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... Heavily influenced during this period by Darwinism, the study of languages entailed the reconstruction of their origins back to Proto-Indoeuropean, culminating by the end of the century in the work of the Neogrammarians (cf. Robins 1978Robins , 1997 All the trends summarised above can be found in the samples included in CETeL, and some of these trends are directly related to specific challenges faced during the process of compilation. These difficulties will be described in the next section. ...
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This paper describes the compilation of CETeL, the subcorpus on ‘Language and Linguistics’ in the Coruña Corpus of English Scientific Writing, and discusses the various challenges encountered during the process of selection and digitisation of material. CETeL includes forty-four samples of texts on Language, Languages, and Linguistics from the period 1700–1900, and on completion will contain around 400,000 words. The paper will examine the historical context of academic writing in that period and the way in which this context affects the process of compilation. Likewise, the criteria followed in the compilation of the Coruña Corpus will be discussed in order to show the extent to which these criteria have affected the compilation of CETeL, and how they contribute towards making the corpus representative of the disciplinary practices of the period. Finally, the corpus will also be described according to a series of parameters used to assure representativeness and balance, namely the date of publication of samples, their genre, and the sex and linguistic background of their authors.
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El estudio de la morfología en el siglo xx se ha basado en gran medida en el concepto de morfema, elaborado principalmente por los trabajos de Bloomfield (1933) y la tradición postbloomfieldana. Sin embargo, como ya señalaba Hockett (1954), esta metodología, que se ha dado en llamar Item and Arrangement , no acota las posibilidades de análisis morfológico: existen diferentes modelos metodológicos para aproximarse a la morfología de una lengua. Hockett (1954) se centra en proponer un modelo basado en procesos morfológicos ( Item and Process), pero también menciona la posibilidad de modelos basados en palabras: los modelos de Palabra y Paradigms (Word and Paradigm o WP), que se remontan a la tradición de análisis de lenguas clásicas como el latín o el griego. En este trabajo exploramos una aproximación a los modelos de Palabra y Paradigma desde la perspectiva llamada implicacional (Blevins, 2006; 2016). Esta aproximación se basa en la existencia de implicaciones entre las palabras dentro de un paradigma, que permiten la predicción de las formas que un lexema realiza. Nos enfocamos en el estudio de dos lenguas pertenecientes a familias lingüísticas distintas: el español (indoeuropea) y el otomí de Toluca (otomangue). \\\ The study of morphology in the twentieth century has been primarily based on the concept of morpheme, elaborated mainly by the works of Bloomfield (1933) and the post-Bloomfieldana tradition. However, as Hockett (1954) already pointed out, this methodology, called Item and Arrangement (IA), does not limit the range of morphological analysis. There exist different methodological models, to approximate the morphology of a language. Hockett (1954) proposes a process-based model (Item and Process or IA). This author also mentions the possibility of word-based models: the Word and Paradigm (WP) models, which date back to the tradition of analysis of classical languages such as Latin or Greek. In this thesis, I explore an approach to Word and Paradigm models from the so-called implicational perspective (Blevins, 2006; 2016). This approach lies on the assumption that there are implications between words within a paradigm. These implications allow the prediction of the set of forms of a lexeme. We focus on studying two languages belonging to different linguistic families: Spanish (Indo-European) and Otomí de Toluca (Otomanguean).
The production of verbal operants not previously taught is an important aspect of language productivity. For Skinner, new mands, tacts, and autoclitics result from the recombination of verbal operants. The relation between these mands, tacts, and autoclitics is what linguists call analogy, a grammatical pattern that serves as a foundation on which a speaker might emit new linguistic forms. Analogy appears in linguistics as a regularity principle that characterizes language and has been related to how languages change and also to creativity. The approaches of neogrammarians like Hermann Paul, as well as those of Jespersen and Bloomfield, appear to have influenced Skinner's understanding of verbal creativity. Generalization and stimulus equivalence are behavioral processes related to the generative grammatical behavior described in the analogy model. Linguistic forms and grammatical patterns described in analogy are part of the contingencies of reinforcement that produce generalization and stimulus equivalence. The analysis of verbal behavior needs linguistic analyses of the constituents of linguistic forms and their combination patterns.
Karl Brugmann (1849–1919) was one of the central figures in the circle of Neogrammarians who rejected a prescriptive approach to the study of language in favour of diachronic study. This short overview of the development of comparative Indo-European linguistics and philology in the second part of the nineteenth century was first published in 1885, the year before Brugmann's celebrated multi-volume comparative grammar of Indo-European began to appear. To Brugmann, language is not an autonomous organism that develops according to inherent laws. It exists only in the individual speaker, and every change in a language takes place because of the speaker, though speakers share similar psychological and physical processes. Traditional philologists, including Brugmann's former university teacher Georg Curtius (1820–1885), were extremely hostile to the Neogrammarians' approach. Here, Brugmann responds to Curtius' criticism and defends his research methodology and theories.
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