... Despite a wealth of empirical support for the PAS (see, e.g., Olson & Marshuetz, 2005;Swami et al., 2008, for PAS effects of facial and figure attractiveness, respectively), experimental evidence is quite mixed for the domain of MPB. Although most relevant studies agree that bald or balding men are perceived as less physically attractive (Cash, 1990;Hellström & Telke, 1994;Mannes, 2013;Moerman, 1988;Muscarella & Cunningham, 1996;Roll & Verinis, 1971; but see also Butler, Pryor, & Grieder, 1998;Sigelman, Dawson, Nitz, & Whicker, 1990;Wogalter & Hosie, 1991), only some show analogous effects on the evaluation of social attractiveness (Cash, 1990;Moerman, 1988), while others show no such effects (Hellström & Telke, 1994;Mannes, 2013;Muscarella & Cunningham, 1996;Roll & Verinis, 1971). Noteworthy, all these studies vary considerably in their experimental design and the samples, materials, and measures used, so that comparisons across studies are difficult (for a review, see Henss, 2001). ...