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A new species of the wild Dragon Tree, Dracaena (Dracaenaceae) from Gran Canaria and its taxonomic and biogeographic implications

  • Instituto de Enseñanza Secundaria Doramas, Moya, Gran Canaria, Spain

Abstract and Figures

The arborescent taxa of Dracaena which form the dragon tree group comprise five species found in Macaronesia, Morocco (D. draco), East Africa (D. ombet, D. schizantha), Arabia (D. serrulata) and the island of Socotra (D. cinnabari). A new species of dragon tree, Dracaena tamaranae A. Marrero, R. S. Almeida & M. Gonzalez-Martin, is described from Gran Canaria, Canary Islands. This new species differs from D. draco, the only other Dracaena species currently known in Macaronesia, in having a growth form and inflorescence type and leaves more similar to the East African and Arabian species of Dracaena. In contrast, D. draco appears to be related to D. cinnabari. In this paper, we also present a study of the taxonomy, habitat and ecology of all the species of the dragon tree group. These are found in thermo-sclerophyllous plant communities of tropical-subtropical regions which are rather xerophilous and have a rainfall range of 200–500 mm. Our study indicates two independent colonization events for Dracaena in Macaronesia. In addition, we suggest that the dragon tree group provides an example of two major biogeographical disjunctions between East and West Africa. We postulate that this group has a Tethyan origin, a hypothesis supported by fossil and palaeoclimatic data, and thus parallels the distribution and dispersal pattern of other taxonomic groups.
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Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society (1998), 128: 291–314. With 6 figures
Article ID: bt980193
A new species of the wild dragon tree, Dracaena
(Dracaenaceae) from Gran Canaria and its
taxonomic and biogeographic implications
´n Bota
´nico Viera y Clavijo, Apartado 14 de Tafira Alta, 35017,
Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Canary Islands, Spain
´n de Geografı
´a (DACT), Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria,
Edificio Humanidades, C/. Pe
´rez del Toro Num. 1, 35003, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria,
Canary Islands, Spain
Servicio de Planificacio
´n de Recursos Naturales, Viceconsejerı
´a de Medio Ambiente,
Tafira Baja, 35017, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Canary Islands, Spain
Received January 1998; accepted for publication April 1998
The arborescent taxa of Dracaena which form the dragon tree group comprise five species
found in Macaronesia, Morocco (D. draco), East Africa (D. ombet,D. schizantha), Arabia (D.
serrulata) and the island of Socotra (D. cinnabari). A new species of dragon tree, Dracaena
tamaranae A. Marrero, R.S. Almeida & M. Gonza´lez-Martı´n, is described from Gran
Canaria, Canary Islands. This new species diers from D. draco, the only other Dracaena
species currently known in Macaronesia, in having a growth form and inflorescence type
and leaves more similar to the East African and Arabian species of Dracaena. In contrast, D.
draco appears to be related to D. cinnabari. In this paper, we also present a study of the
taxonomy, habitat and ecology of all the species of the dragon tree group. These are found
in thermo-sclerophyllous plant communities of tropical–subtropical regions which are rather
xerophilous and have a rainfall range of 200–500 mm. Our study indicates two independent
colonization events for Dracaena in Macaronesia. In addition, we suggest that the dragon tree
group provides an example of two major biogeographical disjunctions between East and
West Africa. We postulate that this group has a Tethyan origin, a hypothesis supported by
fossil and palaeoclimatic data, and thus parallels the distribution and dispersal pattern of
other taxonomic groups.
1998 The Linnean Society of London
ADDITIONAL KEY WORDS:—Canary Islands – corology – ecology – Macaronesia.
Introduction ....................... 292
Material and taxonomic references ............... 294
Description ....................... 294
Dracaena tamaranae A. Marrero, R.S. Almeida & M. Gonza
sp. nov. ..................... 294
Correspondence to A. Marrero.
0024–4074/98/110291+24 $30.00/0 1998 The Linnean Society of London
Conservation status .................... 297
Taxonomic discussion .................... 300
Habitat and ecology .................... 303
Biogeographic relationships .................. 306
Dracaena and the Rand Flora ................ 306
The fossil data .................... 307
Panbiogeographic interpretation ............... 308
Acknowledgements .................... 310
References ....................... 310
Appendix ........................ 313
The genus Dracaena comprises approximately 60 species (Mabberley, 1990)—50
species sensu Friis (1992)—which are mainly found in tropical and subtropical Africa.
At least 23 species occur in the Guinea-Congo region in western Africa (Bos, 1984).
The genus also reaches Macaronesia, Arabia, Socotra, Madagascar, southeastern
Asia, northern Australia, and one species (D. americana Donn. Sm.) is found in the
The dragon tree group is formed of five arborescent species (i.e. D. cinnabari Balf.
f., D. draco (L.) L., D. ombet Kotschy & Peyr., D. serrulata Baker and D. schizantha
Baker), and provides one of the best known examples of disjunct distribution between
Macaronesia, Morocco and East Africa.
Until the discovery of the new species described here, Dracaena draco was the only
species found in Macaronesia. It occurs in the Madeira archipelago, where it has
been reported for the islands of Madeira and Porto Santo, although it is currently
regarded as extinct in the latter. This species also thrives in the Canary Islands,
where it is currently found on all the islands. However, wild populations of this
species are only known in Tenerife and Gran Canaria; it is likely, therefore, that
the present populations of D. draco in the rest of the archipelago are of cultivated
origin. Dracaena draco also reaches the Cape Verde Islands where it is found on the
islands of Sa
˜o Nicolau, Santo Anta
˜o and Fogo, and it is considered extinct on the
islands of Sa
˜o Vicente and Sa
˜o Tiago (Bystro
¨m, 1960). Dracaena draco has been
recently discovered in southern Morocco, in the Anti-Atlas region, where it is
regarded as a distinct taxon: D. draco subsp. ajgal Benabid et Cuzin (Benabid &
Cuzin, 1997).
Dracaena draco has been considered as closely related to the three species found in
Socotra, D. cinnabari and East Africa, D. ombet (D. orabet sensu Engler, 1908), and D.
schizantha (Balfour, 1883; Christ, 1885; Baker, 1898; Sunding, 1970). It is noteworthy
that there is another species in Arabia (D. serrulata) which is usually ignored in
accounts of the genus for the Red Sea region. These four East African and Arabian
species have an allopatric distribution. Dracaena cinnabari is endemic to Socotra island
where it thrives in the northeastern mountain range of Haggier (Balfour, 1883),
mainly in the highlands of Mumi (Beyhl, 1995). Dracaena serrulata has a scattered
distribution along the southwestern edge of the Arabian Peninsula, mainly in the
hills of southern Medina and the El Asir mountains in Saudi Arabia; in the foothills
of the highlands of Yemen and on northern slopes of Dhofar at Oman (Collenette,
1985; Miller & Cope, 1996). Dracaena ombet grows along the African hills which face
the Red Sea; it is found in Jebel Elba in southeastern Egypt, Mount Erkowit in
Sudan, escarpments of the Eritrean mountains and in the mountains of Djibouti
Figure 1. Distribution of the seven living species and three fossil species of the dragon tree group.
(Baker, 1897, 1898; Ta
¨ckholm & Drar, 1973; Friis, 1992). Lastly, D. schizantha is
found in north-facing escarpments of Harar in Ethiopia, in the mountains of Djibouti
and in the northern mountains of Somalia to the Ahl Mountains where it almost
reaches the Horn of Africa (Baker, 1877; Friis, 1992; Thulin, 1995). A further
species, D. hanningtoni Baker, restricted to Mozambique, also appears to be related
to the five species which comprise the dragon tree group (Baker, 1898) (Fig. 1).
Wild dragon trees are extremely rare in Gran Canaria, and it was only in the
early 1970s that they were reported for the first time, in the western mountains of
Tauro and in the Barranco de Arguineguı
´n (Kunkel, 1972, 1973). Most recently
the distribution of this species has been mapped by Rodrigo & Montelongo (1986).
All these references identified the individuals as D. draco.
In the last 5 years one of us (R.S. Almeida) has undertaken extensive field studies
relating to the distribution, phytogeography and conservation status of the wild
dragon trees on Gran Canaria. As a result of these studies we were able to collect
ripe fruits in 1994. Seedlings cultivated from these studies led us to the belief that
the Gran Canaria individuals could not, in general, belong to D. draco.
There are several morphological dierences between the seedlings of these two
species. The seedling leaves of D. draco are flat whereas those of the new taxon are
conduplicate. In addition, the young root of the Gran Canaria endemic is napiform.
These obvious dierences in juvenile characters did also extend to other traits of
adults such as the shape and habit of the inflorescence or the articulation of the
To conduct this study we have used morphological studies of living material and
also of herbarium specimens (Appendix). It is also based on a critical review of
several morphological descriptions of the dierent species of the dragon tree group:
Linnaeus, 1767; Webb & Berthelot, 1836–50; Hooker & Smith, 1851; Schweinfurth,
1868; Baker, 1877, 1894, 1897, 1898; Bentham & Hooker, 1880; Balfour, 1883,
1888; Engler, 1908; Brown, 1914; Andrews, 1956; Maire, 1958; Thonner, 1962;
¨ckholm & Drar, 1973; Beyhl, 1995; Thulin, 1995; Turland, 1995; Benabid &
Cuzin, 1997.
