
Emotion: A Psychoevolutionary Synthesis

... 3.2. Pensamiento complejo y rueda de las emociones de Plutchik Plutchik (1980) señala que las emociones tienen una relación directa con el color y que este está determinado por la intensidad con la que se expresa una determinada emoción: ...
... mientras más intensa sea una emoción, más intenso será el color que la representa (ver gura 1). Plutchik (1980). Fuente: Plutchik (1980) molestia y no logra controlar su emoción, esta puede verse intensicada, pasando a enojo y en un caso más intenso a rabia, dependiendo del contexto en el que se encuentre el sujeto. ...
... Plutchik (1980). Fuente: Plutchik (1980) molestia y no logra controlar su emoción, esta puede verse intensicada, pasando a enojo y en un caso más intenso a rabia, dependiendo del contexto en el que se encuentre el sujeto. ...
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El presente artículo reporta resultados de una investigación acerca de las emociones que vivencian estudiantes de tercer año de educación primaria, en una evaluación escrita de Educación Matemática. Se trabaja con base en la perspectiva del pensamiento complejo de Edgar Morín, la noción de complejidad vivencial y la relación emoción/color de acuerdo a la rosa cromática de Plutchik. El enfoque metodológico es cualitativo con diseño de estudio de casos. Los hallazgos reportan asociación de emociones del estudiantado con elementos personales o situaciones que vivencian principalmente con sus padres más que con las matemáticas, y la asociación de sus emociones con el color se vincula más con aspectos de su experiencia cotidiana que con los colores indicados por la rosa cromática de Plutchik. Palabras clave: Emociones, evaluación en Educación Matemática, pensamiento complejo, complejidad vivencial, relación color emoción, educación primaria.
... Las primeras cuentan con autores como Charles Darwin 1859, William James 1884 y McDougall en 1950, los cuales proponen una descripción de las emociones desde una perspectiva evolutiva. Dentro de las teorías conductuales de la emoción, destacan las posturas de Izard (1977) y Plutchik (1980), quienes comparten rasgos en sus definiciones, en particular en lo que corresponde a sus componentes neuropsicológicos y adaptativos, propios de las conductas. Como lo expresa Chóliz (2005, p. 7), en ambos autores se resalta que "las emociones son fenómenos neuropsicológicos específicos fruto de la selección natural, que organizan y motivan comportamientos fisiológicos y cognitivos que facilitan la adaptación". ...
... Para la organización teórica de los datos se usaron los componentes estructurales de los comportamientos emocionales propuestos por Bisquerra (2009) (cognitivos, fisiológicos, conductuales) y los sugeridos por Plutchik (1980) (estímulo, cognición, sentimiento, conducta y efecto). ...
... Figura 2. Emociones en entrevistas a padres de familia Fuente: adaptado del modelo de emociones propuesto por Plutchik (1980). ...
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Los resultados de investigación que se presentan dan cuenta de las emociones halladas en situaciones de convivencia de padres de familia y docentes de Instituciones Educativas de cuatro ciudades colombianas. En el estudio participaron 20 padres y madres de familia y 20 docentes, quienes narraron sus vivencias en entrevistas de tipo fenomenológico. Las emociones encontradas con mayor presencia en los relatos de los docentes fueron la tristeza, la felicidad, el miedo, la ira y la sorpresa y en los padres de familia la alegría, la tristeza, el miedo y la sorpresa. Las situaciones de convivencia de estas emociones incluyen pérdidas o resultados inesperados (positivos y negativos). Es recomendable realizar nuevas búsquedas en las que se indague por el papel de la regulación de las emociones en el desarrollo posterior a una situación de convivencia con niños y proponer un programa de formación en emociones para la convivencia basados en los hallazgos del estudio.
... In affective computing, research often focuses on a reduced set of primary emotionshappiness, sadness, anger, and fear-due to their prominence in human interactions and their detection using physiological signals [27]. Another influential model, Plutchik's Wheel of Emotion, as shown in Figure 1, categorizes emotions into primary and secondary layers, providing a nuanced understanding of emotional intensity and relationships between emotions [28]. For instance, primary emotions such as anger and fear are foundational, while secondary emotions like jealousy or remorse emerge from combinations of primary emotions. ...
... In affective computing, research often focuses on a reduced set of primary emotions-happiness, sadness, anger, and fear-due to their prominence in human interactions and their detection using physiological signals [27]. Another influential model, Plutchik's Wheel of Emotion, as shown in Figure 1, categorizes emotions into primary and secondary layers, providing a nuanced understanding of emotional intensity and relationships between emotions [28]. For instance, primary emotions such as anger and fear are foundational, while secondary emotions like jealousy or remorse emerge from combinations of primary emotions. ...
