Content uploaded by Joao CLAUDIO Todorov
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Content uploaded by Joao CLAUDIO Todorov
Author content
All content in this area was uploaded by Joao CLAUDIO Todorov
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Behavior and Social Issues, 15, 92-94 (2006). © João Claudio Todorov. Readers of this
article may copy it without the copyright owner’s permission, if the author and publisher are
acknowledged in the copy and the copy is used for educational, not-for-profit purposes.
João Claudio Todorov1
Universidade Católica de Goiás e
Instituto de Educação Superior de Brasília (IESB)
ABSTRACT: A new concept is justifiable when it enlarges our understanding of the phenomena
under investigation. Sigrid Glenn’s definition and refinements of the concept opened the field of
investigation on the third level of selection: the cultural level. It is a new road for behavior
analysis, with new and unknown difficulties. Objections to the concept as unnecessary usually are
advanced by researchers who have specialized in the experimental investigation of individual
behavior, either basic or applied. More general objections come from those who consider
individual behavior as irrelevant for the theories of the social sciences.
KEYWORDS: Metacontingency, cultural analysis, transdisciplinary work
Sigrid Glenn’s (1986, 1988, 1991, 2004) definition and refinements of the
concept of metacontingency opened the field of investigation on the third level of
selection (Skinner, 1981; Glenn, 2003) the cultural level. It is a new road for
behavior analysis, with new and unknown difficulties. One major contribution of
Glenn’s approach to cultural practices is in the innovation of treating group
behavior outside of the traditional conflict—“individual” versus “society”—of the
social sciences (e.g., Giddens, 1995). Now we deal with behavior and
contingencies only, advancing in the Skinnerian way of thinking. This makes it
possible to talk about cultural affairs without the need to recur to a different level
of language. We may refer to social issues in terms that relate directly to
behavioral contingencies. The concept of metacontingency is a new tool, a new
concept that may enlarge our understanding of cultural practices.
The objections to the behavior analysis of cultural practices should be
expected. Behavior analysts often are so enthusiastic with the practical advances
in the field that we tend to minimize the deleterious actions of the opposition. The
fact is, as Sidman (2004) so well points out, that our view of man in the world is a
threat to the typical western-hemisphere way of thinking. In a way, our position
goes against centuries of glorification of man as the measure of all things; we are
in a post-Renaissance position. There is no way to avoid the objections to
behavior analysis posted by those who believe in man as different in essence from
1 This manuscript was prepared thanks to the support of CNPq (Brazil). Address: João Claudio
Todorov, SHIN, QI 01, Conjunto 09, Casa 11, 71505-090, Brasilia, DF, Brazil.
nature; the best one can do is to explain that we should not be put in the same
category of those who defend the medical model in psychopathology, for
instance. It may be a lost effort; in most cases the other side is advocating a
holistic approach to the person and the word behavior is seen as anathema. Instead
of entering in an endless discussion, I believe that the best we can do is to show
new data, useful data for those concerned with social action, that only behavior
analysis can produce. A better mousetrap always convinces more than logical
In that sense, what we should be doing is to apply new concepts to practical
problems and show that they can be useful to those interested in the analysis and
modification of cultural practices. We need more works like those of Sigrid
Glenn, Maria Malott, Joel Greenspoon, Richard Rakos, Mark Mattaini, just to
mention some memorable work. We will be entering into the realm of Education,
Political Science, Sociology, Anthropology, Economy, in some cases, but in other
cases the work will be new, opening up new fields of investigation. On the other
hand, we could recognize that in the past behavior analysts have already crossed
borders as Jack Michael and Teodoro Ayllon working in a mental hospital
(Ayllon & Michael, 1959), and Fred Keller trying to change education with
behavior analytic methods (Keller, 1968). The untested supposition was that you
can change the group by controlling the contingencies for individual behavior;
maybe we could profit from a new look at similar attempts, examining especially
those that failed.
By not worrying much with crossing borders we certainly will provoke some
negative reactions from colleagues, psychologists or not, but that is not new for
behavior analysis. Some positive reactions probably will come along. The
displeasure with the compartmentalization of scientific disciplines is widespread.
A recent effort of the Ministry of Education of France involved intellectuals
concerned about the gap separating the natural sciences from the human sciences
(Morin, 1999a). The work toward the reunion and reconciliation of knowledge is
inspired by Plato, Pascal, and Marx, among others (Morin, 1999, Prologue).
Morin argues that we should take into consideration Pascal’s observation that
knowledge of the whole needs knowledge of its component parts, which in turn
depends upon knowledge of the whole; following Marx, Morin believes that in
the 21st Century the natural sciences will include the human sciences, and the
human sciences will include the natural sciences (Morin, 1999).
Giddens, A. (1995). Politics, sociology and social theory. Palo Alto, CA: Stanford University
Glenn, S. S. (1986). Metacontingencies in Walden Two. Behavior Analysis and Social Action, 5,
Glenn, S. S. (1988). Contingencies and metacontingencies: Toward a synthesis of behavior
analysis and cultural materialism. The Behavior Analyst, 11, 161-169.
Glenn, S. S. (1991).
Glenn, S. S. (2003). Operant contingencies and the origin of cultures. In K. A. Lattal & P. N.
Chase (Eds.), Behavior theory and philosophy (pp. 223-242). New York: Klewer
Glenn, S. S. (2004). Individual behavior, culture, and social change. The Behavior Analyst, 27,
Morin, E. (1999). Relier les connaissances. Paris, France: Éditions du Soleil. (a)
Skinner, B. F. (1981). Selection by consequences. Science, 213, 501-504.