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The Negative Attitudes towards Robots Scale and Reactions to Robot Behaviour in a Live Human-Robot Interaction Study



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The Negative Attitudes towards Robots Scale and
Reactions to Robot Behaviour in a Live Human-Robot
Interaction Study
Dag Sverre Syrdal, Kerstin Dautenhahn, Kheng Lee Koay, Michael L. Walters,1
This paper describes the use of the Negative Attitudes Towards
Robots Scale (NARS) to explain participants' evaluations of robot
behaviour styles in a Human-Robot Interaction (HRI) study. Twenty-
eight participants interacted with a robot in two experimental
conditions in which the robot’s behaviour was varied. Reliability
analysis and a PCA was performed on the NARS items, creating three
new subscales. Correlations between the subscales and other
evaluations of the robot's behaviour found meaningful results,
supporting the use of the NARS in English speaking samples.
The LIREC (LIving with Robots and intEractive Companions)
project aims to investigate theoretical aspects of artificial
companions and test these across a wide range of
embodiments in different contexts and environments [1].
While research in the LIREC project has a strong
technological component, the development of tools for
standardised measurements of the quality of interactions,
perceptions of robots and agents and pre-existing attitudes
towards such agents, is very important in order to establish a
means of objectively comparing the success of agent and
robot behaviour across a wide range of interactions and
Dautenhahn [2] suggests that current work in human-robot
interaction(HRI) is characterised by heterogeneity, both in
terms of methodologies and measurements used to study
technologies and their impact. This allows the field of HRI to
accumulate a wide range of information regarding the use and
perceptions of different robots in different contexts, but also
limits the replicability of results across the field as a whole. It
is understood that the technology driven nature of the field,
and as such, the need to evaluate specific technologies in
specific contexts, is a motivating factor for conducting such
research. It is, however, important to note that this may
become a problem for the HRI community in the long-term as
the lack of common benchmarks and measures may hamper
communication and application of results across different
research groups and projects, and thus the advancement of the
field as a whole.
The multidisciplinary nature of the LIREC consortium ,as
well as the qualitative differences between agent embodiments
and use-contexts across the project, suggests that this issue is
not only of particular interest, but also provides a unique
opportunity to study the efficacy of measures intended to
measure attitudes to robots and their behaviours across diverse
In order to establish an understanding of how the behaviour
and embodiment factors of a robot are perceived and
responded to by potential users, such tools will also be needed
to establish an understanding of the idiosyncratic factors in the
individual user that may impact on behaviour, as well as
subsequent evaluations of a given interaction. We have
previously [2-5] suggested that individual differences in terms
of underlying personality, gender and demographics may play
an important role. However, these effects may not necessarily
translate into analogous behaviour across different
interactions. Also, measures regarding experience with
computers and robots have been used [3, 6]. The results from
Walters et al. [6] in particular, suggests that the relationship
between individual differences and evaluation of robots and
their behaviours can be quite complex. While these measures
may provide possible answers to explain participant responses
to robots, sometimes they are heavily influenced by the
context of use, as suggested by Mutlu & Forlizzi [7]. They
found that while overall computer use was not relevant, using
computers for playing games did have an impact. As such,
pre-existing biases and attitudes towards robots are difficult to
extrapolate purely from demographics, personality and a
history of technology usage.
One such scale is the Negative Attitudes towards Robots Scale
(NARS). The NARS was developed using a lexical method, in
which its developers created a scale based on free-form
responses from participants regarding anxieties towards robots
(Nomura and Kanda 2003). This later formed the NARS
1Adaptive Systems Research Group, School of Computer Science,
AL10 9AB Email: (d.s.syrdal, k.dautenhahn, k.l.koay, m.l.
