
Flexible Work Bundles and Organizational Competitiveness: A Cross-National Study of the European Work Context

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The present study explores the categorization of flexible work arrangements (FWAs) into bundles and their connection to organizational competitiveness in the European Union. The measures of competitiveness were performance, turnover, and absenteeism. Four moderators were used in the study, organization sector, industry sector, organization size, and organizational women-supportiveness. The analyses revealed four FWA Bundles, namely Non-Standard Work Patterns, Work Away from the Office, Non-Standard Work Hours and Work Outsourced. Non-Standard Work Patterns were found to be related to decreased turnover (in the private sector), while Work Away from the Office was related to improved performance and reduced absenteeism. Non-Standard Work Hours and Work Outsourced (within the public sector) were positively related to turnover, suggesting that these types are possibly not being used as true flexibility arrangements. Finally, post-hoc analysis revealed that Non-Standard Work Hours was related to increased performance only among Swedish organizations. Implications for management and future research are discussed. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

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... Orishede and Ndudi (2020) define flexible work arrangements as those employment arrangements that permit employees to change, their work schedule, the number of hours they work or the location where they do their work, or to take leave from work, either on a permanent or temporary basis, to meet responsibilities outside of work. They are used to describe any role that does not conform with the conventional 8-to-4, five-day work week structure (Austin-Egole, Iheriohanma and Iheanacho, 2022), can be temporal or spatial (Shockley & Allen 2007) and include the following: flexi-time, part -time work, overtime, job sharing, teleworking, shift work, weekend work, annual hours, annual hours' contracts, fixed-term contract, compressed working weeks, temporary/casual work (Stavrou, 2005). Below is a brief definition of some these FWAs a). ...
... g). weekend work-allows employees to extend their work hours to the weekend to enable them take time off during the rest of the week (Stavrou, 2005). h). ...
... h). annual hours contract -is an agreement between the employer and employee specifying the number of hours the employee is required to work annually (Stavrou, 2005). i). ...
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Employees involved in the production of both goods and services are notably any organization's most valuable assets. Organizations are continually striving to develop their employees' human capital. Human capital development involves those activities focused on advancing the most par excellent workforce, to ensure that the organization and individual employees achieve their work goals and is concerned with activities related to the experience, skills, training, knowledge, education, competences and technical know-how contributed by humans to an organization. Hence, human capital development could be in the form of general training which enables acquisition of general or specific knowledge, competencies and skills for the improvement of a particular job, improving the health conditions of employees, or improving working conditions by using more efficient and innovative working arrangements. Flexible working arrangements (FWAs) are atypical work patterns which take into account the demands of employees, particularly in terms of balancing work and personal life and allowing an employee to choose when and where to work normally outside the traditional typical pattern of arriving at the workplace by 8am and leaving at 4pm daily. It includes the following: flexible working hours, flexi-time, part-time work, overtime, job sharing, teleworking etc. This paper looks at key issues that arise from embracing flexible working patterns as forms of improving work condition for human capital development. The ecological systems theory with its two guiding propositions which state that individuals develop through prolonged interaction with others and that immediate and distant environments influence this development is applied as the theoretical framework. Library research involving analytical discussion of secondary data is adopted as the methodology. It is recommended the issues encountered from imbibing flexible working arrangements in organizations should be considered and tackled to ensure that the benefits of Flexible work arrangements (FWAs) for human capital development are properly harnessed.
... Employers' use of FWAs has increased due to multiple factors: legal obligations in some countries, better cost flexibility for organizations, desired level of workforce stability, and, additionally, they are often used to attract talented workers that often have potential work-life conflicts, and preferences of employees which expect more individualized lifestyles (Berkery et al., 2017;Kattenbach et al., 2010;Stavrou, 2005). Despite the fact that FWAs have proliferated in both developed and less developed countries (e.g. ...
... Sector-wise, it has been generally established that the application of FWAs is much more prevalent in the private than in the public sector (e.g., Coyle-Shapiro and Kessler, 2002;Stavrou, 2005) which is why it is widely believed how a positive relationship between FWAs and competitiveness may be more likely among the former than the latter (e.g. Cooper and Kurland, 2002). ...
... Cooper and Kurland, 2002). In a comprehensive EU-wide study conducted by Stavrou (2005), however, organization sector was only significant in limited cases. Although public sector companies have traditionally lacked access to alternative working arrangements, comparative study by Branine (1999) reported an increase of FWAs in public sector across several European countries (e.g. ...
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Health behavior appears to be one of the key factors in prevention, which also affects the health economy. Maintaining health care puts increasing pressure on Hungarian society due to the growing aging. Healthy lifestyle and health consciousness provide effective help in maintaining a good level and longtime of quality of life. The impact of health behaviors in the health economy on financing means an increasingly important social problem. In Hungary, health behavior is low compared to European nations. The reduction of economic factors can be achieved by prevention, health improvement and years of health. The professional basis of this research are given by the individual image of health and the individual and social health behavior which are supported by the healthcare/health economy. Our research examines local health behavior and satisfaction with health care, in which we analyze the results in comparison with regional environmental conditions compare with the European health behavior research. The correlation between health economic factors and health behavior was revealed by secondary research, while the method of our empirical study is a questionnaire survey that presents health image, local health opportunities and relationships in several age groups. Based on the results of our survey, it became evident that the results of the Hungarian health behavior were the same in the central settlement of the western region of the country, where the economic indicators show a higher proportion than the national average. The low level of health consciousness and the low level of health behavior did not show significance, as is the case in European countries, in terms of higher health image and higher economic factors. On the other hand, in terms of educational attainment, there was a higher level of health awareness. Health as an economic factor plays a key role in employment, as healthy employees participate in the maintenance of the nation as an economic factor. Keywords: health image, health behavior, health economy, prevention, life living standard
... For example, Perry- Smith & Blum (2000) research on 527 organizations in the United States displayed that organizations with a greater range of work-life balance practices have higher levels of organizational performance, market performance, and profit-sales growth. According to a number of researches, flexible working arrangements, as a type of work-life balance practice, contribute to better organizational performance and market performance, and growth of profit or sales and productivity (e.g., Klindžić & Marić, 2019;Messersmith, Patel, Lepak, & Gould-Williams, 2011 as cited in Kotey & Koomson, 2021;Perry-Smith & Blum, 2000), but also reduce indirect organizational cost by affecting employee turnover and absenteeism (e.g., Berkery, Morley, Tiernan, & Peretz, 2020;De Menezes & Kelliher, 2011;Kelliher & Anderson, 2010;Peretz, Fried, & Levi, 2018;Stavrou, 2005). ...
... Finally, although some studies established a relationship between trade union representation and implementation of flexible working arrangements (e.g., Allen, Johnson, Kiburz, & Shockley, 2013;Berkery et al., 2017;Glass & Fujimoto, 1995), others showed no relationship between presence of the trade union and status of organizational work-life balance practices (e.g., Dancaster & Baird, 2015;Stavrou, 2005). The same inconsistency is present when the relationship with work-life balance practices and ownership, industry, sector, the profile of the host country, and market served is analysed (e.g., Allen et al., 2013;Berkery et al., 2017;Klindzic & Maric, 2019;Stavrou, 2005). ...
... Finally, although some studies established a relationship between trade union representation and implementation of flexible working arrangements (e.g., Allen, Johnson, Kiburz, & Shockley, 2013;Berkery et al., 2017;Glass & Fujimoto, 1995), others showed no relationship between presence of the trade union and status of organizational work-life balance practices (e.g., Dancaster & Baird, 2015;Stavrou, 2005). The same inconsistency is present when the relationship with work-life balance practices and ownership, industry, sector, the profile of the host country, and market served is analysed (e.g., Allen et al., 2013;Berkery et al., 2017;Klindzic & Maric, 2019;Stavrou, 2005). ...
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The importance of managing work-life balance in organizations and its alignment with strategic human resource management (SHRM) has not been sufficiently researched, although most organizations struggle to manage the work-life balance of their employees. Scholars so far positioned the area of work-life balance as a very important task of the human resources department and pointed out the connection between SHRM and managing employees' work-life balance, but it is still unknown if there is a relationship between SHRM orientation and the status of organizational work-life balance practices. The main goal of this study is to examine the relationship between SHRM orientation and organizational work-life balance practices that are proven to have an impact on the work-life balance of employees. The data on SHRM orientation and work-life balance practices was collected in 115 large-sized Croatian organizations using the CRANET methodology. Findings suggest that SHRM orientation is related to analysed flexible working arrangements (flexi-time and working remotely/from home before and after the COVID-19 pandemic), and with paternity and parental options for leave. The study indicates that organizations more oriented toward managing human resources strategically have a stronger status of work-life balance practices.
... absenteeism, turnover and retention are the most regularly studied non-financial performance variables with regards of flexible working arrangements. Battisti and Vallanti (2013) and Stavrou (2005) are in agreement that in workplaces without workplace flexibility options, employees try to improve their work-life balance by either calling in sick even when they are actually not or reducing the amount of work they do. Berkery, Morley, Tiernan, Purtill, and Parry (2017) aver that employees perceive employers who offer FWA as attentive to their needs and this inspires them to be more committed to their work, and eventually results in reduced levels of turnover, absenteeism and improved retention. ...
... Berkery, Morley, Tiernan, Purtill, and Parry (2017) aver that employees perceive employers who offer FWA as attentive to their needs and this inspires them to be more committed to their work, and eventually results in reduced levels of turnover, absenteeism and improved retention. In their independent studies Stavrou (2005) and McNall, Masuda and Nicklin (2010) attest that the availability of FWA in organizations actually decreases employee turnover. Some of the financial measures studied in relation to FWAs are profit, profitability, return on assets, productivity, return on investment and return on equity (de Menezes & Kelliher, 2011;Stavrou, 2005). ...
... In their independent studies Stavrou (2005) and McNall, Masuda and Nicklin (2010) attest that the availability of FWA in organizations actually decreases employee turnover. Some of the financial measures studied in relation to FWAs are profit, profitability, return on assets, productivity, return on investment and return on equity (de Menezes & Kelliher, 2011;Stavrou, 2005). Berkery et al. (2017) posited that Human Resources Management (HRM) practices that increase workforce flexibility are known to enhance productivity and innovativeness which eventually leads to increased financial performance manifested in increased profitability. ...
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This comparative analysis seeks to ascertain the extent to which Flexible Working Arrangements FWAs have been adopted in the Nigerian work environment and equally uncover if the acclaimed efficacy of these Flexible Working Arrangements in ensuring sustained optimal performance is as realistic in the Nigerian work environment as it is in advanced countries using two production companies, Nigeria Bottling Company NBC- a multi-national company and Camela Vegetable Oil Company- an indigenous company as focal points. The survey research design with questionnaire and interviews as instruments of primary data collection and library research for secondary data was used for the study. The research hinges on Self Determination Theory with simple percentages used for data analysis and chi-square for testing hypothesis. Research findings showed that Flexible Working Arrangements (FWAs) are not yet being practiced in these organizations of study thus they are yet to start harnessing the immense benefits of flexibility in work. It is recommended that organizations should re-strategize by upturning some of their archaic and obsolete operational policies and imbibing new ones like the flexible work arrangements which are in accord with current contemporary global practices.
... It is a strategically important attribute for a firm competing in a marketplace with given variation types. Stavrou (2005) defines flexibility as the capacity to adapt across two dimensions: range (time and cost) and response. Johnson provided an extensive overview of existing definitions et al. (2006), with strategic flexibility being predominantly conceptualized as an ability or set of abilities of a firm to react or respond proactively to changes or opportunities in the environment. ...
... Several empirical studies have been carried out to establish a link between flexibility and organizational performance (Kara et al., 2002;Van Dam, 2004;Stavrou, 2005;Johnson et al., 2006;Chirico & Salvato, 2008). The results of these studies indicated that most organizations that have undertaken different aspects of flexibility achieved different benefits, including human resource cost reduction, increased employee output, product quality, customer satisfaction, service delivery, efficiency, and reduced product cost. ...