Dracaena tamaranae A. Marrero, R.S. Almeida & M. Gonza
´n, sp.
 arborescens robusta, 6–10 m alta, ramificatione primaria trichotoma, rare
tetrachotoma et ramificationibus posterioribus dichotomis vel simplicibus. 
flavo-griseus, vix signis foliaribus notatus, leviter nitidus.  foliis equitantibus
bilateralibus compressis, radicibus valde succulentis, primariis cylindrico-globosis,
secundariis napiformibus.  subulata, canaliculata, leviter falciformia, 40–80
(110)×3–4.5 cm, glauca, subtus leviter striata, margine omnino hyalina, ad basim
incrassata cum pseudovagina fusco-rubinea, subamplexicauli, atque arcu manifesto et
angusto, 10 (8–11) cm longo.  paniculata complexa, glabra, tripinnata,
gracilis, 80–100 cm, per totam longitudinem ramificata.  brevissimus.
 basales foliis similes, ad apicem cito decrescentes in formam diminutam,
primum ensiforme demum subulatae et lineares, acuminatae.  2–5 in fasciculis
dispositi.  2.25–3.25 mm longi, ad apicem articulati.  minutae,
triangulares vel ovato-triangulares.  9–15 mm, laete albo-viride; tepala
oblongo-linearia, interna paulum angustiora quam exteriora, basi connati tubo
brevissimo.  quam tepala breviora, ad stigma sub anthesi adiacentia; filamenta
6.5–9 mm, connata ad 2 mm, leviter medio incrassata, non complanata; antherae
2 mm, flavo-virides.  3-loculare, 3.6×2.4 mm, ovulo in quoque loculo
solitario.  stipitatum.  filiformis quam ovarium longior, 5.8 mm,
stigmate capitato trilobulato.  glauco-virides, demum aurantiaci, globosi,
10–11.5 mm, vulgo monospermi.  globosa vel late ovoidea, leviter compressa,
6–7 mm.
Figure 2. Holotype of Dracaena tamaranae A. Marrero, R.S. Almeida & M. Gonza
´n, sp.
Type. Dracaena tamaranae A. Marrero, R.S. Almeida & M. Gonza
´n. Habitat
in Canaria Magna (Gran Canaria dicta)in loco dicto “barranquillo Andre
´s”, 825 m supra
mare,loc. class. leg.: A. Marrero, M. Gonza
´n & A. Quintana, die 31.vii.1997
(LPA:18525, holotypus in MA, Fig. 2). Isotypi: ibidem (duplicata in LPA, TFC, K), idem,
R.S. Almeida, A. Marrero & A. Quintana, 20.vii.1997 (LPA: 18524 cum duplicata in
MA, ORT, BM). (Icon: Fig. 3).
Additional material examined. Dracaena tamaranae A. Marrero, R.S. Almeida & M.
´n, Gran Canaria, San Bartolome
´de Tirajana, los Vicentillos, leg.
Figure 3. Icon:Dracaena tamaranae sp. nov. A, habit. B, seedling. C, leaves. D, terminal branch
with inflorescence. E, flowers. F, bracts. G, bracteoles. H, tepals. I, pistil. J, stamens. K, fruits. L,
R.S. Almeida & A. Marrero, 17.vii.1997 (LPA: 18521); Ibidem, Moga
´n, barranco de
´n, Los Pen
˜ones, leg. R.S. Almeida & A. Marrero, 3.vii.1997 (LPA: 18517);
Ibidem, los Gavilanes, R.S. Almeida, A. Marrero & M. Gonza
´n, 11.vii.1997
(LPA: 18518, 18519); Ibidem, El Palmarete, R.S. Almeida, A. Marrero & M.
Gonza´lez-Martı´n, 11.vii.1997 (LPA: 18520); Ibidem, Barranquillo Andre´s, leg. R.S.
Almeida, A. Marrero & A. Quintana, 20.vii.1997 (LPA: 18522); Ibidem,ex horto,
193–194/96, A. Marrero, (LPA: 18526, 18527) (seedling); Ibidem, barranco
de Moga
´n, Los Laerones, leg. R.S. Almeida, A. Marrero & M. Gonza
19.viii.1997 (LPA: 18523).
 arborescent, robust, 6–10 m high, primary branching trichotomous, rarely
tetrachotomous and subsequent branches dichotomous or simple.  yellow-grey,
barely marked by foliar scars, slightly glossy. : leaves equitants, bilateral
and compressed, roots highly succulent with a cylindrical globose primary root and
napiform secondary roots (Fig. 4A).  40–80 (110) cm long, 3–4.5 cm wide,
subulate and canaliculate, rather falcate, glaucous, rather striate below, hyaline-
white entire margin, swollen at the base with a basal brown-reddish pseudo-sheath
which is subamplexicaul and forms a patent and narrow arc 10 (8–11) cm long.
 80–100 cm long, panicle complex, glabrous, tripinnate, slender,
branches dispersed along the main axis (Fig. 4B).  very short.  basals
are similar to the mature leaves, secondary bracts decrease rapidly in size, ensiform
to subulate and linear, acuminate.  2–5 clustered.  2.25–3.25 mm
long, articulate towards the apex.  minute, triangular or ovate-triangular.
 9.5–11 mm, bright greenish-white, tepals oblong-linear, inner tepals nar-
rower than outer ones, joined at the base, tube very short.  shorter than
tepals and adjacent to the stigma during anthesis; filaments 6.5–9 mm, joined 2 mm
from the base, slightly swollen in the middle, unflattened; anthers 2 mm, yellow-
greenish.  trilocular 3.6×2.4 mm, with a single, stipitate ovule per locule.
 5.8 mm, filiform, longer than the ovary; stigma capitate, trilobulate. 
10–11.5 mm globose, greenish, glaucous but orange when ripe, usually mono-
spermous.  6–7 mm globose to broadly ovoid and slightly compressed (Tables
Dracaena tamaranae is a species restricted to the island of Gran Canaria, Canary
Islands. This species is found between 400 and 900 m altitude, and along an arc in
the southwestern region, from Fataga valley in the southern slopes to La Aldea
valley in the west.
This species is extremely rare and is known from few localities. We propose that
it merits CR status (Critically Endangered) in the IUCN (IUCN, Red List Categories,
1994). Although some populations are located within the network of Gran Canaria
nature reserves (Act 12/94 Espacios Naturales de Canarias) there are still many
unprotected individuals. There is a strong need to establish a rescue programme to
preserve the genetic integrity of this species.
Figure 4. A, seedling of Dracaena tamaranae sp. nov. (left) and D. draco (right). B, inflorescence
of D. tamaranae sp. nov.
T 1. Qualitative data for growth form and leaves of species of the dragon tree group
Basal portion
General appearance Leaves of the leaves
Length Width
along from
Species Aspect Branching Shape Colour Margin Blade Venation the base the base
D. tamaranae robust developed slightly subulate glaucous entire hialine slightly succulent, patent very long narrow
trunk dense greenish to canaliculate and rigid
greyish grooved
D. draco very robust developed dense ensiform green entire reddish slightly succulent, flat, patent long wide
trunk glaucous slightly flexible
D. draco subsp. very robust, very dense ensiform glaucous entire slightly succulent, flat, patent long wide
ajgal developed trunk greenish hardly flexible
D. cinnabari very robust developed very dense slightly subulate to green serrulate towards very succulent, flat, not patent very long wide
trunk linear ensiform glaucous the base and rigid with a thick and
hialine sharp apex
D. ombet robust short trunk slightly ensiform linear to glaucous serrulate hialine slightly succulent, not patent short very wide
dense linear subulate greenish slightly canaliculate,
yellowish semi-rigid
D. schizantha robust short trunk slightly linear subulate glaucous serrulate slightly succulent, not patent long very wide
dense greenish slightly canaliculate,
greyish rigid
D. serrulata robust short trunk slightly ensiform linear to glaucous serrulate slightly succulent, not patent long wide
dense linear subulate greenish slightly canaliculate,
T 2. Qualitative data for flower traits of species of the dragon tree group
Inflorescence Pedicels
Species Ramification Hairiness Bracts Bracteoles Articulation n
D. tamaranae tripinnate glabrous subulate-linear, triangular-ovate, apical 3–5
along the axes acuminate minute extreme
D. draco bipinnate glabrous linear-subulate, subulate ovate, middle 4–7
below the acuminate acuminate
D. draco subsp. bipinnate glabrous linear-subulate, subulate ovate, middle 4–7
ajgal below the acuminate acuminate
D. cinnabari bipinnate glabrous subulate to triangular-ovate, middle 3–7
middle subulate- acuminate extreme
D. ombet tripinnate glabrescens triangular, ovate minute middle
along the axes acuminate
D. schizantha tripinnate felted subulate triangular, middle to 1–4
along the axes tomentose triangular, acuminate middle
acuminate, minute extreme
D. serrulata tripinnate tomentose or subulate, triangular, middle to 1–5
along the axes dense triangular, subulate middle
tomentose acuminate acuminate extreme
Perianth Stamens Fruits
Species Segment Tube Colour Anthers Filament Colour
D. tamaranae oblong linear very short whitish green
slightly orange
filament thickened, not
D. draco subspatulate short whitish pink
thickened orange
linear campanulate filament flattened reddish
D. draco subsp. subspatulate short whitish yellow
thickened red
ajgal linear campanulate filament flattened orange
D. cinnabari oblong basal and pale greenish twice subulate red
barely yellow filament scarlet
D. ombet linear very short, whitish pink subequal
barely filament
D. schizantha lanceolate very short, white
subulate –
barely filament thickened
D. serrulata – – – orange
Dracaena tamaranae sp. nov. seems to be closely related to the three species found
in the Horn of Africa and Arabia (i.e. D. ombet,D. schizantha and D. serrulata). All
these species have glaucous leaves, minute bracteoles and are not densely branched.
