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Abstract and Figures

Generic generalized minimum variance-based (GMV) controllers have been adopted as efficient control mechanisms especially in presence of measurement noise. However, such controllers exhibit degraded performance with change in process dynamics. To overcome this problem, a novel congestion controller based on active queue management (AQM) strategy for dynamically varying TCP/AQM networks known as adaptive generalized minimum variance (AGMV) is proposed. AGMV is the combination of the real-time parameter estimation and GMV. The performance of the proposed scheme is evaluated and compared with its adaptive minimum variance (AMV) counterpart under two distinct scenarios: TCP network with unknown parameters and TCP network with time varying parameters. Simulation results indicate that, in either case, AGMV is able to keep the queue length around the desired point. In addition, the superior performance of the proposed controller has been shown with regard to the PI controller, which is well-known in the AQM domain.
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Adaptive Generalized Minimum Variance Congestion
Controller for Dynamic TCP/AQM Networks
R. Barzaminia,b,, M. Shafieea, A. Dadlanib
aAmirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran
bGwangju Institute of Science and Technology, Republic of Korea
Generic generalized minimum variance-based (GMV) controllers have been
adopted as efficient control mechanisms especially in presence of measure-
ment noise. However, such controllers exhibit degraded performance with
change in process dynamics. To overcome this problem, a novel congestion
controller based on active queue management (AQM) strategy for dynami-
cally varying TCP/AQM networks known as adaptive generalized minimum
variance (AGMV) is proposed. AGMV is the combination of the real-time
parameter estimation and GMV. The performance of the proposed scheme is
evaluated and compared with its adaptive minimum variance (AMV) coun-
terpart under two distinct scenarios: TCP network with unknown parameters
and TCP network with time varying parameters. Simulation results indicate
that, in either case, AGMV is able to keep the queue length around the de-
sired point. In addition, the superior performance of the proposed controller
has been shown with regard to the PI controller, which is well-known in the
AQM domain.
Keywords: Transmission control protocol (TCP), Congestion control,
Active queue management (AQM), Adaptive generalized minimum variance
Corresponding author. Tel.: +82-62-7153123; Fax: +82-62-7152274.
Email addresses: (R. Barzamini),
(M. Shafiee), (A. Dadlani)
Preprint submitted to Computer Communications June 26, 2011
1. Introduction
In recent years, with the rapid growth of throughput-demanding applica-
tions, congestion control has emerged as a major issue in computer and com-
munication network design. Congestion of packets at the outgoing queues
in routers results in poor performance and low reliability of the network.
Several congestion control approaches have been proposed that are mainly
of intuitive nature [1]. In addition to these approaches, the application of
control theory to solve congestion problem has been considered since late
90’s [2]. In this approach, the main idea is to use the available tools to de-
sign, engineer and analyze suitable congestion controllers for communication
networks as a closed loop system [3].
Generally, to solve this problem with a systematic approach using control
theory, closed loop data transfer processing structure in computer networks
can be considered. So, active queue management (AQM) is designed as a
congestion controller to be implemented in network routers, while the rest
of the components are altogether defined as a plant [3]. AQM algorithms
run on routers and detect incipient congestion by typically monitoring the
instantaneous or average queue size. When the average queue size exceeds
a certain threshold, AQM algorithms infer congestion on the link and notify
the end systems to speed down their transmissions by proactively dropping
some of the packets arriving at a router or by marking the packets. End
systems that experience the marked or dropped packets reduce their trans-
mission rates to relieve congestion and prevent the queue from overflowing.
With AQM, congestion is prevented before it actually occurs. Thus, the de-
ployment of AQM could lead to a high throughput, reduced packet loss and
low queuing delay network [4][5].
By introducing mathematical models for congestion control process in
transmission control protocol (TCP)/AQM networks, control theory-based
approaches are used either to analyze or to design the AQM schemes. Based
on these models, several conventional controllers such as P, PI [6], PD [7], PID
[8], sliding mode [9], coefficient diagram method (CDM) [10], and adaptive
schemes [11] have been designed as AQM methods in TCP networks.
Each of these controllers, however, has its own limitations and disadvan-
tages. For instance, if a PI controller is used, deviation of network param-
eters from nominal values would result in network fluctuation. PID con-
trollers are very sensitive to system parameter variations [8]. Therefore, a
new controller design with better performance and stability seems necessary.
Delay Buffer
( )
TCP Window
( )
( )
( )
( )
Figure 1: The feedback control system for TCP/AQM.
Among the conventional AQM algorithms, random early detection (RED)
is another well-known approach that applies queue-based management by
randomizing packet dropping [7]. In [9], the authors have designed a self-
regulating AQM controller and have compared its efficiency with RED and
PI controllers. Nevertheless, it is known that self-regulatory control performs
weakly in the presence of noise (measurement noise and error modeling in
the system model). To overcome this problem, the minimum variance con-
trol strategy is presented in [10]. Generalized minimum variance (GMV)
controllers are designed to nullify the effect of noise through output variance
minimization. Simulation results indicate that minimum variance controller
outperforms the other proposed controllers (RED and PI) in subduing the
congestion problem [12].