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Emerging challenges and opportunities from business environments keep organizations embedded in volatility and unpredictability. Acknowledging the increasing need for organization flexibility, this study examined the influence of human resource flexibility on the performance of selected deposit money banks in Nigeria. To achieve this objective, the variables were operationalized, and models specified. The study adopted a descriptive survey research design. Data were gathered from primary sources, and study hypotheses were tested using the Multiple Regression Technique. The findings showed that all the factors used to proxy functional flexibility, except relational flexibility, had a significant effect on customer loyalty; and that functional flexibility significantly affects customer loyalty. The study also found numerical flexibility to influence service innovation positively and significantly in the selected Banks. Based on these findings, the study recommended that in order to achieve a higher level of flexibility in these banks, managers should put in place coordination mechanisms towards generating new forms of collective human capital through the combination of individual capabilities of employees, in addition to maintaining other aspects of their employees' functional flexibility; and that managers should minimize the application of fixed-term contract employments and focus more on contracting external specialists who will introduce fresh ideas.
... It is a strategically important attribute for a firm competing in a marketplace with given variation types. Stavrou (2005) defines flexibility as the capacity to adapt across two dimensions: range (time and cost) and response. Johnson provided an extensive overview of existing definitions et al. (2006), with strategic flexibility being predominantly conceptualized as an ability or set of abilities of a firm to react or respond proactively to changes or opportunities in the environment. ...
... Several empirical studies have been carried out to establish a link between flexibility and organizational performance (Kara et al., 2002;Van Dam, 2004;Stavrou, 2005;Johnson et al., 2006;Chirico & Salvato, 2008). The results of these studies indicated that most organizations that have undertaken different aspects of flexibility achieved different benefits, including human resource cost reduction, increased employee output, product quality, customer satisfaction, service delivery, efficiency, and reduced product cost. ...
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Emerging challenges and opportunities from business environments keep organizations embedded in volatility and unpredictability. Acknowledging the increasing need for organization flexibility, this study examined the influence of human resource flexibility on the performance of selected deposit money banks in Nigeria. To achieve this objective, the variables were operationalized, and models specified. The study adopted a descriptive survey research design. Data were gathered from primary sources, and study hypotheses were tested using the Multiple Regression Technique. The findings showed that all the factors used to proxy functional flexibility, except relational flexibility, had a significant effect on customer loyalty; and that functional flexibility significantly affects customer loyalty. The study also found numerical flexibility to influence service innovation positively and significantly in the selected Banks. Based on these findings, the study recommended that in order to achieve a higher level of flexibility in these banks, managers should put in place coordination mechanisms towards generating new forms of collective human capital through the combination of individual capabilities of employees, in addition to maintaining other aspects of their employees' functional flexibility; and that managers should minimize the application of fixed-term contract employments and focus more on contracting external specialists who will introduce fresh ideas.
... Buradaki temel fikir, iş yerinde esneklik olmadan, çalışanların iş miktarını azaltarak ve/veya gerçekte olmasalar bile hasta olduklarını beyan ederek iş-yaşam dengelerini iyileştirmeye çalışacak olmalarıdır (Battisti ve Vallanti, 2013). Örgütsel performansın esnek çalışma uygulamaları bağlamında incelenen kârlılık, üretkenlik, kâr, aktif kârlılık oranı, öz kaynak kârlılığı ve yatırım getirisi gibi önemli sayıda finansal ölçüt bulunmaktadır (Baltes vd., 1999;Stavrou, 2005 ...
... Esnek çalışma uygulamalarının etkisi altında çalışanların devamsızlıklarının azaltılabileceği, böylelikle stres düzeylerinin daha düşük olacağı savunulmaktadır (Baltes vd., 1999). Stavrou (2005) esnek çalışma uygulayan örgütlerin hem daha düşük devamsızlık hem de işten ayrılma ile karşılaşacaklarını öne sürmektedir. ...
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z Lisansüstü tezler; konuların çalışılma sıklığı, çalışılan ana bilim dalı ve üniversitelerin belirlenmesi adına doküman incelemesi kapsamındaki kaynaklardandır. Araştırmanın amacı esnek çalışma konulu lisansüstü tezlerin yazıldığı; üniversitelerin, çalışılan anabilim dalı, anahtar kelimeler, konuların ilişkilendirildiği durum tespitini sağlamaktır. Araştırmada tez adı olarak esnek çalışma kelime grubunu içeren lisansüstü tezlere bibliyometrik analiz ve içerik analizi uygulanmıştır. Tezlerin en fazla Gazi Üniversitesi bünyesinde yazıldığı görülmüştür. Tezlerin yoğunluklu olarak % 48,14 ile Çalışma Ekonomisi ve Endüstri İlişkileri Ana Bilim Dalı'na ait olduğu görülmektedir. Anahtar kelimelerin frekans analizi sonucunda esnek ve çalışma kelimeleri ilk sırada yerlerini almaktadır. Lisansüstü tezlerin anahtar kelimelerinin incelenmesi için 2 ana tema (örgütsel davranış konuları, ana konu) belirlenmiştir. Araştırma sonuçları içerik analizi başlığı altında detaylı bir şekilde verilmiştir. Abstract Postgraduate theses are among sources within scope of document review in order to determine frequency of study of subjects, major science and universities studied. The aim of research is to determine status of universities where postgraduate theses on flexible working are written, major science, keywords, and related subjects. In the research, bibliometric and content analyzes were applied to postgraduate theses containing word group flexible work as thesis name. It was observed that theses were mostly written within Gazi University. It is seen that theses mostly belong to Department of Labor Economics and Industrial Relations with 48.14 %. As a result of frequency analysis of keywords, flexible and working words take their first place. Two main themes (organizational behavior issues, main topic) were determined to examine keywords of graduate theses. Research results are given in detail under the title of content analysis. Extended Abstract The concept of flexibility generally connotes change and variability. The job market is addressed from a variety of perspectives. Rodgers (2007) defines workforce flexibility as "the ability to respond and adapt to changes". Change and innovation have become the most important concepts of work and social life in the 21st century, regardless of the sector. The speed of technological advances in the current situation and the intense competition environment caused by it, as well as political tensions between countries, economic wars and pandemic diseases, viruses etc. situations that threaten public health, working life, forms of production, employment structures and social life of employees can bring about changes that
... Furthermore, the analysis opines that flexi-time is positively associated with profitability, employee retention, and negatively related to turnover and absenteeism (Nwokocha & Iheriohanma, 2012). In the same vein, it is argued here that, all things being equal with respect to infrastructural provisions and development, home-based work and telework are positively related to organizational performance though they do not have a significant association with turnover (Stavrou, 2005). ...
... The findings from studies are mixed with some actually showing their negative effects on organizational performance. For instance, Stavrou (2005) and Stavrou & Kilaniotis (2010) aver that though weekend work, shift work and overtime have a positive relationship with turnover, no significant association with organizational performance was found. Furthermore, Shen and Dicker (2008) aver that shift work is associated with increased absenteeism, and increased turnover of employees with higher tenure in organizations although Battisti & Vallanti (2013) reported lower levels of turnover in companies that apply more temporary work considering that having more fixed-term workers implies a lower dismissal probability for permanent workers. ...
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This study examined the effect of flexible work arrangements on productivity of sales representatives of book publishing companies in Nigeria. The specific objectives of the study were; to examine the relationship between flexi-time, job sharing, part time and telecommuting and employee effectiveness and employee efficiency of sales representatives of top 10 book publishing companies in Nigeria. Cross-sectional survey involving collecting data across top 10 book publishing companies in Nigeria was employed. Twenty (20) sales representatives from each company were surveyed using convenience sampling technique. Out of the 200 questionnaires administered, 162 copies of questionnaire were filled correctly and returned. constructs of flexible work arrangements as well as measures of employee productivity were measured on four point Likert scale ranging from 4= Strongly agree; 3 = Agree; 2= Disagree; 1 = Strongly disagree. Cronbach Alpha was employed to ascertain the internal consistency of the instruments and they fall within 0.70 -.080 threshold. Validity of instrument was determined using face and content validity. Views of respondents were analyzed using descriptive statistics (mean and standard deviation) with the aid of statistical package for social sciences version 22.0. Statistical instrument employed to analyze the hypotheses was Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient (rs). Findings revealed that flexi-time, job sharing, part time and telecommuting all have significant positive relationship with both employee effectiveness and employee efficiency. Based on the findings, the study concludes that making time and location flexible for employees, the book publishing sector organizations in Nigeria could significantly enhance productivity of their sales representatives. The study therefore recommended among others that since flexi-time is found to have the potential to affect employee productivity, management of companies in the book publishing sector in Nigeria should avail all categories of staff the opportunity to choose start and close time where necessary. It is also suggested that more options of FWAs like compressed week work and self-roistering could be added to the survey instrument in addition to the ones identified in this study which could lead to new findings.
... FWA improved the productivity and efficiency of businesses for employers, attracted well-trained candidates, strengthened the recruiting strategy of the company, and lowered operating costs, while workers took advantage of extra time to handle their family demands, increased work satisfaction, lower absenteeism and turnover, and higher productivity (Rawashdeh, 2016). FWAs improve the quality of life for workers and strengthen the productivity of organizations (Stavrou, 2005). Organizations benefit from FWAs by higher levels of employee engagement and satisfaction and their bottom line (TalentCorp, 2016). ...
... FWAs improve the quality of life for workers and strengthen the productivity of organizations (Stavrou, 2005). Organizations benefit from FWAs by higher employee engagement and satisfaction and their bottom line (TalentCorp, 2016). ...
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Flexible working arrangements (FWAs) have been progressively becoming more prevalent in recent decades, notably in fast-growing economic countries. Human resource (HR) roles in managing FWAs is undeniable since it involves managing employees and work design. Nevertheless, the existing literature has not adequately delved far into conceptualizing the functions of HR in managing FWAs. Therefore, this paper aimed to enlighten the grey area of the HR role in FWAs. This paper is crucial as it established the critical role of HR in initiating, implementing, and developing FWAs in an organization. Understanding HR roles will lead to the success of FWAs implementation or enhancement.
... Changes in work have led organizations to develop flexible work arrangements (Berber et al., 2022). These arrangements represent work patterns that include modifying traditional ways of organizing work time, such as flexitime, remote work, work from home, overtime, part-time, weekend work, shift work, compressed workweek, etc. (Gašić & Berber, 2021;Stavrou, 2005). Bjärntoft et al. (2020) highlight that FWAs are a mutually beneficial arrangement between employers and employees in which both parties agree on where, when, and how employees will work to meet organizational needs. ...
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Flexible work arrangements (FWAs) represent a crucial phenomenon of today's digital society, where companies face various internal and external challenges that compel them to analyse and implement different forms of flexible work arrangements. These arrangements help companies to overcome challenges and positively influence employees' attitudes and behaviours. Employee performance refers to behaviour related to the efficiency and quality of task execution, including creativity, efficiency, productivity, accuracy, and overall contribution to company goals. High employee performance (EP) often results in a better business outcome, innovation, and competitive advantage for the company. This study investigates the relationship between flexible work arrangements and employee performance in companies from Serbia, utilizing a sample of 582 employees. The SmartPLS program was used for the analysis, employing the Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM) method. The results indicate a positive direct effect of flexible work arrangements on employee performance. This finding underscores the significance of implementing flexible work policies to enhance productivity and overall performance in the workplace. The implications for management and policymakers are discussed, highlighting the potential benefits of adopting flexible work arrangements in the Serbian business context.
... With the advancement of science and technology and the rapid development of the Internet, in recent years, the research on flexible working arrangements has changed into a questionnaire survey research as the main body, supplemented by experimental method and secondary data method. Scholars such as Stavrou and Leslie have included questionnaire survey research in the research process [11]. Hornung et al. have developed a more standardized scale for researching flexible working arrangements, and research on flexible working arrangements is gradually being improved. ...
