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An integrative taxonomic approach to the identification of three new New Zealand endemic earthworm species (Acanthodrilidae, Octochaetidae: Oligochaeta)


Abstract and Figures

This work adds three new species to the ca. 200 currently known from New Zealand. In Acanthodrilidae is Maoridrilus felix and in Octochaetidae are Deinodrilus gorgon and Octochaetus kenleei. All three are endemics that often have restrict-ed ranges; however, little is yet known of their distribution, ecology nor conservation status. DNA barcoding was conduct-ed, which is the first time that New Zealand endemic holotypes have been so characterized. The barcoding region COI (cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1) as well as the 16S rDNA region were sequenced using tissue from the holotype specimen to provide indisputable uniqueness of the species. These DNA sequences are publically available on GenBank to allow accurate cross checking to verify the identification of other specimens or even to identify specimens on the basis of their DNA sequences alone. Based on their 16S rDNA sequences, the position of the three newly described species in the phy-logeny of New Zealand earthworms was discussed. The description of new species using this approach is encouraged, to provide a user-friendly identification tool for ecologists studying diverse endemic faunas of poorly known earthworm species.
Content may be subject to copyright.
Accepted by B. Sket: 28 Jun. 2011; published: 12 Aug. 2011
ISSN 1175-5326 (print edition)
ISSN 1175-5334 (online edition)
Copyright © 2011 · Magnolia Press
Zootaxa 2994: 2132 (2011)
An integrative taxonomic approach to the identification of
three new New Zealand endemic earthworm species
(Acanthodrilidae, Octochaetidae: Oligochaeta)
1Bio-Protection Research Centre, Lincoln University, New Zealand
2National Museum of Science and Nature in Tokyo, Japan
3Corresponding author. E-mail:
This work adds three new species to the ca. 200 currently known from New Zealand. In Acanthodrilidae is Maoridrilus
felix and in Octochaetidae are Deinodrilus gorgon and Octochaetus kenleei. All three are endemics that often have restrict-
ed ranges; however, little is yet known of their distribution, ecology nor conservation status. DNA barcoding was conduct-
ed, which is the first time that New Zealand endemic holotypes have been so characterized. The barcoding region COI
(cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1) as well as the 16S rDNA region were sequenced using tissue from the holotype specimen
to provide indisputable uniqueness of the species. These DNA sequences are publically available on GenBank to allow
accurate cross checking to verify the identification of other specimens or even to identify specimens on the basis of their
DNA sequences alone. Based on their 16S rDNA sequences, the position of the three newly described species in the phy-
logeny of New Zealand earthworms was discussed.
The description of new species using this approach is encouraged, to provide a user-friendly identification tool for
ecologists studying diverse endemic faunas of poorly known earthworm species.
Key words: Morphological description, DNA barcoding, phylogeny, COI, 16S rDNA
The definitive study of New Zealand earthworms by Ken Lee (1959) was updated and checklisted by Blakemore
(2004, 2006) as modified by Blakemore in Lee et al., (2000). While the enduring work by Lee (1959) listed
approximately 193 species, the current list has about 200 taxa with natives now given separate family status in
either Acanthodrilidae, Octochaetidae or Megascolecidae sensu Blakemore (2000).
Because of this high diversity, ecological studies focusing on New Zealand earthworms require the expertise of
a taxonomist for accurate identification of the species. Indeed, earthworm taxonomy is based on complexe and
variable morphological diagnostic characters, which require a high level of expertise (Pop et al., 2007).
Modern molecular-based species identification is a promising way for researchers with basic molecular knowl-
edge to identify earthworm species using barcoding regions of the genome (Pop et al., 2007). However, this
requires a comprehensive database of earthworm DNA sequences. More than 6,000 species of earthworm have
been named to date and this figure is continuously growing as illustrated in the current study. At the same time, the
Genbank database ( contains barcoding sequences (COI) for only earth-
worm 600 taxa (i.e., 10% of the species), and for most of these (~400) the DNA description is not associated with
any morphological taxonomic description and no valid species name is provided.
Although thousands of described species are still requiring DNA barcoding, molecular ecologists are releasing
many barcoding sequences for new undescribed species, with little or no taxonomic support. Because of this imbal-
ance between the taxonomically described species and the ‘DNA barcoded’ species, earthworm DNA barcoding
can rarely be used for its original purpose: identifying species (Hebert et al., 2003). In ecological studies it is often
22 · Zootaxa 2994 © 2011 Magnolia Press
restricted to the determination of species richness in particular areas (e.g., Boyer & Wratten, 2010b), or the so-
called discovery of cryptic species (e.g., King et al., 2008 cf. Blakemore et al., 2010). However, this does not pro-
vide species names, so interpretation and comparison to other ecological studies is difficult.
This paper aims at combining morphological description and DNA barcoding techniques to achieve a better
taxonomic description of earthworm species. Such approach, using multiple and complementary perspectives to
delimit the units of life’s diversity is known as integrative taxonomy (Dayrat 2004). The adoption of integrative
taxonomy will allow ecologists to identify earthworm species with standard molecular techniques. Because DNA
analyses are directly conducted on the type specimen, this integrative approach also circumvents the release of spe-
cies DNA codes originating from mis-identified non-type specimens (Blakemore et al., 2010). In addition, by
inferring evolutionary history from DNA sequences, one can confirm that the taxonomical diagnostic on a new spe-
cies matches with its position in the phylogeny.