The GMV approach is a suitable control method especially in the pres-
ence of measurement noise; however, in the presence of process dynamics
changes, the performance of the controller degrades significantly [13]. There-
fore, in order to fill this gap, we present a novel adaptive generalized minimum
variance (AGMV) control method as an AQM controller. Results obtained
through simulation justify that the proposed method further improves the
performance of the GMV controller.
The rest of the paper is structured as follows. A brief introduction on
TCP/AQM congestion control is presented in Section II. A dynamic model of
TCP/AQM in congestion avoidance phase is discussed in Section III. Section
IV investigates the design of our proposed AGMV controller for congestion
control. Section V presents numerical and parametric results on the effec-
tiveness of the proposed method. Finally, Section VI concludes the paper.
2. TCP/AQM Congestion-Avoidance Flow Control
In this approach, the TCP/AQM flow dynamics are modeled and analyzed
in terms of feedback control theory. AQM algorithms are designed to reduce
the response time (short-term performance) and to improve the stability and
TCP Window
( )
Figure 2: Block diagram of a TCP/AQM system.
robustness (the long-term performance) of TCP/AQM congestion control.
This is usually obtained by regulating the queue around a desired value
[3]. As shown in Figure 1, TCP congestion control dynamics with an AQM
algorithm can be modeled as a feedback control system. In this model, the
feedback control system comprises of:
1. A desired queue length at a router (i.e. reference input) denoted by qref .
2. The queue length in a router as a plant variable (i.e. a controlled variable)
denoted by q.
3. A plant which represents a combination of sub-systems such as TCP
sources, routers, and TCP receivers which send, receive, and process TCP
packets, respectively.
4. An AQM controller that controls the packet arrival rate of the router
queue by generating the probability of packet drop, Pd, as a controlling
5. A feedback signal as the sampled system output (i.e. queue length) is
used to determine the error term, qref q[3].
Several mathematical models of AQM schemes supporting TCP flows
in communication networks have been reported in the literature [8][14][15].
These control theory-based models can be used to analyze or design AQM
schemes. The authors of [6] have derived a delayed differential equation
model of TCP congestion avoidance mode using fluid-flow and stochastic
differential equation analysis. A simplified version of this approach is pre-
sented in [16]. The model consists of some delayed differential equations and
is developed based on the fluid-flow and stochastic differential equation anal-
ysis. The model is then modified in [17] to consider the effect of unresponsive
flows. Figure 2 shows the block diagram of the model for a single bottleneck
queue fed by long-lived, homogeneous TCP connections, l(t), and some un-
responsive flows, ud(t). Note that it is also possible to have unresponsive
flows which are mainly composed of short-lived TCP flows, Markov on-off
UDP flows, and traffic with long-range dependencies. In [3], a few models
for these types of traffic have been derived. However, the diagram in Figure
2 highlights the fact that the long-lived flows, l(t), are under direct AQM
control while unresponsive flows are treated indirectly.
3. System Model for TCP Dynamic Queue Behavior
In this section, we overview a system model for TCP and queue dynam-
ics based on non-linear differential equations. The TCP dynamic model is
then, represented by a linearized fluid model under the congested network
condition. A stochastic differential equation that describes a sample path of
each long-lived TCP connection (implementing an additive increase and mul-
tiplicative decrease (AIMD) strategy) has been derived in [21] and is given
dWl(t) = dt
R(q(t)) Wl
where Wl(t) is the congestion window size, R=q/C+Tpis the round trip time
(in seconds), and ηis th packet loss modeled by Poisson process. Over here,
q,C, and Tpdenote the queue length (in packets), link capacity (in packets
per second), and propagation delay (in seconds), respectively. Suppose that
the number of long-lived TCP connections (N) is large. Then, the aggregate
rate of all long-lived TCP connections is N·¯
Wl(t)/R(q(t)), where ¯
Wl(t) is
the average window size of the TCP connections. This model shows the
dynamic behavior of the TCP window size and the queue length of a router
with stochastic non-linear differential equations which can be represented by
equations (2) and (4) as given below:
dt =1
R(q(t)) ¯
where Pdis the probability of packet drop. The sample path of the bottleneck
queue length is [11]:
dt =C+N(t)
R(q(t)) ¯
Wl(t) + ud(t).(3)
If we are only interested in the averaged behavior of the queue on a time
scale coarser than that of ud(t) variations, we can replace ud(t) in equation
(3) by its mean, ud0. Hence,
dt =(Cud0) + N(t)
R(q(t)) ¯