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In the post-epidemic era, flexible working arrangements have received more and more attention from scholars, but no scholars have yet analyzed the research in the field of flexible working arrangements using visual measurement methods. In order to understand the progress of flexible working arrangements research more scientifically and intuitively, based on the literature on flexible working arrangements in the database of Web of Science Core Collection, CiteSpace software was used to visualize and analyze important scholars, countries and research institutions, research hotspots, and trends in the research field. The study found that: the research development in the field of flexible working arrangements shows a gradual upward trend, and the research has been more active after 2010; the existing research in the field of flexible working arrangements can be divided into five theme groups, and the research content mainly focuses on the dimensions of flexible working arrangements, employee behavior, and leader factors, and so on. Finally, future research directions are proposed based on the analysis of the flexible working arrangements knowledge map.
... Målet med å anlegge et organisatorisk perspektiv har vaert å forstå hvordan virksomheter går fram for å realisere økt arbeidsplassfleksibilitet. Et slikt perspektiv har også gjort det mulig å se hvordan lovverk og gjeldende reguleringer samt «nonprofittverdier» og føringer fra samfunnet virker inn, slik vi ser at en del tidligere forskningsbidrag har vektlagt (jf. Shockley and Allen, 2007;Stavrou, 2005). ...
... 4-6) is job redesign and the implementation of FWAs. Work redesign has led organizations worldwide to develop flexible work arrangements, which include modifications to traditional work organization methods, such as flexitime, telework, home-based work, overtime, part-time, weekend work, shift work, and compressed workweeks [19][20][21]. Thompson, Payne, and Taylor [22] and Bjärntoft et al. [23] emphasize that these arrangements represent a mutually beneficial arrangement between employers and employees, where both parties agree on when, where, and how employees will work to meet the company's needs. ...
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The research’s main objective is to examine the mediating role of Employee Commitment (EC) in the relationship between Flexible Work Arrangements (FWAs) and employee behavior (Innovative Work Behavior (IWB) and Employee Performance (EP)) among employees in the Republic of Serbia. The research consists of a theoretical part (review of the literature on previous theoretical and empirical findings) and an empirical part (Partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) analysis conducted on a sample of 582 employees in Serbia). The main findings have determined that there is full mediation, as the indirect effect of FWAs on Innovative Work Behavior through employee commitment is significant, and partial mediation, as the indirect effect of FWAs on Employee Performance through Employee commitment. The flexibility provided by FWAs not only increases employee satisfaction and loyalty but also motivates them to reciprocate through improved behavior and employee performance. In this way, employee commitment becomes a key factor that links organizational flexibility policies with positive outcomes in employee behavior. Flexible work arrangements are key to HR sustainability by enabling a better work-life balance, reducing stress, increasing employee commitment, and fostering long-term innovation and productivity. The mediating role of employee commitment in the relationship between flexible work arrangements and employee behaviors, such as innovative work behavior and employee performance, is particularly important. A high level of commitment, which stems from flexible work conditions, significantly contributes to innovative practices and improved performance, further strengthening the sustainability of organizations.
... Some studies examine an individual policy-for example, on-site childcare (Kossek & Nichol 1992) or telework (Koh et al. 2013)-and others study a bundle of policies, such as several dependent care policies (Casper & Harris 2008) or multiple forms of flexibility (Schooreel & Verbruggen 2016). Studies also differ by examining policy use (Ierodiakonou & Stavrou 2017, Leslie et al. 2012, availability (Rothbard et al. 2005, Stavrou 2005), or both use and availability (Berg et al. 2014, Casper & Harris 2008, ten Brummelhuis & van der Lippe 2010. Scholars have argued that policy availability can be important irrespective of use, as it signals support to employees, providing psychological benefits (Butts et al. 2013, Casper & Harris 2008, Grover & Crooker 1995. ...
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In this manuscript we review research on the effectiveness of work-life balance (WLB) policies in improving employee and organizational outcomes. We find that while WLB policies are often implemented with good intentions, their effects are generally small or inconsistent. We identify eight barriers to policy inclusivity that we theorize are linked to reduced effectiveness—a narrow definition of family, focusing on work-family rather than work-nonwork balance, low policy awareness, the practical constraints of access, overlooking vulnerable workers, the nature of the job, supervisor attitudes and behaviors, and unsupportive organizational cultures—and make recommendations for addressing these barriers. We also highlight the importance of considering individual differences and cultural contexts when implementing WLB policies. We conclude by proposing future research directions, such as examining coworker support and the impact of national culture on policy effectiveness.
... Although flexi-time dictates a set of core hours, it allows employees choice over their work schedules on either side of these core hours (Akyeampong, 1993;Davis & Kalleberg, 2006;Eaton, 2003;Ridgley et al., 2005). Thus, employees are free to decide the beginning and finishing time of their working day (Eldridge & Nisar 2011;McDonald et al., 2008), enabling the retention of full-time equivalent hours (Stavrou, 2005), as well as allowing employees flexibility around when to use banked hours. In this study we focus on the impact of the actual uptake of flexitime on organizational outcomes, as opposed to the promise of flexi-time (Yang & Zheng, 2011). ...
... The FWA system encourages employees to have work initiatives or come up with creative ideas in carrying out activities, being responsible for work and not depending on orders from superiors (Kropf, 1999). Employees allowed to choose their work hours tend to be more engaged and productive (Stavrou, 2005). ...
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Orientation: Employee productivity is affected by various social and psychological variables. Flexible work arrangements (FWAs) and participative styles are expected to influence employee productivity.Research purpose: This study examined the effect of FWA and participative styles on employee productivity, specifically of Generation Z (Gen Z) employees. It also examines the mediating role of emotional engagement on the effect of FWA and participative styles on employee productivity.Motivation for the study: Gen Z workers have specific work-behavioural characteristics, including freedom and flexibility. This study provides empirical evidence of factors that increased the productivity of Gen Z employees by examining the influence of FWA and participative style.Research approach/design and method: This study was designed as explanatory. Data were collected using a survey involving 259 employees by purposive sampling technique. The data were analysed by the Partial Least Squares-Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) method with the IBM AMOS 26 program.Main findings: Flexible work arrangement, participative style and emotional engagement affect employee productivity in direct and indirect relationships. However, there is no significant effect of FWAs on emotional engagement.Practical/managerial implications: Organisations need to develop FWA systems and more employee participation at work. It is expected to strengthen emotional engagement in their organisation and increase their productivity indirectly.Contribution/value-add: The study took Gen Z as the object of this research to support the assumption that this generation prefers a flexible way of working but still supports their productivity achievements.
... These contrasting outlooks on workplace flexibility are reflected in research especially with regards to employee turnover intentions and behavior (Allen et al., 2013;Almer & Kaplan, 2002;De Sivatte & Guadamillas, 2013;Stavrou & Kilaniotis, 2010;Thompson & Prottas, 2005;Wadsworth et al., 2018). Conflicting evidence was reported for both flextime (Baltes et al., 1999;Casper & Harris, 2008;Clark et al., 2017;Dalton & Mesch, 1990;Dunham et al., 1987;Golembiewski & Proehl, 1978;Kröll & Nüesch, 2019;Masuda et al., 2012;Onken-Menke et al., 2018;Pierce et al., 1989) and telecommuting (Gajendran & Harrison, 2007;Kossek et al., 2006;Masuda et al., 2012;Onken-Menke et al., 2018;Stavrou, 2005;Tsen et al., 2021). We would therefore agree with the conclusion of a qualitative review to the effect that the associations between FWAs and employee turnover are mixed (de Menezes & Kelliher, 2011). ...
... Carlson et al., (2010) also stated that flexible work arrangements are an alternative approach to building a workplace where workers can freely determine the time, place and length of time they will do their work. Stavrou (2005) stated that work flexibility allows employees to freely determine where and when they will work. This allows them to balance their time between work and family without interfering with other responsibilities. ...
Turnover intention in employees is an important thing for a company or organization, both small companies and large companies. Many factors influence this, this is also in line with the millennial generation or generation Y which currently dominates the world of work and has quite high turnover rates. So, this research aims to analyze and determine the factors that cause turnover intention by choosing two variables, namely flexible work arrangement and work life balance. Using the IBM SPSS 29 data processing tool, the method used in this research is quantitative descriptive analysis. The research population is all generation Y employees or the millennial generation at PT head office. Menara Ultra Indonesia has 125 employees and the technique used to analyze the data is multiple linear regression analysis. The results show that partially flexible work arrangements influence turnover intention in the opposite direction, meaning that if the flexible work arrangement value increases, the turnover intention value will decrease. Based on the findings that have been tested, the work life balance variable influences turnover intention in the opposite direction, meaning that when the work life balance value increases, the turnover intention value will decrease. Based on simultaneous tests, the results show that flexible work arrangements and work life balance have a significant influence on turnover intention, meaning that with flexible work arrangements and work life balance, turnover intention will experience changes.
... profit, fluktuacija radnika, odsustvo s posla; vidi npr. Stavrou, 2005.; Allen i sur., 2015.). ...
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Changes in the world of labour lead to the need to regulate flexible forms of work, and in the case of parents and carers this is additionally demanded by the Directive on work-life balance for parents and carers (EU/2019/1158) that was transferred by Croatia to its national legislation in 2022. At the same time, research indicates that adjustments of labour legislation in that direction can also, apart from positive ones, have negative effects on the well-being of employees and gender equality, so it is important to take into consideration the political, organisational and cultural context within which flexible forms of work are regulated. As there was no discussion during the process of the adjustment of the Croatian legislation, this paper considers the strengths and weaknesses of the current regulation of flexible forms of work for parents and carers in Croatia, placing it in a comparative perspective and within the context of current knowledge about the effects of flexible forms of work on the well-being of employees and gender equality. It indicates that the wider regulation of the right to flexible forms of work due to the need for care was not followed by consideration of the negative effects that such forms of work may have on the well-being of employees and gender equality, or by the introduction of mechanisms that could prevent or alleviate them.
... Çalışma koşullarına yansıyan bu fırsat ve değişimler esnek çalışma (istihdam) düzenlemelerini de beraberinde getirerek (Taşlıyan vd., 2017, s. 115) daha esnek ve özerk çalışma modellerinin yaygınlaşmasına yol açmaktadır (Dettmers ve Uglanova, 2018Uglanova, , s. 1728. Bu modellemeler, çalışma süresi açısından esnek çalışma modelleri ve istihdam açısından esnek çalışma modelleri olarak iki grupta incelenmektedir (Oğuz, 2007, s. 50)  Çalışma Süresi Bakımından Esnek Çalışma Modelleri: Fordist üretim sisteminde sabit bir düzlemde işleyen çalışma süreleri yaşanan değişim ve gelişimlerle beraber artık daha esnek bir hal almıştır (Oğuz, 2007, s. 51) Dolayısıyla yarı zamanlı çalışma (part-time), vardiyalı çalışma, hafta sonu çalışması, sıkıştırılmış çalışma haftası, koşullu çalışma, fazla mesaiye kalma, çağrı üzerine çalışma (Stavrou, 2005'den akt.Taşlıyan vd., 2017, kayan iş süresi, yıllık iş süresi, emekliliğe yumuşak geçiş gibi süreli çalışma modelleri kapsamındadır (Öztürkoğlu, 2013, s. 112).  İstihdam ve Mekân Bakımından Esnek Çalışma Modelleri: İletişim teknolojinin gelişimi beraberinde mekân değişimine bağlı çalışma modellerini getirirken, yılların getirdiği dönüşümler istihdam biçimleri üzerinde etkisini göstermiştir (Güloğlu ve Sertkan, 2003, s. 5). ...