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This paper introduces a novel joint model architecture for Speech Emotion Recognition (SER) that integrates both discrete and dimensional emotional representations, allowing for the simultaneous training of classification and regression tasks to improve the comprehensiveness and interpretability of emotion recognition. By employing a joint loss function that combines categorical and regression losses, the model ensures balanced optimization across tasks, with experiments exploring various weighting schemes using a tunable parameter to adjust task importance. Two adaptive weight balancing schemes, Dynamic Weighting and Joint Weighting, further enhance performance by dynamically adjusting task weights based on optimization progress and ensuring balanced emotion representation during backpropagation. The architecture employs parallel feature extraction through independent encoders, designed to capture unique features from multiple modalities, including Mel-frequency Cepstral Coefficients (MFCC), Short-term Features (STF), Mel-spectrograms, and raw audio signals. Additionally, pre-trained models such as Wav2Vec 2.0 and HuBERT are integrated to leverage their robust latent features. The inclusion of self-attention and co-attention mechanisms allows the model to capture relationships between input modalities and interdependencies among features, further improving its interpretability and integration capabilities. Experiments conducted on the IEMOCAP dataset using a leave-one-subject-out approach demonstrate the model’s effectiveness, with results showing a 1–2% accuracy improvement over classification-only models. The optimal configuration, incorporating the joint architecture, dynamic weighting, and parallel processing of multimodal features, achieves a weighted accuracy of 72.66%, an unweighted accuracy of 73.22%, and a mean Concordance Correlation Coefficient (CCC) of 0.3717. These results validate the effectiveness of the proposed joint model architecture and adaptive balancing weight schemes in improving SER performance.
... Lazarus, (1982) 5 ise duyguyu bireyin etrafındaki uyaranları algılaması ve değerlendirmesi sonucunda meydana gelen iç yaşantılar şeklinde ifade etmiştir. Duygular ifade edilirken literatürde en çok ele alınan noktalardan birisi de Plutchik, (1980) 6 tarafından ortaya çıkarılan duygu çemberidir. Duygu çemberi modeline göre bireyler nefret (disgust), öfke (anger), korku (fear), üzüntü (sadness), kabul (acceptance), ümit (expectation), sevinç (joy) ve hayret (surprise) olmak üzere sekiz temel duyguya sahiptir. ...
... Duygu çemberi modeline göre bireyler nefret (disgust), öfke (anger), korku (fear), üzüntü (sadness), kabul (acceptance), ümit (expectation), sevinç (joy) ve hayret (surprise) olmak üzere sekiz temel duyguya sahiptir. Belirtilen bu temel duygular dışında hissedilen diğer duyguların ise bu sekiz duygunun uzantısı olarak ortaya çıktığı ifade edilmektedir 6,7 . Hayatın her alanında yaşanan ve hissedilen duygular, spor ortamında daha net biçimde kendini göstermekte ve sporcu performansını etkilemektedir. ...
... In [43], a codebook over local color histogram and Gabor features were proposed for image-based sentiment prediction; and in [30], psychology and art theory inspired features were proposed. Again, in [2], adjective-noun pairs were proposed as a mid-level semantic construct and an ontology was mined from a pop-ular social multimedia platform using psychology-grounded seed queries [33]. Other problems related to affect detection include quality assessment [25], memorability [18], interestingness [12] and popularity [26]. ...
... Briefly, the data in VSO [2] was originally collected from 2 From independent communication with the authors. the social multimedia platform, Flickr 3 , using psychologygrounded seed queries from Plutchik's Wheel of Emotions [33] which consists of 24 basic emotions, such as joy, terror, and anticipation. The query results yielded images with user-entered image tags which were annotated using a partof-speech tagger for identifying adjective and noun components and parsed for sentiment strength. ...
Residual learning has recently surfaced as an effective means of constructing very deep neural networks for object recognition. However, current incarnations of residual networks do not allow for the modeling and integration of complex relations between closely coupled recognition tasks or across domains. Such problems are often encountered in multimedia applications involving large-scale content recognition. We propose a novel extension of residual learning for deep networks that enables intuitive learning across multiple related tasks using cross-connections called cross-residuals. These cross-residuals connections can be viewed as a form of in-network regularization and enables greater network generalization. We show how cross-residual learning (CRL) can be integrated in multitask networks to jointly train and detect visual concepts across several tasks. We present a single multitask cross-residual network with >40% less parameters that is able to achieve competitive, or even better, detection performance on a visual sentiment concept detection problem normally requiring multiple specialized single-task networks. The resulting multitask cross-residual network also achieves better detection performance by about 10.4% over a standard multitask residual network without cross-residuals with even a small amount of cross-task weighting.
... TFMNs provide semantic network features for the analysed texts by using the EmoAtlas library in Python. EmoAtlas leverages lexicons that have been validated in psychological studies to detect the eight basic emotions identified in Plutchik's theory of basic emotions (Plutchik, 1980). Plutchik's theory posits that there are eight primary emotions, each of which has a polar opposite: joy and sadness, trust and disgust, fear and anger, and surprise and anticipation. ...
... Plutchik's theory posits that there are eight primary emotions, each of which has a polar opposite: joy and sadness, trust and disgust, fear and anger, and surprise and anticipation. These emotions can combine to form more complex feelings and play a crucial role in how humans experience and express emotions (Plutchik, 1980). These emotional features are quantified by calculating z-scores, which determine how frequently emotion words appear in the text compared to a null model (Semeraro et al., 2024). ...