where the link bandwidth is reduced from Cto Cef f =Cud0. The
equilibrium point (Wl0, Pd0, q0, ud0) of equations (2) and (4) is defined by:
l0Pd0= 2; Wl0=R0Ceff
Linearizing the model in this equilibrium results in the following:
δWl(s) = Pwin (s)esR0δPd(s),
δl(s) = N
δq(s) = Pque (s)(δl(s) + δud(s)),
where δWl, δl, δq, δPdare the corresponding perturbations. The window and
the queue transfer functions in equation (6) are defined as:
Pwin(s) = C2
ef f R0/2N2
s+ 2N/R2
;Pque(s) = 1
s+Cef f /CR0
Therefore, the small signal transfer function of the system can be repre-
sented by:
Pdc =δq(s)
Pwin(s)Pq ue(s).(8)
Note that, in order to design the controller, the effect of the transfer delay
can be neglected assuming that R0>> N C/C2
eff [17]. In this model, since
Ceff =Cud0, UDP flows have been taken into account as well. Now,
we present the continuous system model and then derive the discrete model
Using equation (8) and assuming R0>> N C/C2
eff (which allows us to
ignore the delay), the open loop transfer function of linearized system can
be written as follows:
Pdc(s) = δq(s)
(s+ 2N/R2
0Cef f )(s+ 1/R0).(9)
Here, the effect of ud0over bandwidth reduction is ignored due to the
assumption that there is no previous information about the existence in the
designing, and nature of non-responsive traffic. Discretizing equation (9)
with sampling period Tsusing the zero order hold (zoh) method [18], the
equivalent discrete system model of the linearized TCP/AQM is obtained as:
Pdc(z) = m1z1+m2z2
1 + n1z1+n2z2,(10)
in which n1,n2,m1, and m2depend on Tsand the system parameters. Thus,
we have:
4. Adaptive Generalized Minimum Variance Controller
In this section, we present the proposed controller. First, we describe the
GMV controller taken into consideration. Then, we introduce our proposed
adaptive GMV controller.
4.1. The GMV Controller
Now, the system equation with input u(k), output y(k) and the system
noise e(k) can be written as:
A(z1)y(k) = zdB(z1)u(k) + e(k),(15)
where drepresents the system delay, A(z1) is a single polynomial of order
nwith coefficients ai, and B(z1) is a general polynomial of order mwith
coefficients bi. Moreover, A(z1) and B(z1) are assumed to be known and
represented by:
A(z1) = 1 + a1z1+a2z2+···+anzn(16)
B(z1) = 1 + b1z1+b2z2+···+bnzn.(17)
The main purpose of designing the generalized minimum variance con-
troller is to minimize the following performance index [19]:
JGMV =E{(P(z1)y(k+d)R0yr(k) + q0u(k))},(18)
where y,uand yrare the output, control, and input reference signals, re-
spectively. R0,q0, and P(z1) are the design parameters which should be
determined by the user. GMV controller has been designed to overcome
the noise effects by minimizing the variance of the output [19]. Design of
the controller for a minimum phase system requires solving the following
Diophantine equation [19]:
A(z1)E(z1) + zdF(z1) = 1,(19)
where E(z1) and F(z1), the controller transfer functions, are as follows:
E(z1) = e0+e1z2+···+ed1z(d1) (20)
F(z1) = f0+f1z2+···+fn1z(n1) .(21)
In this controller, the control signal can be obtained from the following
closed loop transfer function:
u(k) = R0yr(k)F(z1)y(k)
The following lemma provides a necessary and sufficient condition for the
stability of this GMV-based controller.
Lemma 1 ([20]).The necessary and sufficient condition for the closed loop
system to be stable under the GMV control is that all the roots of the polyno-
mial Gd(z1) = A(z1)Q(z1) + B(z1)C(z1)belong to the open unit disk,
and the polynomial pairs (Q, C),(A, C ), and (B, Q)have no common zeros
outside the unit disk.
qref (t)TCP/AQM
Figure 3: Block diagram of the AGMV controller for TCP/AQM systems.
4.2. The Proposed AGMV Controller
Although, the GMV is a suitable control method, especially in the pres-
ence of input-output measurement, when the process dynamics changes, the
controller degrades in performance. To overcome this problem, the adaptive
GMV controlling approach is recommended. AGMV is the combination of
on-line (real-time) parameters estimation and GMV [19]. The TCP/AQM
parameters are estimated on-line, using the real-time measured input-output
data. The estimated system parameters will then be used to update the
controller parameters. Figure 3 depicts the block diagram of the AGMV
controller. As seen in the figure, in this approach, a parameter estimator
block becomes necessary. The three lines connecting the GMV and Adaptive
block in Figure 3 are θT,Pd(t), and q(t) which represent the estimated pa-
rameter, control signal, and the system output, respectively. In what follows,
we discuss the real-time parameters estimation process in more details.
In order to estimate the on-line parameters, we consider the recursive least
square (RLS) method with forgetting factor. For this purpose, the system
transfer function should be first discretized using the zoh method. To do so,
we first rewrite the system equation in (15) as follows:
y(k) = θTϕ(k),(23)
θT= [a1a2. . . anb0b1. . . bm]and (24)
ϕ(k) = [y(k1) y(k2) · · · y(kn)...