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Bu araştırmanın amacı, esnek çalışma uygulamalarının çalışanların öznel iyi oluş ve iş tatminleri üzerindeki etkisini incelemektir. Bu kapsamda nicel bir araştırma gerçekleştirilmiştir. Araştırma evreni Bitlis il merkezindeki kamu kurum çalışanlarından oluşmaktadır. Örneklemi ise esnek çalışma uygulamalarına dâhil olan 311 katılımcı oluşturmaktadır. Araştırmaya veri elde etmek amacıyla anket tekniğinden yararlanılmıştır. Araştırma kapsamında elde edilen veriler ilk olarak yapı ve geçerlilik yönünden analiz edilmiştir. Daha sonra araştırma hipotezlerini test etmek amacıyla regresyon analizleri yapılmıştır. Yapılan analizlerde; zamansal esnekliğin, bireye ve kuruma bağlı öznel iyi oluş ile iş tatmini üzerinde anlamlı bir etkiye sahip olduğu görülmüştür. Diğer taraftan, iş yapısından kaynaklı esnekliğin sadece bireye bağlı öznel iyi oluş üzerinde anlamlı bir etkisi olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Araştırma bulgularına göre; özellikle zamansal esneklik uygulamaları çalışanların hem iş tatmini hem de öznel iyi oluşlarını artırmaktadır.
... Masofadan ishlash an'anaviy ofis ishi, mobil tarzda ishlash yoki virtual ishlash kabi birgalikda mavjud bo'luvchi ish rejimlaridan biri [1] yoki to'liqsiz ish, moslashuvchan grafik va boshqalar kabi ko'plab notipik bandlikning bir turi sifatida qabul qilinadi [2]. ...
Today, as a result of the complication of social relations, changes in the organization of production, the process of globalization, and the liberalization of society, the labor market is undergoing structural changes associated with the emergence and active spread of new, atypical forms of employment that are non-traditional for the existing legal order. This article discusses the regulation of remote work, which is considered a type of atypical work. The level of legal support for remote work has been studied based on the experiences of Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Moldova, Azerbaijan, and Armenia. Remote work in the legislation of these countries, the concept of a remote worker, the types of remote work, and the procedure for concluding an employment contract with remote workers are studied. The features of accounting for the working time and rest time of remote workers, protecting their work and sending them on vacation, and preventing discrimination in monthly wages are studied. In addition, the article analyzes the necessary means, equipment, information tools, and payments for electricity and the Internet that must be provided by the employer to a remote worker, as well as the issue of compensation when the employee uses or spends his own equipment in the performance of work duties.
... However, Staples (1996) suggested that organizational commitment can be increased by removing the feeling of isolation through better communication and other effective management practices. Lewis et al. (2001) and Stavrou (2005) empirically found that the flexibility provided by working remotely positively impacts employee turnover intentions. Turnover intention refers to an individual's willingness to quit an organization consciously and deliberately (Tett & Meyer, 1993). ...
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The present study measures the influence of telecommuting on job satisfaction by taking job autonomy, schedule flexibility and work control, work–life balance and reduced job stress as outcome variables of telecommuting. The role of job satisfaction has also been investigated in determining organizational commitment and turnover intention. Confirmatory factor analysis was done to test the fitness of the data to the model along with ensuring the convergent and discriminant validity of the data. For testing the proposed hypotheses, the structural equations modelling technique was used. Results from the study confirm the role of telecommuting in enhancing the overall job satisfaction of employees which in turn improves their level of organizational commitment and reduces turnover intention. The findings of the study contribute empirically to the literature on voluntary part-time telecommuting and provide implications for the proper adoption of a part-time telecommuting arrangement post-COVID-19 and the using of telecommuting as a talent retention strategy.
... ). Esnek çalışma evden çalışma, yarı zamanlı, vardiya, koşullu çalışma, telework, sıkıştırılmış çalışma haftası, hatta fazla mesai ve hafta sonları gibi çalışma ögelerini kapsayabilir (Stavrou, 2005). Çoğunlukla esnek çalışma programları ilgilenmek zorunda bulundukları küçük çocukları olan ebeveynler bilhassa kadınlar yönünden kullanılır. ...
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Küreselleşen dünyada hızla gelişen teknolojiler örgütleri dijitalleşmeye doğru götürmektedir. Her örgütün yakın çevresi ve paydaşlarınca tanındığı bir kimliği vardır. Bu kimlik örgütün vizyon ve misyonunu ortaya koymaktadır. İçinde yaşadığımız yüzyılın gereklilikleri ise değişen dünyaya hızla adapte olmak ve çağın gerisinde kalmamayı gerektirir. Bu nedenle üretimden tüketime kadar işletmelerin her alanda dijitalleşmesi kaçınılmazdır. Dijitalleşme örgütler için bir geçiş sürecidir. Bu sürecin örgütün var olan kimliği ile örtüşmesi, misyonuna uygun bir çerçevede ve vizyonuna hizmet edecek nitelikte olmalıdır. Çalışmanın amacı örgütlerin halihazırda sahip oldukları kimlikleri ile dijitalelleşmeye geçiş süreçlerini “neden dijitelleşmeliyiz?” sorusunun cevabı olarak bir yol haritası niteliğinde ortaya koymaktır. Bu nedenle küçük, orta veya büyük bütün işletmeler için kaçınılmaz olan bu sürecin hangi adımlar ile yapılması gerektiğini ifade etmek amaçlanmaktadır. Ayrıca dijitalleşmenin sürdürülebilir kılınması için de işletmelerin üzerine düşen görevlerin, çalışanları bu dijitelleşmeye nasıl dahil edileceğinin ve en önemlisi de işletmenin hakim olduğu pazardaki konumuna göre dijital olarak var olabilmesinin adımları ifade edilmek istenmektedir. Nihai amacı ise her işletmenin imkanlarını dijitalelleşmeye kanalize edebilme becerileridoğrultusunda elinde başvurabileceği bir yol haritası niteliğinde bir çalışma sunmaktır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Kurumsal Kimlik, Dijital Dönüşüm, Kimlik İnşası Abstract In the globalizing world, rapidly developing technologies are leading organizations towards digitalization. Every organization has an identity that is recognized by its immediate environment and stakeholders. This identity is the identity that reveals the vision and mission of the organization. The requirements of the century we live in require adapting quickly to the changing world and not falling behind the times. For this reason, it is inevitable for businesses to digitize in all areas, from production to consumption. Digitization is a transitional process for organizations. The overlap of this process with the existing identity of the organization should be in a framework appropriate to its mission and in a quality that will serve its vision. The aim of the study is “why should we digitize?” It is to present it as a road map as an answer to the question. It is aimed to express which steps should be done in this process, which is inevitable for all small, medium or large enterprises. In addition, in order to make digitalization sustainable, it is desired to express the steps of the duties of the enterprises, how to include their employees in this digitalization, and most importantly, the steps of the business to exist digitally according to its position in the market it dominates. Its ultimate aim is to present a study as a roadmap that every business can use in line with their ability to channel their opportunities into digitalization. Keywords: Corporate Identity, Digital Transformation, Identity Construction
... Lalu, besaran upah tersebut juga perlu dirinci melalui pengaturan jam kerja pegawai (working arrangement), adanya pembatasan pegawai di kantor dengan persentase kehadiran sebesar 50%-70% pada new normal dapat diatasi dengan menerapkan pengaturan jam kerja yang fleksibel (flexible working arrangement). Pengaturan jam kerja fleksibel dengan mengharuskan pekerja memilih jam kerja sesuai keinginannya tersebut sudah banyak diterapkan di Uni Eropa untuk mencegah terjadinya rush hour atau penumpukan di jam padat terutama di masa pandemi guna mencegah penularan yang lebih luas (Stavrou, 2005). ...
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Terdapat tantangan yang harus dihadapi terutama dalam hal penjaminan hak dan kewajiban pekerja. Dari segi upah, pemerintah harus mengatur tentang besaran porsi atau upah yang diterima oleh pekerja, hal ini merupakan tindak lanjut terhadap berbagai pemotongan gaji karyawan maupun take home pay yang terjadi sebelum masa new normal. Lalu, besaran upah tersebut juga perlu dirinci melalui pengaturan jam kerja pegawai (working arrangement), adanya pembatasan pegawai di kantor dengan persentase kehadiran sebesar 50%-70% pada new normal dapat diatasi dengan menerapkan pengaturan jam kerja yang fleksibel (flexible working arrangement). Pengaturan jam kerja fleksibel dengan mengharuskan pekerja memilih jam kerja sesuai keinginannya tersebut sudah banyak diterapkan di Uni Eropa untuk mencegah terjadinya rush hour atau penumpukan di jam padat terutama di masa pandemi guna mencegah penularan yang lebih luas. Besaran porsi dan pengaturan jam kerja tersebut perlu diatasi dan diawasi pemerintah mengingat tingginya risiko penularan oleh pekerja di masa new normal sekaligus menjamin kesejahteraan pegawai dan mencegah terjadinya unsur eksploitasi yang dilakukan oleh perusahaan.
... In contrast, Chung and van der Lippe (2020) found that FWA is conducive to balancing family and work relationships. The third research approach takes the organizational perspective, examining organizational antecedents (e.g., organizational culture characteristics) (Lyness et al., 2012;Masuda et al., 2012), and organizational outcomes (e.g., performance or competitiveness) (Stavrou, 2005;Wahab and Tatoglu, 2020). However, the results of these studies indicate that FWA as a work arrangement design at the organizational level is complex and difficult to analyze. ...
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Flexible work arrangements (FWA) are becoming increasingly widespread as an efficient means of coping with a dynamic and competitive business environment. Existing studies have primarily examined the impact of FWA as a management system; however, its impact on employee innovation behavior has not been fully explored. Based on the self-determination theory, this study constructed a moderated mediation model that empirically examined the influence of FWA on the innovation behavior of knowledge employees. Our findings are as follows: (1) FWA can activate innovation behavior among knowledge employees; (2) thriving at work plays a partial mediating role; (3) human resource policies that facilitate opportunities have a positive moderating effect. The findings fill a theoretical research gap and provide insights for managers on implementing FWA to promote the innovative behavior of knowledge employees.
... Firms that have implemented FFP are more likely to obtain financial gains when comparing the benefits versus the costs of introducing FFP (Bae & Goodman, 2014;Dex & Scheibl, 1999;Perry-Smith & Blum, 2000). To that end, there is evidence of positive repercussions, such as an increase in firm and labor productivity (Bae & Goodman, 2014;Clifton & Shepard, 2004;Glass & Finley, 2002;Lee & Kim, 2010;Ngo et al., 2009;Wood & de Menezes, 2010), firm and employee performance (de Menezes & Kelliher, 2017;Gray, 2002;Lee & Hong, 2011;Martínez-Sánchez et al., 2008;Perry-Smith & Blum, 2000;Stavrou, 2005), firm profitability (Lau, 2000;Lau & May, 1998;Lee & DeVoe, 2012), and even higher shareholder returns (Arthur, 2003). On the other hand, FFP are likely to be a source of sustained competitive advantage and attraction (Perry-Smith & Blum, 2000) and can achieve higher levels of market performance (Ngo et al., 2009). ...
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Family-friendly practices (FFP) are viewed as an important tool to achieve equal opportunities and a supportive culture, with potential benefits for the organizational image and its employer branding. To date, however, there is an imperfect understanding of whether FFP affect firm performance and what are the mechanism of the possible association. This study tests a comprehensive model to investigate whether FFP affect firm performance and analyzes the role played by work–life balance (WLB) as a mediator between the provision of FFP and employee attitudes and firm performance. Using a sample of 724 public and private Portuguese companies and Partial Least Squares (PLS) regression, the results show that the availability of FFP indeed has a positive influence on WLB, organizational commitment, and job satisfaction, but it does not impact family satisfaction. Moreover, WLB mediates the relationship between FFP and firm performance. It is noteworthy that men and women do not perceive the impact of these practices the same way, with FFP having a greater impact on female job satisfaction than on their male counterparts. In addition, participants with lower levels of education and lower levels of annual income perceive a stronger impact of FFP on organizational commitment and WLB than the remaining participants. Men and participants with lower levels of education also perceive a stronger impact of WLB on family satisfaction.