walters, }
Table 1 NARS Items with Subscales
Item No. Questionnaire Item Sub-Scale
1 I would feel uneasy if robots really had emotions. S2
2 Something bad might happen if robots developed into living beings. S2
3 I would feel relaxed talking with robots* S3
4 I would feel uneasy if I was given a job where I had to use robots. S1
5 If robots had emotions I would be able to make friends with them.* S3
6 I feel comforted being with robots that have emotions.* S3
7 The word “robot” means nothing to me. S1
8 I would feel nervous operating a robot in front of other people. S1
9 I would hate the idea that robots or artificial intelligences were making judgements about things. S1
10 I would feel very nervous just standing in front of a robot. S1
11 I feel that if I depend on robots too much, something bad might happen. S2
12 I would feel paranoid talking with a robot. S1
13 I am concerned that robots would be a bad influence on children. S2
14 I feel that int the future society will be dominated by robots. S2
(*inverse item)
Scale, and was used successfully to explain differences in
participants' behaviour in live Human-Robot Interaction (HRI)
studies [8, 9]. Nomura et al. [10] also examined the
relationship between the NARS scale and the Robot Anxiety
Scale (RAS) with participants' behaviour in a HRI trial. The
NARS has also been proposed as a means of gauging changes
in attitudes towards robots over time as a result of prolonged
interactions [11]. These possible applications make the use of
such a scale interesting for both general HRI research across
different robot types, as well as studying how prolonged
relationships with robot companions may influence potential
users' attitudes towards robots.
The items in the NARS are presented in Table 1, along with
the sub-scales they are assigned to. The sub-scales are as
Sub-scale 1: Negative Attitudes toward Situations
and Interactions with Robots
Sub-scale 2: Negative Attitudes toward Social
Influence of Robots,
Sub-scale 3: Negative Attitudes toward Emotions in
Interaction with Robots
An English translation of the items in the scale has been
created using appropriate methods of translation and
backwards translation to achieve a linguistically valid scale.
However, this translation has primarily been used for the
purpose of evaluating cultural differences in attitudes towards
robots [12]. Findings from these studies have been counter-
intuitive, and suggest that Western participants are more well-
disposed towards robots than Japanese. Studies using other
means of measuring such as Implicit Association Tests and
non-standardised Likert-scale questionnaires have provided
conflicting results suggesting that Western participants find
robots more threatening than their Japanese counterparts [13].
While this issue could be seen as a threat to the overall
validity of using the NARS with a non-Japanese population,
researchers should also consider some of the inherent dangers
of using standardised questionnaires for such cross-cultural
evaluations. In the field of individual differences, there exists
a body of research that suggests that comparing culturally
different samples using only participants' scores on such a
scale is problematic. It appears more appropriate to investigate
how differences in behaviour or related attitudes within the
samples can be explained by such scores [13]. Secondly,
while the NARS translation into English is valid from a
linguistic perspective, cross-cultural differences not related to
language may alter the internal reliability of both the scale as
a whole as well as its sub-scales [15]. As such, reliability
analysis of both the scale and its sub-scales would be useful
when applied to a non-Japanese sample.
This paper describes the use of the NARS in a live HRI study,
in order to examine the internal validity of the scale and its
sub-scales, and to ascertain if it can account for differences in
reactions to a robot's behaviour amongst participants.
Table 2 Robot Behaviour Styles:
Behaviour Robot A Robot B
Path Straight Circuitous Route
with respect to
participant’s pose
Speed Fast Slow when close
to participant
Camera Static and Forward-
Moving and
Negotiation of Space “Excuse me”, and
continuing as soon
as possible
“After you”,
continues after
participant has
moved away
Initiative in Bringing
Does not wait for
Waits for
participant to look
for /ask for pen
Initiative in Delivering
Bringing basket
with pen to side of
table, close to
participant putting it
Waiting in front of
table facing
waiting for the
notice, then
putting basket
Twenty eight (14 male, 14 female; aged between 18-55)
participants were recruited for the study from students and
staff at the University of Hertfordshire from a variety of
disciplines. These participants took part in two interaction
sessions with a robot. The sessions took part in a seminar
room that was transformed into a simulated ‘living room’ for
the purpose of this study (Fig. 1). In both interaction sessions,
the participants were asked to perform a task which involved
moving in a shared space with the robot as well as requiring a
pen which was brought to the seated participant by the robot.
The robot's behaviour would differ between the two sessions.
These behaviours were labelled Socially Ignorant (A) and
Socially Interactive (B). The main differences between these
behaviours can be found in table 2, both in terms of shared
spaces as well as other interactional differences. The two
behaviour styles were defined by the research team in terms of
how much the robot adjusted its behaviour to the participant,
rather than treating her as any other obstacle in the
Participants were invited to evaluate the robot's behaviour
after each interaction session, as well as rate the robot on a
personality scale.
The whole experimental session, including the questionnaires
took about 45 minutes per participant.
Fig. 1: A participant interacting with a robot, a Peoplebot
robot (ActivMedia Robotics).
Results from these trials not related to the NARS scale can be
found in [16], which discusses the relationship between
participant personality traits and those attributed to the robot.
