... (Dutz, 1998;Collumb & Buskey, 2004;Prince et al., 2006;Costa et al., 2008). Therefore, in Chapter 4, adult female A. tonsa were exposed to (Beaugrand et al., 2002(Beaugrand et al., , 2009Beaugrand, 2012;Chivers et al., 2017;Murphy et al., 2020), and evidence of how climate change affects planktonic species is growing, particularly in terms of increased ocean temperature and ocean acidification (George & Harris, 1985;Costello et al., 2006;Edwards et al., 2006;Mayor et al., 2007Mayor et al., , 2012Cripps et al., 2014). Direct effects of warming and acidification to copepods include changes in physiology and behavior that can alter growth (McFeeters & Frost, 2011;Doan et al., 2019), body size (Escribano & Mclaren, 1992;Garzke et al., 2015;Sommer et al., 2016), reproductive output Mayor et al., 2012;Weydmann et al., 2012), naupliar development , and survival (Sommer et al., 2007;Kroeker et al., 2010;Cripps et al., 2015). ...