... Scholars in many disciplines use it as a robust variable in models and analyses connected with a bevy of individual, family, work, and community outcomes (Jacob, Bond, Galinsky, & Hill, 2008). Depending on the research, flexibility may act as an independent, mediating, moderating, or dependent variable in numerous theory-based relationships (e.g., Shockley & Allen, 2007;Barnett, Gareis, & Brennan, 1999;Stavrou, 2005). ...
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In higher institutions, the retention of employees is a serious concern due to high turnover rates. In this work, the relationship between human capital development (HCD) and employee retention (ER) in some selected tertiary institutions around Nigeria was examined. HCD was measured using training and development (TD) and career planning (CP) as proxy variables. On the other hand, ER was measured using employee motivation (M), workplace flexibility (WPF), and work-life balance (WLB). Two regression models were set up for both TD and CP to determine their impact on M, WPF and WLB. Results showed TD is a significant positive predictor of all three factors of employee retention (M, WPF, and WLB). The predictor estimates of M on TD indicate that for every 1-unit increase in TD, a predicted increase of 0.990 is significantly higher than the predicted increase for WPF and WLP for the same unit. Similarly, the results also show that CP is a significant positive predictor of WPF (0.811), WLB (0.845) and M (0.356). For CP, M exhibited the lowest predicted increase compared to the other two variables (WPF and WLB). In addition, the second model elucidates that WLB has a stronger predictive value for CP. The correlation coefficient between CP and WLB is the highest, followed by WF and then M. Overall, the findings of this research will support HR managers' ability to better identify which retention strategies and empowerment-enhancing bundles would work best for their respective organizations.
... Workplace flexibility gives employees more autonomy, which has many positive effects. Work flexibility has a positive impact on work-family adaptation (Clarke, Koch & Hill, 2004), individual mental health (Jacob, Bond, Galinsky & Hill, 2008), family cohesion (Stevens, Kiger & Riley, 2006), higher work performance and lower turnover rate (Stavrou, 2005). In addition, another study found that there was a significant correlation between workplace flexibility and the increase in the number of preventive care visits for workers (Sabbath, Sparer, Boden, Wagner, Hashimoto & Hopcia, 2018). ...
In the context of online telecommuting, based on conservation of resource theory, boundary theory and role pressure theory, the research conducted a survey on 690 teachers from 16 senior high schools in China, and verified the relationship between workplace flexibility and job involvement. The results show that: 1) Workplace flexibility has a significant positive impact on work-family conflict; 2) Workplace flexibility has a significant negative impact on job involvement; 3) Work-family conflict has a significant negative impact on job involvement; 4) Work-family conflict partially mediates the relationship between workplace flexibility and job involvement; 5) Job demands positively moderate the relationship between workplace flexibility and work-family conflict; 6) Job demands play a positive role in moderating the relationship between workplace flexibility and job involvement through work-family conflict.
... ). Uzaktan çalışma modeli, yarı zamanlı çalışma, esnek çalışma, iş paylaşımı ve evden çalışma gibi farklı uygulamalarla kullanılmaktadır(Çelenk ve Atmaca, 2010: 188).Alanyazın incelendiğinde, uzaktan çalışma modellerinin örgütsel bağlılığı ve performansı artırdığı(Stavrou 2005, Choo vd 2016, işe karşı negatif tutumları ve iş gücü maliyetlerini azalttığı(Possenriede vd 2014), aynı zamanda şirketlere cazip piyasa koşulları ve rekabetçi avantaj sağladığı görülmektedir (Avcı ve Yavuz 2020, Yavuz, 1995). Bunların yanı sıra bireysel düzeyde yapılan çalışmalar, stres ve buna bağlı sorunların azalmasına(Sardeshmukh ve diğerleri, 2012; Gajendran ve Harrison, 2007), iş tatmini (McNall ve diğerleri 2009) ve bireysel performansın artmasına ve iş-aile dengesinin sağlanmasına (Choo ve diğerleri 2016) pozitif katkısı olduğunu göstermektedir. ...
... Evaluation of the implementation of FWA shows that on the one hand FWA is needed to facilitate the needs of employees in order to save time and costs and reduce stress from avoiding traffic jams, and being able to divide time for work and needs outside of work such as social needs with friends and family in a balanced way (work-life balance) (Budhiekusuma et al., 2017;Crosbie & Moore, 2004;Heathfield, 2020;Rau & Hyland, 2002;Stavrou, 2005). Furthermore, more flexible work arrangements are HR strategies that provide higher autonomy to employees to be able to work without being limited by space and time. ...
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This study aims to examine how significantly Flexible Work Arrangements (FWA) contribute to the improvement of civil service inter-organizational networks by looking at various factors, including trust, adaptability, information technology readiness, and other control variables. This study uses a mixed-methods design. The quantitative approach uses an online survey of 675 civil servants’ respondents from central and regional agencies. A qualitative approach with in-depth interviews and focus group discussions with local civil service in West Java Province, Central Java Province, and Semarang City. The collected data is then analyzed Path Analysis using SPSS version 25. The research revealed that Flexible Work Arrangements contributed to increasing the influence of the level of trust on the work network. Meanwhile, FWA do not contribute to the effect of adaptability and readiness of information technology on the work network. This is supported by qualitative data which shows that Trust is the main factor to increase the network when implementing FWA in order to create a good network, with high and solid trust, both trust in leaders, colleagues, and stakeholders, then any instruction as soon as possible is realized into a good cooperation network when FWA is realized by developing a Flexible Work Arrangement system
... The COVID-19 pandemic and the subsequent period changed the attitude to remote work, which became a necessity for many organisations [24][25][26][27]. This arrangement is currently used by many enterprises, also with the aim of ensuring a proper work-life balance for their employees [28][29][30][31], improving the organisation's performance and reducing employee absenteeism [32,33]. The decision that was made by mid-level managers to adopt remote work as a form of employment was dictated furthermore by their convictions about the efficiency of the work that is performed by their employees and about information security measures having become more reliable [34]. ...
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Remote work has been of interest to managers since the implementation of new information and communication technologies (ICTs). During the initial period, it was treated as an em-ployee's privilege or even a luxury and as such it was not a popular practice. The COVID-19 pandemic and the intervening period have changed attitudes toward remote work, as it became a necessity for many organisations. However, in connection with its use, many new, previously unknown problems have arisen, such as: the organisation of remote work, the supervision and monitoring of work performance, and employee support. The present research was conducted using a standardised questionnaire computer-assisted telephone interview (CATI) method in May-June 2021 on a population of 248 enterprises, divided into micro, small, medium-sized and large entities. The research data were collected during the COVID-19 pandemic which, on the one hand, provided an exceptional opportunity to fill in the theoretical gaps that were existing in this field; however, on the other hand, it could be burdened with certain flaws due to the context of the pandemic. An enterprise's attitude to remote work has a positive influence on the efficiency of the remote work, the control of the remote work and the remote work support, with the strongest impact exerted on the last of the factors mentioned. A better attitude to remote work influences, to the largest degree, an enterprise's support for performing work from remote locations outside of corporate offices. Among the enterprises that were surveyed, the following were most frequently indicated as elements of such support: additional office equipment provided to an employee, remote work training, and the installation of additional computer programs. Financial support was declared by about 11% of the enterprises and it usually took the form of a remote work allowance or funds to cover the costs of purchasing equipment or paying for the Internet.
... ). Uzaktan çalışma modeli, yarı zamanlı çalışma, esnek çalışma, iş paylaşımı ve evden çalışma gibi farklı uygulamalarla kullanılmaktadır(Çelenk ve Atmaca, 2010: 188).Alanyazın incelendiğinde, uzaktan çalışma modellerinin örgütsel bağlılığı ve performansı artırdığı(Stavrou 2005, Choo vd 2016, işe karşı negatif tutumları ve iş gücü maliyetlerini azalttığı(Possenriede vd 2014), aynı zamanda şirketlere cazip piyasa koşulları ve rekabetçi avantaj sağladığı görülmektedir (Avcı ve Yavuz 2020, Yavuz, 1995). Bunların yanı sıra bireysel düzeyde yapılan çalışmalar, stres ve buna bağlı sorunların azalmasına(Sardeshmukh ve diğerleri, 2012; Gajendran ve Harrison, 2007), iş tatmini (McNall ve diğerleri 2009) ve bireysel performansın artmasına ve iş-aile dengesinin sağlanmasına (Choo ve diğerleri 2016) pozitif katkısı olduğunu göstermektedir. ...
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Damgalanma, özellikle Covid 19 küresel salgın sürecinde ortaya çıkan riskli ve güvenli olmayan çalışma koşulları karşısında sağlık çalışanlarının sıklıkla maruz kaldığı durumu ifade etmektedir. Literatürde, sağlık çalışanlarının salgın ve bulaşıcı hastalıklar sebebiyle damgalanmayla karşılaştığı ve damgalanmanın doğurduğu çeşitli sonuçların ele alındığı görülmektedir. Bu doğrultuda, çalışmada Covid 19 sürecinde görev yapan sağlık çalışanlarının damgalanmaya maruz kalma şekillerinin ve damgalanmanın sonuçlarının bir model çerçevesinde sunulması amaçlanmaktadır. Araştırma amacı kapsamında farklı hastanelerde görev yapan; kıdem, yaş, çalışma birimi gibi farklı kriterler esas alınarak, 28 çalışan ile yarı yapılandırılmış soru formu aracılığıyla mülakatlar gerçekleştirilmiştir. Mülakatlardan elde edilen veriler MAXQDA nitel veri analizi programı kullanılarak kodlanmış ve kategorize edilmiştir. Kodların ve kategorilerin görselleştirilmesinde frekans analizi, karşılaştırmalı analiz ve ilişki analizlerinden yararlanılmıştır. Analiz sonuçlarına göre, damgalanmaya maruz kalan sağlık çalışanlarının karşılaştığı sonuçlar dört ana tema çerçevesinde sekiz alt-tema olarak sınıflandırılmıştır. Bununla birlikte sağlık çalışanlarının maruz kaldığı damgalanma sonuçları “bireysel”, “örgütsel”, “toplumsal” ve “ailevi” olarak dört ana tema kapsamında sınıflandırılmıştır.
... Table 3 provides an overview of the HRM practices included in this study. Extant CRANET research also supports the bundling of practices to seek evidence of trends in areas of HRM practice (see, e.g., Gooderham et al., 2014;Poutsma et al., 2006;Stavrou, 2005;Stavrou et al., 2010). ...
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Given the rhetoric that human resource management (HRM) models adopted by public and private organisations are becoming more similar, this study questions whether the traditional distinction between public and private sector HRM is still relevant. Building from institutional theory, we study continuity and change using four‐wave data from eight European countries. We find that the traditional public sector investment in employee well‐being continues to be distinctive only for HRM practices aimed at equal opportunities. Private sector organisations, on the other hand, make greater use of performance‐oriented HRM practices including compensation and benefits, performance appraisal data, and modern development and career management practices. Cross‐sector convergence is explained through coercive and mimetic isomorphic change, while persistent differences indicate that time‐honoured public sector values are less susceptible to change. This study provides a much‐needed update of the public‐private comparison and a trend analysis of developments over time.
... Esnek çalışma telework, evden çalışma, sıkıştırılmış çalışma haftası, yarı zamanlı, hatta fazla mesai, vardiya, hafta sonları ve koşullu çalışma gibi çalışma unsurlarını kapsayabilir (Stavrou, 2005). Esnek çalışma programları çoğunlukla ilgilenmek zorunda oldukları küçük çocukları olan ebeveynler özellikle kadınlar tarafından kullanılır. ...
