Although the majority of management authorities for wastewater systems has automatic systems for failure reporting, the reports are not uniform. Often they consist of a combination of real failures and interpreted operational data. Moreover, operational data are generally registered at a too low frequency. In order to enhance systematic process analysis, STOWA and the RIONED foundation have launched a uniform registration format, defining failures and operational data. At the moment, this format is being tested in three pilot projects for a period of one year. In these pilots different aspects of the implementation of the format are assessed, including availability of data, required changes of telemetry, added value of data. The results show that the required data is, or can easily be, registered in state of the art SCADA systems. However, extracting data for further analysis is not always possible. A first analysis shows that the level of pump failures varies between water authorities and between objects and that emergency stops of pumping stations due to operational problems at a downstream wwtp can occur even more frequently than pump failures. This indicates that the actual performance of wastewater systems may significantly deviate from the design level of performance.