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  • Atmiya University

Abstract and Figures

Panchagavya, a classical Ayurvedic preparation, was evaluated for its antioxidant potential by HPTLC-DPPH bioautography method as well as assays for Ferric reducing antioxidant power (FRAP), DPPH – free radical scavenging activity (DPPH) and Superoxide radical scavenging activity. In addition total phenolic content was also estimated which was in fairly good amount. HPTLC-DPPH bioautography study revealed the presence of several antioxidant compounds in Panchagavya. In all the assays performed, it showed considerable antioxidant activity. On comparison of the data of three different batches of the samples studied, it showed 98.3 -99.8% correlation between total phenolic content, FRAP and DPPH assays. INTRODUCTION: Ayurveda, the ancient Indian system of medicine, with its holistic approach takes into account the aetiological factors, disease condition, patient's psycho-somatic condition, food and even activities altogether while deciding the line of treatment. It mentions use of various plant, animal and mineral products as such and in unique combinations for treatment and positive health maintenance.
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Athavale et al., IJPSR, 2012; Vol. 3(8): 2543-2549 ISSN: 0975-8232
Available online on 2543
IJPSR (2012), Vol. 3, Issue 08 (Research Article)
Received on 21 April, 2012; received in revised form 18 May, 2012; accepted 21 July, 2012
Arun Athavale, Nikhil Jirankalgikar, Pankaj Nariya and Subrata De*
RMD Research and Development Center, Waghaldhara, Dist-Valsad- 396 375, Gujarat, India
Panchagavya, a classical Ayurvedic preparation, was evaluated for its
antioxidant potential by HPTLC-DPPH bioautography method as well as
assays for Ferric reducing antioxidant power (FRAP), DPPH free radical
scavenging activity (DPPH) and Superoxide radical scavenging activity. In
addition total phenolic content was also estimated which was in fairly good
amount. HPTLC-DPPH bioautography study revealed the presence of several
antioxidant compounds in Panchagavya. In all the assays performed, it
showed considerable antioxidant activity. On comparison of the data of three
different batches of the samples studied, it showed 98.3 - 99.8% correlation
between total phenolic content, FRAP and DPPH assays.
INTRODUCTION: Ayurveda, the ancient Indian system
of medicine, with its holistic approach takes into
account the aetiological factors, disease condition,
patient’s psycho-somatic condition, food and even
activities altogether while deciding the line of
treatment. It mentions use of various plant, animal and
mineral products as such and in unique combinations
for treatment and positive health maintenance.
Many materials, which can hardly be termed as drug
by prevalent norms, are also utilized in the treatment.
Panchagavya- a peculiar combination of five cow
products namely dung, urine, milk, curd and ghee 1, is
one such drug which has been advocated in Ayurvedic
classics as such in Vishamajvara 2 (malaria/typhoid), for
detoxification of body/toxicity management 1 while in
processed form (viz. Panchagavya ghrita) for
psychogenic and neurogenic disorders 3.
In recent days, its use in management of cancerous
conditions is also a practice in vogue.
Free radicals play an important role in degenerative
diseases like cancer, cataract, immune system
weakness and brain disorders, collectively called
oxidative stress 4. Amount/availability of free radicals
are controlled by systems called antioxidants which
can reduce oxidation rate considerably and are
synthesized in the body as well as supplied by dietary
sources and nutraceuticals. Applicability of
antioxidants in management of oxidative stress related
disorders has been suggested 5.
Since oxidative stress plays major role in aetio-
pathogenesis of cancer, present study of in vitro
antioxidant activity of Panchagavya was undertaken to
evaluate its role in cancer therapy. This is probably the
first report of antioxidant activity of Panchagavya.
Chemicals and Instrument: 2, 2 Diphenyl-1-picryl
hydrazil (DPPH; Sigma-Aldrich, Germany), 2, 4, 6-Tri-(2-
pyridyl)-s-triazine (TPTZ; SRL chemicals, Mumbai),
Key words:
Correspondence to Author:
Dr. Subrata De
Director, RMD Research and Development
Center, NH No. 8, Waghaldhara, Dist-
Valsad- 396 375, Gujarat, India
Athavale et al., IJPSR, 2012; Vol. 3(8): 2543-2549 ISSN: 0975-8232
Available online on 2544
Nitroblue tetrazolium chloride (NBT), Riboflavin,
Methionine, Gallic acid (Lobachemie, Mumbai), all
other chemicals of Merck India pure or GR grade.
Absorbance was noted using a Perkin-Elmer Lambda
25 UV-Visible spectrometer.
The experiments were carried out at RMD Research
and Development Center during October 2011 to
January 2012.
Preparation of Panchagavya: 25 ml of freshly collected
cow urine was added to 12.5 g freshly collected cow
dung and uniformly mixed by stirring. The mixture was
passed through a cotton cloth by squeezing and then
strained repeatedly (7 times) through a cloth. To the
filtrate 5 ml cow milk (boiled and cooled) and 5 ml curd
(prepared by using cow milk) were added, mixed
thoroughly, to it 4 ml molten cow ghee was added and
again mixed well to prepare a homogeneous mixture.