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zet Çalışma yaşamı küreselleşen dünya, gelişen teknoloji ve giderek artan rekabet unsurları sonucunda hızlı bir şekilde değişmektedir. Bu doğrultuda bireylerin çalışma saatleri ve çalışma saatlerindeki özgürlükleri önemli boyut kazanmıştır. Esnek çalışma saatleri bireylerin iş tatminlerini ve tükenmişlik düzeylerini etkilemektedir. Çalışmanın temel amacı çalışan kadınların iş tatmini, tükenmişlik ve esnek çalışma saatleri arasındaki ilişkiyi incelemektedir. Bu doğrultuda bireylerin demografik özellikleri de göz önüne alınarak analiz yapılmıştır. Çalışmada veri toplama aracı olarak anket yöntemi uygulanmıştır. Elde edilen veriler SPSS 23 paket programı ile analiz edilmiştir. Yapılan analizler sonucunda iş tatmini, tükenmişlik ve esnek çalışma saatleri arasında anlamlı ilişkiler olduğu ve bireylerin demografik özelliklerinin bu kavramı etkilediği bulunmuştur. Abstract Working life is rapidly changing as a result of the globalizing world, developing technology and increasingly competitive elements. In this direction, the freedom of individuals in working hours and working hours has gained an important dimension. Flexible working hours affect individual job satisfaction and burnout levels. The main purpose of the study is to examine the relationship between working satisfaction, burnout and flexible working hours of working women. In this direction, the analysis was carried out by considering the demographic characteristics of the individuals. Survey method was used to collect data in this study. The obtained data were analyzed with the SPSS 23 packet program. It has been found that the analyzes made have meaningful relationships between job satisfaction, exhaustion and flexible working hours, and that the demographic characteristics of individuals influence this concept.
... ). Esnek çalışma evden çalışma, yarı zamanlı, vardiya, koşullu çalışma, telework, sıkıştırılmış çalışma haftası, hatta fazla mesai ve hafta sonları gibi çalışma ögelerini kapsayabilir (Stavrou, 2005). Çoğunlukla esnek çalışma programları ilgilenmek zorunda bulundukları küçük çocukları olan ebeveynler bilhassa kadınlar yönünden kullanılır. ...
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It is inevitable that there will be some changes in the world along with the progress of the age and these changes will be seen as technological advances. There are many arguments about whether technology is beneficial or harmful. However, it is a known fact that technology has both positive and negative results in human life. in particular, because of technological advances, the use of digital tools and platforms has been intensively used, and the frequency of encountering what can be called “e-disease” has also increased. in this study, some technological problems that arise due to technology and spread rapidly as a disease are discussed. Within the scope of the study, it is tried to examine the effects of these e-diseases, which are caught by individuals rather than individual problems, in terms of organizations. From this point of view, firstly, as a basic problem related to the use of intensive technology, technology addiction was given. Then, some e-diseases which came into existence because of technological addiction were mentioned and a two-dimensional evaluation was made in terms of organizations. Keywords: Technology, Addiction, E-diseases, Organizational Functioning.
... ). Esnek çalışma evden çalışma, yarı zamanlı, vardiya, koşullu çalışma, telework, sıkıştırılmış çalışma haftası, hatta fazla mesai ve hafta sonları gibi çalışma ögelerini kapsayabilir (Stavrou, 2005). Çoğunlukla esnek çalışma programları ilgilenmek zorunda bulundukları küçük çocukları olan ebeveynler bilhassa kadınlar yönünden kullanılır. ...
Conference Paper
It is inevitable that there will be some changes in the world along with the progress of the age and these changes will be seen as technological advances. There are many arguments about whether technology is beneficial or harmful. However, it is a known fact that technology has both positive and negative results in human life. in particular, because of technological advances, the use of digital tools and platforms has been intensively used, and the frequency of encountering what can be called “e-disease” has also increased. in this study, some technological problems that arise due to technology and spread rapidly as a disease are discussed. Within the scope of the study, it is tried to examine the effects of these e-diseases, which are caught by individuals rather than individual problems, in terms of organizations. From this point of view, firstly, as a basic problem related to the use of intensive technology, technology addiction was given. Then, some e-diseases which came into existence because of technological addiction were mentioned and a two-dimensional evaluation was made in terms of organizations. Keywords: Technology, Addiction, E-diseases, Organizational Functioning.
... ). Esnek çalışma evden çalışma, yarı zamanlı, vardiya, koşullu çalışma, telework, sıkıştırılmış çalışma haftası, hatta fazla mesai ve hafta sonları gibi çalışma ögelerini kapsayabilir (Stavrou, 2005). Çoğunlukla esnek çalışma programları ilgilenmek zorunda bulundukları küçük çocukları olan ebeveynler bilhassa kadınlar yönünden kullanılır. ...
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Human resources managers have a critical role in creating a mentally fit workforce that offers their companies a competitive edge by assessing and improving the psychosocial work environment. The study aims to investigate the relationship between employee well-being along three dimensions, i.e., flexibility, work-life balance, and psychological well-being, and organizational effectiveness along three determinant factors, i.e., retention, quality of work, and productivity. This research uses a quantitative, positivist, and deductive approach. Data were collected from a convenient sample of 162 managers from the Lebanese Labor Market. Data collected are processed using the statistical package IBM SPSS version 26.0 to explore the relationship between Employee well-being determinants and Organizational Effectiveness 16 variables. Descriptive and inferential statistics were employed to test hypotheses and the resultant research framework. Results show a positive statistically significant relationship between flexibility and work-life balance and the three organizational effectiveness factors. Psychological well-being was negatively and statistically significantly related to organizational effectiveness factors. The findings explain why organizations should concentrate on employee well-being, share recommendations for conducting a stress assessment, and examine three main work aspects that impact well-being: Flexible work arrangements, work-life balance, and psychological well-being. The organization may increase the quality of life and contribute to organizational success by broadening its function to include these concerns.
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IMPACT STATEMENT Young generation emphasizes on workplace flexibility than any older generations in this modern world. They value the importance of workplace flexibility and prioritize work-life balance than any generation before them. Furthermore, workplace flexibility is playing an important role in human resource management particularly during and after the COVID19-pandemic. Meanwhile, employee engagement which represents the attitude, dedication, commitment and satisfaction of an employee towards the job which eventually affects the performance and productivity of an organization is vital. Hence, we need to figure out whether workplace flexibility that demands by young generation will influence employee engagement that highlights by organization. This study found out that workspace flexibility and functional flexibility have significant positive relationships with employee engagement. Therefore, it is believed that win-win situation can be created through the implementation of workplace flexibility in certain extent which benefits the business world and society.
This literature review examines the effectiveness of flexible work arrangements in retaining Indian millennials in the workforce. The study finds that flexible work arrangements, which allow employees to alter the time and/or place of work to suit their individual needs, can lead to increased job satisfaction, work-life balance, and productivity among Indian millennials. Specifically, telecommuting and flextime have been found to have a positive impact on job satisfaction and employee retention. The success of flexible work arrangements may depend on various factors, such as organisational support, technology infrastructure, and managerial trust. Organisations that prioritise work-life balance and flexibility are more likely to retain Indian millennials and remain competitive in the market. The review has significant implications for organisations seeking to attract and retain Indian millennial talent, providing evidence that flexible work arrangements can be a powerful tool for retaining this vital segment of the workforce.
This research article has explored the association between Flexible work arrangements and Millennials. There have been numerous earlier studies and explorations in this area, but very few have investigated FWAs from the perspective of millennials. This article tried to investigate whether this approach is genuinely advantageous for both the parties’ employers and the employee. This research also looks at Indian Millennials and their penchant for FWAs. Methodology: Secondary data analysis was performed as the study approach. For our replies, we examined data from seven distinct survey reports. The majority of the survey was performed through interviews, which comprised both online and in-person interviews. Our data have been arranged into seven hypotheses that give solutions to our queries. Findings: Findings of this research tell us that FWAs are incredibly significant for Millennials and it is the need of the hour. FWAs are especially significant when it comes to the millennial generation. With the support of flexible work arrangements, recruitment and retention of millennials become easier.
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The main objective of this paper is to explore the perceptions and expectations of professors regarding corporate social responsibility (CSR) education in Western Odisha and investigate its role in job seekers' organizational attractiveness. This is a qualitative research study of professors in business management/engineering institutes and universities in Western Odisha. In-depth interviews were conducted with 20 professors (3 professors, 2 associate professors, and 15 assistant professors). Purposive sampling was used to select the professors engaged in teaching CSR courses. The data were treated in Nvivo software and analyzed using thematic and matrix analysis. The study reveals that the professors perceive CSR education as an essential factor for job seekers making decisions. Results suggest that the present CSR courses and their teaching pedagogy need to be revamped and revised by the educational institutes/universities, considering the current requirements and expectations of the industry. The findings also indicate a need for transformative learning for students to learn more awareness of the needs and benefits of CSR education. And can sensibly choose socially responsible companies for their career. Results indicate a change in how CSR is understood by innovative and new pedagogy. Study findings have implications for academic advisors, curriculum designers, teaching faculty, and industry practitioners. This paper is the first attempt to explore the perceptions and expectations of the professors about CSR education, considering Western Odisha as a case. The study addresses the gap in the present CSR education, its course coverage, teaching-learning techniques, students' expectations, and industry requirements.
Although management research on work-life flexibility policies has occurred for over 40 years, it is underdeveloped with inconsistent results. We argue that this is due to theorizing that—but not measuring whether—policy use increases boundary control; a fragmented literature examining a range of policies (either individually or bundled) without comprehensive integration; and an under-examination of policy implementation effectiveness. Drawing on boundary theory, we inductively review 338 studies to organize the work–life flexibility policy literature around a boundary control and implementation framework. Our framework derives a taxonomy of types of boundary control, identifies implementation stages, considers the importance of policy bundling, and incorporates multi-level (individual, group, organizational, societal) and multi-domain (family, work) dynamics. Our review shows that the current literature often assesses the availability of single policies and individual outcomes; but under-assesses boundary control, extent of use, bundling, implementation, and multi-level outcomes. Our results provide a springboard for future research and practice by offering new insights for understanding work–life flexibility policies, encouraging scholars to: (1) recognize the crucial role of different types of employee boundary control (spatial, size, temporal, permeability, continuity) as an inherent element of policy experiences that must be measured rather than merely assumed; (2) examine how work–life flexibility policy implementation involves four implementation stages—availability, access experiences (including enablers and barriers), use, and outcomes—with multiple stakeholders (e.g., individual employees, supervisors, coworkers, family) and contextual factors (i.e., societal forces); and (3) innovate ways to examine emergent policy issues such as equality, home implementation, and hybrid forms.
Debate on smart working in the public sector is rich, yet poorly systematized. The article fills this gap through a domain-based literature review. A bibliometric investigation enabled us to cluster 72 relevant papers in 5 research streams based on bibliographic coupling. An interpretive approach was undertaken to analyse key themes addressed within and across the clusters. A blurred account of smart working emerged. Despite the triggers fostering the transition towards smart working, its contents are ambiguous. Smart work arrangements fall short in augmenting the individual control over job and impair interpersonal relationships at work, paving the way for dumb work.
Im Zuge der Maßnahmen zur Eindämmung der Corona-Pandemie wird Telearbeit flächendeckend in Unternehmen eingesetzt, um Kontakte zu reduzieren und die Gesundheit der Mitarbeitenden zu schützen. Anhand einer umfassenden Analyse der Literatur und einer Fallstudie in einem mittelständischen, produzierenden und international agierenden Unternehmen wird dargelegt, inwiefern sich die Erkenntnisse zur Telearbeit geändert haben und welche Voraussetzungen erfüllt sein müssen, damit die Telearbeit aktuell und zukünftig erfolgreich eingesetzt werden kann. Während vor der Pandemie grundsätzlich die Vorteile der Telearbeit thematisiert werden, ist nun ein Fokuswechsel auf die Herausforderungen zu erkennen. Das theoretische Rahmenwerk von Wang et al. (2020), welches die Voraussetzungen für eine erfolgreiche Telearbeit beschreibt, wird im Rahmen dieser Ausarbeitung überprüft und erweitert.