T 3. Quantitative data for growth form, leaves and inflorescences of species of the dragon tree
group. l/w=length/width
Species Height Length Width l/w Base
(m) (cm) (cm) (cm)
D. tamaranae 6–10 40–80 (110) 3–4.5 (5) 10–18 9.8–19.4×3.7–5.5
D. draco 8–12 40–90 (110) 2–3.5 (4) 20–25 6–10.4×3–4.2
D. draco subsp. ajgal 10–20 60 3 20
D. cinnabari 6–10 30–60 2.5–4.5 12–13.3 6.5–13.5×2.2–5
D ombet 2–8 35–65 2.2–3 16–21.7 4.5–8×3.2–5.6
D. schizantha 2–9 35–70 0.7–2.5 28–50 4.5×2.4–3.7
D. serrulata 2–8 30–60 2–3.5 15–17 8–10×2.5–4.5
Species Length Flower pedicels Fruit pedicels Bracteoles
(cm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
D. tamaranae 80–100 2.25–3.25 1.90
D. draco 60–120 4.00–6.00 (10) 8.30–10.50 0.80–2.80
D. draco subsp. ajgal – 1.00–4.00
D. cinnabari 30–75 3.00–7.00 6.00–8.00 1.00–4.00
D ombet 20–40 3.10–4.50 semipedicel 0.50–1.50
D. schizantha 45 1.50–3.00 3.50–5.00 0.50–1.50
D. serrulata 2.50–5.00 0.50–1.50
T 4. Quantitative data for flower and fruit traits of species of the dragon tree group
Flowers Stamens
Ovary Fruit Seed
Species Perianth Tube Filament Anther length diameter size
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
D. tamaranae 9.50–11.00 0.75–1.00 6.08–8.75 1.75–2.00 3.50–3.75 10.00–11.50 6.00–7.00
D. draco 7.00–9.50 1.30–3.50 5.80–8.00 1.00–1.50 3.60–4.50 14.30–14.60 7.50–10.00
D. draco subsp. ajgal 7.00–8.00 1.00–2.00 – – – 7.50–10.00?
D. cinnabari 5.00–9.50 2.00–2.25 3.50–4.00 8.00–13.00 3.50–5.00
D. ombet 6.30–6.40 – – –
D. schizantha 3.50–6.50 3.20–4.75 1.00–1.50 2.75–3.00 5.00–7.00
D. serrulata 5.00 5.00–8.00 3.50–5.50
In addition, the tripinnate, slender and erect inflorescences are branched along all
the axes.
These continental species have flowers and inflorescences which are smaller than
those of D. tamaranae. Furthermore, they also have rather succulent and linear-
ensiform leaves with acutely serrulated margin and no patent nerves, the trunks are
usually shorter and the pedicels are articulated in the middle section. Moreover, D.
schizantha tends to have linear leaves which are extremely narrow and greyish in
colour, it has tomentose panicles which are dense and short. The basal pseudo-
sheaths of the leaves of D. ombet are only slightly developed, and this species has
glabrescent inflorescences. Plants of D. serrulata are distinguished from the Gran
Canaria species by their tomentose inflorescence.
There are several morphological characters which dierentiate D. tamaranae from
D. draco and D. cinnabari. These two latter species have ensiform leaves which are
flat and not as glaucous, their inflorescences are bipinnate and robust. In addition,
the branching of the inflorescences is basal. Other unique features of these species
are pedicels articulated in the middle, smaller perianth, flattened filaments and a
robust and dense growth-form. Furthermore, D. cinnabari has extremely rigid leaves
with finely serrate margin towards the base, and nerves which are not patent. In
contrast D. draco usually has reddish leaf-margins, inflorescence branches which tend
to be reflexed or patent after fruiting, linear, acuminate inflorescence bracts and a
whitish-pink perianth with a longer tube. Dracaena hanningtoni seems to be closely
related to D. ombet (Baker, 1898), and it is rather dierent from the other species of
the dragon tree group in that it has a much longer perianth, with the segments
twice as long as the tube, the stamens are as long as the segments and the style is
exserted. However, the general shape of the inflorescence indicates that this species
seems to be closely related to the D. draco–D. cinnabari group.
We consider that D. tamaranae has strong morphological relationships with the
East African and Arabian species. The main morphological features which support
this hypothesis are the type of inflorescence and the general habit. However, we
postulate that D. draco is closely related to the Socotra species, D. cinnabari. This
assumption would mean that there are two biogeographical disjunctions between
Macaronesia and the Red Sea region. A phylogenetic confirmation of this hypothesis
would provide one of the few cases for independent colonizations of oceanic islands
by congeneric species. Previous studies based on molecular data have proven this
to be the case for Lavatera (Malvaceae) in the Canary Islands (Ray, 1995; Fuertes-
Aguilar et al., 1996) and for Gossypium (Malvaceae) in Galapagos (Wendel & Percival,
1990; Wendel & Percy, 1990). It is likely that other genera such as Convolvulus,
Euphorbia,Limonium,Salvia,Senecio or Viola, with endemic species in Macaronesia,
have also colonized these islands more than once.
Two species, D. draco and D. tamaranae, occur in western Africa. The former occurs
both on the mainland and the Macaronesian Islands, whilst the latter is restricted
to Gran Canaria. The occurrence of the insular species can only be explained
through long-distance dispersal because these islands appear to be oceanic and
therefore have never been joined to the continent (Aran
˜a & Carracedo, 1978; Aran
& Ortiz, 1984; Carracedo, 1984). It is likely that these two species remained in a refuge
in the Macaronesian Islands, and following a decrease of continental populations of
dragon trees from western Africa. D. draco is now only found in a very restricted
area of southern Morocco. It is noteworthy that these Morocco populations have
been given subspecies rank as D. draco subsp. ajgal, an indication that the taxon is
in early stages of speciation (Fig. 5A).
The geological events which led to the formation of the African Great Rift have
had an impact in the current distribution of dragon trees in East Africa. In this
region the Great Rift splits into two major fissures, one towards the Red Sea, the
other towards the Aden Gulf. These geological events began in the early Miocene
and resulted in the fragmentation of the original populations of dragon trees. These
new sub-populations probably initiated new speciation events which yielded the
three species which currently thrive in Arabia (D. serrulata), the African hills of the
Red Sea (D. ombet) and the Horn of Africa (D. schizantha). These three species are
0 1000 020
D. tamaranae
D. draco
D. draco
Canary Islands
Cape Verde
D. draco
0 1000
D. ombet
D. serrulata
D. schizantha
D. cinnabari
Red Sea
Gulf of Aden
Figure 5. A, dispersal and colonization from the African mainland make the Macaronesian Islands a
refuge for several species of Dracaena. B, African Grand Rift leads to the disruption and vicariance of
Dracaena in the Red Sea region.
closely related, and they might form a species complex; indeed, some authors have
suggested that they are conspecific with D. ombet s.l. (Deil, 1988; Friis, 1992; Thulin,
1995). However, Miller & Cope (1996) considered D. serrulata to be a distinct species.
Our preliminary studies indicate that D. schizantha also has some morphological
dierences. In contrast, D. cinnabari is a distinct species which has several unique
morphological features. It is restricted to the continental island of Socotra. This
island was part of the Horn of Africa before the Middle Pliocene (Fig. 5B).
Saporta (1862, 1865, 1873a,b) described three Neogene fossil species of dragon
tree (Dracaenites brongniartii Saporta, D. sepultus Saporta and D. narbonensis Saporta)
from southern France, which he suggested were closely related to D. draco. However,
at that time the dragon trees of East Africa and Arabia were not known to the
scientific community. Dracaenites brongniartii, like Dracaena draco and D. cinnabari, has
ensiform leaves. Plants of D. ombet s.l. have linear-ensiform leaves, but they are never
truly ensiform. The two other fossil species have strictly linear leaves and, therefore,
they may be related to those species which have subulate-linear or linear-ensiform
leaves (Table 5). All the species have foliar scars in the bark, and these are particularly
evident in the D. ombet group and D. cinnabari. The foliar scars have a rough margin
in D. cinnabari. In contrast, they are tenuous in the fossil species and in D. tamaranae.
Dracaenites sepultus has an extremely warty bark, a feature which is unknown in any
of the living species. However, we are aware that based on these morphological
features, it is dicult to establish phylogenetic links between the fossil species and
the present ones. There is no reason to assume that these fossils represent the direct
ancestors of the living species. Sadly there are no fossils of fruits and flowers which
would help to clarify this issue.
Dracaena tamaranae sp. nov. is found in the thermophile zone where it grows on
inaccessible slopes and clis which tend to be shady and humid. The open Juniperus
T 5. A selection of the most important morphological features of several fossil species (Dracaenites)
from the French Tertiary
Leaf branches
Fossil taxon Locality Stipe Diameter Bark Foliar scars
D. narbonensis Armissan arboreal 10 cm slightly rough slightly patent
without protuberance
D. sepultus Aix, Provence bush warty with very tenuous
D. brongniartii Aix, Provence giant 10 cm
D. minor Aix, Provence frutescens very patent
Fossil taxon Shape Outward Venation Length Width Base
D. narbonensis linear flat with margin delicately nerved 150 cm 4 cm gradually expanded
entire 10–12 cm
D. sepultus linear firm nerved — — broad
D. brongniartii ensiform rigid and firm nerved striated 3 cm clearly broad
10–12 cm
D. minor strictly shiny and firm very tenuous extremely little and sharply
linear delicate long expanded
bushland (Oleo-Rhamnetalia crenulatae Santos 1983) and the Cistus scrubland (Cisto-
Micromerietalia P. Pe
´rez et al. 1991) form a mosaic in this area. Species which grow
in this zone are: Juniperus turbinata Guss. subsp. canariensis (Guyot) Rivas Mart.,
Wildpret & P. Pe
´rez, Olea europaea L. subsp. cerasiformis (Webb & Berthel.) G. Kunkel
& Sunding, Teline rosmarinifolia Webb & Berthel., Globularia cf. salicina Lam., etc.