Classification follows Blakemore (2000); nomenclature follows ICZN (1999). In addition to the barcoding
region of COI, molecular analyses were also conducted on the 16S rDNA region, which has complementary taxo-
nomic value at genus and species level for earthworms (Pop et al., 2003). These two markers have been often used
in earthworm molecular ecology, protocols are easily accessible in the literature (e.g., Pop et al., 2003; Chang and
Chen, 2005; Huang et al., 2007; Pop et al., 2007; Chang et al., 2008; Blakemore et al., 2010; Boyer and Wratten
2010b). The 16S rDNA region was also chosen by Buckley et al. (2011) in their recent phylogenetic analysis of
New Zealand endemic earthworms. Because this study provides the only comprehensive dataset of DNA sequences
for New Zealand earthworms, it was necessary to use the same molecular marker to permit phylogenetic analysis of
the specimens described here.
Material and methods
Earthworms were collected by excavation and hand sorting of soil samples (20×20 ×20 cm) from the tussock grass-
land of ‘Happy Valley’ in the Upper Waimangaroa Valley, Buller Region, West Coast, New Zealand), on the ‘foot-
print’ of the proposed Cypress coal mine. Specimens were sketched, dissected and described under low power
microscope using the techniques and conventions noted in Blakemore (2002, 2008). Small tissue samples (muscu-
lar body wall) were taken from behind the clitellar region and placed in 98% ethanol for molecular analyses.
Genomic DNA was extracted using the DNeasy® Tissue Isolation Kit from Qiagen. Universal invertebrate 16S
mitochondrial DNA primers (LR-J-12887 and LR-N-13398, Simon et al. 1994) were used to amplify a ~500 base
pair fragment of DNA. Universal invertebrate COI mitochondrial DNA primers (LC01490 and HC02198, Folmer
et al. 1994) were used to amplify a ~650 base pair fragment of DNA.
The 25µl polymerase chain reaction (PCR) contained 5µl Qiagen Q solution, 2.5µl 10X buffer (Invitrogen),
2.5µl dNTPs [2.5mM], 1µl MgCl2 [25mM], 1µl Bovine Serum Albumin [10mg/ml], 0.5µl forward and 0.5µl
reverse primers [10µM], 0.3µl Invitrogen Taq DNA polymerase [5unit/µl], 1µl DNA template and 10.7µl nanopure
water. The thermocycler protocol consisted of an initial denaturation at 95°C (4 min), 35 cycles of denaturation at
94°C (1 m) annealation at 51°C (1 m) and elongation at 72°C (1.5 m), followed by a final elongation at 72°C (10
min). PCR products were purified (Qiagen Qiaquick© PCR purification kit), and sequenced using Big Dye Termi-
nator Cycle Sequencing Kit according to the manufacturers’ protocol (Applied Biosystems, CA, USA). DNA
sequences were submitted to the GenBank database (see accession numbers in results).
The 16S rDNA sequences obtained for the three newly described species were compared to similar sequences
obtained by Buckley et al. (2011). One representative for each major clade of New Zealand endemic earthworms
was included in the analysis (see Buckley et al. 2011). The evolutionary history was inferred using the Neighbor-
Joining method (Saitou & Mei 1987). The evolutionary distances were computed using the Maximum Composite
Likelihood method (Tamura et al. 2004) and are in the units of the number of base substitutions per site. Phyloge-
netic analyses were conducted in MEGA4 (Tamura et al. 2007).
Zootaxa 2994 © 2011 Magnolia Press · 23
Acanthodrilidae Claus, 1880
Maoridrilus felix Blakemore sp. nov.
Material examined. Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa W.002908 (Holotype). From the tussock grass-
land of ‘Happy Valley’ (Upper Waimangaroa Valley, Buller Region, West Coast, New Zealand). Collected by S.
Boyer, 2010. Mature, complete, fixed in ethanol 98% and placed in propylene glycol.
Etymology. Adjectival Latin for “Happy”, after the location name.
External characters. Body circular in anterior, squaring off in mid-body and dorsally canaliculate in the pos-
terior 50 or so segments. Pigment dark, especially dorsum chocolate brown with darker mid-dorsal stripe. Length
170 mm with 199 segments. Prostomium tanylobous. Setae lumbricine. Clitellum faintly marked 15-19,½20. Dor-
sal pores wanting. Nephropores, after the first few segments, alternate regularly between c and b lines with anterior
segmental distributions: 3–7c, 8 c or b, 9–10c, 11b, 12c, 13b, etc. Spermathecal pores in mid-ab lines in 7/8 and 8/
9. Female pores faint, just anterior to b setae on 14. Prostatic pores approximately in a lines on 17 and 19 with pro-
tuberant penial setae. Male pores not located within concave seminal grooves, although likely central between
retained ab setae. Genital markings absent, but setae ab on 16 with slight pale tumescence as on 20lhs. Genital
setae absent; penial setae longish, curving with spoon-shaped tips [one of their functions, if not primary function, is
to scrape out or disrupt any prior semen from spermathecal diverticula that often correspond in depth to the setal
length (see Blakemore 2000)].
Internal morphology. Pharyngeal mass anterior to 4/5. Septa mostly thin and translucent. Proventriculus wide
and S-shaped in 5. Gizzard muscular in 6. Dorsal blood vessel single thoughout. Heart paired in 10–13. Nephridia
holoic with long, sausage-shaped vesicles. Spermathecae in 8 and 9 each with a multiloculate diverticulum (insem-
inated) transcending anterior septum. Testes free, posterio-ventrally in 10 and 11. Seminal vesicles saccular, ante-
rio-dorsally in 11 and 12. Ovaries compact sheets in 13 with large oviducts; ovisacs not found. Prostates tubular in
17 and 19 exiting through muscular ducts with ectal penial setal sheathes and tendons. Vasa deferentia seen to 18.
Oesophagus dilated in 11–15 with blood vessels attaching dorsally but not saccular and not construed as calciferous
glands. Intestinal origin in 18. Typhlosole not detected to about 26. Gut contains colloidal organic matter.
