
Editorial: Do we negotiate human health?

Tropical Medicine & International Health
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... In terms of international trade agreements, health professionals focus on drug/vaccine implications of the agreement on Trade Related Intellectual Property Right Systems (TRIPS) and recently on the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) and its effects on education and health services (Koivusalo 1999;Aventin & Matthys 2000;World Trade Organization 2001). But TRIPS is equally important in terms of agriculture, food and nutrition with its effect on seed, biotechnology and agrichemical patents and on research for healthy, sustainable agriculture. ...
... A wide range of international trade regulations protect market rights of producers through implementation of the World Trade Organization agreement (Aventin & Mathys 2000). Patent protection guarantees income for the industry and stimulates drug research, but patents also increase drug prices world wide and place them out of reach for many. ...
... A wide range of international trade regulations protect market rights of producers through implementation of the World Trade Organization agreement (Aventin & Mathys 2000). ...
Neglected diseases are diseases restricted to poor areas; diseases for which there exist no commercial incentives to invest in the development of new treatments. Patients suffering from these diseases often have no access to essential drugs; this can be a matter of life and death. Lack of research and patent protection play a crucial role. Both are cost driven; greed in the West curtails the availability of life-saving drugs for all. Treatment options for trypanosomiasis and visceral leishmaniasis are lacking. It is recommended that drugs for the treatment of 'neglected diseases' be developed via a centralised, public approach that is not based on profit, rather than leaving it to free enterprise.
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  • Benett SD
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L'industrie pharmaceutique en Afrique subsaharienne.
  • Maritoux J