(Rodrigo & Montelongo, 1986; Marrero, Gonza
´lez-Artiles & Gonza
1995). Species which are characteristic of northern and northeastern humid slopes
of the archipelago also occur in this area. Among these are: Davallia canariensis (L.)
J.E. Sm., Pericallis webbii (Sch. Bip.) Bolle, Sonchus acaulis Dum. Cours., Hypericum
canariense L., Ranunculus cortusifolius Willd., etc. Dracaena tamaranae reaches the dry
canary pine forest (Cytiso-Pinetea canariensis Rivas Goday & Esteve ex Sunding 1972)
at higher altitude. This species can also be found at lower altitude among elements
of the Kleinio-Euphorbietalia canariensis (Rivas Goday & Esteve 1965) Santos 1976. The
average annual rainfall of the zones where D. tamaranae grows is 200–350 mm.
Both in Macaronesia and Morocco, D. draco lives in areas which are not as xeric
as those of D. tamaranae. For instance, on Madeira, it is mainly found as an element
of thermo-sclerophyllous zones between sea-level and 200 m, and on sea-facing clis
where some species of the laurel forest also occur (Turland, 1995). On Tenerife, D.
draco also grows in thermo-sclerophyllous zones (Mayteno-Juniperion canariensis Santos
& Ferna
´ndez Galva
´nex Santos 1983) between 100 and 600 m. Other species found
in this zone are: Juniperus turbinata subsp. canariensis,Maytenus canariensis (Loes.) G.
Kunkel & Sunding, Rhamnus crenulata Aiton, Olea europaea subsp. cerasiformis,Pistacia
atlantica Desf., Globularia salicina, etc. (Santos, 1983; Rivas Martı
´ez et al., 1993). In
addition, Sideroxylon marmulano Banks ex Lowe and Apollonias barbujana (Cav.) Bornm.,
two thermophile species of the laurel forest, are also found in this zone. The annual
average rainfall of this zone ranges between 200 and 400 mm. On Gran Canaria
this species grows in similar areas, but it is extremely rare. On Cape Verde Islands,
Dracaena draco is found between 700 and 1000 m where it grows together with
Euphorbia tuckeyana Steud. ex Webb, Echium spp., Ficus sur Forssk. (F. capensis Thunb.),
F. sycomorus L. subsp. gnaphalocarpa (Miq.) C.C. Berg, Sideroxylon marmulano,Acacia
albida Del., etc. (Bystro
¨m, 1960). The Anti-Atlas populations of D. draco are located
between 400 and 1300 m with Laurus azorica (Seub.) Franco, Davallia canariensis,
Rhamnus alaternus L., Quercus rotundifolia Lam., Ceratonia siliqua L., Teline segonnei (Maire)
Reynaud, Argania spinosa Skeels, Olea maroccana Greuter & Burdet, etc. These species
are part of the association Davallio canariensis–Dracaenetum ajgal Benabid & Cuzin 1997
in the order Acacio-Arganietalia Barbe
´ro et al. 1982 (Benabid & Cuzin, 1997). Annual
rainfall is around 400 mm. However, Rivas-Goday & Esteve-Chueca (1965) defined
the thermo-sclerophyllous shrubs with Dracaena draco as the climax of the Crassi-
Euphorbietea,Diacanthio-Euphorbietea (Kleinio-Euphorbietea).
The ecology of these species is similar to that of all the East African and Arabian
species. For example, D. ombet is usually found in mountain escarpments together
with O. europaea subsp. africana (Mill.) P.S. Green (including O. chrysophylla Lam.),
Euclea racemosa Murr., Euphorbia abyssinica J.F. Gmel., Acacia etbaica Schweinf., A. tortilis
(Forssk.) Hayne, Ziziphus spina-christi (L.) Desf. and Lycium arabicum Schweinf. (Kassas,
1956; White, 1983). Dracaena ombet occurs in plant communities of Dracaeno-Eu-
phorbietalia abyssinicae Knapp 1968 (Deil & Mu
¨ller-Hohenstein, 1984) which are
situated below the evergreen scrub zone where there are thermo-sclerophyllous
species such as Maytenus senegalensis (Lam.) Exell and Euclea schimperi (DC.) Dandu,
and widespread species such as Euphorbia abyssinica,Acacia etbaica and A. tortilis (Kassas,
1956). Annual average rainfall of these zones is 200 mm.
Dracaena schizantha grows on escarpments along the northern mountains of Somalia.
It is found in transition plant communities, which are situated between afromontane
forests and evergreen sclerophyllous scrubs. In these transition plant communities
the following species are found: Olea europaea subsp. africana (including O. chrysophylla
and O. somaliensis Baker), Juniperus procera Hochst. ex Endl., Acokanthera schimperi Oliver,
Pistacia aethiopica Kokwaro, (P. lentiscus L. subsp. emarginata Engl.), P. falcata Mart.,
Osyris lanceolata Hochst. & Steud. ex DC., Euphorbia abyssinica,Monotheca buxifolia DC.
(Sideroxylon gillettii Hutch. & E.A. Bruce), Maytenus undata (Tunb.) Blakelock, etc. (Fici,
1991; Friis, 1992). Annual average rainfall reaches 500 mm.
Dracaena serrulata is a very rare species which is found in the xerophile zone, in
an area where Acacia–Commiphora bushland is dominant. This zone is situated either
below the deciduous forest of Acacia or forms a mosaic with bushes of Olea europaea
subsp. africana and Juniperus procera. This dragon tree occurs in the Red Sea and
Aden Gulf mountains of the Arabian Peninsula. Populations are located on sea-
facing slopes and on inner regions of these mountains. In the xerophile zone are
found several species of Acacia and Commiphora:A. niotica (L.) Willd. ex Del., A. etbaica,
A. gerrardii Benth., A. tortilis, etc.; C. habessinica (Berg) Engl., C. foliaceae Sprague, C.
gileadensis C. Chr., etc. Other species include Maerua crassifolia Forssk., Ziziphus spina-
christi,Euphorbia balsamifera Aiton subsp. adenensis (Delf) Bally, E. cuneata Vahl, E.
triaculeata Forssk., etc. (Miller & Cope, 1996). Average annual rainfall is approximately
200 mm.
Dracaena cinnabari is found on slopes of the highlands of northeastern Socotra.
This area is mainly covered by thickets of Rhus thyrsiflora Balf. f., Cephalocroton socotranus
Balf. and Allophyllus rhoidiphyllus Balf. f. Other species present are Boswellia ameero
Balf. f., B. socotrana Balf. f., Jatropha unicostata Balf. f. and Croton socotranus Balf. f. At
higher altitude, this type of thicket is intermixed with Hypericum shrubland. All the
plant communities are under the influence of the northeastern humid monsoons
(White, 1983; Beyhl, 1995; Miller & Cope, 1996). Mean average rainfall is ap-
proximately 400 mm.
¨m (1960) suggested that all the dragon tree species share similar ecological
requirements. They tend to grow in areas with average temperatures of 18–20°C.
They are found between 10°N in Somalia and 33°N in Madeira, and there is a
clear correlation between latitude and altitude. The populations of Madeira may
be found at sea-level whilst those of Somalia never occur below 1400–1800 m.
In general, all these arborescent species with an umbrella-shaped canopy are
found mainly on the margins of the tropical-subtropical regions. They are part of
a thermo-sclerophyllous vegetation similar to the Canarian Oleo-Rhamnetalia crenulatae
or to the Arabian communities of Acacia–Commiphora. These plant communities are
usually intermixed with xerophilous formations which are similar to the Canarian
Kleinio-Euphorbietalia. They are mostly linked to steep and rocky landscapes, but there
are some ecological dierences between them.
Dracaena tamaranae grows in more xeric and hotter areas than D. draco. Populations
of the latter tend to be aected by the northeastern trade winds and also grow
under more humid conditions. The most xeric species of warm environments are
D. serrulata and D. ombet. In contrast, D. cinnabari is the most mesophilic species. It
grows along a belt of the highlands of Socotra which has the highest levels of rainfall.
This habitat has similar features to those found in the region where D. draco is
located in Macaronesia and Morocco.
Balfour (1883) and Christ (1885) have previously suggested close taxonomic
relationships between the members of the dragon tree group. Other authors use
this group as one of the best examples of biogeographic disjunction between
Macaronesia and East Africa (Meusel, 1965; Sunding, 1970, 1979; Bramwell, 1986).
Hooker (1878) was the first to propose that the dragon tree, together with other
species of the Macaronesian laurel forest, are relicts of an old vegetation which once
existed in northwest Africa. Axelrod (1975) is in agreement with this idea, and
proposed that subtropical elements, such as Dracaena and Sideroxylon, found refuge in
East and West Africa, as a consequence of the desertification of the Sahara in the
late Oligocene.