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This study explores how creativity in short stories written by humans or GPT-3.5 can be assessed using network and emotion features. Furthermore, we compare evaluations of creativity by human raters and GPT-3.5 simulating raters. Our findings reveal that GPT-3.5 aligns with human evaluators when rating human-authored stories but emphasizes emotional content over structural features when assessing its own narratives. The research highlights the potential and limitations of AI in creativity evaluation and introduces a publicly available synthetic dataset for further exploration.
... Three types of physiological responses were measured: SCR, heart rate deceleration responses, and facial EMG responses from zygomaticus major (cheek region) and orbicularis oculi (periocular region) muscles. Sympathetic SCR index physiological arousal (Critchley, 2002), a central component of emotional reactions (Plutchik, 1980). Orienting of attention to external stimuli is accompanied by a deceleration of heart rate and the deceleration is amplified by affectively and motivationally salient stimuli (Bradley, 2009;Graham & Clifton, 1966;Lang & Bradley, 2010). ...
... An emotional response is considered to include both the facial muscle activity and enhanced autonomic activation preparing the body for action (cf. Plutchik, 1980). The present results showed that while, in the BW condition, seeing another person's direct gaze enhanced zygomatic and periocular activity as well as autonomic arousal, in the BnW and in the video condition, these responses seemed dissociated; zygomatic and periocular activity was observed but without enhanced autonomic arousal. ...
We measured participants’ psychophysiological responses and gaze behavior while viewing a stimulus person's direct and averted gaze in three different conditions manipulating the participants’ experience of being watched. The results showed that skin conductance responses and heart rate deceleration responses were greater to direct than averted gaze only in the condition in which the participants had the experience of being watched by the other individual. In contrast, gaze direction had no effects on these responses when the participants were manipulated to believe that the other individual could not watch them or when the stimulus person was presented in a pre-recorded video. Importantly, the eye tracking measures showed no differences in participants’ looking behavior between these stimulus presentation conditions. The results of facial electromyography responses suggested that direct gaze elicited greater zygomatic and periocular responses than averted gaze did, independent of the presentation condition. It was concluded that the affective arousal and attention-orienting indexing autonomic responses to eye contact are driven by the experience of being watched. In contrast, the facial responses seem to reflect automatized affiliative responses which can be elicited even in conditions in which seeing another's direct gaze does not signal that the self is being watched.
... The first group provides a set of labels or discrete classifications that refer to emotion tags. Robert Plutchik's Wheel of Emotions proposes eight primary emotions (joy, trust, fear, surprise, sadness, disgust, anger, and anticipation), which can be combined to create secondary emotions [16]. Carroll Izard's Differential Emotions Theory suggests ten basic emotions: interest, joy, surprise, anger, sadness, disgust, contempt, shame, guilt, and fear [17]. ...
... The expression of emotion models such as Ekman's, Plutchik's [16], Carroll Izard's [17], James Russell's Affective Circumplex model [77], and Klaus Scherer's 3dimensions model [20] can be described in terms of the valence and arousal dimensions. As a contribution, this paper proposes that the valence-arousal scale be used to represent all emotions, including those in already annotated datasets. ...
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Sentiment analysis (SA) and text emotion detection (TED) are two computer techniques used to analyze text. SA categorizes text into positive, negative, or neutral opinions, while TED can identify a wide array of emotional states, allowing an automated agent to respond appropriately. These techniques can be helpful in areas such as employee and customer management, online support, and customer loyalty, where identifying human emotions is crucial. Among other approaches, research has been conducted using machine learning (ML) algorithms, and labeled datasets have been created to train these models. Current state-of-the-art research for supervised ML algorithms reports good performance for TED (approximately 80% accuracy) and even better results for SA (above 90%). After conducting an extensive review of 30 survey articles, the primary objective of this manuscript is to highlight the disproportionate emphasis placed on comparing computational approaches, as evidenced by 94% of the articles surveyed that feature algorithmic aspects in their summaries. %), the corpora utilized for training (30%), and the data source employed during analysis and evaluation (20%). The lack of standardization across these essential elements presents a significant challenge when performing meaningful performance comparisons among algorithms. Consequently, the absence of a unified framework for comparison hampers the practical implementation of SA and TED techniques within mission-critical scenarios within real-world mission-critical scenarios.
... En el mismo sentido, la Figura 5 presenta un análisis de emociones relacionadas con el crimen organizado en la región noreste de México y la frontera con Texas. Los términos se agrupan en ocho categorías que corresponden a las emociones básicas propuestas por Plutchik (1980): confianza, anticipación, alegría, sorpresa, miedo, disgusto, enojo y tristeza. Cada categoría está etiquetada con una emoción, y las palabras clave reflejan las menciones más frecuentes en las publicaciones sobre las percepciones sociales del crimen organizado. ...
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Este artículo examina la percepción social del crimen organizado y su impacto en la seguridad en cuatro estados mexicanos fronterizos con Texas: Coahuila, Chihuahua, Nuevo León y Tamaulipas. A través del análisis de 11,687 publicaciones en la plataforma digital X (antes Twitter) recopiladas entre agosto de 2023 y abril de 2024, se emplean técnicas de Big Data y Text Mining para desarrollar un índice de percepción geoespacial. El estudio revela una percepción ampliamente negativa del crimen organizado, especialmente en términos de extorsión y violencia, y muestra cómo estas percepciones varían entre las diferentes regiones de la frontera noreste de México y Texas. Además, el análisis identifica patrones de discusión y sentimientos en la conversación digital, proporcionando una comprensión más profunda de los factores socioculturales que influyen en la percepción pública de la seguridad en la región. Los hallazgos contribuyen a la discusión sobre la seguridad transfronteriza y su efecto en la vida cotidiana y los entornos sociales y económicos de las comunidades fronterizas.