NARS Analysis
After administering the NARS scale to the participants, a
reliability analysis using Cronbach's Alpha was performed on
the participant's responses, and three items were removed
from the analysis. These items were:
The word 'robot' means nothing to me (S2)
I would feel nervous operating a robot in front of others
I feel that in the future, society will be dominated by robots
After these items were removed, the revised NARS scale had
a Cronbach's Alpha of .80, supporting the notion of the scale
as measuring a uni-dimensional construct.
However, [15] suggests that there were some cultural
differences in how the scale functioned for a Western
European sample. This would make an exploratory Factor
Analysis using the Principal Components Analysis (PCA)
method appropriate for investigating how attitudes towards
robots would load within this sample.
The results from the PCA using the Varimax rotation method
are in Table 3.
Future/Social influence - had clear similarities with the
Sub-scale 2 reported by Nomura et al.[9]
Relational attitudes - which included items from all of the
original Japanese sub-scales.
Actual interactions and situations - shared characteristics
with Sub-scale 1 in the original Japanese version (as
opposed to the largely hypothetical aspects of the two other
sub-scales highlighted by the double loading on one of the
Table 3: Subscale loadings
Item Subscale
1 2 3
I feel that if I depend on robots too
much, something bad might happen
I am concerned that robots would be a
bad influence on children
I would hate the idea that robots or
artificial intelligences were making
judgements about things
I would feel uneasy if robots really had
I feel comforted being with robots that
have emotion*
I would feel relaxed talking with
If robots had emotions I would be able
to make friends with them*
I would feel paranoid talking with a
I would feel very nervous just standing
in front of a robot
I would feel uneasy if I was given a job
where I had to use robots
Something bad might happen if robots
developed into living beings
0.48 -0.51
*inverse item
While there were similarities between these sub-scales and the
original sub-scales reported by Nomura et al. [9], the
differences between the two versions were considered large
enough to merit the use of these sub-scales in this study.
This use should be considered tentative and was primarily
done in order to understand the relationship between
responses on the NARS and responses to robot behaviour
styles within this sample of participants. It should be
considered a response to the results from the Reliability
Analysis which suggested differences in how the scale
performed when compared to the results from Nomura et al.
The revised NARS, as well as it sub-scales, was then used in a
series of correlations in order to examine how they impacted
evaluations of the robot's behaviour in each condition across
the different types of interactions that took place in the
Participant Evaluation of Robot Behaviour Style
The evaluations the participants were asked to make were
reported ratings on 5-point Likert scales when:
Comfort for approaching or being approached by
the robot.
Comfort when physically close to the robot.
Comfort moving in the same room as the robot.
Comfort interacting with the robot whilst seated at
the table.
Reported overall enjoyment of the interaction.
A series of paired t-tests found that overall there were no
significant differences between the two robot behaviour styles
in how they were viewed by the sample.
Also, participants were invited to rate the robot according to
12 different traits suggested by Eysenck [17], anxiety, tension,
shyness, emotional vulnerability, sociability, general activity
level, assertiveness, excitement-seeking, dominance), and
aggressiveness, impulsiveness, creativity. Note that some
traits were removed from those originally suggested as they
were considered unsuitable for describing robot behaviour. In
addition, autonomy, controllability, predictability and
considerateness were additional traits added. This was based
on research that suggested that mental models of robots, while
incorporating aspects of how we view humans, also include
aspects that are defined by the robots' mechanical nature [18].
The Impact of the NARS
The focus of the subsequent analysis was to investigate if the
NARS could be used to differentiate participant evaluation of
the robot, both in terms of how participants evaluated the
robot’s behaviours and how participants attributed personality
to the robot.
Evaluating Robot Behaviour Styles
In order to investigate the relationship between NARS scores
and post-experimental evaluations of robot behaviour, a series
of correlations were run between the NARS and its sub-scales
with participant evaluations of the robot's behaviour styles.