Dracaena and the Rand Flora
The flora which existed in the southwestern region of South Africa during the
Palaeocene was defined by Lebrun as the Rand Flora (cf. Que
´zel, 1978; Que
´zel &
´ro, 1993). According to Que
´zel (1978, 1983) some of the elements which
currently thrive in northern Africa might be considered part of this ancient flora.
These elements include species of the following genera: Aristida,Amphinomia,Andrachne,
Coccullus,Neurada,Ifloga,Oligomeris, etc. Some of the xerophilous taxa which currently
exist in Macaronesia, the Red Sea region and the Saharan highlands have been
assigned to this flora (Que
´zel, 1978, 1983). These xerophilous taxa include Euphorbia
balsamifera, and several species of genera such as: Euphorbia of the cactiform types,
Wahlenbergia, etc.
´zel (1978, 1983) reviewed the most important biogeographical components
of the North African region, and he considered D. draco as one of the elements of
the Rand Flora. However, Que
´zel (1978) proposed that the East African D. ombet
is linked to another floristic group associated with “tropical elements of mountain
massifs next to coast”. In addition, most recently Bramwell (1986, 1990) included
all the species of the dragon tree group among the elements of the Rand Flora.
´zel (1978) suggested that many of the elements of the Rand Flora reached
the Sahara region using the East Africa mountains as a dispersal route during the
Oligo-Miocene, and this is the reason why there are several present disjunctions
between northern and southern Africa. During this process there was an intermixing
with northern elements. It is well known that there have been many climatic
fluctuations in northern Africa since the late Oligocene, and these major climatic
changes had a drastic eect on the vegetation of this region (Aubre
´ville, 1970, 1976;
Axelrod, 1973; Que
´zel & Barbe
´ro, 1993), and, therefore, the fact that the flora of
this region has several components should be borne in mind. Some of these
components originated on the shores of the African Tethys which had a tropical
flora similar to that found today in the Congo-Guinea region. Other North African
elements are related to the laurasian subtropical flora, whereas some groups come
from the dry tropical flora of the Sahara (Axelrod, 1975; Aubre
´ville, 1976). There
is no doubt that some of the North African species are linked to the Rand Flora;
however, we believe that the most primitive species of the dragon tree group may
have been derived from any of these flora. Fossil evidence could provide new insights
into this issue.
The fossil data
None of the Tertiary Sahara fossils found so far belong to any of the Rand Flora
groups (Maley, 1980). However, there are at least six species of Dracaena (Dracaenites)
from remains of the French Eocene and Neogene (Saporta, 1862, 1865, 1873a,b,
1888, 1889). Three of them are considered as members of the dragon tree group
(i.e. D. brongniartii,D. narbonensis and D. sepultus). One of the other three fossil species,
D. resurgens Saporta, has been proposed to be closely related to the shrubby D.
angustifolia Roxb. (Saporta, 1889), a species of the xerophytic group (Engler, 1908;
Mies, 1995). It seems feasible from the morphology of the two remaining fossil
species (D. minor Saporta and D. pusillus Saporta) that they may be also associated
with the xerophytic group. However, these two fossil species are dwarf and have
very long, narrow leaves.
Two additional extinct Dracaena species have been identified based on pollen from
the Neogene (Van Campo & Sivak, 1976). Pollen of the first species, D. saportae Van
Campo & Sivak comes from Bohemia whilst the second one, D. guinetii Van Campo
& Sivak, was found in Tunez. These two species seem to be related to those which
are currently found in the Guinea–Congo region. Dracaena saportae appears to be
related to Dracaena ovata Ker Gawl. whilst D. guinetii is associated with D. humilis
Baker (Van Campo & Sivak, 1976).
From these palaeobotanical data it is obvious that the only fossils which seem
referable to the dragon tree group come from the Eocene–Neogene European
Tethyan area. These fossils have been found together with other elements of the
subtropical laurasian forest which existed in southern Europe during the Tertiary.
These are related to some of the taxa which currently thrive in the Macaronesian
laurel forest (Saporta, 1862, 1865, 1873b, 1889; Depape, 1922; Andrea
´nszky, 1968;
Takhtajan, 1969; Sunding, 1970, 1979; Bramwell, 1972, 1976; Axelrod, 1975). The
only fossil available from the African Tethyan is clearly related to Dracaena taxa
which currently grow in tropical Africa. We are aware that the Dracaena fossil data
do represent a limited sample of all the taxa which existed in the past. However,
palaeobotanical data suggest that at least seven Dracaena species existed in European
Tethyan and also indicate that the genus Dracaena had an important centre of
diversity in this region.
Panbiogeographic interpretation
A biogeographic interpretation of the patterns of distribution of the dragon tree
group can be made using the panbiogeographic approach (Croizat, 1958, 1968).
According to this methodology, and using both data from living and fossil species,
we can establish a route which links Macaronesia with East Africa and Arabia
through the European Tethyan (Fig. 6). It is worth mentioning that Croizat
(1968) previously found a similar route for Sedum sect. Afrosdeum and sect. Epeteium
(Crassulaceae), which runs from Macaronesia–northwest Africa to Mesopotamia,
Ethiopia and Kenya. A similar situation might be found with Aeonium (Crassulaceae:
Sempervivoideae) which occurs in Macaronesia, northwestern Africa and in the
Red Sea region. This genus does not have any species or fossil data from the
Mediterranean region, and it has been proposed as one of the Rand Flora elements
by Bramwell (1986). However, an inclusive study of Aeonium and Sempervivum (Sem-
pervivoideae) supports that both genera have a Tethyan subtropical origin (Meusel,
1965). This is in agreement with recent molecular data which suggest that the tribe
Sempervivoideae is nested within the tribe Sedoideae and Sedum (Hart, 1991; van
Ham, 1995; Mes, 1995; Stevens, 1995). Bearing in mind the hypothesis of an holartic
origin for Sedum (Croizat, 1968; Hart & Eggli, 1995), it seems likely that Aeonium
would also have an origin in this region. This hypothesis had already been proposed
by Fici (1991) who considered that this genus migrated towards southern latitudes
during the Quaternary cool periods. Other examples which seem to follow similar
routes are Lavandula and Coris monspeliensis L. (Fici, 1991). The data presented in this
paper indicate that Dracaena and Aeonium may have similar dispersal routes (cf.
Meusel, 1965). These two genera seem to have an origin in a thermo-sclerophyllous
flora which existed in the Tethyan, and they do not seem to be associated with the
South African eremitic-xerophile Rand Flora.
Our study gives support to the hypothesis that the current species of the dragon
tree group are a depleted and relict representation of the Mio-Pliocene Saharan
0 2000
Cape Verde
D. dracoD. cinnabariD. hanningtoni
Indian Ocean
Atlantic Ocean
D. tamaranaeD. ombet "complex"
Origin and dispersal node
040 60
Figure 6. The two routes which link the distribution of the living and fossil species
of the dragon tree group.
xerophile-sclerophyllous flora. These species would have their origin in the most
thermic elements of the Oligo-Miocene laurasian subtropical flora. They existed in
the edges of the forests and it is likely that they occurred on sunny and exposed
areas of rocky slopes, clis and escarpments. Following the major climatic changes
of the Miocene, they might have migrated southward where they established new
populations in northern Africa. Further climatic changes might have led to the
gradual disjunction of these populations towards the eastern and western margins
of Africa and towards the Saharan islands mountains.
´ville (1976) cites Bombax as a good example of a laurasian group which
could have migrated towards Africa in the Tertiary. This genus with eight species
is currently restricted to tropical regions of Asia (Indo-Malaysia) and Africa. There
is strong palaeobotanical evidence for the existence of Bombax in the Sahara region
(Bombacoxylon) and Europe (Aubre
´ville, 1970, 1976; Saporta, 1862, 1873b). This
seems to indicate that the current African species come from an original Saharan
pool which previously had a Tethyan European laurasian origin (Aubre
´ville, 1976).
Many of the biogeographical studies of Macaronesia and North Africa have
suggested that most of the xerophilous elements of these regions originated from
the Rand Flora (Que
´zel, 1978, 1983; Maley, 1980; Bramwell, 1986, 1990; Que
& Barbe
´ro, 1993). This view has meant that there has been a trend to postulate
strong biogeographic relationships between North Africa–Macaronesia and an
ancient flora which originated in southern Africa in the Palaeocene. This idea has
led workers to underestimate the contribution of the thermo-sclerophyllous Tethyan
flora. It might well be that Dracaena provides an example of this underestimation,
which could also apply to other plant groups.
We are grateful to Trinidad Arcos (Departamento de Filologı
´a Espan
˜ola, Cla
y Arabe, Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria) for her invaluable help with
the Latin diagnosis. We would also like to express our gratitude to Jorge Naranjo
´a de Medio Ambiente del Gobierno de Canarias) for his help in
translating the German references. J. Francisco-Ortega and D. Bramwell critically
read the manuscript and provided many constructive comments. Logistic help
reaching populations in the wild was provided by Antonio Quintana. This work
could not have been undertaken without the help of S. Owens, P. Wilkin and J.
Lowley (Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew) and the sta(particularly S. Blackmore, R.
Vickery and S. Knapp) of the libraries and herbarium of the Natural History
Museum of London. The Cabildo Insular de Gran Canaria provided financial
support for travel to England to complete this study.
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Plant material: Herbarium specimens
Dracaena draco (L.) L., Tenerife, Buenavista del Norte, Ravelo, leg. A. Marrero, R.S. Almeida & M.