. . . u(kd)u(kd1) . . . u(kdm)]T.(25)
We also write the estimated system model as:
y(k) = ˆ
where ˆ
θ(k) and ˆ
y(k) are the estimations of θand yparameters at each time
instant k, respectively. In the RLS method with forgetting factor, the un-
known parameter ˆ
θ(k) is estimated in such a way that the estimated total
square error, J=Pk
j=1 λk1ε2(j), is minimized with λ(0 < λ 1) as the
forgetting factor [20]. Therefore, the estimation error can then be written as:
ε(k) = y(k)ˆ
Implementation of RLS control algorithm with forgetting factor includes
the following steps which are repeated every kseconds [20]:
Step 0: Setting initial values P(0) and ˆ
Step 1: Reading data input-output per k.
Step 2: Calculating the estimated error according to equation (27).
Step 3: Calculating the estimation gain, g(k), as follows:
g(k) = P(k1)ϕ(k)
Step 4: Calculating ˆ
θ(k) according to:
θ(k) = ˆ
θT(k1) + g(k)ε(k).(29)
Step 5: Updating P(k) as follows:
P(k) = 1
5. Implementation and Simulation
In this section, the case study is simulated under two distinct scenarios
namely, unknown parameters and time-varying parameters, and its perfor-
mance is justified in comparison with its adaptive minimum variance (AMV)
counterpart [19] in the case of time-varying parameters scenario.
By on-line recursive estimation of n1,n2,m1, and m2and regulating GMV
controller parameters in each sampling period, an adaptive GMV controller
is implemented. Hence, we can derive the following equations:
θT= [n1n2m1m2] (31)
ϕ(k)=[δq(k1) δq(k2) δPd(k1) δPd(k2)]T,(32)
where Pd(k) and q(k) are the input and output of the controller system.
By applying the recursive least square algorithm in sub-section 4.2, the un-
known parameter θis estimated on-line. It is worth mentioning that the
sampling time selection is of great importance. Selecting a small sampling
time could lead to an unstable closed-loop system, while a large sampling
time would result in prohibitive long delays in the response time of the con-
troller and, therefore, wrong control process. It has been suggested in [21]
that an appropriate sampling time is R0.
Henceforward, the AGMV controller performance for the purpose of ac-
tive queuing management is studied. Having the system model, the controller
described in the preceding section is numerically designed. The efficiency of
the designed controller is then studied using MATLAB simulation under two
different scenarios: unknown parameters and time-varying parameters.
5.1. Unknown Parameter Scenario
Consider the benchmark network topology as shown in Figure 4. The
following numerical values are considered for the system parameters: N=
50 TCP sessions, TP= 0.24 secs,qref = 90 packets and buffer size is
300 packets. Also, the outgoing link bandwidth is 1.2Mb/sec with an aver-
age packet size of 500 bytes this results in C= 300 packets/sec. Using these
parameters, one can calculate other parameters such as R0= 0.54 secs and
W0= 3.2packets. Therefore, the transfer function of the open loop model
can be derived as:
Pdc(s) = 900
s2+ 1.856s+ 0.007056.(33)
Figure 4: Network topology considered for simulation.
By discretizing the above system using zoh approach and considering the
sampling time Ts= 0.54 sec, the following discrete system model can be
A(z1)q(k) = zdB(z1)Pd(k) (34)
(1 + a1z1+a2z2)q(k) = z1(b0+b1z1)Pd(k),(35)
where a1=1.365, a2= 0.367, b0= 96.4750, and b1= 69.2482. The
measurement noise and modeling errors are modelled as a white noise process
with signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of 20dB:
A(z1)q(k) = zdB(z1)Pd(k) + e(k) (36)
(1 + a1z1+a2z2)q(k) = z1(b0+b1z1)Pd(k) + e(k).(37)
The parameters of the model are considered unknown. We only pick
L= 500 data samples from the signals at system input and output. Using
these samples, the system parameters are estimated at each sampling instant
and are used to update the controller parameters. To estimate the model
parameters by RLS method, the initial values of parameters are chosen as
λ= 0.995, θ(0) = [0 0 0 0], P(0) = 106T4×4with C(z1) = 1, Q(z1) = q0=
0.5, and R(z1) = R0= 1. The polynomials for the GMV controller method
in Section IV can be written as:
F(z2) = f0+f1z1(38)
E(z1) = e0= 1.(39)
0 5 10 15
time (sec)
Actual value
0 5 10 15
time (sec)
Actual value
0 5 10 15
time (sec)
Actual value
0 5 10 15
time (sec)
Actual value
Figure 5: Estimation of the system model parameters a1,a2,b1, and b2.
The polynomials coefficients should satisfy the following Diophantine equa-
A(z1)E(z1) + z1F(z1) = I. (40)
Therefore, the controller signal based on equations (20) and (21) at each
instant is determined as:
u(k) = R0yr(k)ˆ
f1(k)y(k1) ...ˆ
b0(k)) ,(41)
where, {ˆ
b1(k)}are the estimated versions of parameters
{f0, f1, b0, b1}in each sample time k. Recall that the controller should be
designed such that the output of the closed loop system follows reference
input, qref = 90, while minimizing the noise effects. Then, by choosing
P(z1) = 1 + 0.4z1,q0= 90, and R0= 1, the design of the adaptive GMV
controller is complete.