The COVID-19 pandemic necessitated remote work for a large segment of the workforce. At the height of pandemic restrictions in the United States, almost 70% of full-time workers worked remotely either some or all of the time. That number had fallen to 45% by September of 2021, but remains significantly higher than pre-pandemic levels as many employers delay return-to-work deadlines or implement permanent remote work arrangements. As this trend drastically increases the amount of work that is conducted by distributed teams, organizations and workers can benefit from the implementation of employer interventions to facilitate effective team performance and individual wellbeing among remote workers. This paper presents recommendations based on extant literature, interviews conducted with health and safety professionals at large corporations, and surveys of labor force participants.
21. yüzyıl teknoloji ve rekabetin öne çıktığı, ürün ve hizmetlerin farklılaştığı, sınırların ortadan kalktığı global bir dünya düzenini beraberinde getirmiştir. Özellikle yüzyılın üçüncü çeyreğinden sonra teknolojide yaşanan hızlı gelişim tüm dünyadaki şirketleri ve insanları etkilemiştir. İş yapma biçimleri, üretim şekilleri, pazarlama anlayışı, ihtiyaç ve beklentilerin değişmesi çalışma hayatında geri dönülemez bir yapı oluşturmuştur. Bu yeni süreçte uzaktan çalışma, tele çalışma, kısmı çalışma, esnek çalışma gibi kavramlar iş hayatına girmiştir. Özel sektörde yaygınlıkla uygulanan bu sistemler Türk kamu sisteminde 2020 yılına kadar fazla görülmemiştir. Covid-19 kapsamında kamu çalışanlarına yönelik alınan tedbirlerle birlikte esnek çalışma sistemlerine geçilmiştir. Kamuda ilk kez uygulanan bu sistemin çalışma hayatına etkileri araştırmanın ana unsurunu oluşturmaktadır. Çalışmanın bir sonraki olası pandemi ya da benzer süreçlerde esnek çalışma uygulamalarına katkı sağlayacağı düşünülmektedir. Bu araştırmanın amacı esnek çalışma, covid-19 fobisi ve örgütsel yabancılaşmanın yaşam doyumu üzerine etkisini tespit etmektir. Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi Avşar yerleşkesinde bulunan idari personeller araştırmanın ana kütlesini oluşturmaktadır. Araştırma alan çalışmasıyla desteklenmiştir. Çalışmada nicel araştırma yöntemi kullanılmış olup, veriler anket tekniği ile toplanmıştır. Araştırmada yerli ve yabancı literatür incelenerek oluşturulan hipotezler, SPSS 25.0 paket programı ile güvenirlik, faktör, korelasyon ve regresyon analizleri yapılarak test edilmiştir. Çoklu regresyon analiz sonucunda ana model istatistiki olarak anlamlı bulunmuştur. Ancak basit regresyon analizine göre covid-19 yaşam doyumunu etkilemezken, esnek çalışma pozitif yönde, örgütsel yabancılaşma ise negatif yönde etkilemektedir. Çalışmada farklı bir bakış açısı ile esnek çalışma-yaşam doyumu arasındaki ilişkide örgütsel yabancılaşma ve covid-19 fobisinin aracılık etkisi de incelenmiştir.
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In 590 for-profit and nonprofit firms from the National Organizations Survey, we found positive associations between human resource management (HRM) practices, such as training and staffing selectivity, and perceptual firm performance measures. Results also suggest methodological issues for consideration in examinations of the relationship between HRM systems and firm performance.
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Self-reports figure prominently in organizational and management research, but there are several problems associated with their use. This article identifies six categories of self-reports and discusses such problems as common method variance, the consistency motif, and social desirability. Statistical and post hoc remedies and some procedural methods for dealing with artifactual bias are presented and evaluated. Recommendations for future research are also offered.
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Given the prevailing emphasis on agency performance, customer focus, stakeholder’s interests and other methods of assessment under new public administration and prevailing managerialism in many public sectors around the world, administrative practitioners have taken to benchmarking as an instrument for assessing organizational performance and for facilitating management transfer and learning from other benchmarked organizations. The introduction of benchmarking into the public sector is still in its early stages. Technical problems, scepticism about usefulness and the appropriateness of transferring putative private sector competencies into public administration and the resistance in accepting organizational change as a necessary consequence of benchmarking exercises in the public sector, prevent the widespread acceptance and use of benchmarking in public sectors, arguably “punch-drunk” with systemic change. Nevertheless, there are some encouraging examples of benchmarking within the public sector. This paper critically analyzes these examples in order to establish the vulnerability points of such measurement instruments which, possibly, need more research in order to establish the specific learning dimensions to benchmarking and to illustrate the importance of such benchmarking and learning within the highly risky, information technology (IT)-driven experiences of systems development and failure.
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Employees develop exchange relationships both with organizations and immediate superiors, as evidenced by research on perceived organizational support (POS) and leader-member exchange (LMX), respectively. Despite conceptual similarities between these two constructs, theoretical development and research has proceeded independently. In an attempt to integrate these literatures, we developed and tested a model of the antecedents and consequences of POS and LMX, based on social exchange theory. Results indicated that POS and LMX have unique antecedents and are differentially related to outcome variables, providing support for the importance of both types of exchanges.
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We describe why human resource management (HRM) decisions are likely to have an important and unique influence on organizational performance. Our hope is that this research forum will help advance research on the link between HRM and organizational performance. We identify key unresolved questions in need of future study and make several suggestions intended to help researchers studying these questions build a more cumulative body of knowledge that will have key implications for both theory and practice.
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Meta-analytic techniques were used to estimate the effects of flexible and compressed workweek schedules on several work-related criteria (productivity/performance, job satisfaction, absenteeism, and satisfaction with work schedule). In general, the effects of both schedules were positive. However, the effects of both flextime and compressed workweek schedules were different across the outcome criteria (e.g., compressed workweek schedules did not significantly affect absenteeism). Thus, the level of positive impact associated with either schedule is dependent on the outcome criterion under consideration. Further, several variables were found to be moderators of flexible work schedules. For example, highly flexible flextime programs were less effective in comparison to less flexible programs, and the positive benefits of flextime schedules were found to diminish over time. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
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The study of human resource management (HRM) has been invigorated by the promise that there is a best-practice, high-involvement management (HIM) that can guarantee superior organizational performance. None the less, there remain concerns that contingency theory still rules, that is, that the fit between the human resource systems and their context, and particularly the organization's business strategy, is all important and, thus, that HIM will only outperform other systems in certain circumstances. In the 1990s, there has been a spate of research that has sought to test whether HIM is indeed universally relevant. This paper reviews these studies. The paper first introduces the conceptual dimensions of the debate concerning HRM and performance. This shows that the issues go beyond a simple competition between universalism and contingency theory. There are more complicated hypotheses linking human resource practices beneath the surface of the recent literature. The second part of the paper overviews the studies in the light of these hypotheses, revealing that they present an uneven picture. Firstly, there are conceptual differences underlying the studies and, secondly, the results vary between them, and the effects of HIM vary between performance measures even in particular studies. Though a fair number of the studies claim to support universalism, their claims are not always unequivocally supported by their research evidence, and it is premature to conclude in its favour. If anything, there is more support for the ‘lean production’ argument that stresses the interaction effect between HIM and total quality management on performance.
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This paper comprehensively examined the linkages between systems of High Performance Work Practices and firm performance. Results based on a national sample of nearly one thousand firms indicate that these practices have an economically and statistically significant impact on both intermediate outcomes (turnover and productivity) and short- and long-term measures of corporate financial performance. Support for the predictions that the impact of High Performance Work Practices is in part contingent on their interrelationships and links with competitive strategy was limited.
Managers use mental models of markets to simplify and impose order on complex and ambiguous competitive environments and isolate points of competitive advantage or deficiency. In this study of senior managers of 190 businesses, the authors found four different types of mental models or representations of competitive advantage, varying in the emphasis placed on customer or management judgments about where and how competitors differ. These representations were influenced equally by pressure points in the environment and choice of strategy. The type of representation was also strongly associated with constrained patterns of information search and usage, raising the possibility that the necessary simplifications and narrowing of perspective may come at the cost of myopia and insensitivity to challenges from unexpected directions. There was also a strong association between the completeness of the managerial representation and relative financial performance, which supports related studies on the profitability of a market orientation.
Selling alliances that are formed to cooperatively develop and maintain customer relationships are among the new organizational forms that marketing managers utilize for competitive advantage. To be successful, these alliances require sales representatives from allied organizations to work effectively as selling partners. The authors develop a trust-based model of effective selling partner relationships and test it in the context of the computer industry. Partial Least Squares analysis of 103 dyadic relationships found that organizational differences were modest predictors of three dimensions of mutual perceived trustworthiness, which in turn differentially affected three trusting behaviors. Trusting behaviors were found to have a somewhat greater effect on perceived task performance than on mutual satisfaction, whereas dimensions of trustworthiness had both direct and indirect effects on satisfaction. The authors discuss the managerial and theoretical implications of these results.
Interest in the problem of method biases has a long history in the behavioral sciences. Despite this, a comprehensive summary of the potential sources of method biases and how to control for them does not exist. Therefore, the purpose of this article is to examine the extent to which method biases influence behavioral research results, identify potential sources of method biases, discuss the cognitive processes through which method biases influence responses to measures, evaluate the many different procedural and statistical techniques that can be used to control method biases, and provide recommendations for how to select appropriate procedural and statistical remedies for different types of research settings.
In this article we present a framework for studying the concepts of fit and flexibility in the field of strategic human resource management (HRM), focusing on HRM practices, employee skills, and employee behaviors, and review past conceptual and empirical work within that framework. We present ct model of strategic HRM and use this model to explore the concepts of fit and flexibility as they apply to strategic HRM. After applying the concepts of resource and coordination flexibility to strategic HRM, we discuss the implications of the framework for both the practice of and research on strategic HRM.
Although typically excluded from strategic human resource models, bundles of work-family policies may be an HR approach related to competitive advantage. Symbolic action and resource-based views provide conceptual support for such a relationship. Results from a national sample of 527 U.S. firms suggest that organizations with more extensive work-family policies have higher perceived firm-level performance. In addition, there was partial support for the hypotheses that the relationship between work-family bundles and firm performance is stronger for older firms and firms employing larger proportions of women.
Do family-friendly policies make for a more satisfied federal work force? The influx of mothers into the work force has heightened the federal government's awareness of the need to help employees balance work and family responsibilities. The authors conducted ordinary least squares regression analyses using the 1991 Survey of Federal Employees to investigate how the use of family-friendly policies affects federal workers'satisfaction with their jobs and work/family balance. They found that satisfaction with work/family balance is a vital component of an employee's job satisfaction, and the use of policies such as on-site child care and flextime appear to help employees, particularly mothers, face the dual demands of work and family life better.
Managers use mental models of markets to simplify and impose order on complex and ambiguous competitive environments and isolate points of competitive advantage or deficiency. In this study of senior managers of 190 businesses, the authors found four different types of mental models or representations of competitive advantage, varying in the emphasis placed on customer or management judgments about where and how competitors differ. These representations were influenced equally by pressure points in the environment and choice of strategy. The type of representation was also strongly associated with constrained patterns of information search and usage, raising the possibility that the necessary simplifications and narrowing of perspective may come at the cost of myopia and insensitivity to challenges from unexpected directions. There was also a strong association between the completeness of the managerial representation and relative financial performance, which supports related studies on the profitability of a market orientation.
While the U.S. economy is plagued by some very basic problems, there is cause for some cautious optimism. Future prosperity, however, will require fundamental changes in our attitudes about work, government, and the relationship between business and labor. Human capital is our greatest competitive advantage and rebuilding the U.S. economy will require a new sense of collaboration and trust among business, labor, and government. This article offers some policy recommendations to stop the wasting of our human resources and thereby stimulate productivity, innovation, and growth.