This freshly prepared Panchagavya was used for the
For the present study three batches of Panchagavya
were prepared in three different days.
Preparation of sample: To 1 g Panchagavya 10 ml
methanol was added, stirred well and sonicated for 60
minutes. It was filtered; the volume of the filtrate was
made to 10 ml with methanol (PG) and was used for
further study.
A. Determination of Total Phenolic Content: The
total phenolic content (TPC) of the samples was
determined with Folin-Ciocalteu reagent according
to method described by Andrew6 with slight
modifications. It is based on the reduction of the
reagent (a mixture of tungsten and molybdenum
oxides) and measuring the absorbance of the
product (blue colour) at 765 nm.
Reagents/Solutions: Working Folin-Ciocalteu
reagent - 50% v/v aqueous solution of Folin-
Ciocalteu reagent, Sodium carbonate solution -
20% w/v, Standard Gallic acid solution - 0.1 mg/ml
(freshly prepared).
To 0.1 ml of the sample (PG), 3.9 ml distilled water
and 0.25 ml of working Folin-Ciocalteu reagent
were added. After 5 minutes (but before 8
minutes), 0.75 ml of sodium carbonate solution
was added, mixed and incubated at room
temperature for 60 minutes. The absorbance was
measured at 765 nm. Different volumes of Gallic
acid solution were used in same manner for
calibration of standard curve and quantification
was done in terms of mg equivalent of Gallic acid.
The blank was prepared by using distilled water in
place of sample/standard.
B. Evaluation for Antioxidant Activity:
i. Rapid screening for in vitro Antioxidant Activity by
HPTLC-Bioautography method: For preliminary
screening of the sample, the antioxidant activity
was evaluated by using HPTLC-DPPH
bioautography method 7, 8. HPTLC was performed
on 10 cm x 10 cm aluminum backed plates coated
with 0.2 mm layers of silica gel 60F254 (Merck,
Germany). Defatted methanol extract of
Panchagavya was applied in band with a Linomat V
applicator (CAMAG, Switzerland), equipped with a
100-μl syringe. Plates were developed vertically, in
a CAMAG twin trough chamber previously
saturated with mobile phase vapor for 20 min at
room temperature. Toluene - Ethyl acetate -
Glacial acetic acid (6:4:0.2) was used as mobile
phase. After development the plates were dried at
room temperature, sprayed with 0.2% methanolic
DPPH solution and observed after keeping the
plate in dark for 30 minutes. Presence of
antioxidant compounds were detected by yellowish
spots against a purple background.
ii. In vitro Antioxidant Assay:
a. Assay for in vitro Ferric Reducing Antioxidant
Power (FRAP assay): The FRAP assay was carried
out by the method described by Benzie and
Strain9 with slight modifications. It is based on
the principle of reduction of Fe3+-TPTZ to Fe2+-
TPTZ complex at low pH which gives blue color
and can be measured at 593 nm.
Preparation of FRAP working reagent: Acetate
buffer of 300 mM concentration and pH 3.6 was
prepared by using appropriate volumes of
sodium acetate anhydrous, glacial acetic acid and
distilled water. TPTZ solution of 10 mM
concentration was prepared in 40 mM
hydrochloric acid. Aqueous ferric chloride
Athavale et al., IJPSR, 2012; Vol. 3(8): 2543-2549 ISSN: 0975-8232
Available online on 2545
solution of 24.998 mM concentration was
prepared using ferric chloride anhydrous. Acetate
buffer, TPTZ solution and freshly prepared ferric
chloride solution were mixed in 10: 1: 1
proportions to prepare the FRAP working
0.1 ml of PG was added to 3.0 ml of FRAP
working reagent, mixed well and absorbance was
measured after 10 minutes. Freshly prepared
aqueous ascorbic acid solution (0.1 mg/ml) was
used as standard. Different volumes of ascorbic
acid solution (equivalent to 10 80 µg) were
used in same manner for calibration of standard
curve and quantification was done in terms of mg
equivalents of ascorbic acid. The blank was
prepared by using distilled water in place of
b. Assay for in vitro DPPH- Free Radical Scavenging
Activity (DPPH Assay): DPPH radical gives strong
absorbance at 517 nm (deep violet color) due to
its unpaired electron. When this radical pairs off
in presence of a free radical scavenger, the
absorption vanishes and the resulting
discoloration is stoichiometric with respect to the
number of electrons taken up.
DPPH free radical scavenging activity assay of
Panchagavya was carried out using reported
method 10-12 with suitable modifications.
Reagent/solutions: DPPH solution - 0.3 mM in
methanol (freshly prepared), Standard Ascorbic
acid solution 1 mg/ml in methanol.
Sample preparation: 1 ml of PG was dried on mild
heat in a water bath; the residue was taken with
methanol to make 1mg/ml (PGE1) and used for
the test.