Figures 5 and 6 show the system model parameters and controller es-
timation with respect to time, respectively. As depicted in Figure 5, the
estimated parameters namely, a1,a2,b1, and b2converge to the actual value
in less than 5 seconds. During the estimation transient time, the change
in the estimated parameters is around the actual value. Similarly, Figure 6
illustrates the estimated GMV parameters in terms of time. The parameters
f0and f1reach the actual value in less than 5 seconds.
In Figure 7, the output q(t), control signal Pd(t) , and signal W(t) are
shown. The first figure shows that our controller is able to converge the
queue length, q, to the expected length, qref , in less than 6 seconds. The
0 5 10 15
time (sec)
Actual value
0 5 10 15
time (sec)
Actual value
Figure 6: Estimation of the GMV parameters f0and f1.
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
time (sec)
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
time (sec)
Figure 7: Performance of adaptive GMV control in the unknown parameters mode.
second figure reveals that all the results are obtained with a good controller
performance. Similarly, Pdtakes less than 8 seconds to bring the queue length
to the desired value, which is quite appreciable.
The mean, variance, and standard deviation of the output signal q(t),
resulting from 100 Monte Carlo simulation runs, are 90.7203, 208.8887, and
14.4530, respectively.
5.2. Time-varying Parameter Scenario
In this scenario, the number of TCP (N) and bottleneck line capacity
(C) are considered to be time-dependant assumptions as shown in Figure 8.
The controller and network topology used in this sub-section is the same as
that in sub-section 5.1. As shown in Figure 9, the queue length reaches the
expected queue length, qref in less than 8 seconds. It can be seen that under
0 50 100 150
time (sec)
0 50 100 150
time (sec)
Figure 8: Variation of time-varying parameters Nand C.
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
time (sec)
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
time (sec)
Figure 9: Performance of adaptive generalized minimum variance controller (AGMV) in
the case of time-varying parameters.
the time-varying conditions, the AGMV controller is be able to keep queue
around the desired value.
Similar to Figure 9, Figure 10 depicts the performance of AMV controller
for the time-varying parameters. By comparing Figure 9 and 10, we can
infer that in the transient state, AGMV outperforms AMV in terms of queue
length criticality. By comparing the controller parameter Pdin these two
figures, it can be seen that AGMV shows better performance when compared
to AMV. Since TCP/AQM networks are dynamic in nature, it is preferable
to adopt AGMV for such networks. The results of these two controllers after
100 Monte Carlo simulation runs are summarized in Table 1. As seen in this
table, the statistical parameters of AGMV are better than those of AMV.
Even at times when parameters such as Nand Care constant and invariant
in time, the AGMV controller exhibits better performance than its AMV
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
time (sec)
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
time (sec)
Figure 10: Performance of adaptive minimum variance (AMV) controller in the case of
time-varying parameters.
Table 1: Mean, variance and standard deviation of the signal q(t).
Mean Variance Standard
Accumulated Loss
of Control Signal
k=1 P2
GMV 90.3957 367.5154 19.1707 181.3771
MV 91.9347 657.5989 25.6437 413.0538
5.3. Comparison of AGMV and PI
In order to depict the stability and robustness of the proposed AGMV
scheme, we compare it with PI which is another well-known AQM controller.
In this comparison considered figure 4 as network topology. The number of
TCP flows (N) and capacity (C) are considered to be time-varying taking
values N= 60 TCP sessions and C= 3750 packets/sec corresponds to a
15 Mb/sec link bandwidth and average packet size 500 bytes. A Gaussian
noise with mean zero and variance 5 is added to N. Also, for a period of
20 seconds, Cis reduced from 3750 packets/sec to 3000 packets/sec. The
values of R0= 0.246 secs,Tp= 0.2secs,qr= 70 packets and buffer size is
800 packets as in [16]. Figures 11 and 12 show the simulation results of the
AGMV and the PI controllers, respectively.
As can be seen in these figures, the impact of the network changes on
the AGMV controller is less than the PI controller, as well as these changes
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220
time (sec)
Figure 11: Performance of the AGMV controller in the unknown parameter mode.
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220
4x 10−3
time (sec)
Figure 12: Performance of the PI controller in the unknown parameter mode.
converge to qrquickly. In general, the performance of the AGMV controller
against parametric changes is better than that compared with PI and other
non-adaptive controllers. It can be observed that the control signal of AGMV
is smoother than that of the PI controller.
In order to analyze the robustness of the controller under rapid network
condition changes, the controller has been simulated to study the stability
of the output queue length. A Gaussian noise with mean zero and variance
50 have been added to Nand Chas been altered several times as shown in
Figure 13. Like the preceding case, the impact of changes on AGMV con-
troller (Figure 14) is less than that on the PI controller (Figure 15) as these
changes converge to qrquickly. Therefore, under conditions with sudden
changes, AGMV outperforms the PI controller. Like the previous scenario,
the control signal of AGMV is smoother than that of the PI controller.
