Assessing the effects of ongoing anthropogenic climatic change requires a thorough understanding of past climatic fluctuations. The reconstruction of changes in the extent of small glaciers provides valuable information on climatic changes, as smaller ice masses react sensitively to changes in precipitation and temperature. Despite a large number of studies in recent years, the configuration of the atmospheric
circulation over Europe during the Late Pleistocene [129-11.7 ka (kiloyears before present)] is still controversially discussed. One key aspect of this debate is the question whether the Mediterranean Sea and not the Atlantic Ocean (as today) served as the main moisture source for glaciers in the Alps during the last glaciation maximum in the Alps (at around 26-24 ka). If this assumption is correct, the Black
Forest (southern Germany) and the about 1000 km²-large ice caps in its southern part would have probably been in a leeward position with respect to the Alps. The location in a leeward position conceivably limited the growth of the ice caps. Therefore, it is likely that the ice caps of the Southern Black Forest reached their last maximum extent asynchronously with the Alps. Since the determination
of the age of the last glaciation maximum in the southern Black Forest is still pending, this assumption cannot yet be verified. Dating this glacial phase would allow for obtaining valuable climatic information, as the Southern Black Forest lies in a key position with respect to the Alps and in proximity to key sites
for climate reconstructions.
The general trend towards warmer climatic conditions after the last glacial maximum (27.5-23.3 ka) was punctuated by rapid decreases in temperature. Chronological data from moraines in formerly glaciated mountains of Central Europe outside the Alps, i.e., in the Vosges, Bavarian Forest, Bohemian Forest, and in the Giant Mountains, indicate several periods of ice-marginal stability and glacier re-advances
during deglaciation. Summer temperatures in ice-free areas of Central Europe during the last glacial termination have been successfully reconstructed, but precipitation patterns remain largely elusive. It has been shown that precipitation reconstructions with data from former glaciers can fill this gap, but reconstructions for other parts of the last glacial termination require additional data on the temporal and
spatial evolution of glaciers in the mountains of Central Europe. Particularly the chronology of glacier variations in the Southern Black Forest remains largely unknown, as age determinations of glacial landforms and deposits that document former ice-marginal positions are lacking.
This study addresses aims to fill these gaps by reconstructing the chronology of the last (Late Pleistocene) glaciation of the Southern Black Forest with the ultimate aim to contribute to a better understanding of the climate during the Late Pleistocene.
A digital elevation model (DEM) with a xy-resolution of 1 m and its derivates (e.g., contour lines) were first systematically used to map glacial landforms in the Southern Black Forest with particular emphasis on terminal moraines, as these landforms document former ice-marginal positions. The results were subsequently confirmed during extensive field surveys. Geomorphological mapping revealed that some previously described moraines have to be rejected, whereas other moraines were mapped for the first time. The number of inferred ice-marginal positions turned out to be higher than in previous studies. These findings suggest highly dynamic former glaciers in the Southern Black Forest and underline that thorough geomorphological investigations with an up-to-date approach are always needed prior to the application of numerical dating methods. 10Be cosmic-ray exposure dating was applied (for the first time in the Black Forest) to boulders on
moraines in two formerly glaciated valleys north-west of the highest summit of the Black Forest, Feldberg [1493 m above sea-level (a.s.l.)] to reconstruct the chronology of the last glaciation. In the field, the determination of topographic shielding factors for age calculations was not possible at all sampling sites. To correct the ages for topographic shielding, a previously published toolbox for the
ESRI® ArcGIS software was applied that allows for calculating shielding factors with DEMs. As the performance of the toolbox has hitherto not been evaluated with an extensive set of field data, a validation study was undertaken. Boulders in three settings, i.e., the Southern Black Forest, the forefield of Steingletscher, and the Écrins massif were chosen. Shielding factors derived with the toolbox were
consistent with field data-based shielding factors and the spatial resolution of the tested DEMs did not influence the fit between the shielding factors. Replacing shielding factors with those derived with the toolbox led, in most cases, to minor shifts in ages. These findings underline that the toolbox provides precise shielding factors for age calculations. Dating the Late Pleistocene glaciation maximum was not possible in the two studied valleys, since suitable boulders for age determinations were missing in the first valley and traces of this phase of glaciation have not been preserved in the second valley. Preliminary ages of erratic boulders and boulders on moraines for an area south-east of Feldberg indicate that glacier retreat from the Late Pleistocene maximum position may have been underway by 21 ka at the latest, but this working hypothesis needs to be confirmed with additional data. Ages of moraines of the last deglaciation in the valleys north-west of Feldberg cluster around 17-16 ka, 15-14 ka, and 13 ka, thus indicating three distinct periods of repeated phases of ice-marginal stability. In most studied glacial cirques, final glacier retreat was underway by 14 ka at the latest. As this age for final glacier retreat roughly corresponds to the rapid rise in summer temperatures at around 14.7 ka, it is likely that this climatic event led to deglaciation.
DEMs of glaciers were established to reconstruct equilibrium line altitudes (ELAs) of glaciers, i.e. the zones where ablation equals accumulation on an annual timescale.
By 17-16 ka at the latest, ELAs of valley glaciers varied between about 1140 and 1160 m a.s.l. During the period of cirque glaciation at the end of the last deglaciation (no later than 15-14 ka), ELAs of the reconstructed glaciers lay between about 1150 and 1210 m a.s.l. with no clear across the studied valleys. The ELA of the last cirque glacier in one of the studied valleys was situated at around 1400 m a.s.l. by
13 ka at the latest. Annual precipitation at the ELA apparently amounted to about 3100 mm per year at around 13 ka. This unrealistically high estimate conflicts with the few available precipitation records and is probably explained by a strong effect of snow blow and avalanching on the mass balance of the glacier. Spatial
discrepancies in ELAs at around 15-14 ka are explained best by the size of the snow blow and avalanche catchment of former glaciers. Due to the strong influence of snow blow and avalanching on ELAs, reliable estimates of annual precipitation at ELAs could not be provided. Additional work is needed for realistic estimates of annual precipitation, including a detailed assessment of the effect of topographic
shading on the position of ELAs.
Mapping glacial landforms and 10Be cosmic-ray exposure dating allowed for reconstructing the chronology of the Late Pleistocene glaciation of the Southern Black Forest in unprecedented detail. 10Be cosmic-ray exposure dating of moraines made it possible, for the first time, for proposing an independent regional glacier chronology. The high potential for climate reconstructions warrants further studies on Late Pleistocene glacier fluctuations. Further efforts should particularly concentrate on dating the Late Pleistocene glaciation maximum and on extracting a climatic signal from glacier fluctuations during the last glacial termination.