... La lista previa fue correlacionada con las dieciséis emociones básicas consideradas por Plutchik (1980), y las dieciocho emociones consideradas por los estudios de la Geneve Wheel of Emotion (s.f.) y en conjunto con la base teórica de Rafael Bisquerra descritas en el libro Universo de Emociones (Bisquerra, 2021) así como el Diccionario de Emociones (Bisquerra, 2020) se obtuvieron y propusieron dieciséis emociones específicas aplicables al estudio de los textiles de interior representadas en la figura 3, la cual muestra la propuesta de la rueda de emociones en los textiles de interior, derivado de los estudios comparativos y grupo de discusión exploratorio durante el estudio previo a la entrevista, en ella se distinguen catorce emociones definidas como positivas, negativas y neutrales para evitar la angularidad y sugerir que las personas pueden elegir entre un grupo amplio de emociones específicamente dirigidas hacia los textiles de acuerdo con la tabla 2. El desarrollo del instrumento fue conducido en idioma inglés e interpretado y traducido al español por la autora del presente estudio. A continuación, se presenta la tabla de las emociones consideradas y su similar traducción al inglés tal cual fue conducido el estudio. ...
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Los motivos textiles proporcionan contexto y comunicanhistorias que con sus diversas composicionesde naturaleza geométrica o abstracta alojanaspectos emocionales en la experiencia del usuarioen los espacios interiores. El presente artículo tienepor objetivo analizar las cualidades visuales, emocionalesy semánticas de una serie de motivos textilesbajo un método mixto experimental basado enel diseño emocional dado que se sugiere existe unapreferencia por determinados tipos de formas queson asociadas a experiencias emocionales concretasen el ser humano y su percepción en el espaciointerior. El estudio se llevó a cabo con un grupo departicipantes extranjeros viviendo en Arabia Sauditapara analizar las emociones de un conjunto decatorce motivos textiles con antecedente y procedenciade una cultura en particular, permitiendoidentificar una posible conexión entre la selecciónde los motivos y el antecedente cultural o lugar deproveniencia de los participantes, los cuales asignaronvalores emocionales y semánticos desde su culturade origen. Los resultados obtenidos abordanlas connotaciones emotivas, valores y respuestasacordes a los antecedentes culturales de los sujetos,asociando características de los motivos a las regionesgeográficas.
... 7 Wydźwięk służy przetwarzaniu tekstów w trzech kategoriach nacechowania wypowiedzi: ogólnego nacechowania emocjonalnego, emocji podstawowych (Ekman, 1992;Plutchik, 1980;Wierzbicka, 1992a, b, c, d) oraz wartości uniwersalnych (Puzynina, 1992). 8 W próbkach -zarówno podstawowej, jak i kontrolnej -nie ma przykładów wypowiedzi, w których ocena nacechowania emocjonalnego wymagałaby znajomości innych fragmentów utworów. ...
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Celem prezentowanych badań jest przekroczenie ograniczeń związanych z systemową analizą frazeologii w tekstach dawnych dzięki wykorzystaniu wybranych narzędzi cyfrowych: Korpusu dawnych polskich tekstów dramatycznych (1772–1939) oraz analizatora emocji tekstu Wydźwięk. Prezentowana analiza stanowi próbę odpowiedzi na postawione w tytule artykułu pytanie. Zgromadzony materiał jest badany na dwóch poziomach: pragmalingwistycznym (w kontekście funkcji językowych wyróżnionych przez Michaela Hallidaya i wydźwięku emocjonalnego wypowiedzi) oraz socjolingwistycznym (z wykorzystaniem wybranych czynników socjologicznych zawartych w korpusie, które mogą korelować z wyborem frazeologii w określonym kontekście). Wyniki przedstawiono w osobnej sekcji, zestawiając je z aktualnym stanem badań (analizą systemową) oraz poczuciem językowym badacza. Perspektywy wykorzystania narzędzi cyfrowych w badaniach nad frazeologią w tekstach dawnych sformułowano w zakończeniu.
... La lista previa fue correlacionada con las dieciséis emociones básicas consideradas por Plutchik (1980), y las dieciocho emociones consideradas por los estudios de la Geneve Wheel of Emotion (s.f.) y en conjunto con la base teórica de Rafael Bisquerra descritas en el libro Universo de Emociones (Bisquerra, 2021) así como el Diccionario de Emociones (Bisquerra, 2020) se obtuvieron y propusieron dieciséis emociones específicas aplicables al estudio de los textiles de interior representadas en la figura 3, la cual muestra la propuesta de la rueda de emociones en los textiles de interior, derivado de los estudios comparativos y grupo de discusión exploratorio durante el estudio previo a la entrevista, en ella se distinguen catorce emociones definidas como positivas, negativas y neutrales para evitar la angularidad y sugerir que las personas pueden elegir entre un grupo amplio de emociones específicamente dirigidas hacia los textiles de acuerdo con la tabla 2. El desarrollo del instrumento fue conducido en idioma inglés e interpretado y traducido al español por la autora del presente estudio. A continuación, se presenta la tabla de las emociones consideradas y su similar traducción al inglés tal cual fue conducido el estudio. ...