The most important trait for evaluating robot behaviour styles
within the interaction was the third tentative sub-scale: Actual
Interactions. In terms of Robot A (Socially Ignorant) it
impacted on both Comfort when being physically close to the
robot (r(28)=.448, p=.02) as well as comfort when
approaching or being approached by the robot (r(28)=.464,
p=.01). For Robot B (Socially Interactive), the Actual
Interactions sub-scale also impacted Comfort when being
physically close to the robot (r(28)=.442, p=.02) as well as
comfort when approaching or being approached by the robot
(r(28)=.466, p=.01). It also impacted Comfort when moving
in the same room as the robot (r(28)=.462, p=.01) and the
Overall enjoyment of the interaction (r(28)=.393, p=.04)
The Overall NARS scores had no significant relationships
with evaluations of Robot A's behaviour. There were however
significant relationships between the NARS and Comfort
when interacting with the robot while seated at the table
(r=(28)=.425, p=..02) and Overall enjoyment of the
interaction (r(28)=.383,p=.04).
Note that for all these significant correlations a higher score
on the NARS or its sub-scale, suggests a less favourable
evaluation of the interaction.
Table 4 Correlation between trait attributions and
NARS scores for Robot A (Socially Ignorant)
Trait Overall
Anxiety r=-.476,
Shyness r=-.441,
Activity Level
Creativity r=-.377,
Autonomy r=.389,
These results suggest that the NARS differentiated between
participant responses to the two different robot behaviour
styles. Participants with a higher score on the NARS scale
found Robot B's behaviour less comfortable across a wider
range of interaction sequences.
Attributing Traits to the Robot
In order to investigate the relationship between participants'
NARS scores and how traits were attributed to the robot, a
series of tests were run, correlating the NARS and its sub-
scales with the different traits. The results from these
correlations are shown in tables 4 and 5.
Table 5 Correlations between trait attributions and
NARS scores for Robot B (Socially Interactive)
Trait Overall
Anxiety r= -.491,
Shyness r= -.434,
Activity Level
r= -.446,
Autonomy r=.407,
Controllability r= -.402,
r= -395,
Predictability r= -.384,
Considerateness r= -.457,
Summarising these results presented in table 4 and 5, the
NARS and it sub-scales correlate significantly with the traits
attributed to both Robot A and Robot B. However, the overall
picture emerging from these correlations is less clear than that
for the evaluation of the interactions.
In general, it seems that Negative Attitudes Towards Robots
Scale and its sub-scales are associated for both robots in terms
of seeing the robot as the less anxious, less shy and less
excitement seeking. What is more interesting for this
particular investigation are the correlations between NARS
scores and the robot specific traits. For these traits, the NARS
sub-scale of Actual Interactions serves to differentiate
between how participants attribute traits to the two different
robots. Participants having higher scores on the Actual
Interaction sub-scale tend to rate Robot B as more
autonomous, less predictable and less considerate. Also higher
Overall NARS and Emotional Attitudes were associated
with seeing Robot B as less Controllable. This relationship is
not seen for Robot A.
The results suggest that using the English translation of the
NARS is an appropriate method of investigation prior
attitudes towards robots that may impact participant
evaluations of robot behaviour styles. After assessing the
NARS using the Cronbach's Alpha as a measure of internal
consistency, and removing three items, it had a high degree of
internal consistency in a sample recruited at a British
University. As suggested by Auer et al.[15], when using
standardised measures across cultures, certain artefacts that
originate in particulars of a given culture may impact both
internal consistency as well as the validity of such a measure
when applied to other cultures. It is possible that the three
items removed may originate in such artefacts, specific to
Japanese culture. This can also may serve as a possible
explanation as to the differences in how the PCA performed in
the responses from this sample described the sub-scales and
those suggested by Nomura et al. [9]. We propose that such
artefacts, rather than actual differences in cultural attitudes
towards robots, may be the cause for the divergence of results
from this study with those performed on Japanese samples.
MacDorman et al. [13] suggests that these differences are not
as pronounced as they are often believed to be.
More importantly however, is the utility of the NARS to
explain, and possibly predict, other aspects of how people
view and evaluate robot behaviour styles. In terms of
differentiating between the two types of robot behaviours in
this study, use of the NARS and its sub-scales differentiated
between robot behaviour styles, which over the sample as a
whole were not evaluated differently. Of particular interest is
that higher scores on the NARS and the Actual Interactions
sub-scale were associated with a more negative evaluation of
the behaviour of Robot B, which was actually intended to act
in a more socially appropriate manner.
There may be several reasons for this. One reason may be that
this robot was seen as more socially sophisticated and that
participants scoring high on the NARS as well as the sub-
scale may be more wary of robots displaying a higher degree
of sophistication.
Another explanation can be found in relating the trait
attributions to these evaluations. It appears that participants
with higher scores in the Actual Interactions sub-scale were
more likely to rate Robot B as more autonomous, and less
predictable. This may have been caused by the robot's
behaviour. The behaviours by the socially interactive robot,
could by some participants be considered more intrusive.
