... There are many factors that can affect the concentration of FCMs in a faecal deposit that need to be taken into consideration when planning experiments, and in analysing results. Age (Blas, Baos, Bortolotti, Marchant, & Hiraldo, 2006;Dufty Jr & Belthoff, 1997;Wilcoxen, Boughton, Bridge, Rensel, & Schoech, 2011), sex (Narayan, Hero, Evans, Nicolson, & Muccib, 2012;Narayan et al., 2013) reproductive state (Kenagy & Place, 2000;Whittier, Corrie, & Limpus, 1997), body condition (Heath & Dufty Jr, 1998;Smith, Wingfield, & Veit, 1994), diet (Dantzer, McAdam, Palme, Boutin, & Boonstra, 2011), and not only seasonal variations but even daily rhythms (Breuner, Wingfield, & Romero, 1999;Millspaugh et al., 2001;Romero & Remage-Healey, 2000) all have evidence that they can significantly alter the physiological stress response. Although farm animals are often kept in largely monotonous groups, if any comparisons are to be made between groups or studies it is important to note down all these factors. ...