... the topic from a diverse range of theoretical perspectives. 1 This work has, for example, included investigating the situations under which people report making intuitive judgments (e.g .. Agor, 1986Agor, , 1989Charles, 2004;Chinen, Spielvogel, & Farrell, 1985;Davis-Floyd & Davis, 1997;Miller, 1995, Rew, 1988, the mechanisms that may underlay such experiences (e.g., Bastick, 1982;Baylor, 1997;Cosier & Aplin, 1982;Ferguson, 1999;Giannini, Daood, Giannini, Boniface, & Rhodes, 1978;Gilovich, Griffin, & Kahneman, 2002;Kahneman, Slovic, & Tversk:y, 1982;Rehrn & Gadenne, 1990;Sutherland, 1992;Wisiniewski, 1998) and the types of individual differences that may correlate with alleged intuitive abilities (Epstein, 1990;Epstein, Pacini, Denes-Raj, & Meier eta!., 1996;Fallik, & Eliot, 1985;June, 1923 2 ;Lester, Thinschrnidt, & Trautman, 1987;McCrae, 1994;Taggart, Valenzi, Zalka, & Lowe, 1997;Woolhouse, 1996;Woolhouse & Bayne, 2000). ...