Some of the behaviours of the robot, such as the movement of
the camera, responding to the participants presence in terms of
movement, waiting for participants to respond before leaving
the pen, could have drawn attention to the robot as an
autonomous agent within the scenario to a larger extent than
Robot B's behaviour. This effect may be analogous as to that
reported by Rickenberg & Reeves [19] when examining the
impact of the behaviour of an animated character, in which
participant evaluation of two differend behavioural styles
varied dramatically depending on the participants' locus of
These results suggest that the Negative Attitudes towards
Robots Scale may be susceptible to cultural differences. This
may necessitate that research using this scale on a population
outside of Japan may need to re-validate the scale and its sub-
scales. However, our research also validates the value of the
NARS as a means of explaining variance within a given
sample in terms of evaluations of robot behaviour styles in a
live HRI trial. Both the NARS and its sub-scales had an
impact, not only on how participants evaluated their
interactions with the robot, but also had some power to
explain how participants differentiated between the two
different robot behaviour styles. Negative Attitudes towards
robots tended be associated with more negative evaluations of
the behaviour of robot B (Socially Interactive behaviour
Of particular interest here, is that the sub-scale
that had the strongest relationship with
evaluations, Actual Interactions, might be considered to
be related to the notion of robot anxiety as described in [11] as
these items do refer to anxieties in actual interactions.
We would however, like to qualify the results from the PCA,
as the number of participants was quite low due to resource
constraints when running a live HRI experiments (the current
study already took 2 months with daily HRI trials). However,
this does not invalidate the meaningful relationships between
at least one of the sub-scales and participant evaluations of the
robots behaviour that were found.
We would like to thank our colleague Christina Kaouri for her
help in setting up and running the experiments. The work
described in this paper was conducted within the EU
Integrated Projects, COGNIRON (“The Cognitive Robot
Companion”) and LIREC (LIving with Robots and integrated
Companions). Funded by the European Commission under
FP6-IST and FP7-ICT under contracts FP6-002020 and FP7-
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... Consequently, researchers have developed various questionnaires tailored to different use cases, as evaluating trust is complex and often requires multiple scales [33]. Prominent scales include the General Attitudes Towards Robots Scale (GAToRS) [34], the Robotic Social Attributes Scale (RoSAS) [35], and the Negative Attitude Towards Robots Scale (NARS) [36]. These scales are designed to evaluate social robots with which users can interact physically or verbally, or establish an anthropomorphic connection. ...
... These scales are designed to evaluate social robots with which users can interact physically or verbally, or establish an anthropomorphic connection. NARS [36] remains popular due to its three subscales, which can analyze a broad range of attitudes toward robots: negative attitudes toward interaction situations with robots (S1), negative attitudes toward the social influence of robots (S2), and negative attitudes toward emotions in interaction with robots (S3). Each scale can be employed individually to examine specific cases. ...
... For completeness, the questions used in our questionnaire, nd in [36], are: NARS Q.1 I would feel uneasy if I was given a job where I had to use robots NARS Q.2 I would feel nervous operating a robot in front of other people NARS Q.3 I would feel very nervous just standing in front of a robot. NARS Q.4 The word "robot" means nothing to me. ...
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Robots are being created each year with the goal of integrating them into our daily lives. As such, there is an interest in research in evaluating the trust of humans toward robots. In addition, teleoperating robotic arms can be challenging for non-experts. In order to reduce the strain put on the user, we created TELESIM, a modular and plug-and-play framework that enables direct teleoperation of any robotic arm using a digital twin as the interface between users and the robotic system. However, analysis of the strain put on the user and its ability to trust robots was omitted. This paper addresses these omissions by presenting the additional results of our user survey of 37 participants carried out in UK. In addition, we present the results of an additional user survey, under similar conditions performed in Japan, with the goal of addressing the limitations of our previous approach, by interfacing a VR controller with a UR5e. Our experimental results show that the UR5e has a higher number of towers built. Additionally, the UR5e gives the least amount of cognitive stress, while the combination of Senseglove and UR3 gives the user the highest physical strain and causes the user to feel more frustrated. Finally, Japanese seems more trusting towards robots than British.
... The NARS showed that our sample held similar attitudes to social robots as in prior work [50,49,21], with no strong bias [67]. It features three sub-scales, S1 (max score=30), S2 (max=25) and S3 (max=15). ...
