Distribution data of 97 Lepidoptera species belonging to the families Zygaenidae, Hesperiidae, Papilionidae, Pieridae, Lycaenidae and Nymphalidae from Sierra María-Los Vélez Natural Park (Almeria, southern Spain) are given. Three Iberian endemisms Cupido carswelli Stempffer, 1927, Aricia morronensis Ribbe, 1910 and Polyommatus (Polyommatus) nivescens (Keferstein, 1851) are recorded, as well as
... [Show full abstract] the endemic subespecies from this area Parnassius apollo mariae Rougeot & Capdeville, 1969, Aricia eumedon mariensis Eitschberger & Steiniger, 1975 and Pseudochazara hippolyte aislada Eitschberger & Steiniger, 1973. Chazara prieuri (Pierret, 1837) is cited for the first time in Almeria province.