Ecology: Lack of dorsal pores is more usually associated with a semi-aquatic habitat. Unidentified nematodes
were found near the prostates (cf. Yeates et al., 1985). Specimen was found under 10 to 20 cm of soil. Dark colou-
ration on the dorsum suggests at least partial surface exposure on topsoil, gut content suggests topsoil geophagy.
This species is likely to be anecic.
Remarks. Quintessentially Maoridrilus due to its alternating nephridiopores, this species appears unique in its
lack of dorsal pores (although more information is needed on several other congeners), gizzard in 6, lack of
oesophageal glands, and genital marking absence. Multiloculate spermathecae appear characteristic of the genus
and in the current species their form is almost identical to Maoridrilus thomsoni Benham, 1919: fig. 4 from
D’Urville Island in Cook Strait. Lee (1959) held this species, along with similar M. intermedius Michaelsen, 1923
and M. mauiensis Benham, 1904, as incertae sedis because original descriptions were inadequate. Permanence of
the name M. felix depends on redescription of M. thomsoni, however, the manifestly larger penial setae and lack of
oesophageal glands in 14–16 seem to separate the current species. Maoridrilus nelsoni Lee, 1959 differs in its pro-
static pores in b lines, and its prominent tuberculae pubertatis ventrally on segments 10 and 16. Maoridrilus uligi-
nosus (Hutton, 1877) differs, not least, in its paired dorsal blood vessel.
DNA sequences
COI, GenBank accession number HQ529282 (submitted 01 November 2010)
24 · Zootaxa 2994 © 2011 Magnolia Press
16S, GenBank accession number HQ529285 (submitted 01 November 2010)
Octochaetidae Michaelsen, 1900 sensu Blakemore, 2000
Deinodrilus gorgon Blakemore sp. nov.
Material examined. Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa W.002909 (Holotype). From the tussock grass-
land of “Happy Valley” (Upper Waimangaroa Valley, Buller Region, West Coast, New Zealand). Collected by S.
Boyer, 2010. Mature, posterior amputee, fixed in ethanol 98% and placed in propylene glycol.
Etymology. Noun alluding to Greek mythical monsters with sharp fangs, staring eyes and, similar perhaps to
the ring of diverticula on each spermatheca – a belt of serpents.
External characters. Body circular in anterior. Pigment dark, especially dorsum with paler setal auriolae; cli-
tellum and male field white. Length 55+ mm with 73+ segments (amputee). Prostomium tanylobous. Setae per-
ichaetine, 12 per segment, evenly spaced. Clitellum pale, tumid 13–16. Dorsal pores from 10/11. Nephropores
not found. Spermathecal pores in b lines in 7/8 and 8/9, small but gaping. Female pores anterio-ventral to a setae on
14 in common field. Prostatic pores at b on 17 and 19. Male pores within concave seminal grooves lateral to b.
Genital markings as large eye-shaped papillae paired on 10; with smaller markings on 13rhs, 16 rhs and two addi-
tional pairs on 18 as figured. Genital and penial setae not found.
Internal morphology. Pharyngeal mass anterior to 4/5. Septa 8/9–10/11 with some thickening. Gizzard mus-
cular in 6 (weak septum 6/7 can be carefully teased off to base). Dorsal blood vessel doubled. Heart paired in 10–
13. Nephridia meroic; equatorial forests especially obvious around clitellar segments. Spermathecae in 8 and 9
each with a thin duct to multiple, finger-like diverticula, five per spermatheca (inseminated) surrounding duct from
where it thickens before reaching yellowish, knob-like ampulla. Testes free, posterio-ventrally in 10 and 11. Semi-
nal vesicles small saccular in 9 (vestigial?) and larger racemose anterio-dorsally in 11 and 12. Ovaries fan-shaped
in 13 with several strings of largish eggs; ovisacs vestigial in 14. Prostates compacted tubular in 17 and 19 exiting
through muscular ducts. Vasa deferentia seen to exit unceremoniously in 18. Oesophagus dilated in 15–17 but lack-
ing internal lamellae and thus not construed as calciferous glands. Intestinal origin in 18. Typhlosole thin, lamellar
becoming deeper from 19. Gut contains colloidal soil and organic matter.
Ecology. Specimen was found under 10 to 20 cm of soil. Dark colouration suggests at least partial surface
exposure on topsoil, gut content suggests topsoil geophagy. This species is likely to be anecic.
Remarks. Of the eight currently known Deinodrilus species, only two have tanylobous prostomia: D. gracilis
Ude, 1905 from Stephen Island and D. parvus Lee, 1959 from Mangamuku Range. Both also have 5 or 6 spermath-
ecal diverticula however, D. gracilis has copulatory setae, oesophageal glands and intestine from 19; while D. par-
vus has a saddle-shaped clitellum in 12–16, and all its reproductive pores are in a or ab. Further, their gizzards are
in 6–7 and 5, respectively, rather than single in 6 as in the current species. D. montanus Lee, 1959 from Rimutaka
Range is similar to D. parvus and differs for similar reasons. The current species appears unique in the distribution
of its eye-like genital markings that are especially noticeable on segment 10.
Zootaxa 2994 © 2011 Magnolia Press · 25
FIGURE 1. Maoridrilus felix Holotype showing dorsal view of prostomium and pygidium, and ventral view of body with sper-
mathecae and prostates in situ; nephridium of 6lhs is as seen from dorsal dissection; enlarged penial seta 19rhs.
26 · Zootaxa 2994 © 2011 Magnolia Press
FIGURE 2. Deinodrilus gorgon Holotype showing dorsal view of prostomium and ventral view of body with spermathecae
and prostates in situ; gizzard is in 6.