Conference Paper
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Zoomorphic robots have the potential to offer companionship and well-being as accessible, low-maintenance alternatives to pet ownership. Many such robots, however, feature limited emotional expression , restricting their potential for rich affective relationships with everyday domestic users. Additionally, exploring this design space using hardware prototyping is obstructed by physical and lo-gistical constraints. We leveraged virtual reality rapid prototyping with passive haptic interaction to conduct a broad mixed-methods evaluation of emotion expression modalities and participatory pro-totyping of multimodal expressions. We found differences in recog-nisability, effectiveness and user empathy between modalities while highlighting the importance of facial expressions and the benefits of combining animal-like and unambiguous modalities. We use our findings to inform promising directions for the affective zoomor-phic robot design and potential implementations via hardware modification or augmented reality, then discuss how VR prototyping makes this field more accessible to designers and researchers.
... The NARS showed that our sample held similar attitudes to social robots as in prior work [50,49,21], with no strong bias [67]. It features three sub-scales, S1 (max score=30), S2 (max=25) and S3 (max=15). ...
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Zoomorphic robots have the potential to offer companionship and well-being as accessible, low-maintenance alternatives to pet ownership. Many such robots, however, feature limited emotional expression, restricting their potential for rich affective relationships with everyday domestic users. Additionally, exploring this design space using hardware prototyping is obstructed by physical and logistical constraints. We leveraged virtual reality rapid prototyping with passive haptic interaction to conduct a broad mixed-methods evaluation of emotion expression modalities and participatory prototyping of multimodal expressions. We found differences in recognisability, effectiveness and user empathy between modalities while highlighting the importance of facial expressions and the benefits of combining animal-like and unambiguous modalities. We use our findings to inform promising directions for the affective zoomorphic robot design and potential implementations via hardware modification or augmented reality, then discuss how VR prototyping makes this field more accessible to designers and researchers.
... 2) Self-Reported Measures: The parents of the participants involved in the study completed surveys about general and study-specific experiences with robots at the beginning of the study, as well as after each session and at the end of the study. In the pre-study survey, we used the Likert-type standard questions of the Negative Attitudes towards Robots Scale (NARS) [34] and the Trust Perception Scale-HRI [35] to gauge pre-existing participant perceptions of robots. Demographic questions captured information about participant age, gender, and development. ...
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Objective: Children worldwide are becoming increasingly inactive, leading to significant wellness challenges. Initial findings from our research team indicate that robots could potentially provide a more effective approach (compared to other age-appropriate toys) for encouraging physical activity in children. However, the basis of this past work relied on either interactions with groups of children (making it challenging to isolate specific factors that influenced activity levels) or a preliminary version of results of the present study (which centered on just a single more exploratory method for assessing child movement). Methods and Procedures: This paper delves into more controlled interactions involving a single robot and a child participant, while also considering observations over an extended period to mitigate the influence of novelty on the study outcomes. We discuss the outcomes of a two-month-long deployment, during which N = 8 participants engaged with our custom robot, GoBot, in weekly sessions. During each session, the children experienced three different conditions: a teleoperated robot mode, a semi-autonomous robot mode, and a control condition in which the robot was present but inactive. Results: Compared to our past related work, the results expanded our findings by confirming with greater clout (based on multiple data streams, including one more robust measure compared to the past related work) that children tended to be more physically active when the robot was active, and interestingly, there were no significant differences between the teleoperated and semi-autonomous modes in terms of our study measures. Conclusion: These insights can inform future applications of assistive robots in child motor interventions, including the guiding of appropriate levels of autonomy for these systems. Clinical Impact: This study demonstrates that incorporating robotic systems into play environments can boost physical activity in young children, indicating potential implementation in settings crafted to enhance children’s physical movement.
... After consenting to the study, participants were asked to fill out a questionnaire about their demographics and previous experience with robots. Additionally, participants completed the Negative Attitudes Towards Robots (NARS) scale, a validated survey for assessing participants' [25], [26]. We then gave participants a brief description of what the robot would attempt to do and its expected behavior, without mentioning that the robot would make intentional errors, before beginning the experiment. ...
