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The World Wide Web is a web of documents. These documents and the data they hold are connected in a “mechanical” manner, with hyperlink references. The W3C with a number of it’s research and industry partners are working on an effort – to extend the principles of the Web from documents to data. This endeavor is called The Semantic Web, and it’s vision is to connect the data present on the Web by it’s meaning, i.e. semantics. In this paper, a survey is conducted on the state of the art in this field, the research, the development and the implementation of the Semantic Web technologies and tools.
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Semantic Web developers have adopted OWL to represent knowledge. OWL, or a language with similar theoretical foundations, will lead the way in the semantic exploration of the Web. Currently, Web-based standards are the preferred way to represent knowledge. Furthermore, respondents mainly use ontologies to allow both humans and computers to understand knowledge and domain models. Web 3.0 can bring a new breed of spectacular applications compared to Web 2.0. with the same magnitude that separates Web 2.0 from Web 1.0.
Semantic Interoperability of Metadata and Information in unLike Environments
  • Simile Project
Project SIMILE: Semantic Interoperability of Metadata and Information in unLike Environments, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, July, 2005