Different volumes (equivalent to 5 - 300 µg) of
PGE1/standard were taken in a set of test tubes
and methanol was added to make the volume to
3 ml. To this, 1 ml of DPPH reagent was added
mixed thoroughly and absorbance was recorded
at 517 nm after 30 minutes incubation in dark at
room temperature. 1 ml of DPPH reagent diluted
to 4 ml with methanol was taken as reagent
blank. Percent scavenging activity was calculated
% Scavenging =
X 100
Where, A0 = Absorbance of reagent blank, AS =
Absorbance of sample/standard
c. Assay for Superoxide radical scavenging: The
method is based on scavenging of superoxide
anion generated in light induced reaction mixture
having absorbance at 560 nm due to blue
complex formed by NBT; antioxidants inhibit blue
complex formation. The decrease of absorbance
at 560 nm in presence of sample thus indicates
the consumption of superoxide anion in the
reaction mixture 13, 14. The method was adapted
with minor modifications.
Reagent/solutions: Stock solutions of 130 µM
riboflavin, 1 mg/ml NBT and 40 µM ethylene di-
amine tetra acetic acid (EDTA) di-sodium salt (all
in distilled water) were prepared. Phosphate
buffer 50 µM, pH 7.8 was prepared by using
appropriate quantities of di-sodium hydrogen
phosphate (Na2HPO4) and potassium di-hydrogen
phosphate (KH2PO4).
1.539 ml of Riboflavin, 6.132 ml of NBT, 2 ml of
EDTA stock solutions were mixed in this
sequence. To it 65-70 ml of phosphate buffer was
added and mixed thoroughly. To this mixture,
193.96 mg of methionine was dissolved
completely and the resultant solution was diluted
to 120 ml with phosphate buffer and was used as
reaction mixture.
Freshly prepared 1 mg/ml aqueous solution of
ascorbic acid was used as standard.
Sample preparation: 1 ml of PG was dried on mild
heat in a water bath, the residue was taken with
water to make 1mg/ml, sonicated for 15 minutes
to prepare a homogeneous suspension (PGE2)
and used for the test in different concentration
range. Different volumes of PGE2/standard were
taken in test tubes, 3 ml of the reaction mixture
were added, mixed and phosphate buffer was
added to make the volume to 4.5 ml.
Athavale et al., IJPSR, 2012; Vol. 3(8): 2543-2549 ISSN: 0975-8232
Available online on 2546
After mixing the tubes were exposed to
fluorescent light (30 W) for 40 minutes (taking
care of equal illumination exposure) and the
absorbance was measured at 560 nm. 3 ml of
reaction mixture diluted to 4.5 ml with
phosphate buffer was taken as reagent blank.
Percent scavenging activity was calculated as
% Scavenging =
Where, A0 = Absorbance of reagent blank, AS =
Absorbance of sample/standard
1. Total Phenolic Content of Panchagavya: The total
phenolic content was determined by Folin-
Ciocalteu reagent. The method used is the one
basically used for determination of total phenol
content in wine industry and capable of
differentiating inter-batch differences 6. The
standard curve of gallic acid has been presented in
Figure 1.
The total phenolic content of the samples, expressed in
terms of mg gallic acid / g of Panchagavya has been
presented in Table 1.
TPC /g*
Mean + SD
Batch I
0.551 + 0.031
Batch II
1.655 + 0.115
Batch III
0.712 + 0.023
*in terms of Gallic acid equivalents (mg)
The total phenolic content in three batches of
Panchagavya is in between 0.55 to 1.65 mg/gm in
terms of gallic acid equivalents, which is significant
as Panchagavya daily dose is about 150 ml i.e.
about 160 g and is comparable with plant materials
of known antioxidant activity 13, 15-20.
The response of Folin-Ciocalteu reagent depends
on chemical structures of phenolics which are of
various types and of different polarities.
Panchagavya being a natural product combination,
variation is expected.
2. Antioxidant activity:
A. HPTLC-DPPH Bioautography method: The
preliminary screening of Panchagavya for
antioxidant activity was carried out by HPTLC-DPPH
bioautography method. Spraying the plate with
DPPH solution revealed several yellowish coloured
spots (Figure 2) indicating the presence of number
of antioxidant compounds in Panchagavya.
i. In vitro antioxidant assay:
a. Ferric Reducing Antioxidant Power (FRAP): The
FRAP activity was determined in terms of
ascorbic acid equivalents. The ascorbic acid
standard curve for FRAP is shown in Figure 3.
Athavale et al., IJPSR, 2012; Vol. 3(8): 2543-2549 ISSN: 0975-8232
Available online on 2547
The FRAP value varied between 0.22 - 0.89 mg/g of
Panchagavya (Table 2), keeping a correlation with their
phenolic content.
FRAP value/g*
Mean + SD
Batch I
0.222 + 0.029
Batch II
0.891 + 0.093
Batch III
0.434 + 0.044
*in terms of Ascorbic acid equivalents (mg)
ii. DPPH Radical Scavenging Activity: For DPPH
scavenging activity, ascorbic acid was used as
standard and the standard curve is presented in
Figure 4.