Gonza´lez-Martı´n, 31.vii.1997 (LPA: 18504); Idem, Tenerife, Adeje, barranco del Infierno, leg. R.S.
Almeida & A. Marrero, 11.viii.1997 (LPA: 18505); Idem, Gran Canaria, Santa Brı
´gida, barranco
Alonso, Pino Santo (sub-spontaneus), leg. A. Marrero & R.S. Almeida, 4.viii.1997 (LPA: 18503)
(inflorescence, basal bracts, leaves); Idem, Gran Canaria, Jardı´n Bota´ nico Viera y Clavijo (ex horto), leg.
A. Marrero, 22.vii.1997 (LPA: 18506, 18507) (inflorescence, basal bracts, leaves); Idem,(ex horto),
from Cape Verde, leg. A. Marrero, 4.vii.1997 (LPA: 18510, 18511, 18512) (seedling, inflorescence,
infructescence, basal bracts, leaves); Idem, Gran Canaria, El Bata´n–Guiniguada (ex horto), leg. A.
Marrero, 25.vii.1997 (LPA: 18508) (inflorescence, basal bracts, leaves). D. cinnabari Balf. f., Socotra,
Feb.–March, 1880, comm. Prof. Bayley Balfour, Aug. 1880 (K TYPUS) (2 sheets, inflorescence, basal
bracts, leaves, +Ic. Prof. Balfour 5/93); Idem. (BM TYPUS Dupl. inflorescence, basal bracts, leaves);
Idem, Socotra, Dr. Balfour, April, 1880 (K) (infructescence); Idem, Ins. Socotra (Hort. Kew.), coll.
Wikeham Perry, s/n, 19.ix.1878 (K) (leaves); Idem, Socotra, Jebel Shihali, Hagghiher Mts., 3500 ft.,
leg. A.R. Smith & J. Lavranos, 448, 20.iv.1967 (K) (inflorescence); Idem, Socotra, Taukak village, above
Hasen, 450–480 m, leg. M. Thulin & N. Gifri, 8603, 19.i.1994 (K) (infructescence, basal bracts); Idem,
Gran Canaria, Jardı
´n Bota
´nico Viera y Clavijo (ex horto), leg. A. Marrero, 1.ix.1997 (LPA: 18513,
18514) (leaves). D. ombet Kotschy et Peyr., Mount Erkowit, near Suakin, Schweinfurth, 250, 16.ix.1868
(K) (inflorescence, leaves+Hooker’s Ic. Pl. t. 2539); Idem, Gran Canaria, Jardı
´n Bota
´nico Viera y
Clavijo (ex horto), leg. A. Marrero, 22.viii.1997 (LPA: 18515); Idem, 1.ix.1997 (LPA:1‘8516) (leaves); D.
cf. ombet, Djibouti, Wadi Dounyar, S of Ali Sabreh, crest of limestone ridge, 2400 ft., I.S. Collenette,
8644, 20.iv.1993 (K) (inflorescence, leaves). D. serrulata Baker, found on the hills near Dobaibah,
elevation about 4000 ft., coll. W. Lunt., 206, 26.ii.1894 (K TYPUS) (leaves); Idem, Jebel Minmar,
Khawlaan as Sham, c. 2500 m, J.R.I. Wood, Y/75/624, 29.viii.1975 (BM) (2 sheets, infructescence,
leaves); Idem, on the south side of Jebel Minmar (Sa
`dah-Sagayn), c. 2600 m, J.R.I. Wood, 624,
29.viii.1975 (K) (infructescence); Idem, Saudi Arabia, the Asir, about 10 km south of Abha, I.S.
Collenette, 628, 6.iv.1978 (K) (leaves); Idem, Saudi Arabia, South Hijaz, Jebel Aba Hassan, a sandstone
massif about 50 km south of the escarpment between Abha-Najran, 5500 ft., I.S. Collenette, 1291,
6.iv.1979 (K) (inflorescence); Idem, Saudi Arabia, S-SW of Madinah, 80 km, 5000 ft. (c. 4600 m), I.S.
Collenette, 3789, 15.viii.1982 (K) (infructescence); Idem, Oman, N of Jabel Qaars, road to Sarfay &
Dhofar, R.M. Lawton, 2398, 28.viii.1982 (K) (2 sheets, infructescence, basal bracts, leaves); Idem,
Duplic. (BM) (infructescence, basal bracts); Idem, Oman, Dhofar, Jebel Semhan above Mirbat, 1350 m,
A.G. Miller & J.A. Nyberg, M-9167, 7.ix.1989 (K) (infructescence, leaves). D. schizantha Baker, Somali-
Land, Meid, Ahl-n. Serrusgeb, 800–1800 m, J.M. Hildebrandt, 1742, April 1875 (BM TYPUS)
(inflorescence); Idem,(KDuplic.) (inflorescence); Idem, Ethiopia, Harar Prov., Steep slopes below Dangago,
15 km SE of Diredawa, along the road to Harar, 1700 m, W. Burger, 1516–1516a, 24.ii.1962 (K) (3
sheets, inflorescence, leaves); Idem, Ethiopia, Harar Prov., Steep slopes below Dangago, 15 km SE of
Diredawa, along the road to Harar, W. Burger, 3714, 4.iii.1965 (K) (2 sheets, inflorescence, leaves);
Idem, Somalia, Valley sides, site A/5 Limestone Mountains, 1340 m, J.B. Billett & R.M. Watson,
23462, 16 & (K) (2 sheets, infructescence, leaves); Idem, NE Somalia, environs de Galgala,
C. Barbier, 962, 5.xii.1983 (K) (infructescence, basal bracts); Idem, Royal Botanical Gardens, Kew, (ex
horto), leg. P. Wilkin, A. Marrero & R.S. Almeida, 21.x.1997 (LPA: 18509) (leaves). D. hanningtoni Baker,
E Trop. Africa, German East Africa, Unyamwezi, Msalala, coll. & com. rev. J. Hannington (K TYPUS)
... The genus Dracaena includes about 160-190 plant species (Govaerts et al., 2021). Some, commonly known as dragon trees, exhibit a tree growth habit (Marrero et al., 1998). Unlike other monocots, tree-like Dracaena achieve stem and root thickening due to a secondary thickening meristem (Hubalkova et al., 2017). ...
... They are native to Africa, but they are also present in Asia, the Mediterranean, central America, and northern Australia (Govaerts et al., 2021). Dragon trees comprise 10 arborescent species (Wilkin et al., 2012), all growing in seasonally arid climates with an annual rainfall of 200-500 mm and mean temperature between 18 and 20 • C (Marrero et al., 1998;Adolt and Pavlis, 2004). Dragon trees are well adapted to capture horizontal precipitation (Nadezhdina et al., 2018) and their distribution is sometimes associated with seasonal cloud forests (De Sanctis et al., 2013;Kalivodová et al., 2020). ...
... It is also valuable for soil and water conservation, carbon sequestration, shade and adaptation to the impacts of climate change (Kamel et al., 2014;Maděra et al., 2020). D. ombet is native to Egypt, Sudan, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Somalia, Djibouti and Saudi Arabia (Marrero et al., 1998;Ghazali et al., 2008), typically situated in between 1000-1800 m altitude with an annual rainfall of 200-500 mm (Thulin, 1995;Kamel et al., 2014). However, the current suitable habitats of the species were predicted to contract due to climate change in Ethiopia and Sudan (Andersen et al., 2022). ...
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Dracaena ombet, a flagship tree species in arid ecosystems, holds a significant ecological, economic, and socio-cultural value. However, its persistence is currently under threat from both anthropogenic and natural factors. Consequently, the species has been listed as an endangered tree species on the IUCN Red List, requiring urgent conservation actions for its continued existence. To develop effective conservation actions, it is necessary to have information on the population dynamics of the species. A study was conducted in the lowland and midland agroecological zones (sites) within the Desa'a dry Afromontane forest, northern Ethiopia to analyze the population status of D. ombet and identify its site-specific threats. At each site, abundance, health status, diameter, height and threats of the species were collected using 60 sample plots (20 m × 20 m) distributed over six transects (500 m × 20 m) spaced one km apart. The study showed that the D. ombet population was characterized by low abundance and unstable structure. It was further characterized by a substantial number of unhealthy damaged and dead trees. The low abundance of the species with unstable age structure in the dry Afromontane forests can be attributed to various factors such as stem cutting and debarking, leaf defoliation, overgrazing, soil erosion, and competition from expansive shrubs. Alternative livelihood options for the local inhabitants should be introduced to minimize the overexploitation of D. ombet for subsistence use in the dry Afromontane forests. The impacts of overgrazing and soil erosion on D. ombet and its Desa'a habitats should also be addressed through the introduction of community-based exclosures and in-situ soil and water conservation practices, respectively.
... f. [4][5][6]. Most of them are endemic, and the populations they form usually have limited distributions [5,[7][8][9]. Based on the IUCN Red List, many dragon tree species belong to the endangered category [6]. ...
... However, these measurements were obtained from only a few cultivated and, likely, irrigated trees. Nevertheless, D. draco probably grows more quickly than D. cinnabari [5,13], which may be due to differences in natural conditions (the presence of volcanic bedrock and the more humid climate of the Canary Islands compared to the limestone and more arid climate of Socotra Island) [7]. ...
