For the computation of the local singular behaviour of an homogeneous anisotropic clastic field near the three-dimensional vertex subjected to displacement boundary conditions, one can use a boundary integral equation of the first kind whose unkown is the boundary stress. Mellin transformation yields a one - dimensional integral equation on the intersection curve 7 of the cone with the unit sphere. The Mellin transformed operator defines the singular exponents and Jordan chains, which provide via inverse Mellin transformation a local expansion of the solution near the vertex. Based on Kondratiev's technique which yields a holomorphic operator pencil of elliptic boundary value problems on the cross - sectional interior and exterior intersection of the unit sphere with the conical interior and exterior original cones, respectively, and using results by Maz'ya and Kozlov, it can be shown how the Jordan chains of the one-dimensional boundary integral equation are related to the corresponding Jordan chains of the operator pencil and their jumps across γ. This allows a new and detailed analysis of the asymptotic behaviour of the boundary integral equation solutions near the vertex of the cone. In particular, the integral equation method developed by Schmitz, Volk and Wendland for the special case of the elastic Dirichlet problem in isotropic homogeneous materials could be completed and generalized to the anisotropic case.