... The availability of accurate sentiment analyzers able to work on short text snippets [46] allowed for the exploration of emotions in dialogs. Kim et al. [58] extracted topics from Twitter conversations with LDA, used Plutchik's model [76] to assign emotions to them, and looked at emotional arcs in conversations through time. ...
The richness that characterizes relationships is often absent when they are modeled using computational methods in network science. Typically, relationships are represented simply as links, perhaps with weights. The lack of finer granularity is due in part to the fact that, aside from linkage and strength, no fundamental or immediately obvious dimensions exist along which to categorize relationships. Here we propose a set of dimensions that capture major components of many relationships -- derived both from relevant academic literature and people's everyday descriptions of their relationships. We first review prominent findings in sociology and social psychology, highlighting dimensions that have been widely used to categorize social relationships. Next, we examine the validity of these dimensions empirically in two crowd-sourced experiments. Ultimately, we arrive at a set of ten major dimensions that can be used to categorize relationships: similarity, trust, romance, social support, identity, respect, knowledge exchange, power, fun, and conflict. These ten dimensions, while not dispositive, offer higher resolution than existing models. Indeed, we show that one can more accurately predict missing links in a social graph by using these dimensions than by using a state-of-the-art link embeddedness method. We also describe, an online platform we built to collect data about how social media users perceive their online relationships, allowing us to examine these dimensions at scale. Overall, by proposing a new way of modeling social graphs, our work aims to contribute both to theory in network science and practice in the design of social-networking applications.
... Emotion and sentiment are closely connected entities. Emotion is usually defined as high intensity, but relatively brief experience, onset by a stimuli [4,5], Email addresses: (Víctor Campos), ...
Visual multimedia have become an inseparable part of our digital social lives, and they often capture moments tied with deep affections. Automated visual sentiment analysis tools can provide a means of extracting the rich feelings and latent dispositions embedded in these media. In this work, we explore how Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), a now de facto computational machine learning tool particularly in the area of Computer Vision, can be specifically applied to the task of visual sentiment prediction. We accomplish this through fine-tuning experiments using a state-of-the-art CNN and via rigorous architecture analysis, we present several modifications that lead to accuracy improvements over prior art on a dataset of images from a popular social media platform. We additionally present visualizations of local patterns that the network learned to associate with image sentiment for insight into how visual positivity (or negativity) is perceived by the model.
... Anger is elicited by perceived goal loss that can be prevented if an obstacle is overcome and is associated with heuristic reasoning, increased physiological activity, and behavioral expression (Lench et al., 2016, p. 11)]. The fourth operationalization of this criterion is the emergence of emotions due to the loss of something important, whether it is a loss of a possessed asset (e.g., someone stealing our car) or a failure to obtain something that was anticipated and believed to be certain (e.g., not receiving an annual bonus) (Leventhal, 2008;Plutchik, 1980;Zeelenberg et al., 1998) [e.g. "Sadness is conceptualized as a normal, time-limited response to loss" (Leventhal, 2008, p. 759)]. ...
... This includes Noel Carroll (1990), whose highly influential cognitive account of (aesthetic) horror as fear plus disgust revolves around the idea that monsters in horror art, to be horrifying, must represent a combination of physical threat and impurity. Defining horror in these terms invokes so-called palette theories of emotion, in which basic emotions, like fear and disgust, are regarded as primary colors, the additive combination of which result in a wide range of secondary emotions like horror (e.g., Plutchik, 1962Plutchik, , 1980. Under such framing, horror's formal object amounts to circumstances that are appraised as both threatening and offending. ...
Given its clinical significance, horror should occupy a prominent place within emotion theory. However, conceptualizations of horror within psychological science are relatively underdeveloped and conceptually confused. Through conceptual analysis of the disparate literature on the emotion, we seek to establish horror as a qualitatively distinct mode of engagement with the world and to remedy its over-intellectualization, as evident in many prior accounts. Given its etymology, we first address horror's characteristic immobilization—at the level of stereotypical facial configuration and action readiness—before analyzing horror's formal object and appraisal structure. In the process, we critique schema accounts of the emotion and argue for conceptualizing horror pre-reflectively by grounding it in appraised violations of the practical dynamics of social engagement.
... how prominently content was featured), and further demonstrate the causal impact of arousal on transmission and generalize the findings to positive emotions. It has been observed that "arousing delight requires surprise and a positive emotion" (Plutchik, 1980). Our data set contains posts (message) with the assigned values of likes_count, comments_count, shares_count, love_count, haha_count, wow_count, sad_count and angry_count variables for each post. ...
