) (sec) KP25 31.86 ±10.12 32.6±7.44 32.73 + 7.67
KP90 31.26 ±11.09 31.86 ±9.33 33.4+8.94
Placebo 18.8+3.60 19.86 + 5.01 21.2+4.57
Tandem test (Closed Eye, Left leg is in front) (sec) KP25 20.93 + 3.41 21.33 + 3.79 21.26 + 3.19
KP90 20.46 + 4.24 21.26 + 4.58 22.06 + 3.93
Data were present as mean ±SEM (n=15/group).
Pvalue <0.05 compared to placebo, #Pvalue <0.05 compared to baseline.
Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 5
Baseline 4-week 8-week
KP 90 mg
KP 25 mg
Superoxide dismutase
(U/mg. protein)
Figure 1: Effect of various doses of K. parviflora on level of
superoxide dismutase in serum. Data were present as mean ±SEM
(n=15/group). ∗∗,∗∗∗Pvalue <0.01; 0.001 compared with placebo
group, respectively. #,###Pvalue <0.05; 0.01 compared to baseline,
Baseline 4-week 8-week
Catalase (U/mg. protein)
KP 90 mg
KP 25 mg
Figure 2: Effect of various doses of K. parviflora on level of catalase
in serum. Data were present as mean ±SEM (n=15/group).
∗∗,∗∗∗Pvalue <0.01; 0.001 compared with placebo group, respec-
tively. ###Pvalue <0.001 compared to baseline.
factors mentioned earlier are also essential for the strength of
muscle limb and aerobic or cardiopulmonary endurance.
A recent finding has shown that the enhanced blood
flow plays the crucial role on the metabolic implications,
which in turn influenced on the functional capacity of the
muscle [20], and oxidative stress interferes ATP production
of mitochondria [21]. Since we also found the enhanced
antioxidant enzymes activities and the decreased MDA level
in this study, we suggested that the enhanced performance
of muscle of lower extremities in subject following 8-week
consumption of K. parviflora at dose of 90 mg/day might be
associated with the enhanced blood flow [22,23] and the
decreased oxidative stress [24] of this medicinal plant.
Our data showed the improved muscle strength only in
the lower extremities while no significant changes of muscle
of extremities were observed. Since muscle of the lower
extremities contained more type I muscle fiber, a muscle
with high vascular supply, than the muscle of the upper
extremities, we did suggest that the effect of K. parviflora
Baseline 4-week 8-week
KP 90 mg
KP 25 mg
Glutathione peroxidase
(U/mg. protein)
Figure 3: Effect of various doses of K. parviflora on level of glu-
tathione peroxidase in serum. Data were present as mean ±SEM
(n=15/group). ∗Pvalue <0.05 compared with placebo group. ##P
value <0.01 compared to baseline.
(µmol/mg. protein)
Baseline 4-week 8-week
KP 90 mg
KP 25 mg
Figure 4: Effect of various doses of K. parviflora on level of mal-
ondialdehyde (MDA) in serum. Data were present as mean ±SEM
(n=15/group). ∗∗Pvalue <0.01 compared with placebo group. #P
value <0.05 compared to baseline.
selectively depended on types of muscle and the main
principal action of K. parviflora might be associated with
its vasodilation effect resulting in the enhanced blood flow
especially in muscle of lower extremities.
It has been clearly demonstrated that 6 min walk test
is a valid and reliable measurement of physical endurance
in elderly [25]. The aerobic endurance, which reflect the
function, of cardiopulmonary function, is under the influ-
ence of antioxidant. Substance possessing antioxidant has
been previously reported to enhance oxygen utilization [26].
Theoretically, improved oxygen usage could improve aerobic
endurance performance. Recent finding also showed that
flavonoid could increase muscle oxidative capacity and
endurance in mice [27]. Therefore, K. parviflora,whichcon-
tained flavonoid and possessed antioxidant effect, might
enhance oxygen usage and oxidative capacity and resulting in
the increased performance in aerobic endurance manifesting
by enhanced capability in 6-minute walk test.
Taken all data together, K. parviflora could enhance blood
flow to muscle, enhance oxygen utilization, and decrease
6 Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine
ATP synthesis
K. parviflora
Blood flow to
type I muscle
Oxygen supply
Muscle strength
Figure 5: Schematic diagram illustrated the possible action of
K. parviflora on muscle strength of lower extremities and aerobic
oxidative stress which in turn enhanced ATP production
capacity of mitochondria and resulted in the increased
muscle strength especially in lower extremities and enhanced
aerobic endurance as shown in Figure 5. In addition, unpub-
lished data of our colleagues also showed that subchronic
toxicity of K. parviflora extract is safe up to 500 mg/kg.
Therefore, the safety range of this extract is quite wide and
may be possible to develop as food supplement for elderly.
5. Conclusions
K. parviflora or Thai ginseng is the potential food supple-
ment to enhance muscle strength and aerobic endurance,
the important components of health-related physical fitness.
Therefore, it may also improve health quality of life and
decrease risk to fall in the elderly. However, further study is
This study was supported in part by the National Research
Council of Thailand, Faculty of Medicine and the Inte-
grative Complementary Alternative Medicine Research and
Development Group, Khon Kaen University, Khon Kaen,
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