DPPH scavenging activity of Panchagavya samples
has been presented in Table 3.
Concentration (µg)
% scavenging
Batch I
Batch II
Batch III
The DPPH scavenging activity of PGE1 revealed a
peculiar pattern. The activity tends to decrease
beyond the concentration 200 µg (Figure 5).
The usual trend to show scavenging activity is by
indicating IC50 (Half-maximal Inhibitory concentration)
which Panchagavya is unable to show. The reasons
may be of interference by other chemical molecules
competing for reduction by DPPH or having higher
internal activity scavenging chain reaction, not
permitting DPPH be donated with an electron. IC50 for
ascorbic acid was 15.78 µg.
iii. Superoxide Radical Scavenging Activity: The
Superoxide radical scavenging activity of the
samples has been presented in Table 4.
Athavale et al., IJPSR, 2012; Vol. 3(8): 2543-2549 ISSN: 0975-8232
Available online on 2548
Sample ID
Concentration (µg)
% scavenging
Batch I
Batch II
Batch III
By this method Panchagavya showed concentration
dependent antioxidant activity in the range of 20-
100 µg and then activity decreases with increase of
concentration like in the case of DPPH scavenging
activity. Superoxide scavenging activity of
Panchagavya in the range of 20-100 µg varied from
4 to 24 % (Figure 6). Required concentration of
ascorbic acid standard for 24 % scavenging activity
was about 45 µg.
Superoxide anion is a reduced form of molecular
oxygen and has a role in oxidation reaction
associated with ageing 21. Superoxide can directly
initiate lipid peroxidation 22.
The batch wise trend of TPC as well as FRAP and
DPPH activity was compared and is shown in Figure
Their correlation level was between 98.3 to 99.8 %
(Table 5).
Correlation between
Among naturally occurring antioxidants, both water
soluble and lipid soluble antioxidants are present. The
major water soluble antioxidants are glutathione, α-
lipoic acid, ascorbic acid, polyphenols and bio-
flavanoids while lipid soluble antioxidants are vitamin
E, α-lipoic acid, co-enzymeQ10, polyphenols and bio-
Free radicals are generated in both aqueous and lipid
portions of intracellular and extracellular environments;
so it is crucial for the body to have a combination of
water soluble and lipid soluble antioxidants to acquire
the full range of protection. Some types of antioxidants
are synthesized by the body while others are obtained
from external sources like food, nutraceuticals 5.
Panchagavya is a unique preparation having both
water based (colloidal milk without fat portion, urine,
curd and dung) and fat based (ghee, milk with fat
particles) products. It is likely to provide both polar and
non-polar natural antioxidants.
The data of the antioxidant study revealed uncommon
activity limiting behavior. The probability of its higher
activity in low concentration at cellular level cannot be
ruled out but requires detail study.
Athavale et al., IJPSR, 2012; Vol. 3(8): 2543-2549 ISSN: 0975-8232
Available online on 2549
Since both water and lipid soluble antioxidants are
needed by the body for intra and extracellular clearance
of the oxidative stress and Panchagavya contains both
water based and lipid based products, it has advantage
as potential antioxidant.
The study indicates some basis for the practice of using
Panchagavya in cancer.
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How to cite this article:
Athavale A, Jirankalgikar N, Nariya P and De S Evaluation of In-
Vitro Antioxidant Activity of Panchagavya: A Traditional Ayurvedic
Preparation. Int J Pharm Sci Res 2012; Vol. 3(8): 2543-2549.
... Most of the antibiotic growth promoters act by modifying the intestinal flora of poultry, which are associated with poor health and decreased performance of birds (Bedford, 2000) [4] and has evoked efforts to find alternatives. Amount/availability of free radicals are controlled by systems called antioxidants which can reduce oxidation rate considerably and are synthesized in the body as well as supplied by dietary sources and nutraceuticals (Athavale et al., 2012) [2] . ...
... Most of the antibiotic growth promoters act by modifying the intestinal flora of poultry, which are associated with poor health and decreased performance of birds (Bedford, 2000) [4] and has evoked efforts to find alternatives. Amount/availability of free radicals are controlled by systems called antioxidants which can reduce oxidation rate considerably and are synthesized in the body as well as supplied by dietary sources and nutraceuticals (Athavale et al., 2012) [2] . ...