Purpose Social media platforms are highly visible platforms, so politicians try to maximize their benefits from their use, especially during election campaigns. On the other side, people express their views and sentiments toward politicians and political issues on social media, thus enabling them to observe their online political behavior. Therefore, this study aims to investigate user reactions on social media during the 2016 US presidential campaign to decide which candidate invoked stronger emotions on social media. Design/methodology/approach For testing the proposed hypotheses regarding emotional reactions to social media content during the 2016 presidential campaign, regression analysis was used to analyze a data set that consists of Trump’s 996 posts and Clinton’s 1,253 posts on Facebook. The proposed regression models are based on viral (likes, shares, comments) and emotional Facebook reactions (Angry, Haha, Sad, Surprise, Wow) as well as Russell’s valence, arousal, dominance (VAD) circumplex model for valence, arousal and dominance. Findings The results of regression analysis indicate how Facebook users felt about both presidential candidates. For Clinton’s page, both positive and negative content are equally liked, while Trump’s followers prefer funny and positive emotions. For both candidates, positive and negative content influences the number of comments. Trump’s followers mostly share positive content and the content that makes them angry, while Clinton’s followers share any content that does not make them angry. Based on VAD analysis, less dominant content, with high arousal and more positive emotions, is more liked on Trump’s page, where valence is a significant predictor for commenting and sharing. More positive content is more liked on Clinton’s page, where both positive and negative emotions with low arousal are correlated to commenting and sharing of posts. Originality/value Building on an empirical data set from Facebook, this study shows how differently the presidential candidates communicated on social media during the 2016 election campaign. According to the findings, Trump used a hard campaign strategy, while Clinton used a soft strategy.
... Ortony et al. (1988) proposed one such system. Fifth, classification could be based on the behavioral response or action tendency involved (Frijda, 1986;Plutchik, 1980). Sixth, classification could be based on the person's own categorization of the episode. ...
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What is the structure of emotion? Emotion is too broad a class of events to be a single scientific category, and no one structure suffices. As an illustration, core affect is distinguished from prototypical emotional episode. Core affect refers to consciously accessible elemental processes of pleasure and activation, has many causes, and is always present. Its structure involves two bipolar dimensions. Prototypical emotional episode refers to a complex process that unfolds over time, involves causally connected subevents (antecedent; appraisal; physiological, affective, and cognitive changes; behavioral response; self-categorization), has one perceived cause, and is rare. Its structure involves categories (anger, fear, shame, jealousy, etc.) vertically organized as a fuzzy hierarchy and horizontally organized as part of a circumplex.
Not supplied by the author. This Element surveys how a number of major disciplines − psychology, neuroscience, sociology, anthropology, philosophy, history, linguistics, and literary/cultural studies − have addressed the long-standing research question of whether human emotions should be thought of as meaningfully 'universal.' The Element presents both the universalist and anti-universalist positions, and concludes by considering attempts to move beyond this increasingly unhelpful binary.
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The rapid evolution of marketing trends is closely tied to the increasing use of social media, driven by advancements in technology and the preferences of the younger generation. Brands are increasingly leveraging the influence of social media personalities as endorsers, making social media influencer marketing one of the most prevalent and effective strategies for promoting products and services. Compared to traditional marketing methods, influencer marketing has demonstrated greater effectiveness in shaping consumer attitudes and behaviors. This study examines the impact of social media influencers on consumers’ attitudes, focusing on the Malaysian context. Data were collected through an online survey to explore how influencer marketing influences purchasing decisions. The findings reveal that consumers are more inclined to trust and purchase products endorsed by influencers than those promoted through official advertising. By analyzing the role of influencers in shaping consumer attitudes, this research underscores the importance of promoting responsible consumption patterns, aligning with Sustainable Development Goal 12 (SDG 12). The study advocates for brands and influencers to encourage ethical consumption and sustainable practices, ensuring that marketing efforts contribute to the broader goal of achieving sustainable production and responsible consumer behavior.
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This paper discusses the issue of narrative architecture aiming to evoke astonishment, with reference to the technology development. Based on the analysis of examples of contemporary buildings, two types of anticipation were distinguished: utopian and anti-utopian. New technologies enable designing forms that evoke amazement and convey futuristic narrative. The need for further research of narrative with an emphasis on the phenomenon of astonishment was identified-as a key element of architectural creation. S t r e s z c z e n i e W artykule omówiono zagadnienie architektury narracyjnej dążącej do wzbudzenia zadziwienia, w kon-tekście rozwoju technologii. Na podstawie analizy przykładów współczesnych budynków wyróżniono dwa typy antycypacji: utopijną i antyutopijną. Nowoczesne technologie umożliwiają projektowanie form wywołujących zdumienie, przekazujących futurystyczną narrację. Wskazano na potrzebę dalszego bada-nia narracji, z naciskiem na zjawisko zdumienia jako kluczowy element twórczości architektonicznej.
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This study investigated the role of bricolage behavior in fostering team members’ resilience and regulating negative emotions in the workplace and explored the moderating effect of team-level power distance on the association between bricolage and resilience. Data were collected from 63 small teams of registered nurses, and a cross-level model was employed to evaluate the hypothesized relationships. The results of the analysis demonstrated that team members’ bricolage behavior is positively correlated with resilience and that this association is stronger when the team-level power distance is higher. Additionally, resilience mediates the association between bricolage and negative emotions. Therefore, this study proposes bricolage as a behaviorally oriented approach to enhancing workplace resilience and emphasizes the importance of cultural factors, such as power distance, to understanding the boundary conditions of the bricolage–resilience relationship. Future research should explore other cultural dimensions and examine the role of bricolage in various organizational contexts. Organizations should encourage and support bricolage behavior to foster resilience and counteract negative emotions, and managers should consider the effect of team power distance on the effectiveness of bricolage behavior.