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Background: Dracaena cinnabari is a monocot species that does not form annual tree rings; thus, its age can only be estimated. This species is threatened by low natural regeneration, with an evident absence of younger individuals most likely caused by overgrazing; therefore, knowing trees’ ages is important for possible conservation strategies; Methods: Data collection was conducted on the Firmihin Plateau on Socotra Island (Yemen) in 2021, and the diameter at breast height (DBH) of 1077 individuals was measured, the same as those established on monitoring plots 10 years before the current measurement. The 10-year radial stem increment and DBH obtained in 2011 served as a basis for the linear model from which the equations for the age calculation were derived. Results and Conclusions: A direct model of age estimation for D. cinnabari was developed. According to the fit model, the age in the first (10.1–15 cm) DBH class was estimated to be 111 years, while that in the last DBH class (90.1–95 cm) was estimated to be 672 years. The results revealed that the previously used indirect methods for D. cinnabari age estimation were accurate.
... Dracaena draco is a monocot tree endemic to Macaronesia and currently inhabits Madeira, the Canary Islands, Cape Verde and parts of North Africa (Marrero et al., 1998). In the case of the Canaries, this plant species was formerly well-distributed throughout the thermosclerophyllous woodland (100-700 m a.s.l.), along with Canary palm (Phoenix canariensis), Wild olive (Olea cerasiformis), Mastic trees (Pistacia spp.), etc (Fernández-Palacios et al., 2008). ...
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Despite being abundant in urban gardens, the Canary Islands dragon tree Dracaena draco is close to extinction in the wild. It tends to produce relatively large fruits, which limits the pool of vertebrates that might disperse its seeds. We aimed to shed light on the seed dispersal system of this plant by studying its fruit size in relation to the feeding behavior of its present dispersers, and to discuss on possible differences with the past dispersal system, when large-sized dispersers were abundant. Besides fruit and seed characterization, we performed experiments on seedling emergence (using the characterized seeds), and field observations of the fruit handling behavior of frugivorous birds. Seed removal by granivores beneath and outside the dragon tree canopies was assessed through a field experiment. An additional seedling emergence experiment tested the effect of pulp removal from around the seed (using seeds contained within the fruits and manually depulped seeds). A feeding experiment was carried out with captive individuals of the Canary endemic white-tailed pigeon Columba junoniae—a large frugivore that occasionally consumes D. draco fruits—to test if its gut treatment influences seed viability. Small fruits produced seeds unable to germinate, while most seedling emergence was recorded only for seeds from large fruits. Our observations suggest that the only passerine species able to swallow large fruits is the medium-size passerine Turdus merula, whereas small passerines tended to pluck the pulp without aiding seed dispersal. Nonetheless, Sylvia atricapilla—the largest among the group of small passerines—occasionally transported fruits away from parent plants to consume the pulp, resulting in seed dispersal without any digestive treatment. This behavior indicates S. atricapilla might be occasionally a legitimate disperser of D. draco, since our experiments suggest that seed transport away from parent trees and pulp removal enhance both post-dispersal seed survival and seedling emergence. Lastly, the pigeons used in the experiment regurgitated mostly viable seeds, suggesting the legitimacy of C. junoniae as seed disperser for D. draco. Therefore, although D. draco likely had more seed dispersers in the past, we identified at least two bird species that can still disperse its seeds nowadays.
... Among the Dracaena, the dragon tree group that comprises 10 tree species including D. ombet. These species are characterized by an arborescent growth habit with stout trunks and broad-based leaves, closely packed leaves at branch apices, thick cuticle on the leaves, high water use efficiency and drought adaptability (Marrero et al., 1998;Madera et al., 2020). The trees can survive in a wide range of geographical areas, are one of the basis for life in arid ecosystems with substantial economic, ecological and social values (Ghazali et al., 2008;Habrova et al., 2009;Hubulkova, 2011;Al-okaishi, 2020). ...
The globally endangered Dracaena ombet is one of the ten dragon multipurpose tree species in arid ecosystems. Anthropogenic and natural factors are now impacting the sustainability of the species. This study was conducted to prioritize criteria and alternative strategies for conservation of the species using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) model by involving all relevant stakeholders in the Desa'a dry Afromontane forest, northern Ethiopia. Information about the potential alternative strategies and the criteria for their evaluation were first collected from experts, personal experiences and literature reviews. Afterwards, they were validated using stakeholders' focus group discussions. Five candidate strategies with three evaluation criteria were considered for prioritization using the AHP techniques. The overall priority ranking value of the stakeholders showed that the ecological criterion was deemed as the most essential factor for the choice of the alternative strategies, followed by the economic and social criteria. The minimum cut-off strategy, combining exclosures with collection of only 5% of plant parts from the species, soil and water conservation and habitat protection management options, was selected as the best alternative strategy for sustainable D. ombet conservation. The livelihood losses due to the selected strategy should be compensated by the collection of non-timber forest products, poultry farming, home gardens, rearing small ruminants, beekeeping and agroforestry. This approach may be extended to study other dragon tree species and explore strategies for the conservation of other arid ecosystems.
... Species such as Diospyros mespiliformis, Anogeissus leiocarpa and Dracaena marginata which avoided fire plots also had lower relative frequencies in early burn and late burn treatments (Table 1). Although, early burn has higher diversity, the occurrence of rare and fire-sensitive, but fairly drought tolerant, species on the IUCN Red list such as Dracaena marginata (Aubréville, 1958;Marrero et al., 1998) may increase with fire exclusion. ...
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Fire use in protected savannas of Africa is a common practice. Fires in these savannas create many environmental benefits, such as reducing grass, brush and trees that can fuel large and severe wildfires and improving wildlife habitat. However, wrong timing of fire can threaten plants, animals and habitats. This study investigated the effects of time of burning on woody plant composition, diversity and density in the Mole National Park, Ghana. A total of twelve 300 m 2 plots were systematically sampled in a 200 m × 200 m treatment plot established by Park Management each for early burn, late burn and no-burn plots. Twenty-seven different woody species belonging to fourteen families were recorded in all the treatments. Most of the species identified belonged to the families Fabaceae and Combretaceae. Vitellaria paradoxa (Shea), Terminalia avicennioides, Combretum adenogonium and Combretum molle were the most common and abundant in all treatments. A TWINSPAN on sites and species revealed four species groups based on affinity to burning time. A follow-up DCA showed a strong association between burning time and species composition, with the first two axes explaining 65% of variation. The late burn and no-burn treatments recorded the lowest diversity amongst the three treatments. Stem density was highest in no-burn treatment which had lowest species richness and diversity compared to early and late burn treatments. Early burn treatment had the highest diversity and the lowest density of woody species. The study revealed that the different times of prescribed burning influenced vegetation differently. Prescribed early dry season burning could contribute to the management of indigenous woody species in protected fire-prone savannas, because it can promote the diversity of species, as found in the Mole National Park in the Guinea savanna of Ghana.
... They may facilitate the recognition of remnants of dragon tree trunks. For instance, based on the length of leaf scars, it is possible to distinguish the two Macaronesian dragon tree species, as D. tamaranae's basal leaf parts are substantially wider than those of D. draco (Marrero et al. 1998 and Fig. 3). ...
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Key message Dragon’s blood secretion is an integral part of the normal development of the leaves and of the tissue protecting the trunk of dragon trees. Abstract Dragon’s blood is a common name of a red resin produced in response to wounding by tree-like monocot species of the genus Dracaena (Asparagaceae), known as dragon trees. This resin has important medicinal uses and economic value. However, its ecological significance and mechanism of secretion are understudied. We specifically addressed this knowledge gap through the investigation of leaf shedding, a natural processes in plant development, associated with self-wounding. We aimed to characterize the form of the resin of the Macaronesian ( D. draco , D. tamaranae ) and Socotran ( D. cinnabari ) dragon trees, and to explain its role in the development of leaves and of the tissue covering the leafless mature trunks. Based on the NADI test and the analysis of large-area longitudinal sections, we show for the first time that the resin occurs in parenchyma cells in the form of terpene-filled vesicles which tend to aggregate. The resin is an anatomical marker of the area where the leaf’s abscission zone will be formed. After leaf shedding, the resin containing leaf scars completely cover the trunk. This study highlights that dragon’s blood is secreted not only following wounding caused by external biotic and/or abiotic factors, but also in the undisturbed growth of dragon trees.
... Similar results were reported previously in other angiosperms [57][58][59] . Among the protein-coding genes 12 genes (rps11, 12,14,15,16,18,2,3,4,7,7,8) code for small ribosomal subunits, 9 genes (rpl14, 16,2,0,22,23,32,33,36) for large ribosomal subunits, 44 genes (Table 2) photosynthesis related proteins, 4 (rpoA, rpoB, rpoC1, rpoC2) DNA dependent RNA polymerase, and 8 genes (accD, ccsA, cemA, matK, ycf1, ycf2, ycf3, ycf4) code for other proteins (Table 2). Furthermore, 20 genes containing introns were identified in 18 genes containing a single intron whereas two genes (ycf3, clpP) had two introns and three exons ( Table 3). ...
