
Zur Beurteilung der Fleischqualität bei Schalenwild

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Evaluation of the Meat Quality of Game The carcasses of 140 roe deer, 129 wild boars, 81 red deer and 55 fallow deer were examined to determine meat quality with respect to the influence of typical hunting situations. After hunting, many carcasses had not been cooled, which significantly influenced meat-quality parameters. The pH-value, detected electrochemically, gave the most reliable results out of all the meat-quality parameters investigated. Determination of the pH-value with regard to the pH indexes ascertained for different points of measurement and types of game is helpful in properly judging the substantial quality of venison. Determination of electrical conductivity and water-holding capacity (Q) can be helpful in judging meat quality. The value of residual-blood content in judging substantial venison quality is, however, doubtful. The measurement of rapid glycolysis and the evaluation of rigor mortis are not appropriate for determining the substantial quality of venison. An 140 Stück Rehwild, 129 Stück Schwarzwild, 81 Stück Rotwild und 55 Stück Damwild wurden Fleischqualitätsparameter gemessen und der Einfluß der besonderen jagdlichen Gegebenheiten berücksichtigt. Auffällig war die fehlende Kühlung vieler erlegter Stücke und daraus folgend ein signifikanter Einfluß auf die Fleischqualitätsparameter. Der pH-Wert, gemessen mit einem elektrischen pH-Meter, ist der zuverlässigste der zur Beurteilung der Fleischqualität untersuchten Parameter. Die Bestimmung des pH-Wertes kann anhand der getrennt nach Tierarten und Meßstellen ermittelten Richtwerte ein wertvolles Hilfsmittel bei einer sach-gerechten Beurteilung von Wildbret sein. Die elektrische Leitfähigkeit und der Q-Wert können zur Beurteilung der Fleischqualität ebenfalls herangezogen werden. Die Bestimmung des Ausblutungsgrades scheint bei Wild zur Beurteilung der Fleischqualität weniger, die Messung der induzierten Glykolyse sowie die Beurteilung anhand des Rigor Mortis ungeeignet.

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Shot hares (Lepus europaeus Pallas) obtained from drive hunts were stored non-eviscerated at +4 °C, and pH measurements were conducted in samples of thigh, shoulder and back muscles (n=9) at day 3, 5, 9 and 15 after killing (directly by spear tip electrode and in watery extract). In addition, lactic acid concentration was determined. Lactic acid concentrations were ca. 1.6 (thigh and shoulder) and 1.8 g/100 g (back muscle) at day 3, and significantly decreased to 1.3 and 1.4 g/100 g at day 15. In watery extract, average pH values were 6.06, 6.26 and 5.77 for thigh, shoulder and back muscles at day 3 and significantly increased at day 15 to 6.58, 6.96 and 6.65, respectively. These results do not differ significantly from measurements with a spear tip electrode. At day 9, a significant decrease in lactic acid concentrations and increase in pH (in watery extract) was observed. Further studies including sensory assessment and microbiological examination are necessary to clear if this is associated with the onset of spoilage.
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Meat from wild game may contribute to alimentary lead exposure of consumers. Lead causes adverse effects to the human central nervous as well as cardiovascular/renal systems. Wild game is usually killed by shooting in the anterior body region, where the penetrating bullet damages vital structures and effectuates death. In the past, selection of bullet materials and construction has mostly been governed by cost and applicability to hunting practice, and lead has been a major compound in rifle bullets. The annual number of downed game animals in Germany exceeds 1.5 million for the species roe deer (Capreolus capreolus), wild boar (Sus scrofa), red deer (Cervus elaphus), and fallow deer (Dama dama). In 2006 and 2010, the German federal and state governments launched extensive research programmes on the suitability of bullets for hunting, and for a better understanding of the terminal ballistics needed for quick, humane kills. Furthermore, in 2012 a research programme into the deposition of bullet material into marketable meat was launched by German federal and state governments in cooperation with the private sector (meat processors, vendors and ammunition manufacturers, and federal and state non-governmental organisations). The scope of this study (not yet completed) was to monitor the content of lead (Pb), copper (Cu) and zinc (Zn), in marketable game meat and to determine which fractions are attributable to bullets and which to other environmental sources. Based on our initial results, we propose to use terminal ballistic data and computer tomography of ballistic test media to further understand the mechanisms of contamination of game meat via bullet material.
In the framework of a project on the hygiene status of freshly shot game 289 samples were microbiologically analysed: 127 samples from wild boars, 95 from roe deer and 67 from red deer. The microbiological parameters evaluated were the mesophilic aerobic count (APC), which showed mean log10-counts of 2.6cfu/cm(2) for roe deer, 2.9cfu/cm(2) for red deer and 3.2cfu/cm(2) for wild boars and the numbers of Enterobacteriaceae, which gave mean log10-values of 2.1cfu/cm(2) for all three species with differing ranges. The concentrations of coagulase positive staphylococci were >2.0 log10cfu/cm(2) between 3.2 and 6.3%, according to species. Listeria was found in 14 samples and three samples gave a positive result for Campylobacter. Salmonella was not found in any of the samples analysed.
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Untersuchungen zur Feststellung der Auswirkungen endogener und exogener Faktoren auf die qualitative Beschaffenheit des Wildbrets von Rehen
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Untersuchungen zur pH-Wert-Entwicklung und ihrer möglichen Beziehung zum Ausblutungsgrad bei Rehfleisch Diss. med. vet
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Verfahren zur Erkennung von Fleischqualitätsabweichungen bei Schlachttierkörpern
  • Reuter G.
Beurteilung der Fleischbeschaffenheit in der Schlachtkette
  • F. Schmitten
  • K.-H. Schepers
  • A. Festerling
  • B. Hübbers
  • U. Reul
pH‐Wert und Leitfähigkeit
  • Jaud D.
Beurteilung der Fleischbeschaffenheit in der Schlachtkette
  • Schmitten F.