Emotional intelligence (EI) can bring significant advantages to policing practice that benefits all stakeholders; the police, other agencies, the public, victims and offenders. Within the policing programme curriculum, however, there is little emphasis on its merit as a topic to learn and develop. In this chapter, I look at how we have integrated it into our teaching, how it has evolved and how it has contributed to communication, decision-making, well-being and the bridging of public confidence that serves to strengthen “policing by consent”.
A number of contemporary researchers have proposed considering happiness and joy as distinct phenomena and theoretical constructs. However, there is as yet insufficient information regarding whether the theoretical and empirical arguments for distinguishing happiness from joy also apply to folk representations of these concepts. This work presents two studies in which Italian speakers performed a free-listing task asking them to list words semantically equivalent to the Italian words felicità (happiness) (Study 1) and gioia (joy) (Study 2). A comparison between the two studies revealed that the Italian concepts of happiness and joy had 49 lexical items in common, 32 of which related to emotions. Interestingly, 11 of the latter ranked in the top 10 cognitive salience indexes obtained from both Study 1 and Study 2. It is argued that the semantic similarities between the two words examined – felicità and gioia – should not overshadow the meaning nuances distinguishing them.
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This study aims to understand the images that undergraduates have of the job of auditor and the emotions accompanying those pictures. Auditing is a public interest profession focused on ensuring integrity and credibility of companies’ performance and position. First, we relied on personal visualizations expressed by the participants to analyze their images about the auditor’s job, and their changes. After that, we analyzed the emotions accompanying auditor job images, including positive emotions such as enjoyment and hope, and negative emotions such as anger, anxiety, and boredom. We also examined the evolution of the outcome by analyzing the emotions at two timepoints to capture changes in emotions accompanying the image of the auditor’s job after a session focused on the profession. The results reveal that most participants relied on traditional images, although the classical view decreased after the activity. The emotional perception of the job of auditor was mostly positive. The evidence also suggests less unpleasant emotions associated with a contemporary vision compared with a traditional view. Notably, unpleasant emotions decreased after auditing activity in both visions, and pleasant emotions increased. Study participants’ characteristics also delve into different profiles, considering emotions accompanying auditor job images. The current study combines a dynamic study of emotions and research on perceptions of the auditor’s job through personal images, which is an innovation and advancement in the auditing field owing to the importance of the affective side in critical thinking, behavior, and decision making. The findings of this study also emphasize the need that universities rethink the approach and information provided to students about the auditor’s job promoting collaboration between professional and academic worlds to improve not only perceptions about the profession but also the affective side.
Cette contribution s’intéresse à l’analyse acoustique de la fréquence fondamentale ( f o ) dans des phrases françaises identiques avec différentes émotions produites, d’une part, par un enfant dysphonique (avec trouble vocal) et un enfant chanteur (étude de cas) et, d’autre part, par 55 patientes dysphoniques après thyroïdectomie, dont 28 avec suspicion d’atteinte du Nerf Laryngé Supérieur (NLS), et 27 femmes témoins. La f o baisse chez tous les dysphoniques pour la colère et la joie mais elle ne permet pas de les différencier. La colère est moins bien perçue par les dysphoniques que les autres émotions. Les patientes avec suspicion d’atteinte du NLS présentent les réductions les plus sévères de f o et des ressentis de gêne vocale plus marqués. Une diminution du degré de liberté de leur fonction vocale réduit la flexibilité vocale de ces dysphoniques dont le trouble vocal affecte la prosodie émotionnelle dans son versant intonatif.
L’Humain n’a pas le monopole du cœur. Le cadre conceptuel fourni par la théorie de l’évolution de Darwin et les similarités relevées par l’auteur dans l’expression des émotions entre différentes espèces animales – dont l’humain – l’ont conduit à envisager ce phénomène universel, observé à l’échelle interspécifique, comme un continuum . Les travaux récents en éthologie et en anthropologie soutiennent l’idée que tout organisme vivant doit faire face aux mêmes défis pour survivre (recherche de nourriture, choix d’un partenaire sexuel, défense contre les agresseurs). Dans ce contexte, les différents états émotionnels (notamment la colère, la peur, la joie, la surprise et le dégoût) constituent autant de moyens adaptatifs pour y répondre. Il semble ainsi peu pertinent de séparer l’humain des autres animaux pour ce qui relève du comportement émotionnel.