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DNA sequences:
COI, GenBank accession number HQ529284 (submitted 01 November 2010)
16S, GenBank accession number HQ529287 (submitted 01 November 2010)
Octochaetus kenleei Blakemore sp. nov.
Material examined. Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa W.002910 (Holotype). From the tussock grass-
land of “Happy Valley” (Upper Waimangaroa Valley, Buller Region, West Coast, New Zealand). Collected by S.
Boyer, 2010. Mature, complete, fixed in ethanol 98% and placed in propylene glycol.
Etymology. In patronymic tribute to the foremost earthworm eco-taxonomist of New Zealand, Dr Kenneth
Earnest Lee (1927–2007).
External characters. Body circular but posterior slightly square. Pigment lacking and generally fair. Length
220 mm with 270 segments. Prostomium prolobous. Setae lumbricine, 8 per segment, evenly spaced. Clitellum not
well marked, perhaps in some or all of 14–20. Dorsal pores from 14/15, small. Nephropores not clear, some possi-
bly in c and d lines or rather irregular. Spermathecal pores segmental, lateral to b lines on 8 and 9 on small mounds.
Female pores just anterior to setae a on 14. Prostatic pores at b on 17 and 19. Male pores within concave seminal
grooves lateral to b. Genital markings as small lens-shaped hollows paired in 8/9 and 9/10 near b lines and in 15/16
in a lines with a unilateral marking in 18/19lhs; area bb in 19/20–22/23 tumid. Genital and penial setae not found.
Internal morphology. Pharyngeal mass anterior to 4/5. Septa 8/9–10/11 with some thickening. Gizzards mus-
cular in 5 and 6. Dorsal blood vessel appears single on gizzards but is doubled from 7 posteriorly. Heart paired in
10–13. Nephridia meroic as a few (ca. 4 per side) small tufted clusters in each segment. Spermathecae in 8 and 9
saccular each with small discrete and interlocular diverticula (inseminated) ringing exit. Testes free, posterio-ven-
trally in 10 and 11. Seminal vesicles large finely racemose anterio-dorsally in 11 and 12. Ovaries composed of sev-
eral strings of largish eggs in 13; ovisacs absent. Prostates tubular in 17 and 19 exiting through narrow ducts. Vasa
deferentia exits in 18. Oesophagus dilated as annular calciferous gland in 17 with several internal lamellae but not
especially vascularized. Intestinal origin in 20 (valval in 19). Typhlosole large inverted T-shape developing from
21. Gut contains colloidal soil with a few quartz grits and woody fragments.
Ecology. Specimen was found under 10 to 20 cm of soil. Large size, pale colouration and gut contents suggest
subsoil geophagy. This species is likely to be endogeic.
Remarks. The current species is compared to Octochaetus thomasi Beddard, 1892, widespread in the Canter-
bury Plains, that is the only other congener known to have gizzards in 5–6. As with all other members, it has sper-
mathecal pores in 7/8/9 and on this character alone the current species is differentiated. Neodrilus
campestris(Hutton, 1877) from Dunedin has segmental spermathecal pores (on 8) but differs, not least, by qualify-
ing for inclusion in Acanthodrilidae due to its holoic nephridia.
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FIGURE 3. Octochaetus kenleei Holotype showing dorsal view of prostomium and pygidium, and ventral view of body with
spermathecae and prostates in situ; gizzards are in 5 and 6 and calciferous gland is in 17; enlarged 9rhs spermatheca shows
nephridia on either side.
Zootaxa 2994 © 2011 Magnolia Press · 29
DNA sequences
COI, GenBank accession number HQ529283 (submitted 01 November 2010)
16S, GenBank accession number HQ529286 (submitted 01 November 2010)
Taxonomical diagnostic for the three newly described species matches with the main clades in the phylogeny of
New Zealand earthworms. The phylogenetic tree in Fig. 4 was built using the DNA sequence of one specimen for
each of the main New Zealand clades (Buckley et al. 2011). Within the clades of interest, specimens that were most
closely related to the species described here were selected.
D. gorgon was very close to a specimen of D. montanus (~2% of difference on the 16S NJ tree). This specimen
of D. montanus was collected from the Denniston area, about 10km South-West from Happy Valley (Buckley et al.
2011). Important geographical and DNA proximity between D. gorgon and D. montanus could indicate a potential
synonymy. However, the fact that D. gorgon is tanylobous and the presence of eye-like genital markings on seg-
ment 10 are sufficient to consider it as a new species. Direct morphological comparison between these two speci-
mens and the holotype of D. montanus (Lee 1959) could help confirming these results.
Among the specimens sequenced by Buckley at al. (2011) the one closest to O. kenleei was Octhochaetus n.
sp., collected from the Okarito region (about 220 km South-West of Happy Valley). Genetic distance between those
two specimens was less than 2%. They are therefore likely to be the same species.
M. felix was genetically quite different to any of the species sequenced by Buckley et al. (2011). The specimen
that was closest to M. felix was M. parkeri, collected from the Chinamans Bluff (about 430 km South-West from
Happy Valley).
In this study, morphology-based taxonomy and molecular techniques were used to describe in a taxonomically inte-
grated way three new species of earthworms from the West Coast of New Zealand’s South Island. The barcoding
region COI and the 16S rDNA region were sequenced using tissue from the holotype specimens to provide indis-
putable uniqueness of the species. Morphological identification of new specimens can now be verified using the
DNA sequences publically available on GeneBank. In addition, when morphological identification cannot be used
(i.e., for juveniles, pieces of earthworms or environmental samples), species are still identifiable on the sole basis
of their DNA sequences. Further DNA analyses targeting different markers are also possible since type specimens
were all fixed in ethanol 98% and preserved in propylene glycol. This conforms to the ‘genetype’ concept sug-
gested by other authors (e.g., Tautz et al., 2003; Chackrabarty 2010).