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220
time (sec)
Figure 13: Variation of time-varying parameters Nand C.
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220
time (sec)
Figure 14: Performance of the AGMV controller in the unknown parameter mode.
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220
time (sec)
Figure 15: Performance of the PI controller in the unknown parameter mode.
6. Conclusion
In this paper, a new AQM method for TCP networks based on adaptive
generalized minimum variance (AGMV) technique has been proposed. The
proposed adaptive method can improve the performance of GMV-based con-
troller in dynamic networks. It is known that when the process dynamics
changes, the performance of the GMV-based controller degrades significantly.
To resolve this problem, an adaptive GMV control approach was proposed
in this paper. The method is based on minimizing the output variance to
overcome the effects of measurement noise and modeling errors. By using
the on-line parameters estimator, system parameters were identified. Next,
based on this identified parameters, controller parameters were updated. The
performance of the controller was evaluated in TCP network with unknown
fixed and time-varying parameters. We also compared the performance of
the AGMV controller with its adaptive minimum variance (AMV) counter-
part under time-varying condition. Simulation results indicate that the pro-
posed AGMV scheme is able to efficiently preserve the scheduler queue length
around the desired point by proper estimation of network and GMV con-
troller parameters adaptively. In addition, the superior performance of the
proposed controller with respect to the well-known AQM controller namely,
PI controller has been illustrated through results obtained via simulation.
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... In the past, several researchers have addressed these problems by different control methods using the PI controller and time-delay compensators with model predictive control techniques. Barzamini et al. (2012) proposed an adaptive generalized minimum variance (AGMV) controller for dynamically varying TCP/AQM networks. The AGMV controller design combines real-time parameter estimation and GMV, and then their performances are evaluated and compared with its adaptive minimum variance (AMV) counterpart under two distinct scenarios. ...
... The equation that describes the TCP/AQM system with input u(k) and output y(k) is as follows (Barzamini et al., 2012): ...
Active queue management (AQM) is essential to prevent quality of service degradation in transport control protocol (TCP) networks and fully support TCP/AQM systems with round-trip time (RTT) delays. RTT delays are primarily caused by packet-propagation delays, but they can also be caused by the processing time of queuing operations and dynamically changing network situations. This study focuses on the design and analysis of an AQM digital controller under time-delay uncertainty. The controller is based on the Smith predictor algorithm and is called the SMITHPI controller. This study also demonstrates the stability of the controller and its robustness against network parameter variations, such as the number of TCP sources, time delay, and user datagram protocol flows. The performance, robustness, and effectiveness of the proposed SMITHPI controller are evaluated using simulations in NS-2. Finally, the performance of the SMITHPI controller is compared with that of a well-known queue-based AQM, called the proportional integral controller.
... Congestion control has become as an urgent matter in computer and communication networks. Congestion has harmful effect on network effeciency which reflecting to noticeable packet loss, poor utilization, high delay rate, few throughputs [1], [2]. Different algorithms is used to solve the congestion problem but the best one is the active queue management (AQM) scheme, AQM algorithm maintains congestion by previously detection of incipient congestion and giving feedback signals to end-hosts to permit them minimizing their transmission rate before the router's buffer exceeded [3]. ...
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In this paper, snake optimization algorithm (SOA) is used to find the optimal gains of an enhanced controller for controlling congestion problem in computer networks. M-file and Simulink platform is adopted to evaluate the response of the active queue management (AQM) system, a comparison with two classical controllers is done, all tuned gains of controllers are obtained using SOA method and the fitness function chose to monitor the system performance is the integral time absolute error (ITAE). Transient analysis and robust analysis is used to show the proposed controller performance, two robustness tests are applied to the AQM system, one is done by varying the size of queue value in different period and the other test is done by changing the number of transmission control protocol (TCP) sessions with a value of ± 20% from its original value. The simulation results reflect a stable and robust behavior and best performance is appeared clearly to achieve the desired queue size without any noise or any transmission problems.
... In the used perceptron model, 200 data were used as a dataset for training, which was collected from the 10th to the 14th moment of networks with different conditions and topologies and normalized based on the relation (6). Also, the hyperbolic tangent function is used as the activation function for the middle layer and the linear function is used as the output activation function. ...
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In this article, a hybrid approach and model for congestion control in TCP/IP networks using improved neural networks and genetic algorithms is presented. In fact, the primary network traffic flow obtained by monitoring the router buffer has been investigated and the effective parameters have been identified and selected from the remote point of view with the help of the Arma model time series models. The selected model has been used to detect the threshold to increase and decrease the router buffer, Integrated data free of noise and redundancy was presented as input to the neural network algorithm, and SPECIALUSIS UGDYMAS / SPECIAL EDUCATION 2022 1 (43) 8505 at the same time, the genetic algorithm was used in case of crowding, The genetic algorithm has been used to improve the cold start challenge and the transmission rate and the congestion rate, and the neural network algorithm has been developed by relying on the four components of the input rate, the service rate, the percentage of the empty queue and its total in two steps of learning and testing. The proposed method has been investigated from the point of view of root mean square error, the average absolute value of error percentage, coefficient of determination in diagnosis, and correlation error with the help of an applicable and dynamic model. The results obtained with the help of simulations performed in MATLAB and Rapidminer tools show the improvement process compared to RED and DRL-AQM methods.