Antipathy is an affective phenomenon which has not received much attention by philosophers and psychologists, unlike its antonym, sympathy. However, antipathy is a phenomenon that contributes to and fuels many of the challenges related to our social behaviours and interpersonal relationships. Antipathy’s exact nature needs to be identified, if only because of the importance it has, for example, in political opposition, in loss of civility, but also in situations that cause poor psychological well-being. It would be then essential to be able to determine whether antipathy is a phenomenon that could be felt on a short term (an episode) or last in the long term (a disposition), since it would allow to study and measure more precisely the nature of the acts it gives rise to, the range of its intensity or/and its social consequences. Like sympathy, antipathy is most often understood as an affective phenomenon that lasts over time. Antipathy is often presented as an instinctive and irrational aversion to something or someone. Yet this common definition is too similar to the definition of other affective phenomena such as disgust or even fear. This article will therefore examine the nature of antipathy by differentiating it from other emotional phenomena that resemble it. But more importantly, the limited existing literature on antipathy mostly characterises it as an affective disposition. In this paper, I will rather argue that antipathy is a conscious emotion, i.e., an emotion that occurs consciously and has a phenomenology.
The chapter discusses the mechanisms involved in intrapersonal and interpersonal communication and learning values, beliefs, and biases and their implicit and explicit interactions with an individual’s thinking. Thinking is one type of conscious intrapersonal communication where a message sender and message receiver are the same person. It is a self-confirming process. However, endless internal repetitions of thinking often are distorted as facts without the thinker’s awareness as a result of the neurobiology of automaticity. Intrapersonal communication and ethnocentrism, internalized privilege/oppression, types of thinking, types of interpersonal styles, and the formation of automatic thought patterns are discussed. The chapter explores the powerful role of a provider’s intrapersonal communication on her perception, worldview, interpersonal communication, and her ability to view the client’s worldview. Concrete strategies and personal stories are inserted immediately after concepts for readers to process concepts through both intellectually (conceptually) and affectively (emotionally).
This editorial introduces an invited article by Andreas Eder on a new perceptual control theory of action choice, based on the comparison of real and simulated interoceptive signals generated by action alternatives. Eder extends the cognitive action-control framework, postulating a bi-directional connection between outcomes and actions by introducing "emotional feelings", defined as valued interoceptive signals from the body. An invited commentary by Agnes Moors compares this theory with her own goal-directed theory of action control. While agreeing on the central role of a control cycle and the goal-directed nature of emotional actions, Moors disagrees on the content of the representations involved in the control cycle and the nature of the feelings involved. A second commentary by Bob Bramson and Karin Roelofs discusses the issues of the distinction between perception control vs. action control, the need for biologically plausible implementation alternatives, and potential implications for psychopathology and clinical intervention. Finally, the potential relevance of predictive coding theory and the role of appraisal processes in emotion generation with respect to their bearing on action comparison and choice are discussed.
Emotion recognition in affective brain-computer interfaces (aBCI) has emerged as a prominent research area. However, existing experimental paradigms for collecting emotional data often rely on stimuli-based elicitation, which may not accurately reflect emotions experienced in everyday life. Moreover, these paradigms are limited in terms of stimulus types and lack investigation into decoding naturalistic emotional states. To address these limitations, we propose a novel experimental paradigm that enables the recording of physiological signals in a more natural way. In our approach, emotions are allowed to arise spontaneously, unrestricted by specific experimental activities. Participants have the autonomy to determine the start and end of each recording session and provide corresponding emotion label. Over a period of three months, we recruited six subjects and collected data through multiple recording sessions per subject. We utilized electroencephalogram (EEG) and eye movement signals in both subject-dependent and cross-subject settings. In the subject-dependent unimodal condition, our attentive simple graph convolutional network (ASGC) achieved the highest accuracy of 76.32% for emotion recognition based on EEG data. For the cross-subject unimodal condition, our domain adversarial neural network (DANN) outperformed other models, achieving an average accuracy of 71.90% based on EEG data. These experimental results demonstrate the feasibility of recognizing emotions in naturalistic settings. The proposed experimental paradigm holds significant potential for advancing emotion recognition in various practical applications. By allowing emotions to unfold naturally, our approach enables the future emergence of more robust and applicable emotion recognition models in the field of aBCI.
Navigating nuanced linguistic features through machine learning plays an important role in academic, private, and public sectors as researchers and developers use computational methods to parse, process, and understand an ever-increasing volume of natural language text. While recent advances in natural language processing and large language models have improved access to state-of-the-art performance, partly through the evolution of pre-training and fine-tuning processes, some particularly difficult linguistic tasks, such as sarcasm detection, remain to be solved. Such tasks can be highly disruptive to computational systems that rely on natural language processing. In this paper, we approach sarcasm detection by leveraging the RoBERTa model, a two-step fine-tuning process called Intermediate Fine-Tuning, and ensembling theory. We establish baselines, create ensembles, explore ensemble predictions, and analyze both baseline and ensemble performance. This research shows that intermediate fine-tuning can create sufficiently performant and diverse inducers for ensembles, and that those ensembles may also outperform single-model baselines on sarcasm detection tasks.
This chapter reviews and discusses the literature on the determinants of subjective well-being (SWB). Demographics play an important role in the understanding of SWB, though the effect sizes have usually been found to be low and mostly insignificant. Nevertheless, they are critical in understanding the role context plays in determining SWB. The chapter systematically reviews and discusses some important causes and correlates of SWB, how culture shapes concepts of SWB, and what insights national samples offer to enhance this understanding. This discussion is further enriched by a discussion of research undertaken in the Indian context.
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