A major challenge for Strategic Human Resource Management research in the next decade will be to establish a clear, coherent and consistent construct for organizational performance. This article describes the variety of measures used in current empirical research linking human resource management and organizational performance. Implications for future research are discussed amidst the challenges of construct definition, divergent stake-holder criteria and the temporal dynamics of performance. The concept of performance information markets that addresses these challenges is proposed as a framework for the application of multi-dimensional weighted performance measurement systems. "What are you doing?" inquired the policeman of the drunk crawling on the pavement under the glow of a lamppost. "I am looking for my quarter", came the reply. "Where did you lose it?" asked the officer helpfully. "I dropped it over there by that payphone", retorted the drunk. Incredulous, the officer asked, "Then why are you looking in the middle of street?" "Because there is more light over here", he replied with his nose nearly to the ground. © 1998 JAI Press Inc. All rights of reproduction in any form reserved.
Using data from a representative sample of American private-sector establishments, this paper explains variation across firms in the implementation of work/family programs by examining how these are related to the employment strategy of organizations. The central hypothesis is that firms seeking to implement so-called high-performance or high-commitment work systems, incorporating employee involvement and quality programs, are more likely to adopt work/family programs as part of an effort to build up the level of workforce commitment to the enterprise. This hypothesis is tested, controlling for two other broad hypothesized effects: (1) that adoption of work/family programs is linked to the demand for them arising either from workforce problems such as absenteeism and turnover or from pressure from the labor force; and (2) that adoption is linked to whether employers already have in place elements of well-developed internal labor markets such as job ladders and human resource departments. Results show considerable support for the link between work/family programs and the use of high-commitment work systems.
Recently, there has been a growing interest in the development of collaborative relationships between organizations. Much attention has been given to how organizations "expand the pie" of benefits between them; however, there is little that addresses the ensuing issue: how organizations divide the expanded pie. The author examines the relational impact of pie sharing in complex collaboration contexts marked by uncertainty in resources and output, information asymmetries, intangible aspects, and noncomparable factors and processes. The author develops a conceptual framework that examines how the use of equity and equality sharing principles in conjunction with various resource and organizational conditions can be used to affect relational outcomes systematically. Survey results of 300 research and development managers, scientists, and engineers indicate that sharing principles can have a positive or negative effect on the relationship depending on the type of sharing principle used and the characteristics of the resources and organizations. In particular, sharing processes should be responsive to the goals of the collaboration. The results underscore the strategic nature of the sharing phenomenon as well as the importance of relational concerns in complex and uncertain interorganizational settings.
Strategically managing knowledge, innovation nan outsourcing combine to create a company's, greatest future challenge.
Research exploring the relationship between human resource management (HRM) and outcomes such as corporate performance encounters a range of significant practical difficulties. Using two surveys as illustrative cases, this paper examines the practical challenges of operationalizing and measuring HRM, measuring the various outcomes and assessing the relationship between HRM and corporate performance. Despite the problems, it is suggested that significant progress has been made. While possible solutions to some of the problems are put forward, it is argued that a key requirement remains more clearly specified theory, particularly theory about the nature of HRM.
This article examines the conflict between cultural heritage and the current forces of global competition in Europe. The nature of management in European organizations is in a state of transition, influenced by competing forces of economic, social, and political integration or disintegration. A review of European research is used to question the idealistic picture of the Single European Market as a unifying force that will simplify international human resource management in multinationals. Taking a comparative rather than international human resource management perspective, the paper identifies the factors that have created national patterns of HRM within Europe. A dynamic and comparative ‘force field framework’ of HRM is developed in order to understand the managerial frames of reference that are currently guiding the field. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Regardless of the specific tools and methods a firm adopts or what quality experts an organization follows, managing for quality and competitive advantage means a firm must become customer oriented. Unfortunately, many quality-management programs and efforts to enhance competitiveness take a rather limited view of potential customer involvement in the process. This article first examines familiar roles that customers play in both manufacturing and service organizations. Then, insights from organization theory, services marketing, strategic management, and total quality concepts are integrated to develop both a conceptual model and 10 propositions based on a more complex view of potential customer contributions to competitive quality. Both a research agenda and ideas for improved organizational practice are discussed.
Selling alliances that are formed to cooperatively develop and maintain customer relationships are among the new organizational forms that marketing managers utilize for competitive advantage. To be successful, these alliances require sales representatives from allied organizations to work effectively as selling partners. The authors develop a trust-based model of effective selling partner relationships and test it in the context of the computer industry. Par- tial Least Squares analysis of 103 dyadic relationships found that organizational differences were modest predic- tors of three dimensions of mutual perceived trustworthiness, which in turn differentially affected three trusting behaviors. Trusting behaviors were found to have a somewhat greater effect on perceived task performance than on mutual satisfaction, whereas dimensions of trustworthiness had both direct and indirect effects on satisfaction. The authors discuss the managerial and theoretical implications of these results.
Increasing evidence has been found in support of a relationship between human resources management (HRM) systems and organization effectiveness, which has emerged as an important body of work in the past decade. Noticeably absent has been sound theoretical development that explains how such HRM system effects operate. In an effort to address such theoretical limitations in the area, the present article proposes a social context conceptualization that incorporates culture, climate and political considerations to shed light on the intermediate linkages between HRM systems and organization effectiveness. Then, the proposed conceptualization is used to examine how the process dynamics involved with diversity objectives and initiatives might be associated with organization effectiveness. Implications and directions for future research are discussed.
Critics of New Public Management argue that differences between public and private organizations are so great that business practices should not be transferred to the public sector. In this paper the theoretical arguments on the differences between private firms and public agencies are reviewed, and 13 hypotheses are identified on the impact of publicness on organizational environments, goals, structures and managerial values. Evidence from 34 empirical studies of differences between public agencies and private firms is critically evaluated. Only three of the publicness hypotheses are supported by a majority of the empirical studies: public organizations are more bureaucratic, and public managers are less materialistic and have weaker organizational commitment than their private sector counterparts. However, most of the statistical evidence is derived from studies that use narrow measures of publicness and fail to control for other relevant explanatory variables. Whether the existing evidence understates or overstates the distinctiveness of public agencies is therefore unclear. A research agenda and methods are identified for better comparisons of management in public and private organizations.
This study examines two alternative views--universal and contingency--of the human resources (HR)-performance relationship in manufacturing settings. Results from a survey of 97 plants primarily support a contingency approach to human resource management (HRM). An HR system focused on human capital enhancement was directly related to multiple dimensions of operational performance (i.e., employee productivity, machine efficiency, and customer alignment), but subsequent analysis revealed that this main effect was predominately the result of linking human-capital-enhancing HR systems with a quality manufacturing strategy. Other manufacturing strategies also moderated the HR-performance relationship.
The purpose of this article is twofold. It provides a brief review of the major theoretical and empirical work completed to date in strategic human resource management (SHRM), focusing most closely on the fit of HRM practices into a coherent system. Secondly, several issues critical to empirical research in SHRM on which researchers must focus greater attention. To date, there is clearly no consensus as to how researchers must address these issues. I believe that we have only begun to realize how important human resource management is to competitive advantage. There is growing evidence that the management of human resources is critical to productivity and performance, however, research is a long way from explaining the underlying processes through which it has these effects. Although researchers have developed more complete frameworks that better incorporate ideas from the areas of business strategy and finance, the empirical literature is relatively weak and underdeveloped. This is not unexpected at this early stage of SHRM research. It is quite possible that researchers have attempted to do too much in individual studies. There are several issues that must be addressed if research is to provide more meaningful advice to firms. Researchers need to pay more attention to how HRM practices influence valuable, rare, and inimitable organizational resources, such as the work force. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
This research examined the adoption of work-life programs and the impact of work-life programs on firm productivity. Human resource executives in a national sample of 658 organizations provided survey data on firm characteristics and work-life programs. In these 658 organizations, the percentage of professionals and the percentage of women employed were positively related to the development of more extensive work-life programs. Productivity data were obtained from CD Disclosure for 195 public, for-profit firms. Significant interaction effects indicated that in these 195 firms work-life programs had a stronger positive impact on productivity when women comprised a larger percentage of the workforce and when a higher percentage of professionals were employed. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Defining employment relationships from the employer's perspective and based on the inducement-contribution framework, this study examined the link between employment relationships and firm performance in a heterogeneous sample of firms in the largest emerging economy in the world, i.e., the People's Republic of China. It also analyzed the contingent role of both the firm's strategic orientation and its ownership structure. The results demonstrated that it is the combination of a high level of expected contributions coupled with a high level of provided inducements (i.e., organization-focused employment relationship approach) rather than a high level of either expected contributions or provided inducements alone that is critical for firm performance. Further, we found that it is not the organization-focused but the underinvestment employment relationship approach that offers a competitive advantage if the firm pursues the prospector strategy or if the firm is a domestic privately owned enterprise. In particular, the domestic privately owned enterprises reported the highest firm performance when they used the underinvestment approach with their middle managers, in contrast to the state-owned or foreign-invested enterprises. These results support both the universalistic and the contingency perspectives on the relationship between employment relationships and firm performance. They also contribute to our understanding of employment relationships in the global context. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Psychological contract theory (Rousseau, 1995) suggests that women and those with family responsibilities may negotiate new psychological contracts that include family-responsive benefits such as flexible work hours. Relationships of gender, family responsibility, and flexible work hours to organizational commitment and job satisfaction were examined among 160 matched male and female managers in a cross-organizational study. Results revealed that women who perceived their organizations offered flexible work hours reported higher levels of organizational commitment and job satisfaction than women who did not. Also, flexible work hours were related to higher organizational commitment and job satisfaction for those having family responsibilities. Implications of these results for future research and organizational policy are discussed. © 1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Alternative work arrangements that offer employees flexibility in the time and place of work have been found to be both popular with employees and beneficial for organizations. However, alternative work arrangement programmes that are implemented by organizations are likely to be ineffective unless they are supported by first-line managers. In this policy-capturing study, participants with managerial experience responded to vignettes in which they were asked to make decisions about whether to approve various subordinates’ requests for alternative work arrangements. As a group they tended to make decisions in accordance with their own short-term self-interest. Requests that were expected to be more disruptive to the conduct of work (e.g. requests from subordinates who were working on more critical tasks and possessed more special skills, requests for an unpaid leave of absence over requests for varying the work site) received less favourable decisions. However, cluster analysis revealed four distinct clusters of managers who employed fundamentally different decision policies. The results suggest that organizations need to take actions to ensure equity, consistency and a long-term orientation in managerial decisions about alternative work arrangements.
Radical changes in work have significant repercussions on the family and the community, the traditional social integrators and transmitters of values. Women's large-scale entry into the labour market also plays an important part. The author sees an increasingly knowledge-based and flexible labour market making greater demands on families just as they are undergoing increased stress. They are called upon to provide continuing stability, to focus on early childhood development, to help children acquire the needed knowledge, and to bolster their members against unemployment and periods of retraining, while society is expected to provide childcare facilities and flexible education.
This paper challenges a popular assumption that organizations with flexible work arrangements are more attractive to job seekers than those with a standard work arrangement. Drawing on boundary theory, we suggest that the attractiveness of these arrangements depends in part on job seekers' interrole conflict. Subjects were 142 MBA students at a midsized midwestern university. Those with high role conflict were more attracted to an organization when flextime was offered than when it was not. Those with low role conflict, however, were just slightly less attracted to an organization when flextime was offered. Conversely, subjects with low role conflict were more attracted to an organization when telecommuting was offered than when it was not; subjects with high role conflict were indifferent. These results suggest that organizations should understand the needs of their targeted applicant pool and carefully consider recruitment implications of work arrangements when analyzing costs associated with these policies.