30 · Zootaxa 2994 © 2011 Magnolia Press
FIGURE 4. Simplified phylogeny of New Zealand earthworms including the three newly described species M. felix, D. gorgon
and O. kenleei (NJ tree based on 16S rDNA). The 16S rDNA sequences obtained for the three newly described species were
compared to similar sequences obtained by Buckley et al. (2011). One representative for each major clade of New Zealand
endemic earthworms was included in the analysis (see Buckley et al. 2011). The tree is drawn to scale, with branch lengths in
the same units as those of the evolutionary distances used to infer the phylogenetic tree. The evolutionary distances were com-
puted using the Maximum Composite Likelihood method (Tamura et al. 2004) and are in the units of the number of base substi-
tutions per site. There were a total of 441 positions in the final dataset.
The DNA sequencing of holotypes helps the description of a new species by confirming that the taxonomical
diagnostic matches with its position in the phylogeny. In addition, potential incongruence and synonymies are eas-
ily detectable on a phylogenetic tree.
Earthworm taxonomists and ecologists are encouraged to use this procedure for future species description and
to apply DNA barcoding methods to type specimens of previously described species.
The generalization of this approach for earthworm species descriptions would provide a valuable tool for ecol-
ogists wanting rapidly to compare what they suspect to be undescribed species, new populations, or species in syn-
onymy. Also, such database could serve to resolve questions about the taxonomic identity of juvenile specimens
(Richard et al., 2010) or for identification of earthworm DNA in environmental samples (e.g., Boyer et al., unpub-
An integrative taxonomic description, combining morphological description, DNA barcoding and phylogeny is
particularly useful when working on highly diverse endemic faunas. These faunas are usually poorly known and
only a few internationally recognized taxonomists can identify them. Yet many endemic earthworm species, which
often represent high diversity (e.g., Blakemore, 2000; Chang et al., 2008), substantial biomass (e.g., Brockie and
Moeed, 1986), and have crucial roles in the functioning of native ecosystem (Boyer & Wratten 2010a), are likely to
be threatened with extinction.
In New Zealand, most endemic earthworm species have been rarely recorded or studied and only few speci-
mens have been found. Therefore, only three species are listed as New Zealand’s threatened invertebrates
(McGuinness, 2001) while 167 species are qualified as ‘data deficient’ (Hitchmough et al., 2005).
Some of the new species described here could be under threat as opencast coal mining is about to begin in
‘Happy Valley’. Their conservation may rely on the environmentally-driven habitat management and specific eco-
logical rehabilitation measures conducted by the mining company Solid Energy New Zealand Limited (Boyer et
al., unpublished). For other species in New Zealand, further studies such as those of Springett & Grey (1998) are
Zootaxa 2994 © 2011 Magnolia Press · 31
Collection and molecular analyses are by S. Boyer and S. Wratten. All taxonomic decisions and nomenclatural acts
are by R. Blakemore. This study was funded by Solid Energy New Zealand Limited as part of their work on mine
rehabilitation, the Department of Conservation as part of the Conservation Management Unit Fund and the Bio-
Protection Research Centre.
References (For brevity, not all earlier taxonomic citations are provided here).
Blakemore, R.J. (2000) Tasmanian Earthworms with Review of World Families. CD-ROM Monograph, VermEcology, Can-
berra, Australia.
Blakemore, R.J. (2002) Cosmopolitan Earthworms – an Eco-Taxonomic Guide to the Peregrine Species of the World. VermE-
cology, Kippax, ACT, Australia.
Blakemore, R.J. (2004) Checklist of New Zealand Earthworms updated from Lee (1959). In: Moreno, A.G., Borges, S. (Eds.)
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gochaeta : Megascolecidae) in Taiwan. Pedobiologia, 49, 591–600.
Chang, C.H., Lin, S.M. & Chen, J.H. (2008) Molecular systematics and phylogeography of the gigantic earthworms of the
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Hebert, P.D.N., Ratnasingham, S. & deWaard, J.R. (2003) Barcoding animal life: cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 divergences
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... An integrative framework allows systematists to treat species boundaries as hypotheses to be tested with different pieces of evidence -simultaneously and/or consecutively -to find agreement and correlation among different data sets. Such an approach is generally more robust for delimiting species than relying on one type of data only, and when data sets do not agree, discrepancies may help bring to light underlying biological or evolutionary processes (Schlick-Steiner et al. 2010 Ohlsen et al. 2015) and animals (Trewick 2008;Boyer et al. 2011). A further step towards increased integration includes using multivariate statistical analyses of morphological data that are analysed in conjunction with those of molecular and other data sets -from the same individuals, when possible -to revise species limits and taxonomy, including some examples from my own research (Meudt 2008;Meudt 2012;Meudt et al. 2013; see below for more details). ...
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Systematics is a synthetic science which focuses on species delimitation, taxonomy, classification, and phylogeny, with an additional aim of understanding underlying evolutionary and biogeographic patterns and processes. Systematic research has many downstream benefits including underpinning conservation management, biosecurity and health. In this short overview article, I will give a brief synopsis of integrative systematics, in which multiple data sets are used to robustly test species limits in a statistical framework, and illustrate why I think we need integrative systematics in New Zealand. I will then discuss examples from my own systematics research, especially on the flowering plant families Plantaginaceae (Ourisia, Plantago, Veronica) and Boraginaceae (Myosotis), as well as from other vascular plant systematics research being done by colleagues in New Zealand and elsewhere. Through these examples, I will show how using an integrative systematics approach to analysing morphological, molecular, cytological and other data sets can aid species delimitation and new species discovery, and allow inferences into questions regarding such diverse themes as diversification, variability and conservation of threatened species, polyploidy (whole genome duplication) and biogeography of New Zealand vascular plants. I will also argue that the future of systematics should not only be integrative, but also next-generation and collaborative, and that such forward-looking, cooperative research – and the institutional and governmental investment to support it – is essential for New Zealand.