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A study was conducted to compare the efficacy of native and crossbreed cow urine distillate (CUD) on performance of broilers during hot summer (May-June) using day old broiler chicks (n = 80) with twenty birds in each group. Control group T-1 was given drinking water without cow urine distillate, while groups T-2, T-3 and T-4 were provided drinking water mixed with cow urine distillate of Ongole, Sahiwal and Holstein Friesian (H.F) crossbred, respectively @10ml/liter. Higher feed intake, body weights, body weight gain and lower feed conversion ratio was observed in groups given native breed cow urine distillate (T-2 and T-3) followed by T-4 (H.F crossbreed cow urine distillate) and T1(Control). Overall, oxidative stress was decreased and antioxidant status was improved in group T-2 followed by groups T-3, T-4 and T-1. A 25% reduction of malondialdehyde (MDA) concentration in hemolysate on 42nd day in cow urine distillate treated groups was noted. Significantly higher superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity was observed on 42nd day in groups T-2 and T-3 (0.47 and 0.39 U/mg protein) compared to T-1 and T-4 (0.26 and 0.29 U/mg protein). The results of the experiment concluded that supplementation of cow urine distillate from Ongole and Sahiwal breed of cows was more efficient in reducing the oxidative stress and giving higher antioxidant effect compared to Holstein Friesian crossbred
... The principle of this method is to measure the scavenging of free radicals in a DPPH solution, which changes colour from violet to yellow in the presence of antioxidant compounds. This method was used by Takao in 1994 and by several authors [23][24][25][26][27][28] . ...
... Despite the observation of an equilibrium plateau after fifteen minutes following mixing of the extracts with the DPPH solution, we waited 30 minutes, as described in the work of other authors, to measure the absorbance and determine the inhibition percentages of our dilutions (Table 3) [25][26][27][28] . This table shows six (6) regression lines from the DPPH inhibition curves for macerated, decocted and hydromethanolic extracts of Alstonia boonei De Wild leaves and bark. ...
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Oxidative stress is one of the precursors of a number of diseases. It can be eliminated by an external supply of antioxidants, which are sometimes difficult to obtain. We assessed the antioxidant power of extracts of Alstonia boonei De Wild using the DPPH method, and determined and characterised the phenolic compounds using UV/visible spectrophotometry and TLC. The aqueous and hydromethanolic extracts of the plant contain polyphenols with contents varying from 1163.87±5.12 to 2577.50±7.06 mg GAE/100 g DM, flavonoids: 142.72±8.19 to 1472.10±5.34 mg QE/100 g DM, condensed tannins: 4.507±0.041 to 161.963±0.35 mg CE/100 g DM and hydrolysable tannins: 22.07±1.60 to 305.95±0.91 mg GAE/100 g DM. TLC yielded compounds that could be flavonoid glycosides and proanthocyanidins. The antioxidant activity of these extracts gave 50% CIs ranging from 7.53 to 19.15 µg/mL. Extracts of the leaves and bark of Alstonia boonei De Wild are rich in phenolic compounds and have good antioxidant activity.
... The dose-dependent scavenging activity of both the extractwas observed and illustrated in Figure: 2. The previous study done by Lavania et al. [33] reported the free radical scavenging capacityof cow urine. Further, Panchgavya (Ayurvedic formulation) that contains cow urine as one of the essential ingredients showed 14.42 % scavenging at 200 µg concentration [34]. ...
The uses of plant and animal-derived products as medicines have long record to treat and manage different types of diseases. The combination of Camellia sinensis (C. Sinensis) and cow urine is never been investigated in regards to its sun protection factor (SPF), antioxidant and antibiofilm activities. The combined activity of both extracts showed potent photoprotective activity (SPF value 33.75±0.25), and antioxidant activity with free radical inhibition was 73.94%. Natural products can avertible oxidative stress and act as antioxidants that are used as potent sunscreen. According to the Congo red assay, Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, and Listeria monocytogenes displayed robust biofilm formation capabilities, while Salmonella typhi, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Staphylococcus aureus exhibited moderate biofilm formation tendencies. Candida albicans, on the other hand, showed a weak tendency for biofilm production. The combined extract demonstrated significant antibiofilm effects, particularly potent against Listeria monocytogenes (96.28%), followed by Klebsiella pneumoniae (79.62%) and Escherichia coli (76.91%). It is concluded that combined formulation could be used as an alternative remedy against to biofilm formation to avoid the various adverse effects of synthetic drugs.
... The data of the free radicals scavenging activity of PG reveals that the PG act as an excellent antioxidant. Athavale et al. (2012) evaluated the free radicals scavenging activity of PG and the results of the DPPH assay and superoxide assay were agreed with our findings. Previous studies confirmed that cow urine and cow dung alone have free radical scavenging activity (Jarald et al., 2008;Jirankalgikar et al., 2014), when it is used in a combination it exhibits an exceptional free radical scavenging activity. ...