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Trust is a key factor in ensuring acceptable human-robot interaction, especially in settings where robots may be assisting with critical activities of daily living. When practically deployed, robots are bound to make occasional mistakes, yet the degree to which these errors will impact a care recipient's trust in the robot, especially in performing physically assistive tasks, remains an open question. To investigate this, we conducted experiments where participants interacted with physically assistive robots which would occasionally make intentional mistakes while performing two different tasks: bathing and feeding. Our study considered the error response of two populations: younger adults at a university (median age 26) and older adults at an independent living facility (median age 83). We observed that the impact of errors on a users' trust in the robot depends on both their age and the task that the robot is performing. We also found that older adults tend to evaluate the robot on factors unrelated to the robot's performance, making their trust in the system more resilient to errors when compared to younger adults. Code and supplementary materials are available on our project webpage.
... The TAP questionnaire [43] examines the participant's level of technological knowledge and includes questions grouped into three sections: optimism regarding technology, confidence in using new technology, and reliance on technology (Appendix A). The NARS questionnaire [44] examines the participants' perception of and attitude to robots. It comprises three sections related to negative attitude toward: situations of interaction with robots (S1), the social impact of robots (S2), and emotions in interactions with robots (S3). ...
Transparency is an important aspect of human-robot interaction (HRI), as it can improve system trust and usability leading to improved communication and performance. However, most transparency models focus only on the amount of information given to users. In this paper, we propose a bidirectional transparency model, termed a transparency-based action (TBA) model, which in addition to providing transparency information (robot-to-human), allows the robot to take actions based on transparency information received from the human (robot-of-human and human-to-robot). We implemented a three-level (High, Medium and Low) TBA model on a robotic system trainer in two pilot studies (with students as participants) to examine its impact on acceptance and HRI. Based on the pilot studies results, the Medium TBA level was not included in the main experiment, which was conducted with older adults (aged 75-85). In that experiment, two TBA levels were compared: Low (basic information including only robot-to-human transparency) and High (including additional information relating to predicted outcomes with robot-of-human and human-to-robot transparency). The results revealed a significant difference between the two TBA levels of the model in terms of perceived usefulness, ease of use, and attitude. The High TBA level resulted in improved user acceptance and was preferred by the users.
Transparency is an important aspect of human-robot interaction (HRI), as it can improve system trust and usability, leading to improved communication and performance. However, most transparency models focus only on the amount of information given to users. In this paper, we propose a bidirectional transparency model, termed the transparency-based action (TBA) model, which allows the robot to take actions based on transparency information received from the human (robot-of-human and human-to-robot), in addition to providing transparency information to the human (robot-to-human). To examine the impact of a three-level (High, Medium and Low) TBA model on acceptance and HRI, we first implemented the model on a robotic system trainer in two pilot studies (with students as participants). Based on the results of these studies, the Medium TBA level was not included in the subsequent main experiment, which was conducted with older adults (aged 75–85). In that experiment, two TBA levels were compared: Low (basic information including only robot-to-human transparency) and High (including additional information relating to predicted outcomes with robot-of-human and human-to-robot transparency). The results revealed a statistically significant difference between the two TBA levels of the model in terms of perceived usefulness, ease of use, and attitude . The High TBA level was preferred by users and yielded improved user acceptance.
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We explore telerobotics as a novel form of intergroup communication. In this form, remotely operated robots facilitate embodied and situated intergroup contact between groups in conflict over long distances, potentially reducing prejudice and promoting positive social change. Based on previous conceptual frameworks and design hypotheses, we conducted a survey on the acceptance and preferences of the telerobotic medium in Israel and Palestine. We analyzed the responses using a mixed-method approach. The results shed light on differences in attitudes between the groups and design considerations for telerobots when used for intergroup contact. This study serves as a foundation for the implementation of a novel method of technology-enhanced conflict resolution in the field.
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In the future, interactive robots will perform many helpful tasks. In 5 studies, we developed techniques for measuring the richness and content of people's mental models of a robot. Using these techniques, we examined how a robot's appearance and dialogue affected people's responses. Participants had a comparatively rich mechanistic perception of the robot, and perceived it to have some human traits, but not complex human attachment, foibles, or creativity. In study 5, participants who interacted with an extraverted, playful robot versus a more serious, caring robot, developed a richer, more positive mental model of the playful robot but cooperated less with it. Our findings imply different designs for robotic assistants that meet social and practical goals.