... Molecular analysis utilizing fundamental computer program was effective in their identification and distinguishing them from other common species of wasps. Identification of many species based on COI and 16S rDNA has been reported previously (Boyer et al. 2011;Liu et al. 2011;Mc Donnell et al. 2011 . On the other hand, nuclear genes, are required for discrimination between species when two groups of organisms have diverged very recently, may share the same DNA barcode(s), but may not belong to the same species (e.g., Hebert et al. 2003b;Kaila and Ståhls 2006;Langhoff et al. 2009;Burns et al. 2010;Žurovcová et al. 2010). ...
... Furthermore, by amending post-mining soils with "live" soils from a desired reference state site can enhance the rate at which ecosystem characteristics recover on drastically disturbed post-mined sites (van der Bij et al., 2017) and these amendments can control the assembly of vegetation communities to reach the "desired" plant community configuration (Wubs et al., 2016) . Moving from stockpiling soils during mining operations, to "direct replacement" involving careful handling of soils during transfer, secures both better plant establishment and belowground invertebrates, especially earthworms (Boyer et al., 2011) . Moreover, the re-use of stockpiled soil materialscombined with on-site waste mineral resources -can ensure a more complete and functionally-capable soil microbial community in post-mining sites (Kumaresan et al., 2017) . ...
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This chapter of the IPBES Land Degradation and Restoration Assessment evaluates the effectiveness of current response strategies both for avoiding or mitigating land degradation and for restoring previously degraded lands. More specifically: it develops a framework to assess the effectiveness of existing interventions designed to avoid and reduce land degradation processes and to rehabilitate or restore various types of degraded lands (e.g., croplands, rangelands, forest lands, urban lands and wetlands) through the recovery of biodiversity, ecosystem structure and services; assesses how responses to land degradation and restoration vary according to site-specific characteristics, including the type and severity of degradation, underlying direct and indirect drivers, and effects on ecosystem services and quality of life; evaluates the effectiveness of various response options to direct drivers (e.g., better land management techniques, access to training) and indirect drivers (e.g., institutions, governance systems) of land degradation; examines the relative success of different institutional, governance and management response options to avoid, reduce and reverse land degradation across a range of economic, social, environmental, cultural, technical and political scenarios; and assesses different institutional, policy and governance responses to research and technology development.
... Furthermore, by amending post-mining soils with "live" soils from a desired reference state site can enhance the rate at which ecosystem characteristics recover on drastically disturbed post-mined sites (van der Bij et al., 2017) and these amendments can control the assembly of vegetation communities to reach the "desired" plant community configuration (Wubs et al., 2016) . Moving from stockpiling soils during mining operations, to "direct replacement" involving careful handling of soils during transfer, secures both better plant establishment and belowground invertebrates, especially earthworms (Boyer et al., 2011) . Moreover, the re-use of stockpiled soil materialscombined with on-site waste mineral resources -can ensure a more complete and functionally-capable soil microbial community in post-mining sites (Kumaresan et al., 2017) . ...
We describe here a new species of terrestrial earthworm Eutyphoeus rihnimensis sp. nov. (family Acanthodrilidae) from specimens collected at Khawrihnim, a village in Mizoram, Northeast India. The new species is distinguished from its congener members in E. gigas group in having an outgrowth that branches into four finger-like projections from the male porophores, five pairs of supra-intestinal glands in 81–88 segments, typhlosole that begins from segment 25, ventral intestinal caeca 10 that covers segments 33-34, a bidiverticulate spermathecae with a short and stout duct, and very short lateral and median diverticula among other characters. Sequence analysis based on mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 (CO1) gene further warrants its distinction from known species of Eutyphoeus.
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Genetics tools are used in applied conservation management for taxonomic identification, delineation of management units, management of wild populations, captive breeding and reintroduction and control of invasive species, disease and hybridisation. To assess the extent to which genetic tools are being used for applied conservation management, we conducted a systematic literature review of over 53,767 papers focussing on wildlife research that reported results on species delineation, translocations and population augmentation. We synthesised information on papers that used genetics tools in an expressly applied manner across all wildlife species. We found that the application of genetics tools in conservation management was biased towards fishes, mammals and birds and northern hemisphere locations, especially the United States and Europe. Despite genetics tools being a highly published topic, it was difficult to find published applications of these tools in both the primary and the grey literature. Of the 115 papers on 152 species that could be considered an applied use of a genetics tool expressly for conservation management, only 49 had definable applied outcomes. The remaining 66 made recommendations, but it was often unclear if the recommendations were ever used to make conservation management decisions because of the time‐lag between publication of the initial recommendation and publication of the results of the use of the tool in a conservation management situation, as well as the lack of dissemination in the primary literature. Our study highlights the relative low publication rate of applications of genetics tools compared to the general conservation genetics field. These tools appear to have either a low percentage of translations into publication (‘conservation genetics publishing gap’) or a poor uptake among wildlife conservation managers (‘conservation genetics gap’)—the two are indistinguishable in this review. Policy implications. Conservation genetics tools must be brought to the forefront of conservation policy and management. Users should support the use of systems and accessible databases to increase the uptake of genetics tools for conservation in applied management decisions for wildlife, reducing barriers to disseminating the results to other end users and interested parties.