... Recently, there has been a vast amount of research on using sliding mode control in congestion control schemes [5]- [12]. A TCP congestion control mechanism based on a sliding window mechanism where an additive increase multiplicative decrease (AIMD) algorithm is employed to fit the transmission rate to available network resources is [5], a TCP congestion control protocol which uses the congestion window growth function as an exponential function and introduces an adaptive increasing factor in the aforementioned function is established in [6], SMC to control congestion in TCP networks where stability analysis is assessed using Lyapunov theorem is assessed in [7], an adaptive generalized minimum variance (AGMV) as a congestion controller for dynamically varying TCP/AQM networks is presented in [8], sliding mode variable structure control (SMVS) is presented as a congestion controller for AQM in [9], an SMC based on TCP input-delayed model for AQM routers supporting TCP data transfer is established in [10], SMC for uncertain time delay TCP/AQM network systems is presented in [11] and an SMC technique to control congestion in differentiated service communication networks is addressed in [12]. ...
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Based on the recent Internet advances, congestion control is considered as an important issue and has spurred a significant amount of research. In this study, second-order sliding mode control is used to adjust the average queue length and maintain the closed-loop system performance. The control law is obtained in two steps. First, the nonlinear state-space form of the network is extracted based on state variables as the average queue length and congestion window size. Then, the proportional-Integrator-derivative and proportional- derivative sliding surface are defined according to the tracking error. Also, in order to avoid chattering, the derivative of the sliding surface is considered and the closed-loop system stability is investigated based on Lyapunov theory. The proposed scheme renders good tracking specifications and closed-loop system robustness. The simulation results show that the proposed methods outperform proportional integral (PI) and proportional integral derivative (PID) schemes. Also, robustness to disturbances increases and chattering and transient response degradation are avoided.
... Cuando el promedio del tamaño de la cola está entre los dos umbrales, cada paquetes que llega es marcado con una probabilidad P a , donde P a esta en función del promedio del tamaño de la cola avg. Para cada tiempo que a paquetes son marcados, la probabilidad que a paquetes sea marcado o descartado para una conexión particular, es mas o menos proporcional a la congestión compartida en los enlaces de la red [12], [17], [18]. ...
Conference Paper
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The following article presents a proposal of a theoretical model for congestion control in the implementation of future VANET networks. The model is based on the algorithm RED (Random Early Detection) but modifications on the decision thresholds were made, also the behavior of the signaling information over the network nodes was contemplated. Design simulations and the results thereof, where in the behavior of congestion control in such networks were exposed is presented.
In this paper, we study the uniform stability (US) of nonlinear systems with state-dependent delay (SDD), where the SDD is not assumed to be a priori bounded since it is dependent on the state of the system. We use some Lyapunov functions coupled with differential inequality techniques tailed at SDD to obtain sufficient conditions for US of nonlinear systems. Two numerical examples and their simulations are given, where one of them is from the fluid-flow model of Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) behavior in active queue management (AQM) involving state-dependent queuing delay, to demonstrate the effectiveness and novelty of our proposed results.
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In recent years, active queue management (AQM) has gained more and more attention as an important part of network congestion control. Although there are many AQM algorithms, these algorithms show weaknesses to detect and control congestion due to the complexity and dynamics of the networks. Hence, this paper proposes a new AQM algorithm based on model predictive control (MPC) theory which has been widely applied in nonlinear and time-delay systems. In order to adjust the parameters of the MPC-based AQM algorithm adaptively according to network scenario variations, the adaptive mechanism is introduced into the new algorithm, named PHAQM, by using the Hebb learning rules from the neural network control theory. The simulation results show that the algorithm is effective in avoiding network congestion. Compared to the traditional AQM schemes, such as PI, REM, and GPC algorithm, the PHAQM has a faster convergence rate and smaller queue length fluctuations and outperforms especially under dynamically changing network situations.
The congestion control problem of TCP network systems with user datagram protocol (UDP)flows is investigated in this paper. A nonlinear TCP network model with strict-feedback structure is first established. The unknown UDP flow is regarded as the external disturbance, and the maximum UDP flow is calculated by using the minimax approach. And then, a congestion control algorithm is proposed by using the adaptive backstepping approach. Meanwhile, the adaptive law is employed to estimate the unknown link capacity. The design of the adaptive law is to introduce a parameter mapping mechanism to limit the parameter identification range to a specified interval, thereby improving the estimation efficiency of the parameters. Furthermore, a state-feedback congestion controller is presented to make sure that the output of the system tracks the desired queue. The simulation results show the superiority and feasibility of the proposed method.