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Dracaena (Asparagaceae family) tree is famous for producing "dragon blood"—a bioactive red-colored resin. Despite its long history of use in traditional medicine, little knowledge exists on the genomic architecture, phylogenetic position, or evolution. Hence, in this study, we sequenced the whole chloroplast (cp) genomes of D. serrulata and D. cinnabari and performed comparative genomics of nine genomes of the genus Dracaena. The results showed that the genome sizes range from 155,055 ( D. elliptica ) to 155,449 ( D. cochinchinensis ). The cp genomes of D. serrulata and D. cinnabari encode 131 genes, each including 85 and 84 protein-coding genes, respectively. However, the D. hokouensis had the highest number of genes (133), with 85 protein coding genes. Similarly, about 80 and 82 repeats were identified in the cp genomes of D. serrulata and D. cinnabari , respectively, while the highest repeats (103) were detected in the cp genome of D. terniflora . The number of simple sequence repeats (SSRs) was 176 and 159 in D. serrulata and D. cinnabari cp genomes, respectively. Furthermore, the comparative analysis of complete cp genomes revealed high sequence similarity. However, some sequence divergences were observed in accD , matK , rpl16 , rpoC2 , and ycf1 genes and some intergenic spacers. The phylogenomic analysis revealed that D. serrulata and D. cinnabari form a monophyletic clade, sister to the remaining Dracaena species sampled in this study, with high bootstrap values. In conclusion, this study provides valuable genetic information for studying the evolutionary relationships and population genetics of Dracaena , which is threatened in its conservation status.
... Dracaena cinnabari (the Dragoon Blood tree), arguably the main flagship species of Soqotra. It is one of the six arboreal species of the genus (Marrero et al. 1998). The others are D. serrulata (SW Arabia), D. ombet and D. schizantha (eastern Africa), D. draco (Macaronesian islands and Morocco) and D. tamaranae (Gran Canaria -Canary Islands). ...
... The genus is widely distributed in the tropical and subtropical regions of the world, with the main centre of diversity in the Guinea-Congo region in Western Africa (46 species) [6]. The genus also reaches Macaronesia, Arabia, Socotra, Madagascar, Southeastern Asia, Northern Australia, and the Pacific islands [7,8]. Most of the species in this genus are perennial to shrubby, bushy and arborescent forests, and are ecologically and economically important for use as horticulture [9,10], social functions in marking graves, sacred sites, and farm plots in many African societies [11], as well as medicine [12,13]. ...
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Two new names, Dracaena neoparviflora and Dracaena ridleyii are proposed as replacement names for the illegitimate names D. parviflora Baker, and D. nutans Ridl., respectively, the latter being a later homonym of D. parviflora Willd. ex Schult.f., and D. nutans H.Jaeger. Lectotypes are designated for D.cambodiana, D. interrupta (synonym of D. camerooniana), D. oddonii (synonym of D. camerooniana), D. cantleyi, D. cinnabari, D. cuspidibracteata (synonym of D. congoensis), D. haemanthoides, D. litoralis (synonym of D. braunii), D. parviflora, D. novoguineensis, D. nutans, D. petiolata, D. reflexa var. linearifolia, D. reflexa var. angustifolia, D. steudneri, D. tessmannii (synonym of D. mannii), and D. viridiflora. The second-step lectotypications are made for D. camerooniana, D. bushii, D. glomerata, D. papahu (synonym of D. steudneri), D. talbotii (synonym of D. bicolor), D. vaginata (synonym of D. viridiflora), and D. xiphophylla. A neotype is designated for the name Aletris arborea (basionym of D. arborea).
... Dracaena cinnabari (Agavaceae) (D. cinnabari ) is arguably the main endemic flagship species of Socotra, commonly known as Damm Al-akhwain in Yemen. It is one of the six arboreal species (Dragon blood tree) of the genus (Marrero et al., 1998). D. cinnabari is threatened for the collection of resins (Dragon blood). ...
Background: Few studies showed that Dracaena cinnabari resin, collected from Soqotra Island, Yemen, has antimicrobial activity. This study is the first to investigate antimicrobial activity of the resin on both antibiotic multi-resistant human pathogens and on poly-microbial culture. Material and Methods: Antimicrobial activity of ethanolic extract of Dracaena cinnabari resin from Soqotra Island on multidrug resistant Gram-positive and Gram-negative human ATCC standard pathogens and Ascosphaera apis, the causal organism of chalkbrood disease of honeybee was studied using the agar disc diffusion method. The minimal inhibitory concentration of extracts was carried out by the broth micro dilution method. Results: Ethanolic extract of Dracaena cinnabari resin showed a considerable antimicrobial activity against all the pathogens tested. The zone of inhibition were between 4.9-11.5 mm. The most sensitive microbe was Staphylococcus aureus and least sensitive was Aspergillus nidulans. The minimal inhibitory concentration of the extract against Escherichia. coli ATCC 10402, Klebsiella pneumonia ATCC 10031, and Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 29212 was 1.25 μg/mL (w/v) and for the other pathogens (Candida albicans ATCC 10231, Salmonella typhimurum ATCC 3311 and Pseudomonos aeruginosa ATCC 2785) was 2.5 μg/mL (w/v). Conclusion: Ethanolic extract of Dracaena cinnabari resin has a considerable antimicrobial activity against Gram-positive and Gram-negative human pathogens and fungi. This extract might possess a role in the management of microbial infections in human and honeybee disease.
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PRESENT VEGETATION AND FLORA OF NORTHERN AFRICA, THEIR MEANING IN RELATION TO THEIR ORIGIN, EVOLUTION AND MIGRATIONS OF FLORAS AND THE STRUCTURES OF PAST VEGETATION In the light of recent works and biogeographic synthesis, the Mediterranean flora appears more and more as a heterogeneous entity, reflecting, to a great extent, the palaeogeographic and palaeoclimatic history of the region. In particular, the co-existence of elements of southern stock and of northerly elements, presently points to the possibilities of exchange which occurred very early in the Tertiary between the Gondwanian type of floras or the less tropical types and the Laurasian floras.The tropical elements are numerous and can be linked to various entities according to their age; a pantropical entity comprising in particular, Tetraclinis and Warionia, but also various families, is common to all the tropical regions and, without any doubt, contemporary with the dismemberment of Gondwana; a north-tropical entity peculiarly common to California and the Mediterranean region; a palaeotropical entity strongly heterogeneous and complex. One finds there: — thermophilous sclerophyll types often linked to the African rainforest species, — old xerophilous types, distributed in South Africa and north of the Equator (randflora), — endemic taxa of high African mountains, showing affinities with Ethiopian species or of the high African mountains, — taxa more recently arrived or even common sahelian species settled during the last pluvial. The elements of extratropical stock are composed of autochthonal or Mediterraneo-Tertiary elements, and of northern elements. The Mediterraneo-Tertiary elements are the remnants of differentiated floras generally in situ on the banks of the Tethys and on the micro-plates which occur there. The role of the Iberian micro-plate is particularly important in the western Magreb. It is advisable to associate them with various species belonging to the Irano-touranian and Saharo-Arab stocks, whose settlement is often recent. An oro-Mesogean entity is particularly important and brings together the endemo-vicariant taxa generally occurring from the Atlas to the western Himalayas. The northern elements bring together a mesothermal entity, a remnant o f the pre-glacial Lauresian floras, poorly represented in north Africa, a microthermal northern entity generally comprising species recently established and a north-alpine entity contemporary with the last glaciations, extremely localized on the high Atlas mountains. Finally, the origin of the main characteristic formations of the Mediterranean stages is examined and discussed.
No other disjunct pieces of land present such striking similarities as the widely sepa­ 1 rated regions with a mediterranean type of climate, that is, the territories fringing the Mediterranean Sea, California, Central Chile and the southernmost strips of South Mrica and Australia. Similarities are not confined to climatic trends, but are also reflected in the physiognomy ofthe vegetation, in land use patterns and frequently in the general appearance of the landscape. The very close similarities in agricultural practices and sometimes also in rural settlements are dependent on the climatic and edaphic analogies, as well as on a certain commonality in qdtural history. This is certainly true for the Mediterranean Sea basin which in many ways represents a sort of ecological-cultural unit; this is also valid for CaUfornia and Chile, which were both settled by Spaniards and which showed periods of vigorous commercial and cultural interchanges as during the California gold rush. One other general feature is the massive interchange of cultivated and weed species of plants that has occurred between the five areas of the world that have a mediterranean-type climate, with the Mediterranean basin region itself as a major source. In spite of their limited territorial extension, probably no other parts of the world have played a more fundamental role in the history of mankind. Phoenician, Etruscan, Hellenic, Jewish, Roman, Christian andArab civilizations, among others,haveshapedmanyofman's present attitudes, including his position and perception vis-a-vis nature.
A new plant community with Caralluma petraea and Euphorbia balsamifera adenensis is de scribed from the eastern Yemeni highlands. It belongs to the class Kleinio — Euphorbietea eritreo arabica. This class comprises plant associations, dominated by stem- and leaf-succulent species According to the altitudinal range of those species, an attempt is made at a further division of this class. The relations to vicarious communities in Macaronesia are pointed out.
The paleogeography, geology and climate of the Horn of Africa are presented in outline, and its floristic affinities with the Mediterranean region are discussed. These relations are particularly strong in northern Somalia, where 40 percent of the genera are in common with the Mediterranean region. The Buxus hildebrandtii evergreen shrublands and the Juniperus procera forests of the Somali highland are characterized by the presence of a noteworthy element of holarctic, particularly Mediterranean, affinity. Migration in opposite directions must have occurred since late Tertiary times. -from Author
Similar physical environments, acting on organisms of dissimilar origins in different parts of the world, have produced structurally and functionally similar ecosystems. The fossil record provides a reliable basis for understanding how this occurred because all modern ecosystems are the result of the interaction between evolving lineages and changing environments during long spans of geologic time. Since many woody plants similar to those still living have left a fossil record, it is possible to reconstruct the ecosystems they represent, and to discern the development of the modern descendant vegetation which has survived in modified form.