Soil fauna includes earthworms, collembolans, mites, nematodes, and protozoa. These are eukaryotic, heterotrophic, motile organisms that require oxygen for metabolism. Their physical range, habitats, and food resources are constrained by their respective sizes and the availability of pores of appropriate size within the soil. This chapter describes both invertebrate animals that live in the soil and their habitat and additionally examines their activities in the context of the soil foodweb. We focus on the role of soil animals in controlling microbial pathogens, mineralizing nutrients, changing microbial community composition, and enhancing primary production. Like aboveground fauna, the physical structure of the ecosystem places constraints on the activities of the soil fauna, especially in relation to the microflora. As a result of their feeding, burrowing, and movement, the soil fauna also engineer the habitat for the soil microflora, transport beneficial and pathogenic microorganisms, and affect the production of detrital resources from plants.
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High-throughput sequencing (HTS) studies on invertebrates commonly use ethanol as the main sample fixative (upon collection) and preservative (for storage and curation). However, alternative agents exists, which should not be automatically neglected when studies are newly designed. This review provides an overview of the application of propylene glycol (PG) in DNA-based studies of invertebrates, thus to stimulate an evidence-based discussion. The use of PG in DNA-based studies of invertebrates is still limited (n = 79), but a steady increase has been visible since 2011. Most studies used PG as a fixative for passive trapping (73%) and performed Sanger sequencing (66%; e.g. DNA barcoding). More recently, HTS setups joined the field (11%). Terrestrial Coleoptera (30%) and Diptera (20%) were the most studied groups. Very often, information on the grade of PG used (75%) or storage conditions (duration, temperature) were lacking. This rendered direct comparisons of study results difficult, and highlight the need for further systematic studies on these subjects. When compared to absolute ethanol, PG can be more widely and cheaply acquired (e.g. as an antifreeze, 13% of studies). It also enables longer trapping intervals, being especially relevant at remote or hard-to-reach places. Shipping of PG-conserved samples is regarded as risk-free and is authorised, pinpointing its potential for larger trapping programs or citizen science projects. Its property to retain flexibility of morphological characters as well as to lead to a reduced shrinkage effect was especially appraised by integrative study designs. Finally, the so far limited application of PG in the context of HTS showed promising results for short read amplicon sequencing and reduced representation methods. Knowledge of the influence of PG fixation and storage for long(er) read HTS setups is currently unavailable. Given our review results and taking difficulties of direct methodological comparisons into account, future DNA-based studies of invertebrates should on a case-by-case basis critically scrutinise if the application of PG in their anticipated study design can be of benefit.
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Taxonomy is the science of classification, deals with the naming and classifying organisms based on the similarities and dissimilarities. About 10 million insect species have been existing in the world. But the identified insect fauna are restricted to 1 million. At present there is huge taxonomic crisis and only 15%, approximately 6000 taxonomists in the world. If they supposed to describe a new species every 6 months once, then only they can complete their task. Moreover, they need to spend 1000 years to describe all unknown species and it is difficult to even imagine. It is the right time to speed up the taxonomic research by using advanced technologies.
Taxonomy is the science of classification, deals with the naming and classifying organisms based on the similarities and dissimilarities. About 10 million insect species have been existing in the world. But the identified insect fauna are restricted to 1 million. At present there is huge taxonomic crisis and only 15%, approximately 6000 taxonomists in the world. If they supposed to describe a new species every 6 months once, then only they can complete their task. Moreover, they need to spend 1000 years to describe all unknown species and it is difficult to even imagine. It is the right time to speed up the taxonomic research by using advanced technologies. Old problems Traditional taxonomic identification solely depended on morphological characters. The taxonomic keys were not available for all the life stages and some are highly gender-specific. Also, while identifying aquatic insects, immature identification is quite important which is consider as bio-indicator. But for the exact identification the keys were not available and have several difficulties in the field of identification. The problems like lack of taxonomists, time consumption, difficulty in the insect taxonomy, cryptic species issue and lack of modern keys for the revised taxa were encountered. New technologies as solutions To ratify these problems DNA barcoding, Automatic insect identification and Integrative taxonomy can be the fruitful solution.  DNA barcoding DNA barcoding is a technique that uses mitochondrial COI gene from the small fragment of the genome to identify a species. For barcoding of the particular species, DNA extraction is the preliminary step (using standard protocol) followed by PCR amplification and sequencing. Finally, the analysed sequence has to BLAST in the NCBI portal for the identification. Databases like BOLD (Barcode of Life Data systems), IBOL (International Barcode of Life) and MODII (Moth Databases on Indian Insects) can be used for identification purposes. Cryptic species are the closely related organisms that are morphologically similar but reproductively isolated. This is one of the major problems in traditional taxonomic identification. The issues like lack of taxonomists, time consumption will be ratified using this DNA barcoding technology. But mitochondrial DNA is maternally inherited, sometimes the presence of pseudogenes will have certain limitations.  Automatic insect identification The advanced one is the automatic insect identification. Steps involved in the automation are characteristics of insects, principles, colour histogram, GLCM, pattern recognition, extension theory, stacked spatial pyramid kernel, ontology-based insect recognition, KNN spectral recognition and hybrid approach. Characteristics like wings, legs, body shape will be taken for individual species identification. Image acquisition will be done for the initial step and then the background will be converted into a single colour to avoid noise in imaging. For image processing, the acquired image will be converted to greyscale then to a binary image (black and white) to get the perfect outline. Patterns, dots and markings like features will be extracted under the feature extraction process. Then colour histograms produced to covert a normal red-green-blue image to hue-saturated image for improving the accuracy.
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The distribution of the indigenous New Zealand megascolecid earthworm Octochaetus multiporus (Beddard) in hill pastures of different fertilities in the southern North Island of New Zealand, and the population density throughout a year are described. Octochaetus multiporus was most numerous in soils of low to moderate fertility. High fertility soils had a similar population density to that of an adjacent area of native forest, indicating that the exotic pasture environment can favour Octochaetus multiporus in some circumstances. Population density of Octochaetus multiporus was best correlated with soils which were moist in summer. There was no well defined breeding season for this species, mature and recently hatched individuals being found in most months of the year. Octochaetus multiporus is a deeper burrowing indigenous earthworm species which is successful in an exotic environment. In pastures which have moist soils in summer, this species may be improving soil structure and root penetration in the absence of deep burrowing introduced lumbricid earthworms.