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Real time network applications require effective mechanisms for managing Internet traffic in order to avoid or at least limit the level of congestion. We propose, design and analyze an Active Queue Manager (AQM) for controlling jitter using robust control theory. We used an output feedback controller and this controller is based on discrete-time model of TCP. The natural properties of robust controller help us for decreasing effect of model uncertainty and undesirable flows on performance of traffic control. The proposed Robust Discrete-Time Controller (RDTC) can guarantee the queue length in router to desired value quickly. We used ns2 for simulation of controller performance and the simulation results certify the validity of the algorithm.
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In this survey, we first review the concept of congestion control with a focus on the transmission control protocol/Internet protocol (TCP/IP). We describe many recently proposed algorithms to combat congestion and improve performance, particularly active queue management (AQM) algorithms such as random early detection (RED) and its variants. We then survey control-theoretic analysis and design of TCP congestion control with an AQM scheme. In addition, we discuss three problems associated with AQM proposals: parameter setting, the insensitivity to the input traffic load variation, and the mismatch between macroscopic and microscopic behavior of queue length dynamics. As alternatives to AQM algorithms, we also survey architectural approaches such as modification of source or network algorithms, and economic approaches including pricing or optimization of allocated resources. Finally, we list many open issues that persist in the design, operation, and control of the Internet.
Conference Paper
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In this paper we study a previously developed linearized model of TCP and active queue management (AQM). We use classical control system techniques to develop controllers well suited for the application. The controllers are shown to have better theoretical properties than the well known RED controller. We present guidelines for designing stable controllers subject to network parameters like load level propagation delay etc. We also present simple implementation techniques which require a minimal change to RED implementations. The performance of the controllers are verified and compared with RED using ns simulations. The second of our designs, the proportional integral (PI) controller is shown to outperform RED significantly
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In this paper we use jump process driven Stochastic Differential Equations to model the interactions of a set of TCP flows and Ac- tive Queue Management routers in a network setting. We show how the SDEs can be transformed into a set of Ordinary Differen- tial Equations which can be easily solved numerically. Our solu- tion methodology scales well to a large number of flows. As an application, we model and solve a system where RED is the AQM policy. Our results show excellent agreement with those of sim- ilar networks simulated using the well known ns simulator. Our model enables us to get an in-depth understanding of the RED al- gorithm. Using the tools developed in this paper, we present a crit- ical analysis of the RED algorithm. We explain the role played by the RED configuration parameters on the behavior of the algorithm in a network. We point out a flaw in the RED averaging mecha- nism which we believe is a cause of tuning problems for RED. We believe this modeling/solution methodology has a great potential in analyzing and understanding various network congestion control algorithms.
Preface Acknowledgements List of acronyms 1. Introduction 2. Parametric models 3. Parameter identification: continuous time 4. Parameter identification: discrete time 5. Continuous-time model reference adaptive control 6. Continuous-time adaptive pole placement control 7. Adaptive control for discrete-time systems 8. Adaptive control of nonlinear systems Appendix Bibliography Index.
Conference Paper
A self tuning adaptive control algorithm called adaptive queue control (AQC) has been proposed for active queue management (AQM) in TCP networks. This scheme exploits online estimates of the network parameters in the control parameters adjustment rule. AQC, as a queue-based control mechanism, responds quickly to traffic changes, thus allowing for high utilization and small loss. It can effectively stabilize the queue length around target level. We illustrate our results using ns-2 simulations and demonstrate the practical impact of self tuning control on managing queue utilization and delay
A new robust AQM strategy for dynamically varying TCP/AQM networks is proposed and its performance is investigated through computer simulations in MATLAB and ns-2 environments. The developed AQM is designed based on coefficient diagram method (CDM), which is a new indirect pole placement method that considers the speed, stability and robustness of the closed loop system in terms of time domain specifications. Simulation results indicate that the new method (CDM-AQM) performs very well for network variations both in topology and traffic. Besides, a new adaptive controller based on CDM as an AQM method is introduced. In the developed adaptive AQM (ACDM), the output feedback pole placement is implemented in an indirect model reference adaptive control (MRAC) scheme, in which the closed loop characteristic polynomial is determined by CDM and the system parameters are estimated using a modified recursive gradient method. This method preserves the existing features of CDM controller in the control of networks with unknown or time-varying parameters. Simulation results illustrate high capability of the controller in coping with the network variations.
The stability of adaptive control systems has been studied extensively for minimum phase systems, mainly for model reference adaptive systems, but complete stability proof for non-minimum phase systems have not been given. In this paper, the stability of two types of self-tuning controllers for discrete time minimum and non-minimum phase plants is studied, namely: recursive estimation of the implicit self-tuning controller parameters based on generalized minimum variance criterion (REGMVC), and another based on generalized minimum vari- ance criterion - β equivalent control approach (REGMVC-β). Stability of the algorithms are proved by the Lyapunov theory.