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It is important to measure what images, opinions, and at-titudes people have developed toward robots and how they can be changed, from scientific and engineering perspectives. This paper reports results of social research on Japanese peo-ple's attitudes toward robots by using "the Negative Attitudes toward Robots Scale (NARS)." They revealed that attitudes toward robots differ depending on assumptions about robots such as their type and task, and there may be gender differ-ences associated with them. Based on the results, the paper then discusses how people's attitudes toward robots can be altered.
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Engaging storytelling is a necessary skill for humanoid robots if they are to be used in education and entertainment applications. Storytelling requires that the humanoid robot be aware of its audience and able to direct its gaze in a natural way. In this paper, we explore how human gaze can be modeled and implemented on a humanoid robot to create a natural, human-like behavior for storytelling. Our gaze model integrates data collected from a human storyteller and a discourse structure model developed by Cassell and her colleagues for human-like conversational agents (1994). We used this model to direct the gaze of a humanoid robot, Honda's ASIMO, as he recited a Japanese fairy tale using a pre-recorded human voice. We assessed the efficacy of this gaze algorithm by manipulating the frequency of ASIMO's gaze between two participants and used pre and post questionnaires to assess whether participants evaluated the robot more positively and did better on a recall task when ASIMO looked at them more. We found that participants performed significantly better in recalling ASIMO's story when the robot looked at them more. Our results also showed significant differences in how men and women evaluated ASIMO based on the frequency of gaze they received from the robot. Our study adds to the growing evidence that there are many commonalities between human-human communication and human-robot communication
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The study presented in this paper explored the relationships between subject personality and preferences in the direction from which a robot approached the human participants (N=42) in order to deliver an object in a naturalistic `living room' setting. Personality was assessed using the Big Five Domain Scale. No consistent significant relationships were found between personality traits and preferred approach directions; however, a consistent nonsignificant trend was found in which high scores on the personality trait extraversion was associated with a higher degree of tolerance to the approach directions rated overall as most uncomfortable. The implications of the results are discussed both from a theoretical and methodological viewpoint
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This article discusses challenges of Human-Robot Interaction, which is a highly inter- and multidisciplinary area. Themes that are important in current research in this lively and growing field are identified and selected work relevant to these themes is discussed.
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This study investigated the relationship between individual differences and proxemic behaviour in an HRI setting involving a robot approaching a person. In total 33 participants took part in three different scenarios; verbal interaction, physical interaction and no interaction. Participant control over the robot, and approach direction was also varied. Measurements of the preferred robot approach distance was obtained, and analysed along with the participants' demographic and personality data. The results indicate differences in approach direction preferences based on gender. Also, results show that the participants' personality traits of extraversion and conscientiousness are associated with changes in approach distance preferences according to robot autonomy. The results are discussed in light of relevant literature from the social sciences.
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The study presented in this paper explored the relationships between participant personality, perceived robot personality and preferences for particular robot appearances. The participants (N=77) watched 3 videos of a HRI situation in which the appearance of the robot was altered to appear more or less anthropomorphic. Participant personality was assessed using the Big Five Domain Scale, while Robot Personality was measured using 5 items based on the traits from the Big Five Model. The results reveal that low Emotional Stability and Extraversion scores are related to preferences for mechanical robot appearances. Results for perceived robot personality suggest that participants clearly differentiated between the different robots on the dimensions of Extraversion, Agreeableness and Intelligence, but did not differentiate strongly between them on the Emotional Stability dimension.
Increased international collaboration in clinical trials has created a need for scale translations and cross-culturally valid instruments. The use of scales that have been poorly translated and of translations that have not been validated can lead to erroneous results. Accordingly, the quality of studies using nonvalidated translations of scales from different cultural regions should be questioned. Scale translation is important, and it is surprising that little attention has been paid to the methodology of translating measurements and scales into other languages and validating them for different cultures, especially in psychiatric and geriatric research.
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Animated characters are common in user interfaces, but important questions remain about whether characters work in all situations and for all users. This experiment tested the effects of different character presentations on user anxiety, task performance, and subjective evaluations of two commerce websites. There were three character conditions (no character, a character that ignored the user, and a character that closely monitored work on the website). Users were separated into two groups that had different attitudes about accepting help from others: people with control orientations that were external (users thought that other people controlled their success) and those with internal orientations (users thought they were in control). Results showed that the effects of monitoring and individual differences in thoughts about control worked as they do in real life. Users felt more anxious when characters monitored their website work and this effect was strongest for users with an external control orientation. Monitoring characters also decreased task performance, but increased trust in website content. Results are discussed in terms of design considerations that maximize the positive influence of animated agents.