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A restoration ecology project was commenced on the West Coast region of New Zealand to re-establish the local fauna of endemic Powelliphanta spp. carnivorous landsnails at an opencast coal mine site after mining activities. The aim of the current research is to provide recommendations for the use of earthworms to improve the restoration of ecological communities, especially the landsnails. To provide such recommendations, different aspects of the ecology and bio-systematics of the New Zealand endemic earthworm fauna have been studied using molecular techniques. About 1,500 earthworm individuals have been collected across 17 sampling sites in the Stockton mine area. In New Zealand, 173 endemic earthworm species are known. Only minor revisions to the earthworms' taxonomic status have been made since 1959. Species identification was performed by morphological analysis (following Lee's taxonomic key) and molecular analysis (using the mitochondrial 16S gene). The latter analyses conducted on a selection of 83 individuals revealed the existence of at least 17 different taxa, most of which are probably undescribed species. Some of these earthworm species are predated by an endangered carnivorous landsnail. Powelliphanta augusta Walker, Trewick & Barker. Because the conservation of P. augusta may rely greatly on the understanding of their diet, earthworm DNA was sought after in the snails' feces, using molecular analyses. Molecular analyses have been helpful in establishing an inventory of the species present in the study site, facilitating new species taxonomic descriptions and elucidating the predator-prey relationship. DOWNLOAD FOR FREE HERE:
Evolution, weighting, and phylogenetic utility of mitochondrial gene sequences and a compilation of conserved polymerase chain reaction primers. C SIMON, F FRATI, A BECKENBACH, B CRESPI, H LIU, P
Molecular methods are expected to provide new and more precise means in delimiting genera as well as in establishing phylogenetic relationships among earthworm species. A multigene attempt aiming to evaluate the diagnostic value of the different genes is presented. Complete sequences for nucleic 18S rDNA of 3 earthworm species, partial sequences for ribosomal 16S rDNA of 18 species and 1 subspecies and subunit one for mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase (COI) for 19 taxa were obtained. Nucleotide sequences of genes were used to reconstruct molecular phylogeny with maximum parsimony. These molecular data are considered as complementary diagnostic characters partially fitting the traditional species grouping into different taxonomic systems.
Plesioungella kathleenae gen. n. et sp. n. is described from the coelom of the earthworm Fletcherodrilus unicus (Fletcher, 1889), collected in New South Wales. It represents the first nematode of the superfamily Drilonematoidea described from Australia. P. kathleenae gen. n. et sp. n. is characterised by the presence of two thin hooks on the anterior body end, large circular suckers on the tail, and small spines on the eggshell. The male of P. kathleenae gen. n. et sp. n. differs from all other ungellids by the two rows of subventral papillae on the tail and the unusual spicula with ventro‐lateral pieces. Juveniles and a single female of an undescribed thelastomatid nematode were also found in the same earthworm host.
Species identification of earthworms is usually achieved by careful observation of morpho-logical features, often sexual characters only present in adult specimens. Consequently, juve-niles or cocoons are often impossible to identify, creating a possible bias in studies that aim to document species richness and abundance. DNA barcoding, the use of a short standardized DNA fragment for species identification, is a promising approach for species discrimination. When a reference library is available, DNA-based identification is possible for all life stages. In this study, we show that DNA barcoding is an unrivaled tool for high volume identifica-tion of juvenile earthworms. To illustrate this advance, we generated DNA barcodes for speci-mens of Lumbricus collected from three temperate grasslands in western France. The analysis of genetic distances between individuals shows that juvenile sequences unequivocally match DNA barcode clusters of previously identified adult specimens, demonstrating the potential of DNA barcoding to provide exhaustive specimen identification for soil ecological research.
In this study the synonymy of Amynthas formosae (Michaelsen, 1922) and A. yuhsii (Tsai, 1964) are reevaluated and the intraspecific phylogeography between them is studied. The morphological comparison and phylogenetic analysis based on cyto-chrome c oxidase subunit I suggest that A. formosae and A. yuhsii are not synonyms and both of them belong to Metaphire. The phylogeographic analysis suggests that the formation of mountains and rivers during the uplift of the Western Foothills in Taiwan comprised the vicariance events responsible for the intraspecific genetic differentia-tion between these two species.
Delineating species boundaries correctly is crucial to the discovery of life's diversity because it determines whether or not different individual organisms are members of the same entity. The gap in communication between the dif-ferent disciplines currently involved in delimiting species is an important and overlooked problem in the so-called 'taxonomy crisis'. To solve this problem, it is suggested that taxonomy become integrative, and this integration is seen as the real challenge for the future of taxonomy. 'Integrative taxonomy' is defined as the science that aims to delimit the units of life's diversity from multiple and complementary perspectives (phylogeography, comparative morphology, population genetics, ecology, development, behaviour, etc.). Some workers have already collaborated and successfully adopted an integrative approach to taxonomy. However, it is now time for the whole discipline to evolve. A radical change in mentality is needed concerning the creation of names in order to achieve this integration and to prevent the over-abundance of both synonyms and names of doubtful application from worsening. Integrative tax-onomy gives priority to species delineation over the creation of new species names. Furthermore, it is emphasized that describing morphological diversity, referred to as 'morphodiversity', does not require the naming of any single set of specimens. Seven guidelines are proposed to help integrative taxonomists recognize cases when species are supported by broad biological evidence and therefore are deserving of an official name.