Our thesis is that consciousness (C) is a mechanism, a neural brain mechanism, a dual left/ right brain mechanism. Receptive fields are increasing to global in BA10 Ego cluster neurons. Inner C (IC) resides in the left brain and outer C (OC) in the right brain. ICNS is noumenal, OC is phenomenal. Phenomena are spatial, geometric-continuous, are images. Noumena are temporal, logical-sequential, are structures. The precise role of each of two regions BA10, in either of the left/ right cerebral hemispheres can be clarified. Brain, BA10 left: I, in my interior castle and greater abstract universe, my noumenal cosmos in the temporal sense. Brain, BA10 right: I, in my environment and larger physical universe, my noumenal cosmos in its spatial sense. BA 10 provides for oneness(O), a function of the human mind identified by Immanuel Kant as central for experience (E) to occur, forming a unified general experience, which he also calls one experience, interconnected experience, or even experience in general in his Critiques, expounding transcendental metaphysics. (3) Kant's Oneness function. The point of this section is that the Oneness function seems to be executed by the neurons in Brodmann Area 10 (BA10), where the cells form one or more Ego-clusters, and possess global receptive fields at the apical prefrontal cortex, connection point of sensory & motor cortices. In the early stages of sensory cortex, typically V1 occipital visual cortex, those "receptive fields" are thought to be very narrow parcels of the environment, and then expand and increase along a line of visual centers V2, ..., V5 approaching the prefrontal cortex and BA10, where the entire universe, all that we know, is taken into account by each neuron or neuronal cluster in dense dendritical arborizations. It now is known that not only the synaptic network, but protein synthesis inside the neurons is required for memory formation in the brain, research not yet widely recognized and only published within the last weeks, months & years. The global receptivity in BA10 means these neurons are also aware of their own activities, putting a highly practical spin on Descartes's cogito ergo sum, I am because my neurons know or perceive they are interpreting (top-down) the universe and the current scene, including themselves. My neurons are aware, I am aware, that my experience of the universe is my experience. I recognize my instantaneous scene as being my moment, ever this moment of my lifewith all the familiar items around me, that are constituting my household and have been present for me in many years, and thar current scene has always included myself and my FUTURE ANTICIPATION 7 awareness of myself and of it all. This is the core, in slightly different words, of Kant's Transcendental Deduction, both A & B versions taken together. (4) Ego Cluster (EC) & Global Receptive Field (GRF) or Field of Receptivity (GFoR) (5) Top-Down (T-D) VS. Bottom-Up (B-U) (6) Internal Structural Historical Record (ISHR) (7) While the human soul reflects the glory of the divine mysteries of the universe, as we, like no other creature on Earth, uniquely understand the totality of it, with certain inherent limitations, yet there never will be a time when its true nature & origins are revealed to any living rational being, Aristotle's rational animal, zÀon lìgon êqwn. (8) To comprehend consciousness we require full & radical holistic thinking, the noumenal cosmos. We have holistic-cosmic consciousness, our consciousness, a spatiotemporal developing record-system, it extends to the most distant galaxies, in our noumenal cosmos, & down to the elementary particles and quantum foam. (9) The life of the free-floating soul, I am, therefore I am a conscious soul, although in reverse, effectively is what Descartes was saying, unawares. Our existence is identical with our consciousness, but nonetheless delivered up to the futility of fate.2 (10) The human conscious existence amounts to a noumenal cosmos, an internally held world model, which has many antecedents in the history of philosophy. We can't be conscious of a few things or of part of the world. The point is the Being-Question (Heidegger, 1935). We are conscious because we are, we exist. Descartes taken in reverse. We need this kind of a dual brain dual C. The reason is that he OC is for the instant, the present moment in time the current, momentary scene in the immediate environment, while neurons IC is for the past, which provides us with a general experience, the noumenal cosmos, upon the basis of which we can form judgment for the actions of the present and even perform future anticipation (red). The present moment (green) is at home in BA10, the past (blue) in the temporal lobes, both inner & outer. The residence of future anticipation is not yet known, and constitutes the main purpose of this essay.