Objectives: The current study looks towards reporting the chemical compounds present in the panchagavya (PG), free radicals scavenging and mosquitocidal activity of PG in the laboratory condition. Methods: The existence of chemical compounds in the PG were studied by GC–MS analysis. Free radicals scavenging activity of PG was studied by using various invitro assays. Mosquitocidal efficacy of PG was studied by the experiment on larvicidal, pupicidal, adulticidal, fecundity, longevity, and ovicidal activity against An. stephensi, Ae. aegypti and Cx. quinquefasciatus. Results: GC–MS analysis revealed fifteen chemical compounds present in the PG. Free radical scavenging was done by 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl, 2,20 -azino-bis (3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulphonic acid), hydroxyl, and superoxide assays, and the IC50 was calculated as 37, 37.5, 35, and 38 lg/mL respectively. PG exhibited better larvae and pupae mortality against I-IV instar of Cx. quinquefasciatus (LC50: 148.765, 162.534, 187.619, 210.835 and 234.624 ppm, LC90: 286.636, 306.390, 350.276, 390.735 and 419.195 ppm). The highest adult mortality was found against An. stephensi (91.10 ± 1.74%) with the IC50 and IC90 values of 128.114 and 260.609 ppm. An. stephensi showed highly decreased fecundity and longevity even at a low concentration of PG. Inhibition of 100% egg hatchability of An. stephensi was obtained at 250 ppm followed by Ae. aegypti, and Cx. quinquefasciatus at 300 ppm respectively. On comparing with other mosquito vectors An. stephensi was effectively inhibited by PG at each stage of their life cycle. Conclusion: The results provide the first proof that PG could be a successful natural agent for controlling different mosquito vectors. Furthermore, our findings pave the way for more research into the efficacy of natural materials’ mosquitocidal activities.
... A unique preparation of Panchagavya is by both water (milk, urine, curd, dung, tender coconut water) and fat (ghee, milk with fat) products (Boomiraj and Christopher 2007) where polar and non-polar natural antioxidants are possibly produced by panchagavya that are essential for intracellular and intercellular parts of leaves in scavenging oxidative stress of elevated ozone. Furthermore, Panchagavya has antioxidant potential to the experiment conducted by Athavale et al. 2012 with total phenols, FRAP and DPPH assays. Panchagavya and neem oil were studied as ozone protectants in cauliflower (Sethupathi et al. 2018) and different plants and tree species of the shola forest (Murugaragavan 2018). ...
An experimental study was conducted to assess the detrimental effect of ground-level ozone (O3) on garlic physiology and to find out appropriate control measures against ground-level O3, at TNAU-Horticultural Research farm, Udhagamandalam. Elevated ground ozone levels significantly decreased garlic leaf chlorophyll, photosynthetic rate, stomatal conductance, total soluble solids and pungency. The garlic chlorophyll content was highest in ambient ozone level and lowest in elevated ozone@200 ppb, highest stomatal conductance was recorded in ambient ozone with foliar spray of 3%Panchagavya, and the lowest was observed in elevated ozone@200 ppb. Since the elevated O3 had reduced in garlic photosynthetic rate significantly the lowest was observed in elevated O3@200 ppb and the highest photosynthetic rate was observed in ambient Ozone with foliar spray 3% of panchagavya after a week. The antioxidant enzymes of garlic were increased with increased concentration of tropospheric ozone. The highest catalase (60.97 µg of H2O2/g of leaf) and peroxidase (9.13 ΔA/min/g of leaf) concentration was observed at 200 ppb elevated ozone level. Garlic pungency content was highest in ambient ozone with foliar spray of 0.1% ascorbic acid and the lowest was observed under elevated O3@200 ppb. Highest total soluble solids were observed in ambient ozone with foliar spray of 3%Panchagavya and the lowest observed in elevated ozone@200 ppb. Thus, tropospheric ozone has a detrimental impact on the physiology of crops, which reduced crop growth and yield. Under elevated O3 levels, ascorbic acid performed well followed by panchagavya and neem oil. The antioxidant such as catalase and peroxidase had positive correlation among themselves and had negative correlation with chlorophyll content, stomatal conductance, photosynthetic rate, pungency and TSS. The photosynthetic rate has high positive correlation with chlorophyll content, pungency and TSS. Correlation analysis confirmed the negative effects of tropospheric ozone and garlic gas exchange parameters and clove quality. The ozone protectants will reduce stomatal opening by which the entry of O3 in to the cell will be restricted and other hand they also will alleviate ROS and allied stresses.
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Kidney diseases are a major problem of worldwide proportions, and renal damage is very common since kidney has the capacity to excrete toxic substances. This study aimed to evaluate the protective effect of the extract of Coccinia indica against gentamicin induced nephrotoxicity in rats. Nephroprotective activity was estimated by inducing gentamicin (40mg/kg) to all the groups of animals; acute kidney dysfunction is an evidenced by significant elevation of serum creatinine and decreased body weight with multiple histological damages. Treatment with the Coccinia indica has shown dose-dependent improvement in the body weight at the dose of 100 and 200 mg/kg and also shown significant improvement by protecting the kidney from the oxidative stress. It is also identified that treatment with Coccinia indica significantly lowered the level of serum creatinine when compared with the toxic group. Nephroprotective activity of Coccinia indica treatment was found compared with the standard group (200 mg/kg silymarin) and control group against the toxic control group animals in parameters including serum creatinine, urine volume and body weights. The histopathological studies were also evinced the protective effect of Coccinia indica.
India is primarily an agricultural country where roughly 60% of the population depends on agriculture and related industries like animal husbandry for a living. Livestock, poultry, and other related industries like apiculture (beekeeping), pisciculture (Fish farming), etc., are all examples of animal husbandry activities. Due to artificial breeding, cattle now serve a variety of tasks and purposes. Several breeds have evolved to suit the diverse situations in human households. However, the waste produced by the rearing of these livestock is substantial. Our nation produces many lakh tons of agricultural waste annually, including leftovers from harvesting plants and crops and dung and urine of cattle and fowl. The demand for animal products also expanded due to fast population expansion, urbanization, rising per capita income, and shifting lifestyles, making it necessary to regulate animal waste. Effective use of this underutilized waste can generate significant cash for farmers, doubling their income and the national economy's wealth. Different methods to exploit animal waste are: using manure are fertilizers, production of biogas, bio-oil generation, fabrication of panchagavya, algal cultivation, manufacturing of value-added products like dried manure solid (DMS) for cattle bedding, cosmetic products from bee wastes, snail derivatives and land animal derivatives.
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Endophytic fungi residing within plants have gained significant attention due to their potential for producing bioactive compounds and their influence on plant health. The present study is focused on the isolation, identification and biological potential of endophytic fungi from the leaves of Murraya koenigii and Aegle marmelos. Both tropical plants are known for its culinary and medicinal properties. Leaf samples were collected from healthy plants, and the endophytic fungi were isolated using standard techniques. Four endophytic fungal isolates were obtained from the Murraya koenigii leaves and Aegle marmelos leaves each. The identified endophytic fungi from curry leaves belonged to various genera, including Daldinia, Colletotrichum, Hypoxylon, and Xylaria. Alternaria. Aspergillus and Fusarium species were isolated and identified from Bael leaves. The fungal extracts were the evaluated for antimicrobial properties against a variety of bacteria and fungi. The extracts were also assessed for their radical scavenging capacity which contributes directly to its antioxidant activity using the DPPH method. This study has shed valuable light on the potential of endophytic fungi as antimicrobial and antioxidants.
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The present research work was carried out to study the antioxidant potential of methanolic extract of Jawarish amla using various in vitro tests including Reducing power assay, Superoxide anion scavenging activity assay, Hydroxyl radical scavenging activity assay, Nitric oxide scavenging activity assay, DPPH free radical scavenging assay, and hydrogen peroxide method. These various antioxidant activities were compared to standard ascorbic acid. Preliminary phytochemical screening revealed that the extract of jawarish amla possesses flavonoids, steroids and phenolic compounds. In this study, quantitative determinations of flavonoids and phenols were conducted by colorimetric methods, using aluminum chloride method and Folin Ciocalteu reagent respectively. The results indicated that methanolic extract of Jawarish amla possess antioxidant property.
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Molyneux, P. The use of the stable free radical diphenylpicrylhydrazyl (DPPH) for estimating antioxidant activity
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Background: Many species of the genus Centaurea have been reported to be used in Anatolian folk medicine. In the present study, methanolic and aqueous extracts of three species of Centaurea L. (C. calcitrapa subsp. calcitrapa, C. ptosimopappa and C. spicata) have been assessed for antioxidant and cytotoxic activities. Materials and Methods: Antioxidant activity was investigated by DPPH and superoxide anion scavenging and anti-lipid peroxidation assays. Cytotoxic effect on HeLa and Vero cells were investigated by MTT assay. Results: Superoxide anion scavenging activities of aqueous extracts were higher than those of methanolic extracts, and the highest activity was detected in the aqueous extracts of C. calcitrapa subsp. calcitrapa with the IC50 value of 25.91 μg/mL. The methanolic extract of C. ptosimopappa showed the strongest anti-lipid peroxidation activity. Total phenolic contents (mg gallic acid equivalent per gram) were ranged between 17.25 and 120.50 and the highest value was detected in aqueous extract of C. ptosimopappa. The highest cytotoxic activity was observed in the methanolic extract of C. calcitrapa subsp. calcitrapa on both cell lines with the IC50 values of <100 μg/mL. Conclusions: According to the results of activity tests, the selected Centaurea species, especially C. calcitrapa subsp. calcitrapa can be regarded as a potential source of natural antioxidants in the prevention and treatment of diseases in which oxidants or free radicals are implicated.
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In photosynthetic tissues superoxide dismutase (SOD) plays an important role by scavenging the superoxide radical whose production is an usual reaction in chloroplast thylakoids. To test the differential response of SOD, two Andean potato species differing in frost resistance, Solanum curtilobum (frost resistant) and Solanum tuberosum (frost sensitive), were subjected to methyl viologen-mediated oxidative stress and polyethylene glycol (PEG)-induced water stress. A significant increment (approximately two-fold) in total SOD and FeSOD activity, which occupied about 50% of the total activity, was found when leaves of S. curtilobum were exposed to water stress. In contrast, the SOD activity in leaves of S. tuberosum remained unchanged. The exposure of leaves of S. curtilobum to oxidative stress increased total SOD and FeSOD activity by 350%. High correlation between SOD activity and the Fv/Fm ratio under both PEG induced water stress and MV-mediated oxidative stress was observed. This suggests that SOD can protect PSII from superoxide generated by oxidative and water stress. The higher SOD activity could be an important mechanism to explain why some natives Andean potato like S. curtilobum are more resistant to abiotic stresses than S. tuberosum.
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Leaves of Tephrosia purpurea Linn (sarpankh), belonging to the family Leguminosae being used for the treatment of jaundice and claimed to be effective in many other diseases. The present research work wasunder taken to investigate the in-vitro antioxidant activity of aqueous and ethanolic extracts. Method The therapeutic effects of tannins and flavonoids can be largely attributed to their antioxidant properties. So that the quantitative determinations were undertaken. All the methods are based on UV-Spectrophotometric determination.
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The antioxidant activities of the methanol extracts from the wood and pericarp of Caesalpinia decapetala (Roth) Alston (Caesalpiniaceae) were assessed in efforts to validate the herb. The antioxidant activity of the plant has been studied using its ability to scavenger DPPH, superoxide radicals, and nitric oxide radical along with its ability to inhibit lipid peroxidation. The antioxidant activity and phenolic content of the pericarp as determined by the DPPH, superoxide radical, nitric oxide radical, total phenols, the flavonoids, and total flavonols were higher than that of the wood. Analysis of plant extracts revealed a high amount of polyphenols and flavonoids suggesting a possible role of these phytoconstituents in the antioxidant property. Moreover, the results were observed in a concentration and dose dependent manner. Studies clearly indicate that the C. decapetala has significant antioxidant activity.
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The sesquiterpenoids are one of major groups of antioxidants in Curcuma besides curcuminoids. However, the real substances contributing to the antioxidant activity are still unknown. In this paper, the antioxidant activity of sesquiterpenoids in four species and two essential oils from Curcuma genus was determined and compared based on TLC separation and DPPH bioautography assay. Their antioxidant capacities were quantitatively evaluated using densitometry with detection at 530 nm (λ(reference )= 800 nm) using vitamin C as reference. The results showed that Curcuma longa rhizomes had the highest antioxidant capacity while C. phaeocaulis presented the lowest one among the four species of Curcuma. Moreover, essential oil of C. wenyujin showed higher antioxidant potential than that of C. longa. The main TLC bands with antioxidant activity of the four species of Curcuma were collected and characterized using GC-MS, and thus curzerene, furanodiene, α-turmerone, β-turmerone and β-sesquiphellandrene were determined as major sesquiterpenoids with antioxidant activity in Curcuma.
The aim of this work was to estimate the total phenolic and flavonoid content, and to evaluate in-vitro antioxidant activity of ethanolic seeds extract of Abrus Precatorius (ASEt). The raw, dry seeds powder was extracted with 99.9% of ethanol. Phytochemical test shows that extract contains higher level of total phenol and flavonoids. Total phenolic compound in ethanolic seeds extract of Abrus precatorius was found to be 95 mg/g of extract calculated as gallic acid equivalent (r 2=0.9976) and total flavonoids compound was found to be 21 mg/g of extract calculated as rutin equivalent (r 2=0.9985). The extract was screened for its potential antioxidant activities using tests such as hydroxyl radical-scavenging activity, reducing power activity, and hydrogen peroxide-scavenging activity. The in-vitro antioxidant assay showed ASEt posses potent antioxidant activity when compared with reference compound butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT). ASEt could be useful for preparation of neutraceuticals as potent antioxidant to treat various human diseases and its complications.
Reactive oxygen and nitrogen free radicals are produced during immune activity, and are triggered by several environmental factors such as pollution, smoke, and sunlight. Harmful effects of these reactive species include cellular damage to RNA, DNA, proteins and lipids. In humans several diseases including those connected with the heart, lung, and the eye are associated with the accumulation of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species (ROS/RNS). Antioxidants in blood, cells, and tissue fluids play an important role in neutralizing the normal level of oxidative damage caused by these free radicals. In an effort to minimize the impact of environmental pollution on humans, identification of natural product antioxidants has become a realistic and powerful tool in the dietary and natural products industry. 248 essential oils belonging to 18 botanical families of medicinal, herbal and wild flora as well as 2 mammalian essential oils were evaluated for their antioxidant and ROS/RNS radical scavenging activities using high performance thin layer chromatography/bioautography (HPTLC) and the DPPH (2,2-diphenyl-picrylhydrazyl) assay. Seven percent of the tested essential oils were found to have very high antioxidant activity; these were further fractionated by HPTLC and their chemical composition was identified using gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. The majority of the active samples showed no more than one or two spots in their TLC indicating that antioxidant activity is only associated with certain type of chemicals. Identified active compounds were found to be oxygenated monoterpenoids, monoterpene hydrocarbons as well as monoterpene phenols.